I made a Gameshow to expose who's the FAKE gamer among us...

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hello and welcome to Guess that game the game show where we find out who is an actual gamer and who's one of those fake nerd Gamers that we can't keep that's right it is called guess the game I mean Ray is ready is there something for like the winners or brand new iPhone oh can I request something else uh what do you want a hangout session with everyone hello thank you all for joining me hello thanks for having us all right so as you guys know there's a problem in the twitch scene there's been an invasion of fake Gamers pretending they like games that's me that's me but today we're gonna weed out some of these fake Gamers by playing Guess the Game the objective is real simple sorry sorry our contestant will be given three Clues two Visual and one audio to guess which game it's from but they guessed it on the first clue they got three points so I conclude two points and last clue one point so there's no harm in guessing but you only guessed one guess all right everyone get it I do not believe in my ability to do this that's okay you'll make the other players look good you're doing everyone in real solid here you guys have to try to other game I said no to that too many test you Lily Pichu go ahead and tell the audience about yourself well my name is Lily I my favorite game is Pokemon Puzzle League that is just no one plays it my name is Ray I have been playing games my whole life and I also worked at GameStop which is a video game retail pawn shop unfortunately I've had been knocked out unconscious and have really bad memories so I I don't know if it's a net positive working at GameStop so anyways that I'm Ray where you got knocked out at GameStop I've had a rock thrown at the back of my head I fell off the twirly bars knocked myself out that way I ran full speed into a tree there's been a few high score I think I'm really excited to this I think I'm going to be the worst at this because I think girl you love video games the last 20 years 15 of those years have been wow in League of Legends hi I'm Sid um I've also been playing games my whole life but I have the memory of a goldfish so I don't believe in my ability to do this all right let's get started question number one what the [ __ ] I want to go it's so tired oh can I take back my guess no all right Lily feature he looks like you're the only one guessing what is your answer wait Inspector Gadget [Applause] is incorrect oh oh I'd like to guess Mickey Mouse Clubhouse can I guess yeah ding ding ding go ahead is it like Professor Layton from the three all right good news no one else can guess what the rest of this round would you like to guess now or wait I'd like to wait for the next slide there's more clues I said there's three Clues [ __ ] clue number two supposed to be like a play and pause button oh Sims I have no idea what Sims though yeah I'll take a shot of one of them Sims one Sims one oh Sam's hats and dogs which Academy the answer is gonna be the Sims 4 Valkyrie gets it on the second clue third slide is so weird what is the speaker oh uh that plays a sound so if you're following along oh it plays a sound [Music] I wouldn't have gotten it oh wow I have an answer okay Lily and Sid both want to guess okay I will be third I'm ready I'm ready okay so Ray are you you're answering as well here yes okay ray go ahead and say what game you think this is think this is stardew Valley stardew Valley Lily what is your answer undertale City on what is your answer started out the answer is undertale is now in the lead with a solid three points next question I'd like what was that I'm gonna fight the ground I think I know you guys seen this clown before yeah yeah okay I'd like to guess what obsidian would like to guess would anyone like to guess with her no I'm sending it go away all right so it looks like you're the only one guessing what is the answer obviously that is summoner's rift this [Music] is obviously you think you would get something that scar wouldn't get in League of Legends that'd be so embarrassing Mega embarrassing the answer is League of Legends oh my God oh my God wait it was like a pixelated portion of the [ __ ] god what do you look at when you play league clearly not the map look at the champion of being the crap out of oh some RPG stats for which RPG let's RPG no takers oh wait are you guessing you want to guess or it's got it I want to say this is an early Final Fantasy probably like ff3 is that your final answer yeah that is incorrect Cara oh it is not fs3 oh and there's so many final fantasies all right no one's guessing we'll move on to clue number two oh man pixely man crouching oh muscly arms I have no idea I have no idea wait I want I want my guess back now sorry I already guessed [ __ ] is there a clue we're gonna play a little audio here foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that song sounded like Castlevania Ray said no random guesses maybe there's some random MMO Street Fighter out there I don't know Street Fighter I was gonna say like a Capcom RPG because I also think he looks like a street fighter yeah doesn't he yes it is Castlevania Symphony one point for getting it correct next question Ray okay Rey and Sid both when I answered yeah yeah I'm gonna sit right down your answer look you know this no wait do I know this it looks like a mushroom like a mushroom or coin oh I'm second guessing my answer no second the whole second guess no brain is locked in Ray what did you answer I wrote stardew Valley sir Sam what'd you write down stardew Valley but really this time yes to be right that's the mushroom it is stardew Valley oh I feel like Sid and I are like the same wavelength yeah it's like the same games yeah please F4 race at five sits at six and scarra is next question we have a billboard of some kind with some Chinese letters huh what he's wearing a yellow pants third clue we have an audio clue [Music] any uh random guesses uh no idea I've heard this opening somewhere cat is getting really upset that none of you know excuse you I have over 500 hours all right looks like I'm out I don't know no one is willing to venture against the answer is Persona 5. oh I never played Persona I can't wait wait Lily have you played Persona yes all right moving on for oh wait wait wait no wait wait okay I got it no no okay okay I know it but I don't but I know it I'm gonna guess because I feel like someone else is gonna get I guess okay yeah me too me too okay okay all right yes everyone write down your answers okay it looks like everyone's gonna guess on this one no I'm so torn between two answers it definitely has a very specific games art style it does and it looks a bit older I don't want to look stupid Lily what is your answer I guess Dark Souls Dark Souls mascara I put Dark Souls 3 but I think it's likely that it's two Dark Souls three we got two one and three and City on what did you answer plead the fifth no no show it show turn it over turn it over turn it over [Music] who gotta correct the answer is no one guessed it correctly I wasn't sure if it was the most recent one nice try everyone you guys were on the right track but not the right game oh sorry okay no okay sorry for screaming I'm so sorry okay okay wait no I'm withholding because I don't think anyone else knows oh now I feel challenged let's go to the next clue how do you [Music] I don't know man all right third clue let's look at a fire pit graphic does look a tiny bit dated yes so our guest and then reykes and then I'll guess I'll guess because like everyone's gonna guess anyway right I'm taking Fire Fire Emblem boom I'm gonna throw it out there okay that's a great guess I'm gonna go I'm gonna go God of War uh I'm gonna Circle back to my previous answer and say Dark Souls that was gonna be I was gonna say Dark Souls wrong right eat it the answer is Skyrim but you guys never played Skyrim before right it's kind of fun right now moving on yeah like some kind of 2D art all right next question oh [Music] like an arcade game oh oh I have a guess okay Lily feature go ahead anyone else have I guess no I guess Paper Mario and he is correct it is Super Paper Mario and we will count that as a point he gets two points oh my God next [Music] wow so I have a guess wait I have a guest too oh Ray push it it's hard do you want to answer as well yeah I can answer all right I'm locked dude I'm ready Lily go ahead Pac-Man Ray yeah I wrote dead Pac-Man Pac-Man but not the end background nice work guys thank you you guys are real Gamers okay moving on that one that one's the easy one that was a freebie here we go bowling plus size why does that look so simple it looks so familiar why definitely I've seen this before exclude one second long audio clue squishy feel like I know this like oh it's a very gross noise I feel like I definitely don't know this I don't know oh what is that I definitely don't know what this is no idea no guesses [ __ ] it dark souls it's gonna be my answer for everything I don't know yeah [ __ ] it breath of the wild never played it do you think it's something with the letter D though answer was Doom Eternal never played this game seen people play this game that's not what I was thinking oh next question hmm looks like a series of rectangles wow literally be anything very helpful could be anything what looks to be uh that's just my phone battery huh nothing yet huh all right third clue one second long audio glue two grayscale images and some static ready no shot what there's no okay there is a way go ahead what is your guess Among Us communication sound oh no [ __ ] words wait everything [Music] [Applause] 512 hours now are you happy I chart with the word Pro and the number one thousand I feel like I've never played a video game in my life all right rule number two I have an answer yeah um I I would like to write an answer Ray wants to answer okay everyone wants to get in on this okay go ahead Ray go ahead oh I wrote Wii bowling does that count Lee bowling we'll count that as Wii Sports okay scar go ahead I put wheat I put Wii Sports Sid Wii Sports Wii Sport you guys all answer the same and you guys are all correct it is Wii Sports [Music] on this one you're a real gamer okay one second long here we go oh uh I have an answer all right Lily is looking to answer what I I have that one scarra Locate the answer I believe that you will miss this I'm staying out of it okay Lily go ahead big dog dick duck wow that's a throwback big dog girl what is your answer I put Dr Mario because I thought that was the the Like a Pill sound or something okay it is neither Dig Dug nor Dr Mario some dotted lines ew I'm gonna wait because I don't feel pressure from Ray yeah I'm not touching all right cool okay we're gonna go to the final clue here [ __ ] you oh I would like to guess Tango Rey is ready to guess Sid are you comfortable venturing I guess sure I'll I'll just send something whatever okay don't say Dark Souls Ray what is your answer ping pong Sid what is your old one the really old one some Frogger level the answer is Ray I will give you the point really even though ping pong's a whole different game he's now in the lead with 12 Lily and sit behind by one point next flowers oh um low graphic Fidelity okay what kind of flowers are these you know like you like yes no car is ready to guess all right looks like you're the only one what is your answer isn't it original RuneScape oh RuneScape no way the graphics were that good yeah the answer is RuneScape let's go scarves [Music] on a roll here anyone wanna guess mascara she's thinking about it oh there's a dude back there wait wait I don't know if I want to guess anymore I have a really good idea I thought originally it was the trees from Pokemon RC like the yeah it's kind of giving Pokemon but there's a giant in the back oh I'll stick with Pokemon maybe the Giants they're in Pokemon I never played this game Giants and Pokemon sorry you are incorrect second hand of water probably from the UI of the game hey that's a health part [Music] you can hear some swords clanging in the background some grunting I'll guess something I'll guess to them I don't know maybe okay I'll do a guess Ray what is your guess some recent Age of Empires I don't know Age of Empires Sid what did you write down World of Warcraft World of Warcraft Lily what did you write down oh my God is she right no no shows come on come on don't be shy should have class what you wrote down yeah yeah Diablo the top down isometric game Diablo well the good news is one of you is correct the answer is World of Warcraft you said you spent the last 15 years of your life playing League of Legends this is like the first eight of the 15. so like I already lost the memory of that it's all tied up for the lead Ray and said each at 12 Lily at 11 score at seven next we're halfway through oh oh says ready to guess um Lily's ready to guess right what is it okay I didn't write down your answers it's Valerie Valens valorous [Music] I believe is this no breathe oh I was thinking it's Breeze somewhere on Breeze yeah only reason I guess so fast for that it's a game she plays a lot next question insert I feel like I've seen that before but I don't know some feet insert and feet I want to guess two I'm also going to guess it's gonna guess yes [Music] Street Fighter third strike oh Ray why'd you answer I put Street Fighter 7 for seven toes I don't know what street fighter it is I just put Street Fighter and sit I said Street Fighter 2. the answer is Street Fighter Theory oh you got it scars wow is that a third strike is that is the same I think so I don't remember it you know what we'll give Scar the bonus point for that oh yeah yeah that's right he deserves that next up old school Graphics but it's very vibrant colors some lines no nothing yet no audio clue first one more time okay um okay I'll guess I'll guess yeah I'll guess all right everyone write down your answer Lily go ahead Terraria Warrior the 2D game platformer Terraria [Laughter] I I'm assuming it's a Game Boy Pokemon but I have no idea which one it sounds like the grass that because I think I'm wrong I guess Zelda or Korean time I know that I'm wrong actually a 3D game uh oh [ __ ] that's fine I also think it's a Pokemon and I just guessed a random one I said Pokemon Blue Pokemon Blue and the answer is Pokemon Emerald sitting right at one point next a man with some pants some high-def jeans is there a famous character that wears jeans all right that's a great Jean man [Music] like a punching noise Gene punching in gene punching man that's him the third clue went off a car graphic seems a little dated I put walking [Music] dead girl what is your guess I put Yakuza uh you said punching and he said I see the car and the graphics are kind of the yakuzas they all wear jeans as part of the uniform no but maybe there is someone who doesn't there I wrote like Grand Theft Auto like an old Grand Theft Auto oh Grand Theft Auto wait you would be correct it is GTA San Andreas that would that would make sense is this gonna be a video isn't it always moving on we have a shot of the night sky with some pretty glowing hanging Vines this looks ancient I got nothing nothing okay I'm gonna wait next audio cue hello yes I wanna guess too Scar and Sid ready to guess okay holy what is your answer Minecraft oh okay I I think I'm just uh the game where everything's in cubes I first there's like they have oh guess before it's a Zelda thing right the audio cue is him hitting grass or rolling through grass right I put Zelda Ocarina of Time Zelda Ocarina of Time I don't know if it or Majora's Mask can I also guess now how no you can't it's not Minecraft oh really yeah that's crazy but it is Zelda Ocarina Arena of time let's go it is the sound of him rolling that's what I thought for getting on the second clue and a bonus point for guessing correctly that it is Ocarina of Time all right just a few questions left shut off the sky with some really pixely clouds okay pixels got it I would like to guess I also want to guess all right Ray and Sid are gonna guess anyone else do they have it no I'm not gonna guess oh scar calling their blood Billy Pichu but he said I don't know I'm gonna guess I'm locked in Lily reveal your answer can I not go first okay let's go the other way Sydney review your answer Minecraft again yeah if the last one wasn't Minecraft this has to be Minecraft Terraria it is a Minecraft some holographic map hopefully looking thing I Don't Know audio [Music] looks something's charging up charging all right third clue oh yeah yeah radar I want to guess right I want to guess everyone locking your guesses and come on the first two great did you lock it again maybe like a really old Star Wars or something mascara this is raw I played Xenoblade but I realized I don't think it has that radar hey and Sid I thought that was the radar from Halo Halo 2 and she is correct it is exactly Halo Halo and Halo 2 2 everyone gets the right thing the video would be really boring second last question oh God oh oh oh sit ready to guess on the first try anyone want to guess two I'm not 100 but like I think I know now that she says see Sid never guesses unless she's like 98 sure okay what you gonna do scarra you let me guess so you think I'm wrong I think you know which is why I have to guess yeah you sound confident I said what is your answer I said maple story maple story all right scarra I put gentian but it's definitely wrong very well played by Sydney bluffing scar into thinking she knew the answer when she definitely did not it is not a maple story what it is I got used and manipulated what oh you live right down Terraria again it's not Terraria Lily it's not it would be safe to just say Mario because there's so many different Mario games a little more specific please what you can't just say Mario I love Mario there's like 28 games Mario it's 64. I was just gonna guess of Mario Ray's answer is Mario all of Mario Lily what did you write down I wrote Mario Sunshine no it's not Mario Sunshine it is a Mario but it's Mario Kart final question Lily he's at 17 raise at 18 scars at 17 and City on is at 24. we can't win oh you guys can win but you guys are now fighting for who's not at the bottom fighting for not last yeah yeah here we go clue number one I don't think that's but I'm gonna wait uh will it just guess to kind of just Hail Mary this if you guess it correctly scar you put Lily at the very bottom I've never been more tempted okay I'm guessing what the heck Lily is gonna get hated on by everyone in the YouTube comments and I'm living for it is it Metal Gear Solid too Metal Gear Solid 2. and the answer is correct it is Metal Gear Solid I get three points and shoots himself to second place with his picture off of a warehouse [Music] defense against the the commons go ahead you have 30 seconds I like music yeah and there you have it folks uh the result of guess the game we have City on and first place with 24 points scar catching up all the way from zero to 20 at second place that's great at 18 and Lily PQ very close you know you were like one answer from second place at 17. I'm chasing that paper Mario Castlevania hi there again again [Music]
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,141,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, Toast Twitch, Disguised Toast Twitch
Id: t_rvloI5J5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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