Coping With A Pregnancy After 8 Miscarriages | Big Families | Real Families with Foxy Games

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most people stop it to a brave you reach three or four but for some extraordinary families when it comes to having kids they just keep on going if someone born almost every single year I think my family used to this series reveals all about life and Britain's biggest families sometimes people like color scrubbers and stuff like that just because we're a big family possible how I just beat the baby-making machine [Music] getting ready is a military-style operation we're laying up your ground rules down before you go dinner is like feeding the troops in one meal we could use seven half kilos of potatoes that is a big family with a big appetite so I need a big pig to fill them sibling fights become epic battles being in a big family it's horrible and the ranks just keep getting bigger [Music] Michels anymore except this house all closed the nice episode we meet the women who just can't stop having baby psycho on personal drugs having babies no matter how high the car if you have significant risks of bleeding and also hysterectomy the risks are mounting up please let everything be all right and if it is not going to be all right then give me strength still with it but when is enough they're not indefinitely would like to move along Never Say Never [Music] Malcolm on the Lancashire Coast when life moves at the gentle pace but for one couple there's no time for an easy life dad Noll is the proud father of 14 children and now his wife Sue is about to have baby number 15 I really enjoy being pregnant just move it all around fitting that you gals do when they just bomb those make you want to do it all over again over the past 22 years they produce seven boys and seven girl this couple is determined to have even more I think is it the baby she loves David I love babies but none of that means no and I thought many welcome to the Radley hey small names in your town it's always noisy that so many kids is all it's a big day for the Radford household the family all 16 of them are going on an outing hijack same that means getting 14 kids dressed fed and out of the house on time I don't like being late for anything but generally we are right let's go [Music] the kids 18 22 years down to just 12 months Oliver home so for this super-sized family they need an extra large form of transport their very own minibar the Radford's are about to have their first look at the new baby I just couldn't believe how many of them doors they were just kept coming in coming in I'm pregnant with a little girl at the moment and I was thinking oh my god 15 kids and I was like I can't even cooperative she needs a medal the most of her adult life 36 year old sue has been pregnant okay and usually when they're about between 6 and 10 months start thinking about maybe having another one but when it living usually seems to take very long to get pregnant and usually pregnant within a month I thought remembering that being pregnant and sons but I can't you see girls lend you a baby and they get body in both happy I like ramen well that's very chichi and he has a smile on his horse along his house a little salt yeah from our expression she was the truth in all she never took her eyes off the screen someone's when the baby is born they missed the pregnancy and straight away the can to get pregnant again within a few months really big lanius and I psycho on personal drugs having babies is is doing it think about it suppose in a way you could say we are addicted to having children yeah hmm do a null and not the only couple in Britain who could be addicted to having kids in Kent this four-bedroom house is home to the ever-expanding Sullivan family mum tanya has given birth to nine children and is now expecting two more eyeballs more than enough five you're mad six unheard of get to seven people start leaving you alone when Tanya met Mike she already had two children since then they've gone on to have seven more as someone born almost every single year it's a house full of boys to outnumber their sister Caitlin whether it's boys or girls this couples just one more we think that children are a blessing you don't see why we should stop being blessed just because a lot of people consider it too many people welcome to developer thirty six-year-old tanya is 30 weeks pregnant with twins which is of anxious as she's excited as well as giving birth nine times tanya has had eight miscarriages miscarriages are hard and eight miscarriages and no jokes and they are difficult they are emotionally hard to get through it puts a strain on you get very worried I do I have my own Doppler so I can listen to the baby's heartbeat a fine line between being cautious have been paranoid I think but and then Maya was able to know that they're all right despite her fears tanya has felt driven to have children from an early age my dad like Saxena story when I was very young and I had a little wooden crib that's all the cuddly toys a subordinate my jumps of one by one put them in the face so there's another baby and he said oh you've never changed in Morken it's 7:00 in the morning father of 14 no Radford has already been at work for two hours and the family bakery skew about 80 hours a week to work I'm not sure why you do what you have to do back home the chaos has begun like come on the real despite being heavily pregnant Sue's begun the military operation to get 14 kids ready for the day usually mud wash to get out the door victory get there normally can't find our shoes hmm phagon nurse was schooling and the sole minute kid every morning no returns from the bakery to lend a hand and to get off starting with getting the last stragglers out of there okay [Music] two loaves of bread a large chunk of pig on the size family bag of crisps later the lunchboxes are ready now there's just the last-minute scramble to find the right shoes anymore already on site the older ones that got 2nd distr Lane make their own way to school the nursery and then there's 7 primary school drawling Scarlett I got for that I'm running eldest in the family and now people are missing later James James le marais me Josh two hours later Sue Ann Knowles family the size of a rugby team are finally on their way to school in off their hands at least for the next few hours in Kent the Sullivans do things differently their school run starts and ends with the family stares right everyone coming through what dad's out at work as a joiner the children gather around the kitchen table for homeschooling with mum right does everybody remember what we've been learning about yes Harry World War two I think these guys to have that control the easy don't have when they're in a school environment and I like to know what they're doing and what they're being influenced by three years ago Tanya liked on the children out of mainstream education despite dropping out of college when she was pregnant with her first child John is confident she can do a better job herself that you're not the teacher so how can you teach them we don't have to be teaching I'm a parent and as good as any teacher is they're not going to care about their education as much as I do what were the people of Germany what were they going through how were they eating nothing they were starving yes why were they starving then taking their enough money buying that's right well some food it sounds very protective what controlling there is a lot of negative influence and I'm not happy to winningly send my children into a situation that they are not equipped to handle at a particular moment in time there are things like bringing in early and sex education for the very young ones we don't agree with that and as their parent it's up to me what I feel is appropriate for my children to know a child the filler took over and his name was Adolf Hitler she's not qualified or anything to be a teacher it's just and she teaches you what she knows and if she doesn't know and you look at your search it out and research or see if dad knows it a minute Harry you need to go inside because you're you're not doing this very well Sonia has her hands full she's got to cater for four-year-old Patrick as well as thirteen-year-old Katelyn and all the ages in between okay why why why so he became the leader shut the cupboard and sit still thank you so he became the children need to be guided I think it's very easy for them to get caught up in wrong crowd and we have to be able to guide them first if we okay now you're able now you can go while the Radford's kids are a school Sujoy pnes no love the bakery despite being heavily pregnant a compulsion to have babies means that they're already 14 mouths to feed but Noel's trying not to stress about money when we try and do all our shopping as cheap as you can most of them are still small so they don't really eat much toilet roll we generally go through a lot of because that gets wasted if you're not careful I think if we're just at writing it all down on pear from where it costs to living things but that's when I would start worrying he's doing just can't really fall down constantly on the go shuttered well now I don't I don't really tend to slow down obviously because there's always a lot to do anyway which I suppose is quite difficult being pregnant and having to look after some I don't really get any time to sit down and relax we do get tired builder well yeah do get to a point in the day we just go to sleep now I think thank you Dad and sit down because soon as you do that you won't get back up again with you two hours later and it's feeding time for 14 hungry children it's mud babies have never get peace if you do you're lucky it's your lucky night right sit yourself down just in time this day can make a difference on noise levels of sit down tea time it just usually kicks up a bit worse on the menu today sixteen pork chop down three whole cabbage e25 carrots and seven kilos of smut in this family not everyone gets a seat at the dinner time some families it might be like a black definite Christmas dinner I guess you were just doing that first thing every day [Music] well then who wants Alexis I used to me Amy whenever two is pregnant which is most of the time she wants the rest of the family to bond with the impending arrival [Music] when we announced that revving another one's two kids it's never cater not another one they love it as well stick may enjoy being a big family Gemma really exciting to see a newborn he'll Paige what's interesting a minute so an OL started their family early sue was only 14 when she first became pregnant I only found out that we were having press it was just shock no reason to really think it'll happen to you but it does and it took a while for it to sink in I think really positive body makes different decisions in life and we chose to keep you both know and soon know only too well the pain of unwanted pregnancies both of them were given up for adoption of birth for whatever reason I bear logic for mom she couldn't have me she could had chosen to terminate during a pregnancy so I guess you know I'm grateful that she didn't and I'm here and I've got what I've got definitely felt as a child growing up that you know my birth mom didn't want me I wasn't wanted and that does affect you all I know he's sprouting away Sam my natural mother had me Christmas Eve and I guess I was taking away then I think she may be new receptionist I never tell collector ah I suppose it is because we are adopted that's got something to do with us having so many and I don't know what half living in such a big families that is that there is always somebody around I think that's what we love is that you never you've never not got company round you've always got somebody and they've always got somebody adults in eleventh real only ever in Kent Tanya's determination to keep on having babies come to the price she's been having persistent headaches and she's getting increasingly worried for cannot this morning feeling quite awful very busy and then others fought machine as well so things I've still got the pain my head is generally unwell want to sleep of course it's a worry for the babies so the baby's screaming right hello yes I'm 32 plus weeks pregnant with twins and I've had a headache for this the fifth day in a row now um fatahna the shadow of her previous eight miscarriages looms large the memory of what happened before and what might happen again one that I had miss Caden it came out in complete in the fac into the toilet and I called Mike I said look and you could see and it was a baby and it was like weeks old but it was and I think that kind of made it hit home that this is this is a life this is the baby I said I'm sorry I couldn't look after you Tonya and Mike are committed Catholics at home TV is strictly rationed in the evenings they regularly gathered together for Bible study unless God is involved as part of your life then it doesn't matter what you do because it's all thanks to God that we have that we have praise the Lord your God for this couple despite the risk of miscarriages they see having a large family as all part of God's plan a child is meant to be it's meant to be and I don't I'm not happy to get the way of that your herds and flocks incredibly sex as a gift between the married couple and that's how the teaching is contraception isn't something that should be used contraception each one do you think they meant I think it meant if you have lots of children than you really really happen see the watchers we have the happy young morally I don't see how it could be immoral to stop life Shirley's the other way around tomorrow to stop it once it's already started I do worry that something might go wrong until that babies in my arms and everything was alright it doesn't matter how many times you go through it you won't relax in Morcom it's time for one of the Radford's annual rituals buying a new brown sue seaming addiction to having babies is matched by her compulsion to have a new set of wheels for each newborn seem quite like this one right after four minutes it is addicted to paramananda process every year she has to get a front she got about three or four runs downstairs which he never uses high kind of cute right so you can use it for a toddler and a newborn it's all one will great probably more practical yeah it's nice that I've definitely got a bit of an obsession with having a new promising that we've had 20 prams 25 grams are right really we don't really need a pram book and you arrival and she wants I think I'm a bit of a pram a holic family had spent more than six grand on prawns over the years the latest model is costing five hundred pounds it was there as well we really feel like walking through the dog more coming in more and more and more they must go ahead absolutely exhausted his chose flying through sedation actually gone for the chase or one [Music] milena Tanya Sullivan has gone to see the consultant as a local hospital worried about the health of her babies at her age with so many previous pregnancies she's considered a high-risk the twins will have to be delivered by caesarian son is also having difficulty breathing which could mean that she has serious complications with their pregnancy if you had a lot of children and one of the main concerns is at the time of delivery as the risk of hemorrhage it'll be her fourth cesarean and she's having her 10th and 11th child so she had significant risks of bleeding during surgery and also has significant risks of a hysterectomy so this the the risks are mounting up I'm concerned that you are quite short of breath what I'd actually like to do is bring you in and just check your chest and make sure that the reason that you don't have a clot on the lung it's bit of a worry so they told you might have a clot monthly long it's better to get it checked I think rather than just risk it [Music] I'm not exactly I can't buy what to do the babies and so they know what's going on if I have got a plot there to start treatment to thin my blood then that some homes risk hemorrhaging delivery as well so then they have to try and work out what to do with that so I don't know hope everything's all right anyways go tonight Tania has to return to a hospital for further checkups and that means leaving her family behind [Music] police essence apart the only time I'm I'm not with my family is when I'm at hospital have a baby I don't like being away from my family and husband home yeah [Music] [Applause] please let everything be alright if it is not going to be able night and give me the strength filled with it the Radford family are going on holiday it's their last chance for a break before baby 15 comes along we work so hard during the year I mean and we're doing like Sunday's we can't you know be nice to get a weird talking polity time with the kids even though it is a lot of hard work when you're on holiday we coming here on many of them obviously got to eyes in the back of your head watching what they're doing all the time with an eye on excess baggage fee NORs put a limit on luggage kids are allowed just 5 cases between 14 I got 120 shirts and then it has a shot between them all like you always get the bit size right okay see it takes up so much room for the one that packs about six pairs of shoes a long distance right exactly at one time Halloween good I need it but I've packed everything up you packed everything yet in all you have in going on hey I don't open [Music] this year sue and Noll have called in reinforcements to help soothe parents and Sophie's boyfriend bringing the radford head count to 19 are you traveling long drop it yeah transect how many struggling 1919 right okay mine take a bit longer than normal I'm going to call all the children's names alright baby yep yeah what we just what Josh it's more stressful for the lady to be on the council in the O's crazy I've never taken up many children before over them children [Music] in as arathi the Radford's are causing a stir a lot of them favourable masters if they're all our so yes they're all I was all 14 of them it's really powerful there's always people sailing in twos enough for anything hoping cuz you're on the wrong it's off there's no television in analytics like the Von Trapp family art Lee Albany to the whistle whose mom Christine has been around for the birth of all 14 grandchildren she's concerned about her daughter's apparent addiction to having baby she always wasn't available you know from a young age really every time she has a baby so now this was in the last suspect I prefer the moldering as that terms available she loves you nobody can't take it forever and ever so Jesse started thinking about a little bit now you know in Kent Mike taken time off work to look after the entire family as a poorly tanya has been admitted to hospital for vital tests since I suspect with blood from her lungs she can get headaches dizziness loss of breath which is what they're checking out now and we're still waiting for results to come back of his he took news I've been finding the deep end at the moment because all weekend you in hospital Patty's not very well it's a bit of a sick house at the moment [Music] following day and Charles out-of-hospital she's been cleared as a suspected blood clot on her lung but her pregnancy still carries risks until have a cesarean in two weeks time if I go into labor beforehand obviously then they'll deal with it as an emergency I got home after their yeah worst thing that could go wrong something happened to the baby thought to be yeah it could be seen as a bit selfish to go on when you're taking the risk well I'm classified as highly because of my age and number of children I have I was told that the risk of hemorrhaging was high when I had my third child and I had Caitlin and I did hemorrhage with cabining and then if I listen to the doctors then and didn't have any more children what would I have missed out on there are risks we think the risk that worth taking Radford's having an easier time during their most is pregnant Jesus that's Sonny is up in Lanzarote the hardest thing for to annul is keeping track of their faults in the gear down on the beach it's a fine art acquiring surveillance tactics we usually do try and keep those in an area where we really see them so that it's not all over the place you just were safe while sue guards the top of the beach yeah come over that nor picks up any strays down by the water this way okay and all the kids can swim are you constantly watching them but you can you can never 100% of sit back and relax have stops constantly what people are doing [Music] one of the smaller ones has disappeared from sight [Music] so I'm looking car down and no started to panic worst nightmare is one of them just wandering off and not being able to find them but you've got your eyes on them then you don't know what direction they've gone Hosea washing his feet yeah primo Rolla we are outnumbered out with me in silver always outnumbered Wow [Music] despite the worries of keeping track of their army of kids su and null have no regrets about that ever expanding family wow it's nice to look down the table and see what we've created over the years see Chris at the end the oldest one and the only one at this end have been in between even though their big family is about to get even bigger who can't help but make plans for what happens next don't you have any more babies mo after this yeah we must for now Frank yeah yeah did you end up just a couple more for this one go a girl called in or called in Tibet Noah boy boy boy yeah and another bull no no because many Maori you please be talking about number 16 today we're Sophie I don't know possibly possibly number 16 [Music] Vittoria plans have changed abruptly she's gone into early labor and be rushed into an emergency cesarean after eight miscarriages and three previous caesareans everyone is praying that things go well back home a worried Mike's mom has stepped in to help with the kids it's kind of helped I think I'm concerned with more moving we're slow so it should form so close together that's what concerns me I think especially near the end of the pregnancy it's like really worrying the thing that you worry about every pregnancy except most life there's more weight it's not just too dangerous it's got three now so everything just multiply [Music] in the radford house it's all changed with the imminent arrival of baby number 52 and those decision to have even more children means that some of the older kids are being moved into the basement the only space left yes be quiet I'm gonna go shop in a minute you can't them any more because the shells any more upset this household fills bit crazy we're trying to not buy loads of remodel new furniture tried to use silicone into the soggy some of the rooms with picture-perfect no creatures to stop soon because I can I'm good after move no because sometimes anybody's c'mon take so much [Music] wearing just a down just got dressing-table to bring down and then that's it done easy enough not too stressful I don't think this is me feel excited now can't wait them to pop out and graters are Oh don't hit on me in Kent Tanya's emergency caesarean is under way [Music] the last six weeks have been the hardest all the ones it's definitely got harder towards the end and it normally does with Tania's history of miscarriages it's an anxious time for everyone thirty long minutes later and the twins are born both safe and healthy [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah they've been born see on the speaker our young speaker back home the big question is whether babies 10 and 11 are boys or girls here in Smith her dad for the past 13 years Kaitlyn's been outnumbered by boys hadn't first one is a girl really yeah [Music] only loss assistance and back for years and so now got a to Irish really really happy not least on some fun what we start in Morcom the Radford's 15th baby is now D whose parents have been mobilized to help and the whole family is struggling to choose a name fresh selfie Chloe Jack Daniel E Millie Katie James ever Amy Josh max Chile and now who do the minute what's the choice what they've done the table Tommy Tommy Tucker but but then we kind of thought well Tilly and Tommy is a bit it's a bit into it really I'm tough it'll get Sean - Tom I don't really want that then we've got Oscar put then closes when it might get shot worthy sorry all right no that's definite no Cheryl no no hustle no no now it's a good job you're not choosing his name in turn that night Suze contractions have begun I mean look around now McLovin Ivana oh really hard Wow hi this is Suzanne Rutherford and been having contractions every five to seven minutes Suzanne radford no it's not it's number 15 she said to him is it your first baby I said no it's number 15 she said I think you probably better come up then sooner rather than later [Music] after two nights in hospital Tania and her twin baby girls are back their four-bedroom house is now home to two more children so lucky look at them how perfect they are despite all the risks involved and her fears of miscarriage Tania's still once more that feeling in the delivery room when you know they hand your baby over and everything it ah I just can't get over it it would be fertile forever everyone's got their shelf life and I've had eight in eight years I might have another ten years yet that's a time one at a time two times up in Morcom Susan Hospital she's been in labor for 19 hours finally a 15th baby has arrived [Music] listen sister finiman clear on that [Music] I hope that you can get that feeling then meeting new little person softer there's anything bad man I certainly don't ever want my children to ever feel like they're not wanted or loved or cared father I was adopted at one week old my Burson's were having to give me up she must have been very sad and lonely for quite a long time afterwards because it's a and musty thing tough to go through her I know I couldn't do that ever I think I was about seven ish someone 11 we mom dad told us that were adopted he might have been an easy thing for he may have been a difficult thing for at I don't know I guess a weapon never will so I mean I hope she's okay [Music] I would like to think that she does think about my definitely people have said you know do you not want to have a track her down you never interested in that I think it is the fear of rejection you know you could track the birth mother down and they won't want anything to do with you and I just think I wouldn't want to go through that adult thing I think we like the fact that we're never wrong which is what we love about having Salma so we'll never be Lena he's been doing old kicking him on the family although I actually physically cannot imagine stopping having babies I just can't imagine it apples just carry on why definitely would like to not say never again under definitely would like to never have another one but who knows if that one will turn into another two three we don't know Never Say Never [Music] [Applause] new baby you
Channel: Real Families
Views: 1,313,039
Rating: 4.7931657 out of 5
Keywords: Big Families, the radford family go on holiday, the radfords 20 kids and counting, the radfords britain's biggest family, biggest family in the uk
Id: SwEkxyW_x4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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