Alan Ritchson on Fighting People on Reacher, Writing a Letter to Tom Cruise & Being on American Idol

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our next guest is a big strong man who plays a big strong man the former military Lone Wolf Jack Reacher in a new season of Reacher look at this be what's he think he's going to [Music] do no man G just like the good old days yeah you on the sidelines while I do all the work season two of Reacher premieres tomorrow on Amazon Prime video please welcome Alan [Applause] [Music] richson [Applause] [Music] now that's a clip let me tell you something I love watching you pe beat people up I really do I enjoy it I don't know what it is I like it I like seeing it do you like seeing it it must be great to watch yourself beating others it's a yeah I love it especially because they're my friends is that weird that you you they're actors and you get to know each other what ever maybe you're having lunch together next thing you know you're like pounding them into the that was do yeah that's Dominic lombardoi that was his first day on set I hadn't met him yet just had him go sit in the car and just wait and I pull him out and beat him up and that's how we say hi what you think that airbag thing would work in real life cuz I'm going to start using that if it does we got to try it on some cars try it the show is super popular right thank you it seems to be doing okay when did you like when did you sense that cuz you never know with a show you know you just don't know when did you like start hearing it from people people recognizing you Etc uh you know so probably uh uh we had an event at Madison Square Garden it was like a Reacher night and uh they wanted to bring us out and put us on the Jumbotron and feed us some hot dogs during a Knicks game or what yeah it was a it was like a I think it was like a hockey I think it a hockey thing I don't remember I just remember myself on the Jumbo Tron see myself on the was it cold or not cold it was freezing a hockey game then so so there's like security with us the whole night and you know we've been up on the screen and everybody's coming over trying to get pictures and they're like we're going to have to escort you out the back I'm like this is crazy like we've made it right right so we go busting out the back of the Madison Square Garden like they're going to rush us to our cars and I'm thinking there's going to be throngs of people there waiting and there's one little old lady with a walker Reacher Reacher and I was like trying to get away from her and her daughter her 50-year-old daughter's back there like ma get back here reach I was like oh my gosh I was like how old are you she's 90 I love your fights in reach wow yeah dude I I was blown away I've when you have 90-year-old grandmothers uh watching your stuff you're like did you put her in a headlock or would you do anything there I kicked her like I kicked the bumper on the car dude her head exploded I don't know if you know this but Tom Cruz played Jack Reacher in her movies and then I guess what they fired him and replaced him with one cheer guys well maybe they felt it was rude to cheer the other Jack Reacher we're all there's enough to go around you guys we could be friends did you did you like reach out to Tom I yes I wrote tomama letter oh okay all right that's a good way to go I wrote him a heartfelt letter because here's the thing people I I know what you know there's a lot he's taken some criticism for the role because it doesn't aesthetically fit the the role of Reacher perfectly according to the books okay that's not this guy still did two movies that grossed over $300 million and doesn't even fit exact like that's a huge he's brought so many eyes to this uh series we would not have the success that we have without it so right out of gratitude I write him a loving heartfelt letter a page long letter and I give it to Don Granger his partner of his at Sky dancers's my boss Sky Dan producing the show and I said I I think we should give this to him just so you know I want him to know like I'm grateful that he's passing the torch and you know he's giving me his Blessing and all that and um he said we're not going to give it to him think it's a terrible idea I think we should just let it he's fine with it he was like cuz he's moved on in life he's moved on and you need to move on too is that right yeah so you didn't get to say you didn't get to express that I said it in my heart and I said it on the paper and yet the paper never got to Tom no wow oh I I think that's a mistake something only one I would love to go ahead I'm sure he's watching Tom you want me to Tea it up for you Tom Tom Allan needs to talk to you Tom I just have something to say real quick okay I know we've had our moments right um I'm super grateful for you passing the Baton to me on Reacher and uh helping it become what it's become with the eyes that you brought to the to the show so I just want you to know that that was was some version of my letter there's a few I love yous and we get a couple pictures together but uh that'll have to that we'll just leave it there I think that's good I think that's I don't know why they wouldn't I feel better I feel like Tom would appreciate that letter thanks for for helping me get that off my chest you at one time were a contestant on American Idol back in the old days when oh we have a clip when walk down that street and you [Music] [Applause] a they say the women treat you fine on bro looking at [Music] them oh what's they seem very negative on that what was the deal what's the behind the scenes story there this was basically the '90s like people loved like the cut off shirts and bellies and things people were into stomachs back then yeah yeah yeah it wasn't the '90s but it was basically the90s almost it was the 2000s been Millennium you're rounding down and they I guess you didn't get sent to Hollywood or you up here anywhere no no I was in no that was my first time to La oh my first time so I yeah so I was a like top 30 it was a semi-finalist like top 32 or something right almost at the very end right why would they rolling their R and all all that stuff there's a jealous oh right for sure Envy Green With Envy and lust you saw Paula's eyes yeah she she was glazing over yeah no but that was you know that was a really fun experience for me coming out to LA for the first time I walked in the door of this hotel and was greeted by 30 lawyers in 150 page document that said you're not going to tell anybody what happened here so I signed that uhhuh and uh and and they go hey uh why don't you go put your bags down in your room and uh come on down in your board shorts something I didn't usually wear cuz I grew up without hair on my legs for a long time was a little blomer and uh they say meet us down by the pool there's like another model I'd been modeling at the time no big deal um like there's another model that that we'll do like a story on you guys you know like how fun it is for the models to be at American Idol I was like oh my gosh it's amazing and like screen time and stuff so within 10 minutes of being at the hotel in Los Angeles I'm down in at the pool in my board chore shorts and they're like why don't you sit in the hot tub we'll ask you a couple questions I was like all right so the producers there asking questions and I'm very studiously answering as best as I can to my ability and they go why don't why don't we just show everybody how much fun it is to be an American Idol why don't you like push her in the pool so I push her in the pool you know and uh and so they're like why don't you jump in I was like okay and so I I'm like splashing around the pool having like the best time I go to watch the show like everybody else in my hometown right we're watching the show this is going to be so fun on night three we had an assignment go write a song that's something I do that's like that was my first love was a songwriting they give you a couple words keywords so you know it it's like made it in there you didn't just walk in with a song and I I'm like I wrote my song in two seconds and I see men grown men crying in the hallway I can't I can't write a song man I just like what what's your sound like you want me to help you so I help people write their songs okay when when I'm watching the show on night three on the song riding night they have Ryan Crist running around asking people where Allan and Tina or whoever her the model was have you guys seen him they're like I have you guys seen Allan and whatever her face is like no and uh and then they cut to us in the pool splashing around like we're the just what the hell probably I was helping people you were helping people yeah dude that is you know what that is unfair and by the way gave me an idea next time you're here would you write a song for Tom Cruz and sing it on I would love to I would love to alen richen watch him in season two of Reacher and Premier tomorrow on Amazon Prime video we'll be back with sler Kenny
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,807,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Actor, Strong Man, Alan Ritchson, Jack Reacher, Amazon Prime Video, Military, Fight Scenes, American Idol, Tom Cruise, Skydance, Songwriting
Id: eAdTniNien4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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