How ASUS scams their 2023 laptop customers

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hey guys so I'm sitting here in my remote outfits with my brand new laptop which is the Asus Rog strix scar g16 but that's not going to be for long because on my way back I'm actually going to stop by the post office and I'm gonna return this to the seller he has luckily agreed to give me a full refund so I'm in a pretty good mood right now but the way that Asus has screwed me over with this laptop I just have to make a video to warn other people because if Asus gets away with this kind of scam then what's the future of PC laptops it gonna look like so imagine if you had gone out and bought a new TV because you were really excited about a particular technology like the mini LED screen and then when you got home you noticed that the quality is terrible but also it's not even using the technology that Apple's advertised that you bought it for uh well that's exactly what has happened for me I bought this laptop because it is has this amazing mini LED technology but it turns out that uh that's all a scam basically what has happened is that Asus has created this uh really high spec machine combined that with a really high quality Monitor and then they have sent that out to reviewers but then the model that they actually sold to people depends on your region so I don't know and I don't think anyone really knows which regions got the good computer and which ones got the terrible computer but basically it seems like America got the good one and most other countries got the really terrible one now if they want to treat their American customers better I suppose they're allowed to do that as long as they don't lie about it but what they've done they have led you to believe by outright lying that you are also getting that particular model but you're not okay so the way that it works I'm just gonna summarize it by saying that there's two types of uh monitors for these kind of computers it's the nebula display and then there's the nebula HDR and the nebula HDR that's the one that has the mini LED technology now even even something as simple as that I didn't even know before ordering it I just saw the sales page that said this is mini LED and I bought it you know I didn't do that level of research but afterwards I did when I when I realized just how terrible of a monitor this is I started researching it and I found that answer that actually you need to be very careful because if you get the nebula display you're getting a terrible display and if you're getting the nebula HDR then apparently it's pretty good then I got a little bit nervous obviously and I looked into it like which one do I have I looked at the sales page which says that it's definitely the nebula HDR the one that has the mini LED so I'll just read you the sales h of what I ordered which is uh Rog nebula HDR with a staggering 1100 nits of Peak Performance blah blah mini LED panel so that's the sales page but yeah you can't really blame Aces for what it says on the sales page uh this is the let's say one of the biggest New Zealand retailers for computer equipment but but of course it's not official Asus so it's that it's not really their fault that the sales pages could potentially be writing the wrong information even though I do suspect it is Ace's fault because they are making it so hard to realize that but anyway Let's ignore the sales page for now and just look at for example the sticker that comes with it so this came on this laptop and like I was saying the the online advice is that you gotta look out and make sure that you're not getting the nebula display but you're getting the nebula HDR so I looked at the sticker and what does it say here it says simpler HDR I run it underneath this QR code so that to me is in the nebula HDR Monitor and this one does it it doesn't support HDR more importantly the midi LED technology that's associated with the nebula HDR apart from that at some Forum users they were saying like well yeah you had to look out for the scar because there's a streaks g16 that's identical but it's not Scar and then you don't get the mini LED technology and but that's again like you look at here Rog strikes scar so this is the scar model but anyway even if you really don't care about this particular issue it really is just the tip of the iceberg so right now all of the major Hardware channels like gamer Nexus J2 the line is Tech tip but they're all talking about how Asus is a little bit of trouble for something else which involving motherboards overclocking I'm not gaming gonna go into that but even for my own personal experience it was the tip of the iceberg so when I first got this computer it was broken on arrival so it had this really loud sound coming from the graphics card [Music] I thought it was something stuck with the in the fence or something like that but it turned out that it was something called coil wine which is usually a high-pitched whining sound but sometimes it can be the sound that I was hearing I didn't really play around with it at all at the time as quick as possible I tried to get it sent back even that you know it was ridiculous why they would have sent something that was so obviously broken it should not have passed their quality assurance and then sending it back it was ridiculous it took them so long to evaluate this I kept sending them emails like what's going on it's like it's been weeks they were saying like oh we're waiting for the right component but this item was broken on arrival I shouldn't have to wait for months for a component so you can fix it I should just be able to get a brand new one So eventually they agreed and they did send me this one which is the brand new one it still has that sound just not as loud as we're not going to hear it right now actually maybe you can hear that this is not as loud as the first computer that I got that I sent back like do you want to listen to this all day long if you're gonna work with this computer all the time and this is me running just an empty unreal scene the fans are barely blowing so this is not a complicated uh process at all so if you hear this much from an empty unreal Scenic can you imagine how how much noise you're going to get from running something heavy so at that time I kind of felt like they win like I I can't deal with this anything anymore because I'd already waited like something like two months um to get that new computer I was worried if I send it back again it's going to be old by the time I get it back so I officially just gave up and said you know what um I don't like this computer but I'm just gonna keep it because you know I don't have time to deal with this side and that's when I started just installing my software and things like that on it and that's where eventually I started to realize like the this monitor is so incredibly bad like there's something must be wrong and it I could not get a strained answer why it was so bad so if you try to set the mini LED settings in their control panel it's not like the software is going to tell you that you don't have that version it's just not gonna let you find the button basically the button is invisible I borrowed like a color calibrator to measure it because it said that it was supposed to be 1100 nits and then I measured it and it seems that it turned out they're like whoa it's way less than that but anyway focusing on the positives I have contacted the seller about these kind of false claims on the sales page and they have removed them since then the other positive thing is you know the the seller is agreeing me to send it back for a refund I don't know if that's because anyone can do that or if it's just because I order quite a lot of things from them I guess the remaining question is like what what does this say about Asus as a company because you listening to this you might actually be in America so for you you might actually have access to the high-speced computer with the mini LED monitor if I wanted that computer now I can't because they don't sell that one in New Zealand so I don't really have that choice so it's an easy choice to go to a different brand so if I did have we we have a little visitor seagull you know the Tesla has the glass roof so it was pretty funny to see the seagull sitting above me there yeah would I have chosen that computer because that computer that you're selling in America actually has really good specs and that's where the bigger question comes in like can we trust Asus like this is absolutely ridiculous to lie like this and I know they're getting away with this because a lot of people they don't even know what mini LED is they just listen maybe they don't even listen to reviews but if they do listen to reviews they just kind of trust the reviewer like oh he's saying that this monitor is awesome so it's probably awesome I think the bigger question is is it time to boycott it as a company because this I think is really ridiculous to like outright lie this amount and I think it I mean in an Ideal World the answer would be 100 yes never Aces again of course we're not in an Ideal World so there's actually not that much to choose from when it comes to laptop and if you have my requirements on a laptop like which being able to charge it from USBC and still being able to have the graphics card running you're really starting to narrow down the amount of choices if you're still going with this kind of Asus computer I wouldn't completely blame you but if you can avoid it we gotta stand up against this kind of uh sales tactics I think the future of PC gaming in general is that a Jeopardy if uh if Asus is kind of allowed to get away with this kind of fix and make and get rich from it because I know that you're getting away with it I know that there's so many people who don't even know mediality they know it as a buzzword but they don't actually know the difference it is a very noticeable difference but I guess that depends if you ever even seen a million lady if you've never seen one then maybe you would look at something like this and think that wow it's pretty good even though I look at it and it's extremely noticeable so anything that Dar basically anything that's dark becomes gray the black levels are gray because there's there's no dimming zones in this Monitor and to make it worse it has so much IPS glow around the monitor as well basically all of the corners is displaying a huge glow and it's not the mini LED glow so if you know how many LEDs work they do have a little bit of of a glow around every pixel so so on something like this with a star field an OLED would be displaying it perfectly even though one pixel is bright and one is dark that contrast would be perfect on my OLED whereas mini LED is struggling a little bit with that but that's not the problems we're seeing here what we're seeing is this enormous glows that always comes from the corners having nothing to do with what the content of the video is well anyway I know what I'm choosing and that is I'm gonna pack this stupid computer up and send it off and never touch Asus as a brand ever again
Channel: Niberspace
Views: 96,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B2GIOoXqxjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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