r/Blursedimages | young thug

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that works surprisingly well a little too well now i'm vaguely suspicious [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today we're taking a look at our slash blurs images so shield your eyes it's going to get weird let's get started his name is aman gus he's a german serial killer and if it wasn't for the fact he was wearing red he may have never been caught you know if if you've got a giant mole on the back of your head you may as well just own up to it and turn it into a funny tattoo this is great i love it this is this is like the uh the owl without feathers but somehow 10 times worse because it's an animal that i feel should not look like this this seems really inefficient and and like not reliable but i i i also don't really want to think about this too much and just move on to the next one i i don't remember the part where the bible said that jesus's abs abs had abs but okay it's an athletic shirt that also lets you pop out your neck great for contents not sure what's going on here don't want to guess gotta just walk away from this one do not click buttons with genitalia i feel like this this is just general life advice like just don't there's there's really no reason to it's wildly inefficient only in alabama ah the kirby memes have started i knew they were coming see the difference lightning mcqueen is that kirby has a choice you are the car kirby could tech oh oh dear god no no we're not going there i am the all cat baby changing station insert baby slam shot receive cat a much better replacement for your child that's the face of regret i know this is i hope it's not real but no no put the monitor lizard whatever pictures away please this is a public space this this got this is oddly over detailed and weird and i i no idea what's going on um and i'm kind of afraid to ask just goes to show you these these kind of jokes never get old and everyone makes them i personally would trust my life to doge knight uh i regret to inform you at this time uh that cars are not typically equipped to go downstairs uh i know it's not in the owner's manual i know nobody's ever told you this before um but it's typically not something that we expect so no we are not going to be covering your damage uh under warranty what in uh uh wha what i missed the context for this i i genuinely have no idea what's going on ah damn boob now i don't know what i know the original thing was like how did this get here this raises a lot of uncomfortable questions i'm not prepared to even think about it is a little-known fact that human clouds actually do not have necks p.s this is freaking adorable that that that um that's not uh um that's not how it works although i kind of want to go down that now i can't do the voice but i can hear it and that that disturbs me this this works too well i know nothing about magic the gathering but if strong magic isabella showed up on the table i'm pretty sure you'd just lose immediately i like everything about this except for the minions i hate the minion one i hate the minion one so much because it works it even works from a genetics perspective because some of the minions have two eyes and pac-man has two eyes so like there's a random chance for them to have one or two eyes ah why does this work i'm okay with hollow shrek i don't know about the rest of this babe are you okay you've hardly touched your feet loaf oh god no colossus colossal goose colossus that just sounds like a town my pool floaty my pool floaty good dog you know a bunny xenomorph even even if it is a bugs bunny crossover was not something i ever expected needed or wanted to see elmer fudd with a predator mouth i can i can deal with but you thought i was a skateboard but i am secretly a dog wait wait his hair is a person get him a timeless classic proving that timing is everything for some reason this this turns the cat into some sort of weird dr seuss creature that's like wearing a cat and i don't like it it gets worse the more you think about it haunted tv warning this product only displays the tortured images of the ghost trapped within it 12.99 are you sure the tv is not just in demo mode this is uh [Music] barely wholesome and cute like i'll let you uh barely hold something cute oh um i see this is where chuck norris fell over the only time chuck norris ever did and it was on purpose hey kids let's nail donkey kong let's let's let's not let's absolutely not would not be surprised if this is a real thing genuinely the shoes are weird a healed croc is is not going to be the worst thing i've ever seen in the shoe department fresh idiot kinky i mean i mean yes it's kirby for it's it's oh okay karby okay all right carby i can i can get on board with this being called carby the spanish kfc uh twitter account um falling in love with mcdonald's all right but hear me out uh mcdonald's chicken nuggets at kfc and kfc chicken tenders in the mcdonald's chicken sandwiches i i could get along with this romance what happened we don't know a giant pink creature took control of the car i mean if you want to save on clothes just get your child pants large enough to wear as a suit dress jumpsuit thing why why why is there so much xenomorph in this set today why if this is a cosplay though oh no darn it's just a photoshop this would be hilarious cosplay though alien and predator going to like romantic outings jolly butts nah mcdaddy yes mcdonald's portugal yeah the struggle is real mcdonald's you get me mcdonald's portugal well done everyone well done social media company for the same team talking to each other on twitter and this is how eod teams practice my lighter oh god i hate it oh i hate it you know i always thought this was kind of a missed opportunity but also figured he'd get sued by eminem mars wow they genuinely put a lot of effort into making sure the stripe is there also weird to see toothpaste naked oh oh no he has fully lost it i wonder if this shows up in the ultra gritty realistic one and now we have freestyle skiing this is the men's frisky big air qualification round our judge today is sauron himself that's right bill and remember skiers that don't qualify get thrown into mount doom really exciting lineup today this took dedication to create a meme in real life i hope they didn't actually hurt themselves but i do see a skinned knee so like the things people do for internet points well here's your internet point sir he was literally made for france custom sculpted nose just for france i'm not seeing the problem here other than that this is in a thrift store and the person taking the photo hasn't bought this yet okay i i know i i think i know what you're going for here like a pizza gingerbread house but it really just looks like a stephen king novel i think homie got the power of god hello dave your time has come my most diabolical lick yet several core cores of enriched uranium 235 from iron and that's how opie died from radiation poisoning this this is not the weirdest thing i've seen on the internet there must be a reference i'm missing ah yes we just saw this in r the child selector with two points of pain you know sergio when we hired you to build a balloon animal sculpture for the kids birthday party this isn't exactly what we had in mind but it is art it also gave jimmy a panic attack uh earth updates earth updates uh you want to check your shaders no no no no these two things did not need to be combined internet please stop just just stop it's okay you can end this oh yeah yeah i mean uh if look if you want fried shrimp hair that that's on you you clearly have a higher tolerance for being embarrassed than a good amount of people and good for you but but don't be surprised when somebody dunked you into a deep fryer i will part the sea with millions of wait does that work all right now i want to try that it's kermit and it talks that that actually looks pretty sharp wha what is what oh oh my god oh my god he's eaten in person it's finally happened revisiting this though kind of a really cool costume like this would work at a party event and it would be amazing this this feels illegal on many levels was this an original ad or is this this looks like art like a independent art also the fact that he has to pull up his suit to smoke like like batman would have been a perfect candidate he already has the voice dude's just storing some snickers for later all right i'm actually not gonna make fun of anybody with poor teeth because my teeth are completely wrecked and they'll probably look like that in like 10 years alright i realized that you could see this drain from like one of two possible positions one of those things that can pop out of the page you know um but as a contractor and specifically for bathroom installers you'd think that you'd know that the drain needs to be recessed for water to flow into it this belongs in mildly infuriating so fine why does it look like spidey goggles also that is like pvc plasticky that that would get so sweaty so fast that is no this is not a good idea they did not think this through what's the time it's almost triple clock don't get soaked uh what what even am i looking at i don't like any of it society i mean yes i'm not sure what that last one was supposed to be like i think i know the show but like i don't i i don't get it oh that's a great way to like come into a class on biology insects anything like that i especially love the the armrests and bub bubb died on the shoe for our sins he lived for two weeks after and then died it's true though some people some people get on the new york subway and i swear they have no idea how wide they should be the amount of seat you should take up on one of the free benches the ones that don't have the individual seats is uh the width of your hips and then your legs go straight out there's no need for anything else if you're doing this you should be on your way to the er because there's something very very wrong down under you know i've seen so many internet things at this point that this just looks normal to me cat girl lolita kind of outfit with the minecraft head this is this is this is just standard attire now you know uh don't you point that thing at me also the fact that it technically is flicking you off and it looks like banana and grapes is kind of hilarious and well designed on their parts i i mean it almost works it really does almost work no don't pee on the couch i'm here i'll show you see the tree pee on the tree oh god uh oh okay i got it uh so p standing up no i'm tinkerbell do you think i'm pretty did you 3d print a shred is that 3d printed did you 3d print a shrek just to make this internet joke because cause yeah okay all right it's funny hope thanos is not a string of words i expected to ever utter but here we are that's terrifying on every single level that's cool actually that's that's really neat if that's real and not just a weird photoshop that that took some incredible skill to make i can't i can't hate on that it's like a fountain man it's just a light look i'm just saying ever since we installed it feels weird in here he is always watching um question two is is this some sort of like lead shielding for an x-ray or something or uh is this like a baby street jack what is this giant puffy suit thing this looks way too thick okay and to look at the actual image to figure out who this was because i'm terrible at faces and this is apparently white kanye so i i don't even i okay like react accordingly i don't know i don't care see this is what happens when you release an animal crossing game on a console and it turns out to be a crappy board game that requires amiibos to play i've i've i've been staring this for a solid minute and number one cool awesome excellent it's an xbox pie number two what is it because at first i thought it was jello or some kind of like key lime pie kind of thing but it's highly reflective but also looks opaque in places what is this and do i want to know considering the fact that it's technically gamer pie i probably really don't want to know the most accessible stairs ever because we put a handicapped sign on it oh i hate it here and that brings us the end of our slash blurs images which as always never fails to do its job but you know what has never sometimes blursed the lovely fan art posted over in r mk today's fan art is brought to you by user your hopes die here yee and they say fan art for robin and lexi oh this is so cute oh my god robin's in my hair thank you so much for that lovely fan art user your hopes die here and if you'd like your fan art to potentially be featured in an upcoming video remember to post it in our slash mk if you enjoyed any of these posts hit that like button and if you want more r slash blurs damages and your subscription speed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lex kitty but you all can call me lexi and you can find me on youtube twitter and tick tock remember to pick up one of our posters at mkshop.com have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 223,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Blursedimages
Id: yKxMOPlpwMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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