TINY ISLAND Has Sea Cucumbers!? We Ate It...

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we just got sea cucumbers these are freaky looking we're going to eat those right now but first check out our dive well here we go at least it's a sunny day unusually warm day in Juno and I get in the water followall me 60° out so hot I guess it's just a wet suit all right Matt you ready for this let's go back back backing it up it's cold we could head straight to the island This Island right yeah yeah let's go to the island straight to the island they're down there ways I think I saw some down there [Music] d you do no but I saw a few right down here okay I didn't quite grab [Music] them [Music] [Music] got a couple CES oh my gosh look at those things man these things are crazy looking they're crazy they look spiky big they're so big like 14 in double shot that crowd was pretty fast oh yeah did it get away yeah it just sced off damn there is a little small I think anyway I think so all right we made it back there we go we got some sea cucumbers uh we're going to get out of these wet suits and we'll see how we can prepare them it'll be fun to try can't touch one oh so oh no cucumbers are getting Jelly I'm going to add some water in here for them [Applause] hey so that was a quick dive uh we got four of these cucumbers full disclosure I have never prepared SE cucumber before I have eaten it one time though and so just off of that one experience um I'm going to just prepare how I think that was prepared normally like people around here do eat C cucumbers but they only eat the little muscles on the inside uh which will show you but when I had it it was like the entire SE cucumber was utilized and we ate the whole thing so I'm going to try that way and we could try both ways okay so let's get started here we go I got this water boiling here I just grabbed it straight from there so it's salt water and I'm going to do a quick blanch let's see if that does anything thank you buddy see you later hopefully it tastes good they don't really have a brains yeah they're in the same family as sea cucumber is sea urchin sea stars they're all in the same family it I feel like it's going to explode oh god it feels like it's going it feels like a really expanded water balloon main reason I'm blanching it is cuz I want to clean off the skin I think that's good so big now my god look how big it is now a thrower oh thick okay I'm going to go um clean this guy this is how I'm going to clean it just take some sand and clean off the skin yeah oh no oh my God the guts came out oh D these are the guts huh looks like it looks like the entrails pull it out oh it's actually like it's like really tender though all right oh no oh no this a small knife too oh no anyways moving on we still got it now it's all flat it's um I'll just cut the ends off they feel nice and tender just slice it in half well first let's just butterfly it open oh very cool oh interesting I think all the guts are removed is this so this is what you've eaten this white just like the white stuff the white layer that's all I've ever eaten that is cool yeah yeah that looks nice and then yeah the way we just usually use like a butter knife or the back take them off mhm yeah we'll try to eat the whole thing cool I'll try to slice yeah TR to eat the other parts mhm we're into that into it all right good like some th it's kind of long it's almost like a noodle wonder if I should slice long ways first oh this great it let's just do this the internet says to cook them the internet says to cook them mhm oh okay you don't have to listen to the internet let's just try this [Applause] kind of salty Briny M very like slippery the texture is like almost similar to raw squid it's not bad at all it's it's pretty good you just got to chew it a little bit but it's not that true either but yeah I think I'm going to go with it it'll be like a noodle okay I'm going to put my cumbers in here I think it might be a little easier to e if they were kind of a little bit more minced up but they're actually a lot more tender than you would imagine all right this one let's try it the way they eat it just uh oh just the inside just the inside oh they fry it up okay well let's see what happens if I when I cut the end off who w so funny just full of water mm okay now split it in half why didn't this guy have any guts look at it contract people here in Alaska when they eat it I think they just peel that off like that and um eat just this tiny bit of it which is really tiny you're going to need a lot to uh make anything oops and they fry it up usually cuz I want to tr try this part raw feels like it would be pretty good really tender M oh wow oh just like that that would be great but you want to try a little piece come on just a little piece actually really good it's not as creamy that as creamy yeah it's like a piece of squid that you sliced really thin M yeah super thin now have you tried one of these raw come try it this one's just the muscle okay like the whole muscle uh you could just take a pie take a okay wo raw mhm so good it's like sweet reminds me of scallops yeah a little sweet it's a little bit of saltiness to it yeah it's kind of perfect it's kind of good it's kind of really good it's really good yeah it's nothing off about that no no not at all you can literally yeah eat the entire thing wow you know that's pretty cool that is really cool okay now that I've taken the muscle off this I think I'm going to slice even slice this one Thin imagine with some chili crisp we're going to do that oo yes so that's given us a lot of health benefits too mhm from what you heard aodc right mhm it's an aphrodesiac and and what else um they're checking to see if it could possibly be used against cancer supposedly some Japanese scientists have patent it for um a treatment for HIV helps with arthritis the skin in particular right or I think so yeah some of it is like the cell walls and stuff so I don't know how like broken down or simp sized yeah has a lot of vitamins so it's good for you dang it's great to know that the outside tastes that good too yeah cuz like otherwise when you get one you're not really getting that much out of it yeah I know just a tiny like little bit Yeah you this big if you can eat the whole thing that's just kind of like it's a little bit more worth it to you know totally to come and make an effort for yeah hey Ricky what's up come on come on in you want to be you going to be in this video what's up man how you been been great nice um if you guys didn't see our tongas national forest like little documentary we made last year was really cool Ricky was in it and his father um if you guys didn't see that check that video out be right here Ricky has never tried C cucumbers yeah I think I just culturally I don't know a lot of it that have gone after C cucumbers oh really yeah interesting I prepared a few different ways so far I've not I've not seasoned it at all okay so this is just kind of straight out of the water but uh this one I kind of blanched it in the hot water really quickly and then just sliced it um well kind of clean out the inside and then just slice it thin this one is just like the meat of the C cucumber and this one is I'm just working on right now and just slicing thin just the skin part I guess mhm for the rest of the body um I think the easiest to eat is you should probably start with one of these yeah that kind of reminds me of cockal cockles yeah a little less like sweet Briney but uh-huh I like the texture yeah I I like the texture too it's pretty good isn't it yeah that's pretty cool yeah I don't know what I was expecting but that wasn't it but it was good yeah so Co is a good yeah MH comparison I've tried it once before but more like in a restaurant setting and it was the entire kind of the more of the skin too oh okay so this one is kind of a mix of both so you want to give one of these a shot too this one's a little bit little bit some bigger pieces in here mhm um yeah go for it yeah it's a real mild Briny flavor I like it you could do a lot of cool stuff with that yes like a little slightly mild Briny flavor but it's the texture is pretty nice it's kind of like silky slippery chewy yeah I really like it oh yeah it's pretty cool yeah so like the way that we've done it is you like whack it against oh yeah like the dock and that tenses everything up oh it like whack it against the table a couple times and it'll like and then to pull the muscle out I wonder if it tastes different yeah you're just rough with the Cucumbers you got it they move a lot yeah like like I can see why if you whack them oh yeah contract so much yeah I think I will clean one more D this one's big my gosh it's so big so tight this is what we figured instead of blanching them just clean them first scrub the outside scrub the skin and get get this kind of sliminess off and just clean them up and then slice them eat them raw that's that's going to be the best so I'm just going to use the sand yeah I didn't think I'd be doing this in Alaska like just rubbing a cucumber in the sand rubbing a Cuke in the sand my see cucumber looks good oh there it goes never really the hairs at the end are those guts coming out or what is yeah I think they they are guts coming out I think I have to cut this side off too though you how much of shs I'll do Leah's technique that's it that's it that's it there it is yeah look at that there it is firm yeah yeah it's much better if you clean them really yeah it doesn't have that bitterness aftertaste so the soft ones a really good texture though the crunchy also adds an element of a different texture and it's also good too yeah um so we'll just do a mix but this one I didn't clean the skin um you don't want to do it like that we figured because it has This Bitter aftertaste okay so we'll leave that one out I'm going to add everything in into our beautiful East Fork Bowl I don't think this is what they imagined when they sent us these beautiful bowls that we'd be using it for why didn't that one get as girthy as the other ones which one the one in the bucket maybe just smaller don't judge said why isn't the that one bigger not all built the same little bit of soy sauce look at that lemon and a lime when I tried it it was like marinated in ponu so soy sauce plus a little Citrus and a little bit of vinegar and a little bit of dashy got to add some of our kelp chili [Music] crisp guys haven't tried this you can get it at every World Market in the US or you can get it online as well on Barnacle foods website we mix that in that's true it's kind of like that texture too like raw octopus texture holy shoot that's good we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere here oh I should have brought my NY damn it did I bring it oh yes I did sweet got fresh pot of rice okay pry cake on the rice you guys make good c c too thank you yeah oh yeah really impressed with SE cumers okay we'll finish that off with a little bit more CH chili crisp solids are just so good I love the crunchy and that's a dish and I'm going to serve this I think in handrose who wants to try some CA [Applause] cucumbers [Applause] there you go boom boom boom go ahead oh my go while the seaweed still crispy go ahead try it oh it's a lot it's a lot of cucumbers coming up see cukes that's a long one just kept coming so cute isn't it so good some of them are a little bit crunchy and some of them are just really tender yeah it's fun there go it's likeing clams yeah just like Ricky said mhm the flavor is good on it mhm even better little spice that's so good I can see this being at like a highend like sushi restaurant being served like a special you know just a we got a special one today C cucumbers if you ever see that maybe you will in like Japan or something give it a try see cucumbers maybe one of the best I've had just they're so easy to prepare really because you can eat the entire thing too which is incredible and they're supposed to have a lot of health benefits I would like to come back and eat more of this yeah next time you're here a sunny day yeah we'll do it again it's got to be a sunny day to get in that freezing water that c cucumber tasted amazing I can't believe how good that is super big shout out to Matt and Leah Barnacle foods thank you guys for hosting us anyways thanks for watching guys and if you haven't checked out our kelp chili crisp I'll say it one more time get it get it while it's hot actually it's always going to be hot well hopefully we be doing a a special drop as well like a limited edition kind we're working on different stuff too so a lot to look forward to thanks for watching guys see you on the next one peace
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 112,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiny island, sea cucumbers, sea foraging, catch and cook, alaska, juneau, eating sea cucumber, sea cucumber
Id: R7ArluJF7R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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