West Wing Week 01/19/17 or, "Obama, Farewell"

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

... ie NOT a supporters riot at the Capitol and a self-organised rally for 200 at Andrews AirBase and firing the butler on your way out the door.

Bonus content: Emotional Joe Biden.

Emotional me.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rye_212 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] we hurt right this is the last edition of the Obama administration's West Wing week thank you for joining us on this journey that has spent 388 episodes we've genuinely enjoyed showing you everything that's happened here at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue our farewell episode begins in the East Room with the first of many goodbyes this one with the White House residence staff who have made the people's house not just a home for the Obama family but for more visitors than any other present then it was time for a final presidential trip home to Chicago starting off with the divide Andrews Air Force Base to thank the crew members of Air Force one in Chicago the first stop was an old hot from the pre presidential days in Hyde Park the Lloyds Red Bank abuser we sat down with an interview with Lester Holt I really enjoyed conversation then it was on to McCormick Place to address the 18,000 people gathered here his farewell address yes we can yes we did yes we can thank you god bless you and God continue to bless your life this is America on a surprisingly balmy Thursday the president said goodbye and thank you to the men and women of the uniform division of the United States Secret Service the office said give us the professionals of the newly created u.s. digital service who brought their technical expertise to agencies across the federal government later in the state dining room staffers and family gathered to honor Vice President Joe Biden little did the VP know what the president had in store for him the highest civilian honor that a president can grant the Medal of Freedom with distinction on his last full Friday in office the president sat down for lunch with some authors and discussed it in his last print interview then the president made history at the very last minute by taping the first weekly address recorded in the Oval Office this week on Monday the president first lady invited the World Series champion Chicago Cubs to the wire this team means so much to me personally because it was the team that connected me and my dad because when I was a kid at 3:30 after school I come home the Cubs would be clean I usually get him in the first inning josé Cardenal will be coming up to bat who was my favorite player I wore my afro like him [Music] [Applause] then it was under their lap service project that the jobs have priority Naylor Road family shelter where they pitched in on painting a mural before visiting the new home to the playground they installed outside the Oval Office about all that Sasha was when we showed up honestly the president continued his so long farewell first with the White House medical units they with the staff the general services administration John job thank you so much then I just opponent for my last briefing but little did I know I would be part of the president's goodbye tour that is all for today he was always courteous you always try to make sure that we can share with you as much of our thinking and our policy hour later the president hosted officials from the US model wallet you started realizing the power of these symbols of who we are what we're about presented him with two medals and I wonder here is the most single powerful work on larger work week yes thank good quotes then from leadership from the National Archives to think in Pradesh and on Wednesday the last day of our last episode the very last lap the president took to the podium and the Brady press briefing them for his final medical minister two minutes I believe in this country I believe in the American people I believe that people are more good than that I believe tragic things happen I think there's evil in the world but I think that at the end of the day if we work hard and if we're true to those things in us that feel true and feel right that the world gets a little better each time that's what this presence is tried to be about and I see that in the young people I've worked with I couldn't be prouder of them and so this is not just a matter and no drama Obama this is this is what I really believe it is true that behind closed doors I'd cursed more than I do and sometimes I get mad and frustrated like everybody else does but in my core I think we're going to be okay we just have to fight for it we have to work for it and not take it for granted and I know that you will help us do this thank you very much press for good luck well for the last time let me just say it outright I just I just locked up and thanks again for checking out this final edition of your West Wing week you guys are you guys what's terrible
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 1,144,369
Rating: 4.5418921 out of 5
Keywords: White House, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Biden, Farewell Address, McCormick Place, Chicago, NARA, USGS, USDS
Id: wdSnHI-DDrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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