Razer Blade 16 vs ROG Scar 16 vs Legion 7i Pro

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This will be an interesting video.

If you set your fans in custom mode in the legion Pro 7 in vantage, does vantage remember these presets when you reboot your laptop?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UnionSlavStanRepublk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

There’s no doubt in my mind that overall the new Legion is one of the best, if not the best 4080 laptop out there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WilliamG007 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

post questions here

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/danielbarakat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would like to know the CPU and GPU temperatures of these three computers? I don't see any mention of this in your video? I heard Legion has the lowest temperature? is this real?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/time__seeker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys how's it going this has been a long time in the making here I have three of the best 16-inch gaming laptops the only thing that's missing the ge68 and that's not done purposely I wish I was able to get my hands on one but I just I'm just not able to at this moment in time and I also don't have the x16 that's something I do hope to get soon so I think at some point maybe whoever the winner is of this I'll end up comparing that one to maybe the GE 78 next and then the x16 so we'll just have to settle up for these three and eventually I'll probably just do a standalone video for the GE 68 but anyway guys let's just get right into it um I'm gonna I'm gonna cover as much as I can on these three laptops I'm not gonna be able to cover everything so just leave me a comment and I'll try to get back to you and on top of that this is the type of video that doesn't always do well on YouTube the algorithm has a hard time finding the Right audience hit that like button so YouTube knows to recommend this video to more people just like you anyway let's just get right into it we're gonna first talk about the Chargers two of them for Lenovo let's just start with the Lenovo first if you get an RTX 4070 or an RTX 40 60 you're going to get this 300 watt charger which I've been using for a long time and it's fine it's nice and slim but if you upgrade to the 4080 version you get this brand new 330 watt charger and as you can see it is significantly smaller this is what it looks like next to the Rog 330 watt charger and as you can see the 300 watt charger is a decent amount smaller overall and then if we wanted to compare it to the Razer this is the razer's 330 watt charger and it's actually the smallest of the bunch but not by much I mean so out of the scar 16 charger the Razer Blade 16 charger the legion 7 8 Pros charger who gets a check mark well it's going to go to the razor blade and then it's going to go to the legion and then in last place it's going to go to the Rog even though this is a newer 330 watt charger that they introduced last year with the scar 17 SE it already can't compete with these much smaller guys okay so let's do the ports on the scar you're only getting two USB type A ports and this is my first issue with the scar the only USB type A ports are on the right hand side and I find that to be a little bit annoying because my mouse still uses USB type A so it kind of gets in the way of my mouse hand and plus if you're going to have two USB type A ports I kind of wish they were on different sides and same with the other side on the scar you're getting USB type-c ports two of them one is Thunderbolt one supports display port but the problem is I kind of wish they they would flip-flop them have like one USB type A on one side and one USB type c on the other side but that's just the way they did things and also the scar and this is where you're getting your HDMI 2.1 your ethernet port and the charging port on the Razer you're getting your headphone jack on the left I tend to prefer my headphone jack on the left I just find that most of my headphones have the cable on the left instead of the right but whatever not a big deal one thing I forgot to mention on the charging section is the actual connector itself for the Razer is made out of metal so it's really really easy to scratch this charging port and as you can see the you get a chat you get a sense of the ventilation on both the left and the right both the blade and Lenovo have it coming out to the sides while on the Razer it's only on the the back only the legion has ports on the back so you're getting your charging port two more USB type A's an HDMI 2.1 a USB type-c and your ethernet connector and on the Razer Blade all of your ventilation is on the back and with the scar you're only getting ventilation at the back so when it comes to the ports who gets to win um for me I'm gonna say the legion you get you got a lot of USB type A ports you have the option of having ports on the back one thing I forgot to mention is that they are labeled so it makes it a lot easier to plug in without having to get up and kind of reach around it as a little bit of extra convenience I missed last year's version that's actually illuminated this isn't but whatever it is what it is and second place probably going to go to the razor because they have a good amount of ports and they include an SD card slot and in third place it's going to go to the scar they have the fewest ports and I don't like how they're arranged okay so now let's talk about the size to No Surprise the scar 16 is the last place it's just the largest so actually in terms of overall width and length the razor is in first place here because of how compact it is so as you can see I have them all stacked up here and the razor is still the smallest and in terms of thickness the scar is definitely a lot thicker so who gets a check mark obviously it's Razer they're both rated to perform the same way in terms of tgp so let's talk about the overall build quality the Razer is obviously going to get the win here it's the only one that's made completely out of metal so it's the same aluminum throughout on the lid on the back when you open it up on the keyboard deck even the bezels are made out of aluminum and the trackpad is gigantic and glass the keycass feel like they're made out of a very high quality this is this is an easy win for the Razer in terms of the hinge it's again the best it's really easy to open with one hand it doesn't require much force but it's tuned just perfectly where it feels really really easy to open and close there is a little bit of wobble but it's nothing you'll ever notice unless you're doing something silly like this right here so now when it comes to the legion which I'm going to put in second place the hinge is actually really solid too there's actually not really any of that weird wobble that I saw with the razor but the hinge is stiffer and one cool thing about the legion is the hinge goes all the way back but in terms of build let me let me just try to stay in order here you're getting a really good aluminum on the top cover and on the back but everything else is made out of plastic this side bit is made out of plastic this little covering over the ventilation is made out of plastic the back is made out of plastic this is all made out of plastic and when you open up the keyboard deck it is made out of plastic as well and it doesn't really feel very premium unfortunately the keyboard deck feels a little bit mid-range to me I mean there's no flex it's built really well but this build of plastic just doesn't really feel super high quality the key cast feel really nice though they almost feel like they're a little bit grippy in a sense still plastic but overall fairly nice and then here we have the scar 60 and this is a really really high quality aluminum in the front but everything else is plastic and this um this this armor I forgot what it's called exactly but it's removable if you care about that you can 3D print it it comes with a few in the box but everything here is made out of plastic including the back and as you can see is translucent the side the side here is made out of plastic the back is made out of plastic but it's textured and I guess helps with the build one thing I like about the scar is you're getting a lot of rubber feet so if you keep this on your lap it's nicely planted and it doesn't slide around at all it it sits firmly on your lap I have found that with the legion and with the blade that it does kind of slide a little bit but not nothing really worth noticing unless you have all three of them in front of you the way I do here and then when you open it up the hinge also really really solid really really firm and you're ha and you have plastic hair I don't mind the plastic on the scar maybe because of the translucent nature it does look a little bit cool but it just feels more solid it kind of feels like a smoother acrylic type of plastic versus on the legion where it just feels a little bit more cheap so overall obviously first place goes to the razor second place I'm gonna give it to the scar and then in third place I'm going to give it to the legion and in terms of actual design this obviously is very subjective I want to give it to the scar I really really like the way this looks I really like the RGB on the back and on and in the front I like the way the keyboard illuminates I like the translucent nature obviously it's not for every situation I can imagine if you're seeing clients and you want to look professional the razor might be the best for you like like in my day job I'm an accountant and say I'm opening my own firm or I'm trying to give somebody Financial advice the last thing I want to do is show up here with this Rog laptop pop it open and have all these RGB coming out of it it just kind of would seem like like a client would not want to give me a big down payment to start a project with this laptop versus I feel like you could get away with that with both the legion and the Razer but for me I like the way this car looks so I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it to the scar so now let's talk keyboard um third place for me is going to be the razor there's it's really really shallow it's a little bit mushy it requires some actuation Force but not much but the shorter travel the lack of a number pad really really affected for me it's not bad and if you're and I've lived with razor blade laptops for years and I'm able to get through the day with it but with better competition out there I would definitely prefer the scar I miss the days when they had optomechanical keyboard it was one of my favorite keyboards to use I don't know why they dropped it but this keyboard is fine it still it feels a little bit mushy I mean I wish there was a little bit more actuation Force necessary to press it down but at least there's more travel it's a fine keyboard for what it is and it's actually the quietest out of all of them and one thing about the um scar is this little number pad right here which that's there we go see it doesn't always work properly um probably just because it's capacitive and you're not getting any feedback when you actually make a click but it works when it needs to and it's fine for what it is and yes I actually do find myself using this and in first place we have the legion this is by far my favorite keyboard to use um of any laptop not just gaming laptop I don't like the MacBook laptop because I have the same issue that I have with the blade and out of all the several other laptops I've used but my number one has always been this guy the legion you get a proper number pad and the numbers are right where they should be the zero actually takes up two slots and the keys so when you're using your thumb you could actually hit it properly a lot of times they put the zero towards the right and it's not natural for your thumb to hit that and the and these sides up here are where they should be on any other keyboard like for example this is a Samsung using laptop really really nice laptop it's super thin really nice I'm actually thinking about doing a review on it too but one thing but what I wanted to point out was the minus sign the plus sign and then the division sign and the multiplication sign aren't where they should be this is the correct layout and this is where my muscle memory is two and two and this is where everyone's muscle memory is to to live on our number pad so the fact that they did this in many ways kind of makes it a little bit useless to me when I'm working or when I'm crunching a lot of numbers I don't know maybe because I'm in finance and I use the number pad a lot but I'm probably spending too much time talking about the numpad let me move on but coming back to the keyboard it's really really easy to type on um I do wish it was a little bit more um Force but because the keycaps are a little bit bigger I don't find myself hitting the wrong keys or anything like that like I do with other laptops um and it everything's just wonderfully spaced there is just enough travel everything just works really really well with this keyboard and this is by far my favorite keyboard and the keyboard is obviously a very very important component of a laptop okay so let's talk trackpad since I have the legion right in front of me I'll discuss this one fine it's good for what it actually is it's made out of plastic though so it's not glass it is really responsive and fast and I like it it's a bit small I wish it was a little bit taller when I'm scrolling around I find myself hitting the edges a lot I don't have that issue with this razor because it is gigantic um it's probably the biggest trackpad I've seen in a Windows laptop maybe second to the Samsung trackpad which I mentioned earlier but we're not talking about Samsung today but overall this trackpad is really really nice the glass feels really nice and smooth it's really easy to use it feels very very responsive in third place and by a very big margin is this scar 16. I've used a scar 18 and a 6 18 and I didn't have a problem with that and I felt those track pads were really good I don't know if it's because of this capacitive number pad but it just does not feel as responsive it's the it's delayed when you use it and it doesn't feel as smooth um I don't know if I don't know if um track pads have like a polling rate the way um a mouse does but there is something that's definitely missing from this trackpad to make it feel as a premium laptop should I mean if you only have one of these laptops and you're using this trackpad like I don't think you're gonna return it over it I don't even think you'll even notice it but because I have all three of these right next to each other it's definitely apparent all right guys so next is the speakers overall I want to say that the Razer is the best it's missing the bass that's present in the Razer Blade 18. but the sense of mids and Clarity is a notch better than the scar 16 and the legion 7 Pro I I feel like most people who listen to them might prefer the legion because you're hearing a bit more of that lower Rumble but to my ears I prefer the extra sense of clarity I'm okay with sacrificing a little bit of artificial sounding Bass to get better overall Clarity and the sense of Sound Stage is way better on the razor where it sounds like where sounds are coming from all over the place it doesn't sound like they're just contained and the fact and I think the fact that they're friend firing probably does help with the clarity but overall yep Razer is number one number two is Legion which sounds really really really good really well balanced and I can imagine that a lot of people might listen it's going to be a close second for the legion and in third place is the scar 16 I think the speakers are a bit of a step down compared to last year's scar 15 and definitely worse in comparison to the scar 80 which I had in recently so so the scar is going to take the L but overall for gaming laptops and actually overall laptops speakers in general they're all fairly good okay so now let's talk noise levels they're all loud I'm gonna show up like the decibels that I've been able to get from all of them they're all within like the 50 55 56 ish decibels depending on how far away my testing equipment is but like the decibels aren't everything I'm starting to realize they all sound differently like the the to my ears the scar sounds the most annoying something about the way that all four of those fans are spinning definitely for whatever reason sounds louder the legion is the quietest the fans that they're using and the new Vapor chamber especially in the 4080 version and up I'm starting to think that Vapor Chambers are just a bit more quieter while able while they're also able to dissipate the heat pretty decently okay and next and probably one of the most important thing at least to me is a display that's where your eyes are looking at frames don't matter if they look like crap the Lenovo Legion gets a l here because they're using a traditional IPS screen with only srgb you're getting a low color gamut when it comes to DC ip3 so even though they have hdr on the legion it's not real HDR you're not getting any kind of local dimming and the color volume isn't high enough to display HDR properly so that HDR is just a check mark for them and the contrast as good as it is for being a traditional IPS display it can't hold a candle with both the scar and the razor so the rest of the display section is going to be between the razor and the scar and I will have to give the edge to the razor that 4K screen looks amazing and if you're wondering if you can tell the difference in resolution between 4K and QHD even at 16 inches you can um it is noticeable videos and games do look sharper I I can't deny that but on top of that the utilization of the mini LED is far superior than scar this seems like it has more dimming zones or it's just better controlled I can still see some blooming on the scar and the overall color just looks a lot more vibrant and it's a lot more pleasing to look at and even if you're just looking at the measurements that the razor is able to get pretty much OLED levels in terms of contrast come compared to the scar which is still really really high I mean I think 1500 to 1 and up is high and then the scar is getting way more than that but the mini LED is on a whole different ball game there are some times where you do see some blooming in the razor blade 16 and I pointed that out in my review when I showed the fireworks scene you can see sublooming but on the scar 16 I'm seeing a lot more blooming and it just seems like the scar makes some interesting decisions about how to use the variable backlight technology that mini LED has to offer where I feel it might be necessary sometimes to turn it off if you're using Color critical work with the Razer with the razor not so much I find that the mini LED display is a lot better controlled and when you look at them side by side it's like kind of no competition unfortunately the razor does look a lot better than the scar all right guys so let's look at performance so I'm going to go through this really quickly because I feel like this part kind of usually drags on let's start off with Times by overall the blade 16 is going to win because it has a 40 90 that's expected but let's break it down let's start off with the CPU score the the razor is in last place by a decent margin and that's because the the CPU can keep cool long enough to run through this Benchmark so in terms of CPU performance you're going to get the least amount of performance from the Razer Blade because it is thermal throttling much faster than the legion and the scar and look at the legion I'm getting Char topping scores this is just nuts I don't know if the legion has like a factory undervolt but it is thermal throttling way later compared to the scar 16 I mean the scar 16 is no such it's got It's uh the CPU score is getting 15 803 which is just about standard from what I've been seeing from all of the other 13th generation Intel CPUs I've seen this year so this is kind of tackling both The Thermals and the actual CPU score and as you can see um the scar has a core I9 3980 the legion has the I9 13900 and the Razer Blade has a 13950 and honestly I don't think it really matters I don't think it matters between the different CPUs I just think The Thermals matter more in terms of actual raw performance overall how much does this matter let's move on to a real game let's look at Shadow the Tomb Raider so let's start with 1080p the Razer Blade is getting 194 frames per second the legion is getting 206 frames per second and the scar is getting 193 so that extra CPU performance is making a difference at 1080p let's look at 1440p where the GPU starts to stretch its legs a little bit more the Razer Blade 16 is going to be on top because it's a 40 90 I'm assuming if you get a 40 90 in either the Legion or the scar you're going to get similar performance if not maybe a little bit better but in my 4080 the scar is losing to the legion at 167 frames versus 163 that's very very minimal you're not going to be able to notice that in games that could just be the Silicon Lottery and at 4K there's a two frame difference with the 4080 laptops and with the lead and with the razor you're getting 95 FPS again because that's a 40 90 so it will perform better so now let's look at Horizon zero Dawn so let's start off with 1080p again um the Razer Blade is getting 147 frames per second versus the legion is getting 145 and the scars winning in this run with 151 I can't explain to you why that is that that's 1080p at 1440p they're all pretty much neck and neck they're off by one frame each and again and remember this is a 40 90 in that Razer Blade 16. so in Horizon zero Dawn you're not really seeing much of a difference but at 4K the razor starts to take a lead again once again because of that 40 90 versus the 82 FPS with the 4080 and the legion and 80 with the scar difference of two frames between the two 4080 chips not really a big deal all right and finally cyberpunk um getting essentially very very similar scores across the board if you just look at 1080p the razor seems to be struggling there a bit I ran this Razer Benchmark a bit early on with an earlier driver so that could be at play I'm not exactly sure but once you get to 1440p and then 4K and even with the frame generation I'm assuming drivers got better because I would have expected the 490 to perform a little bit better I would say overall though you're getting about similar FPS um overall in terms of thermals the razor gets the L here it seems like the legion wins in terms of CPU but the scar seems to win in GPU when it comes to thermals um I'm usually getting a higher tgp out of the scar versus the lesion but at the end of the day when you're looking at actual gameplay it's not really making a difference so the last thing I want to talk about is support this is very very important Razer has a terrible reputation when it comes to support you can go all over Reddit all over any type of social media about people complaining about terrible experiences they've had with Razer I'm not going to say it's great or bad I haven't had a lot of these experiences I've used Razer a decent amount to where I've had to set my laptops in and I was able to get them back within a week or two now once you talk to the right person that is the problem with Razer is their communication platform to support it's terrible I honestly and I don't find the Asus is that much better I have I've had issues with some of my Rog laptops and it's just been a pain to find the right person and when I finally do I mean I typically just have to send send it back but Asus products it seems like it's getting better or are usually backwarded so if I send something in who knows when I'll even get it back Lenovo is uh is the best I mean and you have to you have a lot of options they're just a regular so if something else is wrong with your Lenovo within like the first 30 days they'll send you a replacement and you don't even have to send back your other one they'll send you they'll send you a label separately and anytime after that they can have somebody come to your house to fix your issues and you know that's something that could be potentially very very important to you Lenovo and Dell are the best I mean they're by far much larger companies so so they can allocate a lot more resources towards support I can anticipate that as both Razer and Asus grow that'll start to improve obviously price is a factor the razor is a last place for that but you are getting more with the Razer especially in terms of the build quality the legion seems appropriately priced the scar seems very well priced for what it is um okay so okay so so final decisions all rounder scar best overall in terms of premium and professional looking and in terms of display Razer in terms of keyboard and Port selection Etc you're getting it's it's the legion if I had to pick one I would go for I'd probably go for the scar just because it doesn't fail at anything there's some things that I want better but it actually doesn't fail at anything and the screen is still really good it's not at the razor's level but overall I think the scar is the right choice in terms of price performance build and just overall package all right that's it I'm done thanks guys bye
Channel: consumertechwarehouse
Views: 38,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTX4080, RTX 4090, Best Gaming Laptop, Legion vs. razer, Razer vs. ROG Scar, ROG Scar vs. Lenovo Legion, rtx 4080 laptop
Id: BJjf9i58tFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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