Rayman Origins | "Confusingly horny"

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oh man I am so excited I've been wanting to talk about this game for years Rayman Origins one of my favorite games it is exquisitly enjoyable stunningly gorgeous and confusingly horny what a roller coaster ride this Series has been it all started with a deceptively Whimsical sidescroller on the PS1 that showcased ubisoft's utter disdain for video Gamers delightful to look at and listen to an absolute to [Music] play if you simply must play OG Rayman go with Redemption the fanmade update it is quite the Redemption indeed [Music] yeah and then we got the very definition of a tonal shift with Rayman 2 The Great Escape why is it called The Great Escape when you relinquish yourself from captivity within the first 5 minutes uh beats me no more vibrant colors and saving the land from the evil Mr dork now it's rampant industrialization slavery and this the dev team must have gotten the message that OG Rayman was punishingly hard because this game is easier than a romp through spring Breeze except for that damn water skiing level in the swamp Rayman 3 hoodlum havic would be more combat focused and um edgier that boy ain't right and then he'd start getting getting phased out with the rabbit series which piggy backed off his name to boost sales that's rough buddy Spyro knows a thing or two about that what's the guy been up to today well DLC and Mario plus Rabbids that pokes fun at him apparently being a washed up character and a role in Captain laserhawk where he gets drunk snorts Coke eats Sushi off the back of a naked cow lady and Suits up in a stereotypical Mass shooter outfit before gunning down a bunch of dudes what the hell is this Raymond isn't supposed to have arms don't rattle me bones all jokes aside this is disgusting travesties like this are what the phrase is nothing sacred anymore was made for imagine if Nintendo released a game where Fox McLoud Knocked Up Crystal had to start paying child support and developed a crippling heroin addiction before eventually blowing his own brains out wow what a messed up image to give a beloved childhood character way to go Ubisoft any other cherished mascots you feel like destroying I really don't care for this company but let's put all that nonsense aside I'm not here to bum you out with how rayman's treated today I'm here to tell you about when he starred and one of the best sides scrollers hell one of the best video games just ever made in 2011 The Big Three consoles of the era were graced with Rayman Origins and the gaming public responded with a resounding eh reviews were very positive but it still only managed 50,000 sales in its first month in the US I blame the commercial look I like like Cal pen as much as the next guy but a game with this much character and charm needs a commercial that can capture our imaginations and Cal pen smack talking with a kid does not you think your mom regrets getting pregnant this dude is about as exciting as that guy from the cleare eyes commercials clear eyes is awesome hyper load Runner is boring to play boring to look at boring to listen to it's just really really boring but damn this commercial sure does get me interested in checking it out all this one makes me want to do is watch and Kumar preferably with some White Castle there is another reason it didn't do well guess what came out just 4 days earlier wow the game starts with our crew of Heroes enjoying maximum levels of chill they be chilling so hard you could put lyrics to it globox over here dropping sick beats on the mic but the folks from the land of the livid dead don't appreciate the Racket and arrive to deliver a Brooklyn [Applause] [Music] Beatdown but our heroes are ready to spring into action and it's really catchy they done it's got a great beat but they eventually get overwhelmed by sheer numbers and end up locked in cages too bad they underestimated the power of the jump button who needs the lockpicking lawyer when you've got Rayman and as far as Story Goes that's about it Murphy says something about the old Master going nuts and needing a bunch of elect Tunes to fix them but I never knew who he was talking about I don't think he means this guy he seems fine enough maybe he's talking about the true final boss but I'm getting ahead of myself we have a whole world full of Wonders to behold starting with the gibberish jungle and it's amazing theme it starts with this really catchy beat using a jaw harp and evolves into what sounds like I don't know secret agent [Music] music this series tends to place a special focus on music and Rayman Origins is the peak of that design philosophy the soundtrack gets really creative without sounding too obtuse or bizarre using lots of fun instruments like digo and a ukulele hell it even turned a mosquito into an instrument I know how y all get when I start gushing about music so we'll move on just know that out of my massive collection of video game osts Origins is one of my [Music] favorites holy Mo well I guess it's time we talk about what you've all been expecting judging by the thumbnail barely a few seconds into level one and we encounter our first fairy yeah I know they're technically nymphs but considering a certain extension of that term existing I would rather not use it especially since they're so okay I'm just going to be blunt they did not have to make them this hot oh I'm the weird one just look at them look at the booty shake that was intentional this one isn't even a new character it's Bella from the first game you'd be forgiven for not recognizing her she went from looking a trifle frumpy in her wizard robe to I guess this is what they call a glow up the debut trailer even leaned into this sexualization in a kind of upsetting way unmanageable that boy ain't right I'm guessing the character designer took inspiration from way forward's approach to the female form hey I'm not even complaining I enjoy me some thick fairies and plus they're just a small portion of the game granting powers and opening the way to new levels I just thought it was worth discussing because well it's downright biz are any amount of horniness in a Rayman game is highly unusual imagine if Sega put sex appeal in a Sonic game how strange would that be what they did 25 years ago they all want to have sex with big the cat Origins runs on the U art framework a game engine designed to tie all these gorgeous Graphics together in a way that doesn't require a finger cramping amount of coding it became the go-to Rayman engine for a while powering Legends and a bunch of mobile games games it was so useful that it actually branched out to some other titles including Child of Light Valiant Hearts Gravity Falls Legend Of The Gnome gemulets I don't know and every Just Dance game from 2013 to 2021 I thought this was worth looking into because I wanted to know how such a goodlook game came to exist the first Rayman was a real looker for sure but it pales in comparison to Origins poetry and motion visuals they're so expressive and full of personality the desert of digus has these ethereal streaks of musical notes floating by as if being carried on the Wind further selling the focus on music it's a lot like Band Land without making me want to tear my non-existent hair out the gibberish jungle is the very definition of vibrant Lush foliage sunbeams everywhere waterfalls and batilla castle in the background it arguably gets even more beautiful when thunderstorming and then another level takes you Into the jungle's Depths where the runoff provides platforming challenges a perfect blending of visual themes and gameplay mechanics ah say menu feak while I'm not as fond of the fifth world from a musical standpoint the mystical Peaks is a visual treat for fans of snowy locals these blustering mountains have a way of making you feel tiny and vulnerable it's just a shame that chipmunks doing monk chants doesn't appeal to me oh God they're Chipmunks help the Sea of serendipity man this game is just full of fun things to say I've played a lot of water levels in my day but I think these are my favorite Origins was actually my first Wii game and back then I would play freaking flipper over and over I'd even show it to my friends it's a great level with expert pacing and variety but it was this one moment that left me truly speechless in a way a sidescroller had never done before [Music] oh breathtaking that's how you do atmosphere in a game but then you pick up the king Lum and it kind of kills the [Music] vibe guys come on learn to read the room now I'll bet you Origins fans are thinking I forgot the best world don't worry I'm saving that delicious little treat for later Perfect Isn't a word you hear very often in this modern era of video games I mean let's face it they just don't make them the way they used to so listen up because I'm about to drop a bomb on you the controls and Origins aren't just perfect they're utterly Sublime stupendous even running and jumping feels immediately fluid and intuitive unlike OG Rayman which was slow and rigid and slow in that game you would throw Hands by throw throwing your hands but now attack options have been greatly expanded you can still charge up your punch because Rayman hasn't forgotten his roots yet but with all the better offensive options it's never really needed if you're using this attack it's to make a statement and that statement is f you're much better off using the new Dash attack which you can jump out of for a boost of speed or you can be oldfashioned and take the ground to pound town but this isn't your dad's butt stomp that takes forever and a day to wind up pressing down an attack equals instant results and instant gratification it triggers so fast that newcomers might actually find it kind of jarring till they get used to it then they can't imagine ground pounding any other way you can punch up do a flying kick sweep slide Glide with your hair wall jump wall run and on a few occasions you get a power up that lets you shoot projectiles for a bit because like I said this was before Rayman forgot his roots a shame it only shows up near the end of the game there's even this funky rolling attack that I didn't figure out how to use until the credits credits that go on just entirely too long of course if you're feeling oldfashioned you can just jump on enemies to bubbley them yeah that's a weird little Quirk that was later removed in Rayman Legends enemies don't just die after the first hit they turn into a bubble and start floating up I get the impression the devs intended for this to be a vital mechanic for platforming and there are a few occasions where it's useful but most of the time it slows you down since since you have to hang around and double tap for the second Lum which I recommend you do because nothing is more annoying than just barely missing the Lum requirement for an elect tune you can't even skip or speed up these scenes so you got to slowly watch your numbers come up short one of my very few gripes with this game hey whoever you are would you quit doing the mega mean thing and start contributing honestly of course Lums can also be picked up like any other sides scroller McGuffin but with a neat little twist if you pick up a king Lum all of his servants will start rejoicing for a few seconds and become double the [Music] value the charm in this game knows no bounds you can also find deons tucked away in hidden or dangerous locations manage to carry them far enough away and you'll get a nice little chunk of Lums it'll still pop if you hang around but I think it gives a reduced amount not sure what I am sure of is some of these are an absolute [ __ ] to get it's going to blow every ounce of your mind apart whoops whoops whoops and just for an extra little bit of smart design picking up a free hit heart when you already have one gives you another handful of Lums I mentioned that Lums are for earning elect Tunes at the ends of levels but there are also Hidden Side areas that offer a quick challenge for more and the great thing about these areas is that you don't have to scour entire levels for them since they have an audio queue that lets you know when there's one nearby help me this works great about 99% of the time there are at least two occasions where the audio queue would be going off at the end of a section but the secret would be at the beginning of the next section most of these doors don't let you go back for some reason so instead of being able to check the other side of the door I had to jump around like an idiot looking for a secret until I said screw it and moved on only to go oh I'm both relieved and irritated these side areas are pretty good fun all you got to do is take out every enemy to unlock the cage which often involves giving your platforming skills a quick test sometimes they'll even give the problem solving part of your brain a little tickle I didn't realize till now that this level is actually a giant Guitar Man the silhouetting combined with the background looks awesome but this one where you have to break through finicky ice blocks just right uh not one of my finest moments [Music] and of course this being a game that hands out Smiles by the truckload you bet saving these little dudes is always a feel-good moment but wait there's more so you had your first run through a level you found all the electons and even asserted your dominance by going above and beyond on the Lum count that means you're done right wrong the devs knew that deafly gliding through levels with all the grace of a kaiso master was fun as hell so they added a reason to do so with time trials do well and you'll earn the final elect tune do really well and you'll earn a trophy I assume there were online leaderboards and that's the only feature that's no longer supported on Steam now far be it for me to go to bat for Ubisoft but dude calm down it's not like this game had online multiplayer and you just know half of those leaderboard times were cheated no big loss here on the subject of steam this is one of the few Ubisoft games that came out before they started forcing you play onto everybody imagine that you can buy the game on Steam and play it on Steam are you ready for mirac incorporates third party DRM no thirdparty DRM okay lots of games like to switch up the play style every once in a while you know to add variety and keep players on their toes often times it's with a puzzle but more often than you think it's with a level and except for maybe near automata no game has better schmu side levels than Rayman Origins Vick Viper silverhawk the Ein hounder man just give me mosquito and I'm good to go remember riding this dude in the first game where he controlled like a garbage bag in the wind and couldn't even shoot well he's back and with some new tricks besides being able to shoot from his telescopic nose he can also suck enemies in Kirby style and send them screaming at foes whether they're screaming due to the sheer horror of being in inside of a mosquito's prascus or rocketing across the screen at terminal velocity I don't know you'd be the judge there's this really neat part in the sea of serendipity where the level goes silhouetted like from dkc returns which resulted in me having a little trouble telling enemy flies and Lums apart since they were deliberately designed to have similar flight patterns I don't know if I should be impressed at the idea or angry that it actually tricked me and besides being a blast to play these schmuff levels also serve as a bit of consistent World building in a sidescrolling platformer imagine that in the game's first half they act as transitions to new worlds you don't just unlock them and then select from a menu you get to actually fly there and witness what The Space Between Worlds looks like the slow transition from a sunlit jungle to a starry night sky in the desert is absolutely stunning and the game knows it giving you a little quiet time to enjoy The View these transitions happen so naturally that they're liable to creep up on you one second you're dodging lightning and bombs inside the heart of a thunderstorm and then suddenly you're coming out the other end where a canopy of clouds and these mysterious steampunk structures await you I could frame almost any background of this game and put it on my wall right next to my Army of Darkness poster and stay positive Grim Reaper sign these levels are way better than they have any right to be definitely an upgrade from the or original don't you think I think I see why this game was called Origins the idea was to take fundamental mechanics from the gorgeous but disappointing PS1 game and do everything better like a 100 times better as far as Second Chances go this is an ace right up there with Final Fantasy 14 but they didn't bring back the ability to hang so I got to dock a few points awful game up they didn't bring back the ability to hang I'm kind of [ __ ] perhaps they made up for it with the addition of multiplayer I booted up Parx since Steam remote play wasn't working properly and immediately me and my thumbnail guy were having a good time naturally the first thing we did was slap the out of each other later he was hellbent on getting a deblon from these annoying oranges and uh let's just say he is the embodiment of premature celebration oh I the tastiest goober oops multiplayer in this game is great there's even a bit of competition for the briefest of bragging rights whomever collects more Lums gets to pose as the big booby Viking lady see again with the confusingly horny it's not confusing I'm just horny like it boy ain't right I'm feeling a might peckish could go for a bit of a nosh know what I'm saying I'm thinking it's time I share with you the best world in this game the one that everybody comes away from saying that was amazing welcome to gourand land tasty I'll take an ocean of lime soda over oil ocean any day in a genre where generic grass desert Fire and Ice themes have been done to death in comes rayan Origins with the most creative take on an ice world I've ever seen the whole place is basically a big refrigerator complete with fizzy fruit punch that's a little too carbonated dubious cans of angler fish soda seawing watermelon slices and ice skating Dragon Butlers does whatever game you've been playing lately have ice skating Dragon Butlers didn't think so oh sorry I got distracted by the fork arguing with the wall as you do slippery ramps everywhere give you plenty of chances to utilize the game's impeccable sense of momentum you also get the power to shrink down which replaces your punches with an aerial Dash attack that can even be used to gain a little extra height this power is given to you by the fairy of this world who um well you do be looking like a snack you want to know what her name is Edith up this game man who's gay hello but wait there's more because what's a refrigerator without a kitchen level three starts out in an ice box but then are we going to hell no we're going to the kitchen [Music] [Applause] [Music] aente we just went from the best themed ice levels to the same in these fire levels in the same world I mean come on you knock corn kernels into lava to pop them and then use them for platforming you're swinging and sliding on strings of red peppers and there's freaking fire in a tube and you ground pound it to heat up pots to reach high places and of course the place is run by fire breathing dragon chefs because what else could run this place it emanates this zest for life and the Jubilation of Spanish culture if this is what they call cultural appropriation and it's wrong then I Don't Want to Be Right these levels had me grinning from ear to ear how could that be wrong the schmu level ends with a willhelm screaming pepper man just chilling in a hot tub for some reason this must be before he took up painting and tried to screw over Pino's Pizza Parlor your first visit to each world can be considered act one after reaching the mystical Peaks uh Peak the fairies send you back to each world to release energy from their kings and unlock the way to the next World now that you've gotten used to the controls and have access to all your abilities this is where the game begins proper oh yeah that's right act one is your Pleasant little sightseeing tour enjoy it because act two is when you'll need to roll up your sleeves and start paying attention you're not going to skate by without at least a little pain especially when you reach the final world The Moody clouds a skybound steampunk City full of electrical hazard and enough Buzz saws to make Super Meat Boy think twice and hey you know that mystery guy that's been collecting our Lums for the whole game well it turns out he's the main Baddie and has been using all of our Lums to power the engine for his city after taking down a couple mechanized versions of previous bosses the dude pulls a Henry Stickman and resorts to the tried and true distraction [Music] dance what is that the oh [Music] fing go go [Music] [Applause] [Music] go and then it's the game's most impressive and difficult sequence where the city is falling all to pieces while you're platforming on debris trying to catch the guy ending in a thrilling schmu level where you regurgitate bombs and missiles at a blimp the same blimp that showed up hours ago in the Water World and then we Michael B it [Applause] [Music] it's right back to chill into the Max and relax and all cool just enjoying life which is exactly what this game makes me do for the brief 10 or so hours that it lasts but wait there's more oh my God I really wanted this video to be the most definitive coverage of Rayman Origins but sadly there's one thing I just don't have the patience to show you in order to reach the true last boss and Save the Last Fairy you have to collect 10 teeth from these Chase levels and they're a lot like that chasing in the clouds where you got to die a bunch trying to memorize each level they're designed for people that don't easily get frustrated with games so that rules me out of course you could just look up the last level or you can wait till Origins goes on sale to ensure the least amount of bucks going into ubisoft's pockets and have one of the best times of your life Ubisoft wants to say that rayman's all washed up and it has been okay sure let's say that's the case but when your legacy includes a bunch of solid games and a platinum standard sides scroller that makes new Super Mario Brothers look like a bread sandwich then I think we can let him retire with a smile on his face and who knows maybe when the inevitable day comes that Ubisoft bites the dust and has to sell all their IPs maybe a brighty developer will snatch him up for a bargain price and surprise us all hopefully not in the way the Naked Cow lady did seriously what the [ __ ] that boy ain't right would you like a video on Rayman Legends because you enjoyed my take on Origins well then you got to let me know likes comments you know the routine this has been your boy Skelly and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: A Skeleton
Views: 713,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayman origins review, rayman origins pc review, rayman origins, rayman origins pc, rayman origins a skeleton, rayman review
Id: _jnY2zzHuP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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