ROG ALLY 15 tips in 15 minutes

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hey guys how's it going so I'm back with another video on the Rog Ally this time I want to go over some of the tips and tricks there's a lot that I'm going to cover so I'm just really going to speed through this feel free to pause rewind Etc to make sure you get everything all right so let's just get right into it so the first thing I would say is you see how quickly that fingerprint Works make sure you set that up and if you have set that up when you just got your Rog Ally there's been some firmware updates just re-register the fingerprint sensor or if we were really really excited to get yours and you kind of skip through that and the um initial Windows login then just set that up again the easiest way to get there is just to search type Windows hello and then and then Taps and then tap sign in options fingerprint recognition so just for the sake of this I'll just set it up from scratch yeah and then just try different angles and from there you're not gonna have any issues logging into Windows so if I just try to put my computer to sleep I keep calling this a computer because I mean it actually is so what happens when you touch the power button the fingerprint is red and it's pre-cache so if it's done correctly it should take you right to your home screen with just one touch of the button so spend some time doing that it'll make it easier and faster to get into your ally alright and the next tip is just kind of the nature of dealing with a Windows device in general especially something from Rog there's just a lot of different updates to do and there's a lot of different places to get you updates so one of the first places to go to is Windows update so you just press the start button and then type Windows update and then click on check for Windows updates and you see as I can as you can see I have two here but they they were failing so I just hit retry now and then just so just make sure you run through all of those update all of those and then also go to Armory crate and make sure armor crate is up to date another tip there's a dedicated Armory crate button so just tap that then content then Update Center and then just make sure you're up to date by clicking up to date third is in the my Asus app it's kind of a pain Asus separates their apps between Armory crate and the my Asus app but there's important day one updates that are only available in the my Asus app I would advise a little bit of caution with the my Asus updates um just go on Reddit or wherever you typically go on to get to get your news to make sure that they're not breaking anything there's a lot of times where Asus will come out with a new um firmware or bios update that could cause issues and from what I've been seeing online that seems to be the case so just be careful with it I would say if if you just get your out if you just get your Ally on day one um definitely run all the my Asus updates but then after that advice is caution just make sure you know what you're getting into so this bios upgrade I've been I've been hearing that it's been causing some issues I don't know if it's this particular um version but I'm not going to take the chance right now on camera until I look into it a little bit more so that's kind of generally the case not just for Asus laptops or handhelds just all of them in general they've been known to cause issues so unless you're having a specific issue except for the day one updates so now that you're fully up to date you're ready to start using this device any way that you would like and one thing you may notice is my taskbar is automatically hiding if you saw my unboxing video you've seen that that was one of the first things I did and that is one of the first things I do whenever I get a Windows tablet so to change that you just hold down the taskbar hit taskbar settings and then at the bottom there's taskbar behaviors tap on that click automatically hide taskbar I do feel with a device like this especially since the screen is small every little bit of screen real estate is important so another thing you would want to do is make sure that your system power and battery settings are what you want them to be so hold a little battery icon to the right and then hit power and sleep settings and then from here you would want to change your settings based off of the type of performance you want if you're looking for better battery life you'll change your power mode between balance and more power efficient I found myself being plugged in a lot so I've been leaving mine on best performance and Battery Saver if you've noticed this sometimes when you're playing a game and you go down to 20 percent that battery saver kicks in and it just tanks your gameplay and you could lose progress with that so one thing to do is just to probably bring that down to never alright so next and I did cover this in my unboxing go to the AMD app it's called AMD software click on settings it looks like Radeon super resolution is on by default I don't remember that being the case when I did my unboxing video but you know what it's fine it essentially just upscales games to run at the native resolution if you feel like things are looking a little bit pixelated or just not very sharp you can take this off you know in fact I'm going to take this off I don't typically keep it on and with FSR which I'll cover later on you don't really need this Radeon anti-lag I keep that on to help reduce latency and one thing about this Ally is the overall input latency is insanely low lower than anything else I've seen out there and it's been really enjoyed a game on and under this play you want to make sure that AMD freesync is on that's going to ensure that the screen refreshes at the same time as the frame is generated so it helps prevent screen tearing it can help decrease latency and it overall provides a smoother experience and very bright which I mentioned in my unboxing take that off that hurts the display quality of your screen AMD and Intel whenever next time I do an Intel based laptop I'll show how to disable their version of that but this essentially decreases the contrast and the overall brightness to save battery power so honestly it's up to you if you want to squeeze out more that the battery then turn this on and then there's different settings to determine whatever The Sweet Spot is for you but no I want my displays to look as pristine as possible so I keep that off one of the main reasons why the Ally sounds so good is because of the processing done by Adobe so I cover a lot of laptops and I found that Dolby has the best processing of sound out there so it could take mediocre speakers and make it sound really good so it looks like there's an update that's that that I need to do so make sure your Dolby is up to date for the sake of time I'm not going to do that and there's different profiles um for game Movie music so usually music at the bound setting is the most accurate neutral sound but if you want to pump everything up and make everything sound like for lack of a better term Dynamic click on Dynamic which it seems like that's what I've kept it on and you can also go to game which is actually important and you can put on you can put on performance mode and performance mode prioritizes positional accuracy for Competitive Gaming I have found that Dolby that's a really really good job creating stereo separation the best it can considering that there's just tiny tiny speakers in the Rog Ally and then also there's different custom settings so I do have some friends who spend a lot of time in here they come up with their own custom profiles to get the sound exactly the way they want one thing I will say though is if you have good headphones like these focal Alicia's here and by the way I'm going to leave links to this in the description these are on clearance right now they're gonna go away forever when this came out they were like 800 900 and now you could get them for 400 in both Amazon and Adorama I got mine from Adorama so I'm going to leave some links in the description for four hundred dollars this is better than any gaming has said any regular headphone for listening I mean it's so it's a traditional it's a traditional headphone though so the only way to use it is by plugging in this Antiquated headphone own Jack but honestly for gaming it's still the best way to go so anyway rant over when you plug in headphones what I like to do is since these headphones sound so good on their own oh and then so so then with that you're able to get Adobe at most four headphones but unfortunately especially with these headphones they sound incredible on their own and I don't want any kind of processing going on so when I turn on headphones I have to remember to go into disable all speaker and headphone effects only when I'm using High phones but for speakers but for the actual speakers I do keep it on it's kind of a bummer I wish there was a way to just turn it off for headphones but keep it on for speakers but I have to remember to go in and change this around I mean there's a good chance that you could that you might like the way the Dolby sounds with your headphone so that's just something to keep in mind I'm hoping I'm covering some stuff that all the reviewers haven't so if I've been able to help you out anyway please hit that like button and if you want to see more content like this hit the Subscribe button but anyway so this is the command center and another thing that you may not know is you can actually add more boxes to the command centers so you just press the Armory create button then under settings you can edit the command center and you can you can add a take away stuff that you don't use so right now I can just go ahead and add as you can see there's all the stuff that you can add which is very useful so you can customize this Command Center the way you'd like it to and another thing that I've gotten a few questions on is how do you change the lighting so in the settings you just hit lighting as you can see I set my brightness to the lowest I find as cool as it looks I find I find the RGB to be a little bit distracting for me so I just don't I just I just take it off and even more importantly I don't know if you've noticed but at night time these lights shine really really bright so if it's in your room and you're trying to sleep it's incredibly annoying so you can go ahead and take all of these off before I figured out the setting I was literally unplugging it before I went to sleep which sucks because the standby battery isn't the greatest I'm just gonna take off all the RGB for now and then as I need them I'll start turning them on but as of right now I just feel like they're a little bit intrusive for me so here's another tip this but this right paddle button is actually a macro button so if you hold this and press different buttons you'll get different commands so right bumper and up brings up the keyboard same thing again brings it Down Right pad to left brings your desktop and you can press that again to bring it back up so then right paddle down that brings up your task manager you know unfortunately with the way Windows is sometimes your game's freeze so you want to be able to go in there and just and then force and tasks Asus has a video of what each of them do so that's just something to be aware of and then so let's go back to the Armory create really quickly there's actually a game launcher here so whenever you do download a new game just pull down to refresh and it shows your games you could be on any screen of your ally so you just hit the Armory create button and then go to your game library and you're in so that's a really really nice little feature before I get into a game and show some in-game features that I like to turn on just load the windows gestures you can you can use three fingers to go to your multitasking I mean I also show that there's a macro to do that too and three fingers down brings you to your home screen a lot of people don't know this but you can actually create different desktops in Windows very similar to how you can in a Mac if you want to search from One desktop to another four fingers and then just drag and then same thing and then another thing coming back to this just being more than just a gaming device is you have the full access of the Windows store and I know people like to make fun of this but like there's a lot of apps here you got your Netflix your Disney plus Spotify um Amazon Prime on MacBooks they don't even have ads for this if you want to look at Netflix you got to go to I don't know if that's changed but when I was using a Mac that's that was the case there's Tick Tock if you're into that Adobe Lightroom oh yeah and another thing claim your Xbox Live ultimate which I did not do so you get three months and it and it adds on to your existing plan so I'm gonna get three months before it starts charging my Discover card again I mean there's Discord here Zoom Facebook Messenger which I do have friends that I message only on Facebook Messenger Twitter like so the thing is this is a fully featured machine like I feel like the steam deck is only a gaming machine I feel the Nintendo switch is also only a gaming machine this for six hundred dollars you're getting pretty much everything at your fingertips all right guys so when it comes to gaming there's only two settings that I want to talk about the first one is vsync take that off vsync is only necessary if your GPU does not support AMD freesync or or nvidia's g-sync this doesn't have an Nvidia chip in it so freesync is the only one that's applicable and we already turned on freesync in the AMD software so you want so you would want to take vertical sync off Fidelity FX super resolution we just call it FSR for short you'd want to put this on in every single game that supports it what this essentially does is it runs the game at a lower resolution and then using Ai and machine learning Etc it upscales it to make it look better and there's different settings and each of them have a really big difference in terms of performance there's quality balance performance Ultra performance and in some cases there's an ultra quality mode which it doesn't seem like Resident Evil supports I've been for for Resident Evil I've been using performance I find I'm because the screen is a little bit smaller I'm able to get a really nice picture out of performance while getting reasonable frame weights all right guys the last time my son actually really silly but enjoy using this there's a lot of settings and with PC gaming there's so many things you could go down a rabbit hole with and when it comes to analyzing your um your performance metrics like and looking at your temperatures and staring at your frames Etc stop doing honestly don't do that I know I know it's like it's our innate desire to want to Tinker with things and tweak things and get the absolute most you can out of it but I would advise take all that off at one point everything was 30 FPS and we all had some of the best gaming experiences at that frame rate and at much lower resolution so once you're playing a good game you'll get sucked in regardless of the settings so just so I guess that's my last tip just just game have fun
Channel: consumertechwarehouse
Views: 143,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AMD, AMD RYZEN Z1, ROG ally, ROG, republic of gamers, portable windows, portable gaming device, asus ally, AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme, AMD FreeSync Premium, xg mobile, unboxing, asmr, best buy, gaming, gaming laptop, gaming device, portable ally, rog ally tips and tricks, rog ally tutorial, rog ally first time set up
Id: ur00_2AtsII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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