REACHER Season 2 Episode 8 Theories Explained

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season 2 of Reacher is almost at its end and it's safe to say that this season has been one that's had us guessing a lot of the time whether it be about the identity of am whether members of the 110th Unit were dead or alive and if anybody else was in on the plan with Langston and New Age Technology with only one episode to go I thought I'd share my theories and predictions on what I think will happen next and share The Exclusive Image from the finale so let's get into it here is Reacher season 2 episode 8 theories explained just to let you know this video will contain spoilers reach's plan the final part of episode 7 saw Reacher walking into the jaws of New Age Technology and being taken hostage by them in an image that has been shared from the final episode it looks as though Reacher has some cuts on his face and with the background looking like the New Age Technology facility he's most likely going to be taking a beating but I don't think that's a problem I feel that's all part of reach's plan that he's thought out in his head we know that am Langston and Reacher are all going to be inside the facility as am said to the driver of the missiles that he wanted to be taken to the engineer that was able to get the chips to function so all suspects are going to be Under One Roof although Reacher doesn't know it that's going to benefit his plan even more we were never told what plan Reacher had up his sleeve but what we do know is that he reached out to Senator Lavoy to get his security team a team which consisted of some former Navy Seals and some ex Force members to make their way to the facility that's all we know but I think there's more to it than that with Russo being dead and then not being a trustworthy cop in sight of Reacher I feel he's going to call upon Finlay to come in and bust the operation at New Age allowing him to be the authorative representative of the law in that situation that might be after Reacher has freed himself from the handcuffs with the pin that he had or it could be before but I feel it will most likely be after once Reacher has seen to a few of Langston's henchmen Langston himself and got the revenge that he desires for the killing of the members of the 110th unit there was a brief mention in the previous episode of Finlay being caught up in the mess due to Reacher dragging him into it so I think that was a sign and a hint to us that he may be returning in the finale because he is the only person outside of the 110th who Reacher can trust in that situation especially following Russo's death will Swan be alive something that I found particularly interesting in the most recent episode was that Swan wasn't mentioned at all we saw Dixon and O'Donnell as hostage is at new age but there was no sign of swan this either means that Swan is definitely dead or we've all been double bluffed and Swan is actually in on the operation and higher up the chain than what we thought as easy as it would be to say that Swan is dead and that's why he wasn't included I'm going to predict that we've been double bluffed and Swan is actually in on the plan Maro believed that Swan was a good person but what if he was playing her all along Swan's life may have fallen apart after the disbanding of the 1110th unit and he may hold some resentment about that hence why he was prone to taking the cash that Langston was offering in order for compliance with Swan's dog being killed that could have also been done as a coverup to make Reacher and the rest of them think that he was in a vulnerable position but I don't think he is look how fast Langston got rid of France Orosco and Sanchez and also how quickly he notified Reacher that he had Dixon and odonnell if he had Swan he would have used it to his advantage to get inside of Reacher's head even more plus how would Langston have originally known been interested in all of the 110th most likely through Swan so I think swan has not only double crossed Reacher but also the rest of the 110th division in order for financial gain tying into the main theme that this season has been about corruption and Reacher is going to see it where it hurts him the most within a friend who he once cared about and even saved the life of let's also remember as well the show has made swan out to be a relatively suspicious guy when some of the confiscated Goods went missing after an operation and they were were in his car so the show has heavily hinted to us in the past that there could be something going on with him what will happen to am if you've been watching my breakdowns you'll know that am has been the character that I've been the least engaged with throughout the entirety of this season and I have a feeling that I'm going to be feeling the same with his inclusion in the finale even though technically Langston is the main villain of the Season as he's been the facilitator of the missiles and project little wi whilst also killing off members of the 110th I feel am has kind of been a bit of a pointless inclusion just because we've barely seen him actually do anything he's been on this quest to get the chips and the missiles together so that he can sell them off to the highest bidder but the show has waited until the season finale for us to see him actually properly engaged with any of the main characters I think his Arc could go in one of two ways in the finale I feel am could either get stopped and killed by Reacher which would be a massive moment because they are both so similar in the fact that they're specially trained Killers but they're moral differences put them on the opposite sides of the law so it would be an epic battle that would take place but one would imagine that Reacher would win just judging by the way that the show would most likely play out or the other direction that it could go in and one that I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to is that they could set up am to be the main villain of season 3 of the show hence why we've only been drip-fed traits of him throughout season 2 when season 2 of Reacher was commissioned and given the green light they also commissioned a season 3 along with it so the show runners may have had the intentions of making this almost like a double season and converting am across both of them whilst project little wi would most likely crumble Reacher could end up needing to go after him to prevent him from causing more damage to the world we know that he's a wanted fugitive and there's little known about him by the authorities so I could see a story playing out where Reacher is tasked with needing to find am and bring him to Justice the darker more Sinister mirrored version of himself that's an outcome that I prefer rather than just seeing Reacher take him out quite comfortably in the finale as it would have all just been a bit pointless of having him in this season so I've got my eyes open for something good to happen hopefully will anybody else in the 110th die if Swan turns out to be a traitor then I think it's inevitable that he will die and he'll die at the hands of Reacher the person who once saved him and ensured that he had life will be taking it away from him if it's revealed that he's a villain so that's a given if the theory is correct but I also think that we could potentially see OD end up dying at the hands of Langston and the New Age Technology folk there's been a lot of emphasis on the transformation that odonnell has made over the years from being a guy that said that he would never settle down to then becoming somebody that was a family man was caring had compassion and showed much sof as side plus with Dixon saying to odonnell that he had more to lose than everybody else I think that was a not to the fact that he could well be losing his life and him dying will Mark the transformation and life Journey that he went on as you can see there are so many different directions that the season finale of Reacher could go in but I think with all of the death that has occurred to Reacher in the short time he's going to be taking himself off on his own again and ensuring that he doesn't have any attachments this will be so that he doesn't have to experience the pain feeling of death and responsibility on his shoulders that is unless they go with the story of am being on the run and Reacher needing to track him down something that I'd definitely be down for watching with less than a week to go until the finale is Bring It On so there you have it Reacher season 2 episode 8 theories explained if you want to see more videos on Reacher then click on the card in the top corner or alternatively you can head over to my channel where you'll find them all I've been covering it since the first episode so you'll find them there and finally if you'd like to see what I rate the latest movies that don't quite make the cut to getting a dedicated video then head over to my letter box profile it's where I rate the latest releases in real time how do you think season 2 will end leave a comment down below and don't forget to subscribe I'll see you next time
Channel: BrainPilot
Views: 83,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reacher, Reacher Season 2, Reacher Season 2 Episode 8, Reacher Season 2 Episode 8 Trailer, Reacher Season 2 Episode 8 Promo, Reacher Season 2 Episode 8 Preview, Reacher Season 2 Episode 8 Theories, Reacher Season 2 Ending, Reacher Season 2 Review, Reacher Season 2 Reaction, Reacher Season 2 Episode 7, Reacher Season 2 Episode 7 Reaction, Reacher Season 2 Episode 7 Explained, Reacher Season 2 Trailer, Reacher Season 2 Episode 8 Explained, Reacher On Prime, Reacher Season 2 Finale
Id: BjZPscVmN88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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