Raw Video: A Walk with the Teacher of the Year

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The President: I decided to go casual. Shanna Peeples: Yeah. The President: Because, you know? You don't mind, do you? Shanna Peeples: No. The President: You don't want me to get my suits on? Look all fancy? Shanna Peeples: No, no. She is, she is. And she's retired from doing physical therapy at a hospital. The President: (inaudible) Shanna Peeples: Right. The President: Once -- I'm taking a walk -- (laughter) You guys doing well? It's a beautiful day. I had a request from my staff. Female Speaker: All right. The President: I need a couple of those. Female Speaker: All right. The President: And you know what? I will try one of your iced teas. Female Speaker: Okay. The President: That is slightly sweet. What do you recommend? Female Speaker: We do have the iced (inaudible), which is really -- The President: -- Is it pretty good? Let's try that, why not. Female Speaker: Really refreshing. The President: Okay, that's what I need. Female Speaker: All right. The President: What a wonderful summer. Female Speaker: Thank you, you too. The President: I hope every day is like this. (laughter) Three days a year, four days a year and then that's it, right? Shanna Peeples: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. The President: Obviously you love teaching. Shanna Peeples: I do. I really do. It's -- well you know -- it takes everything. This is very difficult work; it's very complex work if you do it right. The President: Who are these people? Child Speaker: President Obama. The President: Well, who are you guys? Female Speaker: Oh my goodness. The President: Who are you guys? Female Speaker: We are from Oyster Adams Bilingual. Child Speaker: Oyster Adams. Female Speaker: You wife visited us with the President of the -- of Mexico. The President: Is that right? So what are you guys doing here today? Female Speaker: What are we doing? Tell him. Child Speaker: Bowling. Female Speaker: Yeah. The President: You went bowling? Female Speaker: Yes. The President: You used my bowling alley? Child Speaker: Yes. Female Speaker: We had permission. The President: Are you sure? Female Speaker: Yeah, we had permission. The President: Did you guys bowl some strikes? Child Speaker: Yes. The President: Did you use the bumpers? Child Speaker: Yes. The President: You guys are being very quiet and very well behaved. Female Speaker: I think they're a little overwhelmed (laughs). The President: You know what? Let's get a little rowdy here. Come on. First of all, I want a high five from everybody. Come on, high five. Male Speaker: Go give the President a high five. Female Speaker: Go give him high fives. The President: Give me high fives. Female Speaker: Can I take a picture of this? The President: Of course, we're going to pose for a picture. Queso. Multiple: Queso. Cheese. The President: All right guys. Have fun. What are you guys going to have for lunch? Child Speaker: Bowling. The President: You're going to bowl for lunch? What are you having for lunch? Child Speaker: You. The President: You're going to eat me for lunch? Child Speaker: Yes. The President: You can't eat me for lunch. Then there'd be no President. Female Speaker: Uh oh. Does anybody here want to grow up and be a President? Child Speaker: President would be boring. The President: It is boring; you sit behind your desk all the time. It is quite a coincidence. I got the national teacher of the year right here. (laughter) She teaches savvy older kids. Shanna Peeples: Yes, it's a little bit bigger. Male Speaker: Thanks Mr. President. Female Speaker: Thank you.
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 4,720,499
Rating: 4.8323469 out of 5
Keywords: shanna peeples, president obama, behind the scenes, white house, raw video, National Teacher Of The Year (Award Category), White House (Museum), West Wing (Location)
Id: Wb8rGkQpaQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2015
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