Sneaking Plungers onto People's Cars in Traffic

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Shitheads dressed like shitheads acting like shitheads.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/nolotusnote 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies really gonna upload a ross vlog. Gtfo

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Rten-Brel 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damaging other people's property isn't a prank, bro.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kalmah 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] with these chillin dog yeah it's like summer's over any but it's all kind of hot it is hot the fat is too powerful never turn the AC all the way up we almost died never Daisy that I and that is why I dad never let us turn the ACF dang it I don't know no then freakin catching these all day so annoying yeah it's like the fifth one today I guess they're just bottom feeders so they go for it with the weight on their trash they don't even taste that good either okay I don't know if you can tell but it's like so quiet it's abnormally quiet he's but I feel like everybody can hear me talking right now it's so quiet you could hear a mouse fart that guy's ears are so big he get here at mouse bar you can hear a dolphin fart it's like a library ma'am you have to be sheesh if you go out there oh my voice must have been drowned out by the waves hit the waves drowned out his voice and the little child who was playing in them wait that's not funny mister sir it's the library Beach with internet access Tamara what you think is right dang library but I was just gonna throw it back yeah I see these balls aren't even regulation-size you just got thrown back I'm gonna stop then another one oh my god all day yes it's the only thing I've been catching it's annoying it's not regulation sighs I just have to throw it back back well it's just not regulation size so if I keep it it's illegal I can't use it it's illegal he whispers back to me if you I read that if you whispered to somebody's always over back to you there are children who wish they could drown in the middle states you have it so good you can drown anytime you want here in America in third world countries and third we're third wheel countries in third-world countries oh no Morgan leave that bar oh come on no you gotta cut is this too far that's it wait has that ever been done I don't know just a library just a library [Music] that's a gala library traffic's pretty bad today we're gonna see if we can unclog it a little bit sneak a plunger on someone's car okay I asked you where this car stopped the car behind them is looking at him she's making a picture do you only drive around the plunger on them just oh my god dude look at that freaking plunger you lost your plunger on here yeah there's a plunger on here you left it on here this is yours I don't know if you added on here purposely yeah I just didn't know if you're trying driving with it I didn't put that on there an hour drive that's the boys just cracking up watching I don't think you can see them but people next to us are dying off and watching us do this the window oh man this lady is driving freakin fast hey must of work my head must work clearly at work is she freaking Florida did you see how much faster she started going after we got our own clog yeah come on closer oh you do Skippy blunders face [Laughter] Oh not jump hey spitting image of me you just has a different color van why is it so funny dude it's just so funny to see a freaking plunger on someone's car I'm gonna take it off his car here the noise when it comes after that was just the greatest yeah let's see if this side works I tell Cole to go suction cup plungers the cars and he uses this side he's like dude I've tried as hard as I could a wooden stick why you want to use this him because we were padding the toilet like I was trying to be respectful this guy looks all stocked up you know it is so funny yeah I'll pull it off no next to me and I'm gonna get 20 more feet of this rope 3 fo 9 185 are you right now your phone number for me I got one he's loving he's dumping water I got him it's a rest effort that was clever yeah we're getting there earlier and Chris said that he was like he's like he's like you're fishing for him to take the line take the bait quick real men we're trying to be hot dog vendors and we need straps for the tray and then these red ones and then that's why I wanted the black shop originally I have so I have court this Wednesday November 20th and it's for a video I did back from April I got arrested the charge was impersonating a cop it's a third degree felony and the maximum prison sentence is five years and we're going to trial it's open to the public so I'm inviting you to come it'll take a little bit to pick the jury so you guys can come at 10 a.m. it'll be at the Sarasota courthouse on the third floor courtroom 3b I have no idea what's gonna happen if I'm found guilty maximum sentence is five years in prison yeah I could be sentence right then and there so I wouldn't be able to continue uploading videos for however long I would be in jail for if I'm innocent then nothing happens so if you'd like to come you're welcome you're invited follow my Instagram stories for more specific updates I may have something else to say or new information about when and where see you then we should go up there which all three of us go put our butts that needs to their faces Nicole you can put your face and meet Chris all the robots yeah nobody oval toe or your face is just pretties are votes one five nine sixteen percent young beam from a tree then you [Laughter] the funnest noise in the world it just doesn't give better bam boom pow Dave's phone
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 3,795,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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