REACHER Season 2 Ending Explained | Episode 8 Breakdown, Season 3, Review & Easter Eggs

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul in this video we're breaking down richer season 2 has just dropped its finale and episode 8 has a lot to impact from it trout this video we're going to be going through what happens and also talking about where things could be heading for season 3 that's currently in production and reach has been a big show for Amazon therefore there's a lot of things to go over and in this video we're going to be breaking down it all firstly though just a quick word from our sponsors and then we'll dive into the season this video is sponsored by Z biotics now whenever I do a brand deal or a sponsorship ad like this what'll happen is that the company will send me out the product I'll get to try it and make sure that I truly believe in it out in my first advert for Z biotics last year I went through all the stuff used it myself saw how much of a difference it made and was more than happy to advertise it and after that we didn't agree on doing another 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still though that theme of family comes across with Reacher finding one in the team that love him you refer to the special investigators as your team you know we're more than that right where things are going to go we'll discuss in just a bit but firstly I want to talk about the main things in season two opening up we see one of his unit being dropped out of Chopper which comes full circle in that finale after learning that they're being picked off Reacher puts the band back together and throughout the season he tries to get to the bottom of it this season being joined Once More by Neagle and also David O'Donnell last SE his long lost love caller Dixon who Reacher used to want to give a Reacher round two you learn is they try and find out who was behind the deaths but also learn a bigger conspiracies at foot this is headed up by Robert Patrick langang strum and an international arms broker simply known as am Patrick is a great little addition and they even do a cheeky Terminator Easter egg during episode one the ID NE is checking in under the name Sarah Connor and uh however where I draw the line it's having one of the bad guys as a British comicbook collector and it it became personal With Me 0 out of 10 no stars on Trip Adviser Rotten Tomatoes do not recommend now but this takes things to a higher place place in season 1 with it jumping up to a laric conspiracy now the season itself based on bad luck and trouble with a story explaining in a bit more detail about what's going on we learn the company uh have managed to build missiles that are incapable of missing their targets pretending to get rid of them they've secretly been planning to broker a deal with terrorists through using am am will then give these terrorists a technology and they'll be able to carry out their own attacks AED by police we also meet detective Russo who's played by Dominic lomazzi when he's not getting smashed like the like button by his son Kingpin he's being a hero cop who gets killed in the line of duty it's a moments like this that really Elevate the series as well as the distrust Reacher feels that one of his owners betrayed him episode seven ends with us seeing Reacher go to langstrom and that takes us into the finale now we begin with Reacher tied up to a chair being interrogated by Langston in order to find e location being Langston's last loose end means he has to find her but she's a lot closer than he thinks upright raing as a sniper she slowly takes down the guards and infiltrates the compound along with the Senator's assassins meanwhile inside Langston reveals why Swan's been framed in finger throughout the whole season not a pun I swear and all Langston's wanted to do is get richon and I don't mean the actor that plays richer which is a pun [ __ ] off Al langson apparently offered to cut swan in on the deal but after he refused they used him in other ways placing his eyes and fingers in a jaw this has given them access to everything inside realizing that reach won't talk he decides to go and pick up 's father who who in the end gets a visit from someone else escaping using one of those safety pining you know you know the one you used to stick them in your shoe at school as well and Richard's done that too and we see as he uses it to pick the handcuffs free while this is going on number one Grandpa Neagle in the Senus assassins storm the base which leads to Reacher getting to the chopper just like the book we see his Reacher ends up pushing Langston out the back to kill him the same way that he killed his company in an investigation assumptions kill Hey cuz he cuz he kept saying that and we then have a moment with Langston on the ground where we zoom in on his face which brings things full circle from the opening of episode one he somewhat redeems the team's death by also saving Cara after her bed dangles outside the chopper where things differ from the book is that when richer landed he ended up asking the pilot if he flew during the times his teammates got murdered revealing that he did he then shut him in the cockpit whereas here they play things a bit more theatrical he lets him think that he's escaped and then shoot stand the chopper using a little wing rocket on board was also a weapon engineer that was the only one capable of showing the terrorists how to use the chips this is a big change up from the book as in that they ended up letting him live they found out that his daughter was being held hostage and he was pretty much being forced to teach the terrorists I think the whole daughter thing though that that's been done twice already in the show so they just kept things simple and had them go down in flames speaking of going down in flames am's also killed and the Senators arrested along with his guns for hire now in the book Reacher then used the money to set up trust funds for the unit's family and also gave a donation to Peter in the name of Swan's dog that then had him getting a deposit in his bank which was used as the code AS say mission accomplished I was surprised they didn't do this as that deposit tipped him off in episode one and they also skip over another deposit as well in the book there was a separate amount dropped in of the book ended much like the show with Reacher heading out on a bus without any plans like you on a Saturday night hey you loser you [ __ ] loser now in the show we watch Reacher put on Beat the Machine by Quaker City Nighthawks this song Is Well about beating the machine and it carries a lot of meaning for these final few scenes throughout the season there's been a constant back and forth of a song Choice with that signaling how the group felt Talking Heads R nowhere was called the Feist with a song pyo K being brought up as well last week was the mang go through and this one had Neely playing Jefferson airplanes White Rabbit White Rabbit was created because the band thought it was funny that the story's parents used to read their kids eventually led to them being visions that they saw on psychedelic drug trips whether that's why negly picked it for the kids I don't know but either way those were the main ones that had other meanings Peter machine sees the families getting money along with the detective's brother getting a lumsum for the kids instead of Peter getting in the book we see a local animal Sheltering Macy's name and nly's father getting around the clock medical team to help with his illness this is him covered for the rest of his life and we see as a group shareff final drink around the campfire Reacher reveals he's given some to negly and though he hasn't given it all to David he's deposited some into his kids accounts he's also starred in LLC for Cara so she can finally work for herself taking a picture this builds off the back of the one from earlier in the season in which the group all posed around the campfire and took one as well though their members of dwindle the team's still strong and richer and Cara have some special time together he was going to use his money to buy a toothbrush but caller's got him one now so he can use it for something else sure as [ __ ] won't be for an engagement ring though and though it's clear caller on to be with him he heads out on the road biddly we hear the song Simple Man Ming his skin a and see as he heads out after doing what he's considered visiting family where he's going to go we don't know we don't know Pro but he's probably going to go to his American Idol audition you are the sunshine of my lifeo that's why always stay round you are the apple of my eye oh forever you stay in now as for where things can go in the future there are a couple of bits of info that we already know the first season was based off the first book but season 2 took a slight unexpected turn with bad luck in trouble that's the 11th entry in the Jack Reacher Cannon so I wasn't thinking we could just go up through releases to make things even more difficult richson remain tight lipped and as said he won't say what it's going to be however he has stated it's his favorite Reacher book and thus we can look at the most popular entries the one that normally tends to hit the top spot is one shot which may colliders number one however that was already adapted into the Tom Cruz film and thus I don't think that they're going to hit that route there's also that follow-up never go back which is another that I think they're probably going to skip doing my research diving deep into all the interviews that the actors had I actually managed to track down what he said to his favorite book in an interview with slashfilm Rich and said he Love Die Trying and that that richer book was the one he wanted to do the most that was also the second to release so doing that for season 3 makes a bit of sense initially set in Chicago it has Reacher going cross country to track down an FBI agent who was abducted at gunpoint I don't want to spoil what the twists in the story are but I think it would be a good plot for the show the Agents called Holly and her co-workers joining the search which could add to the Ensemble aesthetic that the show always carries it also features a group of army radicals that we learn have moved to the mountains and made a community they want to distance themselves from the US and it adds an interesting angle they could add into the show richer of course leads his own unit and these guys could act as a dark miror to show what he could become on one side you've got the FBI and on the other this military group Reacher is going to kind of work down the middle and go his own route in order to get Justice such a cool way I think they could go and yet that might be suming that they end up doing next time and bear in mind we got Early Access to these episodes so if the finale's dropped and they've come out said that it's all wrong then drop it in the comments and call me an idiot I'd appreciate that I'd appreciate you call me that and answer my thoughts on the season I'm happy to say that I enjoyed the show and I felt it delivered on what I was expecting as with the first entry the plot's pretty basic but it's some comes in and gets the job done they do a good job of keeping the twists coming from time to time and pacing wise they're pretty much nailing it you jump between action and drama moments perfectly with each episode managing to balance both I feel like Amazon had really crafted a hit here that's going to become the boys but for dads adapting boys is for dads but you know what I mean but adapting richer into a show it seems like an outb brainer now but yet it works with what it sets out to do I have to admit I was a bit of a latecomer and only start the season back in November still though I've enjoyed the ride and love the sort of self-contained nature that each season has if I had to compare it to another show I'd probably say The Incredible Hulk and not cuz Rich's built like L Forno that had him kind of rolling into town sorting problems out and being on his way reach is a Drifter who helps where he can but you know that he's not someone who's going to stick around each season each season's kind of like an Incredible Hulk episode stretched out like those jeans over a whole season butchering this metaphor but I love the Simplicity and almost nostalgic feeling I have watching the show it feels like a throwback to a classic procedural that works as a guilty pleasure but also something that you can just sit back and enjoy Also I love how everyone calls richer richer and even his who have the surname richer they still call him richer that's how you know he's richer number one and at the core of it you're kind of hoping that he gets to find a home but know that this man's life is meant for the road it's got action comedy drama and also a slight slight sadness to it makes it all around a really strong watch I know forb said that it felt like season one dumbed down but me to me it's the same sort of show I can't get the criticism though and it probably doesn't do enough on top of what it did to really feel like a step up but hey I feel like I'd be nitpicking saying that cuz they definitely delivered on what my expectations were so yeah I recommend reer if for whatever reason you're watching this without seeing it bit weird of you mate uh but I'm kind of annoyed at myself for missing the bot on weekly breakdowns but hopefully for season 3 we can try and work something out please drop a like on the video if you want to see those and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button you'll get early access to videos every week and it goes such a long way to helping us out going to get some heavy spoilers merch we've also got a t-shirt line loc below the video video that will let you pick up all kinds of tops like our Theory time on House of dragon stuff Marvel te's and more we drop new designs on there all the time too so definitely keep an eye out and huge thank you for all your support have you want some else to watch we've got a breakdown on screen right now and hopefully I see you over there right after this by the way huge thank you for sticking through this I've been Paul I'll see you next time take care [Music] peace oh
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 79,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reacher, season 2, ending explained, reacher season 2, reacher season 2 ending explained, jack reacher, alan ritchson, reacher finale, reacher season 2 finale, reacher season 2 episode 8, reacher season 2 review, reacher season 2 ending, reacher season 2 trailer, reacher season 2 episode 8 trailer, reacher season 2 episode 8 explained, reacher season 2 recap, reacher season 2 episode 8 breakdown, reacher review, reacher reaction, reacher season 2 episode 8 ending
Id: lqZJZdJ9gG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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