Top 8 MOST POWERFUL Gaming Laptops Reviewed! Legion Pro 7i vs GT77 vs Blade 18 vs Scar 16 vs MORE!

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what's up and welcome back to another episode of gizmoslip tech so we're gonna do this all in one take we're gonna go over my top eight gaming laptops with RTX 4090s then we're gonna go over my favorite RTX 490 laptops regardless of price and we're we're primarily just focusing on the most powerful versions so all of these laptops are full 175 watt RTX 40 90 laptops now if you're looking for something that's portable and packs a punch with an RTX 490 in it the zephyrus G14 490 version is probably my favorite go-to at this point but we'll have to see what the competition fully comes out with as time goes on now of course um this is not the best value overall this is there's definitely going to be some better value probably in RTX 4080 gaming laptops if you're just after Pure Performance per dollar but if you're after the most premium highest possible performance these 4090 laptops are phenomenal and some of them actually do present some excellent value especially when compared to some of the 4080 laptops that are kind of only a few hundred dollars less so we're going to go over the top value RTX 4090 laptops in this video then we're also going to do my favorite RTX 4090 laptops regardless of price and then we're going to look at a six way comparison with some of the top RTX 4090 laptops that's not going to include all of them we're gonna do more Benchmark comparisons in the future and of course lots more live streams lots more reviews in the future as well so be sure to subscribe and hit that notification Bell if you don't want to miss out anyway hit that notification Bell hit that subscribe button thank you so much for everyone's support of my channel it's been just phenomenal in 2023 so much growth and it's blown me away thank you so much um me and my team need your support and we really appreciate it so thank you very much okay so moving in to uh the PowerPoint I've created a PowerPoint for us to go over these um so first of all we're gonna talk about the MSI GT 7713v this is msi's most powerful and most expensive gaming laptop for 2023 and I mean it is a monster laptop we got a 32 thread 24 core I9 13980hx uh we have undervolting support in this and I mean it's got a ton of overclock as well on the RTX 4090 um and I want to point out that the benchmarks that you're going to see later in this video on the gt77 those were the very first benchmarks I tested on an RTX 4090 laptop and uh that was the most raw drivers that you could get uh and I'm confident that the gt77 would be performing at a higher level in a lot of these games if we were to retest them now I was about to retest it and I had a bios failure uh when I went to update the BIOS and that was because undervolting was still enabled on the gt77 even though I had zeroed out the values that was not enough you actually have to do a full bios reset uh before you update your bios so you want to go back to completely default settings when you update your bios on the MSI gt77 or any of the MSI laptops if you're doing your manual undervolting in that bios so um anyway so the four the the MSI gt77 is one of the biggest laptops it's got a four fan design right so uh we got an incredible four fan design keeps the GPU and CPU very cool like in a lot of the games that we were testing we were seeing like 65 degrees on the CPU and GPU it was absolutely insane it was like desktop level temperatures in a lot of the games some of the games did get a little bit warmer into like the 70s or maybe low 80s at the highest but I don't think we ever saw any thermal throttling no matter what we did with the gt77 it's an incredible uh thermal design but it's also a very loud fan end system but you can also run it on medium fans and get excellent all around thermal audio noise Ambience basically and it's got a pretty good mechanical keyboard I really liked it actually and a good touch pad a good set of speakers with some bass and some nice volume you get Windows hello only a 720p webcam with that Windows hello a nice RGB Lighting on the keyboard and then of course in the rear lights um going back up to the top here we get 64 gigs of ddr5 what makes this laptop special there's kind of three things that really set this laptop apart you've got four sodium slots so that means you can go up to 128 gigs of of uh ddr5 for 3600 or 4000 memory now you don't get as fast of memory that's one of the downsides with the gt77 and in some of the games that are more memory sensitive that's also going to reduce your performance by at least a little bit now um it's the highest capacity so if you if you need um a lot of RAM and whatever applications you use then this is probably this is the only one that goes above 64 gigs to the best of my knowledge in 2023 so if you need desktop level 128 gigs Ram in whatever applications this is the only option for you now the most people don't need that much I think in terms of gaming I think 32 gigs is plenty 16 gigs is enough for the vast majority of games but certain games are pushing into the 25 26 gig usage range I have not seen any games needing more than 32 gigs yet but it's possible in the future obviously we'll see that now you get a 4K 144 Hertz just fantastic mini LED display we did over 900 nits in the display test uh but it is a bit of a slower response rate and this did help my uh did hurt it did hurt my ability to aim in Apex Legends which is ultimately why I returned the gt77 that I actually bought with my money I got to try out msi's review unit and then I went out and bought one and then I was like oh the too much ghosting on this thing otherwise it's almost perfect for almost every pass possible application just the slower response rate is probably the biggest drawback for any Esports Gamers is probably not the way to go um plus it's only 144 Hertz which is obviously not great for Esports display you want 240 hertz or maybe even faster if you're an Esports fanatic now another thing so the 4K the fact that it's a 4K 144 Hertz mini LED means it's brighter more vibrant but it does have Bloom on it the 3x m.2 slots with Gen 5 support um are fantastic it's some it's better than the vast majority of laptops arguably the best m.2 support for um any gaming laptop in 2023 there's also a tremendous Port selection on the gt77 um let's talk about downsides It's a larger laptop of course and there's no g-sync or Advanced Optimus and it does have a mux but that means it'll require a restart now at 4K resolution a mux is not really going to make that big a difference so you could keep this in Optimus only mode if you need to be switching to battery life and it is a fairly portable laptop still despite how heavy and overall large footprint it's still fairly thin so just know that it's got that deep footprint it's going to be harder to fit in some of those backpacks now um this laptop has the most feature-rich feature set out of any laptop in 2023 and it's got a price tag to match it's not cheap by any especially the imagination moving on to the Asus scar 16 this one costs 35.99 which is a nice Middle Ground price considering a lot of the premium features that you're getting on this laptop you get the highest end processor with the I9 13980hx with undervolting support now in the new bios update RTX 4090 with 175 Watts 32 gigs of ddr5 4800 so this is a little bit slower not as slow as the gt77 but still 4800 is not as fast as the 5600 or 6400 that you're getting in some of the other laptops now you get a mini LED QHD plus 240 hertz display it's fantastic it's gorgeous I really love this laptop now uh when you get to the Benchmark comparison I want to point out that this is the smallest laptop in the comparison at 16 inches and it's got a heat pipe solution so not a vapor chamber and it's three fans liquid metal so it is um it's got two main fans with one small fan blowing across the middle of the chassis to help keep the heat uh from accumulating in that middle of that chassis um coil line can be bad on some of the r uh scar 16 units I do have coil wine on my unit uh there was a bios update that was supposed to help with coil went I did not test that yet it's on my to-do list there's no windows hello but you do have a decent ish low quality webcam so you can use that for Skype calls or zoom and I really like the Armory crate software and bios updating has been phenomenal on this car 16. got great RGB lighting that wraps around the front um great RGB Lighting on the back and on the keyboard itself it's really it's really phenomenal you get uh a lot of Premium features and performance for the money with Advanced Optimus and g-sync but no windows hello it's probably the only premium features that the scar 16 missing and I really wish it had it so we're gonna move on to the next laptop overview I really like the scar 16 overall and definitely recommend it Alienware M18 34.99 I did test the 4080 version of the Alienware M18 so it's important to note that in this Benchmark comparison that we're about to do the the M18 is a RTX 4080 not a 40 90 but you can get a 4090 version right so um know that the 32 gigs of ddr5 4800 is again slower Ram so it's not as fast as the higher end laptops you also uh the QHD plus is 165 Hertz and it was only 290 nits measured with the tool which is the lowest we've seen out of any of the laptops that we've tested um but it's very colorful with close to 100 Adobe RGB and P3 color gamut now there's a vapor chamber cooling with element 31 liquid metal loud fans on the M18 um very loud overall not quite as loud as the g277 but it's pretty close CPU attempts were bad likely because of a bad CPU Pace job on the unit I got now again uh the Alienware software was terrible I just really did not like anything where Command Center the updates did not help it very much it crashed several times it was very intrusive popping up when you're loading into games great Port selection great keyboard touchpad with good speakers overall mainly because the CPU temps the display like it just makes it hard for me to recommend the Alienware M18 at this point that said plenty of people are going to get the Alienware M18 and love it and if you're not too picky it could be a decent option for you especially if you're not too picky with your money because it definitely costs more and you're getting a bit less uh for your money at least in some ways because you also get the lower end i-913 900hx instead of the 3980 HX uh for like the same price point or more expensive than what some of the other laptops we're going to talk about in the better value category at least um okay next up is the blade 18 the blade 18 is the laptop I chose for myself so far in 2023 we've got an I9 13 950hx but you can get the 39 139 adhx depending on which model you buy 32 gigs ddr5 5600 Ram so the ram is faster which helps boost performance on the blade 18 in memory same of games it's the best non-mini LED display at 560 and plus knits and it's really great color gamut and better contrast it's the thinnest most portable 18 inch laptop and the fans are fairly quiet overall comparatively speaking versus a lot of the competition out there now it's an all all unibody aluminum chassis I love that three fan design with a vapor chamber cooling um and overall The Thermals are shockingly good for something that is so thin and quiet and that's largely to the very optimized power delivery the CPU wattage tends to pull like 20 to 30 Watts less than a lot of the competition and yet it's still putting out just as good of performance if not better performance than what a lot of the other laptops uh put out so it's very interesting now it has the best speakers webcam and touchpad in 2023 I do wish the click on the touchpad was a little bit better but it's the largest and a great surface area for the blade 18. now there's no no number pad and no full size arrow keys on this huge laptop and that just does not make much sense right I think there definitely should be at least full-size arrow keys at a minimum even if they don't add the number pad um yeah overall I do like the blade 18 still there has been a screen flickering issue that has come and gone on the blade 18 currently as far as I know it's not flickering for me as of yet but it was flickering for me last week it's almost like if a driver crashes or fails or something it starts flickering again I reboot it and the flicker goes away I'm not sure exactly what's going on with that yet but I need Razer to get the flickering issue figured out so I can take the laptop out of dedicated only mode and they may have already figured it out I just haven't had time to do dedicated testing on the blade 18 to see if the flicker issue is resolved in advanced Optimus mode where you can switch to the integrated GPU overall really love the blade 18 and I can definitely recommend it but it's not the best bang for the buck laptop out there but it is a fairly portable laptop with great high levels of performance for the money and for its size that's kind of the main reason why I'm loving the blade 18 a huge display the the awesome speakers it's it's just a really great overall experience for me now we're going to move on to the next laptop on the list the xmg Neo 17. now this one costs around 39.96 of course you can only get this internationally if you want to buy this version of the laptop locally you can go to Electronics to get a very similar Neo 17. now you get the i93 900hx is the highest processor they offer they have recently updated the BIOS to now offer undervolting support you get a RTX 4090 that is a very performance focused and Factory oc'd so it definitely has higher boost clocks than your typical RTX 4090 laptop out there without a doubt 32 gigs of ddr5 5600 but they're offering options to get ddr5 6400 uh RAM with bios options to do XMP profiles to actually run the Ram at that speed now um some of the other laptops you may also be able to overclock the ram I know some people are doing it on the legion Pro 7i as well so it's not the only laptop that you can get faster Ram or a faster xnp profiles for and that may be true for the MSI laptops they typically have very um very XMP friendly memory overclocking in their bios for MSI laptops now the xmg neo17 as you will see in The six-way Benchmark comparison it has the best all-around performance so far with the water cooler is connected now we did not do a detailed testing on the xmg neo17 with the when it was on air we did do Bree we did briefly test it was when it was on air and it still had very good performance very competitive still but not as fast because once you attach the water cooler uh the the laptop fans do get fairly quiet and the CPU and GPU can then clock higher pull more wattage and just overall um push to a higher level of performance than what you can typically push on air now dealing with a water cooler is not going to be for everyone you know it did leak on my table when I did my testing just from moving the laptop around a little bit and then you know the water cooler edges uh kind of moved up and down a little bit and a little bit leaked onto the table and of course water and electronics are not great so you have to be very careful with this laptop if you go with the water cooler um and if you're primarily going to keep the laptop docked uh then I think the water cooler isn't a great option it's not it's not hard to unplug and replug it in but for people that are going to be traveling a lot you need to empty the water loop in the water cooler Loop there basically because it can leak out in your backpack and get in the laptop and destroy it if you don't empty it now there's a little tool you can use to empty the water out of the loop it doesn't take that long to do but it's gonna be a bit of a hindrance to people who are constantly unplugging and replugging the laptop into the water cooler so it just depends on how often you need to do that if you only need to unplug it once a month or once every few weeks or once a week or something that's no big deal like it's going to be awesome but if you need to do it every day or multiple times a day then that's going to be a bit of a pain in the butt and I wouldn't really recommend going this route at all for people that are going to be unplugging and plugging in a lot because of the fact that you've got to empty that water loop um that's probably yeah that's basically it now um going over some of the the more details on here the xmg neo17 the CPU ran hot it the CPU did not have very good thermals the water cooling Loop going over the motherboard there does not focus on the CPU cooling it focuses on the GPU Cooling and boosting the GPU the CPU still had good performance uh despite the high temperatures but it's it's definitely um not that you're hitting the thermal threshold basically constantly for that I9 3900 HX unless you down clock it with a power limit um throttling or something like that using the biosaur different fan profile configs but if you're trying to run it at highest level of performance you're definitely going to be thermal throttling on it now um the extra tuning features that xmg puts into the BIOS I think is awesome including an undervolting update after I tested I did not test it with an undervolting done but they have since added that and it's going to make me want to go back and retest the xmg Neo 17 to see what kind of performance we can get and that'll also maybe help boost the I9 3900hx performance uh yet another five ten percent um very likely so that could also help maybe help temp the temps a little bit maybe maybe I don't know it depends probably not usually undervolting these days doesn't help the temps just helps boost performance because it basically overclocks the CPU at the same power levels now uh the downsides of the xmg Neo 17 it has some of the worst speakers that I've heard in 2023 very poor speakers overall and a bad membrane keyboard I would not recommend the membrane keyboard it was like probably one of the worst keyboards I've tried in 2023 as well I did try the mechanical keyboard when I was at CES and got my hands on the Neo 17 and it was very good I did like the uh the mechanical keyboard that seemed like a pretty good keyboard um overall a good Port selection on the Neo 17 it is a plasticky build and it's a bit thicker like 1.07 inches thick I believe so some of these laptops like the blade 18 definitely a lot thinner and even more portable even though the blade 18 has a bigger screen so overall I think the Neo 17 is going to be a great candidate for international people um who wants to primarily plug in the gaming laptop dock it for a week or two at a time and get the most possible performance out of a gaming laptop that's that's what the Neo 17 is for and people who want to do Advanced things like uh get the fastest memory possible uh to push Esports gaming or whatever so overall I can I can recommend the Neo 17 as long as you understand what you're buying and what you're getting into so moving on to the next laptop the HP Omen 17 this is the cheapest RTX 4090 at least for retail pricing um if you I tested it with an i7 13700hx which has eight less e-cores than the I9 version but otherwise has very similar levels of performance especially in games but for multi-core rendering it's not as fast now if you get this i7 3700hx with the 4090 it only costs 27.49 that is nuts um and of course you can also get an upgraded display I believe that by default it comes with a full HD display but you can get up all the way up to a QHD 240Hz display and the display was like 350 nits bright um on the omen 17 I tested uh I really liked the omen 17. I loved the keyboard on it it has g-sync it has advanced Optimus it has Windows hello um the mechanical keyboard feels really good one of the best feeling kind of optimal mechanical type keyboards uh that I've had this year unfortunately there's no number pad but there's nice function key placement like home and page up page down it has a minimal Thermal Pipe solution with no liquid metal and only two fans and yet it still put out a full levels of performance at 175 watts to that GPU and for the money it's just phenomenal this wins the best value um per dollar especially when this thing goes on sale and goes even cheaper than 2 749 it was as low as 25 49 for a 4090 version which is just insane uh so yeah now the standard price is probably going to be a bit more than that typically especially since uh the lowest end config options like the i7 and 1080p display uh tend to sell out and so the lowest price config may be a little bit more than 27.49 even without a sale so um so if you want the very best price on the cheapest 4090 then this is the number 17's it uh especially if you wait for a sale anyway Omen 17 can definitely recommend it I really enjoyed using it the software also was pretty dang good now next up we have the legion Pro 7i which I recently tested I really liked the legion Pro 7i overall I didn't have any problems with it we got the I9 3900hx with undervolting support RTX 490 up to 175 Watts 16 gigs of ddr5 5600 and that's faster than average RAM and it is also um there's if you go into the legion Discord there's definitely people overclocking the ram to get it up to six six thousand or maybe even higher the legion Pro 7i is not the cheapest 4090 laptop but there was a sale on the 49er version that did bring the price down on this thing down to like 28 2900 which is really insanely good value I think um and uh if you get the right coupons like uh you can get a nice little discount on the legion Pro 7i off of this 39 uh basically 3100 you can get that down below 3000 pretty often with the coupon codes getting like five percent off or or whatever the coupon code is for that month maybe even a little bit more or a little bit less than that um overall you got g-sync Advanced Optimus a good webcam and good speakers with nice Bass the mids were not amazing an all metal build feels solid with great Port selection and keyboard no SD card slot which is a bummer I love the keyboard layout it feels very good to type on the touchpad is not glass anymore it's plastic but it still felt really nice to use what didn't have any issues in my opinion uh and the Lenovo Vantage software has been upgraded with fan curve profiles now and Custom Performance mode which allows you to tweak and update uh the legion Pro 7i um the TDP and power levels and all that as well as the fan profile curves there's a lot of customization now for the legion Pro 7i in the Lenovo Vantage software which makes it much better software than it used to be when I had the Legion 7i in 2021 now uh we had great performance in many titles uh but the performance was bugged in a couple of the titles like in war zone two um and I believe in Hogwarts it was also underperforming in that game though that might have been related to only having 16 gigs of ddr5 you really need 32 in that game if you don't want to have uh it performance suffer basically now um the legion Pros haven't I had excellent performance for a 16 inch laptop and The Thermals were also pretty dang good um Vapor chamber liquid metal um nice upgrade ability it's got a nice style I think the legion Pro 7i is a fantastic laptop this year um you'll see where I put it in my ratings it actually makes uh it makes it into the top few for both value and overall most like best laptop my best pick so um it's not number one in either category but it's a nice blend between the two so moving on we have the uh MSI ge78 now I did an unboxing and testing of the 4080 version of the ge78 we got an i93980hx with an RTX 4975 watt um for 39.99 now this is a little bit pricier than what some of the other laptops are charging and I in some ways I don't know if it's worse worth like the price premium over something like the omen 17 or the legion Pro 7i or the scar 16 which is kind of why it didn't make the top if this thing was priced more competitively I'd say a 32.99 or 34.99 it'd be a lot more likely for me to put this on a highly recommended list basically but as it is now uh the price I would wait for a sale that's pretty much kind of like the the value per dollar on on the GE 78 this is more portable than the gt77 and so if you're an MSI fan uh of their laptops then this also has 16 by 10 aspect ratio where the gt77 does not have that a nice RGB light bar in front a good webcam one of the better ones Windows hello no g-sync or Advanced Optimus again amux does require a restart we got a QHD 240 hertz display on the GE 78 and it was good colorful but not that bright not as bright as some of the other laptops out there that's another kind of downside about the ge78 overall the GE 78 is a very competitive laptop and if you're an MSI fan the GE 78 is probably the one I would personally buy between the gt77 and the ge78 because as the GE 78 does not have any ghosting on the display but for people who are not Esports um junkies the gt77 definitely is the the better all-around laptop um but I am an Esports junkie so it's not the one that I would buy so between this one the GE 78 and g78 between the ge78 and the gt77 the ge78 is my pick but yeah um overall I do like the g78 but it's not quite as good in my opinion now let's go back there we go all right so best value RTX 490 laptops um number one this is Omen 17 it's the cheapest price for a full performance RTX 490 and there's a lot of Premium features um overall I really like the element 17. the Lenovo Legion Pro 7i is the second cheapest price and maybe even the cheapest price if you can get the right coupons or if you know it all depends on which which laptop's on sale at the time um but it's the second cheapest at least by retail price you get a full performance 4090 with great overall feature set and a strong build I really like the Lenovo Pro 7i it's just missing some of the premium features that could make it the number one laptop or really compete with the very best um the scar 16 is my number three in terms of best value because you get that insane mini LED display at a fairly reasonable price um and it's also got the highest end CPU The Omen 17 and Legion Pro 7i they don't have the highest end CPU and I feel like the scar 16 for all the features that you are getting on it it's a great value overall for the money especially if you can get uh if you can get a scar 16 that doesn't have any coil wine um then that is obviously going to be a big improvement over the some of the units that do have a lot of coil that's kind of like the big caveat with the scores 16. so if you do go the route of buying the scar 16 just buy it from a place that allows you to return it if you have an issue with it like a really loud coil one now a lot of users have also reported that coil wine does go away over time so you definitely kind of want to do a burn in phase and see if the coil line will go away now we're going to go ahead and move on to my top picks for 2023 4090 laptops after testing basically all the very best laptops except the Predator Helios 18 which only goes to 40 80 anyway so it's not really a 490 laptop the 49er laptops the blade 18 it was the most premium in the smallest all around package and it has still had great performance um the performance difference between the blade 18 and any of the even the most powerful laptop like the xmg neo17 it was minimal in my opinion and yet it had all of the premium features the blade 18 does and it had the best webcam which is important to me because I do live stream and I can utilize that webcam uh depending on the day or when I need it I need a good webcam sometimes for my business meetings as well and it's still a great performance and it's in a Sleek package and I need something that I can travel with when I need to go on the road that's why I had a 16 inch laptops before but this thing um even though it's an 18 inch it's the size of a 16 inch compared to a lot of the other 16 inches because it's such a compact build I really love the blade 18. the gt77 is my second favorite 4090 laptop main downside is the Esports ghosting on the display other than that it's the most complete most feature Rich and the best thermals with the best all-around display stats aside from the ghosting of course on the display um and if you're just looking for the most complete package the gt77 is it but it's also extremely expensive and not necessarily the best value for your money so I wouldn't recommend the gt77 unless you have a good amount of extra change that you want to spend um and price just doesn't matter as much to you over the feature set the scar 16 again makes both of these lists uh Best in Class screen highest end CPU and still portable great performance under volt though just the features on the scar 16 is phenomenal and the portability is amazing for a 4090 laptop that has full gloves of performance and then of course the legion Pro 7i also makes my favorite laptops uh for 40 90 laptops great price great build great performance and still portable um I really like the legion Pro 7i as well okay so let's go ahead and take a look at a six-way benchmark comparison with about seven different games these are all filmed live in live streams and I did detailed live streams of all these laptops now before we get into these benchmarks I want to make a couple of different notes the gt77 Titan and the xmg neo17 both had Factory overclocks applied to the GPU out of the box basically in the v bios these are settings that you're not really changing um they're there by default the scar 16 also had a small overclock only 50 over 100 where the gt77 and the xmg Neo were much stronger over clocks the legion Pro 7i had also the factory overclock inside of the Vantage software there's like an overclock button that does a 150 slash 200 overclock I believe so it's a nice medium overclock on the legion Pro 79 The Omen 17 and the blade 18 are stock and they could have more potential especially like another five seven maybe eight percent performance with an overclock being applied so it's very important to note for the omen 17 and the blade 18 there's some there is some potential performance left on the board and um quite frankly the pro 7i and the Titan and the scar 16 all those probably could be overclocked a bit more as well though they um are already overcome overclocked most of the way so uh moving on let's get in here first up we have cyber Punk this is on ultra settings dlss on quality frame generation enabled at 2560 by 1600. all right so here we are we are here now mute this all right um so the pro 7i and the xmg neo17 coming out really strong and I want to I really want to point out that um it's very important to look at the GPU clocks uh and we're in a very similar situation right here at the beginning the gt77 Titan coming out with 2400 on the GPU clock the scar 16 doing 2 000 on the GPU clock so that's that's almost a 20 difference in GPU clock right I mean 400 divided by two yeah that's that's 20 that's an insane difference in terms of GPU clock that said the actual wattage that we're seeing going through the scar 16 versus the gt77 is not the same the G the scar 16x has a little more wattage um moving on the legion Pro 7i 2200 for the GPU clock and look at that it's saying 200 watts to the GPU interesting that's only temporary it's actually not anything that high of wattage typically um the xmg neo17 doing 2325 on the GPU clock the blade 18 doing 2160 and The Omen 17 doing 22.35 so right now the scar 16 and the blade 18 having the lowest GPU clocks along with the omen 17 simply because of the um actually the legion Pro 7i is also a little lower than almost 17 but yeah let's go ahead and move on let's see what our our actual FPS is looking like so looking at our active FPS there's another very important thing you need to know about cyberpunk Benchmark is that it was updated with RTX overdrive and some of the settings it feels like has been revamped and changed and this has led to some changes to uh the actual FPS loadouts and readouts and the legion Pro 7i now is showing a little bit more FPS because this was tested after the cyberpunk Patch release so that's partially why the legion Pro 7i does a little bit better so you need to take that into account that these other five laptops were all tested on the older version of cyberpunk 2077 all on the same and the legion Pro 7i is on that updated patch that I think is kind of um making it a little easier to run or maybe you potentially get a little higher FPS maybe 5 to 10 FPS higher we'll have to see um anyway so moving on here's our results for our final results the gt77 got 113. the scar 16 117 the blade 18 119 the xmg Neo 130 looks like 0.9 so 131 and then the omen 17 125. so and the legion Pro 79 getting 125. so very interesting maybe the patch didn't change as much as I thought this is the first time reviewing all of this data together so very interesting results and you can see they're all within a fairly nice ballpark of each other I think the outlier here is the omen 17. considering it's not overclocked with an overclock it might actually be able to push to the highest end here matching the Neo 17 which is crazy to me anyway moving on to the next game what do we got next okay so Dying Light 2 this features ultra settings dlss on quality frame generation enabled Ray tracing on high and we're at 2560 by 1600 of course for all of these benchmarks all right the Titan is doing around 123 FPS the scar 16 doing 136 so far the legion Pro 7i 147 that's huge the xmg Neo also doing 147. the blade 18 doing 141 The Omen 17 136. the other thing I have got to mention about the gt77 Titan is that this was the first laptop I tested with all of these games and it had the oldest drivers as well as uh even games like Dying Light 2 also had patch updates and most of these other tests were done with those patch updates where the Titan did not see those patch updates so I really wanted to retest the gt77 Titan to verify these Benchmark results just know that some of these games I would expect a bump in performance for the Titan uh depending on the game between five maybe ten percent hard to say exactly how much but sometimes those patches uh and Driver optimizations can make a pretty substantial difference in in terms of performance um that said the majority of performance here and the temperatures you're going to see are I think very realistic looking at our temps the legion Pro 70i 8073 the scar 16 uh 7573 the gt77 in the 60s for both the GPU and CPU 6367 the blade 18 6670 the xmg neo17 doing 81 uh 81 68 and The Omen 17 doing 83.72 so they all have phenomenal temps uh in this game right here it's honestly one of the easier games to run as far as temperatures goes um and our FPS performance you can see 153 on the legion 154 and the Neo so the Neo wins just by a little bit and 141 for the scar 16. the gt77 Titan 128 146 for the blade 18 146 for the omen 17. so uh the Neo 17 and the legion Pro 7i both showing off uh the power of an overclock in my opinion if if these other three laptops were all overclocked we would see similar results and of course I think with an updated software drivers and Dying Light 2 the Titan performance would also come back up into the right line being in the 140s so dead space is one of the most CPU demanding games almost always cranking some of the highest CPU temps under a dual load it's very CPU heavy meaning that it's going to oftentimes reduce the amount of wattage going to the GPU because a lot of the power shifts over to the CPU all right so we're almost to the end of this test I'm going to pause it here near the end so we can take a look at our temps and overall wattage and performance okay so the gt77 Titan 79 degrees on this on the CPU 66 on the GPU both really good temps still despite it being one of the hottest CPU running games the scar 16 99 degrees Celsius with 100 watts to that CPU and this is another game this is a great game that shows the power I guess uh delivery between the CPU and GPU because the CPU can take a ton of wattage in this game and if it takes too much through I guess poor V bios and regular bios optimization it might shift too much power from one to the other and I believe that's kind of what's happening with the scar 16 in here we're getting 99 degrees Celsius on the CPU because it's pulling a really high wattage compared to nearly everything else so the only other laptop in this that's doing close to it is 96 watts to the xmg Neo 17. now the legion Pro 7i doing 8169 so temperatures are pretty good but not quite as good as the gt77 the blade 18 shockingly 6778 has the best temperatures uh between any of these I guess it's it's actually matching exactly to the gt77 Titan but notice that it's pulling lower wattage to both the CPU and the GP only 54 watts to that CPU or 76 watts in the Titan 158 on the GPU 168 so that's kind of it's such an interesting thing to me seeing how uh the wattage is distributed between the CPU and the GPU the The Omen 17 despite having that more minimal thermal design is still doing pretty good here uh 73 degrees on the GPU 84 on the CPU and overall the xmg neo17 let's hear it let's actually take a look at the FPS right now so we're almost to the very end let's wait to the very end to go ahead and fully measure out our performance levels uh but we got 130 on the Titan 113 on the scar 16 I believe again because of the way they're balancing the CPU GPU not being as balanced as well 128 on the pro 7i blade 18 121 123 on the Neo 108 on the omen 17. so interestingly enough the gt77 Titan wins Dead Space by a fair margin very interesting all right so moving on to our next one we have uh God of War this is a very GPU bound focused um game and there's not as much push to the CPU typically in this game notice that the blade 18 is only doing 45 Watts between 40 and 45 watts to the blade 18 CPU where these other laptops are doing sometimes 90 Watts on the xmg Neo 17 pretty crazy all right so looking at our averages the Titan got 124 117 on the scar 114 on the legion Pro 7i so interestingly enough the pro 7i is in last place in this game which is a little surprising considering this has an overclock and like the blade 18 doesn't so 117 or we'll start 127 on the blade 18 is the second highest performer and the xmg neo17 128 tops our charts again and The Omen 17 is right right up there it's surprisingly close on this one um the OC if the blade 18 was overclocked I think that would probably be our best performer considering that it's so close to the Neo 17 without an overclock it's very impressive in my opinion okay so moving on we're going into CS go now um CS go is a game where you're going to try to maximize your frame rate for an Esports scenario and CS go is very CPU sensitive when it gets into smoke scenarios and we're not sure how CS go or Counter-Strike 2 is going to be coming up later this year when that launches I can't wait for that game that game's gonna be awesome um but CS go is a game that you need a great GPU and CPU performers with good memory performance and you really want to make sure you have a muck switch and every single laptop here has a mux switch or Advanced Optimus now once we get into the smoke I'm going to go ahead and pause our FPS and we're gonna be able to see what we get so right here in the smoke all of the laptops are in the 90s except the legion Pro 7 ISL 101 and the xmg Neo 17 is at 99 let's go ahead and Skip forward a little bit um overall again the xmg Neo 17 and Legion Pro 7i doing the best FPS inside of this smoke so I guess if you're looking for the best CS go laptop you're probably looking at the xmg neo17 or Legion Pro 7i pretty interesting result let's go ahead and skip to the very end where we can see our final numbers um Okay so gt77 Titan 548 523 520 559 for the xmg neo17 so the xmg neo17 taking first place once again and then the gt77 Titan and then the legion Pro 7i and The Omen 17 has taken up last place in this test but of course anything over you know anything over 240 FPS is going to be pretty dang good in that game and it's pretty easy to hit that especially since those are high settings now Hogwarts had some massive patch overhauls as well the gt77 Titan on an older patch that's largely why I think it underperforms in this game but it's a very uh this area of the game in hogsmeade is a very CPU sensitive area of the game and notice also that the laptops that have over 16 gigs of RAM they're all pulling over 22 gigs or about about 22-23 gigs of RAM so the blade 18 doing 23 22.7 on the scar 16 21.5 on the Neo and the HP Omen 17 and the legion Pro 7i only having 16 gigs of RAM they are struggling a bit more to deal with this this scenario um and I think that's largely due to the the ddr5 16 uh gigs of RAM not being enough and you really want to go for 32 gigs of RAM for certain games in 2023 and I think that's only going to keep getting worse as the year goes on years go on so I really recommend getting 32 gigs of RAM if you're going to be doing a QHD gaming or any of these very CPU um Centric games where they have to the games have to hold lots of game assets like all of these NPCs and textures and in-game items um so getting to the end of our Hogwarts run here let's see what we are getting for our FPS uh 78 43 for the gt77 Titan so it's actually not a bad result for our one percent low at 43 uh 98 26 on the scar 16. uh not sure what that is on the legion Pro 7i 97 19 on the omen 17 but only 9 FPS for our one percent low on the legion Pro 79 that's really bad uh not good there and that's again I'd say the one percent lows being bad on the omen 17 and pro 7i are related to the ram moving on to the xmg Neo 17 did 111 59 excellent one percent lows on the xmg Neo 17 and I gotta say it played butter smooth throughout hogsmead which is one of the few laptops that have actually pulled that off um that said I'm pretty sure the Titan would also pull that off now after all of the patches and Driver updates but again this was tested earliest this year the blade 18 also did very well at 111.53 matching the xmg Neo 17 and that's one of the reasons why I ended up picking the blade 18 because I was playing Hogwarts like crazy when I was picking Which laptop I wanted for this year and the blade 18 played Hogwarts really well as well so um let me go ahead and jump back just to check what the number was on that Legion looks like it was 94 94 FPS for the legion Pro 7i so not really doing that well now we didn't get a test for the legion Pro 7i in Shadow of the Tomb Raider um so looking at our temperatures and power limits we're doing really really well on nearly all of these laptops notice that the xmg neo17 is just slamming the CPU a bit harder in most of these games and I think that may be partially why it's showing some of the best one percent low performance looking at that once 117 is higher one percent load than any of these other laptops right now and that just translates to a little bit more fluid gameplay experience though it's harder to manage the thermals on a laptop uh when you have that much wattage going through the CPU on them on a more regular basis and that's partially why I think xmg is able to do this but push so much wattage to the CPU because they have that water cooler now um looking at our actual FPS numbers during this test we're going to look at the final result for our final numbers but the gt77 Titan is in the 150s the xmg Neo 17 is also in the 150s these other laptops are in the 140s so both the xmg Neo and the gt77 Titan being showing off the factory overclock here and really pushing those High GPU boost clocks 2300 on the Boost clock 2250 on the gt77 Titan and um really cranking out the FPS in those two laptops our temperatures do any of these laptops right now exhibiting really high temps a little too high of temps uh not not really like 60 65 77 on the Titan 76.81 on the scar 73.90 on the omen a bit high on the omen but that's fine we're not even thermal throttling and that's a good amount of wires going through the CPU and GPU on the element 17. uh the xmg Neo 17 doing 106 Watts 108 to the CPU 167 170 to the GPU that's pretty insane basically 270 Watts going through that Neo 17 and the temperatures are still in check at 67.78 um the blade 18 67 74 and look at the power distribution only 45 Watts going through that CPU again such a minimal amount of wattage going through the blade 18 showing off the power balance between the CPU GPU loads where the Neo 17 is oftentimes literally more than doubling the power wattage going through that CPU now of course the the Neo 17 is cranking at a higher overall TDP and higher boost clock on that CPU and a higher temperature despite it having a water cooler over I just love I love the way the blade 18 is tuned the fact that it's able to push these really high FPS numbers while at the same time not really even pushing that high of wattage through the CPU at the same time so I really really like that all right so our actual end result 169 for the gt77 scar 16 158 156 I mean 161 of the blade 18 173 for the xmg Neo 17 155 for the HP Omen so really phenomenal results with the xmg neo17 winning out in another game so we don't have the Titan on The Witcher 3 unfortunately so moving into The Witcher 3 run through um our FPS Benchmark right now looks like the xmg neo17 is leading at 114 FPS 113 on the legion Pro 7i showing off that overclock also being very GPU bound game or a very gpu-centric game in terms of raw FPS or one percent lows once again being just rocking awesome on the Neo 17 at 88 for our one percent lows that's very good in The Witcher 3 Witcher 3 tending to stutter and judder quite a bit more than some other games showing that you know really cranking that that CPU wattage and boosting the CPU performance can benefit you with your one percent lows okay so our end result the xmg neo17 getting first at 118 and the legion Pro 7i tying in at also 118 but the Neo 17 having 89 for our one percent low is just insane really good it's so phenomenal um 111 on the scar 16 113 on the blade 18 114 on the omen 17. uh overall really phenomenal results I think from this uh test I I really enjoy comparing these I wish we had more uh head to head because just too many I know I tested all these laptops with more than 10 plus games and I did detail live streams on all of them so if you're interested if this kind of made you go oh the legion Pro 7i or oh the xmg Neo 17 plays these games better than uh these other laptops for the price or like The Omen 17 being a phenomenal value for the price you can see the omen 17 is really keeping up with these other laptops not just in terms of FPS numbers but also in terms of total um like temperatures and one percent lows The Omen 17 did really really well shockingly well considering that it's undercutting nearly the entire lineup in terms of pricing and I think the other standout of course is the legion Pro 7i in terms of value both of those pushing tremendous FPS uh for the money and uh so if you're after the most 40 90 possible performance for the money those are the top two Omen 17 and Legion Pro 7i and then of course there are links in the description down below if you want to buy any of these laptops and support me as a content creator use a browser that in does not uh disable cookies doesn't block the ad trackers or whatever because basically you have to click through one of the Affiliated links with the eye trackers enabled and then make your purchase and it'll eventually help support me as a content creator now um should you upgrade your laptop that's totally up to you if you are in a place where you're not getting the FPS you want or you have now surplus funds and you're available it's a good time to upgrade I think because the RTX 4090 is a phenomenal increase in performance and just it's equal to the best desktop from last year which is insane to me um it's matching the RTX 3090 which I did not imagine we would see in a laptop like for a long time like this was a bigger jump usually usually generational increases is in performance it's closer to 25 to 30 percent especially on the top end but we're seeing an over 5 fifty percent gain in performance not even including frame generation technology so um and then of course given the performance of the blade 18 the blade 18 being thinner and more portable than all of these other laptops except I mean I guess the scar 16 the legion Pro 7i are in the same portability Factor just because they're 16 inch chassis they're about the same size as the blade 18. the blade 18 being a bigger display in a more portable form factor I think is really special and all of the premium features that it comes with just makes it me think it's the number one in terms of most premium best all-around laptop performance package balance thermals noise it makes the speaker quality of the webcam the trackpad the display all of that put together I really like what the blade 18 offers I I do wish it had a mini LED display that'd probably be the main thing that I would I wish it had but aside from that it's and and of course larger arrow keys but besides that I really really love the blade 18 so if you have an unlimited budget I would go either blade 18 or gt77 Titan if you're after the ultimate in performance and you are going to be mainly in one place the xmg Neo 17 I think is probably pretty close to the ultimate in performance um but all of these laptops were performing very close in nearly all of the games right in the same ballpark and it's all phenomenal experiences to where you know if you're getting 155 FPS versus 145 FPS you're not going to really be able to tell that difference a 10 FPS difference in any game now um overall I think the other features that it comes with and the price tag are going to matter to more to most people and that's why the price tag being the best on the omen 17 and the legion Pro 7i while still providing in the same ballpark of performance those are my top two recommendations right now for RTX 490s unless you have an unlimited budget or you just don't mind spending the extra money then I would go blade 18 like I did so that's it for my top laptop comparison for 2023 for the most powerful laptop so far I've got more laptops to test and I've got a whole bunch of RTX 4080 laptops that I've tested as well that I want to do this size type of comparison with um so and I've got of course I've got like a bunch of smaller thinner laptops like the the zephyrus G14 but I want to do some what are the best portable laptops for people that need to be on the go a lot more so be sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss out on all that content and I'm really looking forward to bringing you guys more videos soon I'll see you in the next one Brandon out [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: GizmoSlipTech
Views: 31,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scar 16, legion pro 7i, MSI GT77, Alienware M18, MSI GE78HX, Alienware m18, omen 17, razer blade 18, gaming laptop 2023, most powerful gaming laptop, rtx 4090
Id: 6JBN8GvU1to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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