Rating 12 Skyrim New Lands Mods! | Skyrim Modding

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hey dudes my next big non Let's Play video is going to be basically talking all about the huge new lands projects coming up a few of the bigger channels have videos on them but nobody's really hit all the hidden massive ones out there they're hiding in the depths of the internet a sleeping Dragon waiting to be complete in the next I don't know 20 years or so anyway today I'm going to do a simple tier list of the new Lance mods that exist and I've played there might be more parts to this this because I can't hit everything that I've played in one go even after modding for a couple of years I'm only scratched the surface of new Lance mods though I'm going to be judging them on the beauty and largess of the world space and to some extent the completeness of the quests so if they're super buggy it will definitely affect the score so you know take this video with a grain of salt this is only my opinion I'm going to start with Beyond Skyrim bumma I played through a large portion of it I can see the skills of the BS ser ridle team here it's somewhat small but a good mod no coherent main quest but lots to do I'm very excited to see what they come up with in the future and the Beyond Skyrim team takes up half of my upcoming lists to be honest a tier Beyond reach I've not finished but I played a lot of it's a large World space with lots of features the people are multifaceted the quests are in Shades of Gray there are new creatures and huge dri influence there's a lot to do including side quests this is essentially a DLC also the writing is really good and I'm giving it an S tier for one of the best new land mods I've ever seen and the community will agree nyus folks dead and Halstead I'm going to rate these together because they all kind of do the same thing in a different direction they all kind of extend the Skyrim borders and add a small world space they're all by the same guy so it's an interesting idea just just adding a little bit of Mass to Skyrim's World space they're all about the same quality that is to say they feel like a decent add-on but they're not huge expansive quests like a lot of the others the voice acing is kind of me the quests they add are okay it's just like a little nice add-on to have some of the structures and tunnels and things like that are pretty cool but there's no real overarching theme I'm going to put it in the high seat here Chantell this was kind of hard to rate for me and I'll tell you why it comprises two gigantic World spaces probably each around the size of Skyrim I would say I both like and dislike Chantell for reasons it's probably one of the most beautiful world spaces that I've ever seen there are hundreds of areas and features to explore if exploration and survival are your thing this is the mod for you also there's a leadin from the island on the flip side there are a dozen humans in this massive World space only a handful of which will actually talk to you there aren't quests though kind's hunt by J Serpa is a good add-on for it there are lots of towers and small structures and there's even a very cool well-built City but no people in it like somehow this Mysterious World space with ancient civilizations and just nobody lives here which if you love exploration again that's great and the world space is awesome still I got to give it an S here for Style Beauty and expansiveness below Beyond reach the island is a smish world space where your goal is to survive and find a way off it's well-built self-contained is large-ish and that I would rate highly it also has a quest it's good for exploration and survival just like Chantell and there's a way to lead from the island into Chantell i' would rate it a solid beer sumerset aisle okay so George from zero Perry Productions took his videos down for of Somerset for a reason the mod author gets angry with any sort of criticism or discussion of his work doesn't like when people esmy it for some reason even though the number of references is Bonkers and there's a lot of stuff here the world Space is really wellb built and I see that there is a large amount of quests and things to do maybe it's just me but I honestly got the feeling that nobody wanted me to do Quests for them I kind of ran out of stuff to do I mean I've been playing Skyrim and RPGs in general for a long time but I just kind of don't know what to do next so I stopped playing it and I think he's of the philosophy that like older RPGs didn't hold you by the hand which is true but like I'm almost 40 years old I have a life I remember in moral wind when I was in college any NPC I talked to I had to read a novel and then just figure out where stuff was and I didn't have things to point me exactly where I need to go that's fine but I just don't have the time to do that anymore and maybe this nod's not for me so I'm going to give this a c tier HR Nest is a creation by the arcane University which is somehow attached to the beyon scym team I'm not exactly sure on the relationship it's quirky funny and has a well-built world space betal did a little add-on to it that adds even more quests it has a definite quest line on its own and things to do the voice acting isn't the best but beta is also working on revoicing it I would say it's on the level of the island but a little bit better B tier above the island assault on Bentwood okay I have a kind of bias towards this that I'm going to try and ignore there are a lot of cities one of which is a tree city which is pretty cool the interior of the tree city is very well built there are a few dungeons to explore there are no quests but there are a massive number of thur to fight bring an army and a good process sir I had a lot of fun playing this mod with the right trees and grass it can look even better it is a little flat but I love how ambitious the mod is I feel like if this had a main quest this could be Beyond s tier this could be on the level of what Beyond Skyrim is supposed to be and also I mean if you added a few features to the world space itself and by features I don't mean just like plopping things down in the middle of nowhere I mean you know it's Skyrim when you travel you're going over mountains and everything has lots of elevation but that's beside the point I I like this mod and I'm going to place it in B tier trying to be objective here and still trying to be objective rigore of cidel I'm not here to talk about the quests really the rigore series has been kind of divisive in the community but I like the writing if you go in knowing what you're getting yourself into rigore of cidel has cidel which is well built except only two of the cities are actually fully realized their Imperial City and bravil it also has a portion of hammerfell also good and Ros Kaa which on the North half has a frozen Wasteland but on the southern part is a densely foliated area and the transition between it is good like I like it all the world spaces are pretty densely populated with features and it fits the narrative very well on the whole I like rigore of Cal's World spaces I'm going to give an a tier below the others skygerfall this mod is extremely ambitious on the level of Sky Wonder or skyblivion to bring the world space of iliac Bay to Skyrim with the main quest of the Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall it was a fun mod to play and the dungeons are topnotch completely different from Skyrim's Dungeons and very reminiscent of the game that they came from completely original design although they were confusing like mazes had lots of elevators but that is also reminisce of the original game that being said the world space itself is kind of bare if you could just get a grass cach and traveled straight from Daggerfall to the dungeons this would be an S tier mod in fact one of the reasons I'm thinking about getting into some into modding is to add features into this cuz I really like this and I get that the original game TS Daggerfall was in a different era and this is kind of modeled after that it was kind of bare also you were just walking through a baren Wilderness and you'd see a tree every now and then everything was flat you just be like you rotate around and you be like wow that's a Sprite of a tree that's crazy I do feel like trees more NPCs and maybe more quests could really help the project and what's funny is sumerset isle is definitely a better world space but I'm putting this above Somerset Isle hammerfell shadow of dragonar you know what the land for this mod is actually kind of beautiful it has some new assets for buildings it has a varied biome it has a few surprises like a battle tower and huge trolls and rideable giant spiders the world space itself is very believable and that is all the good I have to say about this mod I feel like I should do a full length review of this mod someday which I'm planning on doing eventually for all the mods I played you know like I did on agents of righteous might I can cover all the bugs and I get around them and Etc agents of righteous might is a great mod but there are bugs hammerfell Shadows of Dragon Star is a well-built world space an okay mod and extremely buggy and annoying to play if it were just the world space I'd given an a however the biggest bug is if you try and fast travel you just ctd this is a known issue that's never going to be corrected whereas skyall makes me want to get into modding to make add-ons for this hammerfell Shadows of Dragon Star makes me want to stay away from modding like How could somebody craft something so beautiful I mean pretty beautiful anyway and just leave it in such an unplayable State also all the ridable stuff that's not horses just don't work at all and break your character the trolls appear to fly I get they're not supposed to be things that you actually fight but I brought a level 85 character out I wanted to demolish them and they just kind of flew away so I don't I don't know what was going on there the quest is actually somewhat okay except for the fact that it shoehorns you into being the dragon born which is one of my biggest pet peeves for mods like up until the end you're just some guy who's like you know figuring out this problem this wizard in this Tower you know and then you fight your way up his battle tower and the dude in the cage is like hey with no prior information about you you're the only one who can save us cuz you're the dragon born I'm gigachad not playing the dragon born guy like hey I'm not the dragon born there are other people doing stuff around here which don't let me get off on a tangent about being the dragon born or not being the dragon born which that I actually kind of already have I liked in Oblivion where you were just some guy up until the point in which he turns into shogo wrath the champion of cidel is just a guy Martin septum is the real hero or I guess the real prophesied legendary One D tier cuz that's the lowest score I have which stands for do not play this so anyway in closing your mother now this is definitely not all the new lands mods I've played it was just the ones that were at the top of my list when I make another one of these which I'm planning on eventually you know how I am with projects I just kind of start one and then I um just forget about them for months I've got a short list of the next ones I'm going to cover assault on Somerset moon path to Elsword chain of time pandia kagon Falls great C of nocturnal and if I play more mods before then which I I'm sure I will I'm going to add them to the list be sure to like and subscribe it's just a click for you but for me it helps me fight off the Beast that lives within me thanks for watching happy modding and see you next time
Channel: Enraged Bard
Views: 12,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrimmods, skyrimae, skyrimse, beyondskyrim, beyondreach
Id: L7e4tFGlips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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