DUNE RECAP - Everything You Need to Know Before Dune Part 2!

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hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so Dune part two is about to come out so it's time for us to recap part one and tell you everything you need to know about Dune before you see Dune 2 now it's been a while since part one came out and it's an amazing movie but it was also very dense with lots of characters World building and very little Exposition so you may have a lot of questions like what's the deal with Paul's Visions the prophecy the spice the worms and everything else let's do it Q Dune [Applause] [Music] lady and guys to celebrate the return of Dune we have this awesome spice Krispies t-shirt for sale at our merch store is screencrush merch.com where we design all the merch ourselves I love this shirt like look at the little details here you can see snap crackle and pop now look like the fan the cereal is made from toasted spice and of course the spice must flow shopping our merch store is the best way for you to directly support our channel so we can keep making videos like this one the store link is below so back to Dune now the first movie was an adaptation of the first half of Frank Herbert's Masterpiece and I can't wait to see what Den villan of is cooking up in part two Dune takes place 20,000 years in the future where the universe is ruled by the Imperium the emperor is shadam IV of house Kino now the Empire is divided into many great houses or like in Game of Thrones exactly it's Game of Thrones in space with sandworms instead of dragons there's the good house a tradies and the bad house the heinens they have an ancient bloody Feud basically they're the s and the Lannisters about 10,000 years before part 1 AI was banned after Humanity destroyed all their robots and computers why would they do that well mankind wanted to end their dependency on machines so that they could evolve themselves to be better than any computer or technology one problem though no computers made faster than light space travel nearly impossible and this is why the Empire needed a substance called the spice mange all so what's that space oil they put sparkly sand in their ships or something no it's a narcotic that expands a person's Consciousness and awareness it also prolongs life and turns your eyes blue whatever man just keep bringing me that and for some it even gives visions of the past and the future basically consuming spice makes you for sensitive like in Star Wars hey person I have a question a Doug you look so cute in your teddy bear costume Let Me journal that this is Doug in his teddy bear costume to celebrate the opening of Dune part two hey what are you doing there oh you know man I keep a catalog of everything you do say and wear for my journal you keep a journal about me yeah dude I've been journaling for years and for a lot of different reasons for example about 12 years ago I was depressed all the time and journaling helped me work my way through it and work through my problems I am actually a big believer in journaling as a way to maintain your mental health or to keep track of your new workout routines or just to like catalog your kids or catalog every movie you've ever seen in the theater which I've actually been doing with this list jeez what do you have like five different notebooks for all these journals no sir because I've been using the premium features on day one Journal by far one of my favorite sponsors we've ever had on this channel guys day one journaling is great because in addition to typing out your journals you can also upload media like photos and videos of the dogs and cats in your life but what I really love about day one Journal especially over paper journals is the search function it's an easy way to search your entries and find every mention of someone or even a movie they also offer privacy with endtoend encryptions so you know that your personal thoughts will stay private journaling is also a great way to help you condition yourself to new habits like for instance maybe you want to start keeping workout logs or to-do list day one has a ton of templat to help make journaling simple and the premium features like speech to text and unlimited devices make this app so much easier than using a doc program or paper journals that you might have used before again if you want to try Day One Premium we have an offer exclusive to screenrush fans go to day1 app.com screencrush and use the code screen Crush to unlock a two-month free trial of day1 Premium that's da y nea.com screencrush to see why it's the number one journaling app out there clicking this link not only helps to support our Channel but I think you're really going to love the app too again click the link below and use the code screen Crush to unlock a 2 month free trial of Day One Premium now back to what I was saying the spice is fundamental for space travel the ships fold space time but The Navigators of the spacing Guild use the spice to find routes throughout the Stars so everyone in Dune is really high on Magic space glitter got it more or less yes so without the spice the Empire will fall so the spice must flow however the spice is also super rare and it can only be harvested on only one planet in the entire universe oracus also known as Doom it's a harsh and desolate desert planet now oracus is the home of the sandworms giant worms that Ro the deserts and are highly protective of their world araus is also the home of the Fran they are oppressed refugees who migrated to araus long ago they adapted to the brutal environment of the desert Planet living in a kind of harmony with it now spice is part of their way of life which is why their eyes turned blue and they have a much better understanding of this world especially the sandworms they can even ride them now the fman are a very religious people they believe in a prophecy that foretold the arrival of a Messianic savior oh that's that prophecy stuff about Paul right yes throughout part one the name Lan alib is chanted by The fman Voice from the outer world it's their name for messiah in certain scenes they refer to Paul as the Mii they say you are the Mii so that's the difference it's sort of the same thing but it's more like one leads into the other according to the Legends Lan Alay will be an offworld or Savior and the son of a Benny jessat he will join the fman and lead them to their freedom thus becoming the Mii but here's the thing this prophecy is a Lie the whole myth was fabricated by the Benny jesser oh yeah those are the space riches right yes that's right space witches the Benny J are a Sisterhood of highly trained women with special mental and physical abilities one of these Powers is the voice which allows them to command a person's mind come here NE like a Jedi mind trick these aren't the droids you're looking for yeah you know what they are a lot like Jedi but they're also kind of like the Sith because they steer politics religion and everything else in the Empire and they have been shaping genetics and crossbreeding Bud lines to achieve their master plan the arrival of the chosen one oh yeah like Anakin Skywalker yes in more ways than you think they want to create a superhuman called the quau hatak why would they do that the Benny jesser can look into the memories of their female ancestors meaning that they can see the past however the future is hidden from them now a Transcendent male with Benny jesser Powers could use the ability of preent which will allow him to see into the past and the future essentially becoming a bridge of space and time a mind powerful enough to bridge space and time time with such power the one will lead Humanity into a better future so this is the basis for the Freeman's myths for their savior the Ben jesser planted superstitions all over the Empire so they could control others with fanatic religions or S PA is the one right he sure is he is the one and this brings us to the start of part one the opening line of the movie is this quote is about Paul's Visions his dreams of messages from the future but more on this later I'm not sure why it spoke spoken in the sard card language but this voice is epic so who cares and then we meet Chie a friendman who Paul has been dreaming about CH explains how the heinens oppressed and massacred her people for the past 80 years house Harkin has controlled AR racus and harvesting Spice made them extremely wealthy and Powerful the head of house Harkin and is the baron Vladimir due to his robust body he needs a special harness that lets him levitate his Savage nephew is Glu Rabin who has overseen spice harvesting on oracus and you also need to know about The Baron's other nephew fed rotha he's going to be very important in part two and in David Lynch's version he was played by none other than [Music] sting in all his glory the Harkin's operation on araus abruptly ends after the emperor gives the planet to House of traes why did they fire them well you see the emperor rules over the Imperium but there's a very delicate Power Balance between all these great houses Duke leato trades has been gaining a lot of popularity among the other houses now this is a major threat to the emperor since he fears that lato will unite them against him on top of that the atres have the best military force in the entire Empire so the emperor wants to wipe out the atres but he has to do it in secret otherwise the other houses will revolt against him he charges at trades with spice harvesting on AR racus I'm going to make him an a can't refuse which means they will have to relocate to an isolated and dangerous World on AR rakus the heinens could Slaughter the entire house and the emperor would just blame the centuries old blood Feud of these two houses so it's a two birds with one stone kind of trap the emperor removes a dangerous rival and at the same time he weakens the position of the heinens since the other houses will be mad at them for killing all the atres however don't discount the baron he's far from being the emperor's Pawn but before all this goes down we're finally introduced to Paul trates on kaladan it's the ancestral home of House of tradies Paul has been having dreams like the one about chny and some of his dreams have been coming true and then we meet the lady Jessica she's a Ben jesser L's lover and Paul's mother Jessica trained Paul in the way this is the way like the Mandalorian way no the Benny jesser way Paul was basically trained to be John Wick Batman Anakin Skywalker and Bran Stark all combined into a single person then the emperor's emissaries arrive on kaladan and leato officially accepts the stewardship of araus later Paul meets up with Duncan Idaho the badass swordmaster of the house and one of the finest Warriors in Dune now lato is sending Duncan to araus ahead of time so he can find the fman and create an alliance with them and then they could have desert power now Paul wants to join him he has been having dreams of araus and he even saw Duncan's death but both leato and Duncan refuse Paul's request because he's the future of the house leato explains to Paul that going to oracus is a trap but perhaps with the fman they could survive when Paul questions if he's worthy to be a Duke lato says a great man doesn't seek to lead he's called to it and he answers afterwards Paul trains with gurnie HCK he's the military leader of the house and one of the best fighters in the universe he's very loyal to both the Duke and his son now Paul dismisses the grave danger there they're facing so gurnie gets all in his face about it youve never met Harkin his me before I have they're not human they're brutal so r with the Shields and swords I mean don't they got like lasers and bullets and stuff okay so in Dune guns are mostly useless because of shields it's an energy field that covers a person or a ship however the shield isn't completely impenetrable it needs to allow some slow moving matter in like air and you know even in the future people still need to breathe I think he's choking this flaw is why everybody uses swords and knives a sword fighter needs to move with precise speed to penetrate The Shield Man someone's got to introduce these guys to vibranium or bestar anyways it's the far future but everybody's kind of medieval now there are two other key members of house at trades th fear hawat is the Menat now mentats are virtually Mankind's replacement for thinking machines they can process and calculate information like computers the other character is Dr yua he's the physician of the house he was trained to diagnose diseases and injuries simply with a touch again it's all about humans becoming better than computers D you know better than the trust a strange computer then one night the Reverend mother arrives to meet Paul about his dreams okay here she she is a high-ranking sister of the Benny jesser she tests Paul and he must put his hand inside a box that's my hand in a box exactly and inside that box is pain the Reverend mother suspects that Paul is the one so the test is to determine whether Paul will break under the immense pressure he's facing or if he can control his emotions and endure the pain Paul overcomes the pain because fear is the mind killer Paul passes the test but he also starts having vision of the future the reason why all the Benny jesser are females is because only women can survive their test and training so Paul surviving the test and his abilities prove that he is the [Music] one however the Reverend mother is angry that Jessica gave birth to a boy why what's wrong with the baby boy well she was supposed to give birth to a girl it's all part of the Benny jesser breeding program to create the one Jessica went against the plan and this makes Paul an anomaly like Neo later in that scene Paul confronts his mother about the Ben jesser plans and discovers that he is the one after all this the atres finally travel to oracus and House of tradies knows how to make an entrance hit the bag [Music] pipes when the fman see Paul and Jessica they chant Lan alib since they believe that he is their prophesized Messiah after they arrive in aren the capital city of oracus Jessica meets a fman woman called Mapes and she gives her a Chris knife sir what's so special about that knife well it's a sacred blade made from the razor sharp teeth of a sandworm the fman consider the sandworms to be gods they call them shy hude or simply the makers because the worms make the spice Milan this proves that the Fran are not some desert Savages like some people think they have a deeper understanding of this world and they know how to harness its Mysteries like riding the sandworms when Jessica realizes the significance of the Chris knife it's a sign to the fman woman that their Legends are coming true and when she gives it to Jessica it's like the fan except her as one of their own later Paul watches a hologram about the fan and he sees a small desert Mouse called the MU Adib Earth so is so cute I want one sure pal I will get you one afterwards Paul survives an assassination attempt by a tiny mosquito drone left by the hinin on the Harkin and home world the Reverend mother meets with the baron and she tells him that the emperor fully supports the eradication of the atres what his plant are D yeah but you know space politics however the Reverend mother demands that Paul and Jessica are spared since they're under Ben Jess's protection the baron agrees but not really but arus is arus the desert takes the weak back on arus Duncan returns and L meets with stillar he's an important leader among the fan loo offers to Ally with the fman because he wants desert power and stillar honors him with his spit now in the desert water is life so spit is a great honor well person let me honor you with my don't you dare cut to the best hype man in the universe the emperor sends his Elite Force the Sardar to help the Harkin kill house atres now remember the atres have the best military force in the Empire and the Harkin kind of suck so they really need this assist so Paul and L check on the harvesting operation but most of their equipment was sabotaged by the Harkin they're joined by Dr leot Kines she's a fman planetologist and she's also an imperial representative that oversees the transition of power on arus before they go into the desert K checks on their Ste suits these are fman suits designed to preserve every drop of bodily fluid like I said in the desert every drop of water counts K is surprised to see that Paul is wearing the suit exactly like the fman do further proving the prophecy in the desert they see that a sandworm is coming for the harvesting machine now the sandworms are attracted to any vibrations in the sand this makes harvesting spice extremely hard so why don't they just your Shields to protect their stuff well Shields send the sandworms into a Killing Frenzy so because of the malfunctioning equipment trades must rescue the crew themselves but the crew don't want to abandon their spice Hall so lato shouts damn the spice I want every man off that crawler now this shows kind that the Duke is an honorable man unlike the hekinan the second Paul steps off the aircraft he gets blasted with spice which immediately awakens his space magical powers and Paul starts seeing visions of the future and then the sandworm arrives in its full Glory Paul is so overwhelmed by the visions that he is paralyzed gurnie saves him right before the sandworm swallows the harvesty machine later Paul tells Jessica about the visions that he saw he sees Chie again he also hears voices who say in another Vision he and Chie are about to kiss but she stabs him then he sees Jessica with blue eyes and that means it's the future where she's with the fman and Paul knows that she is pregnant and even sees her with a baby so Jessica freaks out about Paul visions and lato understands that they're pretty much doomed because later that night the hekinan attack Dr yua betrayed them tra he lowers the Shields and disables the communications but why did he betray them because his wife was taken by the heinens and they are torturing her the doctor made a deal with the baron in exchange for her life he betrayed the atres right before the invasion begins lato wakes up in the night sensing that something is wrong the doctor shoots him with a paralyzing Dart and then he replaces L's tooth with an implant if he bites down on it it will release poison you see the doctor once leato to kill the baron so then the heinens and the Sardar attack and start killing everyone they blow up all the ships and we get this freaking epic moment that I just cannot get enough [Music] of g h leads the atres troops into battle Duncan cuts through a bunch of hinin and the Sardar and he escapes from the city Paul and Jessica are taken prisoner by the Harkin and they plan to leave them to die in the desert Paul and Jessica use their abilities to take them out but then they are stranded in the desert back in aren the baron captured leato he kills the doctor after telling him that his wife is already dead even to a guy like me that's cold but then lato bites down on his fake tooth and releases the poison everyone in the room dies except the baron who was just barely saved by his shield back in the desert Paul and Jessica are safe inside a tent left to them by the doctor he also left them supplies and L's ring which confirms that he is dead while They Mourn him Paul is exposed to the spice again and he starts seeing visions he sees CH again as she watches a battlefield a future version of Paul with blue eyes leads the fman against the Imperial forces and then the Visions get really dark since Paul realizes that he is leading the fan into a universe spanning holy war for why well Paul wants to avenge his father's death so he plans to use the fan as his army but the fman see him as their space Jesus so they will follow him with pure fanaticism and wage a religious crusade in his name so naturally he freaks out about this you did this to me you better a deser it made me afraid later Duncan finds Paul and Jessica and takes them to KES and the fan KES has been sworn by the emperor to ignore the atres massacre however she decides to help Paul and Jessica anyways Paul suggests that they could end the conflict by him marrying the emperor's daughter now this plan is hopeless of course but what's important here is that Paul is trying to reshape his Destiny to Veer away from the future that he saw once Paul understands that he must join the fman he uses their Superstition to convince KES to help them find the rest of her people I've seen your dream as Emperor Dr K's like make a paradise of vacus with a wave of my hand then the Sardar attack Duncan holds them off so that the others can escape he gives them hell but eventually even the great Duncan Idaho Falls and he dies just like Paul saw in his dreams Paul and Jessica Escape by air while KES goes on her own and summons a sandworm with a thumper but then she's stabbed by the Sardar jokes on them though because the sandworm arrives and swallows them all Paul and Jess could fly into a storm to escape their pursuers now Paul has a trust in the force kind of moment he lets the storm guide him and he gets Visions again and this is where the Visions get really weird Paul sees jamas a fan who's teaching him about the ways of the desert but this is the same fman that Paul will have to fight and kill at the end of the film so what is it the future the past these Visions are so confusing okay so Paul's Powers allow him to see the future but not just one future he sees many possible Futures all at once always in motion is the future it's like his mind is calculating countless branching paths that can converge on certain outcomes think of it like when Doctor Strange used the time Stone in Infinity War it all goes back to what Duncan said at the start of the movie dreams make good stories but everything important happens when we're awake CU that's when we make things happen the future is not set in stone Paul's decisions will shape what is going to happen however the question is whether or not he will be trapped in his own Paradox where he makes decisions based on his visions and not based on the present reality the baron takes a dip in dune's version of the back to tank and after Robin tells him that Paul and Jessica died in the storm the baron goes all Palpatine kill them all like the out all of them Paul and Jessica crash in the desert and they make their way toward the fan to not get eaten by worms they do the totally necessary and not at all awkward [Music] sandwalk but then a sandworm chases them and Paul stands face to face with it and it's almost like the sandworm senses that he's a special boy think of it like the time when Jon Snow met drogon and the dragon senses that he is a Targaryen spoilers dude come on the show ended 5 years ago R plus L equals J everybody knows that anyways the worm is sent away when a nearby Thumper is activated by Jamis and then the fman Ambush them and they are led by sgar the fman that Paul met earlier Jessica uses the weirding way to take him down easily proving that she is a worthy fighter and then Paul meets the girl from his dreams chny and our boy gets real awkward though I guess he did dream about committing a holy war with her so yeah I mean I would get weird too still gar allows Paul and Jessica to join them but one of the fmen is super hostile towards them and it's jemus the fan Paul saw in his Visions Paul must face jemus in a duel before the duel Chie gives Paul her Chris knife and it seems to be the same blade that he keeps seeing in his Visions I thought I saw my death only it wasn't I know a knife is important someone will hand me a blade Paul has another Vision seeing himself getting killed by jamus once again the vision might show Paul many possible futures or it might be something symbolic because the voices in The Vision say all atres Must Die the quat to rise so that means that Paul must shed his atres Birthright essentially kill that part of him and be reborn as the one Paul's training allows him to best Jus although he doesn't want to kill the man however this duel is to the death and Paul has no choice but to take jus' life after this the fman accept him as one of their own so in the end Paul's Visions about Jus teaching him are more symbolic in their nature Jus does show him the ways of the desert because his death puts Paul on the path to becoming one of the fman Jessica wants to get herself and Paul back to kaladan however Paul decides that they must join the fman so that they can use their desert power but Paul knows that this decision means that he is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy the fman believe him to be their Messianic Savior and by joining them he sets into motion the future from his Visions the one with the Holy Ward so you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a sandworm you have no idea Paul and Chie share a moment and the movie ends with a fman riding a sandworm into the sunset this is only the beginning okay person I understand Doom now all this happens because a bunch of humans killed other robots and got real high on Magic space dust actually yeah that's one way of looking at it so guys that's everything you need to know before watching Dune part two big shout out to the riter of this video Mr pel you can find his links Below guys did we miss anything if you have any thoughts on the movie how excited are you let us know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 697,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars
Id: dlPj0Vn6aec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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