THE GREATER FAITH CONFERENCE 2018 :Faith & Humility (Part 1) (Feb 5, 2018) Keith Moore

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turn with me in the scriptures to Romans the fourth chapter we've prayed you're believing with me right a man or a woman cannot produce what we're looking for what we want what we need is a but God can and he uses people and our eyes are on him this is greater faith conference reckon what you might hear about at the greater faith conference well faith is there more to learn about faith oh my his faith big to God oh yes it is if you would just put hold your place where you are put on the screen 2nd Thessalonians 1:3 2nd Thessalonians 1:3 we've got these words on the front of the church at Branson he said I'm bound to thank God always for you brethren as it is meet because your faith groweth exceedingly and the love of every one of you all toward each other abounds those phrases exceeding faith and abounding love this should describe our life that our faith is just growing and growing and growing until it exceeds everything we had thought it would reach so after a period of time especially years and decades we ought to be experiencing things that God brought to us through our faith that decades ago we wouldn't dare imagine and have we arrived not quite so can our faith grow even more so somebody said said out loud my faith is growing exceedingly now it won't grow automatically and you don't just grow by osmosis by being around faith it's amazing how much faith you can be around and not get it faith doesn't transfer automatically to the next generation from parent to child you wish it did but just because you're around faith and around great faith people doesn't mean your faith will grow it can there's an opportunity but it's not automatic but just you being here tells me something right everybody in Branson everybody join online just you being hooked right now because otherwise you'd be doing something else or you wouldn't be here but you care about this right you care about what God cares about and you will not leave here as you arrived come on don't miss an opportunity to save man on that you you your faith I'm not I'm not just saying my encouragement I believe I'm speaking by the spirit right now your faith will be quickened your faith will be enlarged and increased in these next days yes and you will leave stronger with stronger persuasion and greater faith and an increasing vision of the goodness of God somebody said I receive it I receive it it will be so with me that was worth you coming to church right there right now we're already somewhere glory to God God is so good he is so amazingly wonderfully graciously good we're just beginning to find out go to Roman's are you already there romans 4 verse 17 you have any verses marked along in here Romans 4:17 Abraham was called God called him he said I have made you he said this when it he wasn't experiencing it yet I have made you a father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickens the dead and God who calls those things which be not as though they were one of the greatest lessons of faith is to not walk beside every day when you get up everything in this realm holds you to what you see what you feel what you perceive with your senses but if you walk by that and make your decisions by that you're not walking by faith faith is unmoved by what it sees faith is unaffected by what it feels that's big-boy Christianity is that right unmoved by what you see unaffected by what you feel that's how God functions God will say something he'll decrease something through a prophet by an angel and it won't look that way for millennia it will go the other way for millennia you think God's upset about it you think he's wringing his hands hoping it'll all work out somehow he is unmoved by what he sees because he said it he is unaffected by how you feel are 9 billion people my field he is unaffected doesn't change what he said and what he said shall come to pass heaven and earth will pass away but it shall come to pass and we gotta learn that just because a few days go by out a few months or 5 years see ones you laughed for about five years it didn't change what God said in his word it didn't change what he told us by his Spirit somebody said out loud I walk by faith not by sight I am unmoved by what I see unaffected by what I feel now that's a big statement which is why you needed to say it by faith keep reading he calls those things that be not as though they were verse 18 who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be how many agree one of the biggest parts of this thing being successful is that he was unmoved by what he saw how old he was how old Surya was he was unaffected by how old he felt or what he saw it didn't fit verse 19 and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now that he was unmoved unaffected when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's room he was unmoved unaffected by what's right in front of his eyes but what he is seeing and hearing and feeling every day and night this is impressive right and to go month after month and year after year and still be unmoved by what you're seeing and unaffected by what you're feeling he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but he was strong in faith giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that what he God had promised he God was able also to perform back up to verse 20 this is our text abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but he was strong in faith giving glory to God said out loud strong in faith giving glory to the said again strong in faith giving glory to God one more time strong in faith giving glory to God I see this I see things in this Versailles I've not seen before what does faith have to do with glory strong in faith giving glory to God some people have just read that as well he was strong in faith so praise God know his being strong in faith is giving glory to God being strong in faith gave glory to God hallelujah in fact they are inseparable the faith of God and the honor and glory of God are tied together their inner woven go to 1st Peter 1 if you would please 1st Peter 1 and notice this first Peter 1 and verse 7 he said that the trial of your faith will your faith be tried it will and what's what's your response if you want to be victorious unmoved but what I see unaffected by what I feel the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes as so much your faith it's precious now here's a revelation faith is very rare and precious in the earth you do not find it everywhere the scripture also said not all men have faith and the scripture said when the master comes when he returns shall he find faith in the earth more than once he asked people when he ministered where is your faith unbelieving perverse generation how long will I put up with you why he's not finding faith and among word and faith circles there is this erroneous notion that we all got pretty good faith that's not really the problem we don't know what the problem is but the problem is plain old garden-variety doubt and unbelief that is the problem everywhere you look and when people say oh I got a lot of faith you know immediately they probably don't because if they knew what faith was it wouldn't be talking like that and you know people mix everything up and when they say I got a lot of faith they mean I have strong faith that God is real well that has nothing to do with faith to be healed our faith to get you bills paid the devil's believe in God and tremble and does them no good real faith is a rare thing in the earth when you talk about all the billions on the planet I mean you got billions and don't even believe in God at all real faith the eyes of the Lord are scanning the globe he is searching to and fro come on what's he looking for helping me out what's what's he looking for those whose heart is perfect or whole hearted toward him well it's what the heart that man believes don't be tried with fire that it might be found unto what your faith might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ packaged emoji the faith we develop in this life will shine like a star in the next it will never wane and those who have greater faith will shine brighter study 1st Corinthians 15 to learn more about this they differ in stock the stars differ in glory we in resurrection will differ in glory and some will rule over this much and others will rule over 10 times that much the kingdom of God is not socialistic it is not everybody gets an equal share where'd that come from the faith of God everybody could have faith every believer starts out with a measure but many do nothing with it and they dry up and shrivel up but those who do those who feed their faith and use their faith and walk in faith and live in faith and overcome in faith and it grows if you could see in the spirit it's a light in a dark world hallelujah and it's precious to the father it pleases him it he sees it and it pleases him hallelujah how many are believing that he sees some light from Sarasota tonight him and Branson and wherever you are watching but huh that he's it's not all dark down here and it's not just us there are many like us keep reading that it would be found to honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ keep reading verse eight whom having not seen you love in whom though now you see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and what now what are we talking about he's too much of faith verse seven your faith it's being tried he said it's evidenced even though you don't seem you love him and though you don't seem see again unmoved by what you see or don't see yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory when you're full of faith you're going to be full of expectation of good that's going to make you full of joy that's going to make you strong to be an overcomer and when you're full of faith and you're full of joy you're gonna be full of glory hallelujah joy unspeakable can't be uttered in articulate speech and full of glory set outlet full of faith full of joy full of glory the joy of the Lord is your strength that strength is the power of God that's also the glory of God Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of God scripture said he was raised by the glory of God verse 9 receiving the end of what see what's he talking about in this whole passage faith faith faith your faith receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls it's not just talking about the new birth that's talking about the hottie entire inward man how many know the psalmist talked about he restores my soul just because you're born again doesn't mean you think right right mine needs to be renewed soul needs to be developed hallelujah go with me if you would are you okay so far can we go to the next part here go to John the fifth chapter my-my-my in order for there was a word I don't believe that was just me talking in the beginning of the service there was a word about your in my faith being quickened and enlarged yet nor I forgot it had there was a word we got to cooperate with him for that to happen and we're already beginning that in John 5 and 41 actually this entire fifth chapter deals with the subject of faith and honor among other things but you'll find faith and honor and glory which the same greek word is sometimes translated honor sometimes translated glory some of the same words it is referenced numerous times in this fifth chapter of john and Jesus makes this statement I received not honour from men I received not honor from me verse 42 but I know you that you have not the love of God in you or you could you could that could be translated love for God and he's talking to some of the most religious people of the day he said I am coming my father's name and you received me not that is perhaps the greatest tragedy of the entire history of this globe this planet that he came and was not received if another shall come in his own name him you will receive how can you what believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honour that comes from God only what does honor have to do with faith more than we thought how can you believe let me read this in Young's literal translation to you beginning again with verse 41 this is Young's literal it's this glory from man I do not receive these two might as he walked as a man as he was a minister but I have known you that the love of God you have not in yourselves I've come in the name of my father and you do not receive me if another may come in his own name him you will receive how are you able you to believe glory from one another receiving and the glory that is from God alone you seek not just stay with verse 44 pride prevents faith pride prevents believing what did Jesus say how are you able you to believe what so what's the implied answer there you're not you're not able to believe why because you have no interest in the honor and glory of God and you're interested in being acknowledged and praised and honored by men the scripture tells us that God gives grace to the humble doesn't the proud he resists well we don't even know faith exists except by grace and if we've learned a couple of things about faith it was by the grace of God if we're going to go further in faith it'll be by grace through faith right by grace is God's part faith is our part and by grace he reveals to us don't know where to talk in tongues or how to say it we've been on a series in the church for the last few weeks called God's incorruptible word seed and we've been on what's called the parable of the sower where Jesus taught about the sower Souls the word and wayside ground stony ground thorny ground good ground and something that stood out to me that I had not noticed as much before is the scripture said he kept teaching and preaching to the crowds in parables only in parables and then the disciples would come and say why do you talk to them in parables and then they would say would you explain that to us and he would and he said to you it is given but not to them yes it's not given to them and seeing they'll see and won't see and hearing they'll hear and won't hear and and they won't understand didn't he say that yes why and so I thought why and you see with the first type of ground the wayside ground they never even received it they got no results the scripture said it was trodden down that word also carries the meaning of it was disdained the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and understanding and wisdom if you don't respect show God some respect and His Word and his things you will see and not see you will hear and not here that's why he kept saying to him that has ears to hear let him hear well what determines who has ears to hear what determines who has ears to hear John seven 18 you don't need to go there right now but it it talks about if any man will will do his will or the literalism is willing to do his will he will know whether it's of God a willing heart makes a hearing ear an unwilling heart makes a spiritually deaf ear and blind eye if you don't want to hear it it'll be foolishness to you if you don't respect it you won't even see it so we're let's see where are you right now how'd you place in John five in Romans the first chapter let me say this before we go further is it okay we should I take my if I take my time and it's God's will that we come up to another place it won't happen automatically but we're already into how that happens Romans 1:16 I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ it's the power of God unto salvation to who not everybody not everybody but everyone that believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek and verse 17 notice this for there in in the gospel is the righteousness of God revealed and it's revealed progressively how is it revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith now if faith is connected to honor then this is also true it's revealed from honor to honor you don't have faith in what you don't respect you don't have faith in what you don't honor so the greater faith you have in it in the message in the word the more reverence you have for it and the more reverence you have for it the more revelation you will get through it Oh hallelujah is that bear witness with you or not is that hallelujah and so when people say I didn't get a thing out of that if the word that God was preached and taught all they're doing is telling off on their self their lack of reverence and respect abraham was strong in commence it out loud strong in faith what else was he doing at the same time giving glory to God Oh hallelujah strong in faith giving glory to God oh it's already happening it's happening all over the place one of the things that brother Hagin Kenneth E Hagin who's in heaven now emphasized in what he referred to as the last phase of his ministry he one of the things that came out the Lord gave him an experience of visitation before one of the camp meetings and he actually took him in a couple of days into the future and he saw one of the surfaces in the Civic Center in Tulsa Oklahoma and he was standing up above it and he said the the Lord was standing beside him and they were looking down on the crowd camp-meeting crowd this hasn't happened yet how am i understanding the Lord is the Lord of time this is amazing to me he's got his hand on this he's got his hand on that and this at the same time it's hard for your head to get around there but they're seeing something as though it's present and it hadn't happened yet and he said everybody was clapping and he said the Lord turned and looked at him and said clapping is neither praise nor worship really well then what about let's give the Lord of praise you see how quiet it go why bring that up there's only one reference to my knowledge in the entire Bible that talks about clap your hands all you people in the Psalms and it's in connection with music singing and playing and music and it's fine to clap your hands with music but he's talking about applause we're told to lift up holy hands without wrath and doubting there's a giant difference between this and this why am I talking about this does anybody know if I change subjects why am I talking like this it's it's too much for me to come to brother Mark and lift my hands to him huh and so I praise you I worship you that's too much for a man is that right if that's too much for a man this is not enough for God and the reason I mentioned that is because from that time then four years after that he'd refer to that at different times and he would make this statement he'd say you watch when the people begin to show greater reverence for God immediately you'll sense a stronger anointing when you stop doing that it's actually irritating when you identify and you do this from the heart you've entered into something higher is that right something stronger praise God and if it's really we already sense it right now in the service is that right I mean a stronger reverence and respect and honor and you you begin to sense more glory his presence and in his light and glory we see light and so from faith to faith the revelation comes the righteousness of God is revealed in the word can you say Amen praise be to God hallelujah praise be to God praise be to God you have to watch about trying to sanctify what the world uses the world uses that in you know plays and concerts and political rallies right I mean that's what men do for men but they don't do this and so there should be a distinct difference between the reverence we show men and the reverence we show God and the reverence we show his word and his holy spirit there's a big move about being casual and comfortable but you can be so casual but nothing's important right and nothing's significant and and it can actually we are experiencing multiple generation harvest of disrespect that really was sown in the 50s and 60s that nothing's important you don't know how to show respect you know instead of yes sir it's far out man yes and so what I'm saying it's everything is dumbed down and brought down to every everything's the same everything's equal then nothing's deal God is a big deal and you know you should do your best you think so or not gods things should be important right now you know coat and time dressing up that's Western people don't do that all over the world but it's not about as a type if you got two t-shirts and two pair of jeans when it comes Church time wear your good ones is that right wear your good ones wash them break out the iron I mean go all the way is that right if you're going to play your guitar for the Lord put on new strings is that right tune it up good right make a difference between the world and the things of God between man and between God can you save me hallelujah set out loud from from faith to faith from glory to glory praise be to God go to mark if you would 6th chapter praise be to God Jesus said how can you believe how are you able to believe that seek honor one of another and don't seek the honor and glory that comes from God alone I'm not done with that go to James please you said you believed in Whitney right James chapter 4 I knew from 30 years ago plus that emphasis of my ministry was one of the emphasis was faith and also knew then what kept dealing with me about humility humility humility but it took 25 plus years for me to realize they're connected maybe you're quicker than I am I don't but I didn't think of humility and faith in the same thought I do now I see now there it's the same emphasis in James for are you there he said verse 6 James 4:6 he God gives more grace wherefore he says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble that's why Jesus said to them it is not given let's see that that just that doesn't sound like it agrees with what some people believe but the Lord also said don't cast your pearls before swine don't give that which is holy to the dogs he's not calling people names pigs have zero appreciation for pearls they don't know the difference between a pearl and a pebble so if you if you buy a super-expensive string of pearls and give it to a pig and the pig Trump's it in the mud and destroys them and and you cry and you're upset well you're just dumb right because you should have known that pig could care less well many people don't have you care at all about the things of God they just they don't desire it in the beginning days of the ministry I thought the biggest problem was my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge I thought that's the biggest thing if we can just let people know then they'll get it and they'll be happy and after some decades I realize that ain't so it's not the whole verse my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and anything was there a semicolon it's not even end of the sentence since because you have rejected knowledge God is faithful anybody that wants to know him and wants to know the truth he's making it available to them he's giving them opportunity after opportunity and if they want more he's given them as much as they'll receive and if they want more he'll give him more but the sad truth is there are billions of people got no time for him and even when they heard a truth of him they don't want it they don't want to hear anymore they don't see anymore and so they're stuck and to them it is not given not because God's a respecter of persons but because they chose not to respect him his things are precious they are more precious than gold and diamonds and any amount of money how many believe his things are precious I mean his words the words of life the revelation his spirit the gifts of his spirit his people his churches his ministries they are awesome they are amazing and only those who believe that and see that are qualified to be a part it's being offered many are called right many are called why are few chosen few respond he said he gives more grace God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble is it true that God resists the proud is it true it's true do you want to be resisted no oh my but he does what he gives grace to everybody know that so people like the sound of that but huh who to the humble now here's the thing read the next verse I'm trying to get ahead of myself submit yourselves to God submit is a hated word in hearts the side it is despised it is hated if you never submit to any people you don't submit to God either it's the fruit of it submit yourselves to God resist the devil and he will flee from you now what you see is a taking of place under and giving a place over and then forcing the enemy to take a place under but which comes first not the devil under your feet which comes first you is the understood suck God's not going to make you do this you willingly submit yourselves therefore to God the only way you can honor God is to exhibit some humility you can't give him a place above without taking a place under come on can you see that to honor him you got to in your heart you've got to bow under him and go cut your your awesome I humbly myself and it can't just be words under your mighty hand in doing that you're acknowledging your value of him by giving him the place over you which is why the new birth is tied to confession of his lordship can you say Amen not just Jesus is the Savior yes there are people in this state that believe God exists they believe Jesus went to the cross they even believed he's raised from the dead and they're lost because they have not submitted their life to his lordship they have not received him as Lord so the enemy still holds sway over them what must you believe you must believe that God has raised him from the dead you must confess with your mouth if he's Lord you're not is that right Mama's not come on is that right your wife is not your husband is not come on this is he Lord then you have to humble yourself under that you show a reference now one of the most dangerous and despicable things on the planet is religious tradition I tell it's it's something to be hated because it is a fabrication an invention of men inspired by the devil to replace the honor of God and it pretends to honor God while all it's doing is seeking the glory of man it's evil and Jesus said to them excuse me the Lord said to the Prophet these people they honor me with their mouths but their heart is far from me in vain he said they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men he said you've made the Word of God of no effect by your traditions somebody say by the grace of God not me not me by the grace of God not me and the difference you can tell is that stuff is phony it is so phony and it's people trying to act humble and they're actually proud of how humble they imagine themselves to be it's nauseating but the real thing is so beautiful and so powerful you humble yourself under the mighty hand of God I don't know something goes with that go to first Peter 5 something goes with that first Peter 5 are you okay first Peter 5 verse 4 he said when the chief first peter 5-4 when the chief Shepherd shall appear you'll receive what a crown of glory it'll shine like a star and what at what else it never fades never have to replace any batteries no they've had to plug it in and recharge it never fades verse 5 likewise likewise he's talking about the same thing you younger do what submit yourselves to the elder yea all of you be subject one to another and be what clothed with humility humility is an awareness of God's greatness the reality of his greatness and of my complete dependence on him that's not trying to be humble it's living in reality I had when I was just a few years in the ministry working there brother Hagins ministry in the healing school the Lord was ministering to me some things about this about humility and pride and one of the first things I saw is how proud me and the men in my family had been my ax my great granddad was shot and killed when he was 21 because he wouldn't back down my granddad was shot and killed when he was 21 because he wouldn't back down my granddad on the other side of the family over a land dispute he backed down seven or eight men with shotguns and all he had was a pocketknife just the mercy of God he wouldn't number three granddad dead but I thought that's how I was brought up you don't back down and I thought that's just being a man and boy I'm beginning seeing the word at that time that's ugly to God the pride of man is the nature of the devil himself I thought so pride is the nature of the devil some people say well you know you got good pride and you got bad press you know - this thing as good pride I'm proud of my kids no don't care what any but listen when the father spoke to the master he didn't say this is my son I am so proud of him I'm pleased that's very different from proud and I saw what I saw and this is Grace I saw I didn't know what pride was I'd been in the ministry for a few years and I saw I don't even know what this is so that I don't know I don't understand humility I just had some religious junk idea about so I I sought the Lord Ernest I said Lord reveal it to me show me I wasn't prepared for what happened next I don't I'm not I'm not telling you to pray this way I'm telling you what happened to me I was ministering at the healing school there we had classes in the morning had classes in afternoon I've been doing it for years and I did the music with the guitar or with the piano the Lord had given me a bunch of songs and I'd study and I'd pray but I'd get up might go in there and I'd do the songs and I'd remember all the words and all the chords and and I'd preach and I'd remember all scriptures and be able to quote a bunch of them and I've been doing that for years and got up that morning and I got ready to go and I thought okay how we're gonna start I couldn't think of one one verse to go with another I thought come on boy you do this every day come on I thought what you gonna start singing so probably start and I couldn't think where to put my hands I looked at the keyboard and I thought you've been doing this for years come on come on come on and I was unable to minister for three days and nights I was that way and then it came back and so what came back grace I did not realize I told him I wanted to know this this was the exact prayer I said lord I want to know what's you and what's me like I said I'm not I'm not telling you to pray that but my thought was how can I fully appreciate and be thankful for what's him if I'm mixing it up and I realized that being able to hear notes and remember him and remember cords and words was a grace I'd been born with it wasn't me is something God put in me being able to stand up in front of people and not be scared and speak and even be relaxed and have scriptures just come to you and not just stand like a deer in the headlights and go I realized it is grace upon grace upon grace and it is with you too I said it is with you too you may think I was born with that well yeah who put it in you some things you're born with you can even use it for evil you can abuse a grace God give you gave you some things you're born with other things our act can be added to you when you're born again other things can be added to you when you fail with the spirit other things can be added to you as you obey and finish successive stages of ministry hallelujah how many would like to have some more grace he said more James says more grace he gives more grace well we need to be thankful for what we have hallelujah come on let's just exercise it right now lift a hand say father thank you thank you thank you for my brightness of mine thank you for my strength from a health thank you for every ability that you've put in us they say this out loud say I can of my own self do nothing is that true or not is that is that being phonies that trying to be home no that's true that's true and if I experienced it if that grace is suspended from you you can't find the door you can't you know Nebuchadnezzar got too big for his britches you mean you remember that and the Lord warned him he didn't listen and he got up he surveyed he said look at Bible and look at what I have done look at what I have built from my glory and the word was spoken to him it's departed from you and he what didn't even have enough sanity to be a human being they put him literally out to pasture he didn't even have enough understanding to be kept in the house they kept him outside in the yard he ain't grass like an animal just that quick no friends how many believe there is a God he is the creator of the heavens and the earth Oh hallelujah every good thing in our life is a gift from him every ability we have that is worth anything that is good is a grace is a grace and if you're good at something that everybody is not if you find something easy that other people struggle with don't get to thinking you're all that your grace God has graced you right you blessed honor him with these Grace's and these gifts not a bunch of phony stuff but genuine thanks genuine heartfelt thanks what we talk about is humility that's humility and with that comes greater grace you remember you you never forget even though the years pass in the decades and no matter how much he uses you and how much is blessed if you never forget you know who it is even though people try to brag on you sometimes you can't correct everybody but as soon as you get home you put your nose in the carpet and you say Lord I know I know if it's good it's you if it was bad it was me huh and you're not playing games you're not doing it for anybody else's benefit then what he will do is add to you add to you more grace greater revelation is buys grace greater anointing is buys grace hallelujah but it must be accompanied by greater reference thank your father he said all of you be subject one to another first Peter 5:5 be clothed with humility that means you put it on for God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble that's two different witnesses James and Peter humble yourselves who's gonna make you do it nobody if you don't do it it won't be done yeah humble yourselves therefore what do you get the picture under under the only way we can give him the place above is to take the place under can you see it you can't give him glory unless you're willing to humble yourself humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he what Betty what that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he cares for you let's go back to this thought now jesus said to the most religious leaders of the day how can you believe how are you able to believe who seek honor and glory from one another the fear of man brings a snare I've had the privilege of being able to speak a number of times privilege of being able to speak tonight and you know before before the meeting comes I know we've got a lot of Ministers here and a lot of people coming in looking for answers I want to do a good job and the moment that cross that thought crosses my mind I grab my ear and I say boy you can't do this you haven't got what they need you can't produce what they need hmm the idea of I don't want to look bad is the fear of man that brings a snare the thing of I want a WoW I want to impress is devilish are y'all with me friends yeah it gets in the way if we want it to be good we want Grace who gets the grace what if there's pride going on not only do we not get the grace we get resisted you ever been in a resistant surface oh it's bad oh oh it's bad it's dull it's dead it's slow and everybody feels like this is not going well but but doesn't want to say anything and just be nice and look ahead I just don't know if I can do it or not let me help you out you can just acknowledge it right you can't you can't give the people what they need I always want to blow them away with new revelation you about to have one of them dead services we're talking about ministers singers players the more people's eyes are on you the less anointed you will be do you don't want people bragging on you it'll hurt you you don't want people making a big deal out of you you know what's a great service the glory is so strong the presence of God is so strong people leave and go who is ministering they go I don't know but God was everywhere maybe that's a service that's a service and whether it was you and me or a dozen of us at the same time that's what we want that's what we're hungry for right and that mind-blowing revelation that healing and delivering anointing and power that just knocks cancer out of bodies and grows limbs and opens eyes is not the fruit of somebody really trying hard and doing it it's faith but that faith is inseparable from his glory and his honor the more we honor his spirit the more the Spirit manifests the more we honor his word the more we see out of it not me honoring you nuts you honor in me us honoring the word us honoring the spirit can you say Amen and we don't just wait till we get to service we do that at the hotel room we do that at the house is that right we do we do that in the car right said out loud I love his word I love your spirit law I love your people I love your things and I reference yeah so just just lift your hands let's practice it just a little bit lift your hands Lord we worship you we worship you tell him how much you appreciate every gift in your life every grace every opportunity Lord we worship you go ahead and stand if you would stand
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 5,598
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: faith, love, Jesus, God, joy, peace
Id: 3L7UUxsY6CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 18sec (4218 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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