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i'll just go in the front door or not yeah yeah yeah man what can i say i like my privacy that's why i like my side door hello you fabulous people of the internet welcome back to easy peasy my name's cougar and today we're flying on through a slash diy why on god's green earth would you make it but they did it so let's get to it hey diy banana pew facial man no no no no no these things are meant for going into the trash and cleaning your teeth not to eat damn it oh here we have a wood saw made with human teeth for the teeth of the saw why why would you do this i understand some of these but this is just insanity buddy buddy buddy did you know it's a federal offense to destroy currency so uh double ask why maybe you just want to sit in jail before and after edit 25 contact paper from amazon and 10 paint from ace huh i think you need to seriously rethink my joining of this group i thought it was going to be real projects not ruining washers and dryers with bad contact paper bro why would you make it look like that like i kind of get it but the green paint is a no it's a no no no jesus christ talk about jeans and jorts this is a freaking piece of jot right here this right here this will be a diy on top of a diy when i'm done with it my mom drew this sketch of my grandfather as a baby that turned out hilariously awful she hated it but i fell in love i'm going to put the picture on a mug oh jesus christ did your grandpappy eat a freaking pillow over here what's going on okay yeah those aren't real tires so i can get behind this some people are motor heads so i'll let this happen 18 summer hacks that work great i i hate these channels why are they even allowed on youtube they are preying on children delete these channels dammit my sister did that she thinks it looks great i mean i applaud her creativity that she used to coat hang and made something cool that kind of looks oddy and poppy but no no so um yeah i did this diy done by a broke person who can't afford a curtain rod but can afford nightm magnets and to tear a shirt if it doesn't fit sorry but personally i thought why would anyone do this yeah yeah being broke is fun ain't it but hey man it kind of works it doesn't even look like a ripped up shirt good for you turn shiny cts into festival light reflectors by covering them in sparkly metallic crochet or you know you could just throw them away since no one uses dvds anymore instead of doing this travesty flaming hot cheetos marshmallow treats you know i think little zan would love these would love these eat so many he'd end up in a hospital but little zen would love these candy wrapper shoes starburst ballet flats with deco page or decoupage either way i see they didn't use any of the yellow starbursts i'm still the only person on earth who likes those pine soul tasting things i guess hey i'm not gonna lie i'd buy this i'd straight up buy this but imagine being turned off at night and you waking up to just like that shadowy figure scared the crap out of you gorgeous contemporary coffee table as good as new it has a textured finish charcoal color and a water resistant and repellent coating yeah that's just um that's just like four pieces of plywood you took and then a fifth piece of plywood you hammer together no no adding a toilet to a subaru forester for suv camping or you could just go into the woods my dude why you gotta ruin your car like this you think anyone wants to smell this you're trapping the smell in the vehicle you have to drive huh why does this remind me of the pixar logo am i the only person who's for some reason thinking about the pixar logo looking at this thing did they bedazzle a cheetos bag encrusted in diamonds what is going on here i mean it's cool but also so so stupid i can build these any way you want the three basket dresser are 100 and the six basket dresser are 200 i can build them any way and as big as you want and can stain them any color you want i can also deliver them but i charge a delivery fee please just let me know if you want one thanks yeah that looks like it's gonna give you a lot of splinters i mean good for this guy making money on his own i'm sure some people bought him but yeah i don't know i'm good was looking at houses for sale and found this masterpiece i know where i'm moving that's within my budget no more sleeping in the 97 civic for coug you know for a second i was like oh it's a cool ps5 or some custom controller and then i zoomed in and it says for rectal use only well that's going to be one rectal butt plug but uh i'll give it a shot man don't throw away your old tvs just repurpose them as cat beds okay i don't have a pet cat but i have a stray cat i call barn cat i kinda wanna do this if i ever have to repurpose a tv it's kinda cool in a way and look the little kitty loves it yeah i mean i guess that works i don't like it at all and it's white trashy uh this comes from a guy who grew up on a white trash household but yeah it works it works dude you didn't have to put grass tariff in the back of your pickup just put a bed bedliner it costs about the same dude the alphabetical activity blanket with flashcards retailing for 70 on ebay yeah yeah learn learn the alphabet with daisy dukes daisy dukes learn the alphabet with daisy dukes i'm not even gonna lie i'd i'd pay for this paint job i wouldn't pay much for it but like the fact that it's a messed up doge makes it even better because that's part of the doge meme man doge for the win coin coasters silver two for five pounds bronze two for three pounds red glitter ideal valentine's day drinks one pound each black and silver one pound each other colors available inbox me for orders pick up top value will deliver local to ng5 my friend i know in america it's illegal to destroy currency and i'm pretty sure it's illegal to do what you're doing eggs filled with peanut butter and jam great for kids birthday can do 12 for 20 can also do weddings no no eggs and pb and j don't mix dude custom-made grills 350 bucks it's made out of plastic tub so it's gonna melt while the foods are cooking this right here is a real gamer's hat look at that mountain dew and it's crocheted slash knitted by grandma heck yeah dude heck yeah skate or die bro or should i say skate or light up the room because i'm a skateboard lamb yeah i mean that's the only thing you can really do with those crappy walmart boards i carve curvaceous spoons come and get them while they're in stock boys i know what you're saying cougar why on god's earth would you give the spoons a sexy voice because i can and that's the only reason i do anything i got to stop using the cursed voice wind duct tape it's cheaper than paint your name is cougar and your bumper's taped on yeah yeah i'm not even lying and it's a different color yeah dude yeah just just throw the astro turf all over the cat to look great especially with these brown bronze rims beautiful beautiful did this dude really put like professional racing tires for nascar on a bicycle that's gotta suck to turn how does that even work no crafting scale starts with a cute little turkey hand then you go to five minute crafts and your own business and then it ends up with be macro mamacon you will raise the death for us yes yes yes this is correct totally a louisiana woman is making headlines after she bathed her children in a crawfish tub at least she's not a wish cooking her kids up man hey i've taken a bath in my freaking front yard you think i'm complaining about this one are you tired of losing tv remotes can always find one but not the other well look no further to have all your problems solved for one easy payment of ten dollars i'll drive to your house and hot glue them all together tile trackers sold separately but is an undefeated feature i can't wait to see this on some crappy infomercial in the future swing set in a closet this has a little um creepy vibes like kidnapping creepy vibes but still i kind of like it man all right i don't know what the hell you are doing oh it's pokemon snap that's freaking great that is freaking great over here or it's the game boy camera game i can't remember sagging rope tree when you want to just take all the joy out of the holidays buy this and there's a rubber band ball on top why is there a rubber band ball on top type face mask yeah it might it's gonna hit a lot it's gonna hit a lot when you're gonna take it off you thought you seen it all there take that did the fact that they took the time to break it and or cut it and then align them pretty well is what's the most concerning thing here yeah it's exactly what i want my house a nice wolf chili poured in a bowl made a plastic no just now just now it is a prize inside use the so fast so barbie doesn't drown this happened once to me when i was kid i emptied the soap and i got a toy car like that was a thing in the early 2000s man it's a troll lighter nothing else to say about it's just a troll lighter make anything from cement with these hacks don't make underwear from cement you'll get a yeast infection or something dude or like you'll scrape off your crotch it's not worth it the balloon wraith i found at goodwill what in actual hell why what although imagine that blown up it'd be pretty freaking sweet diy lamb seen on facebook okay i kind of like the fedora one or tribble whatever you want to call it i kind of like that one in the kfc one again i kind of like yeah this one just kind of works dude don't poop on their yard and they made it out of what i'm assuming is broken plates so hey here's the creativity new craft i made last night first time using the jenga blocks and craft sticks i'm pretty happy with it does it need a bow homie i know it's supposed to say home but this works as homie what's up homie take this plaque or also ho me no me want six you know fashion's weird i don't understand fashion and i've walked runways for some people so you're like yeah yeah i don't get it yes i am ready to destroy comet with light suit come at me bro i'm a furby i'm i'm a furby i haunt kids does anyone else remember that crappy early 2000s furby movie on nicktoons dude that still haunts my nightmares smoke detector broke so uh if i hear this bad boy popping in the middle of the night it's starting to leave when you're too broke to avoid a smoke detector a nice 99 bag of popcorn will do you just good but no don't actually do this 18 smart and simple beauty life no no no no no no no no don't do this don't do this don't do this or stick in pokes it's not worth it just pay the 15 to get an ear piercing dude okey-dokey there we're starting off real nice with a hello kitty squishy and a make you fear you snitch and then oh bondage bear alrighty then well uh i know where my 40 is going for valentine's day hey remember a couple of seconds ago when i said furby haunts your nightmares yeah yeah furby haunts my nightmares this is what i wake up to every night my friend made me a ring with my wisdom tooth ew is the correct response or not oh let me just put that on my finger and the fact that like maybe being polite you're like oh thanks it's a ring you can put it on in front of them but then you throw it away but no you're like oh my god it's so fabulous oyster shell fireplace this isn't even like that weird go to florida they make oysters pavement like walkways oyster pavement tiles it's weird man florida's weird monster energy kendall for all you gamer boys out there who need to unleash the beast who want to smell fancy at the same time alright i know a lot of people are going to be like oh this is a waste of water this is so dumb but i live where it's very cold and like we don't have heat in my house right now don't ask it's an open construction site but like my butt's freezing when the water's hitting my front so like this is a perfect solution for me come to bed and will take your soul will take your soul will take your soul come to bed and we'll take your soul wish upon a star i really like the covering of the bed though that's a really nice looking blanket and then you just got this yeah dude a spoiler does make chicago faster but at this point what's the point dude you put a trash can on there come on oh yeah it's made of all-natural baby fetuses it's so trendy i feel like one day fashion's gonna get there and that's the day i i leave this planet okay you got a bunch of cockroaches all right maybe maybe you're an exterminate no no you made it you made extendable lashes from the cockroach's legs jeffrey dahmer jr get off the internet jesus christ for all the rich jeffrey dahmer juniors we've got the rolex skull buy it and weird out your friends and also wonder is this my father's skull i don't care i'm rich people are just objects to me well this is the end of the video you know what that means time to watch another one preferably with rob and zach or david narrating because cougar's cringy and yeah yeah i know i am anyways thank you all so much for watching have a good day and remember stay safe out there everyone world's a little crazy
Channel: EzPz
Views: 60,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, DiWHY
Id: mg0WUthWAR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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