Real or Fake Subreddit Challenge ft. Hank & John Green

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- Good mythical summer. - We're still in the middle of working on Buddy System, season two, you can check out behind the scenes videos over at the This Is Mythical channel. - Yeah, This Is Mythical, check it out. But right now we want to welcome our mythical guest hosts of GMM today, it is the illustrious Vlog Brothers, Hank and John, give it up y'all. - Today we submerge ourselves into the depths of Reddit. - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) Good mythical summer. - Hello, I'm Hank, that's my brother John. We have a YouTube channel called the VlogBrothers, which is different from the Bog Brothers, which are like swamp bros. - Yeah, we are not on the TV program Swamp People, yet. - I mean, would they have us? - Probably not, based on what I've seen on the show. - I don't do a lot of swampy stuff. - So, when Rhett and Link asked us to host their show, and be part of the mythical beasts' daily routine, we immediately thought about our own daily routine, which involves Reddit. - Yes, we are no strangers to Reddit. I know what FTFY is, I know what TL;DR is. I have, there's a subreddit called that I can't post on, 'cause I'm not an admin. That's a true story, I tried to, but yeah. - It's a hard life. - Alas. - It's not a very active subreddit. - No, there's just one post. - That seems about right. But you know, chances are if there is a topic, there is a subreddit for it, or is there? IT's time for, Can we guess if this subreddit is real or fake just by hearing the name and a brief description of said subreddit? TL;DR Real or Fake Subreddit Challenge. So I assume everyone knows what Reddit is, but for the 11 people out there who might not, it's basically like the user-generated front page of the internet, and there are lots of different forums called subreddits, where people can talk about everything from, I don't know, basketball to Hank Green. - The way it works, I tell John a subreddit, and a brief description of what that subreddit is, and he has to decide whether that's a real thing, or a fake thing, and if he gets it right, I get punished, and if he gets it wrong, he gets punished. That's the way that it works. - And we're gonna start right now actually. - Oh you're gonna do it? - Yeah, you ready? - No, I don't wanna get, I don't know what the punishments are, no one told me anything about what the punishments are. - Well, that's what makes it exciting. Do you wanna know about a real subreddit, an entirely real subreddit? - Do you know if it's real or fake, cause you're making me think it's fake. - It's called r/bananimals. What happens when you mix an animal with a banana? Dinner, but also bananimals, bananimals is, - I like the idea where it's like tuna fish and banana sandwich. No, this is totally real. I feel like I've made a bananimal. - Bananimals is a subreddit that features photoshopped images of things like the banana ostrick, the bee-nana and the shark-nana. And if you aren't a member, you can join the 300-plus subscribers and get ready to go bananas for bananimals. Is it real or Fake, Hank, upvote or downvote? - Does it say banana ostrich, or does it say ban-ostrich? - It says ban-ostrich, but I was trying to, - 'Cause it should definitely, definitely should be, - How much do you know about bananimals? - Have you never seen a ban-ostrich? - I can't say that I have. - Oh it's real, upvote. - Are you sure? - Upvote. - Is that your final answer? - The more you say that, the more I think it's real. (bell dings) - Dang it. - What is it? - Alright, I'm getting punished. Just read my punishment. - Oh, there's the punishment. There's a is it a tuna fish, it is a ban-uffalo smoothie. It is banana and buffalo sauteed chicken in a smoothie. - Oh, this is gonna be horrible. - There's a bucket here. - You know, it's funny because I always enjoy these disgusting food challenges on Good Mythical Morning, but more as an observer than as a participant. - I wanna try it. You okay? - Oh my, it tastes exactly like vomit. It tastes more, - Yeah. - It tastes more like vomit than some vomit I've had. - It's interesting, 'cause like the stomach acid, never mind, I don't want to get too into it. - Let's move on. - Okay, alright John, well I have a subreddit for you. - I'm ready. - DAE notice that Reddit loves acronyms? - I did. - DAE, what does that stand for? - Does anyone else. - Oh, your reddit is r/MFPMPPJWFA, also known as Music French People Might Play at a Party or Just With Friends Around. The songs don't have to be French. The style of music found here is quite broad, and generally decided on by the community. - I'm gonna upvote, I believe that is real. - It is real. (bell dings) - Yes! - What a French, I want to go to there. - French people like all kinds of music, they don't have to like music in French. - Right, like whatever's hip in France right now. - So excited for your punishment. - Hank, - Yes. - You are going to r/MFPMPPJWFA, which means wear a French maid costume. - Oh, that sounds easy. I'm a little, like, I had some of your banana smoothie, 'cause I felt like commiseration, but I think there's only one French maid outfit, so I'm sorry you can't have one. - Yeah, no, I'm bummed out about it, but life is full of disappointments. Hey Hank, is this a real subreddit? Okay, a sweet bagel is an expletive donut according to r/SweetBagelHate, a subreddit of over 600 readers, who get livid when they see a blueberry inside of a bagel. These are people who do not believe that bagels should have sweet things inside of them. - Like, cinnamon bagels, no. - No, that bagels are fundamentally a savory food, r/SweetBagelHate, upvote or downvote. - Downvote. - Is that your final answer? - That's my final answer. - You're so good at this game. (bell dings) - Yes! - Please God don't make it a banana, - No, it's gonna be something to do with a bagel John. - Eat a donut with lox, cream cheese, and capers. - Yeah, that's very similar to what you had for breakfast, except that it's a donut instead of a bagel. - I did just eat this. - Like literally, that's, - I bet this is gonna be way better than the banana buffalo chicken vomit. - Seems likely, I kind of want to try this one, as well. - Oh, I mean, I've made an amazing discovery. - Savory donut love. - I don't think I'll ever eat another bagel. I mean try it, it's amazing, it's all the flavors. - I once went to a McDonald's with a donut, and I took a McDonald's hamburger and put it on a donut, and it was really good. - It's good, right? - Yeah. - It's pretty good, you know what, I'm gonna save this one. Alright Hank, what's the next one? - This next subreddit is pretty self-explanatory, r/IsThisADonkey asks one and only one simple question, is this a donkey? The 800-plus readers of this community share photos of things that may or may not be donkeys. The conclusion being sometimes it's a donkey, but it is not always. - The reason I'm gonna upvote in the end, I think, is because it doesn't seem like something that someone could make up. You know? - You don't think that the writers here at Mythical Entertainment are clever enough to come up with r/IsThisADonkey? - I mean, I didn't say that. I'm gonna upvote. - Is that your final answer? - That's my final answer. (bell dings) That is correct. What kind of donkey thing are you gonna bring me? - Okay ready Hank, Hank, your punishment is that you have to wear a donkey nose, ears, and tail for the rest of the episode. This is getting great. - How many, how, how, how, okay. (electronic braying) - This is one of the five best moments of my whole life. You look great, this just keeps getting better. Alright Hank it's my turn, ready? - Yeah. - Okay, r/POAMCDBAMC, aka, Photos of a Mini Cooper Driving Behind Another Mini Cooper, is exactly as it sounds, and has just under 1,000 members. The only post where OP got gold is titled double-stuff Oreo, and shows a brown Mini followed by two cream Minis, followed by a brown Mini. - Oh, that, oh, no way. No way could that be a thing. Well, first of all, I think it's possible for there to be four Mini Coopers stacked up like that, 'cause I think sometimes the drivers of Mini Coopers, like, hang out together. - Oh, they go to Mini Cooper parties. - Yeah. - It is very hard to take you seriously. I am trying very hard to listen to you, but you have a very funny nose. Is it real or fake Hank? - How would the first person create that subreddi? They just saw two, and they were like, I'm gonna create a subreddit, and people, no, no, no, I'm gonna say downvote, no. - Hank, is that your final answer? - Yeah. - You're correct. (bell dings) - Yes! - Please, please, please, please, let it be another delicious donut punishment. What's my punishment? - Oh right, I'm sorry. John, you must eat a double stuffed Oreo with toothpaste. - No! - Wait, you can't eat toothpaste, it says it on the package. - Oh that's just nasty. - It's gonna be really minty. - It might be good. No, it's not. It's not. It's not good at all. - Is it just a little too much? - I want this to be over. Hold on, I just gotta wash it down. - Alright John, IIRC, there was once a time when Jon and Kate Plus Eight was a thing. - I remember. - Those days are sadly over, but the sub r/jonandjonplusjon is still a thing. Nearly 300 members share pictures and GIFs where every member of the Jon and Kate family has Jon's head photoshopped on. Membership guidelines clearly state, jonandjonplusjon is for Jon-only, pictures of anyone but Jon will be deleted and members subject to ban. Real or fake? - So this reminds me of my all-time favorite internet project, Gary Busey Family Photo. - Yeah, it's good. - In which somebody photoshopped Gary Busey's head onto each member of a family, and I think because it reminds me of that, that it's fake. - You are right. (bell dings) - You are right We did really good. - Eat some of this, eat some of this, it's the worst. - No, no, that is not my punishment. - Okay, ready, Hank, here's your punishment. John, not me, the Mythical Crew John, sits on your lap for the remainder of the episode. - Well I'm glad this was a later in the episode one. - Hey Hank. - Hi. - How's it's going John? - Hey, good to meet you John. - Yeah, good to meet you. Thanks for having us on. - Absolutely, thanks for being here. - Thanks for wearing such really good cologne. - Thanks for losing. Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - [Green Brothers] You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Abby. - I'm Eva. - I'm Leah. - I'm Andrew. - I'm Parker. - [Group] And we're in Newark, California, and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - So in the end I think we both won. - I don't know, I feel like I'm more of the winner. If you take a closer look, but I'm willing to share my winnings with, - I feel like I did okay. - Alright, we both won, so what do we get? - It's very nice, we got a gift, thank you so much. - This says Hank on it. - There's a hat. - It's a shirt. Oh, we got hats, shirts, - Just gonna put the hat on. - Then there's a burlap sack, John. Is it full of M&Ms, cause it sounds like it's full of M&Ms. - I hope it's full of gold. It's reddit gold, Hank. It's all the reddit gold we could ever spend. - Making work for these people. - That was a little much. So you can find on us on YouTube over at the VlogBrothers channel, we also host Crash Course sometimes, an educational show. - And I host Sci Show and my glasses get really foggy when I breathe through my nose. Hey, what's that? - That's the wheel. - The Wheel of Mythicality, do you wanna spin it John? - I kinda do. - I want to, though. - I wanna spin it. - But like, I only get this one chance. - Same. Oh it's too late. - Oh that was a weak, - That was a terrible spin actually you spin it, you spin it, you spin it, you spin it. - Like it's The Price Is Right. Big money, no Whammies. - That's not The Price Is Right. - I don't know. Six Degrees of Bacon, that sounds good. - That's exciting. - How do I get it off? - Alright, we are tasking you with connecting Tetris to bacon in six degrees or less in the comments. We will pin your favorite. - Our favorite. Your favorite will almost by definition be the one that you write. - Upvote your favorites, and then we'll pin the one - That we like. - And by we, I mean, - Probably them. - One of these people. - [Rhett] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Link] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Link] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, season 11, real or fake subreddit, gmm real or fake subreddit, rhett link real or fake subreddit, real or fake subreddit gmm, gmm vlog brothers, vlog brothers gmm, rhett link vlog brothers, rhett link john green, john green, rhett link hank green, hank green, reddit, subreddit, vidcon, rhett link, link rhett, rhett, link, john green book, john green new book, r/
Id: 9oypm5W6ui0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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