RCE ARCHIVE: Motorway Matt is back!!!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello fellow engineers no that's not right is it hello fellow engineers that's better that's better how we doing hey catzy eight two eight zero cheers for the cheeky sub in there drawing the intro you had like some double guitaring going on i imagine hello everyone how you doing what's up knight joe and sibi cheers for the uh moderating there very kind of you i was like oh god i'm gonna have to block someone myself how do i do it how do i do it uh freak me in a sock no i've sworn like five minutes in god damn how many bro what epic wizard cat what dude yeah it's in hell um okay you've broken the stream already we're like two seconds in uh i don't even know where to start on that one mate thank you very much that's probably too generous for me [Music] yeah stop swearing i'm not swearing smarter you're swearing uh blimey okay hey knight jay you've resubbed thank you sir very kind and was unavailable also subbed yep i got it he says now steamed arry freak me hello cheers the sub dude that's super generous and car of ram rod cheers for cheer very kind of damn generous people today thank you very much did you enjoy today's video city skylines it was the double devil milestone or something yeah sorry what's up the chair i knew i said that i was like did i just say sub i'm sure he'll correct me if i'm wrong no cheers to the cheer steamed arrow super super generous um yeah good video today or bit how was it the puna marker now yes i finally made the pun i'm a punny guy uh i'm doing good thank you our names our names um right shall we shall we get into this there's many motorways you've probably all seen this game i'm not gonna explain it too much we're just gonna get in and see what's about i believe in the videos you've probably seen every you might not have seen that actually let's scroll this way you haven't seen that end you haven't seen that end what bernie mcbern hazel heisel what what oh guys you can't keep doing this to me i'm getting old i have a heart it's gonna break 50 no stop stop i can see you doing more stop stop that's too much it's too much level five pipe train by one person enough thank you thank you so much oh i can't do this i can't believe this is too much the game music does just sound like an apple it's just it's not bro too many although actually someone's just redeemed a dead drake and you're saving me so let's keep it going keep it going while i come up with a dead joke um i actually have quite a good dad or is it good i need that joke's good probably not who he's like he's doing like the times tables reverse order times two oh man right bernie you are freaking mental son um a very generous engine they've gifted 69 subs damn that is nice the music is just constant uh please make the strongest shape road in many most ways yeah we can we can possibly do that um let me say thank you to the other guys that sub um so we had oh alex half he gifted a sub that's very kind of you sir delucas hello there how are you doing power hey you've been in several videos now haven't you as a beaver uh should government cheers i swear one just popped up on screen but i didn't it's not in my lit or maybe that was the same person but anyway what's your honest opinion on anime ask a question um i like pokemon never watched a lot of anime i know sacrilege um yeah pokemon's about as anime as i've got in my life i've missed out i know i probably need to do some catching up um right so today i thought shall we give the daily and the weekly bash so what is the daily challenge ah i need i need to say that dad joke as well uh thank you and the zoc thank you both for the subs very kind i'm real electrical engineer cheers gifting a sub that's super kind of e holy crap what a hype train that was mental right um the dad joke is motorway related today um so the police pulled up beside me in my yamaha on the hard shoulder of the motorway today apparently it's not the place to play a keyboard silence just just silence right okay so daily challenge we'll forget that ever happened um what what the hell is a skyscraper in this game uh absolute silence wow chat really hated that cheers chat um don't know what skyscrapers is that'll be interesting unless they're talking about the imacs i'm surprised they have there you go look we we got shrek trekking trek sect he knows he knows a deal i say joke you laugh that's that's the deal we've got isn't it i thought we had a deal i think for the pet paddy by the way sorry i get worse at pronouncing names you thought like more like more names to pronounce i get better at them apparently not but thank you very much for the sub very kind and welcome first time chatters there's loads of you um we're playing so many motorways let's do this daily challenge we start with the motorway and there's imaxes for days [Music] oh i just pressed wrong button i meant to hit play i'm a professional [Music] no car of ram rod cheers for the sub dude and net battler 1 1 or 11 1 1 or 11. it's probably 11. hey it's c top how you doing bro very kind of you to stop by and give a cheeky sub oh and cheers chubby l x x is it oxx is that like roman numerals or is that like something else like looks i don't know it's a i is that roman numeral i'm pretty sure it is it's like 12 oh there you go yes lava triple x you're missing an x i'm freaking out steamed arrow um shot me with another load of bitties l is 50. it's 10. no one knows what it is no x is 10 isn't it yeah l is 50. but it's not that anyway so it doesn't matter it would be 70 though you're quite right uh steamed arrow they bring me cheers for cheer you should watch one piece i'm currently on episode how many um i assume is that an enemy one piece all right i'll i'll write that down and we'll i'll try and check that out right so back in mini motorways haven't you missed it uh we start with a motorway i'm going to use it straight off because my name is motorway matt so there we go i'm even going to born yet because why not boing you got that boy oh look and now it's the strongest shaped motorway and it's spurting cars into a cinema bit weird a bit too weird that matt bit too far i think oh look there's houses everywhere yeah daryl my streams aren't usually like this this is a bit mental but uh we'll take it won't we um yeah i know stream just started and we're straight to the strong shape there's no messing about when i stream mini motorways straight in with a motorway straight in with oh what do i do here i'm gonna go up and around and under there i think oh there's a house right there right next to it oh that's annoying i'll tell you what i'll tell you what look this is like pro skills that i've learned so the way this is like set up can you see there's like an extra road there like that's how long the drive is it's just like one one piece but because it becomes two it means that this is a junction so if we if we pay a little close attention to this car as it approaches you see it slows down it didn't really slow down did it i'm pretty sure it slowed down though that's because that is a junction um cars slow down for junctions but they don't slow down for driveways so if there was like a road going past this house the car would just fly past there no trouble uh so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna go over to there and do well i was gonna do like that because then that's just like a straight through road it's like a bend if you know what i mean um however now we've got this one spawn i can't really do that because we're going to be stuck with junction whatever we do so i'll probably just put that back how it was like that and i've ruined this guy's property because he's now half surrounded by someone's drive uh oh a question do i prefer short or long socks interesting question i guess that depends how short or long are you talking i like making the cars drive further i'm trying to like shake them off um i quite i don't really do like short short socks like those like really small ones but i did actually get some this year for the first time stupidly like when i wear shorts i used to like have normal socks and then sort of roll down the tops so my ankles are out because you've got to get your ankle out for the birds in it but uh um oh bridge or traffic type is there any water about i haven't seen any water as we got a motorway i might just do traffic lights what's happened to me i'm choosing traffic lights i never i never do traffic lights um but yeah if you're talking like super long socks like over the knee like a footballer that's a bit weird on like a normal if you're not playing football that's a little bit weird a little bit weird akilah yeah i've played satisfactory i've streamed it a few times oh we could have streamed that today actually i wasn't sure what i was going to stream today um but i thought i'd go mini motorways who needs socks when you have croc i just want everywhere i hate crocs especially in socks um i don't think there's any water but i can't remember what the map looks like only bridge anyway there's no water anywhere that was a waste that was a waste oh well oh robert beckley was that you speak up brown that was a very cheeky little um love puff there but thank you very much it's much appreciated i think is it i'm not sure um wow wow mr cold hollow cheers for the wow that is appreciated oh god right hang on there's bloody houses going all over the place so i'm gonna do that configuration and do along there a little bit shorter i could go under there but i'm actually planning to rip up this motorway for when i actually need it i only put it in this early for like the bands and my humble opinion on crocs is they're like the architects of the shoe world like but they don't even look good so that's my that's my opinion on crocs rce branded crocs coming soon right this this level's going all right i can see there's a bit of water up in that corner now so i didn't completely waste my tile getting a bridge it will come in handy at some point oh what's it called a a b something all right we're gonna go around this house with that and straight down well actually as you can see actually i might go up there sort of try and hope that some houses some blue houses spawn along that edge has a walker cheers for the sub oh bollocks look it's done this now it's done this now i'm gonna have to go back i'm trying to keep everything as like little driveways rather than junctions to keep traffic moving fast to doing this like three-pound three-pound i've still got robert beckley's smell in my nose three-pronged i meant approach gets rid of all the junctionage um but now we're a bit cocked unless we do that does that work that could still work maybe i don't know uh mr cold hollow gifton the subs thank you very much sir super kind of you uh yes and share x the first time chatter let me know segregation is op you are right segregation is what it's about in this game in this game do not take that out of context uh because if you mix colors you got you got traffic to deal with your flows going different directions and uh it's carnage you don't we don't like that all right this time we're going to pick the traffic lights rather than the bridge because we've already got a bridge now and i i have warmed to traffic lights in the game they do have their uses all right we've got a yellow imax up there it's just imax for days on this one i think that's this is the daily challenge if you've just joined clips oh god damn it's been clipped posted our context bulls damn you guys uh so traffic lights are really good if like say here you can't get away with just having a private driveway uh that's now a junction so you could put traffic lights in and so you can see like this is sort of the main flow because there's only one house up there so most of the time traffic will be going fast along there so that just makes the cars going in that direction sort of ignore that it's a junction so they'll keep going fast and then when this one comes they'll swap around so overall we're saving more time all right yellow round like that why would you go that side now i can't do the thing i was trying to do right so now that's become a junction so we could traffic like that up and try and keep it moving a bit fast this is a bit of a nightmare now so if i move this one to face that way we've got all the cars coming down this way so that should stay green like that orientation most the time i mean we've got three houses coming out super quick most the time and then occasionally when this house goes it goes a little bit slower however i've just realized i can just do that that's way more sensible then they're just yeah and they're just all driveways so i was over engineering that solution oops all sorted now though oh god i can hear paddy sniffing at the door he's shut out but he might burst through at any second by the way very exciting news about addie coming soon um i can't i can't say anything for now but it's going to be good keep your eyes out for the pad meister all right this is a bull lake so now we're sort of a bit cocked in that we're gonna have to mix traffic however i probably can just delete that road bring this down and connect it on to there wait how do i get that house involved and then with these i can literally just take them around oh bit wibbly stop being so wibbly stupid roads so we can do that meaning we're not mixing colors because we don't want to mix colors uh but yeah how do we oh god there's loads of houses i don't know i'll tell you what i think we could sort of do that not ideal but at least it's more cars because we're gonna need some more cars i think that will count as a junction though well that's a good one that's a good one we'll take that let's try and move that out the way a bit boring am i the only one that has silence what do you mean bernie have you have you muted me don't mute me poor me um yeah i guess we'll just do that sort of thing and see if that works that's probably a time to maybe use the motorway properly because it's literally doing nothing down there it would be nice if we can leave the motorway where it was the entire game that would be full on future planning uh it's the end of the week we've got an upgrade and my name is not traffic light map it's motorway map so we are going straight for that i'm gonna pause it quickly i'm going to put some traffic lights am i going to travel lights in or should i just motorway i'll tell you what actually i've got a better idea i got a better idea uh first off i'm gonna say thank you beast mode cd683 uh very kind of you for the sub now we've got houses all the way up there i'm actually gonna delete that we're gonna put this yellow back to where it was yeah so it's sort of straight through up there and then this one we're gonna come around oh we did a bit of a wibble i don't wanna do a wiggle and we wanna come over the top and then we can split that there and take you probably down because i think that cinema because it was there first it's got like sort of like a vintage legacy like it was the first one in the city so if you're like one of these dark blue people you're not gonna be going to the new cinema like it's all fancy going to the new one like but really you want to be going to the classic the original the one that brought the blue cinemas to the town hence we've got four houses connects the bottom one and three connects to the top but i think we're all good what are you doing yellow cars how are they gonna get back they're trapped they're our balls right now we might actually have to use the motorway properly or maybe not we could get away with doing that taking you two down there and then oh god this is getting a bit complicated and then these houses need to go around the back like that yeah that's not too bad that's not too bad and then we'll just connect [Music] this road up to i don't know where to connect them to or do i just motorway sold it we'll just do that we'll do that for now and then see where the other red houses spawn there's going to be are you bastard he bastard i knew that would happen all right we've completely cocked it we've cocked it so what we're gonna have to do is motorway from these over the top so that one will carry on going down as we were um bernie yeah boosh you subbed yourself nice and uh zan sandak zandaka nine tails just a sub you're a three month so you've probably got a fair bit of stubble on your chin at the moment hey cheers danish that's very kind of you yeah welcome to the stream as well i see your first time chatter uh all right what was i gonna do i was gonna motorway from something to something yeah let's delete that road that was just silly silly silly architect nonsense now we're gonna move that motorway over to there and maybe over to there like over the top of everything yeah why not and then we'll connect you in there we don't need traffic lights there we do need an extra house or two though so maybe i do just put this back in as it was and then the traffic lights back in fine i should have just done that straight away oh no no no no no matt no because you haven't connected this one up you idiot we could just use our other motorway do we have another motorway it's still there connect that in but there's really no point we may as well do a road like have i run out of roads no why can't i draw that is it because the motor is still doing stuff here is okay okay okay so i've got i got a new plan a new ish plan sorry if this is all over the place but uh a base where can i put this out the way down there so that will go across down to there this will connect in like that and then one of these houses most likely you will come in down the bottom and connect them there because we've got traffic lights so that's fine so now we've got three going to that one we've got three four going to that one and then we've got four going to this new one although that sort of cocked us a bit why would you spawn there red house you idiot anyway let's just let it sort itself out and then you should be able to see what the hell i've just done oh no isn't what are you doing up there red house i assume that's going to be red i can like i can feel it about to happen i don't know we'll leave it for now will we leave it for now yeah we'll leave now we'll live now i'll be fine it'll be fine uh do you also enjoy building houses in the sims 4. i've i do actually own the sims 4 but i've never sort of played it i i've i dabbled i played it for like an hour maybe if that there's something i want to do they i think i could have some good fun in there oh great what are you doing yellow that's a really terrible spot so we're still getting more yellows down there so i think we're gonna have to use our other motorway i saw i want to wait to see where all the houses go so they're sort of down there i think we'll go from there up to there so where shall we put it exactly if we do that that and then a straight road in we can get away with some houses along there so i think that should do there you go another one in there nice i'm worried about the two reds we haven't connected to the network not entirely sure what to do as the map oh the map is big enough now so i could bring this around it's such a long wavy but uh that's all good and it's the end of another week week four traffic lights or a bridge is there sea on the map i think yeah can you see like in the background there's sort of there's some islands going on so i'm going to do the bridge safety first because something's going to spawn down there for sure yellow you can go in there uh what are you talking about love it zombie baby what are you talking about gotta love a pun very punny right i'm really intrigued as to what color that's going to be i'm hoping maybe the ham or the bread will make a return they're good colors aren't me uh bruno mo i have a real life road question for you what's the most common annoyance that motorists would have that has a legit engineering reason for its existence um traffic i guess not entirely sure that's an interesting question the thing is like with traffic oh it's bloody purple it's purple why all right tell you what let's get a bridge in it i probably should meet away this because it's so far but whatever let's do that and we'll bung traffic lights on oh a bit too far um just because oh yeah maybe roundabouts i don't know anyone that hates roundabouts so i feel like hating roundabouts is sort of like it's a bit of an american thing all right let's quickly get a road in there before we completely cocked yeah like everyone i know well most people i know that drive cars are british obviously and uh we like a roundabout um by the way thank you to eagles 5929 for the sub hey bud how's it how's it going today it's going good it's a little bit chilly today about to put the heating on i know that's when you know it's coming into autumn and floss 697 cheers for the sub very kind of you let's upgrade with a motorway of course because my name is motorway map like there's another option roundabouts with traffic lights yeah so a roundabout with traffic lights isn't really a roundabout it's more like a circular road that makes sense all right let's connect that house in um this seems to be working okay actually like the the two doublers the merged the mixed colors they're doing okay that's a little bit annoying but let's quickly before anything us get some rodent and i'm thinking if we go super wide and give everything a wide berth and i think that will be okay just gotta wait for some yellows to spawn oh that's a lovely spawn thank you mr yellow you read you're up to no good they've got driveways to each other's houses now um i'll do that and i'm going to bring everything that way instead because you're just trying to annoy me game with your stupid spawns but we're doing okay we're doing okay it's 20 degrees in l.a that's like a warm summer's day here i have no idea what temperature it is in the uk actually wait there i i'm pretty sure if i just swap to like something in the background how do i minimize the game isn't there like uh hang on my computer tells me how hot it is i'm not inside not the not the internal temperatures i could just google weather as well that works it's nine degrees in the uk dropping to five at night time what that is in fahrenheit i do not know um but yeah it's cool yeah i did the alt tab i haven't got anything up in the background so it wouldn't it wouldn't work for me all right another light blue that's in a slightly awkward position because now we've got a crossroads there i feel like we need some more traffic lights oh actually look i've got a roundabout i didn't realize that a roundabout that could be useful maybe also someone just run a bloody red light like what is going on with these traffic lights they're just all going all the time they don't give away did anyone else see that anyway motorway right keep an eye on this junction oh actually he stopped ah although they just did you see that they just went through each other um right pause it quickly we've got a light blue situation so we're gonna go along here oh god and straight into there i left a gap in the road for some reason there's no engineering reason to have a gap in the road i'll tell you that oh really game give me a break put one in there put one in there go on go on game are you not up there you what oh god all right so we'll go over there you can go that way and we'll do that oh what are these spawns they're just trying to annoy me i can probably bring you that way now we got mega junction going on oh what is this game what are you doing to me okay i think we'll do that oh no right in the middle okay we got two motorways though so it's not all bad we can bring this guy down here and look there's he's joined by a friend this could be like a new little blue thing so we can dark blue with a motorway up to what was going to that so we could say from there up to there and then delete those potentially i don't know how many are going to spawn up there there's only two i can't really do that oh god i think there's only two oh they're all spawning over there now all right yeah we're gonna have to put those back in products and then we'll just say you two i know they're all i don't know oh we got we got blues over there [Music] well that's less than ideal that's really less than ideal um could we motorway two houses isn't enough really i don't know we're gonna have to try and go over there and just hope that more houses spawn oh right so with our bridge i think we'll put some of these yellows over yeah cuz i could i think i can rip up motorway 2. i run our road times um well that's less than ideal i'm out of road tiles what the hell am i gonna do now where's my mouse gone there it is yeah i see bottom right i was gonna bridge across there and then rip up that motorway and connect these like that way but we're out of road tiles i could i guess rip up that we're gonna we're gonna lose we're gonna lose badly if i rip up that and motorway 2 then the trouble is i have to wait for all the journeys to finish now there's dark blue down there as well all right just give me road tiles and motorway this is a waiting game now oh god and there's yellow in there as well oh dear all right we've got a motorway we've got our motorway right so from this one we're going to motorway up to these and then i'll do actually could we just bring these yellows along that motorway if we move it up a bit if we move that to there yeah let's dig that one up and i might i might do a roundabout one so we do that we do that those go straight up and then these yellows come down there and then we can have an arm that comes off i'm out of road tiles i'm out of road tiles already uh where can i lose some road tiles balls maybe i don't need to connect to you that's one to connect you up uh i really need to sort that one out as well i just need that car as it comes back i can no you dick someone moved into where i was going to put my bridge oh what a architect oh i was literally i was gonna go straight across there what a bell anyway that's not that's not too bad we can just connect all of this in we're good we're good everything's connected oh god this is a mess now an absolute mess but i think we've saved there we haven't connected that one up yet we do have enough road tiles to do that so that's sorted hopefully we need to connect some more yellows in our god week seven bridge or roundabout uh bridge i guess i don't really know um we need to take a couple of houses down to there as well oh man this is stress oh god there's a dark blue at the bottom there's a dark blue at the bottom oh dear i should have done a roundabout really because that would have oh i got loads of motorways i've got two motorways why did no one tell me hey skippy mctwist cheers the cheer never thought by myself humming the poly bridge theme multiple times a day until i found your channel it's a good song in it it is a good tune all right this one up here is dying so i'm going to bring an extra yellow over that way and as i've got some road tiles back i might bring these ones that way oh so there's a couple of houses going left most of them are going right yeah we got three goings there so that's a bit better this one down the bottom we're going to motorway to [Music] there because there's loads of houses there not doing anything there you can see all the cars leaving the garage now um i really just want to destroy that tree i don't know why it's like triggering me i did it i did it i'm a bad person i killed trees yeah we can now connect these reds up a little bit there's probably too many reds there now but i think somehow i've winged it a little bit and we're back to normal-ish times cool ish i've actually i actually fixed that i don't know how i did that guys but i'm not going to complain oh yeah we got some light blues to sort out so we can honk you in we can plonk you in we've got one motorway left as well for emergencies there's a lot of red houses up there i don't like the look of that there's a yellow there we can connect you in oh okay we're sorted there's probably a better place to put traffic lights as well if i delete that one can i bung them i don't know maybe they're maybe there i'm trying to look at journeys that are quite long maybe that one yeah that looks quite slow down there yeah dark blue bottom left oh god uh oh god all right connect you in so that's another house oh they don't go anywhere hmm i think my plan was or my intention anyway was to like do that sort of thing and then where did i just put those traffic lights they're useless there we'll put them there and i'll probably do that sort of thing so it's just like a t-junction now like a three arm junction not too many junctions uh oh some questions will you play the next destiny 2 dlc called the witch queen um probably not i haven't played destiny in ages i used to really like it you split with my mates loads uh i haven't played it in a while though there's a question oh there's a load of questions sorry let's go back so bernie who would win in a fight between a grilled cheese sandwich and a taco well that's obviously grilled cheese because tacos have like no structurability to them they're like so brittle i don't understand how people eat brittles eat brittles eat tacos they do just bite them and then it just disintegrates i don't know i feel like us brits we need to learn the taco ways a soft taco oh i could get down with a soft tacky next question my girlfriend's neighborhood has a roundabout that connects only two roads a roundabout that connects only two roads is there a reason for it not just being a normal turn um probably they're like future proofing they're planning like another arm going somewhere that's usually the case uh otherwise that's that's a bit strange here someone's sausage is being cooked in chat that's good to me and a question from powerfly any progress on the pronunciation pronunciation or pronunciation people get annoyed how you pronounce pronunciation pronunciation um that big austrian word well cattle off was that good i did that as fast i could see a cocoon i i think i did i think i did good right so dark blue carnage we need more cars going to there how do we do that we need to get that one up to the roundabout oh we've run out road tiles i'll tell you what i think we can get away with [Music] oh no we can't we need all right let's delete that and delete that that's two more row tiles we can connect you in and then move you guys over to there i'm just going to leave that there sorry right oh look red's reds oh that was quite stressful yeah rc if you won a billion dollars what would you spend it on that's a lot of money um i probably i don't know it's a bit sad i'll probably give quite a lot of it away i think that's like too much money for anyone to have uh so who though i don't know i probably make people do like like entertain me yeah i'd hold a talent show the new x factor but it's actually the map factor and the winner gets half a billion or something i don't know squid game yeah there you go but it's squib game not d it's a b at the end uh week eight bridge or traffic lights i'm gonna go traffic lights i feel like they might be useful soon i'm gonna press pause quickly um we've got a motorway and there's a lot there's a lot going on down here i'm thinking about splitting up the mixing of colors that i did up here so where we've got like the yellows and the dark blues i could do two separate motorways is that wise though that is the question uh and the reds at the top that's what happened before we got the upgrade we're to do that we're going to go very symmetrical look at this actually do i want to do that symmetrical means junction i guess we can traffic light it but is there any point i'm gonna save my traffic lights all right let's just keep an eye on this dark blue one i think it needs some more houses i'll tell you what i can sort of see down there we can bring this red around and then dark blue up to there you go that way sorted i made that one a little bit more efficient hopefully oh god the red car that red car just went into a blue house did you see that cheeky bugger right we got our first timer although it's disappeared almost instantly which is good i'm trying to see where dark blues aren't doing anything these ones have barely left so i'm wondering perhaps rather than that road there perhaps we could go over that way and then yeah can you see they're all leaving now they're gonna head over to there although why have they stopped i think that needs traffic lights or at least a new layout right good i think that's good i think we're sorted oh and another dark blue up there right light blue light blue emergency we're gonna have to use a motorway for that i'm pretty sure all though we could actually squeeze a road if we have enough tiles along like that there's a lot down here not connected i'll connect them up and we'll see how long that one lasts also we've just got that which is pretty nice europe you're a dick me why why why would you spawn there uh i tell you what actually can i i think i can get rid of these traffic lights and sort of split this up a bit more cleverly so if we do that so now they're going down there oh we're out of road tiles we have to wait damn road tiles man see what i might just nick some of those for now they're not doing anything just to fix this because this is pretty urgent down here all right so we've got driveway driveway drive rate so that's four yellows going to there and then if i do that we've connected these with a lot less conflict if you know what i mean like that should be quicker oh god there's a red in there now why game why ah right we don't have the road tiles to get to that at all thankfully it's nearly the end of the week yeah it's sunday why can't i delete that road there you go um so we're just going to wait for the end of the week i think ugh that's not a motorway although 30 row tiles yes please all right now we press pause and we can sort of save ourselves in terms of red because we can take you around that way all the way around these and sort of tie you in there and in fact we'll go down close to that so that's not a junction with that house i'll do that i don't know how many to leave connect i think there's loads connected we can probably do that for now uh kamikaze pop cheers are gifting a sub that's very kind of you oh and did i did i miss a cheeky cheer from chibi robo42 let me go have a look how long ago was that three minutes ago yes i did cheers for the cheer very kind view sorry i missed it the stare of the profile pic feels really good look into my eyes look into my eyes oh no someone's lost their sausage in chat um oh god look at the purple carnage there perhaps they need it's this junction i don't know what else i can do about that apart from motorway up to them but then we're still going to have a junction at some point but yeah that purple not good all right we can do that we do that i feel like we're definitely coming to the end there's starting to be a lot of things building up and a lot of traffic about i'm gonna move you up because i think we need more yellows down here i need to get that one involved really but i can't i could i got 16 road tiles i'm going to save them for emergencies i think i've still got a motorway to use to be fair hey who was that are you not own up epic wizard you cheeky father i don't know i have that there right is that gonna fix itself or not do i need to do emergency motorway because i could motorway to that side to get rid of the conflict yeah that is absolutely mental in there what is the dark blue doing and down here as well you stupid blues there's also yellow down the bottom which isn't ideal uh oh god right okay let's have a think let's have a think i'm going to first off connect you up second off i'm going to motorway from there oh who do i do i could either do the purples or the yellows what do you reckon chat purples or yellows do i have adhd no i i do get very distracted all the time though oh maybe i do move the roundabout both purple but everyone's saying purple right okay i think then we'll motorway like that sort of dig up all of that get rid of the traffic lights yes they're all connected they should go much quicker up to there and then yellows should go that side so they're split up so that should be fine as down there is fine i'm gonna add more yellows up to the top to try and sort that one out we really need some more yellows connected i don't know where the yellows are we got another motorway that could save us that could save us indeed so let's click that and then try and work out how we can get more yellows down here i'm sort of thinking if we go from there just up to like that side and connect in like all of those that will be okay can i connect in that one i don't know i'll leave that i won't connect too many um but what i might do i might take these guys through there and put a traffic light on there right are we gonna fix this i could delete that road in between as well which i might have to i don't know is purple being fixed oh god purple is not looking great at all i don't think there's anything more i can do with purple that's all the purple how oh god bottom [Music] come on yellows oh it's going to end it's going to end there's no there's no cars coming in where are the cars where are the cars if i delete that will that help things oh i think we just about saved it we've just about saved it um holy crap i missed that valar hodoris gave five subs out that's super generous dude thank you so much uh sorry i missed that i was i was in the middle of carnage oh god we got light blues there oh no um and lagamoaf gifted a sub very kind of you sir cheers very much all right let's do right where where are the the houses where are they coming from you can go down that's three going that way i tell you what i might just delete that and then these guys can go to there and then these ones can go to there if that makes sense i don't know if that's going to be enough though is the only thing oh i do want to get that house involved somehow but look how slow it is when i connect it this is traffic like that have i saved it oh no there's dark blue down the bottom as well balls um all right we got some we got dark blue house there oh it's just it's a single house it's not enough it's not enough i don't even know how i can get any of these around maybe through there holy crap cam in the cub um cheers for the just ray dude what have you guys been streaming you're just in time to uh watch me absolutely get annihilated by this game hello welcome everyone this is mini motorways if you haven't seen it before it's a crazy traffic game that's stressing me out big time that blue one's dead you've just arrived for game over how long have we been streaming an hour and 10 minutes um 2600 that's probably not great shall we go have a look in the uh poop scoop i was proper like raving with my hands in the air then bit weird oh no i've just i just hit retry i don't want to retray i want to go to the main menu and see where we ranked um but yeah sorry raiders that's that's not the best thing to join in on is it we'll do another round though do not worry oh 137 that's all right i think like i wasn't as good as bootsy by i beat a pickle test super pickle so uh not bad not bad i don't know how many people actually do these sorts of things now what's the top score eighteen thousand that's up that's too many um shall we have a bash at the weekly uh oh no mini no toys there's no motorways motorway matt can't do this can he um and there's double the number of traffic lights and houses and destinations can appear anywhere so it's going to be utter carnage yeah my name's notaway matt now should i change the scree i'm going to change the thing to um not most way matters back but note away matt is back it's updating right let's let's get into this one start a new city yes yes so we're in rio brazil uh and that's the old perks so we got a house down there um there's they're not imaxes anymore they're just normal supermarkets to start with i don't even know who i'm watching anymore now that's absolutely terrible spawn cheers game so now we've got a junction in there so they're going to go slowly through that although actually you went pretty quick is he going to slow down oh maybe not i'm not sure about that then are you a real silver engineer i was this is now my job can you believe that yeah i did it for nine years nine slow painful cold freezing depressing yes no i quite enjoyed it it was all right paid the bills done it um okay this is a disaster we're gonna connect you up there and over there we got traffic there's no segregation going on in this we are fully integrated uh what's your favorite part of being a civil engineer probably um seeing like stuff you've worked on actually built and then telling like your girlfriend who really doesn't care like look you see that sign over there i designed that she's like oh not again you see can you see that over there that that safety barrier i design that i think it's like interesting like the first like few times you hear that but after like about 300 of them uh it creates a little bit i think um there's no way i was just wondering can i get around anything but there's bloody there's hills in the way we are properly in a valley i'll tell you what i might even fast forward this as we're at the start so week one a bridge or a roundabout i don't see any water so we're going for around oh god there's water down there bollocks bollocks you can use oh i have a tunnel we could segregate i have a tunnel i missed that i think we'll leave it for now there's no traffic issues going on it's all good oh that was quite close together i think we'll go around with you and up to there lovely jobby the brioche is satisfied civil engineers are real engineers um i think i beg to differ i think you're just trying to be horrible to me right i'll tell you what can i get away with just doing that that would be lovely if it worked but i know it's not going to oh my goodness why okay that's good that's oh no we can't go around yet the level's not big enough so if you see down there that like hatched area we can't go through that yet oh and i nearly missed an upgrade don't hold right click when you get to the end of the week because sometimes you can miss this um bridge or tunnel i'm gonna go tunnel i'm not scared of the water yet it could be my downfall but i'm just gonna wait for this to expand come on game come on there's no way intended yes because there's no motorways on this level i know it's disgusting i literally just had to split [Music] i'm glad that someone spotted that like nice one who was that not the fastest spoop yeah no motorways allowed in this level oh yellow up the top i'm still waiting for this one to expand oh look yellows oh bloody mouse i'll tell you what i'm actually gonna go around that house just in case i decide to connect him up yay and we can go around with you as well lovely it's the end of another week traffic lights or a bridge now i think it's time to go bridge i'm scared of the water and it gives me the option to like go around there as well rather than use a tunnel oh we've got yellow down there so as we've got loads of yellow edge going on we're gonna i kind of want to go straight through i'm going to go straight through because it's a much bigger shortcut oh and the map won't let me go around yet so yeah that's what we've done we've done it we've committed this one i don't know what to do with the oh now i do now i do indeed so we'll rip you up and you go that way make you go that way it would be nice to get you involved somehow oh you hats they're all spawning in the wrong place now oh god they're all spawning down there uh okay how can we get that i need to get another one down to there really we're after it oh god i right clicked at the end of the week again stop doing that [Music] uh living in the uk and scared of the water yeah i live in constant fear although to be fair like most countries are islands if you if you look far enough um tunnel roundabout we'll go tunnel and then we'll think about i'll tell you what ah shall we i don't know i'm thinking about doing that sort of thing and then taking the yellows over the top oh god i don't like doing jiggly roads they're all jiggly nothing worse than a jiggly road so up there that's all good should i get rid of the jiggle i'm gonna leave the jiggle and then we can actually come down there now if we wanted to take the purples around do you want to take the purples around i don't know i don't think so no oh yes we do now definitely because oh maybe we don't because we got you that's useful i'm not used to the game being like quite generous sometimes there you go that imax now is absolutely sorted oh look this game is being weird i don't like this actually it put a red way over there that's more like the game that i know matt do you love us yes i love you i love all of you even the architect ones oh bottom purple's no long connected good spot i'd miss that roundabout or traffic let's get some traffic lights involved right so how do we want to do this i'm thinking we do another tunnel like a parallel tunnel maybe i was there and then we can bring that one up oh god so i don't think we need you connected so that's three for that one which isn't really enough i'm gonna do that so that one's sorted and then i've got like three spare houses like the purples which i don't really know what to do with maybe i should like bagsy that area just in case i want to go i have loads of tunnels i don't know i got two tunnels yeah i'll leave that like that for now just in case for emergencies uh and then down there we'll bring the green down and in like that and then you mr house [Music] if you even need to be connected you need to be connected yeah probably should just in case we'll do that that green can go in there uh we need a green up top so we're doing that sort of thing right back on track i think maybe potentially oh god reds oh loads of reds yeah it's just what do you do with these purples i don't know anywhere that needs them yet green shop where's the green shop are you just behind i think you guys are just slightly behind me i think i've sorted it i've sorted it now we've got some green over there oh god there's loads of green up here it's because there's an imax down there which we need more green edge too so do we go oh god do we go like around that this is gonna be quite a long route and then i don't want to use another tunnel oh bernie i missed a chair sorry sorry sir where was that you put a little is that a corgi nice cheers for corgi and cheers for the cheer very kind of you uh proposed do i like cheese yes i like cheese nothing more to say about the mata just i like cheese um yeah so many greens i don't know what to do with them at the moment oh that was pretty useful cheers game oh god this game's pretty stressful on like full speed right tunnel because i don't oh no i probably should have done bridge oh we do have two we got two bridges anyway sorry i was going to blank them up but that's like i don't like i don't do that method feels like it's cheating all right we're doing a coastal road for this little red dude and if we come a bit closer and that's a drive another green down there connect you in do that sort of thing nice things are going quite well matt keep up the great videos cheers amara lovrana very kind of oh god we got yellows we have yellows um do we go up oh god hang on i don't know where to go we're gonna have to put crossroads in i think we have traffic lights though i believe so if we go just straight down maybe just connect these two guys in and then we'll can i pin that was it lock there you go and then we'll traffic light there and that should be good yeah we got we got so many greens what's with all the greens man uh let's add another tunnel i'm sort of thinking we're gonna have we're probably gonna have to green like down into this dual one but i don't know i don't know what's going on i've just connected a green and a purple together i hope they get along you wouldn't think so you know we have to see oh god i don't like where this is going there are greens and purples all over the shop right that was a silly idea i've i'm gonna actually get rid of that one come down there with these blues and then this purple we're gonna bring him up like that so we've still got two connected to that one but everything else is okay i think i hope no one spots my username mcarchitecture disgusting mods ban him bad him now oh god look we've got an imax that's why there's greens everywhere so i think you have to come down mr green and then can we fit a road or we can fit a road there oh i thought i missed the end of the thing i thought i'd miss i thought i missed the end stomp you you're going to be sick don't be sick a bridge or roundabout maybe it's roundabout time roundabout matt and then perhaps we could i don't even know where i could even fit around about let alone use one i do oh if i can get rid of those yellows because there's one there now bring them that way that's kind of cool because then i can bring the greens down to there right then if i need to bring more greens down i can do another tunnel like from there maybe uh that's now an imax that's not good this level's a mess it's like all over the place it's so multi-colored i did that to try and make that a driveway do i want to connect this up sod it why not why not matt i heard a cheeky cheer epic wizard cat next city skylines video you need to make a dam of sewage and call it the pooper damn i love it did you like my poonama canal or was it no i think that's what i called it in the first one it was the punami that was my new pun my pun of the day number thing for the chair very kind of you and osquito pet the pad i will pet him when i'm done here do not worry because he's not in the room at the moment he's downstairs i heard him bark a little while ago have we got firework night soon is that this weekend it's like a british thing i think it's not really american thing um guy fawkes night if you remember him from school he tried to blow up parliament which one like when you're a kid you're sort of taught like he was like this evil man but then i feel like as you get older you sort of get a bit more bitter and twisted you know like bloody politicians like i can see why guy fawkes wanted to blow them up now or maybe not maybe not that extreme but um yeah guy fawkes night so firework night um a bit scared about the padster because he's only a little dog um loud noises isn't it so be interesting to see how it goes because i live in like a bit of a city as well so lots of houses about uh lots of potential fire workage uh bridge or roundabout let's go with a bridge we've got so many of everything we've got 84 road tiles uh yellows are a bit cocked at the moment i might bring you down oh god you just turned into green we destroyed a tree as well sorry tree bring you down there are there any more yellows i guess that one we could try and move over to there somehow well there's really not very many places to go how can i get a yellow through there without cocking everything i tell you what i can disconnect that connect you up that direction yeah that's just that's the stuff so we do that do that and then we can either go oh god okay bridge like that then we can even connect that one up as there's high demand over this area we need to do the light blues at the top i'm probably going to do that for now temporary measures any more greens to connect in there is an imax there they seem to be creeping okay though the old imaxes you can do that just to save a tile oh god blue so i think with that blue maybe we'll go around and connect you in there and that one goes back down again into the imax oh this is stressful this is getting this is getting to me uh week 10 bridge or la tunnel i reckon we will eenie meenie miney moe catch an architect by its too if it bites let it go eeny meeny miny moe we're going with the bridge we got loads of bridges i'm going with the tunnel screw the rhyme screw the rhyme all right is it time oh god there's whoa there's like carnage everywhere we need to get some yellows to the imax so i'm thinking if i can move this road over no i can't do that because that's the entrance if i can move this road over like that then we've made space for this yellow to go around and connect in there so that's one more and then we can even extend it by bringing that one in and even these two in by going down there and we can traffic light that up shits and giggles and then this yellow you can go around there is anyone following what i'm doing because i'm not uh green's absolute right i think that's sort of okay like nothing's building up at all we're on like two or three little blobs if that uh we could we could get rid of that but it's the end of week 11. nope not following this i didn't think so i'm keeping it at fast speed yeah tunnel or traffic lights that's crap should i get another no let's do traffic lights we can traffic light up like everywhere so that needs one uh over there probably needs one does it yeah it is a junction to be fair so plonk one there all right down the bottom that is a junction we'll do that uh oh god that was quite a lucky spawn i completely missed that we could bring some reds up from down there we probably need to get let's get these blues involved and then these reds i don't know you should go red from the bottom or red from the top thinking like super long bridge super long windy bridge oh god yep that's what it looks like now that's what happens cheers i've got it [Music] i worked it out somehow i nearly missed it it is a squiggly bridge but i think i think it suits i think it's good [Music] right all sorts of yellow carnage over here whoa week 12 mental thanks ocd was kidding me this city is insane it's like so multi-colored i quite like it though it looks like the dark version of the strongest sheep i'm glad that that's your first time chatting good good introduction to the chat welcome tingle um traffic lights or roundup i haven't used any roundabouts yet sold it traffic lights traffic lights for days oh we got purple carnage how did that happen uh i'm not entirely sure actually it's because it's an imax and there's only two houses connected yeah okay so first things first how can we get purple into there there's not a lot of purple anywhere ah oh god my brain i'm trying to work out like roots and stuff we still got these three purples doing nothing can we like tunnel them to the we could go [Music] i don't know i really don't know what to do here i feel like we may as well oh god not a tunnel as well we may as well do that so at least there's more down there and then do we disconnect one of the yellows i think it needs all the yellows it can get oh there's loads connects actually okay so we could just delete that and do like that that's one more house and then perhaps we could come through there if we oh god yeah okay okay so if we get rid of that road and then delete that road connect in around there to connect those guys back up so that was connecting basically that yellow and that yellow probably overkill but it is what it is uh purples then they will come down this way like that so now we've got all the purples coming along this road along the bottom and we go straight through this mountain oh god a bit of a wiggle into there um and then probably traffic like that that was mental i think i thought did they does anyone know what i did there no no me just keep nodding and smiling nodding and smiling oh god okay we got red up there so we just need to connect these reds in so quite an easy fix i think that's going down now somehow i actually fix that problem can you believe that maybe these two greens we could tunnel them around so i'm thinking we go how far around do we want to go you want to go onto that road so i think we need to wait for the map to expand really so we can get around that house yeah week 13 let's grab a bridge right we got blue god blue sorry do another wiggly bridge so we'll do from down here all of these ones up to that then we can do that one if we go around like that there traffic lights there sorted i think uh so jack cheers for the sub that's very kind of you and also thank for the pet paddy random person watching 69. nice name oh can i disconnect that house to meet the traffic lights a bit simpler yeah i think that's i think that's a thing i just did uh okay there's purple it's a bit messy again perhaps we can if we get rid of that tunnel yeah we can just do that that's another house connected to the purples no we still can't go around there it's not the map expanded maybe we can't do that i'm sort of think can i get a roundabout in anywhere down there that's not ideal now it's in the wrong place it's in the wrong place oh i'll tell you what though i've just worked something out let's grab a tunnels i think if we were to bring these reds it's a bit of a longer route but i think it'll be okay if we bring the reds up and around through a tunnel then we can bring oh no we can't well then we just have like a crossroads which is what we wanted sort of so we put traffic lights there and then the greens and the purple can come i see well actually if we get rid of that and we go around everything so we go that way hang on hang on i want to go all the way through that so although it sticks to the edge it's like the weirdest tunnel ever it looks like it has no purpose but it does because then i can bring that one that way and then off along sorry trees along there can i fit around about in i can't fit around about now sweet so we do the yellows onto a separate arm that's purples and greens let's see what purples and greens you come that way does that make sense i think it makes sense i know what i'm talking about and that's like one of the main things isn't it so i think that's better maybe oh god these traffic lights are not good either is that purple connected to anything or can i bring it down yeah it's not so i'm gonna bring you down as well make that junction even more complicated yeah traffic lights do work finally when this game first came out the traffic lights literally did nothing like they just made things worse but the devs fair placement they fixed it all right so i'm loving these bridges they're so squiggly uh blues into that this is so mental all right traffic lights i noticed that junction's a bit slow and that one anywhere else you see a lot of traffic i don't know now grab some tunnels why not any slow traffic anywhere don't know all right connect you in connect you and we could probably do traffic lights on the entrance to that we could even sort of simplify this bring a load of those that way so at least like because we got traffic there but we got the traffic lights like hosting things a bit so like split it up oh god purple down the bottom ah and a sub let me just hit pause marshmallow magic cheers i'm normally at work during your streams but happy three months awesome cheers glad you could join me you weren't working and pco anne the co-end thirteen cheers what's up very kind of you i think we might be dead though unless can i get these three purples into there i think we could just we might just have to cut across where is the the entrance is over there so if we oh god if we do that and then that and then that we've only got one traffic light we'll see if that's any better i don't think it's gonna work though they're all leaving it's just how quickly can they get there god week 16 traffic lights right let's just pause and traffic light all these dodgy junctions up um let's hold on to those two all right over here mental can we fix that too oh god look at the timers everywhere there's so many timers let's get some yellows in there let's get a oh god i don't even know what i'm doing i'm just looking at mental is there a way to fix this or should i just let it i'll just let it be i think we just need to let it be some things are meant to be saved there we go the yellow town the bottom went that's not too bad though 4 000 points with no motorways [Music] yes [Music] i have all new respect for electrical engineers yes cheers for that very kind of you all right let's go have a look how did we rank 89th oh if we only did 20 places better how how was the old [Music] oh tell you what a few more points i would have gone i would have gone up a little bit nice what's the top of it looking like oh look at the top score double 69s 16 000. i don't even understand how that's possible but i'll take an 89th that ain't bad like for me it's bloody incredible yeah cheers sir bob of hamilton cheers for first time chat as well yeah that's uh i'll take that i'm happy right oh we got we got a question what is your favorite type of engineer a civil engineer obviously oh god i demand my paddy pets now i'll go give him a pet now because this is the end of the stream i'm sorry guys that is the end i got a dog to go pet [Music] great timing oh god um shall we raid someone they shall we see who is about um do you any games you sort of want to see someone playing i got [Music] i don't know sure i see if anyone's playing mini motorways probably not i feel like the trend has gone no it's basically just me and some people aren't really english any games you want to see or any any suggestions you want to see me play satisfactory well i'll tell you what i am kibbetz is streaming satisfactory we go give him a shout [Music] should we do that let me just grab his username uh holy crap he's got a lot of um a lot of viewers at the moment let's give him a load more [Music] right so [Music] we are reading i'm quebec right cheers guys peace love and most well peace love and note always um go and read kibbutz and give them uh i don't know say something engineering cheers guys take it easy i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 9,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: ZguOlQib6zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 15sec (6735 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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