RCE ARCHIVE: Buying the entire map in Becastled!

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[Music] so [Music] hello fellow engineers how's everyone doing we good it's a big castle kind of day first the castle video and then he said video then video uh now a castle stream i've like i've been wanting to play i sort of i've recorded that like maybe last week the video and i was like i really just want to like see if i can well finish the game firstly i feel like it's got too easy a little bit too easy but hey relaxer although you always say i say i pronounce your name wrong but uh thanks for the sub it's very kind of you on a three month streak nice uh will there be a ksp video anytime soon yes michael has the footage he is turning that footage into a masterpiece of course um but yeah and speaking of pronunciations trebuchet apparently i've been saying it wrong i did actually read a comment in the last video uh i was pronouncing it wrong i completely forgot when i recorded this new one um and i i think i said it about 59 times but uh yeah why stop now it's trebuchet so if that annoys you apologies but that's how i'm gonna say it because i can't be asked to learn new words but anyway let's load let's load up uh obviously i've called this save pile fish nado and i assume you guys saw fish nato t-shirt uh it's only available for two weeks but uh right we're on day 24 and the game duration is unlimited so it could never finish but i at least want to try and buy all the plots i'm loving dwarf romantic yeah dark formatic's fun i don't know if i'm gonna do any more videos i might stream it again i feel like i've sort of there's only so much you can do but it did it did do very well like people loved it and uh yeah to be hon to be fair this game not as much love no not didn't do as well the video a little bit disappointing but uh hey yo so yeah game does well and i decided to stream it i will force it down your neck oh god what look at this oh that's my arches yeah i remember so as i left last time i sent all my archers outside look how many pikes man i have that is mad uh but yeah very organized as well good spot can you play islanders yes islanders is on my list do not worry i i have heard it's very similar to dwarf so i thought i'd probably give that a go next right i am on a time limit what are we on one minute 20 and they're attacking from down there okay it looks like i'm pretty much ready to go to be honest i feel like i can't lose i might regret regret all that should i i'm gonna try and get my archers on the walls actually yeah i got there but i feel like it's got a bit too easy a little bit too easy oh what's that [Music] oh elbweb yeah he supplied hippo very cheeky asking for a gift so we got one uh very kind of cheers cheers all right do you think i should should i like should i set these i'll put like the swordsman like over here i kind of want to defend this i don't want to keep losing my stuff a pikes man over here yeah so okay i i will explain how this game works as well oh that's the swordsman you idiot x-men you go yeah right so if you haven't seen this game before this is a time note to when day finishes we have 10 seconds when day finishes can you see the green area in the middle they're pointing at these blue things look what happens as the timer goes down ready the blue blobs have turned into an attack on oh there's loads of them there's actually loads of them uh might regret this formation [Music] i know we've just subscribed himself oh no no just just attack your knobs right ideally actually this is i'm playing this pretty badly i should if i'm honest grab everyone come back here [Music] so i'm not retreating i'm not retreating [Music] i'm just getting in range of my arches and meanwhile i'll thank everyone for the subs so web change for prime which can be an up su 01 choose the prime very very kind of you ah quick there's bloody ladders over it oh they've got they got arched it was fine it was fine i got a bit worried then half of you take out these people we lost some people though that's not good elbow gifting sub very generous of you see the train dude oh good good not good god i meant to see there's archers the only thing with this game your people are a bit stupid they sort of stay in archer range and get uh get sniped in the face not the best arctic tacos love that name hey cheers what's up subscribe for three months cool that's very kind of you so yeah we survived the night and now our timer is reset it's at nine i think it's like nine minutes twenty it's very random amount yeah we've essentially got nine minutes to prepare for the next attack which is what way is that arrow pointing oh it's over there yes we see over here blue fluid stuff oh god do i really have to read that nickname out uh oh it's just pie hi you subscribed with prime thank you very much it's very kind of you right i'm gonna grab all these dudes and send them over here ready to defend the next night so they're quite spread out i might bung them sort of i'm gonna lose a lot of huts here but i do i need my archers that's the only thing so i'm gonna shove i'm gonna shove them i'm gonna shove them back here no i will shove them there like in the in the grass in the grassy area and i'll grab all my arches using this button and then you can see that all the green blobs that's where they're going to end up so i'll left click and then they should all come over oh god i cannot keep up with the subs the hype train is blowing in full fashion i'm converted a prime gaming sub to a tier one sub thank you very much that's very kind of you and little brown you subscribed with prime subta must bribe nice right you can see your may or my army movie the archers are just staying on the wall that's pretty clever oh no they've stopped that's not clever keep going that's not where i told you to go i tried to go like over here why have you stopped right archers i told you to go here didn't i okay they're moving again now they're moving i think they've clogged up i think there's like there's something not quite right i'm going to keep clicking till they go almond cheers very much for the chat that's very kind of you bloody archers look at them what are you doing uh i didn't answer your question sorry i'm uh i was getting a bit involved in the game there now i've just noticed like everything's clogged up but uh let me just buy some stuff i'm gonna buy some more plots because that's the aim of this so buy that buy that i'll just keep buying stuff just give me some okay we've run out of wood okay right where were we are you eligible for being a twitch partner no i'm not i haven't streamed enough i've got the views and stuff but i haven't streamed enough and the actual question that someone asked where was it when did you start despising architects so much uh when i had to work with them they're um the ones i've worked with no beds in a word and they're not all bad my girlfriend's sister and husband they are both architects and that probably fuels my uh my hatred ah not really they're lovely people they're lovely yeah right i think this is why i sort of sent my archers like over here because i feel like they can get out there yeah that seems to allow them to move they just get a bit confused sort of getting on the walls so i'm gonna wait for them all to line up down there maybe i should just shove them like on this yeah i'm gonna shove them there actually your girlfriend's husband did i did i miss the word sister oops my girlfriend's sister's husband my girlfriend does not have a husband can you imagine uh right so what i was doing last time i was buying all the plots and i was sort of because it takes it only takes wood to buy plots actually wood is flying up do not innuendo that people for wood it doesn't take it's really weird so all these other ones it tells you how much you create like per minute you can see food 85 a minute stone 120 a minute sunstone a thousand a minute [Music] but a wood nothing holy in a sock damn uh so first sushimi subscribed for two months with prime thank you very much it's very kind of you and then um damn armon that's nuts gifted 10 subs that's crazy man thank you so much so generous of you oh and the reader didn't get do you not do not bribe is it bribe i don't know what the word is you know what i mean anyway right so what i need to do i need to start you can totally quit your job and just stream all day and get millions of dollars only twitch's cut wasn't so big the bastards right as wood is going to up so fast i'm going to keep doing i need to i need to make sure i've got enough workers so this button here this shows where all my workers are and i think as people die like my soldiers die i think they come back as workers and i don't know if some reason like the ones that were in there joined the army and i don't know i don't know i don't know what the politics all the the soap opera that's going on with people are there better ways to support you um well better no not really that's awesome like i really really super support twitch i think twitch actually has a lower like percentage cut than patreon i'm not entirely sure but oh we are three percent off for hype train because joe knight just gifted just cheered sorry not gifted you can't gift cheers you cheer cheers matt but thank you very much very kind of you uh so yes as i was saying you need to buy all these plots other words you're my favorite knob lover and mike sorry i did those the wrong way around then you like subscribed like the same time but mike thank you very much it's very kind of you in other words i'm glad i'm your favorite knob lover i wouldn't say i'm a knob lover i just love knobs um oh my god joe knight thank you so much 400 cheers all separated out all nice the hype train is like damn level five it's the final level ahmed 500 guys i can't keep up i'm like we've already got a minute left i've had nine eight minutes of just carnage uh i'm very distracted all right what are we doing what are we doing i think i'm still i did actually notice i think i if there is this military tab you can put these stone towers anywhere i always thought they had to be connected to walls but i could literally just cover everything in stone towers and people asking for knobs in this game the first time i ever streamed this game i built a knob castle uh so technically i've already completed the game if that's the um the limit but uh is it worth putting a tower up i don't know if it is i don't know if i have any siege machines i'm gonna save them for now i think and just keep buying lots you gotta buy all the plots mini kona thank you very much for the cheer 300 that's very very kind of you how does this game end i think i'm not entirely sure but i think it won't let me sub so i will give you this oh it won't let me sub so i'll give you this paniche23 thank you very much i'm super generous of you oh now you've subbed so sorry if you got ripped off there asking questions is out of stock yeah i didn't think oh god look they're destroying my you mother i don't know what to do i'm going to stay on the ground i think i'm going to sacrifice a few of those because they're only logging cameras they cost like nothing i do want to grab all of them actually i've just remembered so if you look over here this is my church these are all the revived comrades they all died in the last battle i was so distracted by chat i forgot to uh get them out into battle i might bring them over this way all right you guys are actually getting shafted so i'm gonna send you in i'm gonna send you guys that way i'm going to send a few more of you that way because look at these look arches they're just like getting archered they're not the cleverest of people my men they all did architecture at college and just found their way into the army all right you guys look you're just getting catapulted come on guys pay attention you take out him oh crap he went flying oh that's not good that's all good they've actually they've entered my castle back kill him oh god this is not good guys this is not good we got no people over there i think the ballistas are sort of sorting italy all the people that made it how did they make it in oh they went up this thing knobs all right that's partly because my archers are in the wrong place if i bring them around here and you guys you got to come in as well yeah my archers are like stuck they're not doing anything it's okay though i think can i get them can i get them around there are you going all right they are going now at least but uh not good it's the first time my walls have been disrupted disrupted is that the word sure crap me come on we gotta take him down come look they're right next to you shoot him oh crap this is not good archer more like arch attacks love it love it uh what are they shooting at now oh okay they're still taking that out all right come on guys come on everyone select all troops destroy that please right so that was an absolute disaster i think archers need to be on the walls i think over here they're like out of range they weren't really doing a lot hey all the trees disappeared and they're all back again yeah right that was really bad where's the next attack it's over there so i don't have to worry too much about that wall i will fix it in a second okay i'm going to bring everyone over to here and then i am going to go fix these walls so i've never actually fixed a wall that's the first time they've ever been destroyed hello again hello gangster prankstar all right so what do i want military i need stonewall oh maybe i don't do it like that maybe i just click on it oh there you go change wall side repair 12 stone okay that's nothing that's pennies pennies yeah i need to replace all the buildings out here so there was a farm one this is very important this is my food food is 90 a minute but as all my people get repaired or revived i will use up more food so i've got to go to resources and they are bore so that's a hunter's hut just shove them in there meanwhile i want where is it log sawmill there it is i just want sawmills everywhere so i can buy all the plots you can only put one of these her tile oh no you can't you can't put more than one okay that's news to me all the other things you can only put like one per tile but i'm guessing sawmills not the case and because because rumba castled let's go and just check out the fish nader [Music] how do people like my uh fish nato shirt the design it's a bit different i thought hopefully you thought it was kind of cool uh right so they're all being built now which is good i'm gonna keep buying plots because my my wood is stacking up like you would not believe all right happiness is slacking so i'm gonna do what anyone that isn't happy does and build another tavern or actually i'm gonna check i gotta check this thing so to our are our taverns full i think they are our markets are empty markets do affect happiness as well hunters hut saw milk fill them all up with people i think we've like maxed out the bottom like they're not even on the screen i can't scroll down anymore i've got so many buildings collect all the things elder god bones cheers for cheer my man very kind of you how sad would you be if fish nader was patched i would never play this game again all right let's uh let's select all the arches and as they're attacking from these blue dots i'm going to shove them up there well actually i will shove them up there but can i build an extra let's go into military stone wall no i can't shove on there well we should be fine we don't have rabujes as people love me saying we've only got ballistas on this side it's a bit risky no no area attack but what you're gonna do so yeah if you if you haven't seen this game before all the people that died from my last battle these stick wagglers they're smacking the church and as they smack the church people come out they're the people dead they're reviving the dead so yeah pretty cool i need to i need to make sure i bring them all over as well because i forgot that last time as well which is why we lost so many i think we're going to grab one more pike's went i'm going to shove you guys over there all my knights you can go in the middle and all my swordsmen over this side and then i think food is my biggest like resource concern i'm gonna do another sweep of the map after i capture a few more but i'm pretty sure i've like maxed that out so to get food in this game you can see these different tiles they've got like different things once this one's got like a little i don't know whether that is plants or something you can farm that with this farm thing and a windmill this one had like wild boar on it or cows whatever they are wild boar they're cows man you're cow gang how do i i forgot i forgot what cow looks like i'm meant to be cow gang come on that's one with wild boar there it is so these are little hunting huts and they just kill the ball get your food but you can only have as much food as there are tiles that can be fooded actually there you go there's a plant one so there is more food to be had if i capture my way up to here i need 3 000 wood so we're very close come on come on let's click it again make it so i can build a farm thing a field i'm building a field so bang that on the windmill that increases the production so it makes it like better so that's maxed out now i can't put any more of the same on the same tile uh and i think that's the last bit of food in the whole map i need to make sure i bring people up there otherwise i won't collect any food i need to keep capturing that's my main sort of goal at the moment capture all the tiles and then to be honest i got so much stone i might think about walling around the edge so i think over in this direction i can't actually buy those segments so i don't see why not use some stone up start walling up nice and maybe over here as well so you can only store a certain amount of resources until like you're full and that's where i am at the moment i'm full up [Applause] recastled no it's bee castled atari altari and yes hex guns are the best guns i had not actually seen that video until i watched well until i got a comment i was like i think i need to search that i'm very glad i did very good video oh god look at all these warriors i've got to bring them over right so we only have we've got one minute 20 left i'm gonna select all knights shove them there select the pikemen shove them there there and that should add the ones that were over here okay can you see them all joining the battle archers they're all in a good place i think there could be archers over here yeah there are arches over there by the church so i might just i might grab those ones manually actually so yeah so you three come join come join in cool i think we're fairly prepared my only concern oh we do have troublesh my only concern is my pronunciation of trebuchet but uh it is what it is i'm just gonna keep capturing as i go all right i need to fill up the farm that i just built the field and the windmill i don't have any people okay so the other thing in this game once this gets full your population 199 out of 199 you need to spawn more people and let's do that they need places to live they need houses but we can't worry about that now my menu down the bottom is gone it's battle time holy that's a lot of people okay um i'm gonna bring all these back oh no they're going to be arranged yeah sort it right you guys you're getting arched your knobs you're getting arched all right they're taking out my food stuff which isn't great i don't want to get too lord in i might have to sacrifice these temporarily because i really need all my arches and stuff in range but guys come on what are you doing i'm getting orchard oh they took out the giant lovely nice in the face all right i think you can come help out over there because these guys don't seem to moving so we'll leave them be i think we're gonna move back we're gonna move back we're gonna sacrifice those buildings and you and you guys there you go the trebuchet nailing them let's get a good angle there you go oh no they're just out of range now ready ready ready oh i got ballista that one oh one hit kill oh double kill that was awesome uh can i i can still i can't buy plots cause i'm not producing any wood because all my all my blokes are sleeping all right here we go here we go ready boosh um right you guys are actually getting nailed so move back you absolute tips all right they've got a catapult but i got troubleshoot oh god oh crap all right sod it go take him out guys and look at this guy's like matt i'm staying here i'm low health i'm not risking it go help your mate your mates come on oh look all their glowy faces terrifying move the archers down the wall yeah i could archers i don't think they'd reach though probably should have done that earlier archers are really bad at moving i don't know if you saw the start of the stream but they really do not like moving along walls all right these guys have sort of given up so let's go let's go take him down take our mobile team so we should be fairly good once that's all done we need to remember build the field thing and the windmill i think we had a wood sawmill thing and then i'll go back to explaining about the houses how we get more people but all right is this giant you don't stand a chance me you're quite outnumbered oh he's got quite a hit on him you guys take out them all right take out this wall basher which is doing a fantastic job just stood it look they've not even defended themselves it's like knife in the back all right now take out the yoga that's it surround him he's got leaves growing out his back lovely right so we survived another night oh look at this the dawn is a rise arising my lovely castle is a hell of a castle to be fair uh so the next attack is coming from this direction here we go so those blue squares let's grab our people and shove them there for now and then keep capturing tiles that's the name of the game here so this was our this flowery area this gives us food and it got destroyed last time so i need to put a field on there and a windmill max club witch cheers what's up dude it's very kind of you go uh clown witch is my mate in real life rl go check him out he's got a twitch channel he's a good lad uh right so as i was saying before before all that nonsense we need more people so we can give more jobs create more food build a bigger army uh to do that you need houses these are houses i need to build more so i need to find a spot that's we're sort of running out of space if i'm honest i think i could put a little clump around this like fieldy windmill thing so house house and this let's just squeeze them in it's like proper counselor state this one let's build i don't want to build too many because as i said before the main concern is the food there's only limited amount of food on the map and if i overstep it well we're done we'll starve to death i assume all right so you should be able to see these getting built now my little builders are going to work good stuff yeah food minus 130 a minute so i think we need to check yeah so our fields and we're most completely empty we need to add a person and that makes sure they're producing that sawmill as well oh god we've actually run out of people again now the fisherman's hut that fish nader is on its own doing nothing just made a banging burger which have burgers inside it together soon we shall i'm a big burger fiend and so is that no me no no me no uh so all these houses you can also upgrade them so at the moment they're just a standard house they house a certain number of people not entirely sure of many you can upgrade them with 15 stone can you see down there there would be enough space for one more sunny one and sunny ones are what our people are called so you can upgrade once you can upgrade twice i'm gonna do all of these and through the magic of time lapsing they're all complete see that was me that was me doing like youtube editing in my head pre-game editing pro level skills through the magic of castles so yeah we've got we've now got population could be up to 247 so that's banging to attract more people you need to keep your mood up so you can see down there resident spawn rate 264 if your mood drops you like stop spawning new new residents new people and the only way to keep people happy of course just like real life is they need to have pubs they need enough pubs that they can get first uh there's a little space for a new pub uh so where was i over here i replaced this farm and i did upgrade it that's good this field though needs upgrading then i can add another person and that produces more food and again windmill upgrade add a person more food i don't think you can do that from this many it's a sign workers one it's a little bit annoying but as we're gaining more people now i can start filling these up so fishman's hut the fish nato is back under control another one fish nader back under control uh anymore any more sawmill and the tavern that i just built you can see it's only got two spots you can like click on them but it doesn't take you there which is a bit unusual but uh we'll go over to there so where did i build the tavern i think it was that one right that one's already upgraded bollocks we've lost a tavern we've lost a pub is that one it's that one so upgrade that add a worker and in the meantime start buying more plots so that one can be bought you can only buy adjacent plots as well so as they're all on the edge i can't select any more i know that that's like the limit of the map so i can keep can build stonewall why can't i build that can like that okay why is that gone why is that wall so long oh wow okay it's a point cool we're building a star starcl the star-shaped castle you should just move your city so the people stop attacking i'm british i don't i like being attacked i like my whole thing is being attacked by people that probably live there and i came here afterwards it's not good is it it's not good oh the games gets a bit laggy when you uh when you're building stuff but the wood fills up so quick trouble is it's like three thousand i can only fill up to six thousand so i can only really like purchase one plot out time oh there's a new there's a i haven't upgraded these so filled upgrade i've run out of workers i can't add a worker i'm gonna have to wait half a per person yeah that's the that's the ideal ratio of pubs per people right miss pubs not gonna lie they've been shot for like six months i guess in this country for it slowly becoming self-aware yeah so anyway the attack is in one minute thirty so i can start gathering all my troops because they're probably revived by now i'm gonna put my pikes man there all my knights down there oh my swordsman there and then my archers aren't over here get the archers over and hopefully they will actually go on the wall this time oh god that i nearly caught that but i hope they can get here in a minute yeah australia and new zealand they did covered proper like show everything down no one in no one out and then within like a few months so back to normal just you can leave which is kind of ironic because i think that's where that was the purpose of australia originally wasn't it like a big prison island sorry if that's offensive it shouldn't be i'm pretty sure that's a real thing it might have just been something brits came up a bit of banter but uh where the freak are my archers can anyone see some archers oh they're all just oh for freak's sake they're all like oh no this is a disaster all right select all arches i'm just going to bring him down here oh god it's getting laggy it is getting laggy all right so what happened they're going to attack up here for some reason all right i think we can we can handle we can handle these so we'll take out this army first let them attack that i'm not really fussed about that if i'm honest it'll cost me a bit of stone to repair but whatever they're not clever enough to come around this way it's their own bloody fault all right those big boys at the back could be a bit of bother i think we should do this easy nice that's everyone down there's i'm gonna attack these from behind i'm gonna follow them they've literally climbed this wall there's a hole right there your knobs oh they are proper architects that's funny yeah they got their ladders up uh oh god guys it's gonna take ages i think they might be gone by the time you get over there and then oh i think i've been done here they're all attacking down here all right hopefully where's our arches oh my god archers are bloody useless in this game what are they doing all right this could be bad this could be bad i'm hoping our siege machines can sort of help stuff out oh all right some of you stay in attack most of you come help out big time we gotta take we don't want the wall to go down oh this is not good and i'll just try and get round here please please where are they they're all the way over here they're all just clogged up all right i think we're archless for this and they have breached they have breached oh god look at the line of army oh that's it boys that's it boys there's some archers thank goodness and our army's finally caught up i think i think we've winged it we've winged it again can you drop part on them if only if only oh god have we survived oh no look at that wave all right grab entire army break me this is getting quite serious i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to up my game i'm gonna have to up my game right half of you go attack them you take out the ladder guys we don't allow to get enough quick quick get to him oh oh no that's it that's it take him out there's one archer up there one archer need it oh what the frig that guy just gave birth to like 100 people kill his babies uh one archer left is he the last is that the final spawn i think that's it is there something still alive up here do we have to kill the letter oh we got to kill the ladders it gives you time to uh to read the chat sorry it got a bit chaotic then i'll see you archer's basically said sod this and ran off yeah i know mother like i told all my archers to come around this wall one made it here's another yeah better late than never i guess and so i was here the whole time and you very slow they're slowly coming around there they all are i think they're just like clogged up in this building oh is that why because it's a different height the door's up there and what's this guy you're gonna do i think he's trapped i think that's it i think because the ground level drops i can't i can't do anything about that but there's still one over here what are you doing oh man uh oh my god guys i said i have to tell them to do everything everything take out the damn ladder because obviously that's an enemy we hate ladders okay apparently we killed it so that was a bit of a disaster we lost quite a lot there so i'm gonna quickly rebuild oh i don't i don't have to rebuild i just i can just repair so repair building repair building repair i think i need to wait for people to come over to actually repair them which is the only downside you can see these little builders oh no they're they're running straight past cheers guys cheers repair repair repair nice i may as well repair oh no these are still being built that's why there was a gap i see i'll repair that prepare that right i got loads of wood as always so i'll keep capturing oh look oh no i think i got destroyed so we lost a fish needle that round terrible so we can put a fisherman's hat in there and then hopefully our fish nato will respawn i hope keep buying plots capture yeah i'm not gonna move everyone here i'm gonna i will try and move the arches actually so that's where they're attacking from i'm going to move all the archers to here just to make sure i know that they've made it and then once they're there i will add them to the wall i think that's the best thing to do right buy a plot can you put more than one fish nato crater in the lake no you can't so all these food resource things you can only put one so another fisherman's hut i cannot place that anywhere we're watching how the fish nado is born it's born it's a fish nader look at that ladies and gents that's a very rare sight you don't usually get to see the birth of fish needy and in case you have just joined and haven't watched my video for some reason fish needle shirts are literally a thing they're only available for two weeks but they're on my teespring store all money goes to supporting fish noodles around the world [Music] all right i can upgrade that farm that was a cheeky one that i missed oh another plot to buy it wasn't quite the edge yes that's the next one i'm gonna buy and then i can join those walls together and think about adding towers so i've got enough wood no i need 400 more wood no i believe the river is outside the border yes i can't get out there so you can see i can click on these pentagons are they pensions one two three four yeah pentagons but they're not plots that's next line capture and then there's no more to capture that's the edge of the map hence i'm building stone walls all the way around nice okay i need to buy those two plots next sweet in the meantime i need to make sure all my stuff has people in so field windmill any others missing a tavern oh god you've got to have your taverns full look our mood is our mood's low our mood is on zero so we need more taverns i might have to start putting taverns outside the main balls is that too risky i think that's a bit too risky so general where's the tavern tavern there it is bunga tavern down there right someone remember where that is i don't want to lose it yes these walls i i lost i did lose my bloody ah crap see i was wondering if that was the case so i have siege weapons these trebuchets pronunciation and uh ballistas they did get destroyed it doesn't look like i can rebuild or repair should i say so do you have to buy them oh i've got i got siege machines what have i got what are they oh i got two trip shoes so i'll add them yeah so one there one there and then i'll keep buying some more just say how long have i got three and a half minutes i'll just dry that plot quickly so let's start moving all of our people so it looks like all of our archers made it which is good so i'll select the arches and i will wear the attack from there so i'll shove them i think that's quite a good spot [Applause] i'll go and grab all of these guys i don't like this i'd say all pikes men pikes man you stand about there all night you stand in the middle about there and all swordsmen you go you guys stand there and hopefully they should all come over including the ones that got revived from the church so yep they've gone oh god look at these with this weird circle of jerk i don't know what that is but they're all surrounded around the fire and they're basically all of our workers that don't have jobs so that fire is basically a job center now people just waiting waiting for a job to come up and they'll go do it so i can do i can turn them into army i think i will do that i don't think i want more archers because they're freaking useless if i go so i might just add loads of knights i feel like i'm slapping knights i can add that if you see bottom left down here that's how many free workers were so there's 24 people around that fire so let's add 22 knights we've got two workers just spare we still got loads of space in our population we've got loads of houses plenty but uh someone asked what's the end game for this i don't know if there is one i'm sort of trying to find out um so what i'm going to do i'm just going to buy all the tiles put a wall around the edge and then i was to be honest every day so we're on day 28 every day gets a little bit harder and i feel like we are getting very close to uh losing we nearly lost that last one i'll tell you that community challenge complete oh god that means i gotta do a scary stream scary streams are scary i react so sorry if i was ignoring your boring questions about roads i know all about roads so if you want to ask me i don't know all about roads i know quite a lot about roads ask away if you want i will do my best to answer upgrade the pub you knob cheers boy he was that quinn bowl eight uh where was it where was it can you remember was it like is it that one oh yes i need to add workers upgrade so we've got three barman or barmaids in there no cues for my people you can see mood mood has been lifted there you go it's going up all the time plus eight i like to keep that in the twenties if i can right so they're attacking i'm gonna try and let my archers do most the work this time it's gonna move these swordsmen back a little bit [Music] all right and now actually i might take half of them just spread them out a bit more pikesman half you go there all right nice as you can see here these guys absolute idiots are getting archered so i'm gonna go take those out actually some of you you go take out these [Applause] all right you guys attack that treadmill going in boosh nice these pipes ain't doing a lot i might move them oh god yeah we'll take that out we'll go help those guys out what's going on down here why aren't you guys helping oh oh he's he got knocked out and now he's drowning that is not a good way to go uh thankfully fish nader is still going although is nearly on fire um back in formation spikes man attack why you just stood there you knobs i'm guessing just because i told you it's just down there that's not the point right we really need to take out those arches so can you guys go up there and you guys got that all right i think we're good i think we have survived they if i were to do nothing there i probably would lose because the archers would just take out my entire army i think you'd enjoy playing slime rancher what is slime rancher i have heard of it actually what's being seconded and thirded uh do i think two plus one roads are worth the investment ws oh i don't know what ws what what's the difference between wsns right so last time selector archers i've sort of i've got the trick down now say oh they're attacking from there so we've got so many plots to buy i don't think we'll be able to do that we can get closer capture how high is your iq 1200 ish i reckon i don't know never done an iq test i feel like common sense is my like biggest strength which might surprise some of you but i'm terrible at remembering facts i'm all right at like mental arithmetic that's another measure of intelligence yeah no i'm definitely not the smartest uh you catch cute slimes and raise them i kind of breed them to make slime hybrids that sounds kind of cool actually all right keep capturing all right so assuming all my archers get over i will shove them on these walls we're sort of we're missing some towers there can i build them or is it yeah sometimes this game just doesn't let you build towers don't know what it is but no towers there but fair enough we only have ballistas on this end as well so we could actually do with some extra towers but i do remember i just built a load of knights tonight so we might be right in the middle our church busy respawning people good stuff all three whacking away am i allowed to say that on stream um let's buy some more plots do some wall edge i don't know if that's a plot fire that is a plot i can buy so i can't continue my wall that way no i need to buy that pot how's the food looking 90 a minute oh look at look at this so the mood is at plus 28 that's because of the pub yeah i can build free standing towers so if i click on this all those spots could be towers the only trouble is these siege machines they use up like loads of sunstone i'm making a lot at the moment if you look siege machine maintenance is like most of my budget so i don't want to add too many because i do have a lot but i don't have that many really so i got to be careful you see anything right let's let's start bringing from my other army over so select your pikemen down there select all knights oh yeah look how big that pile is now that's one of our new ones i think should you remove the siege machines from the innermost wall no so as you saw earlier if my walls do get breached this is like my last line of defense if i lose all my army yeah you can build walls anywhere so if you go to military and wall i could do like a hexagonal like in the middle of my base so i could do like a 10-tiered wall or something i could do like not a hexagonal a pentagonal like shape thing but uh yeah for now let's play that one and i can build those two walls at least oh god it's getting really laggy when i'm building all right so that's all done i probably should start putting in some towers and gates and stuff so where is gate as a gate actually i don't need gates because there's nothing out there oh what is that oh okay starting to break the game okay just don't go too close to the edges and uh it'll be okay all right so how many people are wasting for jobs do i make my army bigger oh god look how many yeah i could do actually i need to add a siege machine to that while i remember i may as well add one to there and then build two more trebuchets all right grab all of my pikes men show you there all of my knights you guys there all of my swordsmen show you guys back a bit or was that the knights i wasn't swordsman swordsman oh god they're not listening to me my swords were not listening to me oh no what's going on how many people died last round bloody hell we've uh we've got quite an army now oh borehound your lunch breaks over sorry boy good luck thank you i think i'm doing okay though i'm uh we've had some close calls it's a better version of clash of clans kind of it is all like real time though oh they're bloody archers that's why kong do i have i've got two minutes right arches where are they attacking from there hey archers get up there for now cool captur should probably say man instead of boy oh i was i don't like that why does it do that to me when does the army seat the army never sleeps they're super loyal super well trained oh my god look how much wall i've built that's a lot of wool should i start adding towers i feel like that would look cool at least i had a tower every few bits tower tower tower tower tower tower our tower one on the point one on that point oh my god there's so much wool i can buy more wall over here as well so i think that's the edge plot capture so wall we can do that one and that one and that one we're destroying a lot of trees but uh they had it coming i think oh my god these hardly use up any stone as well we need more wood we need more wood how's the food food is on zero oh we do it we have some empty spaces though what's that one sawmill i can i could upgrade all the sawmills if i want to make wood a bit quicker they go i think food should go up oh god it's on negative they're attacking what direction was it over here all right here we go then stand your ground lads stand your ground oh my god look how stupid these guys are they're literally gonna put a ladder up on me [Laughter] right we can cross the wall now the ladders you know are you going to destroy my walls you absolutely here we look at our ballistas doing some damage i think knights yeah going i'm gonna send the swordsman over here because they do have some range they got the old catapult pike's man help them out help them out boys i bought this ladder and i'm gonna use it that is fair yeah right formation hold oh god they didn't hold they didn't listen to me all right come boys attack attack you're getting sniped you knobs thank for your ballistas helping us out all right up here everything's getting destroyed what get off my wall this is my wall you bastards what why is he arrowing you're on the same team they're arrowing each other all right this could be a mistake this is a bit risky i'm like battling without all my archer support and stuff so i'm gonna send everyone in screw it because i don't like like where are they where are they going like it's a long way around guys like they aiming for that gap maybe there you go take out those and half of you go take out these um we've missed one we've missed one take him out oh they'll be fine they'll get they'll get blistered there you go one down boosh two down you go join them right that's all sort of there's a guy in the hill ah they've got the lasers in my eyes ah i can't go too close to the edge what is that thing next to the stone wall sorry i missed that when you asked that apparently does the enemy ever have a chance of spawning on land that you ain't no i think they only spawn on land you don't own and you can't buy land that they spawn on oh there's one up here now i really don't know what these guys are doing just look past the glitching hey why are they just playing a game of like catch do you ever used to do that like throw a ball over your house and land in the back garden from the front all right guys like honestly they're behind you like serious that's so stupid so oh you wanted us to attack them i thought it was just the legs behind them [Applause] yeah i should ask the devs for my free game back right we've done it we did it oh look and they're attacking from the same spot so this could be a good opportunity actually to test out my new a new and improved area of attack so if i grab all my troops and say you go there and then grab all my archers and say you go there god the lag is real the lag is real i could can i add trebuchet yes and trevor j yes i might go to my siege thing and build some more ballistas as well let's do ballista and i'm going to build some more towers already so tower there i don't know if people can actually get to that because it's so high up but we'll see we'll see and then oh god ow ow and keep building my wall over there i'm gonna put a gate in that one as well another gate there maybe yeah it is early access it's early access that i didn't know that i don't think yeah to be fair it's the only bug i found it's a fair play game like pretty decent uh i do need to keep buying plot so i think all right that's the next one so i can build my wall all the way from there if i have enough stone i think i might have enough stone look at this you're walling up nice uh okay let's check out how everything else is doing so any people missing there's one missing from the sunstone stone quarry the farm and the fisherman's hut you know i did i build a new fisherman's hut did i upgrade that one where was it this one here yeah i did upgrade that's right then fish nader still going strong just joined in what's with the walls i'm buying the entire map and it's all becoming my castle [Music] uh i do really need some builders to come do something because i need to get my archers up there we do have six minutes left they so don't need to worry too much i really don't know where the builders are they ah any tiles to buy over it oh there you go i need to capture i haven't captured these ones maybe that's why i couldn't have don't that's why i couldn't have a tower there no isn't the game just doesn't can you see it goes white gonna try and oh you can you can spam it in so can you see it's like it's red all the time wherever i move my mouse it's red but there's a little spot where it goes white so if i spam my mouse i don't know if i have the patience for this these are in the walls now i don't really care sold it anyway look at the wood i can now capture that one nice um i really don't know oh i'm starting to regret this are you a builder are you coming to build no you're a hunter because you got a bow i don't know where my builders are they better not be any stood by that bloody fire what are you tits doing go build my bloody wolves that is not on not on in the slightest can they not get there no there's a gate there oh this is not good my builders have all given up can i tell them to like go build let's grab one i'm gonna grab one right you mr resident all right got a left click god damn all right you okay build that is he heading over there oh he is can i select them all and say okay build that are they all coming they're all coming now all right get away from that bloody fire all right come over here come help me build stuff all right you build that you build that you build that you build that you build that all right we are running out of time we only got three minutes are there builder building yeah there are there are actually i could just build some of these all right so siege machine what have i got i got ballistas only ballista do another tower there another tower up by this gate i think so i feel like they might come this way if this doesn't get built let's stop but why are you all running back go build you stop running back build you know go up here build come build my walls please uh right i need to build more siege machines which is this building build a trebuchet do you like fps games oh max uh i did i feel like as i got older like my reactions slowed down and i wasn't as good as them at them which is a little bit frustrating i guess yeah i don't dislike them but like for my channel specifically it's like better or i can find it easier to make videos on like or different types of games because i feel like there's only so much stuff you can do on an fps it's like building games like sandbox games you can do loads of crap which makes for a bit more interesting content if you know what i mean uh i do want to build this trebuchet first there you go and now add the arches to the tower i'm gonna put a third of you about there another third of you up there and the final third of you sort of there then i'm going to grab all my pikemen pikeswing can be this side all my knights i think knight should be in the middle and then all the swordsmen up here and this is like the closest attack i've ever done this is going to be full-on closeness i really don't know what like how they spawn this far out the map but uh kind of annoying all my builders are good given up ah my eyes am i oh no it's night time it's night time quick what's going on oh damn instant attackage which is a word we have destroyed them this could be the new tactic just spawn killing this is very fps isn't it see max have a good one cheers for stopping by boy oh look that was the easiest attack ever ah my eyes ah right i need to build or buy more land so that's the next edge oh no look at our happiness it's a minus number that's not good let's check this list and just see what's going on okay it might be yes can you see our food is super low so if people are starving which they are now they become unhappy and that's because for some reason i've lost people from all these jobs so all these food gaining jobs people would rather just stand outside a fire for some reason where are they so i got 43 people not doing anything i'm gonna manually bring them all over here to build this wall this is really annoying this shouldn't really happen i'm just gonna i think you can just yeah so i can click down there that number of 41 and that selects a worker hey harry howzer you may remember a few days ago in discord i asked if you were interested in playing castle battles would you be interested in playing it and if you do you want me to request you a steam key also love all your content and fish natto fish nado i love the touch the text to speak thing has stupid gaps all the time makes sense is really hard but yeah i will look into that game i've got so many games on my list at the moment i'm uh slowly getting through them all i think i feel like the castle is almost over as well so my list will be shortening soon i feel like dwarf romantic maybe that's over now but maybe not i do enjoy it yeah the pauses are so random only and also thank you very much for the for the tip that's very kind of you very very kind uh right treasuries are full warehouses for mood is too light mood is still really low are we still we're still negative food i think it's because we've hit some sort of bug people aren't doing anything have they oh they might be heading over there i think we'll just give it time but we can we can help we can build another pub so of course we're gonna build another pub and just because that that's really really low i'm gonna build two pubs one and come on there's i saw a spot i saw a spot do i not see a spot maybe i didn't up here there you go two pubs i'm gonna build three pubs one over i want to stay away from these mini trees because they're being farmed or mined do you mind do you mind trees or do you farm trees i think we can have a pub there i suppose enough oh god look the earth works around that oops all right the trouble is i don't know if anyone's ever going to come and build these so i'm going to manually do 45 free workers and no one is building lazy bastards yeah people need pubs to forget how much you tax them that is very much true i uh where is my tax thing yes these buildings here the treasury there's you can have no taxes you can have low taxes you could have medium taxes or if you're like me and you're a bastard you can have high taxes and that gives you a lot of sunstone but it also has a big negative effect on the mood look minus 89 for tax damn that's really not good though 69 president spawn rate yes win that's what it's all about people that's what it's all about what have i got i've seen i've been clipped six times i didn't say anything bad did i surely i didn't say anything bad i have mentioned wood quite a lot in this actually right the pubs are built oh no okay okay so upgrade my pub add one more workplace for 25 stone we can just about afford that and then add free workers upgrade add three workers and this one on the hill upgrade add three workers jobs are good then we should see this number absolutely fly uh react so another question does the government road authority have a database on all the unclassified roads and if there is then is it publicly available not a clue mate not a clue but what i do know is mood is now 40. that's pretty good i'm not i'm not really sure i don't i think like just local councils rather than the government would have that info i guess the government you could call local council government but uh but yeah not sure yeah there is a high mood i think that's the highest it's ever been resident spawn rate nearly 500. i think that could be the problem i built too many houses so we're destroying the food i think we need to go check yeah let's do that we're gonna we're gonna have a little fly around well actually we need to make sure our next battle now i forgot about that all right prep for the next battle and then worry about food so over here they're up there right so archers get them there ready oh god it lags so bad and then all the pikemen there all the knights there and all the swordsmen there all right so although while they are moving let's go check we've covered all the food and that they're all maxed upgraded so fish nader still going strong oh and it's a triangle of fish can you see that look ready ready and the other ones get out the way oh no they're all joining in now it's just a full-on fish nader do you think i'm going to sell a fish nato shirt i'm not convinced there's these fully upgraded fully upgraded i think i can check from this list whether we're fully upgraded or not so that's having these upgrading uh i feel that's all good so there's a hunter's hut that needs upgrading and anything else no i think everything else is maxed out yeah so just remind me as we're looking around hunter's hut needs upgrading i don't know where it is was it there sawmill swimmer that's got three and yeah we're looking for any any like animals roaming around or any blue flowers here we go here we go we've got a load of deer here so maybe that got destroyed earlier in the game and that's why we're slacking on food so we want a hunter's hut that will go in there we need to come back and upgrade that so do not let me forget all right can you see any more animals or hunters huts okay that's the one we need to upgrade let's upgrade that oh no it's night time bollocks back where are they attacking from again over here bloody old our arches are all out the front should we just go straight in shall we the cow gang sold i sold like seven maybe so not terribly i'm gonna hold all right archers oh can my archers get in range of theirs oh look some arches are up there oh they all just jump down all right sorry we're going in we're going in you guys go take out them and just some of you know all of you yeah so the trust me i'm an engineer is like the best seller of my shirts and peace love and bridges i'd say is probably second best seller but i think that's to be expected i feel like they're quite quite good designs that's always been my aim with the design not to make them too like rce ish i just want them to be like accessible for everyone not accessible but like stuff that i would wear and stuff holy in a sock bigfoot hustles thank you so much that's a crazy amount to cheer thank you how you doing my man have you watched my uh castle video yet sir oh god they're trying to flank me all right you take out those guys you take out these guys that one's getting away it's fine it's fine all right we're battling we're battling you brought my castle as well sweet it's good game i'm i feel like i'm gonna complete it if there is such thing like i'll give you oh yo trust me i'm an engineer hoodie wore out after five watched get in touch with teespring man that's that's really not good i feel like depending on where you are on the world the spring quality changes as well [Music] oh you know sorry i swore i saw oh bigfoot hustles is back with a vengeance with a vengeance 11 subs holy crap man thank you like so much that's super generous we're not we're not we're not doing a hygiene air stream though stop there stop there but thank you so much that's very kind of keeping me keeping me going single-handedly funding the channel all right take out those ladder holders that's it that's it boys nice all right and destroy the ladder you can't leave the ladder remember all right i think we're good i think we're good so yeah if you've only just joined the stream recently uh hang on let me just put these in the right place i'll give you a little tour of what's go what's been going on this stream i might just rush these guys can i just buy equity and ask you enterprises i feel like you would be the majority shareholder already but uh but yeah i'll give you a tour so this this side's not too there's not a lot going on from the video it's pretty much the same as so if you can see in the distance oh what is that i've been buying the entire plot and adding siege machines towers and getting weird glitches because i've ah i bought too much but uh food is dropping really fast yeah so i was just looking for food any bits of food that i haven't or one did i i just built one over here some reason my builders have completely stopped doing anything i have to tell them to build things manually which is kind of annoying i'll click down here select free worker and then right click on what i want them to build so that hasn't built yet obviously yeah i'm just looking for other food sources because it's dropping fast uh anything up here oh we're missing a work yeah let's check we've got all of our workers in as well sawmills missing another storm i don't really care about that i just care about the food ones sawmill sawmill oh god everyone's in okay select worker right click over there can you see any food any food about to be starving it's not good well we are starving already still no food there's no food left on the entire map so what might have to do i might have to quickly capture all the remaining plots i think we're nearly there yeah there's only a few left i'm gonna manually oh look my workers went way down what happened there we got 18 now i had like 50 a second ago oh look they're all coming whoa are they they've finally pulled their finger out they're gonna build my walls is that what's going on or are they leaving oh yeah they are yay i think the lack of food they're like this guy's serious if we don't start working he's just gonna starve us nice cool that's good that's good let's keep buying squares we really don't have many left though uh right select all troops come up here that there's still a load being revived i'm pretty sure oh it's getting laggy it is getting laggy yeah there you go they they all got revived so that's quite a lot oh look that's the edge no way is that the edge so i can build walls around that yeah so all my food tiles they're all filled with the maxed out fully upgraded farm stuff whatever you want to call it oh my god that's the edge as well we're gonna have a proper little star shape here so i literally can't have any more people because i can't have any more food i don't really know how you get rid of people if they just keep starving but we'll we shall see all right i can buy that plot i think these could be our last box we've nearly done it we've nearly done it lads what's this repair they've only just built them haven't they what's going on i swear no one's attacked since these got built don't they there's an empty field for a thumb there yes good spot i've seen this one the one you meant if not let me know all right go build those in the meantime i'm going to keep walling up oh god i can't believe we've wooled the entire thing as well like i thought we might buy all the tiles but walling up as well they're really quite cheap the walls so i don't know if i have time but i'm going to try and put a tower there and siege machine okay so i can buy that one soon special resources ooh never noticed that one before i might have to delete some houses yeah oh crap oh crap is that how you get rid of people then you destroy houses we do have a lot of houses our food's just going down down we're gonna have to delete disassemble sorry people the council estate is being destroyed oh actually we before we do too many of that where was uh we got a hunter's hut over here that has no people in and hasn't been upgraded then we should probably do this farm that i've just built assuming it has been built now was it this one yeah so we'll do that do the windmill as well and then we'll see where that puts us oh look all these walls going up is this built it's being built it's being built right select all my troops the towers nearly built do you have max workers at all food stations yes i do oh we got we got no siege machines i have to build something hang on so i think we'll do the trebs oh it's got to fill up okay cool uh any more plots i can buy i can buy that one i can wall up around here is that one to buy no i can't buy that can't wear that i can buy that one once the blue has gone all right wall up and we're finally out of stone oh god we are well out of food now so we're still on minus 90. yeah and they're producing now okay we've got a destroy a few more houses sorry lads zero okay we're breaking even we're breaking even on food i think that might be okay that just means we're at our limit we can't make our army any bigger yeah i think that's it that's just we've maxed out our army size let's just check everything has workers still oh tavern missing a worker right there attacking all right this could be risky [Applause] i'm sort of spawn killing oh god take that out i'm just hoping i don't lose too many archers all right maybe we get everyone back i didn't have time to put a siege machine up there did i bloody hell yeah i can make yes that's good point even though i'm out of food i can make my army bigger i just got to get to a point where i don't lose like any food production people otherwise i will be screwed you guys are just getting shot go do something oh no they're not listening to me oh god i might actually bring them back what do i do what do i do we're getting a bit slaughtered aren't we now i just press the wrong button i definitely need to take out the catapults we might be okay we might be okay we've only got archers left oh crap oh crap oh i think we might pick it that was close that was very very close i went silent there sorry oh no they've scored more all right run away all right can we answer them night run away ronaldo that's right i think our siege machines should help us out and get back to about there get in formation there we go there we go oh god my arm is so small now there's one guy left take out that dude there's someone like stuck in the back of it go take out those guys they're killing our balls mother the fish nato is still going strong fish nado all right take it right guy oh no we lost we lost a hunting station take that out please all right as long as they don't spawn another wave it should be good you should be good wow is that it oh we gotta take our bloody ah gotta take these cat parts out soldiers don't eat oh really soldiers don't eat oh so i can literally oh i guess sunstone is the main one so soldiers use up sunstone don't they so if that runs out you start losing soldiers so i need enough workers to keep the sunstone rolling in but i don't want to have too many like too big of an army otherwise that will go negative you can get rid of the taverns that's true because i don't need people to respawn anymore although maybe i do if they die no no because they're not actually dying are they yeah they're not actually dying right let's um the next attack is over ours right over here okay we'll get our arches up there oh god look at the lag the leg oh where's it going okay we're back we're back we will replace that hunter's hut and upgrade that in a bit i'll continue selecting free workers to finish all these walls wait did i forget to build one there i think i forgot to build one there so i'll build that as well yo my mouse is down here game oh god we've run out of stone we finally run out of stone i should probably buy those final plots as well so that's one got that one that one we might only have three plots left sick [Music] i should probably worry about doing these walls to be fair because these are the important ones like towers sorry as they're only cheap let's start bunging them in [Music] and then that's the next plot to buy add wall around there can i afford it just about so i can add siege machine grabbing that's all the old gpu fans have kicked in now i can hear him yeah but not um not very safety compliant here no hand railings bit dangerous dangerous yeah food is really really not good uh why is it so bad we've got this hunter's hut that needs workers and upgrading are we missing workers don't cry oh there's a farm with two people missing and a fisherman's heart with two missing oh yeah there's loads there's loads of food missing all my workers slacking off again oh my god and there's a farm there i can upgrade was that this one that's a hunter's hut oh i'm out of workers no i'm out of workers uh let's get rid of the market or the sawmill i don't need two in the sawmill to have more food down here oh my god to be fair i can take everyone out the sawmills now because we don't really need wood anymore do we right and let's just check at some point that we didn't lose any food any other food so i think we did actually yeah very strange uh all right capture let's capture this one and we can keep adding wall this way that's it oh the game's so slow now it's really not liking this one there you go food food's going up now people do not worry the panic is over the food is going up it's time to add some siege machines trebuchet drabis gorilla cheers for prime it's very kind of you know siege machines i might upgrade add a worker because i think they then build them quicker so do some ballistas this time nice right right anik is now almost over oh god where are all my archers it says i've only got that many that's not good that's not good or they were being revived i might have to build another church well there we go all those we've got all those have they got time they've got four minutes left i'll be easy i'll be easy i just want to say i love you travis girl ah thank you all right where's all my other people so hikesman i need to put gate in let's put a gate in a ram a gate in there and that will allow our army to get to that side to spawn kill them in the meantime i think ballista on that one and on that one because they're like the furthest away and siege workshop let's do some trebuchets can we buy this plot now yes i think that's the last one although what's that oh no there's one in there why is there just one plot there how do i miss that you have a hundred dead soldiers oh anyway right so x-men down there knight in the middle swordsman down there i think these guys are all stuck because of these pikemen i don't know what they're doing can we add trebuchet yes we can i think we'll be fine as long as we've got the siege machines two minutes left oh god our army's nearly back 75 out of 86 so i think we're fine i think we're fine do not worry people we've got this could they attack from that plot that's a good question i do not know but uh not anymore because i've just captured it alright let's keep building walls right we might have completed i'm gonna survive this night and then we'll do a little search a little scan of our base oh look what's going on over here these walls just don't want to get done i swear i've built these like five times i can't i can't even afford them now we'll come back to those we'll come back to these it's uh oh god fisherman's hut all the tab there's that many people missing from taverns yet we're still on plus 39 happiness what let's just check all the food okay all the food is good i'm going to start putting people in taverns because it's funny no queueing from my pubs all right any more any more archers i'm gonna press wrong button i do want to keep you guys there actually all right we got 15 seconds you know the bug about people getting stuck in building entrances yeah i've had it happen quite a lot oh my god look at those it's a mega archer he's got a billion arms he will help us oh god our army looks really really small right now oh this is a bit dodgy they all got destroyed over there oh crap this was bad this was really bad this is not going well let's go yeah it's the rest of my army is coming kind of oh there's all these guys come help come help you guys in the middle doing a great job but uh i hope you over there just kill everyone i think we might be okay actually maybe i'm a bit optimistic but um not going terribly i think vrc weapons are like pretty powerful what are you oh you're just jabbing that thing all right we still got some oh god we are outnumbered now we are massively outnumbered now there are where are the rest of our army did they make it they've left the church i do not know where they are unless they did come in and just got slaughtered but oh god they're going straight through oh we are taking them out they're not getting too far thanks to the old ballistas shooting them in the back boosh oh look they're like they're like i'm gonna make freedom freedom oh there's one there's one get him hey look all these archers aren't doing anything oh no they're literally stuck they won't move apparently i have an army that big i think they're all there i'm getting killed cheers brilliant guys oh look these guys are at the top of the tower it's a very useful place for a night what is going on i do not know what's happened it can you guys come down here not really can they do i need to open the gate is that it i've opened the gate now can you get down there oh okay i didn't realize let's see without checking how many youtube subs do you have right now uh i think i got like 205 000 which is freaking mental if i say so myself like how where did everyone come from all right who are we killing killing that thing are we i might just leave that so yeah why can't i get these archers down are you just stuck there now because it's that many archers that's like six twelve now sixteen they're just stuck there and they don't attack brilliant brilliant i could yeah i could open that and see if that helps oh i did help how do they're now running this direction but apparently opening that gate helped oh yes opening this gate help them come out that door of course of course rest in peace mega archer you were useless but beloved the mega archer is still sort of alive not any longer they read good memories memories all right okay so they're attacking from over here we still haven't managed to build this wall i will try again now i feel like i've built this yes it just disappears do you see that it used up my stone and disappeared what it's ready i built that disappeared it's bugged because it touches well this is bugged or just oh i don't know i don't know but anyway let's let's see if we completed the mission i think this game's just gonna go on forever we've survived a month it's pretty good oh god the game does not like being over here uh any any plots i didn't buy i think we did it guys i think no is that one what how did i miss that one capture right now i think we did it guys we bought every single tile on the entire map and we built a wall around everywhere possible we pretty much built a wall around the entire thing use wood walls no it's just not having it yeah i could i could wall this way actually it uses up my resources every time they it's a bit annoying oh typically i can't build it bloody there don't move the mouse yeah well no i i reckon that's just that's mission accomplished we did it we did the entire thing we beat the game the castled 10 tier bazillion quadruple castle game completed i reckon uh cool that was fun turns out there isn't an end i think we could we could probably go on forever to be honest i don't know i guess the waves will get a bit bigger but uh yeah solid that's enough am i playing any other games today no i'm gonna go could go eat my dinner and then chill out for the rest of the day i did quite a bit of editing earlier i'm good boy like that it was last day of my annual leave a bit of a shame i have a nice copper to celebrate did you quit your real silver engineering job nah not yet not yet maybe one day would be nice would be nice but yeah thanks for joining remember fish nato shirt only on sale for the next two weeks so if you want a bit of limited edition merch that's it i think we should end on fish needy that seems the right thing to do really oh few i thought there wasn't one there then bish nader [Music] oh yeah thanks joining uh thanks very much everyone that like cheered and subbed and all that my luck very very generous of you that was a crazy crazy stream uh and hope you enjoyed today's video not just the stream in terms of raiding i'm gonna raid my mate it's only fair sometimes you gotta do that perks of being friends of me i think he is streaming right now i'm gonna have a look uh let me just check his name we should check him out he's a new guy oh cheers luigi cheers for the cheer luigi the cuck what's a cuck yeah cool my my mate is streaming so it's only a one-off don't ask okay i won't ask spit ass we're asked the question sorry sorry i nearly missed that i nearly missed that uh how far are you and the polybridge challenge levels um i think i'm like near the end of world two i will be doing the challenge levels on stream at some point soon and the scary game that might be the next stream maybe like sunday does that sound good or maybe if not it'll be like in the week at night in the dark get nice and scary and then i need to think of another challenge let me know if you've got any community challenges like ideas that we can do for next time but yeah we're going to go rainbow he's he's like an fps player so if you're into fbs and uh he's your man go check him out he's very new he's only been streaming like a week or two but uh yeah give him a follow give him a raid sir let's make his night cool cheers guys catch you next time peace love and bridges and there is the raid remember if you do raid you get you get paddy points next challenge 24 hour stream i will die i've got a sore throat it's only been two hours yeah cheers guys take it easy have a good weekend bye you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 9,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: VImrNS-NyqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 13sec (8293 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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