Rating my fans rizz...

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what's up YouTube today we got a special treat for you we'll be rating my viewers Riz and I'm joined by City on hey I'm gonna be judging your ribs let's jump straight oh no we should do one like Mr Beast how do I act like Mr Beast a lot of hand movement okay like today today we're gonna be raiding your wrist and yeah you know what let's just jump straight into it that's yeah I can't do it do you feel like you have it okay all right first off hairy man three R's and two ends hairy man he's not that hairy it doesn't look very hairy but he does have nice hair very Lush first off he gets points for wearing Valkyrie merch that's interesting yeah because he supports our friends that's what I'm all about yeah okay oh okay okay how do we feel about memes in dating profiles I like the swamp because it's edited so that it looks like he's at an art museum yeah but it's like it's still a meme yeah do you not like this I don't like it I think that you can send memes when you start are messaging each other like that's fine but to start with a meme it's just a waste of a photo also this blue photo you can't see anything it's just all blue I don't like the lighting that's a bad thing bad picture Bad Pig bad you should feel bad about yourself okay Middle top one good thing great photo we get to see your style collar under hoodie thing that you've got going on where's my dog you want to go grab them I'll be right back all right the good cop is gone so I'm gonna go in on you now I can't help but notice your religion is agnostic girls like a man who believes in God you're searching for is figuring out my dating goals look you're already on a dating site you don't have to say you're trying to figure out what you want to date girls like something concrete we're heading out he's six feet tall oh you're good man you don't need me to like a 10 out of 10 minutes I heard he's six feet tall he's six feet tall heard that that he's six feet tall you think he's actually six feet or you think he's five eleven no one lies about their height wait yeah but that bottom left picture this guy seems even taller but we have no reference point it's just a Weezer album so how would we know which by the way I actually do think this one is cool it is an edited photo but it shows your music taste which I like but like this other guy I Do Is Right is also his height there's no way three six feet engines just hang out no comment low we are short Kings and occasionally there's like uh like a special Titan amongst the regular Titans okay right okay and v6p he's a special Titan okay how is the two other special Titans hanging out with them they don't all just hang out maybe he knows them they're all from the same basketball team yeah yes we're tall people hang out do you think he's actually sexy on a good day on a good day this little picture is Good Very straightforward you can see everything see the face all right I give this dating profile six feet out of seven I'll take it I like I like it's good Chestnut Cheska She's a Lesbian it says here it does say that which I don't think affects anything it doesn't does it no I mean other than the people that she would be seeing on the app so it would be for women okay so you're asking for my opinion because she is what I is that what yeah cause she's trying to appeal to me okay okay right sure and I don't want to impose my manly views okay our main profile pic is great yeah her main profile pic is super great is she smiling it's like really cute I love the snowboarding one because it tells me a little bit about your hobbies the one underneath it shows a lot of personality the friends one shows your head you know she has friends yeah this one feels important I have a lot of friends guys which I think is fine and then the last one's really cute travel guess where this photo is that's a great prompt that gives people like a little Lifeline yeah oh I got no opener I'm gonna go with this yeah that's the uh the canal in Las Vegas oh so like not Italy wait no what that looks way too real oh where is that well I think it's in Italy she likes TFT that's a big one yeah but remember it would work on guys but wouldn't work on girls girls who like TFT shirt or gaming in general like if you're a girl and put gaming on your profile a lot of guys see that they're like how that was my chance I hit it with the gaming opener but she's trying to attack girls and they might not be there's not as much girls in gaming as guys and that's just factual which is a very sad thing and that's what we're doing over here at BSG is promoting like female participation in gaming without game changers how did that I feel exploited profiles fine it's perfect this is a master's level yeah profile yeah this is good my only comment is that the use of emojis might scare me away just the tiniest bit but that's personal preference oh what was the sound clip I don't want to listen to that that's too much first time that's getting too personal because now you know what Joey the hoi sounds like and of course you don't want to connect with your viewers on any type of level wait yeah yeah that's me that's you in your dating profile this man didn't even want to hear your voice he didn't want to know what you sound like Joey the hoey he does not know you he doesn't even have your name in chat and you have a photo with this man in your dating profile I'm sorry it's just you know I'm like the Frank Ocean of twitch no but people are saying a lot of really mean things about Frank Ocean right now for software engineer the Bro long-term relationship open to short that's very opposite of each other it's pretty much like I would like a girlfriend but if you want to like also do stuff I would be okay with that let's do stuff mean like I mean for me that's anything like if you just want to like talk that works as well it's hard out there for your guys especially like youngish Asian guys who are in um stem that's rough because it's like a lot of dudes it's just it's a audience but you're just around dudes at work all day yeah and like finding your own identity is not an easy thing to navigate my most irrational fear the last of phobia I would say that very rational that's super rational very common my most controversial opinion it's okay to eat cats as a whole bar you don't have to break that [ __ ] up Stick it to the Man and eat them whole I'm okay with that opinion yeah we have a little bit of personality in there and he plays music yeah yeah if we talk about the photos I think that these are some really good choices showing your feet is scary on the first but maybe I'm I'm just have been programmed by twitch at this point toastphoto is like anyone who knows toast will be like nice I know toast too yeah that's a lot of people yeah that's a lot of people I feel really bad I didn't realize that um when you open your window you can smell the balcony where my dog shits and pisses [Laughter] why didn't you say anything oh like what are you gonna do stop letting your dog poop outside my window I don't know I mean I could I don't know who's it down or something I'm so sorry it doesn't smell like poop it smells like pee like dog pee sorry next up we have Jamie Sanchez Jamie she her bisexual uh-huh so this you know we can both judge this I okay sure not I mean we could judge never mind about me I like playing video games and learning K-pop she's a pop stand she has a K-pop stand so it's already over is that like the whole you'll never compare to like BTS oh like any guy she dates she will always think about jimin when they're having sex yeah if you date a K-pop girl know that you'll always be second to jimin the moment jimin shows up she will leave she will leave you yeah honestly just here for shits and giggles what do you think about that line oh this was a sesame I'm gonna talk to you for a little bit just to like I don't know start some sort of whatever and then I'm I'm never gonna like it's never gonna get past that this is what that sounds like to me I'm just here for like whatever you know you know I think people who put that are just like they're afraid to put themselves out there it's like haha this profile is not serious but in reality they're hoping to make a real connection but it could be daunting to put yourself out there you know but I think at this point you're already out there so just delete that line because I think it has a bit of a negative connotation to it like you've already put yourself out there there's nine pictures of you your interests you're already there and just get rid of the line you know good pictures there's a blurry one with the dog a dog looks like a Frenchie I mean I like why is it there's also a parrot with a strawberry yeah and then her lifestyle says Bird that's a little confusing yeah lifestyle bird bird owners also scare me because I'm scared of birds and so if you have a bird it's your freaky she makes jewelry that's cool she games she's never dated anyone before never had it at first would you tell that to people on your dating profile no I would not it's not a big deal but it's just like it doesn't need to be there oh this is not on the dating profile this is for us yeah she wants advice on dating in general all right since you've got all there is go ahead and what's what you got what you got for Jamie well she's a woman how am I I don't if she just wants advice on dating in general don't settle for less than you deserve become comfortable in your own body what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and if he can't handle you at your worst he doesn't deserve you at your best you are just saying things you've heard in movies or read on a [ __ ] Hallmark card I was almost convinced until the last one that one I have seen and so many TV shows and movies absolutely not well you're 19. I think like I don't think I had my first kiss until I was like 17 and I think that it can feel really daunting like you're supposed to follow these timelines like Oh by this age I'm gonna have kids and by this age I'm gonna be married and like yada yada and all those things it's a different Journey for each person so if you feel any type of way about not having a kiss at 19 or never dating someone at 19 then I think that that is a mindset that will hold you back for a long time and I think that you should just go at your own pace and be honest with any potential partners and you'll be good to go wow and also don't listen to toast oh okay why were you excited because of the cat or because you find him to be an attractive man he's full-time at YouTube it's like you got excited I like his first picture nice sunglasses good eyes he has Snoopy on his shirt all his pictures are great yeah I will say the two mirror selfies are pretty much the exact same so I don't think you need both of those I would ditch the one with the cat since you have another really cute photo of your cat and I would replace that mirror picture with something else just because your first picture is so strong and then it's like oh yeah yeah yeah 189 CM that's like six foot right chap he knows two languages six four he speaks Dutch I like that he puts his um Myers-Briggs in there for people who don't know what that is they're just gonna see a bunch of letters and maybe they'll ask but for people who do know what it is they're like oh that's really cool and that's a really good conversation starter yeah and I would say his pictures are carrying this profile and he has cats and girls love cats girls do love cats if you have a pet generally people think you're like a better person yeah I don't know something about cats specific is far more attractive than being the dad of other animals I don't know why okay so the reason why I was giggling is because this is one of my YouTube editors oh he really snapped himself in he knows exactly what he's doing as well make sure your segment is really long and make it like really epic when we say nice things about you that was a good plug it was almost like when you plug the whole thing about being like in Game Changers and like yeah they learn from the best yeah shiny Rich shoe that's Lily Pichu so when you see pictures of these people with us wait this guy's a 0 out of 10. okay wait hold on go ahead let me okay oh he's an EG fan one of the four EG fan in the world how dare you how dare you change my eyes even submit this to us it's okay it's okay of course an EG fan will take a picture of a lily Pichu yeah a zero out of ten yeah we all right yeah no I see it I'm not this I have other personality traits besides playing them August guy yeah I do other things sorry it's confusing yo these pictures are blurry as [ __ ] I'm gonna say it okay your eyes aren't open in the first one okay clear ones the angle top down shot the other one has your it's a mirror selfie with the phone covering your face she's artsy at the bottom three has like blur applied to it she's artsy I'm gonna say it look I get it if you're not comfortable showing your face and like that's okay it's a confidence thing that we all have to work on yeah but ideally you're at a point when you're trying to create dating profiles that you just have like a good photo yes I agree because I see your personality you've got like Taco Bell on the ground you seem pretty fun it's probably like 4 a.m you like Among Us and you keep up with popular memes that's cool but I could not describe you to an FBI man if I needed to I apologize I got worked out because of the easy thing earlier no that's okay out unfairly on you she says she's aromantic that she's like she's a romantic person then no a is without like Oh I'm a romantic I'm not a romantic I'm aromantic without romance you just pronounce the A and uh differently well I know but I'm trying to reiterate the the point because it's not is it not the same as asexual she's attracted to smell aromatic imagine they're different I don't I actually am not quite sure what a romantic means I will Google it have little or no romantic attraction to others they may or may not feel sexual attraction an aromantic person can fall into one of two groups a romantic sexual people an aromantic asexual people use of major profile to a dating profile review video then huh you wasting my goddamn time [Music] and maybe we go to the next one [Music] I like his beard in the first picture it's like a good picture overall but I can't see his face yeah you can't really see his face in many of these yeah like the middle one he's still kind of far away he's got glasses on bottom right one's far away yeah you look like a very handsome gentleman so it definitely has the looks going for him you feel confident in yourself King you can definitely do a face pick yes great I think a lot of times people have a hard time taking photos of themselves but maybe grab a friend to take it for you then it's less daunted 184 cm that's good did you see that part I quote too much from psychuno I bet he says shortly hey I have a Nash do you say Shirley you say Shirley a lot what does Austin saikuno say oh Jesus he says that one a lot he usually says Shirley and then I can't believe that happened oh yeah moment before something happened yeah as that bonus point when you close like a streamer I actually am finding finding part of your day your day file phenomena okay I I would say that normally I'm the nice guy of the two right and I like you say mean things and I'm like oh it's okay like blah blah I'm gonna be a little mean about this it's [ __ ] weird it's weird I'm sorry it's like I get it like you really like these content creators but like you're on a dating app and you're attempting to meet people although this is a part of your life that you enjoy don't make it your personality trait if you want to sit down and you want to like have a partnership where you guys are gonna like watch saikuno in bed like that's fine later down the line not in a weird way but you I should have picked you want to sit on the couch and you want to watch your favorite streamer that's fine but I don't I don't need to see it in your dating app I'm gonna shut up now well as if you did not say the nastiest things about my viewers on my dating app stream they worked up the courage to put themselves out there to have their profiles reviewed in front of thousands and they do this because I am a streamer and streamers are important to them yeah that's fine I don't want to see it in your dating app I think you look great I do too a couple of uh clear face shots will go a long way yeah what do you confident next up we have jigs can't see your face in your main picture yeah your second Victory I can see more but still like really close you know yeah yeah yeah how do you feel about gym pictures um I don't mind it because it shows me that Jim is like something that you value in your life and if I'm into the gym then it's like cool he also goes to the gym that's nice also shows your physique a little bit which if that's something that you're proud of I think that that's fine I think that gym pictures can be a little tacky but I think that this one is fine the rest of the photos I am not super impressed by yeah why aren't you looking at the camera or like feeling more of your face you're drinking bubble everyone drinks everyone drinks bubble tea like I also for the longest time thought he was naked like I thought he was just wearing a cardigan with nothing on underneath and then I realized that there is a t-shirt but you do be looking a little naked not a bad profile but like again people pictures you got a handsome boy okay if you're trying to pull girls on dating profiles they only look at pictures that's how you know their attention is no that's fair I literally I will look at all your pictures and then afterwards if I'm interested post pictures I'll read the thing do you guys know how many guys are on dating apps that's like ten to one a lot of guys yeah okay you're fighting Against All Odds and you gotta beat them and just by having good pictures you're better than like 70 of them already Marius that's a cool name Marius Marius good pictures you can see what it looks like very well done doing the the Esports pose in the first one is that's interesting it even has some like just going up on it yeah yeah I actually really liking your pictures I love that you have the skydiving one that tells me so much about you you and a friend that's cute you're fit the way that you dress I like that you've got like a pink hair photo because that also tells me about you and obviously dog photos are a winner in most people's books so carried by the pictures I guess though if you got yellow fever I'm your guy how do we feel about that one he was doing so well he was doing really yeah um wait okay Daddy is a state of mind that's okay I'd say more but what else is there to add daddy Pedro Pascal said it all I guess so if you got yellow fever I'm your type of guy if not I hope you like my personality or something delete the whole thing yes just don't talk yeah that picture was good delete the whole thing the great pictures great feed pictures awesome oh no it's a cabin one no no he's just a brave boy but I think I connected by showing titties no not the graduation flip off the camera all right okay yeah good pictures like tells me all the things I need to know that's true I have a very good idea of your personality from these photos yeah they're all really good photos of you like it hits all the right like okay we got a picture of this picked up that very well done yeah I like the pictures yeah I get along best with people who don't take themselves too seriously and are always looking to have a good time within reason also if you're a top I get along with you if you're a top and by that he means is that a question well not everyone I think what he's expressing is that he is a bottom and so he's not looking he's like he is looking for someone who would also be a top right so as someone who's not familiar with like adult turns you can you explain it oh um why does he play Top Lane can you play bottling I guess the elite guy uh yeah so say in terms of League the top laner prefers um to play top because that's where certain Champion archetypes play and then a different you know sort of like archetype that place like bot I'm walking on a really thin line here you put me on the tight rope oh okay with no gear got it um a bottom as someone who receives yeah and a top is someone who gives yeah like in most relationships it's a give and take a take and a bottom takes okay yeah yeah yeah no that's good it's good all right anyone else hot are you this is it warm in here anyway sweating Nick he's a good looking guy Nick is a good looking guy good pictures big smile I think that one goes a long way a girl seizes he's like oh he's a he's a chill dude yeah me personally when I see someone who like looks really happy or has like a really big smile that's really endearing to me so I would almost put the big smile photo first and then the the photo that you have first would be like your second photo because it's also a really really good photo I think it they're interchangeable but me personally I would look at this and want your smiling photo first great fashion sense yeah I'm interested in this putting emojis over your friends I think maybe it's for the stream oh oh it's like sometimes it's hard to find them in a photo and let them like Circle themselves because sometimes you don't know who the [ __ ] it is yeah like sometimes when I'm on a dating a hot girl [Music] which one is it so I would I would flip to the next one yeah and it's another group picture yeah and then I'll flip to another one it's another good picture but you know if that's the case which one yeah oh no please do tell I don't know what you're talking about uh some people just don't feel confident and I think y'all are beautiful in your own way and you should be confident enough to post solo pictures or at least indicate who you are okay great picture yeah love your first picture super cute you got a four fun one with friends that's good whoa whoa what picture one and picture four the same thing you're calling her an outfit repeater yeah I think it's just from the same day what's wrong with that if I mean conveys the same things in this circumstance I feel like it's fine because this one is like a full outfit and the other one is just like the close-up so I actually I don't mind it the mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the cell so she knows some memes that's an old meme it's a really old that was a throwback yeah maybe more words say you were gonna risk this girl up where do you go where do you pull from to be like eight yeah I would have to film like aggressive right off the bat like I wish I was that pony on that camera I I can't go to the castle he's giving me nothing I'm reporting you to Bumble for that one second that's that's me that's me that's you and Jody well I've said all of my piece so you take this one away yeah bro I know I'm a cool guy but I shouldn't be the highlight of your life don't worry I'd say this to my fans all the time look guys I know all of you worshiped the ground I walk on and we have that kind of relationship and I I thank you all for it but I want you guys to be successful in your own ways I want it so that when you post your pictures on Bumble and people see it they go wow he's cool like he looks like he's someone who got his [ __ ] together not because of me I don't want you to feel like oh I am cool because I have a picture with this guy's toes I want you guys to feel like you're cool because you are cool and then I'm nearly maybe your night routine when you're doing work or hang out with someone you care about and I'm on your second monitor I want to be that person for you I don't want to be the main source of your confidence or happiness you know I want you guys to make a name for yourselves so stop putting my picture on your profiles it could be that he's he's just a big Jody fan it could have nothing to do with you he's like look at that quarter Jade and then like this other guy who was there I had to take a picture of him good pictures yeah picture with the dog it's like straightforward picture I know what you're about you're on a boat you're hot like climbing the Rocks yeah good good good very good you go to concerts I think you will attract the right kind of girls that will be interested in you for you yeah great well done very well done hey why are you always talking to the right all his pictures looking to the right here bro look at the camera even in the bottom picture it's kind of still looking off a little to the side what are you looking at man what's over there but like these pictures are not bad it just needs it just needs to turn I want yeah 45 degrees give me one straight on yeah it's like a little brooding and Moody yeah a little too artsy farts yeah I like this I'm known for being scared of lizards please deal with them for me that's cute I quote Too Much from the office oh it's sunny in Philadelphia and how I met you this guy definitely is on Reddit um agnostic video games comic book human cloning see like that's something to do when we were saying that gross profile like oh yada yada can we please talk about human cloning maybe some somebody out there sees that and it's like oh my God yes I want to talk about human clothing too I think she will have a tough time on dating apps why mainly because I feel like his interests and like the kind of vibe aligns with a lot of like other young dudes who spend a lot of time on the internet I see what you're saying like there's not enough stand out yeah stuff yeah I think in a regular dating environment this would be fine but on dating apps you're fighting against so many many other dudes yeah and a lot of them also like the office and How I Met Your Mother and Always Sunny yeah I need something stand up your pictures are good I just need you to face the camera and then it will be boosted by a significant amount yeah Amy nice pictures face on I don't need the a picture with two bear cubs no okay but it is following the prompt together we can be terrible at and then she shows like her Pottery yeah it's like a hobby but I think that this works if you have more photos of yourself this one you've got a hat on it's far away you have a mask on I can't see you this other one you're like facing the other way it's dark I can't see you this one's like a little blurry so I have one solid picture of you so I would just say we need more solid pictures of you and then you can add some fun like here's my Pottery stuff you are a beautiful girl and I think you take good pictures your profile will be even better I'll fall for you if you give me a nerdy pickup line see this goes back to the previous girl where I'm like all the guys are gonna do the same thing oh yeah yeah you're gonna get the same pickup line so I'm going in the classic again all right what's what are you pulling from this time um she's not giving me a lot to work with yeah I see you're in a Hellboy hat you can you know what I mean yeah I know you can go ahead I mean I feel like you know exactly what I'm talking about and it's just really looks like I don't wanna I would never say this I'm like chat gbt based off of what you said last time I'd be like see her in a cowboy hat you want to ride me [Music] yeah I think I should just go to the next one Brandon uh uh your main profile picture what the hell man what the hell Brandon promise you you're losing 50 of your views instantly on that I'm instantly swiping you gotta swipe right to see my face girls are like well you you you have not earned that whole file scroll through yet okay yeah your third picture looks good yeah made that your first picture not like going on though not a lot going on there's really nothing being said here photo of your baked lasagna how I feel about memes he describes himself as funny hot and I like to cook I also think it's weird overtly sexual meme as Your Meme oh the don't move I'll go get a towel yeah I got that's just like really sexual in nature I mean I guess he's not looking for anything serious but that would scare me off I like his Vibes you know you know long hair he's at a party with some friends biggest thing is just the first picture Matthew that looks like a Halloween costume yeah he's a greaser yeah I'm imagining it's Halloween costume but not bad yeah I think the bottom left picture is unnecessary the one where he's like with the jawline yeah with the contemplation yeah it's not that deep yeah it's really not the world would be a better place with more communication we gotta seek to understand one each other 100 emoji like why why why do we have the 100 emoji I don't get it was a cringe up to the point of the hundred no I mean it became cringe with the 100 emoji like up to the point it's like oh okay he's like on his you know John Mayer like you know whatever and then it's like the 100 emoji just makes it like okay why always looking to new people while just having a good time overall fire Emoji shotgun yeah that's just not necessary I just don't like it I don't know I think emojis can come across really cringe and they're just everywhere in your profile he is 19 so he's going through like his self-discovery things that does that does make a lot more sense yeah but say you're going for some cougars ditch the Emojis there's a lot going on here your picture's a dog [ __ ] you're lucky you're six foot you seem like a fine looking dude blurry pictures yeah childhood photo sorry blurry Polaroid also I'm gonna say that dog looks so scary and the maid costume for sure it like shows your body I guess but I don't like any of your photos I I count on this game called team fight tactics I love almost everything about it I've made so many friends across the us as a result I even met up with something it also helps I'm pretty good at it rank one in a peak you got no wrist man you got no risk but don't worry you're in good hands first off I'll change every [ __ ] picture all your pictures change them all go take some good pictures you look fine my guy you look great you're 6'4 as well your hair is good 90 Improvement off the bat I worry that your longest segment is you gushing over TFT I love tfti but I would not be caught there talking about TFT on a dating profile I'm sorry you're rank one pkna and that's why you're single because you're spending all your time on TFT and not taking pictures improve the pictures and if you want we can play TFT sometime though make Pepe you filter spamming blurbing picture [ __ ] all right let's it's 20 24. we're familiar with your game girls who use a lot of filter you're not fooling any of us because like there's so much girls that use filter it's like I get it it's rough out there especially with female body image and unrealistic expectation but if you are trying find a guy it shouldn't be because oh I need to use a filter picture or else you might not like me it's also like you're cute I mean even if you're not cute still it's all right you're cute so you don't need filter ugly people talk what I meant black content is hard okay sometimes you say things without thinking about it no matter the person you don't need a filter Anna for you specifically I think yeah oh funny picture whatever but you're cute be confident show pictures of yourself yeah these pictures suck because we can't see you she speaks a lot of languages that's good that's cool the bald one I get that one it's like I'm being quirky but you don't get away with that until you have just like regular pictures yeah yeah I like I don't know what you look like the first one's blurry and dark the second one has a filter third one has a filter you have a mask on you're eating something like I I have no idea what you look like Vanessa blue shirt picture great you see everything in ESC yeah two mirror selfies might be too much it's also same pose and and one of them I quite literally cannot see anything in your face so I feel like it's not worth it like the cat picture you know so that you are a cat mom Naruto shirt which I think invites a lot of low risk guy like gives them a Lifeline it's like Naruto guys are low RIS if you are you a Naruto guy even when I was younger yes and I had no risk I've seen you wear multiple Naruto shirts like if I went through your closet right now I think you have at least three as a low-risk guy if I saw a girl with Naruto shirt that's my lifeline that's like I'm gonna talk about Naruto because she's into Naruto and that's how we're gonna connect it'll do I know there's 200 other low-risk Naruto fans messaging the same thing so you always have to think one step ahead what's something that's not Naruto that we can still be quirky about and it's the the otter the beaver what is that thing I it's a beaver on your shirt and that's what I go with but overall you know like your best pick is the one where we can actually see your face how do we feel about Snapchat in 2023 yeah when I see them like why why are you promoting it yeah and it's also like add my snap it's like oh so you just add everyone comes across your profile that makes me think you're a loose gal and I don't like that I don't like how easy it is to get your snap yeah that was [ __ ] okay look when I see a girl promote her IG on Tinder it's so that you can see more photos I think Snapchat is a little Wiggy whack because like man it's 223 like but like now it's a little weird but Loose is a terminology I think that maybe you should not use I apologize that was not the right term yeah but you are still a weirdo if you put the snap on your profile okay I can agree with that I I can agree we are both in agreements yes you know what some really good profile yes some good stuff as to be expected of the SG viewers very well done everyone yeah good stuff um thank you for watching us roast your uh profiles I've been told that I need to do this outro before I can leave I would really like to leave because my butt hurts but I'm here and he said to do something different so I'm just keeping it really real with you guys you can if you want to watch subscribe but you don't have to and I'll see you in the next video you can go now all right awesome I'll be back to clean spilled coffee all over my floor foreign
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 654,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, Toast Twitch, Disguised Toast Twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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