Reacting to Subscriber PC Builds... does anyone use Intel anymore?

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we're gonna do another one of them there reacting to your setups video because last time i did it i thought it was gonna suck and it got lots of views and then you guys were like do more this is great maybe it is you guys are just desiring something with a little bit of substance like i said last time we actually give you some advice on how to make your systems better not to sit around and make fun of it like other people like to do where apparently it's easy to judge people from up on high while you're surrounded by things that are just handed to you for free of course your system's gonna look great when everything's just given to you and then you have the audacity to make fun of people's setups no no kyle we're not doing that today i bought everything i've ever had no one's ever sent anything for review ever having trouble figuring out the right parts for your next build then the custom pc builder at is just for you microcenter's free custom pc builder tool guides you through choosing the correct components from start to finish and ensures maximum compatibility for trouble-free installation smart search features allow you to customize your build based on anything you wish including price features and store availability and once you're ready to purchase the items in your cart will be reserved and ready for pick up at the micro center store of your choice not sure which parts are right for you well then head to micro center's community forums for help and advice from other pc enthusiasts like yourself to get started planning your next build and to check out the free custom pc builder tool head to the link in the description below all right so as usual feels behind the camera doing phil stuff but he can see everything i see so we're going to kind of like go over your systems together here um it's going to be difficult because you can see the tweet right here i said that time again 1.4 k replies 1400. and we started this video yesterday actually we decided to do it again today and there were 700 reply so there's twice as much as there was yesterday we're gonna get through all 1400 today i i don't have a rhyme or a reason to this i don't have a i'm looking for worse setups that way i can make fun of you i'm not looking for the cleanest setup so you can feel bad about yours i'm just kind of going through here to see what catches my attention so that maybe can give you guys some advice on making your systems look better function better perform better just feel better without having to put a whole lot of effort into it i guess sometimes the obvious things elude us because we're too close to it and then those of us that are kind of outside or step back we're able to see a little bit easier on some things that are going on here we're going to start right here at the top this is clearly a cabinet pc these are always kind of cool it's clear that this guy built this into like a home theater setup here um it's asrock it's from dc mclover mcgulver so asrock v450m pro 3600 i bet you were going to see a ton of verizon systems and far too many lead dynamic 011s i'm telling you right now that case it's like i could never personally use it now it is far too trendy but anyway moving on mounted gpu on door as not to block intake fans oh they're the intake fans on the side right here i was like where are the intake fans okay so that's a thing i'm gonna assume that this is just a home theater pc with a very probably overkill gpu for that um maybe dust your cabinet a little bit maybe clean up some of them fingerprints or something whatever that is right there we're gonna keep going from there i prefer the pictures where i can see your whole setup i mean obviously we're a pc channel in terms of computers we're not very pc around here but yeah i like to see the entire setup so this is his not perfect cable management but it works for now it's a dual pc stream setup which is unneeded but it works for me all right wow that is when i just want to kick back throw my feet up and just stream i guess i hope that's what you're doing when you're streaming like talking hopefully i'll do anything else in that chair because that's a really interesting position for a live stream i think this is a common mistake people make when they're like i'm gonna sound treat a room you don't have to cover the walls in sound treatment you only need to cover the reflections like so basically if you're talking into this microphone right here talking at that monitor you would want to place the sound treatment here and then you could do like some bass traps in the corner because here's a problem you don't have any bass traps in this corner right here but you do have the sound treatment and what happens with this type of setup is you get a real tinny sound and if you have bass traps in there it actually does a really good job of stopping reverb but it doesn't kill the the mid-tones and the highs in your voice which this setup will so i see this all the time people think they have to just completely wallpaper their wall with sound deadening material it's just totally unnecessary um you clearly need to cable manage better but i have to ask why did you sound treat under your desk are you worried about farts being picked up on your stream so it's a hard it's a hardwood floor in this room and that means you're clearly you're like i've got reverb i've got a handle you should throw a rug down here you'd be surprised how much sound is bouncing off your ceiling and your floor and you spent all this effort on your wall when it really under you mattress as much as what's in front of you so i would put a rug or something on there some sort of throw that way you'd be surprised at how much better your sound will be and that's about all i would suggest okay what do you got here um what are your thoughts on this roast this build ha ha nope sorry i'm not kyle i actually care about your guys's builds he's got a really clean set up here he doesn't say what case this is though does he the problem with cases like this it's really difficult to make them look filled out you know he's got these tubes going across this distro plate which is kind of nice that sort of fills it up a little bit um i really think you need to re-route these cables for the gpu this is not this is not working for me right here i mean there are grommets over here this grommet right here believe it or not this is designed for the itx system that you would put here because this is intended to be a dual system build if you wanted to i think he's trying to show off his sleeve cables more so he's kind of like i want to show him but all you really did was kind of make them look bad honestly all right so there's no another complete setup here uh nothing special another ryzen 1600 i'm gonna just i'm gonna have to do like the intel edition just to see if anyone's still running intel systems these days oh my god they're all rising all cooler master master ql300l master master cooler master master cooler you forgot maker oh makers in there yeah uh and 34-inch msi 1440. ooh they actually get this for nebula it's clean it's got this blue snowball looks good yeah the cable management's really good it's clearly got a track right there i'm too fat i wouldn't be able to sit at a desk this narrow though like i like the man spread when i play yeah and i i i swing around a lot too so i just bash my knees against tables like i can't man spread in this desk that's not gonna work for me oh he's like magic the gathering player look at this magic the gathering i don't know anything about it i just recognized the cards oh and this would bug me too look at this he's got his webcam like right in the center of his magic card game like he's like oh cause he's okay wait how do you digitally play a tabletop game like that like is does the app like recognize the card that's cool especially right now when like tabletop gaming gathering can't happen yeah right and so okay i see what's happening so it's not a game that's like capturing his their cards it's just they're they're like they're like a zoom call or something yeah and they're just showing their card setups we really got off topic on that one that's fine cool set up there oh a 4790k system i mean he's got some obviously some nice theming going here this is clearly a very zombie type theme i like the red this kind of looks intestine-y huh like guts yeah i think that's a lie like he he tied them together like they're looped in with each other and then with them being read yeah actually we saw that we saw his build in the last video but he didn't make the cut fine we'll let him in this time because he caught my attention twice he deserves it remember we were like oh look there's leds under the bottles lighting up his bottles yeah and then he's got lucille up here so clearly he's a walking dead fan oh that's a clean bit i i kind of like the way this twisted look is so he's probably using those um the cable mod like sleeving kit like i reviewed way back in the day to get that that's cool okay so clean setup one thing i would suggest cleaning up these cables go back watch my video about how i set up my room at home and the channel i made to put the rgb lighting in you could use that same concept to hide these cables that way you have these black cables showing against this this white wall and this white shelf right here it'll be a lot cleaner looking because clearly you sleeved it over here although it's a big black sleeve on a white wall you could actually make it look real good up here look at this okay so as a ryzen 2700 intel's dead now aren't they wow if this doesn't just tell you how much momentum amd has uh 2060 oh i feel like that's a that's an awfully expensive case for a card that's like the case is almost as much as the card all right so here's the setup it's clearly clean um i'm gonna start with this right here on the setup one i'm gonna try and not be bothered today by the mismatched panels next to each other i'm starting to think i'm a rare breed that cares about matching panels did you know that you can go down to the hardware store and you can actually buy those laminate strips that you can then cut down to put on the edge of wood like that that way if you were to cut any shelving and stuff out of mdf you can put the laminate on there to make it look pretty so you can actually cover that up with just a cheap piece of laminate and it's it's self-adhesive or you can even nail it on trust me when i say a couple of bucks goes a long way on cleaning something like that up right there not gonna lie silver and blue look really good on that no yeah it really does it's crazy how different to the edit rig it looks like this is black and orange yeah so you can see right here the back of that desk does go all the way to the floor and ironically he does have some cables poking out right there okay so he's got air cooler it's a big case for air-cooled stuff let me just say that it looks good with the lights off all right that's a good build my only recommendation on this one honestly go get yourself some laminate stripping heck black sharpie that black sharpie this even if you don't want to go to the store if you just don't want to go outside or whatever you can do the same thing on this edge right here trust me that will go a long long way i like the name though name's awesome named after character in tron legacy so i haven't seen tron the first one or both i haven't seen any of the trons i'm what says the guy who hasn't seen kindergarten cops who said that you could eat my cookie um what else we got here oh look at this i mean like my eyes are really drawn to the clean setups today so it looks like it looks like a very similar color to what's in my office huh a little bit more gray though mine has a bit of blue in it um looks like we probably got a very traditional ikea um top going here with a probably alex drawers this is a thermaltake open air type of setup you can wall mount this too if you wanted i feel like for such a clean build it's kind of like time maybe maybe time for monitor upgrade like i feel like an lg panel would actually fit this setup really well because of the silver bezels and stuff what's restful system look like okay so it's got white cables on there looks real good vertical mount oh he's got the uh it says husband and wife set up so there might be two computers in this yeah so it's the nzxt cooler there no that's all the pictures we got so they're just sharing oh they're identical systems but yeah okay look at the ram yeah all the fans are different too see these are not rgb but this is white and black and then hers is uh that no what do you want to bet hers is the one that actually has aesthetics to it that's what i say his is white and black and then hers is set up teal and purple i assume his hers is also white and black if the lights are off yeah but the lights are on in the husband's pc though i'm talking about the lighting dude the computer's on are they the same motherboard too yeah they're identical yeah see they're so similar it actually threw me off i thought i thought i was looking at the same computer you did you trolled me because i thought i was looking at the same computer with lights off but then the lights were on so i'm just dumb good job there brandi you can tell it obviously took a woman's touch to make that one pretty sorry to your husband this is an example of function over form okay so this is a playstation right here so he's like i gotta put my computer on the floor screw it i'll stick it on cardboard which is fine because typically if i have to put a computer on the on the floor what i'll do is i'll put up like a i'll go to the home depot or whatever and get a piece of wood or a shelf like a pre-cut shelf and then just put that down and put the computer on that so clearly he's doing that to keep picking up dust i don't remember corsair ever making such an ugly cooler though like this has got to pre-date any of their current stuff that we have like look at the radiator that's not even a standard rad anymore like they this is like a thicker rat than they normally use interesting um did you say what cooler it is no he doesn't okay it's just all right well we're gonna go ahead and just leave it at the lotion there and move on because there's lotion on the desk hey what else are you gonna do with a 32 inch 4k panel come on cologne and then lotion for when you want to smell nice for your five-fingered date every time i see the vans logo it just looks like square root of n's square root of ends yeah let's see like that i'm never gonna see it now ultra wide angle what maybe it's that sideways again clean your desks off before you take these pictures i mean that's a pretty cool gaming room though yeah that that's a that's a place where you clearly can just like have your friends over and chill just hang out move the little table for wall-mounted air conditioner because you know how hot it probably gets in there with all that gaming like i can tell you my my gaming room definitely gets warm look at this system so this was actually a cooler master deal here where tilted gpu yeah but i don't remember seeing one mounted there i wonder if he custom made that because they they had one here that would go vertical and then would go at an angle um i remember seeing one in the middle right there but if you have plenty of airflow who cares right if it's just blowing air through the cooler it needs to be exhausted by the case get custom and put it somewhere i like this etching that he did here nvidia fanboy that's a rs cooler see this is clever when you just need more desk space you get yourself an ikea tv stand and then you get yourself in a height adjustable beckett stick it in front of it there ultra deep desk like i said no the monitor is not too big it's like says the guy with a 65-inch computer monitor for my own setup right here at the office and no it's not a tv it's a bfgd it's 144 hertz 4k g-sync panel all right moving on to the other pictures oh look at that there's a game boy collection day og gameboy behind the glass he cares another steam controller well i don't know if he uses it because it's in the display case but steam control user there's dozens of us he's german to heard the ring they heard the ring really it's a dirt their hair that they're doing their head their venus tolkiekin their hairdr ring oh it is i like his little witcher thing there i need to get some sort of suggestion though right i don't know i mean it's hard to say i guess maybe take planty out from the corner maybe stick them somewhere you can be seen a little better oh hey i see his mayflower model have you built it yet build it i bet you the rigging on that's going to suck i really don't have any suggestions for this do you yeah it looks good dope set up such a clean my minimalist gaming and video editing system i feel i personally feel like that old gtx design for the 900 series and the 700 series is your favorite i wouldn't say my favorite but i would say definitely just classy like i just like the way it looks i just really wish the rgb or the geforce lighting was white but damn jensen just gotta shove that green down your throat my first pick is the setup i had at my old place so old place versus new place all right so here's his old setup okay why did you do cable management there but not there see this is what i was talking about with you really only need to sound proof where you're talking and then the reflections of that so there and then maybe equally on the other side of the walls and behind you you don't have to fill it all up well he definitely got an upgrade to flooring that's for sure i mean they're both hardwood but i'm a sucker for like blacks and grays i really am i mean my my flooring at home is gray i like how he changed the the shape of this a little bit just to make a little bit more of a design see that's the thing about cable management though is when you do 99 of it great then the one percent sticks out like that one cable that just kind of you know what i would do if this was my setup and this is only because i i don't have my electrician's license however i worked for many years with a c10 contractor so i learned how to do many types of electrical work if this were me i would unplug this kill power to this plug and i would flip it upside down and put it back in the wall that way this cable could come straight up so you don't have this loop like that if you know anyone that is able to do this without killing themselves my recommendation would be flip this socket over this would look just so much cleaner if you did that that would be probably my only suggestion there it says best setup slash worst presentation dude throw away your candy trash uh it's german from matilda for papa for daddy oh inside it just says throw away your candy trash all right now here okay hey we got all the intel's representing now this is clearly a wall build i like this very clean built i like it cable management though time to get yourself some sleeving material and maybe run these through a tube or something like that and then it would just look a whole lot better like you could even do pvc pipe to be honest you could you could have pvc pipe coming up the corner right here if you don't want to do a channel it's painted white it'll match the wall a little bit better and then have them come out right into the computer i feel like i'm a broken record with cable management but it really does make or break a setup truly [Applause] [Laughter] why all the food look i get it i've had some long gaming sessions myself where i look around and i'm like wow you know there's a few wrappers here there's some there's some tea cans there's some bottles there's always a bottle around there's some empty stuff but you know what i do when i'm done throw it away also those look like school textbooks holding the computer up which means that's the most expensive computer stand ever moving forward i just clean up your room you just i fall dad like just straight up that's the advice is clean up your room dude like i'm not trying to i don't want to roast anybody but yeah dig just redid the wife's work play space aka our bedroom whoa family channel handmade the herringbone desktop myself ooh nice look at that and this is my first hardline pc build as well let's see if i can get featured a second time oh he wasn't the last one wasn't he i thought yeah this guy's got setups like just down i like that he integrated the spacer feet into the desk like the death surface these are these look like they could just be basically like furniture feet for anyone watching this you can buy these they're just furniture feet and if you look at amazon go to look up furniture feet couch feet and you can find these in different types of wood material dark wood light wood metal and then they just have a hole through the middle that you can put a bolt through and bolt it to a table like this so you don't have to go with like the round steel type like i did on my setup you can go with something like this what i like is the way this is a this is a wall mounted monitor or dust mounted but the arm is behind the computer hiding which makes sense because you've got this window here and it would be very obvious if it was right there because attention to detail is insane this is a very calming type of setup i love the monitors centered in the window in the window yeah like clearly they use the natural lines of the home to center everything on there that's good i'm a little jealous that his wife's like gamer though my wife just does not do the games does not do the computer does not do the game does not do the games does not do the computers um my only critique on the setup though would be this bending to be a little longer right there so it's parallel with the gp or with the the radiator there so it's probably vertical like that right so if if this is the front of the computer it's probably like that does that make sense so this distance here probably needed to be longer all right you've been featured twice now that's two for two you know just like when you win a radio contest you can't win again for a year stop making good looking setups okay here's a good looking setup so again these right here who is this this is neil jones uh it's an 011 dynamic okay fine at least he's got custom bent tubing in here and didn't go with like the real like the ones that you can buy they're like pre-designed to go in there waiting on rtx 3080 ti to compete to complete not long now keep up the fantastic work j he has a very good use of cable management here he's got his power strip here with his plugs on there everything's kind of bundled up and coiled together he's got a brick sitting right there everything is just neat and tidy and put away i guess the real question would be does it always look like this um his bends look fantastic i like the fact that he just didn't do the traditional and then like right into the hole that's there for it he decided to go up and grab a different one so it has this nice looks like traces like electrical traces i i can see why people go with the dynamic i really can it's just it's like 2020's trendy pc of the year and those bends look good geez yeah his bends look absolutely fantastic i could whistle i'd whistle yep there you go you can't whistle no what human can't whistle what adult can't whistle this is one of those so this is clearly uh left to right is my girlfriend's pc and my pc so hers is on the left his is on the right i think it's funny how much pride there is in like his parts and stuff and then he's just like that's not too bad i guess just i mean he used the same brackets kyle did for a wall floating desk just cable management wow cable managed this you're giving it to me here i'm having a stroke oh wow what is this okay rog rampage 6ex omega 7820x gtx 1080 evga g3 1000. this is an example of you don't have to have the latest hardware to have a awesome looking computer people have this common misconception of you got to have the latest hardware or your pc's crap and that's not true and that's why so many pc modders like the professional modders out there that build like the full functioning like robot computers and stuff usually don't have they're sometimes two or three generations old on hardware because it's about the build and not about the components not to mention let's face it the pascal cooler just it looks so good especially versus the rtx and with this being open air this blower cooler will have no problem cooling this is this custom made though this setup uh this is my setup and not straight from google learning from the best well i don't know if you learned how to build this from but it wasn't me look at the desk though this is cool this is such a clean like this is a setup that with all the cove lighting and this is what i'm missing in my office and i want to do crown molding in my office because i mentioned that when we were doing the build right i wanted to do crown molding and i want there to be lighting across it because look at this i really hope it's uh it's smart controlled like i hope we could walk in there and just be like i'm home welcome home emil what can i do for you today i don't know maybe some smooth jazz okay phantom neo this is uh yeah this this is such a nice setup here and you guys dash switches now that would be awesome now i do my sim racing in vr so having physical switches that i would have to touch would kind of suck although i'm pretty good even at my steering wheel in vr by touch knowing where my thumb buttons are that i'm going to use but anything i've got to reach forward and touch would not work for me in vr and i can't do these surround setups like this personally because once you've gone vr and racing sim this just doesn't work anymore the distance um your your depth perception is just infinitely better in vr so not to mention it takes up a lot of space with multiple without multiple monitors but you clearly care because you've got a rug you've got rgb lighting i feel like i need to do something now for my sim i need to up the ante in some way the rug is a good idea and he found one that's like perfectly sized for it too yeah i love that he actually has the sparco seat like the stuff that comes with the sparco seat just dangling right there because this is a real racing seat yeah and i really and he's got a imsa seat on our logo on there i really hope that he didn't just put the imsa sticker on there because he's an imsa fan i think it'd be awesome if he actually drives in insa imsa but if he doesn't whatever i guess pretty dope setup i don't i don't know if this one cost because it might make me want to redo mine oh my geez who built this the verge this isn't a i'm gonna keep saying it at the start of these videos i don't want to roast you but some of you are asking for it the specs are solid it's a 3950x it's an x52 with ek vardar evo fans it's a 2070 with overclock on it's 32 gigs of ram it's an x570 pro 4 motherboard yeah he knows who who is this kyle kyle barr okay yeah he's been following me for a long time kyle i know what you're doing and i don't like it stop it that doesn't count yeah dude you have to build it bro you can't just yeah still waiting on my x570 god like okay so we can't build it oh we're just waiting on the game we're just we're just being a preemptive strike man you gotta wait till it's built all right here we go we'll use this setup here okay white cables and a white case with everything else kind of black a slightly crooked hyper 212 evo it looks like the the system is what it is i mean there's only so much effort you're honestly going to put into an fx system and that sounds kind of harsh to say but that's really the truth but you've got it mounted on this on this shelf right here that you installed which is fine because it's clear that you don't have a lot of space i can't see how much room space is over here oh there's your cat he's totally blended in down there similar to what i said earlier about putting a cable channel up the corner of the wall you can go down to the hardware store and you can buy corner conduit it's it's plastic it's designed to hide cables and it could paint to match you clearly painted this room maybe you still have leftover paint maybe you know what color you use you can get more paint you could easily hide all of these cables because what you're doing right now is you've got some of them velcroed to this and then they're just dangling down you've got other ones not velcroed to anything dangling down and you could run that conduit right up the corner right here and then have it maybe quit right about the first third of the computer and then you can have these nice little arcs of cables coming out of there plugging in to your system which would then eliminate all this mess right here um that'd be my my biggest suggestion for you and then this just caught my attention you know phil ever i know you didn't start the trend but i feel like ever since we did your build and then you showed this like more and more people are doing this now getting raspberry pi screens this is also the one of the few setups that i've seen with the sensor panel going where it's actually a lot of good information you've got frame time because a lot of people yeah a lot of people get like a five inch screen and then they just put like three gauges or they just run cam on it so all right time to get out of here guys i want there to be i want there to be some like i said rhymes or rhyme or reason to these videos so i think what we need to do on the on the future versions of this is we need to have a theme show me your show me your best water cooled setups show me your cleanest setups show me your setups in the most need that way we can kind of focus on what we're going to talk about rather than sort of being all over the place but if you guys like these videos you know what to do hit like so that we know you guys want to see more comment down below and uh or follow on twitter because twitter is where we do this because it's easy as you saw to just keep it in a thread and keep track of it until it go sifting through emails or but i don't i don't really do the facebooks or the myspaces or the discords or any of that sort of stuff i'm a boomer all right guys thanks for watching and remember we don't roast you here we teach you because we care
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,191,534
Rating: 4.9602799 out of 5
Keywords: pc setup, gaming setup, best pc setups, worst pc setups, how to make a pc setup, how to make a gaming setup, best setups, best setup, pc gaming, computer gaming, computer, computers, pcs, pc, intel, amd, nvidia, setup advice, how to make a home setup, how to make a custom pc setup, custom pc setup, custom pc, custom gaming pc, custom gaming rigs, best gaming rigs
Id: t8PWZmY2PkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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