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i love that brilliant duncan move where he looks over to where lewis is and sees the slam through the walls and decides then to go through the teleporter

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/ToTeMVG 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

11:30 Im pretty sure Rythian didnt poon first. Although he did run up behind Ben after Lewis attempted to kill him.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just make an introductory video to modded ttt lewlew

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/archdeco2 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yet another map with mysteries that will never be solved...

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Sightshade 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

The editors love to play with the player bar. I was expecting for a question mark to be placed next to Ben after his experiment.
I was worried that was it for the hole, thankfully they used it more some time later.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/tundrat 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does someone know the map? XD I have a strong itch to actually complete the damn puzzle.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/cazador1403 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

That ending warmed my heart

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/topherlooks 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

In Soviet Russia, shark poon YOU.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/spam-monster 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Harpoon XXXX: Where Shark Harpoons everyone else.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/RandNho 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
wish me luck I didn't get any good science for science Ben hello everybody and welcome back to trouble in terrorist town please do not blow me up during the intro I've joined by Ben and also booth also Duncan Lydia and the spiffing Brendan and Silas obviously also obviously we have detonators if you don't know how this works there was someone who asked me the other day they said I love TTT but I don't understand what's going on I was like how do you not understand what's going on they were like well it's very complicated field except that I haven't because spiffing Britt doesn't know how jesters and detonates people we play with I knew what was going to happen I was just hoping Duncan would read the chat and shoot me instead of detonating sneaky suspicion that Lewis has my detonator barrel outside so there are two traitors what if it was dead already we need to find the other one and kill the both before they kill us there is also a gesture they want to die that is currently special summon special abilities so Decker tried to blow up spiff immediately no no I know but you thought like as soon as you saw that you did blow it there okay so he died really in just public [Music] sitting around waiting for someone to try to arrest booth because I had her detonator it was Duncan Lydia Oh just use my brain Louis worked it out okay now I found a weird power cell oh yeah you might place it in here somewhere hmm yeah Rhydian can I ever heal open this open this hatch okay beeping oh he's got it he's got a free kill gun guys someone just gave me a free kill gun that was not me the free kill gun is a gun where if you kill some with it not technically bad yeah it doesn't count as an audience kills means which is where you kill someone with no reason to do so which often is bad but sometimes you'll get lucky the glossary today I'm likin I wouldn't be able to show this video to people who were like I've never played solitaire at town can I get information but to be fair there's a difference between trouble in terrorist town and and what we play I feel like I've never played before okay just if anyone says it I think editor Balaji that you think someone like my dad might not understand crowbar I'm a little bit with you in some very sorry circuits but I need eat you I'm a zombie - oh god I just realized what I've created brains to zombies up here really an ADD Zyliss being very very quiet so I killed Lydia just being you yeah I killed booth and Duncan zombie write you a check check make sure all the bodies are oh yeah I kept just triple check I can elect it wait where were they because you know to make sure was nothing you didn't see anything no no [Applause] [ __ ] our foods are bad for everyone I want this I don't poo me I'm not pudding I'm not pulling you don't put me idilu' it's neither cam you don't turn tricks okay we'll try to come upstairs treats because if I'm not joining the pantry someone's gonna put me alright oh god you're not if I come upstairs am I gonna get pwned yeah did boof kupuna okay guys I need um I need someone to help me with a science experiment okay periodically bed and I do science test mechanics in the game - laughing oh gosh I was a traitor reading that's left up interest so it's Libya all right science for science so look I found a mysterious hole oh that's probably the fusion core and and look if you push barrels down Oh blow it up and they they disappear well if you go in well that's the science mystery find out Ben okay I just didn't want to do on my own and then ever we'll just be like well Ben died on his own mixture it's not stupid if you say the word science before doing it then it's a rule alive Ben did you survive that Ben so there's a hi chart okay wait so we've got Rhydian left spen did you survive your science doesn't that doesn't mean that we're okay to be fair yeah I mean I'm good oh yeah I'm pretty I'm good yeah yeah I'm confirmed good because I killed booth oh you know who likes play the log game I was so convinced it was Lewis oh my god I broke the Perry's [Music] boy did you just kill us both for Berlin yep this is actually ridiculous use of power this is abuse of fuck-ups Radlett we all know how it works this is clearly a bad frog this is abuse of power it must happen if Silas isn't around check my body after I die okay I'll prove him wrong thank you what killed her okay well check the body Duncan was it oh you're listening check the body Duncan killed by tec-9 right and Vivian drowned over there come on go go Duncan I always been by the way everyone it's been waistband it's not but why would it be burn killed by a tec-9 okay do you have a tec-9 I've got an STG bed go has voted to kill this prick right Duncan vote for Ben please vote for Ben everyone vote Ben Ben Ben [Laughter] chase if anyone's chase could kill them guarantee road spiff by the way guys I should point out that for science and I only died because I fell into like some water that would have saved me but the water was covered in the barrels I'd pushed down his testicles onto the barrels and died instead to the water in living okay so weird this thing oh I keep falling in this [ __ ] sorry sorry it's real bear [ __ ] me it's very nasty alright worried species hiding you can't get to one of potatoes noobs cool stay hey not being protected except veteran members of the Swift squad to protect me the elite pick pick up I listen to vet to your wife Lewis I'm gonna pick you because joyful face rejoice I know that he's a high chance oh wait he's at Ray Lewis climb up to an elevated position as too close to where you just were well I'm looking at Lewis you don't want to trust me you got me God you are up here alright don't come up here I'll defend defend the upstairs from everyone this thing surely has a use Duncan go away stay away stay away Silas I think I found the place for it where is it no I know yeah no I found where Ben is dead mr. president are you okay yes I'm absolutely fine I don't suppose you grab me a nice cup of tea I've got a gift for you mr. president no Louis I was a bad choice yeah what's happening don't know they threw first they all threw first myself sir I don't know sup here our Poots routes appear while we check the bodies okay so much because nice no there's no way Ben ste there are four harpoons head that were thrown up okay don't throw everyone be chewing anything just report it check the streets everyone okay see it's actually impossible to win that round as a gesture I can finally cut through the silence with some was it impossible even if it innocent gets you yeah I was busy trying to cheese the traitor menu try to teleport a trinium how where do you teleport you just jump in there I checked it for science it's all right look follow me yeah it is also a traitor trapped if I remember correctly don't trap me please oh that was cheeky yeah someone shot booth with the railgun almost you Lois I'm on 20 health now and I'm really cold legal kill look at me angry people have gone through the teleporter what's the rating of the teleporter 100% successful so far oh it's safe okay go through the teleporter oh god if you be down here Silas it's safe here okay spit look oh hello over here this is another teleporter yeah yeah safe you can come down where she I'm burning a little bit get in there you get in there first no I'll go after you Duncan what is this alright go but I don't understand do we have to make a bridge out of barrel that was good what's a [ __ ] mess watch other terrorist town we'll see you all next time everybody good
Channel: YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon
Views: 403,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmod ttt, gmod, yogscast, ttt, garry's mod, bluexephos, g mod, garrys mod, trouble in terrorist town, garry's mod game, gmod gameplay, garry's mod ttt, gmod funny moments, g mod ttt, mod ttt, mod, mods, mod game, simon, lewis, gmod online, gmod multiplayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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