Raw Video: The First Lady Surprises Tour Visitors

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First Lady: Hi. Come on in! Come on in! Tourist: You have got to be kidding me. Welcome. Bo is welcoming you. Tourist: She is going to cry. First Lady: How are you? It's so good to see you. Tourist: Oh, my goodness. First Lady: It is so good to see you. Tourist: This is a dream. Isn't this a dream? First Lady: Well, this is how we spent the first day last year when we were here, greeting guests. So we figured we are going to do it again. How are you? Tourist: My name is Michelle. First Lady: Come in, come on. Tourist: We are from Delaware. First Lady: You're from Delaware. Really? Is this the first visit to the White House? Tourist: Yes. We came in sixth grade, it's been a while. First Lady: It's so good -- well, enjoy. Tourist: (inaudible)--tell him how much we love him. Lady: We will tell him. He's working very hard, we are working very hard. It's so good to see you. Hi, how is everybody doing? So good to see you. Tourist: We brought the girls. First Lady: How are you? So nice to see you? Tourist: Hello. First Lady: How are you? Welcome! Tourist: Hi. First Lady: So tell me about close up -- Tourist: It's so much fun. First Lady: How are you? Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Great. That's wonderful. Are you high school? Tourist: Yes. (inaudible) first First Lady: Wonderful. Welcome. Enjoy the tour. It's so good to see you all. All right, take care. Hi, how are you? Tourist: We are Illinois residents. First Lady: Oh, my goodness. What part of Illinois? Tourist: (inaudible) City. First Lady: Absolutely. I used to do a lot of shopping there at River Oaks. Tourist: That's wonderful. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Hi. How are you? Tourist: You are a wonderful person. First Lady: Thank you so much. Welcome. My dog is sitting in the middle of everywhere. Tourist: He's beautiful. First Lady: It is wonderful to see you. Welcome. It's a pleasure. It's a pleasure. Thanks for coming to visit. Tourist: Can I pet your dog? First Lady: Absolutely. Tourist: He loves that. First Lady: Now he is like, now I'm going to say hi. How are you? It's good to see you. Welcome. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: Thank you for having us. First Lady: Enjoy. Tourist: Thanks for taking time out of your day -- First Lady: It's a pleasure. Enjoy the visit. Tourist: Thank you very much. First Lady: How are you? Tourist: Thanks for the great appeal you're doing on television for the Haitians. It's wonderful. First Lady: I can believe, the after shock was just as big -- Tourist: Hi dog. Tourist: How are you? (inaudible) First Lady: Thank you so much. It's wonderful to see you. Just move around him. He's just in the middle of thing. Come here. Bo-Bo. Tourist: I know what dogs are like we had one. First Lady: Sit, there we go. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Yes, absolutely. It's so good to see you. Thank you for being here. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: How are you? It's good to have you both. Where are you from? Tourist: Delaware. First Lady: Delaware, yeah. We were just there for a wonderful service, for Joe Biden's Mom's funeral. You know when you're 93 you have lived a life. Tourist: (inaudible) First: Lady: She got to see her son -- absolutely. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: He's saying hello, everybody. love me, love me, please. Tourist: He is getting all excited. Tourist: (inaudible) thank you for having us. You are taller than I thought. First Lady: I'm and I have on flat shoes today. I have to keep standing straight. Good to see you. Tourist: Thank you very much. First Lady: You're saying hello. How are you? It's wonderful to see you. Tourist: It's wonderful to meet you. I'm here with a group of students from a college (inaudible) First Lady: Great. Wonderful. Tourist: We are here to attend a conference here. (inaudible) First Lady: Thank you. We have a lot of work to do. Tourist: We have -- First Lady: Thank you. How are you guys doing? It's wonderful to have you here, welcome. Is it still warm? It was warm yesterday. Is it still nice outside? Tourist: We had snow in Ontario. First Lady: We had snow this time a few weeks ago, right in December. Welcome, enjoy the tour. It's good to see you. How are you? Tourist: Good. How are you? First Lady: Good. Good. Tourist: It's an honor to meet you. First Lady: Thank you. Tourist: I love what you and your husband are doing. First Lady: Thank you. Thank you. We have a lot more to do. How are you? It's so good to see you. Welcome. How are you? It's nice to see you, you must have a dog. Do you have a dog? He got up. He's like I'm going to say hi to you. It's nice to see you. Thanks for coming. Tourist: Congratulations for your one year anniversary. First Lady: One year. One year down. Bo-Bo, stay here. How are you? It's good to see you. Thanks for being here. Hi, how are you? It's wonderful to see you. Tourist: Thanks for having me. First Lady: It's good to see you all. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: It's a pleasure meeting you. First Lady: It's nice to see, thanks for coming. Tourist: Pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's really good to see you. It's so nice to see you, thanks for being here. Hi, how are you? It's good to see you. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: Thank you very much. First Lady: All right. Hello, how are you? It's really good to see you. Welcome. Thanks for being here. Tourist: Pleasure to meet you. First Lady: Where are you from? Tourist: Burlington, Ontario. First Lady: Burlington -- well, this is part of the student group? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: Okay; all you guys, it's so good to see you. Welcome. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: Hi, how are you? Tourist: Good, how are you? First Lady: Are you one of the students from Ontario? Tourist: Yep. First Lady: All right, enjoy the conference. Tourist: Thank you very much. First Lady: All right. Hi. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Thanks so much. Thanks for being here. Enjoy the tour. (laughter) Hi, how are you -- it's good to see you. Hey. Tourist: Wonderful house. First Lady: Thank you. You know, I decorated it myself. Tourist: Nice to meet you. First Lady: Enjoy. It's good to see you. Thanks for being here. Okay. Have fun on the tour. Tourist: Thanks. First Lady: Alright. You guys enjoy. Hello, how are you? Tourist: (inaudible) Mayor of the city in-- (inaudible) First Lady: Oh, wonderful, I'm going to see you shortly, right? What are you guys doing over here? You're supposed to be at work. (laughter) Tourist: This is the thrill of a lifetime. First Lady: It is wonderful to have you. How is -- did the conference start today? Tourist: It started today. Tourist: At nine o'clock. First Lady: Okay; all right. Tourist: And you're coming over when? First Lady: About two o'clock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So make sure you're over there. Tourist: No, look for us. First Lady: All right. (laughter) It's so good to see you, thanks for all your work. Okay, take care. Hi. Tourist: Those are the two mayors from our community, my husband's the Vice Mayor, so -- First Lady: Oh, my goodness, so you're here for the conference? Tourist: I'm here for the conference, but he's up on the Hill. So he sent me for the White House tour. First Lady: All right, tell him I said hi. Maybe I'll see him when I'm there at two. Tourist: And I'm going to be there at two. First Lady: Good, good. Tourist: Going to hear the Secretary of Education. First Lady: Yeah, oh, he's terrific, doing great work, so -- Tourist: Well, so are you. And maybe you can bring Bo? First Lady: I know, Bo, the Bomeister. It's good to see you, thanks for coming. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Good. Thanks. How are you? First Lady: Nice to see you. Good, good. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: I like your dog. First Lady: Yeah, he's -- he's a lovable -- yeah, he's going to see Allen. Hi, how are you? It's good to see you. Enjoy the tour. How are you? Tourist: We're here from Canada. First Lady: Canada, from Ontario, as well, for the students? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: All right; good conference. All right; get something done. Okay. Hi, how are you? It's nice to see you. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: Welcome. Tourist: It's a great pleasure to meet you. First Lady: Well, it's good to have you here. Just keep working hard. Tourist: I will. I'm glad that you and your husband are here. First Lady: Thank you. Hi, how are you? It's nice to see. Where are you from, are you -- Tourist: Ontario. First Lady: Part of the student group? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: That's great. Well, enjoy and have a great conference. Tourist: Thank you First Lady: Hi. Tourist: What a treat. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you all. Every now and then I get to come down and see you guys. Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you and Bo. First Lady: I know. Bo is like the kids; he's usually more exciting to meet than either of us, right? (laughter) You all enjoy the tour. Tourist: Thanks for taking time out of your schedule. First Lady: It's a pleasure, it's a pleasure. Hi, how are you? Welcome. Where are you guys from? Tourists: Northern Ireland. First Lady: Oh, wonderful, wonderful. Well, see -- see what happens? Send our best back -- we are going to have a big St. Patty's Day celebration. You need to be here and -- when is it, April, St. Patty's -- Tourist: The 17th of March. First Lady: Oh, March, big party here; turn the fountain green. (laughter) Hi, how are you? Where are you guys from? Tourist: We are from Fredericksburg, Woodbridge -- First Lady: You're just hanging out today? How are you? It's good to see you. It's so good to see you all. Thanks for coming. Hi, how are you? Tourist: So nice to meet you. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Where are you from? Tourist: From Washington D.C. First Lady: You're here, hometown? It's so good to see you. Thanks for coming. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: It's good to see you guys. Hi, how are you? Tourist: It's an honor -- I'm a Michelle, too. First Lady: You're another Michelle? One L or two? Tourist: Two L's. First Lady: That's the only way to do it. It's wonderful to see you. Who'd you bring? Who you got? Tourist: This is my son, Randy. First Lady: Hey, what's going on, Randy? How's it going? You see Bo? Tourist: Can I touch Bo? First Lady: Absolutely. Bo-Bo. Bo-Bo, come here. Come say hi to Randy. How are you? It's good to see you. You dropped your -- I don't know if you want that. You guys enjoy the tour, okay? Hi, how are you? Tourist: It's nice to meet you. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Thanks for bringing these young people. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Absolutely. How are you? Tourist: My name is Lisa. Lisa, it's good to see you, thanks for coming to visit us. Tourist: Oh, no problem. First Lady: All right; how are you? It's good to see you. All right, enjoy the tour. Tourist: (inaudible) --I'm a native of South Carolina -- First Lady: Oh, what part of South Carolina? Tourist: Georgetown. First Lady: Georgetown -- oh, my goodness, wonderful! Tourist: You know where that is. First Lady: Yes, indeed. Yeah, I was down there during the campaign and down there, came about two or three summers when my grandparents moved back down there. What's your last name? Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: All right. Well, it's good to see you. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: You know, you can talk to this guy and we can get information. It just depends on scheduling. So we're doing a lot in and around the area. So you work here, Fairfax County? Talk to this gentlemen. Tourist: Okay, very good. First Lady: Okay, it's good to see you. How are you? Are you from the area too? Tourist: I am, but initially from South Carolina. First Lady: Another South Carolinian. It's so good to see you. Tourist: You look gorgeous! How did you lose so much weight? First Lady: You know, stop eating. (laughter) Stop eating dessert. Thank you so much. It's good to see you all. Welcome. It's wonderful to have you. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: Hi. How are you? You are very sweet. It's good to have you all here. All right. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: Okay. First Lady: Hey, how are you? It's wonderful to see you. Where are you from? Tourist: South Carolina. First Lady: We have the whole South Carolina crew. Are you just here for -- do you live here now? Tourist: I live here, I actually work with Prince William County schools. First Lady: Okay, so you all stay connected, from South Carolina. Tourist: Yes, it's good to meet you. First Lady: You too. It's wonderful to see you. Thank you for being here. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: All right. Okay. Take care. Tourist: Hi, how are you? I'm local. Tourist: It's good to see you. I work in Alexandria. First Lady: You work in Alexandria, what do you do there? Tourist: I'm a contractor. Oh, wonderful. Thanks for being here. Keep us safe; all right. Hey, what's your name? Tourist: Dallas. First Lady: Dallas? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: Do you like dogs? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: There's one right there, he's trying to say hi. It's Dallas. You must have something in your pockets that smells good. (laughter) It's good to see you; did you come by yourself? Tourist: No. First Lady: Who's this young lady? Tourist: My mom. First Lady: Hi, Mom. What's going on? Thank you for bringing this gentleman. Tourist: Thank you for having us. First Lady: All right, take care. Hi, how are you? Tourist: You look so much smaller in person. First Lady: Oh, that's the TV part of it. Tourist: It is, it's very true. First Lady: They say it puts on ten pounds. Tourist: I think it does. First Lady: Hi. Tourist: Pleasant surprise. First Lady: It is wonderful to see you. Tourist: Nice to meet you. First Lady: How are you? Tourist: I'm fine. And you? First Lady: I'm great. Tourist: You look wonderful. First Lady: Good to see you. Thanks so much. Enjoy the tour. And thanks for visiting us. Tourist: That's gorgeous dress. First Lady: Thank you. Tourist: And I understand that you play tennis. First Lady: I do, I'm trying to get better so that I can beat my husband. That's my whole goal in life. To shock him. Shock and awe him; I'm working on it. Not yet, he still beats me. Tourist: You keep this certain time every day? First Lady: No, no. Tourist: It's just a surprise? First Lady: It's just a surprise. We are -- you know, periodically throughout the year it's good for me to come down and say hello because you guys come through so quietly. Tourist: You're beautiful. First Lady: It's so good to see you. Thanks for being here. All right. Enjoy. Hi, how are you? It's nice to see you. Who's this? What's going on, Tyson? How are you? Bo's sniffing your shoe. He's like, hey, Tyson, what's going on? Tourist: Hey. (laughter) Enjoy the tour, all right? Hi. Tourist: Hello, Mrs. Obama. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Tourist: My name is Michelle. First Lady: Michelle? It's so good to see you. Tourist: You too, thank you. First Lady: All right, enjoy the tour. Hey, how are you? It's wonderful to see you. Tourist: It's good meeting you. First Lady: Thanks for being here. Okay. Hi, how are you, where are you from? Tourist: I live in Gulfport, Mississippi. First Lady: Oh, are you here just for the visit? Tourist: My nephew is a Senate Page -- (inaudible). First Lady: Oh, wonderful. That's a great -- oh, the Senate Page program -- graduation is coming up. That's a great program. He's my little son. How are you? It's good to see you. Tourist: It's my son that's a Page. First Lady: Oh, it's your son; did he have a good -- Tourist: He loved it. First Lady: It's a great opportunity, yeah. Well, tell him congratulations. All right. Hey guys, what's going on? How are you? What's happening, where are you from? Tourist: Baltimore. First Lady: Baltimore. Did you all take some time off? Did you come on your own, drive by yourself? Tourist: No. Well, who brought you? Tourist: Our teacher. First Lady: Where it your teacher, way back there, got the whole class. Yeah, yeah, what grade are you all in? Tourist: Seventh First Lady: What, seventh -- seventh, seventh, big time, huh? All right, work hard. Do your homework, listen to your teacher, and your parents. Tourist: Okay. First Lady: Hi. How are you? Nice to see you. It's good to see you. Hey guys, come on. You know what, Bo, come here, come here. Sit down. See, he's good and he loves little people, because you know, we have little people in our house, my little girls. He loves them. It's good to see you guys. Let me have a handshake. What grades are you guys in? Hey little lady, what's going on? Are you in kindergarten? So who brought you here? Are you here by yourself? This character? Yeah. All right, well, enjoy. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: You guys have fun. Hey, how are you? Nice to see you. Tourist: He got big. First Lady: He was a puppy when you saw him. I know that is what a lot of people say. I'm great, how are you? Tourist: I'm good. First Lady: Thanks for bringing little people. It's good to see you. Hi, how are you all doing? You all from the same school, seventh grade -- Tourist: Tenth grade. First Lady: Tenth grade, so -- I saw some seventh graders. Tourist: It's seventh grade and tenth grade. First Lady: You're mixing it up a little bit. Trying to fool me, huh? Well, it's good to see you. Enjoy the tour. How are you, sweetie? It's nice to see you. What's going on? How are you? Tourist: I'm good. First Lady: Welcome. What's going on? Tourist: Nothing. First Lady: She's like -- come here, Bo. How are you, sweetie? Tourist: Fine. First Lady: It's nice to see you. Welcome. It's good to see you. It's good to have you. Hi, how are you? It's so good to see you, sweetie. Tourist: It's nice to meet you. Oh wow! (laughter) First Lady: Hi, oh, sweetie, it's good to see you. It's nice to see you. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Pleased to meet you. First Lady: Thanks for being here. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: All right. How are you? Tourist: It's such an honor to meet you. First Lady: It's my honor to greet you. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: I'm overwhelmed, oh, my gosh. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Tourist: I'm just so happy you're here. First Lady: Thanks so much. Just keep praying. How are you? Tourist: What a lovely surprise! First Lady: I know -- surprise! (laughter) Well, enjoy the tour. This isn't always a part of it. Tourist: I'm so happy -- First Lady: Yeah, enjoy. Who is this little lady? Are you and Bo hanging out? Uh-oh, Bo thinks you smell delicious. What do you smell like? It's like the pink shoes. Come here, Bo, Bo, Bo, come here, come here. Hi, it's good to see you. So you have a son as well? Tourist: I do, I have a five year-old and she's three, and he was on the fence about whether he wanted to miss school today. First Lady: Oh, no. Tourist: Well, there is a lot of fun stuff going on in school today. First Lady: What is your name, sweetie? I know, Bo smells something. Tourist: This is the First Lady. First Lady: How are you, babe? It's good to see. It's good to have you. Will you tell your brother that we say hi? Tell him hi for me, okay? Will you do that? Okay, we'll see you later. Tourist: Thank you so much. First Lady: How are you? Tourist: So good to meet you. First Lady: It's good to see. Thanks for being here. All right. Enjoy! Yeah, watch out Bo, can you get out of the way? Hi, how are you? Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Thanks for being here. Tourist: Thank you so much. Tourist: I stood with my son a year ago today out there -- First Lady: If it only could have been this warm. Tourist: It was an experience of a life time. First Lady: Can you believe it's a year? Thank you for coming back to celebrate our first year. Tourist: We are, believe me, we have got a road ahead of us. First Lady: Yes, we do. Yes, we do. Every day. Thank you. Hi, how are you all doing? Welcome, good morning. It's so good to see you. Thank for coming to visit. Tourist: You are so lovely. First Lady: Thank you, it's very sweet of you to say. It's a pleasure, it's a pleasure; enjoy the house. Hi, how are you guys doing? Where're you from? Tourist: Colorado. First Lady: Colorado! What part of Colorado? Tourist: Colorado Springs. First Lady: I love Colorado Springs. I went and had a great rally out there during the campaign. It was exciting. Yeah, yeah. Tourist: Thanks for having us. First Lady: It's good to have you, guys. Good. Tourist: It's my birthday this weekend. First Lady: It's your birthday weekend? My birthday weekend was this past weekend, too. When is yours? Tourist: 15th. First Lady: 15th. Capricorn. Power. Power there. Means something. It's good to see you. All right. Hey guys, how are you? It's wonderful to see you? Where are you from? Tourist: I'm from Indiana. First Lady: Indiana -- close, where in Indiana? Tourist: Indianapolis. First Lady: Yes, we spent a lot of time in Indianapolis. From Massachusetts. First Lady: From Massachusetts? All right. Well, it's good to see you all. Enjoy. Hey. Tourist: Hi. First Lady: How are you? Tourist: I'm good, how are you? First Lady: Good, good; are you all with a group? Tourist: Yeah. First Lady: What's the group? Tourist: Just for our friend's birthday. First Lady: Oh, good. That's great. Well, enjoy. What else is on the agenda besides the White House? Tourist: This is it. First Lady: It's going to be dull after this, right? (laughter) Tourist: I know! I can't go back to work now. First Lady: Well, now you can. You can tell them you met the First Lady and Bo. Tourist: And Bo. Tourist: That's my hat! First Lady: Well, that hat looks like something he would try to chew on. (laughter) It's good to see you all. Enjoy. Nice to see you, welcome. Tourist: Thank You. First Lady: Welcome. All right. Take care. How are you? It's good to see you guys. All right. Enjoy the tour. Tourist: Hi, I'm Calvin, a vet student in Missouri. First Lady: Oh Calvin, It's wonderful to meet you. So you're a vet student? Tourist: Yes ma'am. First Lady: Veterinarian? Tourist: Yes, I have a year and a half left. First Lady: Oh, wonderful, take a look; does he look okay, doing all right? Tourist: He's behaving well. First Lady: Yeah, he's a good boy. He's a good boy. Tourist: Nice to meet you. First Lady: All right. Well, good luck in the program. Tourist: Oh, the -- (inaudible) -- veterinary services -- (inaudible) -- is going through right now, and if you have any input in that, it would help our mission greatly. First Lady: Absolutely. Tourist: Thank you very much. First Lady: All right, thank you. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Good, thanks. First Lady: Where are you from? Tourist: UK. First Lady: UK? Welcome. Hey, all you UK'ers. Tourist: We are living in New York at the moment. First Lady: How long? Interning where? How are you? It's good to see you. Tourist: At different companies. First Lady: Wonderful, all living together or sharing a very small apartment somewhere? (laughter) Yeah. Well, welcome to Washington, and enjoy your stay. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: Okay, all right, take care. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Pleased to meet you. First Lady: It's nice to see you, where are you from? Tourist: Virginia. First Lady: Virginia? You're just up the way. Tourist: Yes, we're a group from TSA visiting. First Lady: Oh, okay; oh, wonderful. So this is the whole group? How are you? It's nice to see you. Thanks for being here. Is this the crew? Tourist: What a surprise. First Lady: I know, I know, surprise. How are you? It's good to see you. Thank you. It's nice to see you guys. How is it going? Welcome. How are you? Tourist: I'm fine. I come from Italy. First Lady: You're from Italy? What part? Tourist: From Milan. First Lady: Oh beautiful. We didn't get to that part when we where there but we loved -- one of my girls' favorite countries is Italy. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Yeah. Well, welcome. How are you? Welcome. Thanks for being here. Tourist: Good morning. First Lady: How are you? Tourist: Good; nice so meet you. First Lady: It's good to meet you. Tourist: Isn't he beautiful? First Lady: Hi, it's so nice to see you all. Yeah, he's a sweet boy, he is. He's a baby. He thinks he's a lap dog. Tourist: Well, and -- yeah, and I'm sure he'll always think that. He'll never change. (laughter) First Lady: How are you? Tourist: Nice to meet you. First Lady: Thanks for coming to visit. Tourist: What an awesome surprise. First Lady: Surprise! Tourist: (inaudible) -- delegation from Louisiana. Tourist: We just hope that the saints beat -- First Lady: Yeah, I know. Tourist: You know that dog has got socks on? First Lady: Yeah, I know. Big heavy socks. (laughter) Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: It's so nice to see you. Welcome. Tourist: (inaudible) -- Louisiana. First Lady: I'm hoping to get down there. Tourist: Please! You need to come see us. First Lady: I hope this year we can get down there. How are things going? Tourist: We're hanging in there. It's so good to see you. First Lady: Well, good luck. Tourist: (inaudible) -- with Congressman Cassidy. First Lady: It is wonderful to see you. Thanks for your work. Are you hanging in there? Tourist: Yes, ma'am. Tourist: I'm a state senator -- (inaudible). Would you sign an autograph off of -- my card, please? First Lady: Absolutely. Tourist: That would mean a lot to me to give that to my children. First Lady: How old are they? Got one that's 21 at Ole Miss and I got one that's 17 and 1/2 -- First Lady: You've got Ole Miss going on. Tourist: Yep, she's gonna graduate and go down -- First Lady: I don't have to tell them anything because they're already there. I'm trying to get where you're getting. All right, take care. Hi, how are you? What's your name? Tourist: This is Garrett. First Lady: Hi Garrett. Do you see Bo? Do you guys see Bo? Tourist: Look at Bo. First Lady: Hey guys, how are you all doing? Do you like dogs? Tourist: I like dogs. First Lady: Yeah, he's a sweet one. He loves kids. Loves kids. Well, Welcome. Tourist: Thank you, my husband is home from Afghanistan for two weeks. First Lady: Oh, wonderful. Tourist: Yes, on R&R right now. First Lady: All right, all right. You're happy -- is this yours? Tourist: Yes, this is my other one. First Lady: Are you happy to have Dad home? Yeah? We're happy to have him home, too. How is it going? How are you guys hanging in there? Tourist: We are doing good its difficult but -- First Lady: I know, I know. Are you helping Mom get by? Tourist: He's a big helper. First Lady: Well, we're proud of you. Tourist: Thank you, Ma'am First Lady: All right, thank you. Enjoy. Hey, how is it going? Welcome. Tourist: Can we have autographs? First Lady: I'll sign it right there where they can see it. There you go. Tourist: I said, oh, my goodness, what if we get a chance to see Michelle Obama? First Lady: You talked me up. Tourist: Last year we were standing outside in the snow. First Lady: Were you all here? Yeah, you all are marking my anniversary here. It's good to see you again. Tourist: It's good to see you. First Lady: All right. Hi, how are you? How are you guys doing? Yeah, good, you good? So good to see you. What's this group? Are you guys a group or family? Tourist: Family. First Lady: Family? No! Wait, wait, no. It's so good to see you guys. You guys are getting a day off school? Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: That's good. How are you? Tourist: Hello. First Lady: It's good to see you. How are you doing? It's nice to see you. Tourist: Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day. First Lady: Enjoy the tour. Tourist: Thank You. You just made my year. First Lady: All right. Take care. Hi, how are you? Tourist: I'm doing great. First Lady: Where are you from? Tourist: I'm from Albuquerque, New Mexico. First Lady: Wonderful. We had some great visits out In Albuquerque. You wonder why more people don't move out there. Tourist: It's getting more populated out there. First Lady: That's a little mixed blessing. Tourist: A little bit. First Lady: It's good to see you. How are you? Welcome. Tourist: Thank you so much. First Lady: It's good to see you. Where are you from? Tourist: We are from Virginia/Washington area. First Lady: You're in the area? Tourist: We are with the TSA. First Lady: We saw another group of TSA'ers. It's wonderful to see you. Welcome. Tourist: Oh, my gosh, you're gorgeous! First Lady: Thank You. What are you talking about, you're all styled up today? It's good to see you. Tourist: It's good to see you. First Lady: He's a sweet boy. How are you, TSA? Tourist: Yep; we're all here from TSA. First Lady: It's so good to see you. Thanks for coming. Thanks for everything. Tourist: Hi Michelle. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Oh, it's good to have you. Where are you guys from? Tourist: From London. First Lady: Yeah, London? London/Scotland? You're working in New York? Tourist: Yes, in New York. First Lady: There was a group earlier. So the few of you -- yeah, how are you liking New York? Tourist: Love it. First Lady: Yeah, D.C. is a little calmer. Tourist: (inaudible) (laughter) First Lady: Compared to New York, it's a little more -- you can do this at a more relaxed pace. Tourist: We've only got two months left in New York, we've been here nearly a year. First Lady: Well, get out of there. Get out of there. Go around, make sure you see everything on the east coast. Tourist: Yes. First Lady: Well, it's wonderful to see you all. Thank you for visiting. All right, take care. Hi, how are you? Nice to see you. Tourist: How are you? First Lady: I'm doing great. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Hi, I know -- it's so good to see you. Tourist: It's nice to meet you. First Lady: Thanks for inviting us. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Wonderful. Thank you for all of your work. I know you all are working hard these days. All right. Just, you know, just take a little break and get right back to it. (laughter) Hi, how are you? It's wonderful to see you. TSA as well? No? Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: It's good to see you; see, you got in on a good trip. So now when you get tired of the hours, you can just think, well, at least it's worth something. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Hi. First Lady: It's good to see you. Hey, how are you guys doing? Tourist: It's nice to meet you. First Lady: Welcome. It's nice to see you. Tourist: What a cute dog. First Lady: Yeah, he's a sweet boy. Tourist: Happy belated birthday. First Lady: Thank you. Thanks so much. Hi, how are you all doing? Welcome. It's good to see you. How are you? It's nice to see you. Tourist: How old is he? First Lady: He's a little over a year. He'll be two years in October. About a year and-a-half. Tourist: It's nice to meet you. First Lady: It's so good to see you. Thanks for being here. Hi, how are you? It's wonderful to see you, welcome. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: Hey, how are you? Tourist: It's so great to meet you. First Lady: It's good to see you guys. Thanks for coming. Tourist: It's nice to meet you. First Lady: It's so nice to see you. Thank you so much. Tourist: Hi. First Lady: How are you? Thanks for being here. Tourist: Congratulations, you have done a great job. First Lady: Thanks so much. Tourist: Congratulations on your first year. First Lady: One down. Tourist: Three to go! First Lady: Right, right. Thank you. Tourist: Good morning. First Lady: How are you? Good morning. Thanks for coming to see us. Tourist: Thank you for greeting us. First Lady: It's a pleasure. Enjoy the tour. Hi. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Oh, I didn't know that. No, I didn't know. That was the crew. Tourist: That's my team. First Lady: That's wonderful. Congratulations! Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: We need you all. Hang in there. Tourist: We are trying very hard. First Lady: Don't give up. We are coming. Help is on the way. Tourist: Thank you. Tourist: Oh my God. First Lady: Hi, how are you guys doing? Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: It's wonderful to see you guys. You just hanging out here? How are you? You guys see Bo? Tourist: Yes, he is so cute. First Lady: We thought most people would be much more interested -- he slept all day yesterday. Sometimes he hangs out with Dale. Sometimes -- he's all over the place around here. Tourist: We told them that they wouldn't see Sasha and Malia because they were at school. First Lady: They are at school. Tourist: They had a special day. First Lady: Where are you guys from? Tourist: Here. He just wanted to wear the jersey in case he got to see the President. First Lady: I was about to say -- the Bears? He'd be happy with that, although why -- Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: From where? Tourist: From Dallas. First Lady: Where do you live here? Tourist: (inaudible) -- come and see the White House. First Lady: In Potomac? Good area. Well, welcome. Tourist: This is great and keep up all of the good work. First Lady: Thank you. Take care of all of these little people. How are you, young lady? You look gorgeous. Hey, how are you? I know you're the last person we care about. You just drive. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: You too. It's so good to see you guys. Have fun. Hi, how are you? Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's so good to see you. What is your name? Tourist: Riley. First Lady: Riley? It's nice to see you. Did you come with these people? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: Oh, you know these guys; it's so nice to see you guys. Big train, it's a good train. How are you? Tourist: Nice to meet you, pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's so good to see you. You've got a great family. How are you? Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: Hey sweetie, I know Bo is around. Do you like dogs? Tourist: Oh yes, we have been looking at all of the pictures of Bo. First Lady: He's coming over to say hi. Hi. Can you say hi? 00:30:49.834,00:30:49.667 You say hi? Tourist: He's licking me! First Lady: Yes, he licked your shoe! (laughter) Tourist: Do you want to pet him? First Lady: He loves little people. He loves them. Loves little people like you. Thanks for coming. Enjoy. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: Hi, how are you? Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's so good to see you. You guys; welcome. Tourist: Didn't get to see during inauguration -- (inaudible) First Lady: We knew, so I figured I would come down, because you're here. Exactly. You just let me know when you're coming by. It's a little odd, isn't it? (laughter) How are you? Tourist: Thank you very much for having us. First Lady: It's so good to see you. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: What kind of dog do you have? Tourist: She's a German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd mix. First Lady: Well, that's -- Tourist: She's cute, but not very kind. First Lady: That's a different breed. Bo is one of those friendly loveables. (laughter) Take care. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Great, how are you? First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Thank you for coming to visit. Tourist: Thanks for having us. First Lady: Hi. How are you? Tourist: I'm good, how are you? First Lady: I'm doing great. Just happy to see you guys. I'm wonderful. Enjoy the tour! Tourist: Nobody is going to believe me. First Lady: Just tell them. Tell them -- just tell them. I love this, that's beautiful, really beautiful. Where are you from, are you from Phoenix? Tourist: Northern California. First Lady: Just as good, just as good -- oh, in Venice, I thought you said Phoenix. Tourist: Yeah, it's Murano glass. First Lady: Oh, well, yeah, no; no wonder. (laughter) Take care. Hi. Tourist: You must be worn out, standing around here all the time. (laughter) First Lady: All day, every day. (laughter) Hi, it's good to see you. Is this your family? Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Hey guys, what's going on? Come on in. It's good to see you. Have you been to the White House before? This is your first visit, all right, well, enjoy. Okay. Learn something. All right. It's good to see you. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Fine, how are you? First Lady: I'm good, it's good to see you. Tourist: Yes you are. (laughter) Tourist: Michelle! I have your doll. First Lady: You have my doll? Tourist: I got it for my granddaughter. First Lady: Oh, gosh. Hi. Hi, how are you? Tourist: Does he have a tongue? First Lady: He does have a tongue. Let's see, can you show your tongue? It's in there. He does -- he's got one just like that. Tourist: Mine has a tongue, it is a talking tongue. First Lady: Yeah, his is a barking tongue. Tourist: Do you want to pet him? First Lady: Do you want to pet him? He's a good boy. Do you want to pet him, do you think? Tourist: He wants to pet him. First Lady: Come on over, come on over. Hi sweetie, how are you? Do you want to pet him? He loves little kids, loves them. How are you? Tourist: He's all gushy. First Lady: Yes -- gushy, that's what we call him. Gushy. How are you? It's nice to see you, welcome. Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: How are you? It's really good to see you. Thanks for coming to visit us. Tourist: Thank you for allowing us to be here. First Lady: It's a pleasure. Tourist: Tell -- (inaudible) -- Jackie Robinson -- (inaudible) First Lady: That's very sweet of you. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Thank you. Tourist: Great experience. First Lady: Thank you. All right. Take care. How are you? Tourist: Nice meeting you. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Thanks for being here. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: From where? It's good to see you. What grade? Tourist: Eighth grade. First Lady: Eighth grade, ready to roll. Are you guys doing your civics, Washington, D.C.? You got to take that test? Are you ready for it? Are you going to blow it out and then go on to high school and then be brilliant, right? Tourist: You guys are doing a marvelous job. First Lady: Thank you. Thank you. It's so good to see you all. Tourist: I saw you on TV. First Lady: I was on TV. (laughter) How are you, it's good to see you? Hi, how are you? All right, study, learn something. It's good to see you. Tourist: Your dog is so cute. First Lady: He is a cutie, thanks. It's nice to see you guys; welcome. Hi, it's a pleasure. How are you? Nice to see you! It's good to see you all. All right, study hard. How are you? It's nice to see you. Hi. How are you? It's good to see you all. It's so nice to see you. Welcome. Tourist: I'm your biggest fan. First Lady: Sweetie. You're so sweet, thank you. Thank you for that. And then there's Bo. And then there's Bo. How are you? It's nice to see you. Welcome. Tourist: Hi, nice to meet you. First Lady: Thanks for bringing them. How are you? It's good to see you. Oh Bo -- Tourist: Have a great day. First Lady: He's about as big as you then. Thank you, thank you. Hi, how are you? Oh -- thanks for bringing these young people. All right. Stay strong. It's wonderful to see you. How are you? It's good to see you guys. All right, make sure you learn something while you're here, right? Tourist: Thank you. First Lady: It's nice to see you. How are you? Tourist: My mother is a big fan of you and your husband. First Lady: Give her a big hug for me. Tourist: All right. First Lady: Thank you. It's nice to see you, thanks for coming. Tourist: Hello. First Lady: Hello. Hey, how are you? It's good to see you. Tourist: You do not know how happy you have made my class -- (inaudible) First Lady: I'm glad I could be here. Tell them, make sure they learn something. All right. All right? How are you? Tourist: (inaudible)-- we are a special-ed school. This is really something. First Lady: That's a good thing. Tourist: And I love your dog. First Lady: He's a sweetie. Tourist: Yeah, he is. Thanks for being here. First Lady: Oh, it's a pleasure, thanks for your work. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Yes, absolutely. Tourist: Can you guys take my picture? First Lady: It's so good to see you. Tourist: Thank you so much. Please take my picture. (laughter) First Lady: How are you? It's so good to see you all; welcome, hi. Bo. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Absolutely, yeah he loves everybody. How are you guys doing? Come on over. It's so good to see you. Tourist: You're an inspiration. First Lady: Enjoy your tour, it's so good to see you. Thanks for coming. Hi, it's good to see you. Thanks for being here. How are you? Tourist: Nice to meet you. First Lady: It's so good to see you. How are you? Tourist: It's an honor to meet you. First Lady: Wonderful to have you. Enjoy the house. Tourist: Well-behaved dog. First Lady: He's a good boy. Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's good to see you. Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's good to have you here. Thanks for being here. Tourist: That's a really cute dog. First Lady: He's a cutie. How are you? It's good to see you guys. It's so nice to see you. Welcome. Tourist: He smells my dog. First Lady: What kind of dog do you have? Tourist: Pit bull. First Lady: Pit bull. How are you -- how are you guys doing? How are you? Tourist: Nice to meet you. Thanks for -- this is part of your crew? Tourist: Well -- these are his and these are my students. First Lady: It's nice to see you. How are you? He's like, Bo! I'm used to it. Tourist: Oh my god. Good to see you in person, my dear; looking very beautiful. First Lady: Thanks for bringing your little men. Tourist: I took them out of school for this. First Lady: That's good. All right; make sure you write your report. That's what I make Malia and Sasha do when we go somewhere. They have to write a report when we went somewhere. Write that report. Where is he going? Hi. Tourist: Thanks for serving, appreciate it. First Lady: Thanks you for being here. Is this your crew? Tourist: This is our family. Hey family, what is going on? Tourist: We have ten children. First Lady: Wow, is that all? You couldn't do better than that? Come on, show me something. Is everybody here? Wow, so who does most of the work? Tourist: Mom. First Lady: Mom. (laughter) Tourist: We run a homeless shelter and free health care clinic in Wisconsin. First Lady: That is wonderful. Let's take a picture. Come on, guys. Sam, can we, this is wonderful. Tourist: Nobody stick your finger up your nose. First Lady: Okay, all right. See Sam over there? Tourist: Can you see us? Tourists: Thank you very much. First Lady: Make sure you get their information. Tourist: Nice to meet you. First Lady: It's wonderful to see you. Thank you. I got to give you a hug. Tourist: You're a wonderful mother. First Lady: Thank you guys, thanks so much. It's good to see you. Help your mom out, right? Help your mom and dad out. Tourist: Thank you so much. First Lady: Thank you, sweetie. It's good to see you. Tourist: We promised everyone in Wisconsin we'd be saying hi to you. First Lady: All right, tell them hi back -- okay. Tourist: Thank you so much. First Lady: Take care. Hey, guys, what's going on? How are you all doing? What grade, what school? Tourists: (inaudible) First Lady: And what grade? Woodbridge -- fifth grade, that's a serious grade with homework and stuff, right? Tourists: Yeah. First Lady: You guys focused, you ready, you're doing your work? Is everybody doing what they're supposed to be doing? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: All right. These are the girls? Tourist: The Ladies of Distinction. First Lady: The Ladies of Distinction. All right. Well, be distinct, all right? Tourist: Tell Barack Obama I said hello. First Lady: I will tell him from the Ladies of Distinction. See you guys, work hard, okay? Listen to your teachers, listen to your parents, work hard, stay out of trouble. Be good. Hi, sweetie. How are you guys doing? Hello, how are you guys doing? It's good to see you. Thanks for coming. Tourist: You're beautiful. You look beautiful, you're a beautiful person. First Lady: Thank you so much. Tourist: I wish I could have a picture. First Lady: Well, they are snapping away. Hi guys, how are you? Welcome. It's good to see you guys. All right. Learn something while you're here, okay? Hi. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Oh, my goodness, tell her, all right. All right. We met the Ladies of Distinction. Yeah. Tourist: Oh, my God. First Lady: It's good to see you guys. Welcome. All right it's good to see you guys. Hi. What's going on? Hey guys. Hi, how are you? It's so good to see you guys. Are you having fun on the tour? Hey, sweetie. It's so nice to see you guys; you working hard? Doing what you're supposed to do? Malia has a coat like this. Hi, how are you? Hi, sweetie. How are you? It's nice to see you. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Hey. What's going on, guys? Hey, you guys doing well in school? Huh? Is everybody doing what they are supposed to do in school? You too? All right, sweetie. Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's a pleasure to meet you too, babe. Hi, sweetie. It's nice to see you. Hi, how are you? Are these your ladies? Tourist: Yes. First Lady: They are just such nice young ladies. Oh, my goodness. Are they always like that? Tourist: Yeah, we have a mentor program, called the Ladies of Distinction, mentor. First Lady: Wonderful. You know we had a mentor program kicking off here, we have 16 young girls from high schools around the area, and we paired them with women in the -- the men's program is starting today, actually. So we are really -- we are really -- you know, February is National Mentoring Month. Tourist: Oh, okay. First Lady: So do something special. All right. Tourist: We will Absolutely. First Lady: It's good to see you. Absolutely. Good to see you. Tourist: Can I pet him? First Lady: Yes, you may. Yes. He would feel neglected if you didn't. Is it sweating? Well then, you have to give me a hug if it's sweating. Hi sweetie, how are you? It's good to see you, it's nice to have you here. He's leaving with the Ladies of Distinction. Tourist: I'm Tabatha. I'm the corporate sponsor-- First Lady: What corporation, what organization? Tourist: We have a service -- (inaudible) First Lady: That's wonderful -- (inaudible) -- well done. Tourist: I wish I could get a picture with you. First Lady: Make sure Allen gets it. Hey, ladies, what is going on? How are you? It's good to see you. Come on over. Do you like your mentors, you like your program? Hey, how are you? It's good to see you. What is going on? It's nice to see you guys. Welcome. It's so good to see you all. How are you? Tourist: Nice to meet you. First Lady: Nice to meet you. How are you, babe? 00:43:58.367,00:43:58.033 It's good to see you. Tourist: How are you? First Lady: I'm doing great. Just happy to see you guys. How are you? It's so good to see you. Welcome. Enjoy. Tourist: How are you? First Lady: I'm doing great. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Yes. Tourist: We had a great time. First Lady: Oh, my goodness. And you're back a year later. What, you didn't get enough? Tourist: No, not yet. First Lady: All right, okay. We'll do this every year, then. All right. How are you? Good to see you. Look at these little people. Hi little ladies, what is happening? Tourist: Nothing. First Lady: Nothing, nothing at all? You want to pet Bo? How are you? It's nice to see you. Tourist: He's warm. First Lady: He's warm. He's warm. Hey, how are you, sweetie? Nice to see you. Tourist: Oh, my gosh. First Lady: It's good to have you guys here. Welcome. You're nice and tall. That's good. That's good. How are you? Tourist: Good. First Lady: Good; nice to have you. How are you, sweetie? Look at you guys. Make sure you learn something good while you're here. Tourist: It is an honor. Oh, my goodness. First Lady: Hey, what's going on? Did you come alone? Or did you bring somebody? Tourist: It's a pleasure to meet you. First Lady: It's good to see you guys. How are you? Tourist: What a wonderful surprise. First Lady: Thank you. Thanks for coming to visit us. Tourist: We're so proud you. First Lady: Thank you. What's going on? Hi, hi, hi. Hi. Tourist: He got big. First Lady: He got big, he did. He was a puppy when you saw him in the paper. But he grew. Hi, sweetie. Come over and say hi. Wait, wait, wait for us. Tourist: Say hi to Ms. Obama. Tourist: Hi, Ms. Obama. First Lady: Hi, sweetie peas. Tourist: Tell her your name. Tourist: Is that a dog? First Lady: That's Bo, do you want to pet him? You can pet him. Tourist: Can I pet him? First Lady: You can pet him, absolutely. It's nice see you. Welcome. Tourist: (inaudible) First Lady: Here we are. Little did you know. Tourist: Yeah. First Lady: They had foresight. Hi, how are you? Welcome. Tourist: Thank you; can I pet the dog? First Lady: Absolutely. Do you see; he's a ham. Tourist: He's perfectly behaved. First Lady: He is like just love me, just show me love, that's all. Tourist: Thank you so much, it's a pleasure. First Lady: Thank you. How are you? It's wonderful to see you. Hi. Thank you for coming to see us. Tourist: Thanks for coming out. First Lady: It's a pleasure. Enjoy the house. Tourist: Thank you. Tourist: It's beautiful. First Lady: I wish I could take credit for it, but I just live here. (laughter)
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 5,337,862
Rating: 4.737576 out of 5
Keywords: surprise, first anniversary, White House, White, anniversary, Obama, Barack, Michelle Obama, President, tours, House, First Lady, Live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2010
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