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this week's video is brought to you by sumner's war it's been one of the most popular mobile turn-based rpgs for seven years now with over 110 million downloads on the google play and apple stores it's got a huge global community it's one of the most successful mobile esport games with over a thousand unique monsters select and awaken a customizable skyline and weekly in-game events and dungeons there's enough content to keep you enjoying the fun for basically forever to celebrate it's 7th anniversary summoner's war is giving away 100 anniversary exclusive squirrels for free regardless of your region there's also the special appointed event shops happening you get special coins by logging in daily and buy massive rewards from the 7th anniversary special shop endless events are underway to celebrate the 7th anniversary even a new monster update coming soon don't miss out on the summoning opportunity what are you guys waiting for download the game below [Music] all right the superior court of california county of los angeles department 13 is now in session your honor peter parker peter park honorable judge peter park is now presiding thank you uh good afternoon and welcome my name is peter park as you all heard i'm an extremely qualified judge and i know that both parties are putting a lot of time into preparing your cases and i'm honored to hear them can we sit wait am i supposed to oh yeah you could sit or whatever yeah sit uh your honor may i okay today we're talking about not a man but an artist who had his livelihood taken away from him you know in van gogh's life he didn't sell a single painting he died in unknown failure and my plaintiff too will die in unknown failure if we don't have justice in this courtroom i'm talking the lowest of the low unknown some would say who megalo and i don't want that to happen and so i'm seeking justice against the person who did the damage michael reeves that's all your honor hello your honor my name is pokey maine i'm here to represent mr michael reeves before we get into the evidence i would just like to tell you a little bit about my client the defendant mr reeves simply put my client is built different his generosity as a core member of his community knows no bounds whether it's with his robodog a key part of this trial or with his time or his spare misubi when he orders too much on postmates his generosity truly knows no bounds and therefore this case is ultimately about prejudice generosity and a robodog racist problem how we intend to use logic and facts to prove that mr michael reeves is indeed innocent and not guilty on all charges thank you your honor thank you all right well this is a bench trial meaning i get to make the final decision uh both sides of it both sides have had ample time to review the evidence correct yes all right we shall proceed then prosecution uh do you have uh your opening wait first witness do you have your first witness yes your honor i would like to bring scara to the table the bench where the hell you call that where'd you get the bailiff down the street oh i have to read the thing huh [Music] can you put your hand on it but not covering look at this part you have the right to remain silent anything you say we lost the case so badly they arrested him do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes usually we just may proceed you may proceed thank you baylor for those inspiring words now could you identify yourself to the court uh yes my name is scara i am a roommate of a couple individuals including michael reeves okay thank you for that now i would like you to identify this horrific painting i i drew what it used to be before gruesomely it was slashed through by what looks like some scissors and some other things i think it was pissed on as well yeah like i do smell a man who's quite hydrated now i have to ask you do you paint a lot is this one of your thousands of paintings i have not painted in years that was one of my few paintings i've done in the last decade huh and what would you value said painting at they say you only have one magnum opus and honestly i think that was it usually the word priceless would be used in this case but for me 20 million it's powerful words powerful words now you mentioned piss and there was piss found on the painting are any of your roommates in your house people who piss a lot maybe known for pissing maybe piss boys uh i mean i would say michael reeves has pissed a lot would you refer to michael as a piss baby objection your honor speculation how could he possibly know how often michael reeve's pisses sustained however we do know that michael has a companion isn't that right yes what is this companion his companion is a 100 000 robo dog wow this is a expensive dog does it do anything cool it pisses beer so would we refer to this dog maybe as a piss baby objection your honor the dog does numerous things that does not only piss beer what else does it do it can lift things transport things thank you so as we were saying would this dog be considered a piss baby yes huh so we have a broken painting and a house that you found that you treasure value at 20 million that was pissed on and in the house you live in there is a dog that is known for pissing i found the painting in the trash late at night [Music] and it just had hiss on it and beer [Music] i want you to know i'm sorry for making you talk about this i'm i i understand it was necessary your honor i have no further questions all right thank you does the defense have any questions yes your honor i do for starters i'm so sorry to hear about your clearly dearly beloved painting and the ways in which it's been disfigured by i'm sure someone that is not my defendant objection speculation sustained the proper objection is that the counts are specified but that's fine um am i able to yeah it's only 20 million it doesn't smell like it uh exhibit a i believe so you said that you have not painted in a couple years is that correct i would say i have made very few paintings in the last decade in the last decade so why is it that you are so attached to figuring out what happened to a painting or an object that relates to a hobby you no longer seem to enjoy or care about because what happens when you're sorry an artiste sometimes you have a stroke of brain luck and brilliance and then art occurs you don't just draw you you live it and i lived through that painting so it's true that you live with my defendant yes michael reeves yes and is it true that you enjoy watching his youtube channel i would say that his youtube videos have made me laugh do you know the amount of youtube subscribers this channel has incurred i am not sure i think last time i saw it was at six million do you know the amount of adsense one could garner from a 6 million subscribed youtube channel i hope it's about 20 million dollars well it's interesting that you would value an item from an old hobby that you no longer seem to partake or care about at an amount of 20 million dollars i did not say i didn't care about it i said it only strikes once if i'm lucky i captured it and i brought it to life and now it died again do you think perhaps what you are lucky in in this moment is being able to blame someone who has such a large amount of subscribers on his youtube channel for something that is clearly not of very large importance to you money is not important i have a lot of other friends such as a mysterious uh disguised toast pokemon who i could ask for a loan at any time and honestly for them 20 million is what they drop on the street on a daily basis no further questions your honor right thank you all right well the plan to call forward is next witness please sure of course of course well i've talked to my client now i would like to talk to her client i want to talk to michael bailiff bailly with a little more swagger oh no nothing i'm not interested in this do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth i do proceed could you identify yourself for the court for me i'm michael reeves when did you last piss no more than 30 minutes ago was it clear or yellow it was a it was a normal tinge a healthy a healthy light yellow healthy healthy hmm interesting i see you have a water in front of you are you drinking it i i do i am i've heard if you drink more water it's clearer [Music] your honor i would like to bring evidence forward to the stand no that's close enough please your honor you have to look this is pp now i believe this pp is michael's i believe it's michael's pee pee because it's so clear you admitted to peeing did you not i i have pissed and you also have a robot companion that pees amongst other things they can do other stuff well so it appears that you and the house are the most likely to pee well with your piss and the dog's piss and so can you explain objection what bleeding question and counselor specifying vote that sounds like a lot of words overwhelmed what that means thank you your honor because she was saying words i didn't know does this look familiar to you um this painting that your roommate cherished and loved i might have seen it before you might have seen it before huh did you perhaps see it here exhibit two the painting in the trash would you like me to take you back here exhibit one thing you can't take put the piss over here sorry does this trash look familiar that's a trash can it's your trash can that's a trash can and there's a painting inside of it did you put the painting in this trash can no sir did you see it in the trash can at any point no it's not until now hmm okay and you do admit that both you and your dog p yeah also everyone else who lives yes how do you know you know what that's a good question thank you what is that sure oh what is this michael that's a great question this is uh a piece of evidence your honor a pair of scissors found at the crime scene that cut open the painting do they look familiar to you michael the scissors we have in our house oh have you ever used them um i'd be lying if i said i didn't because when we took the scissors we found your fingerprints on them i did say i used them oh yes but no one else's were there isn't that curious so not only did you use them you're the only ones to use them before the painting was destroyed i'll take the silences agreement i have no further questions your honor thank you i'm michael hi how are you doing today i'm great for starters on the night in question the painting was vandalized what do you claim you were doing you know me i was gaming i was playing valerant i was cranking 90s and fortnite i couldn't have been playing on the on the thing whatever it is interesting your match history does indeed showcase quite a few games from that day do you recall anything in particular losses during those games i [ __ ] on some kids like always every day please note he said [ __ ] and not piss for the trash pictured in exhibit tea for trash is it true that numerous people have access to this trash i would say everyone in our house has access and even some from without yes interestingly enough as you can see from outside it is outside therefore just about anybody has access to this trash can is that correct that is correct objection yes a gamer wouldn't know what outside looks like that is why i'm representing the client dammit thank you now furthermore this robot dog is it not true that not only is it not just your dog but that numerous people have access to said dog you know that's that's interesting i was wondering that was being interrogated by the plaintiffs uh it's it's not it's a communally accessible dog it's not even my dog it's not mine it's owned in joint with offline tv so it's numerous people's piss baby dog yes anyone has access to it anytime beautiful and would someone be able to also access the controller for the dog and use it for whatever they so please right next to the dog at all times always this pair of scissors was also brought into question now i know you've said that not only have you used it which of course my lovely and honest client is always being lovely and honest but would you would you not also say that perhaps someone could simply avoid having their fingerprints on the scissors by using a pair of gloves yeah during maybe i think it was the early 1700s that the gloves were first developed is things you can wrap around your hands and use it to interact with objects within the world without spreading your finger objection yes that feels wrong yeah is it so i don't know i just feel wrong you're honest innocent and knowledgeable on gloves nice to know absolutely the only thing i've ever used those scissors for is to trim my balls that's cute your honor if it pleases you may i approach the stand judge how's it going big man [Music] how's the wife huh she's good she's doing good you're doing good you look good let me tell you you could have a second if you wanted wife that is because you look so good appreciate that it's been rough lately but uh you know yeah hey let's just wrap this [ __ ] up quick so we can grab some bruise yeah you know me got it are there any further questions for the the witness here no i'd rather die all right then in that case uh could i request that you check dm's [Laughter] [Music] really 100 ready for the next witness all right yes uh we'll have the next witness come forward you did great your honor what's up baby i'd like to call my third witness detective masayoshi to the stand you may proceed why is the bailiff walk all mad she's always mad all right fair enough okay bailiffs right i'm going i'm going jesus you're so rough do you swear i tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth on god is that yes like the cut of your jib detective could you identify yourself to the court hello court i am detective masayoshi for this case thank you and detective do you have any findings on who might have done this findings anyone walking in and out of the house no one was [Music] you take your time on that one wait a much on that chew on it you know what which paper do you give me you seem to have a little trouble here you're one of the best detectives in town i hear yeah i get that a lot then you win an award or something they called me the two time two time yeah kind of like that's got a ring to it you uh see anyone walk in and out of that place any from the security cameras we did not see anyone come in or out of the house at the time does that lead you to believe that it's someone within the house or is that yes it would be led to that there was one camera covered by amazon packages and some postmates but other than that sure nothing else so likely it could be someone within the house interesting that narrows it down a bit doesn't it this robo dog robot dog is it do you like find his piss or something uh when we went to check on the dog it was actually dead there was no battery so we couldn't really observe it further um there was indeed a piss within the dog some kind of container did you find any like beer because i saw his video of that dog and he stocked it up with beer for it to piss was there any beer on the scene after doing some observing we did not find a bottle at the scene of the crime [Music] but after some surveillance we did find a missing beer from the fridge missing beer battery removed someone in the house you want to call it right here maybe just say he's guilty we don't know whether your honor just i just made a conversation i guess anyway two-time that's all i got for you thank you so much thank you how many members would you say live in this house what are we talking about uh 2021 um i lose track all the time that's us three okay yeah people come in an hour four and a half four people live in this house all right and out of the four that live in this house who has the highest subscriber count on youtube i did not research into that i did not know actually i'm not sure but i think it's michael and therefore don't you think that if someone were to go after someone else for damages especially if those damages include collecting someone's entire youtube channel who do you think they would be most likely to want to go after they'd probably target michael here objection he uploads like once a [ __ ] year overruled the videos are really good it was actually six months after research can you say for certainty without a shadow of a doubt that the very plaintiff himself did not piss on his own painting to face it with scissors pour beer on it and stick it in his own trash can of his own home to later pretend like he discovered it excuse me it is someone within the house since we did see no one leave or enter the house and since the plaintiff himself lives in the house it could also be him um michael michael is idiot liar put that away he right he said your honor i don't know where he got that [ __ ] but it sounds so accurate that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] and i [ __ ] know it john i [ __ ] know it that's [ __ ] jon [ __ ] john what order my corner in the court what has gone into you hey get together have some respect we're going to move this to a five minute recess thank you your honor i'm mad too damn it i couldn't throw it as far as you guys he's so strong spank that man go over there and spank that man spank him in contempt hello i'm back guys i'm back from canada everyone where is everybody court is now in session welcome back everyone can the prosecution present their next witness please yes i will to the man who may or may not have pissed quell his anger okay i would like to call he's cool forensics quarter jade to the stand why is my bare look so angry [Music] do you swear i tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth what's wrong with you i have a crush did you identify yourself to the court hi i'm corda jade officially officially what's your role to job in this world i am a forensic scientist that the correct nomenclature yeah did you look at i did i did get these look at those yes and what what's the deal with these they're scissors ah i'm curious i didn't know that did we find any fingerprints that might have led it to the destruction of this painting we did find fingerprints yes um we found fingerprints of all the members in the house like everyone everyone everybody uses scissors all four and a half you're telling me at some point scar use the scissors yeah well that looks worse then okay is it the thing that destroyed this painting we did find um canvas fibers and paint on them i want you to inspect this bag of peepee for me i'm sorry could the court sonographer read back what i said i'd like you to inspect this bag's pp for me thank you yes this bag of pee-pee do we know whose pp it is yet yeah no i was also very wary of that how have i not found whose urine has been on the painting considering that we have an entire bag of peeps [Music] but i was on vacation so um yeah sorry i'm stubbing him because i don't understand how we don't have a verdict um you're on vacation that's why you didn't find whose pp was yes i'm just stopping in for um the the other forensic science half trade yeah good work conditions at least yeah i get paid pretty well i mean okay that's all i got for you then damn all right does the defense have any questions for our forensic scientists here i do your honor hi courtney jade may i say your hair looks lovely today thank you too thank you objection the scissors do indeed have fingerprints from all of the house members does it have fingerprints from anyone outside of the house there are supposedly a bunch of um strangers fingerprints that we can't identify you also said that there was no conclusive dna from the urine which typically that is the case it's hard to take any dna samples from urine at all so it's unlikely that the urine will help us come to a final painting defacer is that correct yes so based off of the evidence and the dna samples and the fabrics that you found does it all lead towards my client in particular in the urine samples we did find that there was traces of beer there was also traces of beer in the painting and on the weapon who could potentially be a beer drinker within the house do you know i am unsure of the alcohol consumption in the house therefore it could still point towards anyone within the house or even since there were stranger fingerprints within on the scissors i mean it could point towards someone outside of the house as well is that correct in fact yes thank you also i hear scarra drinks a lot of beer i uh no questions you just hear it uh will the prosecution call the next witness to the stand i don't got [ __ ] right now but i believe pokemane might have someone to call we'd like to call bailey t vaughn to the stands yeah right there so absolutely who swears in the baylor baylor swears herself in [Music] it's one life pokey's canadian and she knows the life do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god yes i swear i'll flick the victory it does feel weird but let's go with it okay yeah order i live in the sad house what a twist this court is small damn do you recall seeing or hearing anything suspicious [Music] i heard nothing on the day of the crime interesting did you see anyone that doesn't already live in the household entering or leaving the house i did not see anyone entering or leaving the house on the day of the crime if someone were to have taken the painting from i'd like to present exhibit c the place where the paintings are held if someone were to take this do you know where it would be located within the house i didn't even know the painting was missing okay well since the painting did go missing do you know where they are typically kept on the wall there where is this wall located within the house it is this wall you're talking about yes yes that is our basement chute room so it is located in the basement correct are there numerous ways to get to said basement only the stairs or the elevator you have a goddamn elevator in your house weird flex but you know foggers is it outside order in the court indeed anybody could have taken the stairs or the elevator down to grab this painting within or outside of the house because nothing was seen and nothing was known and there's no evidence that point to my defendant michael reeves over not only anybody else within the household but also outside of the household [Music] correct no more questions thank you i have a couple of questions for the bailiff bailiff hard job huh feels like everyone's giving you a hard time out here no respect no respect right yeah how much is a job like a bailiff pay i could probably 15 an hour 15 an hour yeah it's about 30 000 a year on average doesn't really pay the bills in california does it barely so you might have to find a second job at the night time is that i'm at this place called offline tv and then i come here on the weekends hmm never had to go to the streets for money objection just asking questions caleb just asking questions the average seller for bailiff in california 63 000 per year wow we'll discuss your pay later anyway any more questions no she wanted to know if she's a stripper do you have any more witnesses i do i would like to call me young to the stand the gardener the hell is that who is that i think the birds are in the building you look like a level one rpg character no weapons in the club i'm not weapons i'm a gardener are you selling something i'm not playing i'm selling vector knives in the courtroom do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth yep could you identify yourself to the court uh i'm a gardener i work at independence house are these your tools yep what does this do it just trims the hedges so you trim the hedges at this house uh i garden it but a lot of their stuff is fake so it's very minimal these tools seem pristine in a way these all your tools yep every single one of them interesting now gardner were you there at the day of the incident yeah doing what you're gardening hard weren't you hmm did you ever have to pee while gardening yes interesting often because reports show that you sucked down a lot of starbucks that day where did you get that information don't worry about that just concerned about the amount of times you might have gone to the bathroom and if you had seen anyone coming in or out nope well that's all i got how are you doing on this fine day i'm doing good thank you i'm happy to hear that so on the day in question you said you were there gardening although you said you did not have much work to do is that correct now not having much work to do did you stay a long time ordering the court order sorry so did you stay into the wee hours of the night when this incident occurred i could have yes did you see anything suspicious no it was just me could you account for anyone outside or around the house i didn't see anyone you didn't see anyone the whole time is it hot also here if it's hot you have to drink a lot of water to feel better are you can you accuse me of something here no i'm just wondering about your water intake how much water a lot of water how much is a lot over a liter under a liter enough water you're typically peeing on average at least two three times a day is that correct that's true what you're gonna do with all that paint yeah you gotta do something with it right and would you happen to perhaps want to place it on somebody's painting no no it wasn't me i i found something there and it's that found something where ah the scene of the cry when you guys are indicating it i found dark pink hair you found dark pink hair at the scene of the crime where this painting was vandalized and pissed on and poured beer on and what color hair does michael reeves the defendant have not dark pink no further questions i have a few more questions for you garden me up you found dark pink hair you didn't bring that up when i was asking you questions talking about your gardening tools for a while didn't bring a pink hair i felt like i was getting accused i had to clear my name now walk me through who lives there let's go one michael reeves two poke and mine three does michael reeves have dark pink hair does pokemon have dark pink hair no does scarra have dark pink hair no does lily peach who have dark pink hair i think her ends do are a little bit dark pink the honor i have a new witness i'd like to bring to the stand would you like to bring forward denographer lily pichu pornographer can never have a day off man why are you so angry hey everyone oh hi it's great that the bailiff and the photographer worked at the scene of the crime you live there yeah it's so crazy small world war can you remember the lines then do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth i do let me proceed lily pichu is it stop typing for a moment i'd like you to identify yourself to the court i am lily i'll write it down for you continue lily b i g l i a r do you know what that spells lily that's right it spells big liar you have dark purple hair only at the ends not the entire thing it would take too much time to die at all yeah it's too much time yeah sensical saving time is important to you isn't it so maybe running all the way to the bathroom wouldn't be as convenient as pissing on a painting i would never piss on a painting like that like this that's a goddamn why do you you hate that painting i love that you've told me in confidence that you hate that painting that's nice and that you had to go take a nap you hate it was playing valerant i love skara's artistic skills you were jealous mr reeves please sit down that's an excellent point judge you told me you ought to take a nap that day you said you couldn't crank 90s i was sleeping that day you said you couldn't create 90s you said she couldn't cry i hear he says you couldn't crank 90. i love that painting that painting is one of my favorite paintings you're an artist aren't you i am an artist that's what as one artist to another i appreciate scarves she does art does she she does art she likes a huge passion for art i do love art you live with her don't you i absolutely do and not many people in this house paint none but her scar paints and i love scars painting but maybe scar's painting got a little too much attention maybe it was too big not too big maybe i got a little too much maybe his ego got big and maybe the detention was taken away from your pace [Music] all right i think we've heard enough here bailiff take the witness into custody where she will be charged with the destruction of priceless art in the matter of skara versus reeves [Applause] is totally complimented you on the old offline tv art video you never complimented my drawing and i'm the only artist no tv wasn't even that great i just can't believe you would keep art against well i hope you keep that anger when you're in prison how many years am i looking at judge life can i have a lawyer that doesn't seem to double never thought it'd be you i'm sorry scarra for what it's worth today drawing jail another great court session adjourned thank you so much thank you for flipping me off and then the song don't you forget about me plays as we all lift our face woodwick went on to die of horrible hair and with this case coming to a close i'd like to thank everyone for watching this offline tv video please make sure to comment like and subscribe and we would like to thank our lovely guests for joining us peter blood meehan quarter jade masayoshi go check them all out and like all their stuff or else we'll see you so like what's the pay though [Music] you
Channel: OfflineTV
Views: 5,757,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, Scarra, Poki, Pokimane, Lily, LilyPichu, DisguisedToast, Toast, TwitchTV, twitch, Streaming, Vlog, Fail, Epic, Gamers, Streamers, OTV, Lilypichu Voice, OTV Plays, OfflineTV plays, Michael Reeves, Michael, Reeves, OfflineTV court, court case, Ludwig, Ludwig OfflineTV, OfflineTV ludwig, OTV ludwig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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