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[Music] end of your glory no one can see the end of your glory [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh you are [Music] you are [Music] [Music] lift your hands to worship the lord jesus [Music] [Music] there is no one like [Music] [Music] there [Music] there is no one [Music] there is no one like [Music] there is no one like you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord hallelujah [Music] praise the lord hallelujah [Music] the hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah [Music] we thank god for the rendition from the choruses and we pray you continue to glow in the ways of glory in jesus name can they let us pray convener keeping god there is no one like you alpha oh my god jehovah there is no one like you confident keeping god there is no one like you how far oh my god you over there is no one likes you father we thank you we give you all the glory honor and adoration we appreciate your mighty walks and your mighty hands upon us we thank you because we are confident keeping god you will not leave us not forsake us thank you for your mercy that have been extended to us thank you for preservation thank you for keeping us thank you for helping us thank you for continuing with us with your mighty hand may your name be praised in jesus name thank you because with all that have been happening we can still see your faithfulness we can still see your fulfillment of your promises in our lives please take all the glory in jesus name thank you even for this moment that we are here to cry our father to be able to be in your presence is a miracle we are not taking it for granted please take all the glory in jesus name tonight half your way everything concerning us the one that we thought that you have forgotten because you cannot forget us you will bring them to remembrance and to manifestation and we will see a supernatural breakthrough in all aspects of our life tonight in the mighty name of jesus we thank you for daddy that you have been using for us that have given us this privilege we pray that you empower him you kick him and the entire family continually shall be well with him and the entire family your glory will continue to radiate their life tonight holy spirit please take over do that which only you can do surprise us oh lord heal us o lord and deliver us and let it glory be yours and yours alone in jesus name in jesus mighty name we are prayed amen let somebody shout a powerful hallelujah i want to thank god almighty for yet another opportunity for tonight's faith clinic and we appreciate especially that they are father in the lord who have given us this platform in which we can minister we pray god we continually sending him and keeping for us in jesus name we have an interesting topic tonight and it's a good news to you and i the topic says god cannot forget you isaiah 49 14 and 15 is our text isaiah 49 14 and 15. but zion said the lord has forsaken me and my lord have forgotten me can the woman forget our sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of our womb yet they may forget yet will i not forget thee what a good news what a good promise what an assurance so because god is not a man he is not subject to certain limitations that men have for instance god cannot lie god cannot fail god cannot die and more importantly he cannot forget you and i you see a woman may forget a second child he said but i your god will never forget you sometimes we may be in the situation we thought god has forgotten us when we have tried all we know how to do we have prayed the prayer we knew how to pray we have fasted the kind of fasting we know how to fast and call the silence we didn't hear any what neither was there any change mummy think god has forgotten but don't let me let me assure you this evening that god has not forgotten you he's only doing things according to his own timing exercise chapter 3 10 to 11 a classic chapter 3 10 to 11 he said i have seen the travail which god has given to the sons of men to be exercised in it he had made everything beautiful in his time in his time not your time not my time he made everything beautiful in his time also he has said the word in their heart so that no man can find out the work that god may get from the beginning to the end why can he not forget you the bible tells all that the love of god is everlasting because of his love he cannot forget us jeremiah that one for us today jedi matter one verse three the lord appear of all unto me saying ye i have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with love and kindness a fire drawn d when the man loves someone such a person will continually be in his heart but in the love of man can change even sometimes husbands are why they love themselves each other eventually as they go along along in their marriage to life god forbid instead of the love continue to grow deeper it can be sour that they turn to hatred and that's why people divorce each other but as far as god is concerned he loves you and i with an everlasting love his love can never fail things may change situation may change circumstances may change but his love towards you towards me remain constant hence he cannot forget you number two because it's our maker god is our america david said in psalm 27 verse 10 psalm 27 verse 10 he said when my father and my mother forsake me then the lord will take me up parent can forsake a son or child or children children can forsake their parents but david is saying that the god that we have even when our parents forsake us he will never forsake us neither will he forget us in isaiah chapter 44 21 isaiah 44 21 he said remember this o jacob and israel for that at my servant i have formed thee thou art my servant oh he said thou shalt not be forgotten of me it's our maker it's our crater it can never forget us i have seen people that they appearing this one just because they believe in christ and they forsook them but god took them god took them back and they are now pillar even in their family number three why god cannot forget you because of his promises second corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 reckon corinthians 1 20 say for all the promises of god in him are ye and him amen unto the glory of god by us a man can promise you and forget but god is not a man he cannot lie he cannot forget you when he made a promise concerning you no matter how long it seemed to have been delayed it will surely come to pass you say heaven and asha pass away but my word shall not pass away number four why he cannot forget you is faithfulness is forevermore psalm 89 verse 1 psalm 89 verse 1 he said i will think of the mercy of the lord forever with my mouth will i make known thy faithfulness to all generations his faithfulness is from generation to generation when he promised a father he can extend it to the song we have the story of abraham isaac and jacob the the faithfulness of god on abraham extended to isaac and extended to jacob so because of his faithfulness he cannot forget you neither will he forget me number five he will never break his covenant god is a covenant keeper when he made a promise he fulfilled he has promised never to forget us hence he will not the trumpet chapter 4 verse 31 jesus 4 31 for the lord thy god is a merciful god if we not forsake thee neither destroy thee nor forget the covenant of their fathers which is sword unto them brethren are the injunction i want us to pray you might lost hope that you have been forgotten but god has not forgotten you and he will not forget you say father please remember me tonight for the sake of thy faithfulness and loving kindness father please remember me tonight for the sake of your faithfulness and your love and kindness father please remember me tonight for the sake of your faithfulness and your loving kindness amen say father o lord my god may i not be forgotten in the day of my visitation in jesus name o lord my god may i not be forgotten in the day of my visitation in jesus name oh lord my god may i not be forgotten in the day of my visitation in jesus name amen then what happens when he brings you to remembrance when he brings it to remembrance all his promises concerning you all is covenant concerning you we come to pass and we bring about the expected change in your life when he put you into remembrance one your reproach shall be taken away for many years richard was suffering from reproach because of her barrenness and because of adversary richard was suffering that report so much that she wanted to commit suicide why everybody in the family were bearing fruit even his own servant was not left out they were procreating but when he come to the position of rachel she was barren no the husband loved her he could do everything for her but there is a limit that any man could do and he thought god has forgotten her so she went to the husband and he said give me a child or i die enough is enough i mean god has forgotten me and are they law in this problem she thought he was alone you two might be thinking you are knowing this your problem in this your situation i want to assure you you are not alone god is there for you and he has not forgotten you genesis 30 22 22-23 genesis 30 22-23 and god remembered richard and god hacking to her and opened her womb and she conceived and bear his son and said god have taken away my reproach tonight god will remember you and we take away your reproach in jesus name number two when god put you into remembrance you will receive mercy in place of judgment when judgment fell on the city of sodom and gomorrah the two nations there genesis 19 1-29 everything and everybody there have been placed under judgment of destruction and god was ready to destroy them by fire and for god remember one thing genesis 19 29 genesis 19 29 and it came to pass when god destroyed the cities of the plain that god remembered abraham and sent lord out of the means of of the overthrow when it were through the city in which lord dwight when god remembers you instead of judgment you will receive mercy lord was supposed to be destroyed with sodom but god remembers his converter he remembered ibraheem and because of ibraheem god spared you because of the lord jesus christ god will spare you today because of the covenant he has with redeemed christian church of god it will spare you today because of the covenant he got with that the g.o adeboye he will spare you a night today instead of judgment you will receive mercy i hear somebody say amen to that so we're going to pray and say father please remember your converter and wipe away all my reproach in jesus name father please remember your covenant and wipe away my reproach in jesus name father please remember your covenant and wipe away my reproach in jesus name amen say father please remember your promise and feel my emptiness in jesus name father please remember your promise and feel my emptiness in jesus name father please remember your promise and feel my emptiness in jesus name amen say father remember me today and let your mercy replace judgment in my life in jesus name father remember me today and let your mercy replace judgment in my life in jesus name father remember me today and let your mercy replace judgment in my life in jesus name amen number three when god remembers you all those that were shot against you shall be opened paul and silas according to the bible in acts of apostle 16 22-26 they were imprisoned those were shot against them and they were changed even the soldiers were watching them there was no way of escape so the door had been shot against them but the bible accounts said they prayed they began to sing song and god remembered them and came down by himself and there was earthquake even that shook the foundation of the prison all their chains were loose and they were free i prophesy to your life whatever i put you in bondage they will lose you now and let you go in jesus name and every foundation that is working against your presence and your future they'll be earthquake tonight and it will root them up in jesus name so on that day they are bound will lose because god remember them number four your sorrow will turn to joy when god put you in remember many years there was a story of naomi in rule chapter one rule chapter 1 12-13 rule 1 12 to 13. the story actually started from first one she left our home country like many are migrating to advanced country now because of situation in our country so there was farming in the land so she relocated to another nation getting there things instead of growing better grew worse lost the husband lost our two sons and then the daughters he said they should go to their own country so she in sorrow of her warm sorrow he went back she went back to a city to her country but ruth followed and when they got there they thought god has forgotten them they thought nothing good can come from their life again but because god has not forgotten her she decided to return our joy and now it does happen her daughter-in-law got married to his kingsman and if you now re root for i read from 5 13 root 4 13 to 16. so what took root as it was his wife and when he went into her the lord gave her conception and bear a son and the woman said unto now blessed be the lord which hath not left thee this day without a kingsman that his name may be famous in israel and it's beyond to be a restorer of their life a knowledge of their old age for thy daughter-in-law which loved thee which is better today than seven sons i brought him and naomi took the child and laid in that bosom and became lost onto it she has lost every hope she told god has forgotten her she thought she would die in that sorrow but god turned things around today that son that was born is in the knowledge of where is the lineage of jesus christ so do you think god has forgotten you you will turn that sorrow to joy tonight in jesus name let's pray and say father you hold the key of david please unload the door of my breakthrough in jesus name father you hold the king of david please unlock the door of my breakthrough in jesus name father you hold the king of david please unlock the door of my breakthrough in jesus name amen say father by the power of your word let every source of sorrow in my life dry up in jesus name further by the power of your world let every source of sorrow in my life dry off in the name of jesus further by the power of your world let every source of sorrow in my life dry off now in the name of jesus amen say father wherever i have been forgotten before please open my book of remembrance in jesus name father wherever i've been forgotten please open the book of my remembrance in jesus name wherever i have been forgotten please open the book of my remembrance in the name of jesus it shall be so in jesus name amen number five you will receive freedom from bondage and captivity when god remembers you for 430 years israelites were in the land of egypt they were in captivity they were suffering under the tax master and but god promised them that he promised abraham your seed shall suffer in the foreign land but after 400 years and we bring them back and they will not come empty that was the promise of god but year and year out they were suffering and they told god had forgotten them until let's see psalm 105 42-44 san juan 5 42-44 for he remember his holy promise and abraham is servant and he brought forth his people with joy and his chosen with gladness and gave them the lands of the healing and they inherited the labor of the people these are the people who have been laboring in vain they thought god has forgotten them but because god cannot forget you or his promise in this case 430 years he came remember ibrahim and the promise he made and brought them out with joy and immediately to inherit a land and property that is not even labor for maybe i'm talking to somebody here where you did not label you will have vampire in jesus name and you will stay in the house you did not bull by yourself in jesus name number six god will cause men to remember you you see when god put you in remembrance even men he will meet men to remember you in genesis 46 to 23 genesis 2 46-23 we hear the story i will not be able to read because of my time remember the story of joseph siblings so joseph into slavery and he forgot him he became a servant in the land of prayer in the house of potiphar what if i trusted him put him in charge of everything but when just one lie against him she he threw him into the prison yard and forgot him there because the prisons without thumbs then when interpreted dream to the servant of pharaoh and he said to the butler please remember me when it is good for you for good two years the man did not even remember him but when god wanted to put him in remembrance he made pharaoh to have a dream that no one can interpret except joseph are you listening to me you might thought that promise will not come again you might thought that prophecy will not manifest again but situation that will make people to be looking for you for the manifestation of the prophecy shall manifest in jesus name because that's what happened to joseph when nobody could interpret say ah i remember my sin now there is somebody in the prison yet who interpreted my dream and then pharaoh said they should go and call him and immediately they brought joseph and instead of being the prison is now in the palace am i talking to somebody it does not matter how low you are you are coming out in jesus name and you are getting to where god have dressed in you to be in the mighty name of jesus so we see the story of modern modakai 2 in esther chapter 6 10 to 11 as esther 6 10 to 11 where body kite is a good walk nobody remember him but a time came that god wanted to remember to make sure that he did not forget him he made the king to have the dream i mean he took sleep away from the king king aceros he could not sleep and he was looking into all the book historical book and find why modekai has threatened the uh plan to assist as assassinate him i say what have we done for this man and here was a man who wanted to kill buddha guy he said who is in the court this he said i'm the one it's okay what should we do to somebody who came delighted in and that must thought he was himself not knowing that it was his own enemy that he wanted to kill he said put him on royal apparel royal ass take him around the city and say this is the man that the king delighted him and he said go and do that i'm telling you today by the name that is above all other names as god is putting you in remembrance your enemy will begin to celebrate you in jesus name so again to pray and say father please put my remember in the heart of my destiny help us in jesus name father please put my remembrance in the heart of my destiny help us in jesus name father please put my remembrance in the heart of my destiny helpers in jesus name amen say father please remember me today and turn around my captivity in jesus name father please remember me today and turn around my captivity in jesus name father please remember me today and turn around my captivity in jesus name amen say father if don't make me forget me please always put me in your remembrance in jesus name father even though many forget me always put me in your remembrance in jesus name father even though many forget me always put me in your remembrance in jesus name amen what will god remember you tonight what will he remember you for number one you will remember your tears as you'll be shedding tears in the closest second king chapter twenty first thirty second king twenty three i beseech you lord remember now i have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart i have done that which is good in that side and a second wet saw when they told this guy was going to die he wept so are you weeping for one situation or the other because in this case this when hezekiah began to weep is the same prophet god sent back to him and said you won't die again i will elogate your life 15 years is being added to your life whatever has caused you to be weeping that thing will change for better now in jesus name if we remember your vows first psalm chapter 1 11 4 7 11 and she found a vow and said o lord of whose if thou indeed look on the affliction of their handmaid and remember me and not forget their harmony but we give unto handmaid a man child then i will give him unto the lord all the days of his life and there's no result come upon israel this is a place where many of us miss it we pledge we don't pay we make vows we don't pay because god will not forget your vow anna made a vow and god remember her vow open her womb and when somewhere came she did not behave like any of us i have no other son no i will hold it no she went and paid a vow and god multiply that child and he has additional five maybe the problem with you that made god to forget you is that you have refused to pay your foul please one pay and it will bring you to remember number three he will remember your good work nehemiah chapter 13 14 nehemiah 13 14 remember me oh my god concerning this and wipe not out my good deeds that i have drawn for the house of my god and for the offices they are wrong many people tell us when they do work for god they are doing it for the pastor you are not doing it for the pastor you are doing it for yourself and god has a book of remembrance he said remember me concerning this that was the maya that is praying you may think god has forgotten your good deeds no he's putting not on record and every good need have a reward if we reward you abundantly in jesus name number four if we remember your prayers act 10 4 and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it lord and he said unto him thy prayers and their arms are come up for a memorial before god god has not forgotten your prayer day in day and night he will remember all those prayers and we bring answer by fire in jesus name are you thinking that all the prayer of this year what have you gotten from me all the people insinuating and say since you have been going to the vigi what do you bring out god will surprise them because after now god will put you in remembrance remember your prayers and answer them all in jesus name in conclusion why god cannot forget you why he cannot forget your labor of love why you cannot forget all your selfies before him why cannot forget your prayer and your tears also if you continue to live in sin he won't forget your sin but if you surrender your life to him now tonight and say lord please accept me it will forgive you jeremiah 31 34 jeremiah 1 34 and they shall teach no more every man is neighbor and every man is brother saying know the law for this i all know me from the list of them unto the greatest of them say the lord for i will forgive their iniquity and i will remember they are saying no more so if you come to the lord jesus christ today and give your life to him he said he will forgive your sin and he will remember them no more do you want god to wash away your sin to forgive your sin totally so that you can begin to serve him if you want to do this can you rise up wherever you are and if you're in the house just stand up a standoff of faith and if you're in the church setting do the same by going to the altar we're going to pray for salvation now if you say you have receiving lord jesus as your lord and savior and you want him not to remember your sin any longer please rise up as we pray right now father almighty those that have heard your word and accepted you as their lord and savior and won't tell you to watch the way they are seen so that you will not even remember they are sin any longer please receive them to yourself oh lord let your blood cleanse them from every iniquity in jesus name and give them power to sin no more in jesus name thank you for answering us in jesus mighty name we are prayed if you have joined us in this prayer you will see some numbers on the screen please send your details to that your details your name your address and your prayer requests to those numbers it will get to the information depths of our daddy our father and the lord who will be praying for you on daily basis and if you are narrow to any of the redeemed christian church of god parish just go there and meet the pastor that you heard the word and you want to submit your detail to daddy he will guide you and daddy will be praying for you on daily basis please don't forget to do this the the rest of us we want to pray right now i'm going to pray two or three prayers before our offerings say father please remember my tears and send me help from heaven in jesus name father please remember my tears and send me help from heaven in jesus name father please remember my tears and send me help from heaven in jesus name amen say father whatever is in my life that will make you to forget me let it cut fire now in jesus name father whatever is in my life that will make you to forget me let it cut fire now in jesus name whatever is in my life or in my foundation that will make you to forget me let's sort cut fire now in the name of jesus amen say father please remember me and restore my glory in jesus name father please remember me and restore my glory in jesus name father please remember me and restore my glory in jesus name father please remember me and restore my glory in jesus name amen going to pray right now and i want you to focus on the lord jesus christ if you are seeking the blood in your body lay your hands on that area of sickness if you cannot lay your hand there lay your hands on your head and i want you to know that jesus christ is here and we solve all your problems and that day our father the lord the general herself redeemed christian church of god past oh yeah boy is also praying along with us in this program so you cannot go without receiving your miracle are you ready to pray let's rise up for prayer heavenly father we thank you for the power that is in your world we thank you because you are the same yesterday today and forever we thank you because of your promise you say a woman may forget our second child but you our god our father you will never never forget us father tonight put us in remembrance in jesus name everything that's challenging our life that make us to think that you are forgetting us please arrest them today in jesus name change the situation today in jesus name solve that problem today in jesus name is there anyone sick among us who have been praying and fasting and yet nothing happened because of your word tonight and by your strife heal them now in jesus name let that sickness who is a stranger in the body because you sense messengers and tremble and out of trembling they will get out of their closets i command all ailments or sickness whatever name they are called let them tremble now in jesus name let them get out of their closet in jesus name and i command by disciple of the lord jesus christ receive your healing now in jesus name every body in your heart every sorrow in your heart every circumstances of your of your life that make you to think that god have forgotten you tonight i put them on their subjection and i said by the authority in the name of jesus receive solution now in jesus name receive power over them now in jesus name if there is any strong enemy binding you i set you loose in jesus name in jesus mighty name we are prayed amen now is the time to give our offering because our savage cannot be concluded until we give our offering please raise it up where you are package the offering if you are paying online you will see the instruction on the screen please kindly follow that instruction let's raise it up as we pray father bless this offering in jesus name remember our offering tonight and receive it by fire in jesus name let it connect us to our burdens in jesus name and from today we will never lack anything good in jesus name in jesus mighty name we are praying amen praise it a lot [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] backbone [Music] [Music] too [Music] uh [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: RCCG
Views: 2,180
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg.org live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg september 2021 holy ghost service, rccg september 2021 sermon, @rccg, rccg 2021 holy ghost service, rccg online, september 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service 2021, rccg live service, rccg service 2021, rccg.org live, pastor e.a adeboye latest, rccg live youtube, september 2021 holy ghost service, september holy ghost, you shall be fruitful
Id: 86VgYHcD1o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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