REAL FAITH: Faith & Fellowship (Part 7) (July 30 2017) Keith Moore

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we've been on a series for a few weeks now that we're calling real faith and our two main texts are here in Romans three first Timothy one in Romans three and verse 3 is said for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect that's a question to questions what's the answer verse four gives you an answer god forbid we might say absolutely not no way no how may it not be what not be what what is something you should think absolutely no way what back up to verse three that the faith of God is without effect what if some didn't believe did not believe well if you read the scriptures you'll see for instance Paul in the latter part of the book of Acts is that he came to a place and a lot of folks came to him and he preached a lot longer than me he preached over half of the day two-thirds of the day and he covered from the Old Testament the law and the prophets and and I mean he covered the whole thing about Redemption and about who who Jesus is and what happened how many think he did a good job how many think the Holy Spirit was on him uh trance is flowing to him and the result is the scripture said and some believed and some believed not you think if Paul had done a better job everybody would have believed that's not how it is with Jesus himself did everybody believe what he preached we have one occasion where he Jesus preached a sermon on eat my flesh and drink my blood and thousands of people that had been coming to his meetings and supporting his ministry left and never came back and said take our name off the mail list basically so did they accept that huh you reckon if Jesus had done a better job preaching it that day that everybody would have believed Oh what's the reality men and women have a mind of their own have a truly free will and no matter how clear the word is no matter how obvious the demonstration of the Spirit is some are going to believe and some are not no matter how much evidence there is no matter how much anointing there is no matter how many signs and wonders some are not going to believe it's a choice people say well if I saw something I'd believe no no you can still doubt you have a miracle happened three inches from your nose and still not believe faith is a choice but what if some don't really some are not going to believe and what if they don't will their failure to believe render the faith of God vain and without effect what's the answer god forbid no way no how just because somebody else didn't believe doesn't mean faith in God doesn't work it always has it always will praise God in first Timothy the first chapter first Timothy 1 in verse 4 he said neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do things that only minister questions and result in you just wondering are not building your faith quit focusing on that and hearing it and reading it it's not helping you anybody can ask a question that doesn't mean there's an answer anywhere around godly edifying is in faith things that are good build you up when you hear a message they're really ministered to you don't let that be the last time you listen to that message get that download or that CD or whatever it is and listen to that again because because the Lord was ministering something to you it had a fides you it built you up it quickened you you need to hear that again you may need to hear another 50 times why because we live in a dull dark place that's trying to suck the faith out of you I mean it's once in awhile we've always been here that we're born into this this is always known so you don't realize how dark it is you don't realize how oppressive it is but Satan is called the god of this world and the whole world John's first John says lies under the influence of the evil one and the the very environment the atmosphere is permeated with the spirit of disobedience Ephesian says I mean the very atmosphere of Earth is charged with rebellion and evil and wrong spirits are influencing all around us and when something good and truth comes out the enemy is doing his best to just squash it to just stamp it out and you can get something from God and get excited about it and if you don't hold on to it you can lose it before the hour is over and you can think for was that what was that that I was so excited about I need to write things down you need to use the recorder on your phone you know what I'm talking about why it's not because the things that God is so hard to understand and it's not because you're so slow it's because there's oppression out here and it's trying didn't the Bible say the enemy comes to steal the word and so man you got to have some tenacity that when God gives you something you lay hold of it and you make up your mind I'm not letting this get away from me you write it down you record it you put it in your mouth you remind yourself tomorrow the Lord might have spoken to you in a time of prayer when you're reading your Bible or in a service and if he did and when he did gets get that listen to it again hear it again feed on it again I believe the Lord saying that if administered to you once it'll minister to you again in fact you'll get more you'll get more than you did the first time because you're growing all the time and your growth affects your hearing hallelujah we could go further with that but he said verse 5 now the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and a faith unfeigned now vain is the word we don't use so much in modern vernacular but it basically means pretend unfeigned would mean not pretend so he says faith that is not pretend why would he say that if there's a faith it's not pretend what else do you know there is a fake faith there's a pretend faith there's that that is called faith and to the unenlightened it looks like it it sounds like it but it's not real faith other translations bring out the the Wiest says not faith that is not assumed but real the message says not a counterfeit faith the the BBE calls it true faith the TV says genuine faith the easy to read says faith in God that's real so we got our title from been real faith everybody say real faith now a villain I've been in the ministry now for over 35 years and back when we first begin to find out about faith in the and prior to us being in the ministry we were feeding on faith materials back in the 70s late 70s people that we got around we're excited about faith and a lot of people were men they are making their confessions and they were prayer in the prayer of agreement and they were you know posting their verses up on their mirrors and their refrigerator and dashboard of their car and and preaching on faith and talking about faith faith faith but in a number of those camps now these 30 some years later have cooled off on faith and backed way off on talking about faith and the reason is it is because many of them prayed things that didn't come to pass and they said things and confess things and then did it you know strenuously over a period of time and it did not happen and so they got disillusioned and many have looked for and embracing other messages other than emphasis on living by walking by faith and that's a giant problem because if you go away from the personal personal responsibility of the believer to having live by faith there's only one other way to go and that's it's up to God and that's not new that's been around a long time but it's being repackaged hmm it's not up to me it's all up to God every God does everything it's all up to him well less he has done everything as far as providing for us but he's done he doesn't do our believing for us and what has been provided by grace must be possessed by faith or it won't be enjoyed even though it has been bought and paid for you won't experience it unless you lay hold of it with faith and faith doesn't just fall on you you got to fight the good fight of faith you got to overcome things that they try to resist you and hold you out and it's a it's a walk and it's a life and it's a fight it's a good fight not a bad fight but the question is in our text what if some they said things they prayed things they confess things and it didn't happen well are we going to say the word didn't work are we going to say God let them down well if God didn't let them down then they must have missed it somewhere and people say well I that faith stuff doesn't work and they're right what they call faith doesn't work because it's not real faith it looks like it it sounds like it to the unenlightened but it's not real faith real faith works what if somebody didn't believe show their unbelief make the face of God effect without effect God for big but what we got to do is identify the fake stuff from the real stuff now if you've walked with the Lord for any length of time trying to live by faith you've made mistakes I don't have to ask I know you have and I've shared a few the Phyllis and I have made you know things what we thought was faith and we at the time we were sure that was it and it didn't work so it didn't work well at that point you got a decision to make because enemy to come tell you all that those verses that's not what they mean that doesn't work and God he's not interested in all those little things and you know he's beyond all that and you can get disillusioned you can get put out with God you can say what's the purpose what's the point or you can have a revelation maybe it wasn't God's fault maybe I made a mistake maybe I assumed something maybe I didn't do something she should have done did something I shouldn't have done why does it have to be God letting people down no he never has he never will somebody say he's faithful said out loud I call him faithful would you acknowledge he has never let you down and he never will we've made mistakes right but him never and what if some didn't believe all that means they didn't believe but the faith of God is real and it works all the time for everybody that does it go with me please in the scripture to first John the 1st chapter now we we've already covered some ground in this series who haven't been with us let me encourage you to get the previous messages you can go online download it won't cost you anything if you're here here in the church buildings here in Sarasota you can go to the word supply but we've already covered imitation faith and we've already talked about presumptuous faith and we've already talked about baseless faith then we've gone on to talk about faith you can see and faith last week faith you can hear because what we're doing is differentiating between the feigned phony faith and real faith now today look at this in 1st John we're going to see another thing that's to me one that one of the biggest things we have talked about so far there are some answers here you believe in with me 1st John 1 first chapter of first John well now the enemy does not want people to get what we're talking about right now which is why you got to stay focused and not be easily distracted and be open to seeing things you haven't seen and thinking differently than we have and be open to him reminding us of things he's shown us already first John one and three he said that which we have seen and heard we told my faith you can see faith you can hear declare we unto you that you also may have fellowship everybody say fellowship fellowship with us and truly our Fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ everybody say fellowship he said in these things like we unto you that your joy may be full Oh hallelujah I may get happy this morning so let's be be warned the joy of the Lord is our strength but where do you get it where do you get it fellowship where do you get joy from fellowship with the joy giver Oh hallelujah hallelujah now fellowship after watching about getting ahead of myself I'm getting excited ah fellowship literally means to share to share it's akin to the word commune or communion to commune with each other now you can't commune by yourself you hate fellowship by yourself that's with somebody else now you may be by yourself as far as any other people around but if you're communing with God again you're not by yourself but communion and fellowship is sharing everybody say sharing you're sharing with them they're sharing with you one of the perfect pictures of Communion and fellowship is a meal a shared meal if we have a meal together and we sit down at the same table and we got the same food on the same table right there's taters in the bowl and then since I'm eating at the same table you are when we get to there's taters in you and there's taters in me same taters if we shared the taters right same taters same time not different same taters well you can share more than a meal you can share thoughts you can share dreams you can share vision you can share feelings you can share priorities right passions you share it through your thoughts and through your expressions and through being in the same in proximity of each other in the same environment at the same time communion well it's great to share with each other but what's greater is to share with him somebody say sharing with him that's God's plan from the beginning when he created man and he created woman what did he do immediately he would come down is that right and he would fellowship with them he would commune with them which shows in no uncertain terms that they were not some primitive ate like creatures grunting in a cave because how could you commune with the Almighty he shares of his brilliance with you and you go ugh I'm going to say it both evolution is a bunch of junk it is not science it is not science the more one reason I said is because I've been looking at some of these things I've always thought that but I've been looking to some of these things recently and it is just ignorance when you look at how God has created creatures they could not have survived over thousands and millions of years partially developing these systems they had to be completely developed when they were made all the species would not have continued and there is no record ever of us one species turning into a different species never has happened never I know it's taught for a fact in our schools but it's the lie it's a lie it's not true how do we get into that if I don't like people important lies as truth to our children and their young people there's a reason why it's a theory the science is not there it's not science just a thought ah God came down in the cool of the day what did he do he fellowshipped with his man and with his woman what must what must that have been like Adam and Eve would hear the sound of wind coming through the woods the jungle and they'd come to meet him and they would commune which means they would share he would share with them they would share with him maybe they'd watch the sunset together maybe Adam said father how'd you do that explain that to me and he would and they would understand it brilliant brilliant it's not evolution its devolution man has devolved fallen from that high place to where some human beings live and operate like animals but we're not and we weren't made that way we're made in the likeness and image of God with the ability to commune with him all to hear from God and understand him and share with him and him received from us now granted its own the level of ancient all-knowing and little bitty child we're not called as little children for no reason I don't care if you're 19 years old to him you're his little child and you gotta but you got just about that much understanding but he still wants to hear from you cuz you're his child he loves you cares about you he wants you to commune with him in first John 1 keep going he said verse 5 verse 4 these things right we to you that your joy may be full we were made for this and nothing else will satisfy us there are no material things that can give you fullness of joy there's not a pile of gold high enough there's not a car fast enough or expensive enough or jewelry or our houses big enough you you might enjoy them but after you're in them for a little while after you have them for a little while inside you're still missing something if that's all you got and this is this is no Theory I mean there are billionaires who are miserable they got everything money can buy and they're not satisfied there are people that kill this or one because at times poor folks can imagine if I had it I'd be happy but these people got it all and they know money can't fill it and so what's the point because the only thing that will is living communion living fellowship with the Living God all the God who created the heavens and the earth is your daddy and he wants to talk to you he wants you to talk to him not a bunch of dead religious repetitious stuff real conversation from your heart to his he wants to hear it anyone should listen to him not one-sided hallelujah you don't get any bigger than this it doesn't get any bigger than this it's not about just coming to church and saying I wins not about your name being on some list or some rosters not about adherence to some list of code that you put on the wall it's no no no living fellowship living communion with the Living God sharing with him his thoughts are awesome and that don't begin to tell it his thoughts are amazing you give me writing and around your car you'd be washing up the sink you can be getting ready in the morning and and if you'll think towards him he'd give you a thought just a thought that'll keep you jumping the rest of the day you think what I thought what I thought and he has a hundred billion more of them he will share you said out loud thank you Father for sharing with me Oh hallelujah I mean in our relationships with other human beings on the fair isn't that some of the richest life that we have when were able to genuinely share with people that we care about it's as rich as it gets what does this have to do with faith it is the source of faith fellowship is the fountain of faith to my fellowship with God is the fountain our source of faith in God he went on to say verse 5 this then is the message which we've heard of him and declare unto you that God is light so when we're fellowshipping with him we're sharing in light we're sharing in love we're sharing in life the message we have heard of him God is light in him is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth now a lot times people have read this as walking sin but that's not what it said walk in darkness darkness is the opposite of light what what does light enable you to do see what does darkness prevent you from doing sin so if you don't see then you're not fellowshipping with him because if near you if we're not fellowshipping with him we're not fellowshipping with light if we were fellowshipping with him we'd be sharing he'd be sharing light with us and we could see let me describe some darkness for you don't know what to do don't know where to go don't know what's wrong don't know what the problem is don't know what to do about it don't know why it's not working don't know why I don't have it yet you're listening whatever you don't know is what you don't see whatever you don't understand it's what you don't see and if you're I don't see it if we say oh yeah I'm communing with God all the time but I don't have a clue about what's going on oh yeah I spent a lot of time sharing with the almighty this morning but I wish I had a clue about what was going on I just don't know I don't know I don't know I don't understand I don't see why I don't know how I don't know I don't know that's darkness not seeing not knowing not understanding because in his light the psalmist said we see light if we're fellowshipping with him he's going to show us why he's going to show us how he's going to show us we're right one of the perhaps the biggest problem in among so-called faith people where there have been mistakes and problems is people trying to exercise faith without fellowship trying to exercise faith based on principles of faith they have heard based on seeing other people who are operating in faith and just trying to use those faith principles to get what they want and do what they want to do apart from a in communion with him and it doesn't work doesn't work now you know just the simple principles of faith when I say it doesn't work let me explain just as simple principles of faith will work to it one degree apart from God if you believe you can do something and you go after it that's faith will get you so far there are people there people don't even believe in God that are doing this all over the place there they're developing businesses they're making money they're developing their careers they have faith that they can do it so they're believing it they're going out there they don't just believe it but they're acting on it but this is not faith in God this is just faith in yourself faith that you can do something faith is something can happen for you and it works to a degree but when it only works two degree of what you can produce but when it comes to miracles that only God can do it won't cut it it won't produce it and that's what Jesus said in mark 11:22 have faith in God not just in faith principles not just in yourself faith in God hallelujah and the only way I can have faith in the person of God day to day to walk it out is if I talk to him and listen to him and commune with him yeah there may be we know it's his will for us to be healed but how do I receive it this time maybe we know from the word it is real for all my bills to be paid and all I needs to be met but how do I go about it how do I receive it how I'll walk it out how do i sow my seed and how do I claim my come on area with me I need to hear from him on a daily basis on all these things nothing else so will suffice nothing else will work he said if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness you could also say walk in ignorant walk in confusion we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin oh somebody say hallelujah this is fellowship this is communion this is holy sharing all praise God praise God well somebody say praise God praise God thank you my father go to John 14 please all the previous messages have built to this today help get a steer this is one of the biggest things we'll talk about I'm sure in this series right now in John 14 and verse 10 Jesus said believe not that I am in the father and the father in me now I want you to notice this terminology he said in other words we might say like this don't you believe that I am in the father and the father is in me somebody say in the father and the father's in me that is the perfect situation for sharing can't get any closer the words I speak to you I don't speak of myself but the father that what we do instead of said well we probably say live the father that lives in me he does the works keep going believe me that I am in the father he says it again and the father is in me or else believe me for the very works sake keep going verily verily I say to you he that believes on me the works I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go to my father keep going and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask shall ask anything in my name I will do it now there's an error in separating this verse from the previous part of the chapter you say well I anything I ask he'll do it he said I'm in him he's in me he went on to set other places I only say what I hear him say I only do what I see him do right she kept down to the 20th verse at that day you shall know that I'm in my father now here he adds something that you oughta shut about and you are in me haha and I am in you whew anybody believe the Bible in here safe safe I'm in him and he's in me he's in me well if he's in you know to be some sharing going on between you and him is a variety and me know to me some sharing whoo what's the result of this full fellowship fullness of joy plus a result to fullness of joy full strength what's the result of full strength full victory now let's back up though we're that spread that start from fellowship fellowship hallelujah glory to God verse 20 in that day you'll know I'm in my father you're in me and I'm in you keep going he that has my Commandments and keeps them he it is that loves me he that loves me shall be loved in my father I'll love him and will manifest myself to him now he talked about works which are manifestations manifestations of the Spirit of God manifestations of power and he connects them with being in the father and the father being in him now go to the fifteenth chapter see this wasn't written in chapter and verse so this these thoughts continue to flow in what we call the fifteenth chapter in the first verse was it say I am The True Vine my father is the husbandman every branch in me that bears not fruit he takes away every branch that bears fruit he purges is it purchases yeah that it may bring forth more fruit everybody say fruit now there's the similarity between fruit and works and between fruit works and manifestations there's overlap in those three ideas now you're clean through the word which I have spoken to you I bide in me you could say dwell in me you could say live in me you could say stay in me remain in me stay in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide stays in the vine no more can you accept you abide in me now I want you to in your thinking just for the purpose of this morning substitute the word for fruit results because fruit is what is produced and results are what is produced and what we tell method that a bunch of people have gotten disillusioned they think with faith because they didn't see results they confessed and confess they didn't see results they prayed and they pray they didn't see results but we can't have results apart from him oh come on can you see this apart from the vine stay in me and I in you the branch can't bear fruit of itself just making confessions on faith principles but I'd ever talking to the Lord is like a branch out here by itself not even hooked up to the tree trying trying to produce a peach come on can you see this not trying to do that is nothing new the devil himself tried to do that which is why he keeps trying to influence human beings especially church people to do the same thing you remember you see if I got it written down here somewhere oh thank you lord Isaiah yeah yeah Isaiah 14 that's right you have to turn there they put it on the screen for us Isaiah 14:12 he says how are you falling from heaven Oh Lucifer son of the morning how are you cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nation's for you have said in your heart what is the faith principle believe it in your heart and say it with your mouth where'd he learned this being around God for who knows how long he said and it was coming out of his heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne about hurting like Satan I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit on the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north what's he trying to do he's trying to exercise faith apart from God can you see that he's trying to believe it in his heart he's trying to say it with his mouth because he knows that's how things get created that's how things change and he wants to rebel against God and create something that's not to plan and Willig on verse 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High God are these confessions oh no no doubt he's trying to release power with words faith everything he ever heard about mark 11:23 he's trying to do believe in your heart saying with your mouth believe that those things if you say will come to pass and have what you say that's what he's trying to do but he's trying to do it apart from God and actually contrary to the will of God how well does that work how well does that work verse 15 verse 15 God had something to say uh-huh you know if you're gonna have a gunfight you need to watch who you pick the gunfight with is I write it you know and if you gonna have a word fight don't pick it with God I mean he said now you're going to be brought down to hell that's what's going on with you you ain't going up going down you're going down to hell to the sides of the pit well thread the reason I took time to read this we don't ever want to do this is that right we never want to just come up with something that we're going to say and believe and do and we hadn't even checked in with God about we hadn't even asked him about it that can be a branch trying to produce results there's not even connected to the trunk not even connected to the vine and that's why it won't work not only will it not work you dry up what happens to a branch disconnected from the trunk in the vine it dries up you ever heard of Christians drying up preachers drying up getting bitter getting mean getting disillusioned Martin God do that well why didn't you ask him about it before you launched into this thing why didn't you spend some time with him and if you did make a mistake why didn't you just fall before him and repent and let him talk to you let me show you what to do now right the problem is rebellion in Pride and defiance the devil tries he's trying to breathe what he did into the whole planet defiance and rebellion somebody said not me I submit myself to the Lord my god I say your will be done hallelujah well his will is good his plan for you is good his thoughts for us are good thank you for let me keep reading on this John John 15 let me let me read this to you in God's word translation verse 4 live in me and I will live in you this is the God's word translation John 15 for a branch cannot produce any fruit by itself this is faith fruit this is fruit of the word this is fruit of the Spirit not working these are results you won't have any results by itself it has to stay attached to the vine come on say that loud I have to stay connected stay attached to the vine whose the vine Jesus is the vine I got a stake stay hooked with him whatever we're going to do whatever kind of miracles were going to have I can't do it apart from him I got to be hooked with him so I got to talk to him about it I know I know some general truths from the Word of God but the specifics you know David mighty King David mighty warrior in the Lord defeated Goliath battle after battle but the Bible said every time before you see the indication every time before the next battle he would inquire of the Lord remember that he might have been the Bible 50 times a hundred times and you see the thing the problem is you can get to thinking I've been doing this for now thirty years now I know what I'm doing I've done it before I'll go do it again and don't inquire the Lord and get in trouble do the same thing say the same thing do the same thing you did last time and fall flat on your face well faith didn't work oh come on give me a break god forbid faith always works but it's faith in God not just in faith in what you can do yourself and he you know what one time the Lord told him to go this way another time he said good for one time he said go around behind the mulberry trees say what how many think you better ask no matter how many times we've been here you better at every day you better ask it you know it's God's will for you to be healed you know it's God's will for you needs to be met your bills to be paid you know victory is where you know it's bought and paid for but how do we walk it out today how do we receive hi hi there's a lot of details right and we're gonna get them how by fellowshipping communicating or communing sharing with him live in me I'll live in you a branch cannot produce any fruit by itself it has to stay attached to the vine in the same way you cannot produce fruit unless you live in me keep going I am the vine you are the branches those who live in me while I live in them will produce a lot of fruit but you can't produce anything without me can't produce anything without me thank you lord thank you lord uh verse 7 if you live in me and what I say lives in you then then ask for anything you want and it will be yours see people have taken mark 11:23 or they took first Peter 2:24 and it's God's will and I believe I can receive and that's true but if you try to do it without talking to him there's so many things you don't know you go miss if I'm living in him and communing with him and his words are living in me then I'm going to be aware of what he's telling me and his will in his way for today and in the light of that faith comes faith comes by hearing right well how does here income fellowship mr. Costa by the word yahoos word his word by the written yes but don't don't emphasize a dead letter it's a living word don't suppose you say just stand on the words then the work okay it's a big book which one do I stand on how you get that fellowship you got to hear from him about today and about tomorrow if you live in me and what I say lives in you you ask anything you want it'll be yours somebody say glory to God let me read the waste translation he said as for myself I am the vine as for you you are the branches he who maintains a living communion with me don't you like that phrase maintains a living communion with me and I with him this one is bearing much fruit because apart from me you're not able to be doing anything if anyone's not maintaining a living communion with me he's thrown outside as a branch and calls to wither disconnected from the life that's in the vine that's all that can happen and they gather them and throw them in the fire they're burned if you maintain some I say if if you maintain a living communion with me and my words are at home in you I command you to ask at once something for yourself whatever your heart desires and it'll become yours whoo whoo in this is my father glorified namely that you are bearing much fruit much results much but it's not going to happen because you learned a few faith principles and you claim and say and you never talk to him and you never commune with him I know some years ago in healing school brother Kenneth Hagins ministry there was a wealthy couple with a young child that was there and the child is very sick near death and the doctors had given up hope and after a few weeks I just didn't feel like we were making progress like we should be and I got to praying seeking the Lord about it and I saw it in a glimpse you know you could call it a vision but it wasn't you know an open vision I wasn't in a trance I just saw it in my heart my mind's eye uh I saw them like if then he represented God I saw them coming and they didn't want to get any closer than they had to and get their child's healing and then they're going back to their life I saw that and I realized that's a problem because they didn't really want him they wanted something he could do for that's not good because there's more to this he's already bought and paid for that child see it's a matter of being able to receive it but often they're they're things that have to change for you to be able to receive something it's not that God's withholding you're not in position to receive it and again and again if you come bobbles had come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help if you come and say God I need something I need it quick could you just you know hurry up again and again he'll say there you are and thing in a while yeah come on little closer I you know God I would but I got her stuff going if you could just slap me and I could get going now here he said come on come on come on come out of here comes to that he wants to talk to you he wants to commune with you he wants to share with you and what you'll find out is the thing that you thought was so important yeah God wants you to have it but there's other thing that's even more important and if some other things are not fixed and you're going to be back real quick anyway we don't get we don't want a quick fix we want to know him we want to share with him somebody say share with him share with him living communion John 15 16 15 16 he said you've not chosen me but I've chosen you and ordained you that you should go and do what bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatever you shall ask of the Father in my name he may give it you now people have grabbed the verse like that and they pulled it out of the chapter now the context how many things you should not do that well I can say anything I want to say and it will come to pass if I believe it well the devil tried that too right no don't separate that from the rest of it living communion have you got time for one more thought here I believe you should make time for it in Philemon go to Philemon just one chapter there you know without going into it you'll find it the patriarchs that's where they got their faith devout in Genesis 18 33 it said when the Lord had left communing with Abraham Moses in Exodus 31 18 the Lord made a end of communing with Moses on Mount Sinai all the things they got all the faith they had where'd they get it people so faith comes by hearing yeah how do you hear hearing from him communing with him not a dead letter but a living fellowship did you find Philemon now here's something that is really exciting not like not like the other was not but Philemon for this passage we're about to read is the foundation for our faith for life classes that we have you know next door after the service on Sunday I believe I've got direction from the Lord about this and it says I thank my God making mention of you always in my prayers hearing of your love and faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints hearing of your faith that the communication of your faith you could also say the the Fellowship of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus listen to the NIV on this verse 6 I pray that you may be active in doing what sharing your faith so that you'll have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ and your love is given me great joy there's a joy fellowship sharing and joy and encouragement because you brother have refreshed the hearts of the saints sharing of faith by fellowshipping by communing hold you place here and put on the screen for us please acts three six I hold your place in Philemon acts three six when Peter and John went up to the gate called beautiful in the lane man was there and he was begging and asking in arms Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give our thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk he grabbed him by the hand lifted him up and the man was healed a sign and a wonder this is fruit this is works this is resultant works of God works of the Holy Spirit this is these are results Peter said I've got something such as I have such as I've got where did he get it how did he get it where did he get it from look in the sixteenth verse the sixteenth verse he the Spirit of God through him is explaining what happened with the man he said his name through faith in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know yay the faith which is by him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all what happened Jesus shared his faith with Peter and John I believe this is a manifestation of a gift of the Spirit we call special faith in 1st Corinthians 12 Jesus shared his faith with Peter and they might have walked by that guy well they they did walk by this guy who knows how many times he was sit there daily nothing was said nothing was done but today as they walk by the Lord shared something with Peter this is how Jesus operated I do what I see the father do I say what I hear he shared some of his faith with him and then Peter said I got something to share with you well glory to God this is one of the most thrilling things are you still in Philemon in verse 6 what did it say the the NIV the NIV he said what does verse 6 that the sharing of your faith to be active in the sharing of your faith well where did you get faith he shared it with you the faith that we have is a measure of his own faith we got from hearing what he told us and it's not just a mental conversation as he shares his ideas and reveals his will with that comes faith as we hear it and understand it and believe it with it comes into our spirit faith for that and we can then we can ask whatever we want and it will be then wings say whatever we won't in line with that and it'll be done and that's not the end we can share with other people what he shared with us glory to God real faith is shareable shareable hallelujah call it a God and everything the Lord gives you and everything he does for you every good thing is ultimately to share some of the greatest joy is in sharing I mean if you get a bunch of money don't you enjoy sharing it with your family and your friend you don't need to get saved in man come on I mean if you get good revelation you get a victory in your life and something that'll help somebody I mean that's great but at least as great is being able to share with somebody else hallelujah and then get a victory which is what the faithful life classes are about but unless you've got something from him you got nothing to share where did Peter get this he said I don't have I don't have silver and gold right now you know maybe mrs. Peter had the pocketbook maybe she was chopping herself he's just going to church to pray you know how much money did he need he said but I got something I got something for you what's he got he's got faith hallelujah verse 16 said it was faith faith in the name and the faith that is by him where did he get this faith he got it from the master and servants he got it from communing with him that's why he said I'm the vine you're the branch stay in me living me commune with me night and day and if you live in me and my words are living in you you can ask whatever you want in fact I command you to you can say whatever you want to say in line with this is that right and I was living with him not trying to do something apart from him doing something in him and with him then we will see the real fruit and the real results of real faith hallelu stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 14,670
Rating: 4.7192984 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, faith, love, joy, peace, God, Jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 19sec (4099 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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