The Story of Niv-Mizzet | Ravnica | MTG Lore

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Very cool video! I just finished running a Ravnica DnD campaign and Niv was a featured NPC. I had a lot of fun playing as him.

Anyhoo. I'm subbing, thanks for sharing your content!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/javin666 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey lord lovers my name is eric with the lord brian's youtube channel and in today's video we'll be discussing a fan favorite in the mtg community a character with great importing clout whose genius is matched only by his vanity and self-interest a dragon nearly as old as the elders of dominaria with significant abilities in his own right and one whom i've received many requests to cover in his own video we're taking a deep dive into the story of niv mizit founder and parent of the is it league on the plane of ravnica and current living guild pact his story spans millennia and culminates in the climactic battle for ravnica and the greater multiverse against the elder dragon planeswalker nicol bolas in the war of the spark but before we begin if you're a fan of lore and storytelling or if magic the gathering is dear to you consider subscribing to the channel where lore videos are uploaded frequently the support is much appreciated all right time to step into the bustling marketplaces and crowded streets of ravnica to discover the tale of nib mizut let's dive in when one thinks of a leader images come to mind of a strong commanding presence resolute in the face of adversity a great mediator one who listens to their followers and navigates them through tortuous obstacles setting down a path and staying the course a calm level head that prioritizes the needs of the many over their own and shares the credit when achievements are reached these traits contrast greatly with those of perhaps the oldest and grandest leader on the plane of ravnica the dragon parent and guildmaster of the is it league niv mizit niv mizit is a large and ancient dragon the last of his kind with a body several times a human's size covered in brilliant red brown scales his blue fringed frills that surround his head make niv easily discernable from other dragons of the plane although he has made inferior clones of himself over years of experimentation that resemble him in appearance this can be seen in the art of the card hypersonic dragon a temperamental dragon with a genius level intellect niv mizid is obsessed with knowledge and discovery and over his nearly 17 000 years of existence he achieved what many consider omniscience although his mental capacity is without equal on the plane he is far from a cold calculating machine and is in fact often prone to volatile outbursts of frustration and anger these character traits along with his innate fire breathing and significant mind magic abilities give niv a strong foundation in both blue and red mana highlighted in the mana costs of his cards niv's alignment towards blue and red is further showcased in the guild functioning under his leadership the is it league the is it league are magical engineers visionaries and environmental scientists charged with the production and maintenance of ravnica's civic works they are responsible for the massive boilers that energize the city the extensive network of causeways and roads through which ravnica's lifeblood flows and the aqueducts that water the plane the isit like their paren niv are obsessed with knowledge and experimentation the dragon pushes his mages to the boundaries of the theoretical at which point either thrilling discoveries or violent explosions ensue often times both the is it flourish under the guidance of niv but the dragon frequently separates himself from his guilt seeking the seclusion of his own personal laboratory to conduct experiments for the dragon the only thing more glorious than the pursuit of knowledge is niv's own being he's as self-absorbed as he is brilliant he's seen thousands of years past and has outlived millions further inflating his already astronomical ego it's a comment on niv mizzet's vanity that the name of his guild be is it very nearly his own and that the guild signet be a brilliant red dragon a symbol that resembles himself more with each iteration as mentioned in the art and flavor text of is it signet furthermore his personal chambers in laboratory is called nivicks once again bolstering his self-image it's apt that the magically infused malleable versatile and nearly indestructible metal alloy niv mizik created be named mizium after its inventor an interesting bit of self-centered trivia comes to us in the flavor text of the first printing of the dragon in the card nib mizit the firemind it's an equation that if read correctly by rotating the card 90 degrees states niv misit equals one perhaps this means the dragon sees himself as number one or that there is only one being as superior as niv misit everywhere one looks within the structures or sites of the is it league mizit's arrogance and vanity is unabashedly displayed for all to see other than his immense intellect and physical and magical prowess niv mizit has an innate ability to telepathically connect with and communicate with other minds this ability to grant an extra sensory link to his knowledge has bestowed upon niv misit the moniker of firemind connection with the firemind is not awarded to all in the is it league only discernible mages that have proven their skill intellect and creativity to the dragon are in tune with the firemind who allows his knowledge to flow into their minds further expediting scientific breakthroughs individuals granted access to the fire mind are immersed in vibrant passion and creative brilliance but it comes at a cost many minds aren't strong enough to burden even a fraction of nivea mizzet's arcane knowledge they quickly devolve into a hallucinogenic and delusional state known as fire madness in which they are racked with intractable self-obsession and conceit perhaps this is caused by a connection to the dragon's own vanity currently niv mizit has also gained the power of the living guild pact and has been reborn as a dragon avatar paragon and defender of ravnica he's quite possibly the most powerful being on the plane but to understand how he has gained such status we must trace the story of nif mizut and travel almost 17 thousand years into the past to the first stirrings of his power the year is negative twelve thousand two hundred ar the vast plane of ravnica is no longer in its primordial infancy already civilization has grown and advanced but not for the betterment of all clans tribes and kingdoms carve out territory for themselves clawing at each other's throats with armies bent on destruction the plane is a desolate and brutal landscape where war tears on without end the violence is so severe in fact that if they continue on their current path the ancient civilizations will all be destined for extinction and the plane itself may crumble this is the world that a young dragon a hatchling really that has just escaped the confines of its shell finds itself in a world where its short life is already threatened and survival is most important the dragon hatchling's name is niv mizit and he's destined for greatness born in negative twelve thousand two hundred and eight ar niv mizut is the last hatchling of the ancient race of ravnican dragons these dragons differ from those of today in their intellect raw strength and innate self-awareness niv mizit in fact knew his name who he was and a great many other pieces of information at the moment of his birth this ability has been seen before across the multiverse on the plane of dominaria with the elder dragons another ancient race of dragons sired directly from the ur dragon and born with capabilities similar to those of ancient ravnica this has led many to postulate as to whether niv mizit is also an elder dragon and if he too is a direct offspring of the ur dragon the avatar of all dragonkind the ancient dragons of ravnica like the elders were consumed by a long period of internal conflict and grab for power much akin to the elder dragon war this aggression between dragons led to much devastation and many of niv mizut's species were killed regardless of his title niv is thrust into a plane of bloodshed and desecration where the din of battle is punctured only by the whales of the dying a difficult situation for a young dragon to maneuver but mizit has his strength his fire and most importantly his intelligence on which he can rely in the centuries following his birth niv mizit solidified his control over a range of land located roughly where the present day udfarro reclamation zone stands he uses the landscape as a hunting grounds and often retreats to his deep lair within mountain caverns to grow and to learn through cunning and mental prowess niv mizit defeats all would-be threats posed by members of his own race and becomes the last of the ancient dragons this glorious feat fosters the dragon's growing ego and fuels his desire for more more power more knowledge more recognition not satisfied with his title of last dragon nev mizit works to position himself within the hierarchy of the kingdoms and clans the rule war-torn ravnica once more through guile and a show of his tremendous power the dragon gains control of a clan becoming its parent or leader as the years approach negative 5500 ar the situation on ravnica becomes dire thousands of years of war violence and environmental decimation have pushed the factitious clans to the point of collapse of utter annihilation nev mizit is aware of the circumstances and realizes action must be taken to preserve the plane and prevent the fall of civilization he agrees to meet with other like-minded clan leaders and hear a proposal brought forth by a mysterious sphinx and master hieromancer the planeswalker azor in negative 5517ar azor niv mizit and eight other parents call upon ancient primeval magic to bring forth a living breathing document signed into law and sealed with blood and magic that serves as a basis for all ravnican law setting statutes and ordinances for how civilization will run to prevent catastrophe from seizing the plane the document and its magic is known as the guild pact and the ten clans that agreed to its terms will go on to become the ten guilds of the present-day ravnica their parents acting as guild leaders to guide them and foster growth niv mizit finds himself master of a guild that in his infinite vanity he proceeds to name the is it lead the signing of the guild pact leads to a relatively stable period in the history of ravnica no longer in a desperate fight for survival no longer seeking out conflict in bloodshed the clans begin working together they slowly transform the early settlements in villages into a great metropolis bustling with purpose and activity and the clans themselves slowly transform into the guilds that lead various aspects of ravnican life those drawn to the is it league are the ravnican mages scientists and theorists like-minded to niv mizzet driven to experiment to push the boundary of natural law and create truly epic designs it's no wonder then that the isit league is responsible for the civic works using their genius to create novel technology that helps provide needed resources for the masses of the plane mizit creates a structure to house his greatest scientists and provide them ample room to conduct their experiments a great guild hall multi-storied and replete with busts frescoes and portraits of the glorious parent which he names nivicks we see the grand architecture on display in the art of nivick's airy of the firemind and its flavor text reads niv mizzets genius and vanity reverberate throughout the mirrored halls of nivicks the isaac guild hall is akin to a massive brain a maze of corridors and rooms following circuitous paths like sokai and jairai where information is tested new knowledge is gained and news of breakthroughs travels across the neural network of scientists and mages niv misit's private chambers and laboratory sit at the top of nivx where the firemind spends years contemplating the great mysteries of the plane and conducting experiments to seek answers with the advent of the guilds an age of relative peace and prosperity sweeps over ravnica and niv mizit acts as steward of the isit league for the next several thousand years as his guild's renowned for experimentation grows the ancient dragon steers its largest projects and greatest developments sometime during his tenure as parent niv mizit discovers an amazing breakthrough in technology by creating the magically imbued metal called myself it's not quite clear when this occurred but the protean and nearly indestructible metal has found uses ranging from stabilizations of elementals called weirds to production of armor to the creation of destructive weapons the flavor text of myself trans reliquat succinctly states the metals versatility what is it what do you want it to be interestingly one of the few ways to destroy museum is by subjecting it to sufficient amounts of dragonfire perhaps a failsafe installed by mizit to prevent others from using his brainchild against him truly a great discovery and another accolade for the dragon to add to his already extensive list through niv misit's leadership the is it league takes on a chaotic but tangible hierarchy the grunts test dummies and lab rats at the bottom above them stand the scientists and clinical experimenters next come the theorists and visionaries that truly impress niv there are those granted the extra sensory link of the fire mind in fact the few members of the is it league that reached this status are often conferred a title a suffix six added to their name to signify their brilliance in close relation to the parent we see this in the character cricks from the ravnican cycle of books whose endeavors earned the name crickszyziks and also in the card mizix of the is magnus their names hearkened to the dragon's own another display of nif mizzet's conceit as the centuries march on the dragon performs several experiments in the science of morphology and cloning from them he creates a large contingent of dragons all clones of himself that despite not having his innate self-awareness intellect and power still command great strength in cunning perhaps he creates them to remind others of his presence for niv misit becomes more and more reclusive as the years pass he retreats to his airy or somewhere else entirely for decades at a time in fact none see him for nearly 2 500 years as the deca millennium of the signing of the guild pact approaches his whereabouts remain shrouded in mystery perhaps he spends this time scouring the plane for secrets buried at the edge of the known or perhaps he attempts to peer into the blind eternities and travel between worlds like individuals he's heard of he may have experimented in an attempt to become a planeswalker nevertheless his absence has a profound effect on the events that transpire both for the is it league and the plane at large it affords an opportunity to one of niv's underlings an unparalleled is it scientist to devise a plan to usurp the title of parent in 4447 ar the years leading up to ravnica's deco millennium the is it magelord zomaj hauk suffers from bouts of fire madness brought on by his link to the firemind self-obsession and egomania can sum him as his mind flares with brilliance in this state hauck believes himself to be the supreme being of the plane that ravnica is his by right and he begins a plan for world domination and the defeat of his biggest adversary his master niv mizit the magelord discovers dragon eggs in the utvara reclamation zone but not just any eggs they're from the race of ancient ravnican dragons a race extinct save for misit and one with godlike power akin to the elder dragons of dominaria decades later after the deca millennium and dissolution of the guild pact caused by machinations between guild leaders zomage acts on his plan he incubates the eggs for several years preparing to use control magic to mentally dominate them as they hatch and use them for destructive ends all the while the firemind remains isolated aloof and unseen apparently oblivious to the threat on his life if not for the intervention of tesa karlov agris coss and the is it courier cricks zomage might have been successful the group thwarted the magelord killing him and the three ancient dragon hatchlings in the process perhaps in his omniscience niv knew what would befall his maddened pupil and determined his own intervention wasn't necessary but the destruction of the guild pact and dissension into chaos brought about something that did require his attention the violence and magical destabilization of manila lines surrounding the events of the deca millennium caused an ancient and mysterious race to awaken from thousands of years of slumber the nephilim of ravnica are remnants of the plan's primordial past seen by some as the old gods they are monstrous creatures with vast reserves of power after roughly ten thousand years of imprisonment these gods broke from their chains and once more made the presence felt they are raw manifestations of the primeval forces of ravnica with the power to unleash wanton destruction on the city and its inhabitants five of them gained even more strength after absorbing the essence of a dragon's corpse finally after 2 500 years of self-imposed exile niv mizit swept down from the sky and confronted the dangerous nephilim [Music] it's a sign of his own significant might that the ancient dragon not only fought the monstrosity singly but utterly obliterated two of the five the remaining had enough strength to force the dragon to retreat although niv would mention that it was solely because he grew bored with the fight with ancient forces ravaging the city with a guild pact broken and the plane on the precipice of a return to barbarism niv mizit once more assumes a firm control over his broken is it league niv mizit contemplated the future of ravnica in the years following the dissolution of the guild pact if the great city could survive without the magical binding law or if chaos would swallow it whole for over 50 years the dragon seeks out answers to rebuild the guilt pact and bolster his flagging guild perhaps he wishes to rewrite the document to confirm more power on himself his decades of sifting through information of listening to whispers and tracing dead leads finally bear fruit in 4558 ar when niv mizit uncovers clues and symbols suggesting there is a way for the guild pact to breathe once more a failsafe placed by the planeswalker azor that if successfully completed would allow the guilds to come together once more amend and ratify a new document this fail-safe is called the implicit maze and niv misit sends rao zarek a young but brilliant is it mage in planeswalker to research the maze niv's interest in solving the puzzle turns to obsession but after a time his and rao's project loses its momentum the clues seem beyond comprehension but then jace bellerin another planeswalker and mind mage travels to ravnica and learns of the dragon's intentions he forms a psychic link with the firemind to peer into niv mizzet's thoughts and this combined with his own extensive research into the implicit maze uncovers the purpose behind the maze and how it can be completed the maze itself is a path of manalay lines that pass through all the districts and gill gates of ravnica ending in the forum of azor where the power to rewrite the guild pact lies its tortuous path extends in more than two dimensions and is not without obstacles chiefly the primordial elementals that guard the maze seen in the five-card cycle the implicit maze was intended to be completed in solidarity by all ten guilds of ravnica to see if a new guild pact could indeed be written but if their squabbles separated them and they couldn't create an air of cooperation and harmony the magical bailiff waiting at the end of the maze would enact azor's law and deliver the supreme verdict utterly destroying the guilds of course most guilds aren't privy to this information and after millennia of feuds rivalries and self-interest decide to claim glory for themselves niv misit sends rao to inform the other guilds of the challenge of the implicit maze that they should send forth their most worthy emissary to run the maze and that the trail begins in the transguild promenade the dragon meanwhile works to create his own guild's maze runner a weird wizard of ice and lightning stabilized by misem and given the name melech rao zarik was furious that the dragon chose malek to run the maze over himself after all he had spent years on the project researching and discovering the maze it was his to run by right to find glory for the is it league and to impress its parent in a fit of rage zaryk destroys the weird and becomes the is it league's maze runner as the runners for each guild begin solving the maze niv takes steps to ensure his own victory this is seen in the art and flavor text of crackling perimeter which reads as the path he sought came into focus niv mizit took steps to prevent others from approaching it here we see an electrolyzed field cutting off the maze's route despite the dragon's sabotage and his runner's knowledge of the maze that is it aren't the only guild to arrive at the forum of azor all 10 runners are present in fact in addition to jace bellerin the chamber devolves into fighting an argument as each guild seeks to have the power of the maze behind them the flames of violence are further fanned when the bailiff upon witnessing the failure of the guilds to cooperate grants each runner the ability to activate the supreme verdict with time running short and the future of the plane hanging in the balance jace uses his mental magic to link the minds of all 10 runners preventing anyone from enacting the verdict their minds meld together their thoughts fears and desires open for all to feel this act of cooperation between guilds no matter how coerced is enough to complete the maze unfortunately for niv mizut who no doubt had plans to gather the power himself jace's actions result in the guild pact being revived once more the mind mage acting as its living vessel bellerin is now the mediator and supreme law between the guilds and on the plane of ravnica as a whole somewhat thwarted in his plans but satisfied that the puzzle of the maze was solved niv misit once more retreats to the inner chambers of nivicks to continue experimentation and self-enlightenment niv mizit had known about other planes in the vast multiverse and the planeswalkers that traveled them long before his interactions with jace bellerin over his seventeen thousand years of existence he's had several dealings with planeswalkers no doubt learning of their worlds their abilities and most importantly how to determine when one has planeswalked to ravnica niv takes planeswalkers seriously seeing them as trespassers on his land and threats to his power he made it a top priority to know the whereabouts of walkers when they came when they went to this end the ancient dragon tasks his brilliant maze runner rao zarik with creating a device capable of alerting them whenever a planeswalk took place this device crackles with magical electricity whenever walkers came or left seen in the car thousand-year storm rau works on it in secret under the title of project lightning bug it's at this time that niv mizit also discovers an extra planar threat infiltrating the guilds of ravnica a planeswalker seeking to weaken the plane before conducting a full-scale invasion the elder dragon and god pharaoh of amonkhet nicole bolas niv's realization and subsequent suspicion are highlighted in the flavor text of is it guildgate which reads yesterday i didn't recognize my own guild today i see why and for tomorrow i must be prepared mizit understands the gravity of the situation the threat that bullas poses despite his own great strength and wisdom the parent cannot defeat the elder dragon alone which is why he retreats from society from much of his guild and duties to pursue an experiment that if successful will confer onto him the power of the living guild pact with which he can destroy bullas this device is known as the interlocus and niv misit once more disappears from ravnican affairs to fully invest himself in his experiments the burdens of guildmaster fall onto zarek who also realizes the threat of nicol bolas for he has had dealings with the elder dragon in the past and has been indebted to him since but when bolas's agent the artificer tezeret appears before zarek to collect on the debt ral refuses he won't betray ravnica and the two walkers quickly devolve to fighting at the same time high in his personal laboratory within nivick's niv mizut falls victim to a demere thought spy an agent hired by bolas to plant a thought in the mind of the isn't paren the thought of converting project lightning bug into a planar beacon and to attract planeswalkers though he catches the spy the firemind is unable to determine which thoughts are his own and can't risk a delaying despite leaving the interlocus unfinished he sends farao to summon the guild leaders perhaps niv mizit can convince them to willingly transfer the power of the guild pact to him the is it parent states the facts and makes his plea to those gathered at the guild summit a threat of catastrophic proportions is poised to attack ravnica nicol bolas has infiltrated and manipulated the guilds tearing them apart and dissolving what resistance they could deploy before he invades with a grand army the only chance ravnica has is to come together to agree to alter the guild pact and transfer its power to nymph misit so that he may face bullas with a full might of ravnica coursing through him and defeat the elder dragon before millions perish it's a compelling argument but not so compelling when it's spoken by a dragon who's known only for his conceit and selfish pursuit of influence many of the guild leaders believe his plea is nonsense that his motives are self-serving and dubious the group can't come to a decision so they recess for the evening this is exactly when nicol bolas strikes his agent vraska the golgari gorgon petrifies the sphinx isperia the guild leader of the azorya senate who had been paramount in the day's discussions highlighted in the card assassins trophy this kills not only a guild leader but also niv's plan for power as the entire summit dissolves but a dragon that survived millennia is never without a backup plan and niv mizit once more turns to his experienced and dependable pupil rao zarek finishes the schematics for the interlocus and is very near powering the device capable of granting mizut the strength he needs to overpower bolas but the is it paron has never before dealt with a threat as cunning and ruthless as the elder dragon a power vacuum in the azoreous senate is filled by dovan bonn a planeswalker from kaladesh who is currently an agent operating under bolas's employ in the final days and hours leading up to the elder dragon's arrival on ravnica bond infiltrates the isit laboratories and sabotages the interlocus preventing niv mizit from harnessing the power of the guild pact and neutralizing the greatest threat to bolas's invasion the time has come with the activation of the planer bridge technology housed within tesuret's artificial body a planar portal twists reality and bends manalay lines in a flash a large opening between planes erupts and connects ravnica to the desert plane of amonkhet from which the dreadhorde army of eternals pours forth at the four is none other than the god pharaoh himself nicol bolas knew the threat the guild pact posed which is why he opened his planar portal at the chamber of the guild pact the heart of ravnica and seat of its magical power the destruction of the chamber is a crushing symbolic defeat for ravnica and the portal disrupts the ley lines of the plane that charge the magic of the guild pact rendering it useless niv mizid has been denied his power twice over with violence erupting all across the city and legions of undead marching relentlessly realizes that victory will be slim in his vanity he underestimated bolas's schemes and refused to take the interplaner threat seriously but he sees an opening an opportunity to end the bloodshed before it gains too much momentum killing the snake by going directly for the head with this in thought the firemind rushes headlong into nicol bolas as one ancient omniscient and powerful dragon engages another the fight between niv mizzet and bolas is spectacular the two hurl arcane spells mental assaults fire and claw at another and blood is spilled by each party their duel levels entire blocks of ravnica and niv misit proves to be a match for bolas and even surprises the elder dragon when nichol's mind-shattering touch is unable to break through the psychic barriers erected by the firemind but niv is a plane bound being and as the fight runs its course he realizes that he can't defeat a planeswalker that has the power of alara's maelstrom flowing through him one that has known the strength of a pre-mending god mizit tries to crush nickel under the weight of a leveled ravnican superstructure but bolas emerges from it in a dark cloud of hatred and chilling death this sight strikes fear into niv misit's heart an emotion he's not felt in his entire existence he stifles his emotions and charges bolas in reckless rage despite his heroism niv's efforts aren't enough bolas slays the is it dragon dissolving his essence until all that remain are niv mizit's charred bones but the is it perrin learned from the machinations of bolas and he too has contingency plans layers deep on how his foreseen death might fuel his growth niv mizit had long since known of the imminent threat to ravnica posed by nicol bolas and analyzed his own impending defeat and so the firemind enacted a delicate plan that would preserve his essence should his body be destroyed in his days spent secluded in the laboratories of nivicks the isitperon worked on projects other than the interlocus with the assistance of ugin nikolas twin and spirit dragon niv learned the art of preserving his essence and created a device capable of storing his own spirit we can see his experiment unfold in the art of the card firemind's research where a projection of the dragon's spirit manifests before him the device itself is a filigree structure made of silver and other precious metals in the shape of niv mizit's likeness and magically charged to house his essence this is shown to us in the art of the card fire mind vessel whose flavor text states the city mourned niv mizut's death but he left behind the components for his rebirth although the vessel was transported to the meditation realm for ugin to protect the other components and plan that is apparent manufactured are entrusted to the planeswalkers jace vraska and rao zarik the three pour over the clues of operation desperation and deliberate on how best to execute it showcased in the art and flavor text of contentious plan which reads niv mizit had perfected a plan but he had no control over the mortal minds who had to agree to implement it within these documents lie the keys to resurrecting niv misit and granting him the strength to defeat bolas as the war of the spark ravages ravnica the planeswalker trio are charged with fulfilling operation desperation a task that requires the presence and cooperation of guild representatives from all ten guilds the smoldering remains of the firemind the manila lines of the plane and the firemind vessel and it's quite unfeasible it's as though nicol bolas knew what was required to resurrect his greatest adversary and methodically struck at the components he sparked discord and suspicion between the guilds he set his dread horde and god eternals to prevent any form of organized resistance and he disrupted ravnica's leylines with his planar portal against all odds and with hope for victory slipping through their fingers the guilds put their differences aside and sent representatives to gather at the chamber of the guild pact to alter the living law and confer onto niv misit its power the planeswalker nyssa ravine joins the ritual and with her deep connection to mana realigns the plane's ley lines and directs surges of mana to fuel the spell as power pour forths around the representatives the firemind vessel sparks with electrical charge and a large portal opens around it wispy tendrils of red and blue twist out from the portal summoning niv mizzet's spiritual essence primal energy swells as the ritual continues and the dragon's bones begin glowing absorbing the energy of both the ley lines and the living guild pact the spell reaches a fever pitch but this much mana attracts the attention of the god pharaoh's dread horde god eternal kefnet strikes at the gathering but is repelled by teo varada and he erects shields to protect the ritual the portal widens the bones turn white hot and the energy grows uncontrollable from the beyond a figure takes shape a frilled mane with golden eyes a body no longer scaled of red and blue but brilliant gold with a decagon of energy seared into its chest representing the ten guilds of ravnica niv mizit bursts forth from the portal reborn and remade as the living guild pact a dragon avatar in paragon for all that the plane stands for no longer the paron of a single guild mizit is the guardian of all ravnica and with the power of the guild pact flowing through him he now has the means to defend it this glorious reincarnation is seen in the art of the card niv misit reborn who is now aligned with all five colors of mana niv mizit finally has the power he's desired for so long he consumes kefnat in a white hot blast of pure energy utterly obliterating the god the sudden need of energy leaves the dragon avatar weakened however and he immediately falls unconscious [Music] niv mizit regains his composure during the climax of the war of the spark after nicol bolas casts the elder spell and is primed to assume the mantle of pre-mending godhood mizit surveys a scene of absolute wreckage but if he hurries he may be able to stop bolas from finishing his plan the firemind rushes to bolas's citadel to find that the elder dragon's dreadhorde and god eternals have turned on him due to liliana vesse's necromantic control she commands ochetra and bontu to kill the god pharaoh and although he destroys oketra the betrayal distracts him long enough for niv mizut to ram bolas through with hazaret's spear mizit is pushed back but his strike weakens bolas enough for bantu to bite the elder dragon consuming his spark and all that he gathered leaving him defeated and at the whims of ugin niv mizit the last of the ancient ravnican dragons firemind and paragon of ravnica can add to his noble deeds the defeat of an elder dragon and perhaps the most dangerous being in the multiverse [Music] in the aftermath of war of the spark the reborn misit officially relinquishes his title of paren and guildmaster of the is it league conferring it on to his loyal subordinate raoul zarrick and assumes the mantle of living guild pact in earnest although he spent much of his existence accruing knowledge personal clout and power it seems as though niv mizit has foregone the life of vanity and self-interest for one of impartial leadership he arbitrates the discussions and arguments in the aftermath of the war of the spark and tasks the planeswalkers rao vraska and kaya who worked for bolas but defected early into the war with tracking down the three planeswalkers that remained on the elder dragon side far too long they are lillian of s dovan bonn and tezeret the seeker although all three rogue walkers escape with their lives kaio returns with liliana's chain veil which niv mizit seizes and stores for safe keeping perhaps he'll try to harness its power in the future to become even greater or to ensure that none desecrate ravnica on the scale just witnessed [Music] mizit gloats to jace bellerin about his plan and the conferral of the living guild pact to which jace replies that despite his immense power mizit will ever remain a plain-bound being but perhaps the dragon's intent on peace and cooperation is nothing more than a facade an elaborate ruse to bide time while his plans and experiments unfold perhaps the firemind has already determined a way to either ignite a latent spark within him or fabricate the powers of a planeswalker this may be the motivation behind his pursuit of the guild pack's power with the defeat of one ancient druconic planeswalker and nicol bolas will we see the rise of another in the avatar of ravnica will niv mizit finally overcome the greatest obstacle presented to him and seek further glory deeper secrets in the vast expanse of the multiverse only time will tell thanks for watching this video on niv mizit ancient parent of the is it league last of the old dragons living guild pact and guardian of ravnica leave a thumbs up if you liked the video and be sure to subscribe for more content and now i want to hear from you what does the future hold for niv mizzit is he destined to travel the blind eternities will he ever be granted the title of elder dragon let me know your thoughts as well as suggestions for future videos in the comments below shout out to alex joaquin for the intro and outro music references used can be found in the description until next time go forth and explore the lore [Music] you
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 10,631
Rating: 4.9784656 out of 5
Keywords: Lorebrarians, Niv-Mizzet, Magic: The Gathering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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