Real Estate Agents share the creepiest, most unnerving experience they had (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] serious real estate agents have reddit what is the creepiest strangest or most unnerving experience you've had with a property or a client and is a real estate agent she told me about this house she calls it Hell House tenant moved out she hires a group of people to come clean it five minutes after they get there my aunt gets a phone call no no absolutely not they won't do it find someone else thinking it can't be as bad as they are making it out to be she heads over it's worse this house was a four BR with an in-law suite and two separate basements three bathrooms upon entering the kitchen and turning on the light water began pouring from the light fixture in the ceiling gallons and gallons they decide to go and see if water has been left on upstairs somewhere a side note the water just gets transferred back to the owner when a tenant moves out so it's never off sure enough the bathtub and sink were both on and the floor has been under water for so long it's spongy to the touch she calls my uncle to have him shut off the main valve she goes outside around the kitchen waterfall dials up the phone and hearts an enormous crash opening the kitchen door is now impossible she went in the front and walked through to the kitchen you guessed it the floor completely gave out and the tub was now blocking the back door water was pouring down the basement steps and through the dining room up to her ankles in some places she ended up having hazmat come and clean up and the house was condemned when the floor came down asbestos was absolutely everywhere she took a huge loss a bummer because I saw that house never she rented it to these idiots and it was absolutely beautiful I worked for a guy as a general contractor for a little bit there was a house in a nice neighborhood they got hired to fix before it was listed the basement had five locks on the door in the basement was trashed there was a bit of blood on the door all the drywall had been kicked in wires ripped out chest freeze unplugged and tipped over with all its foul goodies spilled about drawing all over the walls the carpet was torn up which made cleaning up the chest freezer a lot easier toilet was clogged with trash and over flushed causing water damage etc the owners had a morbidly obese druggie daughter who lived down there and a parent beat the mother once so they put locks in case she had another episode well over the course of a few weeks of her being home she caused all the damage most on her last night before they had the police get her she basically wandered around her apartment kicking it up while doing drugs and eating she shed on the floor next to her bed for days owners cleaned it up with I'm assuming a snow shovel on the last night she kicked [ __ ] up and trashed the place this resulted in the father going down to yell at her where she grabbed the knife and chased him her being over 350 pounds of fat and bone but he got up the stairs and locked the door before she could get to him she then tried stabbing the door I don't want to be the one to inform you of this type of injury if you don't know about it but there is a reason hilted knives are used for stabbing and kitchen knives for slicing if you stab hard with a non hilted knife your hand slides down the handle and your fingers then get sliced on the blade I saw this injury when I volunteered at a hospital and I'm still squeamish around large knives this is why there was blood on the door eventually the police came took her to a hospital and eventually to jail for possession and assault we had to clean up that mess she did a huge number on the place this happened to the realtor who was showing a neighbor's home about a week after Independence Day a couple of neighborhood boys detonated leftover firecrackers they didn't want to be seen so they hid in the dried grasses about 50 yards from the development dried grasses what could possibly go wrong our development had been built in the 70s at a time when cedar shake roofs were fashionable those roofs looked charming trouble is they were also incredibly flammable this is California that roofing material got outlawed in new development but our neighborhood was grandfathered in eventually most homeowners replaced that roof with safer materials but hardly anyone in our neighborhood had bothered because there hadn't been a significant fire the house two doors down from ours was on the market the realtor was showing it to a prospective buyer when the firecrackers detonated followed by a smoky odor followed by a collective oh [ __ ] everyone on the block grabbed a garden hose immediately most sprayed water on the roof then ran down to put out the blaze it was quite effective the brush fire was out before the fire department arrived that house which was up for sale though was one of the few two-story homes so the garden hose couldn't spray the roof so when the realtor finished his part putting out the blaze he breathed the sigh of relief and turned around to discover the roof was on fire the entire second floor was gutted before the fire department got it under control fortunately the neighbors had good insurance but I feel sorry for that realtor mostly unnerving because it's sad to see such a thing and it can happen to anyone I was a realtor for a couple of years during my time I worked in an office that was attached to an apartment building we had the listings for almost all the apartments obviously saved for the few that the owners kept for personal use it was in a resort town and the norm for summer rentals is one week an older man I had never met before walked into the office on a Sunday Sunday's were the slowest day so we rotated turns working alone he doesn't sit down at my desk just stands which immediately made me nervous because he was so tall he begins talking to me about his daughter inquiring where she is I tell him I don't know but he says he wants to speak to an investigator about the disappearance of his daughter I share my sympathy but feel that something is definitely off he then begins speaking to me like I was an investigator telling me about her saying he wants me to contact the FBI he kept repeating himself and starting his story over sometimes adding to it but ultimately I was dealing with either dementia schizophrenia or some other form of mental deterioration a woman who was clearly his daughter kannan after him and very carefully but obviously nervously for fear of inciting a full-blown outburst tried to coax him away from me I tied to just play along with his hallucination trying to direct the resolution to his problem being with just going with his daughter after about ten minutes of the two of us trying to talk him carefully into compliance she was mortified about the whole thing I reassured her and was glad it was me he came up to instead of someone else who might have been completely ignorant to mental health problems how unfortunate for him and his family to have to go through that my heart goes out to them I found a dead body when I worked for a property management company it was in the basement of a three unit apartment building by the furnace I was in the basement to take pictures and find out what work needed to be done the place smelled weird like it had this sweet rotting smell but it was not like the death decomposition smell I shined my flashlight around and I saw something really strange on top of a pile of old clothes near the furnace it was a dead body which was all dried up and shrunken in a mummified condition I ran out of there and call the police I thought it was going to be a big deal but it really wasn't the police said there was heroin paraphernalia and it was probably someone who had overdosed I never heard about it again afterwards it wasn't in the newspaper or anything and I don't even know if it was a man or woman the previous winter the tenants in the building had complained about a bad smell in the basement and plumbers were sent out to look for a sewage backup they walked right by the corpse to get to the sewer vents the tenants had also been doing their laundry about five feet away the way that they were lying right up against the furnace makes me think they went in there and winter to get warm and used drugs and when they died the heat from the furnace dried them out pretty quickly definitely not the creepiest but high property manager refused to inspect one of my tenants homes by myself I just don't like the guy one of our first times meeting each other he explained he had back issues he told me maybe I should pay a sexy Chinese woman to stand all over me I giggled nervously then again maybe I'll want women to keep walking over me afterwards second time meeting me I need a glass of scotch and two bullets the second bullet is in case I missed the first time now I know that's a pretty common phrase but he said it with a certain bluntness to it like in that moment I was certain he was going to turn up on the news dead the next day he also has a giant freezer under the house he doesn't like me going near oh did I mention he disconnected the included washer and dryer machines when he moved in not only that but he moved them each into the center of the bathroom so they cover the drain I asked him why and he replied it's just better that way for everyone I don't ask many questions any more we also had a tenant who was always acting crazy and kept bottles of chlorine in the house they had no pools wasn't very fun when we got cops turning up at the office asking if we knew anything about the meth lab they had found at the property tenant I Victor a protracted and complicated series of magistrates CPR hearings didn't show up to the last one magistrate as he had all along found in our favor and allowed us to schedule a constable to put this tenant out the following Monday this after 180 plus days of aggravation non-payment threats damages police visits to this tenants unit due to violence on his part etc we were like finally all our troubles are over now we leave the hearing post the notice on the door next to all the other notice is already up there and leave for the weekend on Monday constable arrives and lets us know he's going over to the unit and we follow him over he pounds on the door makes a phone call no answer he uses the keys to enter the unit and he finds the tenant passed out we thought on the carpet inside the hallway near one of the back bedrooms he had vomited defecated and urinated all over himself and everything around him we tried to rouse him with no luck turns out he died from a drug overdose the stench was awful writing this down 20 years later I feel that same sour bitter taste in my mouth that turned my stomach back then it was the smell of an overflowing port-a-potty rotten pumpkin and bad meat mixed with soured clumpy milk and there was a tangy bitter metal taste a to sweet sweetness that felt like it glommed onto your gums and swelled your tongue to such monstrous proportions that you couldn't fit it back in your mouth I threw up outside in the bushes then called 9-1-1 the constable had he said seen worse he took some chew out of the tin in his back pocket and went to town on it first time he spat I heaved again and had to leave I didn't throw up again that day but do still get queasy whenever I see or smell people doing that once we were allowed back in we discovered that the carpet and walls were covered with vast quantities of blood animal of some kind and human excrement likely his own he had poured bleach dye and paint all over the walls and floors had torn the carpet out in huge chunks kicked and punched several large jagged holes in the drywall yanked the light fixtures out of the ceiling and walls and poured concrete down the sinks and toilets he had carted in a bunch of power tools too and the police thought maybe he had other plans for those that maybe he wasn't quite finished with his revenge one he took a break to get wasted and suddenly and unexpectedly died we had to use a special biohazard cleaning service to get that unit cleaned up and had to go back to court to get his family former roommates and the current co-signers on the lease to pay for some of the damage we let them slide on the back rent and drop the criminal complaints against them for their participation in some of the Fiasco's which led up to our evicting this tenant but did try to get something for the costs we incurred for the cleanup we never got a dime but thankfully never saw any of them again I work at an estate agents in the UK although not in the sales or lettings department one day a man stood outside the front door beckoning our staff over but not entering the building when someone opened the door he explained that he was radioactive and that if he touched the door handle then we would more than likely contract cancer from using the handle in the future he then sat with our staff to book a viewing of a property to let making several loft jokes about being alone with our all-female lettings personnel Leslie he gave his name as mr. herring for info mr. kipper was the name given when Suzy lamp Lowe was abducted during a viewing of a property further our offices within 10 miles of where she is suspected to have been buried obviously none of the staff in our lettings or sales department wanted to show this man around any properties but we felt we had to I volunteered as the largest person in the office but we agreed that I would send text messages to my colleagues every 10 minutes so they knew I was ok he turned out to be a very nice socially awkward man with a mental issue that he was fully aware put others on edge and an unfortunate name that he was not aware rang alarm bells from a few years ago exclusive part of an expensive city the gentleman I was showing a house to was very brief on the phone and wanted to meet at the property rather than my office company policy not too much of a red flag since it was only two minutes from the office anyway waited outside in a white Mercedes with all blacked out windows pulls up an Egyptian man got out with a huge guy over six feet five inches at least I assumed was his bodyguard but he claimed was his cousin I opened the door and gestured for them to go in to which the guy said ladies first and followed me in he then proceeded to ask me if I knew where the phrase ladies first came from I laughed and said no one asked where he said something along the lines of it was because during battle men used to use the women as shield so they would be killed first he didn't laugh they liked the house but wanted to see another I gave them the address and said I would meet them there would walk back down the road to collect my car and they were very pushy trying to get me to go in their car I politely declined and took a colleague with me in my car to show them the next place don't know if this counts but we sold our house in Melbourne to a couple from Afghanistan this was the most horrible experience for us in the agent he begged me to leave behind our $3,000 bedroom suite fridge washing machine and pretty much everything we had in the house his excuse I have four kids and my wife doesn't work I felt head for him and said that I will leave my old washing machine vacuum cleaner dining table etc to help him get started he would come after hours and beg for all the stuff I told the agent to tell him never to contact me directly one day before settlement we had a professional cleaner come in and cleaned the house this was a Chinese lady who spoke little English the guy turned up didn't take his dirty shoes off and started yelling at the lady for being in his house I wasn't there as it was gonna take her couple of hours to clean the house she called me crying with shaky voice that someone is in the house and threatening her I got there as quickly as I couldn't called the real-estate agent on the way I was furious by the time I got there and told the guy to get the [ __ ] out or I am going to call the police I never swear in public but that day I just laid into him he ran out of the house and I told the cleaning lady to leave the rest and paint her for what she had done I told the agent that we won't be cleaning the house or picking up rubbish and he was fine with it I feel like all immigrants should have to go through a course designed to teach them how to behave in their new world last year I viewed a house that left me had been unnerved it was in an okay area and the other houses on the street were valued at 25k to 50k more that this one was going for I turned up in methy estate agent outside she gave me the info packet and told me to take as much time as I wanted looking round she wasn't coming in with me which was on big fine I guess I had my daughter with me she was about 1 and a half and she was in her sling the estate agent asked if I wanted to hand her over while I looked around I said no it was fine but she seemed uncomfortable and said if my daughter got fussy she'd take her odd but ok I thought when I entered the house the first thing that I noticed was the smell worse in some areas but it was at least breathable I've been to smell your houses downstairs was fine but very dated like it was last decorated in the 70s the kitchen was large everything seemed okay but would need a lot of work upstairs was a completely different story the first room I looked in was the bathroom which looked like it hadn't been used in years the next room had boxes piled up against the door so I moved to the next room which was a child's room with Star Wars wallpaper peeling off the walls and 70s air toys still on shelves the last room was the master bedroom big but full of personal effects like jewelry boxes I peeked inside one and it was full of necklaces and brooches good ones to anyone viewing the house could have helped themselves when I turned to leave the room the door was shut creepy yes but on the back of the door hung an exquisite wedding dress an antique maybe from the 40s or 50s again something someone could steal as I was just about to go down the stairs I thought it was stupid that I couldn't get into the other room so with my daughter strapped to me I got down on my knees and pushed and lifted the boxes enough to open the door it was such a horrible room dark full of old physio equipment and very sterile I shut the door and left once I'd reached the bottom of the stairs I heard sliding and banging from upstairs I walked back up a little and saw the boxes had fallen back across the path I'd made into the blocked off room I left the house sharpish outside I spoke to the estate agent about property details and stuff then mentioned the expensive personal effects on display she agreed that they needed collecting by the son of the man whose house it was but he wouldn't go into the house he wanted a quick sale and had even put a new roof in to sweeten the deal I then asked why she hadn't shown me around and she quickly said she won't under that house and if I'd like to raise it with her manager I was welcome but a herd of wild horses couldn't compel her to go inside I said I wasn't complaining and said I was probably not going to put an offer in on the grounds that it would be a huge job to fix it up she said I'd made the right decision the whole time I was in that house I just want to leave and my daughter had her face buried into me like she does when she doesn't want to interact with someone around it was a creepy place and a sad one too I wonder what kind of home it used to be you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 25,092
Rating: 4.8557 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Id: ss9kvJhOUuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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