Real Life HORROR Stories About Cheap Men (I'm Shocked!)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

GURL i got taken to Mcdonald's and the guy pretended to forget his wallet....there WAS a second date. I cannot believe myself.

He wanted the third date to be at his place and i said no so he blocked me and we never talked again!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 60 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Scrotes are probably big mad about her ๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sugaredberry ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great video!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AntiCircles ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yay I love her!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kolsen92 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

She's a scammer, unfortunately There are so many threads about her. Search for Aija Rรคty...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lisaell89 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would take anything she says with a grain of salt as she lies about her ethnicity.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PinkberryCupcake ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
My dear elegant ladies, welcome back to another video. Recently, I had a bit of an interesting thing going on in my Instagram stories. If you haven't followed me on Instagram, make sure you follow me. It's @SchoolOfAffluence It all started with this meme that I found and I re-posted it in my story. The meme goes like this, "One time, a guy offered to call me an Uber home, but then he noticed there was a surge pricing. So he pretended his phone died and I dated him for an entire year." I thought it was such a good example because this is everywhere. Women just being desperate, just going with all kinds of low level men. And for me, it's really important to raise awareness of this because I have a channel and a school, based on being a high-quality woman and a high-quality woman has self-respect. A high-quality woman dates high-quality men. And high-quality men, they don't treat women like this. So after I posted this, I started getting a lot of interesting stories sent to my inbox from fellow elegant ladies. And some of these stories were so horrible, I really had to repost them and it did create a lot of engagement and horror in my Instagram. Now it starts with, "My story is the worst. I was engaged with a guy, we were living in Barcelona, so he organized a trip to Mexico. When we arrived at the airport, I understand, he bought himself a business class ticket and for me, an economy. And the guy told, baby, why are you so angry? I'm tired from work and I want to relax with a glass of wine. Of course, I did not get into that plane and I blocked him everywhere." I thought, this woman really led by a really good example. You treat me like this, you get blocked, bye! Even if it is on the level of fiance because this is a very good warning sign. What the man thinks of the woman, how he respects her or more likely, how he disrespects her and how he just is extremely selfish. And do you really want to marry a man who is selfish, who wouldn't upgrade you as well? I will get to this a little bit later, but it's absolutely not okay to be with a man who treats himself better and then doesn't treat you as well. Now we have another good example. "A guy I was dating, invited me to come to his vacation house in Dubai and he told me, I don't need to worry about money and stuff. He'll buy me a ticket. Instead of buying me a direct flight ticket, he bought me the cheapest available ticket and I had to travel for 15 hours because I was transferring. And meanwhile, he is flying around in his private jet." Oh ladies, ladies, ladies. It is so not a gentleman to first of all, to buy a woman an the economy flight ticket. Ladies, I think is very disrespectful. If the man is affluent and he has the money, then he has to buy a business class ticket or first class tickets. That is non-negotiable. Of course, if we're talking about regular men with regular incomes, I understand the situation may be different. But then the fact that he doesn't even buy her direct flight, that is unacceptable. She has to go through all this annoyance, just so that he can save a few hundred dollars. It's ridiculous and I hope, none of you, my dear, elegant ladies allow a man to ever treat you like that. A man should be treating you like a treasure and really make you feel comfortable at all times, even if it has to cost him a little bit. Oh, there's more stories with him. "He was always calling me the cheapest version of Uber Toyota Prius in London while he is driving around with his chauffeur." I think this also is another good sign of a man. How he's seeing you? Is he getting you the cheapest possible Uber or is he actually making sure that he leaves a positive impression on you, making sure you travel in comfort and really just orders you the best? You don't even have to be rich to be able to ride in the most expensive Uber. You don't have to have a lot of money for that. It's truly just act of manners. It really says a lot about a person, about how stingy he is, about how he treats other women. And of course, how invested he probably is in you. I mean, I'm sure a lot of these men, they maybe weren't that interested in these women to tell you the truth. Because if they were, they would perhaps have truly wanted to leave a better impression than treating these women like this. However, there are also lot of men who are just stingy by nature and nothing will ever change that. And a lot of the times, ladies asked me, what do I do with the man who stingy, how can I make him to change? Well lady, that is like sprinting uphill in an uphill that will probably never end. It's just too exhausting. It's very tricky and I personally do not really recommend. I don't think even the majority are able to change. I think, the best bet if you are with a man who is stingy by nature, judt move on. If generosity is important for you and you feel like you can do better, I would move on. And I have personally moved on in the past. One of the things I've always tested first in a man is how generous he is because it's so important for me. I want to be treated like a lady. I don't want to feel like money is an issue or he's downgrading me, or he's really being cheap with me. That makes our love feel cheap. Unfortunately, money is a love language at the end of the day and it is important and especially for women. We want to feel protected and we want to feel secure, and this really amplifies that. Somebody added, "It is worse when he offers to get you an Uber and when you arrive at home, you realize, he put the payment to cash and you don't even have cash." There is an option in Uber, maybe not in all countries, where you can pay either by card or by cash. And this is, how stingy behavior! How rude of a man to do such a thing! This is such a low level of men we're talking about. I don't really know even what to say. I'm truly speechless. Probably, these men have not been educated. Another lady said, "I went on a trip to visit Australia with a man I was dating who lived there. He booked us a helicopter trip to a sand bank for picnic. Then had a massive tantrum when the pilots said, I should sit in front to get the best view. He was livid as he paid for it. I was mortified, ignore him for the entire picnic and hang out with the hunky pilot and book the flight out ASAP after we got back and experience, for sure." Now, this is a really good example of a gentleman behavior, so a man should be offering the best seats to a woman. It is common courtesy from a man. If a man doesn't do it, he has bad manners. He has no etiquette skills, whatsoever. Do you want to be with that type of man? I mean, think about it. We are here, upgrading ourselves, polishing ourselves to become sophisticated, elite lady so that we can attract a high quality man. Even though this man affords to fly her around in a helicopter in Australia, this man lacks class and etiquette. What I personally think is that sometimes, you don't even have to have a lot of money to be able to be a good man. Sometimes, it's enough to just being extremely gentlemen and look after his woman and treats his woman like a princess. And regardless of the amount of funds that he has, spend as much as he affords on a woman. That my ladies is a good man, regardless of the dollar signs. If I have any men watching me right now, please do take notes because you always wanted etiquette for men videos from me, well, here you go. By the way, ladies, before I continue, you know that I do have a free cheat sheet where you can meet affluent men, high quality men. I have gathered 210 places in a free cheat sheet, so visit. and download this free cheat sheet. Hopefully you won't meet any of these types there. This one is just horrendous, but I don't even know what to say. "My now ex-boyfriend and I went to McDonald's and he asked me what I'd like to eat. I wanted three chicken burgers. They're small and one would cost like โ‚ฌ1.30 and he got angry because that's expensive. But he bought himself six hamburgers and extra sauce. LOL." Well, I mean, okay, McDonald's is perhaps not a very elegant place to begin with. But if you see again, a man who rather spend on himself, rather treat himself, than be nice to his woman. What type of level of men you think this is? Do you think this is somebody worth investing in? Could you see a future with him? Could you rely on him in the future? Of course not. Because this is stingy, cheapskate who will only be thinking about himself and you will always end up suffering as a result. And when we do this transformation as women, because we want to have better quality men, we do it so that we don't have these headaches in the future. So we could live a good life. It's a basic human instinct to want to have a good life, but if you are being treated like this, I mean, who is going to be happy? I don't think this is asking for much as women. I think this should be a basic principle, ladies. So this one is very interesting. "When I was living in London, I met somebody and he invited me for dinner. It was raining outside and I sent him my address and asked to send me his driver or worst case, Toyota Uber after me." Number one, a lady should never compromise. It should never be a Toyota Uber, which is the cheapest version of an Uber. It should always be the more expensive one, or preferably his driver. "He told me to take a tube or a bus. Imagine me, rain, blowdry, heels and tube. Okay. I was living in central London, a few steps away from restaurants, but I didn't care. For me it was disrespectful. It doesn't matter how much money you have or you don't have, it is basic rule. Take care of lady who you invited for dinner." Perfectly well said. And I really want you ladies to take that away with you today because this is a matter of respect. You invite a woman for dinner and then you don't care how she gets there or how she gets home, especially if it's raining, especially she's wearing heels and she made herself look really nice for you so that you can be admiring her all evening. And then you don't care about her like she's some little, it doesn't matter, she's a little trash or something. No ladies, it's unacceptable. This is why a man has to always send the car for you, always. And unless, we put our foot down and really say that this is my address, when is the driver coming? Are you sending me an Uber or is your driver coming to pick me up? That is a standard line. All my elegant ladies should be saying to all the men they're dating. So the last one is actually quite interesting as well because she says, "I once met an American guy in Monaco and we went to a bar in the hills, former Vista Palace Hotel and took a drink each person. When the waiter brought the bill, he looked at me and asked, do you mind getting this? I was too shocked to say no and best part was I had to drive him home as he didn't have a car. On Instagram, he's presenting himself as a very affluent guy selling million, billion worth mansions in Miami." She even sent me the man's Instagram page and he looks really good. You would have never have guessed that a man like that of such caliber would treat you like that. But this is what you really need to pay attention to ladies. There's a lot of smokes and mirrors out there. There's a lot of people who are wannabes, faking rich and all that, but it's not only about does he have money or does he not have money? I mean, clearly, this guy also locked a lot of class, but ultimately, what this is about is that you have to really let a man prove themselves and their net worth. Because don't get too blind with first impressions and how he appears on Instagram and so on. You actually need to really test a man if he's generous, if he's really legit, is he really who he says he is? Actually, if you go to and download my free cheat sheet, I do offer a paid masterclass of how to tell if a man is really affluent or not. Because there are some things you really need to look at to really see if he's fake rich or real rich. So that's at But ladies, all I have to say is that you really have to be careful and you really have to be a little bit selfish. I think that us women, we are so used to being the second nature all the time. I feel in a way that that's kind of the older generation. That's really how the women were back then and we have probably inherited a lot of that spirit, which is absolutely wrong. Women are of high value and men depend on women. I would say, men depend on women more than women depend on men. So it's really important to stop being so desperate, stop giving in so much. If we just stop feeling so much guilt and give in, feel oblige and make excuses or the worst, allow this gold digger shaming, the society is doing to us on a daily basis. If we just start with that and we put our foot down, and we stop spoiling these men who are clearly like the dating climate is, it's not good these days. And I'm sorry, but it's not only to blame men, it's also to blame women. It's partly our fault because we allow this to happen. I want to actually end this video with the last post and it was a little bit sad in a way. There are not only bad men out there, there are also good men. But I do want you to think a little bit about everything that I've said in this video and here comes this message. "I wish I had these lessons before. I was taught that money isn't the priority and what's wrong with the woman working? So I'm married, the nice guy from a modest family. He talked about ambition, but I should have looked at where he was now. He's still talking. He offered me a new iPhone for my birthday, but I received a second hand Galaxy phone. He said, it's new to me because it will replace the old one. If he paid for trips, I paid him back by covering our expenses for a while to match it. In the meantime, I finished education, progressed in career and saved, and bought us a house. These ladies that you mentioned all got lucky escapes. I have two children now so I have to think hard about any escape from this. I am stuck having the opposite of what a lady should. I am the breadwinner and I hate it. Being the nice guy is not enough when there are bills to pay and you are treating everyone, but no one is treating you. Ladies, trust any clues you get and run." And that's how I want to end this video because I do want you to re-evaluate the men you're dating, the attitude you have, how they treat you, and what you actually accept. Because I think, a lot of you ladies are accepting unacceptable treatment that shouldn't be this way, that hasn't been like this in the past, but the climate has changed. Think about this ladies and I will leave you there. Now if you really want to understand on a deeper level why I will never pay for a man ever, make sure to watch my next video where I really go in depth on this topic. And maybe you will understand me then. I will see you in that video.
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 580,500
Rating: 4.8339748 out of 5
Keywords: school of affluence, jetsetbabe, anna bey, luxury, luxury lifestyle, affluence, finishing school, the school of affluence, feminism, cheap men, affluent men, high quality man, how to date high-quality men, dating mistakes, biggest dating mistakes, dating mistakes to avoid, relationship advice, relationship advice for women, stingy millionaire
Id: TfY-KkrZKRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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