Coastal Foraging At Night - Scallops, Cockles, Crabs and More With Scallop and Cockle Cook Up

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hello welcome back to with a fish Locker out on the shore at night usually when I start one of these I say oh what terrible conditions tonight we've actually got some quite good conditions tonight usually it's howling a gay of wind or it's pouring down with rain tonight we're going out on the shore and we're going to go and do some foraging now we've got some large spring tides we've got another hour of the E which means it's still an hour to go out we're going to follow it down to the lower tideline and then follow it back up for another hour to walk an area of Shore and tonight we're looking for shellfish clams muscles cockles scallops that's the plan that's the hope so I've got my lucky foraging booket oh and you will not see me on the shore at night without one of these I'm not going to go into the full safety brief that I usually give to everybody at the start of these videos because the people who follow the channel have seen it all before basically use your common sense and be safe go and have fun but be safe that being said let's go and see what we can find if you were ever going to be coming to a new area of Shoreline and you want to know what's going to be in that area you want to know what you might be able to forage the best place to look is the high tide line we looking along here anything that's living out there when it dies will end up up here slipper limpets limpets muscles cockles Winkles everything that you could want to find out there you will find up here on the high tide line so [Music] yeah this also is a dog cockle so that's a normal a normal cockle that's a dog [Music] cockle this is what we're looking [Music] for that is a nice size cockle and you can just find them just sat in the sand look it's a very camouflag little crab isn't it there's a Welk oh we a hermit crab inside there's a little cockle you don't want to be taking them unless they're like this size that size is too small right all I'm using is just a little UV lights see them there's a little crab there's one of those in enemies and look there's a couple more crabs but these an enemies here well [Music] there's a nice cooco that's an interesting find there isn't it look it's a big spiny [Music] starfish [Music] bit small there is a little fish in there I just can't get it cuz it's that dirty there's a hermit crab all it's a rockling I've just seen [Music] it there is look this here is a queen scallop with a bit of growth on it can you see there it is that's actually about legal size for a Queenie but they are that small that I don't bother taking them one of the things I'm looking for I don't know if you can see this here but there is like a hole see how it's scooped out now there's another one there look right sometimes it's fish but other times it's scolopes they scoop out a little hole and sit in it see the little hermit Krabs now there are quite a lot of little fish around they look like dragonets there is another hermit crab there but if you see there every now one again there's a little tube worm and it opens up like an eyelash there look there's one and as soon as you disturb it shoots back inside there see him I don't know if you can see see it there there was a little gby as well this here is a parasitic and enemy you see look it's on the back of a hermit crab look that hermit crab has got a little shell with that massive an enemy on the back look imagine having a drag all that [Music] round session wouldn't be complete without a dog fish egg there's two there one there and one there there see it see what I mean it's created like a little bit of a hollow just sat there [Music] feeding [Music] see [Music] that's what we're after [Music] perfect Bingo there we go oh yes right if you ever find one on the shore and it's like this and it's open what you need to do is give it a couple of TAPS there look if it closes up tight you know it's alive so it's good to take it's got a slipper liput on its back oh poor girl that crab is full of parasites that is underneath her fan there is where she's supposed to hold eggs and if you can see that big white bit in the middle that's a parasite and it's held it open and she's actually got a queen scallop and a muscle now living in there poor girl there there's one perfect a little hit shiker on its [Music] back there is a fish just down in by my feet it's only may be about that long but it's just in here see the little [Music] lens I think it was a little baby bass just can't see it now where I've stirred the water [Music] up yeah I Disturbed it with the Disturbed it with my foot it darted around and then stayed in here see if I can see it [Music] again I don't know if it was hunting in the shallows or what I've actually found an unusual type of [Music] starfish now I haven't seen one of these types before I don't actually know what this is but I'm definitely going to go back and research it I think it is a sand star but I'm not 100% sure [Music] Let Go for Let It [Music] Go some nice muscles in amongst here just not very many of them perfect another one with some seaweed on [Music] him there was a rockling you see it there look [Music] that's an interesting one there yeah that there see that Ridge line there with my Thum is and they're on the back at some point in this in this scul Up's life there add some happen to it is it loads of Venus clums calm down in there [Music] [Applause] y look at the size of that oyster that has to be the biggest oyster I've ever seen in my life look at it got all those layers in it I'm going to use years old must this be Jesus it wears about we's about 2 kilos size of that you'd like to think there'd be a pearl in there wouldn't you we'll get a photo of him and then we'll put it somewhere safe okay over that is an absolute monster of an [Music] oyster right look what we've got here what an absolutely fantastic night's foraging 13 size sculps in the end now I don't know about you I don't like the number 13 so what I'm going to do is I've got I've got the three smaller ones in here and I'm going to take them and we'll let them go on the way back but what look what we got i' got a Fant got a lovely little boil of there these are just the European cockal what 10 stunning scolopes look you can hear them clacking C here and we did find one toen oyster now I don't usually take oysters people in previous videos have been cursing me for leaving oysters behind so I said all right I'll take one next time I'm taking one I did find a monster oyster and I mean it was like like a grapefruit biggest one I've ever seen oh calm down H but I had to put that one back it's just too old I just thought this thing's probably older than I am but I I can't go over these stunning sculps yeah so these guys are going to come with me and we're going to go to spargo's Kitchen it is what time is it yeah it's halfast 2 in the morning and we will go and see Jim tomorrow today today yeah let's get wrapped up cuz Tide's coming in it's been raining [Applause] let's go here we are in spargo's kitchen we have our forage from well last night this this morning I will um I I'll will give mention straight away that we did pick up one nice sized oyster as well but from speaking to it says they're much better when they've been when they've been purged for like a week in clean water the scallops and the cockal have ADD in clean sea water for the past I don't know what time's it now past 10 hours and they've cleaned up quite well but the oyster I think what we're going to do is we'll take that and we'll let that go and then I will I will get some from um Mark FAL catch that have been purified and we'll do those another time and I will hand you straight over good morning welcome to spargo's Kitchen and uh what a lovely haul we've got I was thinking with the scallops we'll perhaps do those like a little Indian style so we're going to make up a very mild spiced coconut creamy sauce to go with those and these little Beauties we'll just pop in a hot pan to open stuff them with some Herby garlicky breadcrumbs and make up uh sort of a vegetable Ratatouille to go with them so for ingredients we've got uh some onions in the cover celery oine peppers for the Ratatouille for the scollops I've got um Goin turmeric coconut milk and fresh ginger some chilies garlic and as a little side accompaniment I'm going to do roasted cauliflower anything and it won't be me 2020 Shu [Music] off now where you put there go [Applause] PR out is it neck neck now no this one's got an over bite he left this one for me [Music] was it I didn't count I think but it was only 10 wasn't there were dra 5 gosh this is tight right we've shooked all the sculps off and Jim has just throw the scallops into a hot pan not scallops sorry cockles uh just once it tease them open that's just a little bit of just pling water in there isn't it yes and I think that will probably do them so heat off and we'll clean the scops we prized the shells off the top shells off the um off the sculps and with a spoon just running around the bowl of the of the shell to loosen the frill and then with your fingers we just want to remove all of the frill and this black bit which is the stomach and also there's a little slightly harder white piece there which is the muscle and it's best just knit that off your fingers just take your time it's just a little part that attaches to the chill isn't it that's right it's the muscle muscle that holds it as you say it's quite true and then you end up with that beautiful nugget of of Flesh that's the scops done and now cockles cockles they just literally had seconds into a hot pan just so that the shells popped open and just keeping those in the half shell that's it barely they're barely cooked and and what we're going to do is make up some make up some garlicky Herby breadcrumbs just stuff them into the shell no grit or anything in is no they're beautifully clean cauliflower I've just taken the heart out and uh cut these down into small sort of pieces there's uh little ground black pepper little sprinkling of salt I'm just putting a a large pinch of cumin and we're going to have a splash of olive oil this will just carry those slightly Curry flavors or Indian spice flavors through right that's going to go onto a baking sheet got in the oven's preheated 190° and we'll put that into [Music] cook we'll give it 20 minutes and see how we get yeah just chopping up some couple of cloves of garlic and I've got some diced onion swe it down in a little sunflower oil and then I'm going to in there add a little salt just to help the onion and turn the heat down no need to bother peeling it [Music] just why do people peel it I don't know you don't have to make any difference no it will run through a greater um you never find it the skin always re cringe always makes me cringe a little bit watching people work with a grer like that cuz I always imagine taking a knuckle or a keep your fingers out the way John that's the answer right Ginger's in to the wash fibrous really f flavorous stuff is Left Behind I will wrap that for use in another dish almost plot that brown turmeric I suppose a teaspoon not too much turmeric it make things bitter about the same teaspoon of brown cumin so you've got your your onion your garlic your Ginger pepper salt ground black pepper salt ground tumeric ground cumin and that's just that's sunflower oil isn't it that's a little sunflower oil just smell delicious already just going to put a lid on that so these are the onions which we had the lid on the pan for it's SC 2 or 3 minutes I suppose so they're nicely softened not too much color and the spices and garlic so we're just going to leave those on the lowest possible heat and in the meantime I've got a pan with a little oil chopped Pepper and a couple of onions that's go in here couple of bulbs of garlic just very roughly chopped bit of salt uh tin of coconut milk which I just open stirred up this is a 400 mil tin I'm going to start with perhaps half of that and I'm just going to leave below that to simmer for a couple of minutes uh celery for the Ratatouille I'm just topping and tailing those STS and that's going to go in with the and I'm going to slice this up rather small Carol doesn't like celery and if I don't tell her it's not it's in there I'm not a fan of it I don't like the flavor of it on its own I love it again that's another one of those fantastic B vegetables that dum in salt that's just joyous that's introduce you to eating the heart of the cauliflower hold the piece of it back and I'll try a bit The Salty yeah as long as I can't taste the celery in it I don't mind but I sliced it quite small so by the time it softens it will lend its flavor to the overall dish but you won't okay I'm just putting a little sprinkling of dry to time that's how the couple of minutes I'm going to turn that off and just let it sit now and develop and we'll come back to that uh in a while and check it for seasoning well the cauliflower has had 20 minutes it's not quite there so I'm just going to loosen loosen it on the tray and I'll put it back for another another 10 minutes just dicing up the oine that will go in lat and cette two chilies I I removed the seeds because Carol like things overly hot so I remove the seeds and that's just going to go into to the pan and we'll just let that sit in the sauce it's off the heat just allow that to develop for salt white pepper put in the chopped cette and the oine and turn that to the Heat just those take up a little color uh right coret and oine went in with the other harder vegetables and they soften nicely I have here from our freezer some tomato sauce which I made from the glut of tomatoes at the end of the uh the growing season that was a couple of kilos of tomatoes just sweating down for an hour or more with about half the weight of onion and a bit of garlic and blitzed and passed through a SI so there's about 300 mil I would say and we'll let that doesn't look lovely colors I'm just going to rip some fresh Basel there right some butter off in the pan this is to fry the uh White breadcrumbs and I'm just chopping up some garlic I've poured like half a teaspoon of salt onto the board and it just provides like a bit of traction for really mincing the garlic down so that will go into the butter and the bread it was just a white loaf of bread that you just measure on right I've melted uh couple of ounces of butter in a on a low heat added three bulbs of garlic finally it when the butter was melted tipped in the breadcrumbs and I've left them for a minute or two just to soak up the breadcrumbs and I've just scattered some uh some Frozen mixed chopped herbs that we had um from a previous cooking session they've been in a in a bag in the freezer so there's a there's a pink gone into the Ratatouille and there's a pinch there now just leave those breadcrumbs alone for another couple of minutes so they'll begin to toast underneath and then we'll stir them I just melted a little spot of butter in this oval dish and I'm just going to turn the scollops in the melted butter pan is on a low heat want that nice and hot uh our onion with Indian spices a little chili garlic Co and coconut milk is just on a low simmer the roasted spiced cauliflower is out of the oven so that's going to go in and we've got our lovely vegetable uh Ratt to simmering away and your chopped coriander is going to be going into the The Cho oh just chopped a handful of uh coriander stalks and all that's going to uh the last minute go into the curry sauce one or two people have mentioned before in the other videos it's um kind of like the coordination bringing bringing everything together all at the end it's it is preparation multitasking yeah indeed uh with these I'm just going to pick out the slightly larger sh some of them are really plump just so what I'm going to do is is the really fat ones I'm going to leave in the shells and we'll add those to the curry sauce but the ones with a little uh with enough space these Herby buttery garlicky bread crumbs I'm going to pile into the [Music] shelves and then we'll slide them under a Hot Grill and we'll have those with a Ratatouille time to cook the scallops pan is nice and hot I've turned these scallops in melted butter pan is completely dry there's nothing in there all of the cooking will be done in a minute or so I go around sort of clock fashion when it comes to turning them I know I start at at the top of the pan 12:00 right they've had a minute just going to go around the pan turn them over precisely what we're looking for a little caramelization and it's going to give me another minute and then we'll be out right there's a scallet pan fresh from the stove just a little splash of water a shame to lose all the that so we'll just clean the P there's the sculch [Music] Fantastic there we go and that's going to all go [Music] in the shells we've we've filled with the garlic here red Crumbs are going to go under the Hot Grill so the rest I'm just going to pop in here so they can take up a bit of heat with the sauce and we'll just pop a lid on there and leave them for a couple of minutes and then I'll havve some of those scollops and put those into those go under the grill which is nice and hot W careful that's hot get a B put that on there we're just going to we're just slicing up these scallops uh to go with the underneath the Herby bread crumb and I just want to that's what we want to obtain is this sort of translucent Center rather than having them cooked so long that they're they're that white it's not Pure White all the way through no slightly translucent a sort of almost a pearl effect they eat so much more nicely slightly underdone rather than overdone sure as you go over don't you just end up like a piece of rubber don't you I've just had these under a preheated Grill I've got some scallops in there under the Herby breadcrumbs and the and just going to slide those the very bottom of the grill because they are for our purposes done just a final check on the sauce yep that's lovely no no more seasoning clean spoon no double dipping in this [Music] house oh delicious ready for plating up here we go so this is the the vegetables we've got onion garlic thyme peppers corette and oine this smells absolutely Divine and in here we have our Indian spices with finely chopped onion garlic we've got the roasted cauliflour some of the in their shells some the scop C and coriander what are you eating CH chips these are the scallops we pan fried and just TOS with the Herby crumbs and the and then we'll have a lovely bit you going to try all this John definitely got here we go do you want any of this yeah I'll try a bit of everything scol John's moving on to the second course that's chilies and ginger coconut milk isn't it there we are all finished up I think that tells you how nice it was that was absolutely delicious yeah I hope you enjoyed joining me out on the shot another fantastic night's foraging and a wonderful family cook up can't say any more than that I hope you've enjoyed joining us and see you later
Channel: The Fish Locker
Views: 151,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shore fishing, shore fishing uk, beach fishing uk, how to cook crab, how to cook scallops, beach cook up, beach foraging, how to cook shellfish, foraging, bush craft, catch clean and cook, coastal foraging, scallop, cook clams, cook scallops, cook mussels, geoduck, wild edibles, solo, fishing tips, crab, bushcraft, log stove, primitive cooking, seaweed, rocket stove, seafood, shellfish, bass, underwater, camping, catch and cook, clean and cook, campfire cooking, fishing videos 2020
Id: COKfiOuChWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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