Pros vs Noobs in VALORANT GeoGuessr...

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before we jump into today's video it's me sponsor toast and I'm here to thank ganshin impact for sponsoring today's video Genji impact is a free to play open World adventure game with lots to explore in the fantasy land of tavat there are various characters each as well designed art styles engaging storylines and even more allowing players new interaction in every corner of the game whether you're a player who focuses on creating and executing battle strategies through the 7 natural elements or if you're someone who likes to explore the scenic world full of award-winning art and music there's something for everyone and in the newly released version 3.2 these stories continue on bring up new challenges for players and even more reasons to roll for new characters new characters like the super strong 5 Star danger character nahida and another character the Fantastical Evening Star Leila who specializes in theoretical astrology yes not like real astrology in the new 3.2 update it also offers opportunity for new battles with a new boss baladia and you will see the rerun of previous characters such as yumiya yemiko and tartaglia you can download the game right now through the link in the description below or scanning the QR code on the screen tension impact is available on iOS Android PC and console PS4 PS5 and don't forget to use the bonus code on the screen to get a boosted start thank you very much and enjoy today's video alright everyone pull up the volume do you have guesser click this link in the general chat this suspicious Link in your DMs oh you can trust toast he could have hacked me several times yeah find a location as fast as possible and knife a nearby wall ground object when you find it it's kind of like you know you're touching it no abilities only regular movement you get two minutes per slide there's 20 locations total the only two cheats you can use is pause timer and end phase so that you can actually explore the map at the point system you know what we're just gonna give one point to the first person who finds it this is just an example we all know what is right yes so you need to run to this location that'll look nice all right okay do we know the map or oh you don't know the map you have to guess the map you have to find the map you have the game find it yeah the wrong map that's gonna be pretty bad that's a lot of time wasted all right you guys ready wasted but I mean so should I minimize my chat okay oh yeah don't ReChat oh yeah don't read them chat obviously here we go click the slide oh what the uh wait I actually think I know this is a set this is yeah I know I've I've been here before okay I might not know I actually like play on this map I might not know I have a guess I'm gonna lean towards split for whatever reason I don't know if the seat loading speed is gonna help a lot I'm just saying timer's live this is the wrong map it's GG but I think I've got 6G you know this is 100 GG I'm still trying to determine the map at the moment is this is it this big lady who's fake I think I know where it is I lost already I don't even think it's split I don't even think it's splits this isn't it oh my god oh I'm on the wrong mouth right now or is it Pearl this is [ __ ] I'm still loading it you're still holding it get a new pc I thought my shroud was just like figure out the map first this is so hard this is so much harder than amongst so much stores I never realized there's so much stores on these Maps is it eight seconds of a really cute store uh oh I think it might give you a hint yeah okay okay [Music] I think I know where it is you guys found it no has anyone found it no no no no no no no guys don't you play this game all the time dude I was thinking about it it'll be easy and then I realized I don't observe these types of things yeah I've never seen this in my life I'm so unaware of this kind of stuff I mean one of us will be able to find it I'm sure it's not here that's my favorite map I would know if it's here what are you doing those I know what map toast is on I'm not gonna say it he's on Ascent isn't he said at least I don't play Valentine's for a living no there's just this is not a real thing is it is it some kind of bank it's like a teller window did you guys check a sense I did but I feel like I might have missed it I think we all thought it was a Cent and we all checked descent and it none of us found it okay okay you guys want to move on to the hint which tells you the map I'm only over the hand because I am I'm lost believe I won't find okay all right everyone back out to lobby and we're gonna all look at the hint at the same time which will tell you the map okay okay I'm ready next slide it says oh my God that's the one I haven't been on I probably would have seen it I actually don't understand how it was on this map [ __ ] [ __ ] we all know where it is now that we know it's on yeah we all know where it is yeah yeah I just came from the sand I didn't see it as soon as I left in that direction it's just funny because I thought like three people said they checked the scent already I did it it has been already remember you have to knife it you have to knife it typically Eddie Yeti are you here oh my God what I found it I found it I've knifed it no where is it where is it it's just in the middle no I ran by it I know exactly where it is all right everyone back to Lobby let's go boys oh I know exactly where this is I live here wait no I pressed the wrong map and slip put my back out how do I back out I pressed the wrong map bro I know where it is it doesn't matter where they hide no no no no no [Applause] no I knew where it was too I was I was late I was slower than him though ready for the next one oh wow oh I know exactly what this is why not play this game I have literally don't I want to guess you think I've got the map right it's going to come down if I run that fast I think this is binder oh my God I can hear him running he knows where it is um huh I have a chance he sounds confused what come on no he has no idea found it found it oh no I'm slashing it no I found it just got there before I did wait wait so both of the pros have not found one yet well don't point out the fact that the vote both the guys who play that no no okay listen I loaded the wrong map slide in five next Friday oh yeah yeah that does suck because it's hard to leave three two one oh I know oh yeah yeah if I were to guess I guess oh I forgot to click Start match oh this might cost me this I'm pretty sure it's this map and where is that it's gonna it's gonna be a computer diff here it's a computer diff awesome God damn slow I know it's a scent got it I got it oh wait wait how do I get these barriers down you know what we said it at the same time someone beat me I'm not sure it was super close it definitely definitely it was a split I feel like it was quite close yeah I was right again one point for me okay well I'm here too I'm here too oh you came late I knew where it was my barrier didn't go down wow that's fine you gotta push escape and click end game phase in the barrier yeah press the twice and the barrier respawned me all right whatever [ __ ] go next he's having a lot of missed clicks here a lot of excuse I'm calling out before I go there so my chat knows I'm real uh-huh all right you guys ready ready I know where it is I know where it is leave match I'm always so late I'm pretty sure I know where it is yeah that's the coffee place that's the coffee shop go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go what what oh I'm pretty sure it's on [ __ ] split this is tough because I don't know the map I don't know the map either I just guessed Derek news tarek has the no it's me and Derek right now in her [ __ ] foot race I like a blue screen bro is it here I found it oh it's a little different though I mean if everything looks exactly the same oh it's someone's saying my details are wrong let me see here Graphics okay I got it where was it where was it split a man oh it's a coffee shop I got blue screens I swear to God my stream saw it I got blue screens do you even play this game okay you can ask my chat I called three of them out you're coming back or I'm coming I'm loading I'm loading I'm loading I'm loading all right you guys ready yep what I've never seen this in my life what I know exactly where that is I'm kidding I have no idea actually guessing it's on Pearl but like just because the gold I mean I'll just go with my guess I guess I don't think I've seen this in my lifetime are we sure this is Valerie I have a guest though who's picking the pictures by the way can we get them a [ __ ] knife skin that's trying to piss me off what the [ __ ] is this dang it I really thought it was gonna be like right here and I just I'm just walking around with my head looking at the sky now okay so we're all on the same page it was up Coral I just ran around with my head up oh nice job that was smart all right three two one okay um what the hell is this we haven't been on icebox yet so I feel like this is a safe bet oh or it's Haven that ceiling looks like the roof on Haven but where damn I thought I was so smart [ __ ] [Music] toast this is a blast yeah this is actually insane because it's good I have a feeling it's on this map oh I don't think it's hating dude I don't know I actually don't know no offense to any of us I don't have cheats on great I went to the practice range oh no practice that's actually interesting yes I'll try and big braid it this one's gonna take a bit I feel like yeah guessing I hope it's not even and uh this is the wrong face okay wrong wrong map for sure okay yeah I definitely feel like it's on this map I'm so scared to switch Maps prematurely like I think that has cleared a map no I think it's Haven still [ __ ] same I feel like I left the map too early but I think it's still that map I'm actually just on the map list looking at my options oh man this is uh that's oh I found it I found it it's it's Haven in in the mid window no I knew it what is Haven again I just loaded into Haven [Music] dude the crazy part is I was on the left side of the window and it looks similar and I was like wait that's not it how was I gonna there's ain't no way I was if I saw that ladder on the left side I would have gotten it going I actually still don't recognize those TVs in window yeah Jesus all right nice job though next [Music] yeah we we all know where this is why they look cheeks we do yeah yep but there's something challenging about this one why nothing it's behind in the TP it's behind in the TP if I don't make it so help me God wait which TP oh I know what you're saying toast yeah all right you go for the five head I'll go for the one half yeah I'm doing the five head okay cool cool so what am I still win that's so sad I can't do it wait what happened I don't have cheats on and I can't do what I have to do you go I went for the five head but it was no this is so I deserve this one toast I don't care I deserve this one I deserve this one I don't care there's no [ __ ] way I'm waiting at the [ __ ] [ __ ] what's happening bro [ __ ] cheats on bro I mean it just sounds like I found it I found it you just turn on cheats once you just turn it on one say it that's a skillet I reset my games this is the fourth one I've been robbed I got blue screens as well I deserve this you need a knife the object you did not knife it oh my God and I went to the wrong key first and I knew what we were talking about that should be proof there as well and the fact that I'm sitting at the barrier hey that just means you'll be ready for the next one yeah yeah you turn on yeah cause I think I've only gotten one I'm good but at least I'm still beating tarek and five four three two one go oh this is uh is this ice box okay you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna try something crazy here go here I don't recognize this at all and I got a hunch I got a hunch as well I'm not sure if I'm right I think it could be split actually it's because the language [ __ ] they're gonna beat me though because I was really late picking the map okay okay waiting thing I have it really you found it I think I have it but I have a similar thing to Sean where like the sign isn't there but I have these is the two yellow things on the side oh no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] because I'm at that exact same thing you know we're both on the right math what map is it oh I found one no what with the sign and the yellow things I believe so no yeah yeah what map are you guys on uh come on it's ice boxes of it I'm on split I'm on fracture 10 seconds left [Music] stop how is he standing there I do have a guess though and if I were to guess oh I know where it is I know where it is I know where it is he's not looking down he's looking Uh Oh I thought he was looking sideways and Defying Gravity but he's looking up in CT spawn no please let me get this one please God let me get this one there's no way they can think about that it kind of yeah like it looks like it's oh this is it Derek might be able to got it I got it is it I got it shout out to my PC sponsor it's on fracture the vents yeah it's like it's CT spawn right oh yeah it actually spawned me on it even dude I don't know how you found that so fast I knew where it was right away too yeah I had a hunch but it's literally spawned me on it so that was just lucky holy that's impressive oh how did he get that that was hard next a banana oh oh even even short even short heaven heaven hey even tarrick knows because he offs here all the time okay that's hard I don't know damn I lost all the ones I should have got at this point I'm [ __ ] doomed he has to know he's not saying anything where have I seen that banana I have a guess this sounds so frustrating because I know it but I don't know it there it goes you know don't you care I won't okay I think Sean has it if he's that confident I got it short it's Haven short I thought you would know because you uh you're an opera and you probably play on this box like all the time I'm not gonna lie I haven't seen that banana I think we probably have low detail settings no problem is it actually no it's just a little show all right ready yep Ready next slide what the easy one actually I should be an easy one oh I don't know this one what my game my Game just crashed okay all odds are against me I feel like it's either Breeze or Pearl I have no idea on this one uh my game crashed and then I saw a chat so I'm out of this round so I know already oh you do yeah can my game Crash oh what it what just for curiosity here's a hint for you guys yeah it right the map name rhymes with Febreze oh hell yeah okay wait so I found it you found it you found it where is it though freeze um the window oh bee window I don't think I would have ever found this I thought it was like we know all the time that's actually very that makes no sense that you know that seems so sick ready all right three two one oh I know oh I know I know exactly yeah easily easily it's gonna come down to load in here easily loading I'm overthinking it I'm pretty sure it's binds oh my God I I'm sad man I lost all my points Doug it's definitely buying though right it's definitely buying the hallway come on okay kids we've got company pretend you all get along oh no I lied I'm not here dang it comes through it is it wrong I liked it I liked it yo is it be man B garage I'm trash I know this because it's the brim Molly spot I loaded in Defender spot all right the first [Applause] half of me I start defense I feel like most of them have been attacker's side I should I'm switching I'm switching it could be a risky switch at this point though we're trying to get some defense he's stressed out man next one oh what I feel like I would have seen this it just looks very that's ice box right this is also ice box right It's gotta be fracture okay I'm using fracture I'm going to guess split because he's been split in half oh no oh no oh no it's not oh no wait where is this it's okay it's definitely fracture I'm on the right map [Music] I think it's ice box is it ice box oh my God it's ice boxes in it there's nothing like this on Haven it's in spawn I'm not gonna make it there dude where is it found it what what it's ice box inside ice boxes fracture where even is this wait this is under the I thought that was awesome that actually doesn't existence if I've seen this I was like no way they put icebox twice in a row I did the stupid like you're taking a Scantron yeah you're like and then too many C's it must be a different answer I mean this is It's just gotta be this bottle and freeze right it could be splits let me work you have an idea all right he's trying so hard for his first point I actually got robbed I don't care wait you don't have a point yet no I've been robbed man someone even give him a pie dessert I was at the barrier wait for cheats I've been robbed dude I mean I feel like something's gone wrong but a different thing every time for himself I have I got blue screens I got my game crashed cheats were off give me this one wait don't don't find it oh I think I found it I think I found it no I didn't know I didn't know I didn't gotta be here it's got to be somewhere here it's this thing isn't it it's this thing wait is it that thing no it's not this thing I'm close I've got to be close I know okay oh it's for sure this thing it's for sure this thing [Music] uh mid Breeze like buy the two boxes oh I see it now oh my God I went to the ramen shop on split damn it bro that's a hard I was like I saw the water bottles all right next one okay go [Music] I think yeah I like the color scheme that's my hits the colors this is uh this is a tough is this a tough one this one's very easy I feel like I know which map it is I I have a hunch but I don't know I don't know this I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna trust my gut and think that I literally just walked past this on Breeze [Music] I'm on the wrong map aren't I what wait this is on Breeze and I only knew because I just ran past it to see the water bottles wow that's hard as [ __ ] that's hard as [ __ ] because the wooden door kind of looks like the wooden doors that breathe that's so hard I'm not sure I always go freeze tunnel but when have you seen me look through the doorway oh no one's been keeping track of points I mean the vod's there the vod's there the vod's there exactly the people know the people know who's been robbed [Music] this is all calm oh actually no I forgot I went to the wrong map I actually just remembered it now fine ignore him ignore he's strong the fracture under underpass me I feel like I'm pretty sure I know as soon as I loaded close enough I mean I got it like a little after but I don't know if it was like half a second after where where is it fracture tunnels yep yeah I'm sure for sure I called it but why aren't you there Tara as I was loading into a different map okay I'm ready now three two one go oh oh no I ain't never seen that yeah that's not like a two million hey I think this hasn't split splits what dude do these green colors go everywhere wait wait ice box the upside down triangles I remember looking nerds dude these guys are exploring the maps and [ __ ] like I'm playing the game dude I think this is the place where you can shoot through they think they can steal from us because I use this for as a wall Bank spot got it I know this spot because you shoot through it on defense I'm fine it's on bind that's crazy that's crazy mine has that because the textures I think you need like high details yeah yeah same that's in those windows yeah it's a wall Bank spot oh that's kind of cool the hallway across my mind kind of down toes don't start clapping bro oh I think I think this might be the last one all right all right this is your moment right here three two one go oh I know where this is I don't know where this is wait we all know where this is we all know where this is I know Paul you all know we all know we have to all move I don't know where it is dude all right this is a PC diff it has to be a PC dip wait no no no we all know I know Paul so you guys don't know the employee of the monkey surely Peter knows the employee of the month that I've been robbed the ones I know I don't get I'm free I guess it's split power now actually okay I'm reading I'm cheating on this one I'm a cheat because I've been cheated where is it tell me now I stare at Paul all the time on defense too wait what where is it where is it actually I know it's like right here I thought he was right here I know you're here Paul unless you got it got it got it I knew it was kitchen because screen changes so I got to where I thought it was and I was like oh my God it's not cute and then it flips Hold On Let's do an actual sudden death round since Tarik didn't get any points yet Tarik finds a random spot anywhere he wants he sends us with a picture and if we can't find it in two minutes including loading time he gets a point okay let's do that that sounds fair Eric's gonna give us I find the location for you guys if none of us find it in like two or three minutes then Tara gets a point this is his uh final chance at getting a point right wait wait so if you guys don't find it I win yeah yeah but don't make it too hard yeah I won't forget the barrier inside you have to have something on the screen although yeah yeah you can't like just look at a speck of dirt no no we got something I'll give you something yeah actually I'm gonna do the range I'm gonna do the range and throw them off a little bit the range isn't a map okay the range is not a map I won't be cheap like that all right that's fine you guys are killing me dude you guys are killing me okay I'm going here the range is considered a map right yeah yeah yeah yeah sure that counts yeah but the difference is we're going to be working together this time to find it Chad what about this what about that they have to find this wall thoughts this is not fun okay sorry I think I have to change this it's too obvious right should I just do this show the keypad so it throws them off you think nobody's expecting to keep out on Haven you're right you guys have three minutes to work together okay okay I'll give hey guys I think my OBS just crashed what interesting when psychuno has problems we'll give you a point [ __ ] it we'll give you the point I don't know it'll be it'll be fixed in a second it's I just think it's it's done it's fixed it's fixed four minutes starting now okay I feel like we saw this already um Terry yeah this is literally one we had earlier I'm a sticking we definitely already did uh where was this this is literally one we had earlier he's pulling a debate okay let's send some people to breathe why don't you go check it on freeze right now he gave us one thousand times so it's not Breeze at all well I can check the rest of Breeze but it's not the spot with the keypad okay yeah he said that the rage is possible so I think I might go to the rage okay oh that's true okay okay Sean will go to the Rain W reverse psychology W reverse psychology I think it could be either behaven because the way the wood around the door like that out of you or maybe switch maybe he had his quality set all the way to low guesses on where it could be he definitely turned down his quality for this image two minutes on the clock people I know I hear that that wooden door looks like the wood right around here yeah like see they got wooden doors here like like maybe like this one round one attackers by face he's still in the attack oh you screwed up okay I don't think it's wait dude you came down here for this picture oh my God this is it I knew it what you found it I found it I'm pretty sure what spot it's on split yup where and it's in like between B and c-link-ish kind of area close that's not split wait it's not oh it's Haven sorry I don't know the maps wait where don't know the map the split even happens [Music] check his [ __ ] chat I don't believe this guy it's literally here check his [ __ ] eyes does he got eye tracker the trick was the wooden thing on the side only this map has specific wood doors that have that texture whatever we did it we did it guys I literally got second to last play okay Eric finishes with zero no no no no no no no no no no no no I want them now toast I don't know who won but I know who's in last place all right well I'm glad we're keeping track of the points and [ __ ] hell yeah we did it that was pretty fun that was super fun dude they can definitely do like another one of those there's a lot of spots that I get so much yeah yeah that was pretty cool all right one more game fast oh I'm down
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 994,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, Toast Twitch, Disguised Toast Twitch, Pros vs Noobs, Valorant Geoguessr, Tarik Toast, Sgares Sykkuno
Id: 593IQXGjRrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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