Ratchet & Clank | The Completionist

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stopped what they were doing and made him watch it on the spot today I'm gonna do something a little bit similar I started the Ratchet and Clank series with reimagining that came out in 2016 well I thought it was a good game many people told me that I need to complete the original and that the frantic gunplay and exploratory nature the level design made the original ratchet and click Stan leaps and bounds head of the movie game we'll see if I agree when I complete the original Ratchet and Clank [Music] hey everyone and welcome back to the brainy episode of the completionist we don't just beat the games we complete them about three years ago or so I completed the remake of Ratchet and Clank based off of the movie tie-in I absolutely loved it I loved the world the weapons and I wanted more but a lot of people in the comments really let me know that while the movie game was a remake it wasn't quite the same as the original version and I'd be doing a disservice to the series if I didn't visit the original Ratchet and Clank so consider yourselves heard I picked up the Ratchet and Clank HD collection on ps3 and that's what we're doing today completing an older version of a game that I've already featured I guess you could say that's this is the first episode of old game Plus as I mentioned in the previous episode Ratchet and Clank were one of the duo's vying for the ps2 mascot dominance and they were in for one hell of a fight their rivals jak and daxter were created by Naughty Dog at the time Naughty Dog was known for creating the mascot champ of the ps1 era Crash Bandicoot but insomniac the devs behind Ratchet and Clank weren't just some rookies they created an immensely popular mascot in Spyro the Dragon he was clear that this was going to be a battle to the death with only one pair of mascots left standing or it would have been if both companies hadn't been so chill as soon as Naughty Dog heard that insomniac was working on Ratchet and Clank they walked across the hallway knocked on Sam niang's door and offer to let insomniac used their jak and dexter graphical engine for Ratchet and Clank insomniac said of course they made some tweaks and the two companies kept swapping tips back and forth in order to create the gorgeous backgrounds and stretchy physics for both games this wasn't a battle for supremacy this was two companies at the top of their game working hand-in-hand to create the best products possible and thank God they did Ratchet and Clank has become easily one of the most recognized PlayStation properties ever and it all started from two rivals working together it brings a tear to my eye the original Ratchet and Clank starts off with ratchet working on a junky spaceship that won't stars we then cut to Clank being manufactured found to be defective and then sent to be destroyed he learns of Chairman Drex plan to destroy many planets and escapes the robot plant Clank then crash-lands on Beldon ratchets planets where he is recovered and is prepared by ratchet Clank has the ability to pilot ratchet scrappy ship and the to set off platforming and shooting on two different planets and that's exactly what they do save the galaxy by platforming and shooting Mega Man would be so proud but the shooting is completely different than Megaman in fact this is the first game that combined third-person gun battles with platforming so effortlessly so much so that Naughty Dog would take this idea and add it into Jack - now the remake was really easy and I expect more of the same from the original just run in finish the levels pick up collectables and get out I will have to do the secondary challenge mode but I'm feeling pretty confident as you may know buddy 3d platformers are indeed my specialty [Music] the original Ratchet and Clank has so much personality that it makes the remake look bland in comparison and that's saying a lot because I liked the remake this can be seen in the look of the world and all of the NPC's but this is especially true with Ratchet and Clank so in the remake both of our leads had the same goal save the galaxy from direct because he's bad but in the original we actually get two characters that are forced together by similar goals clank wants to stop dragon sea of the galaxy but ratchet is completely different he has a teenage surfer accent and just wants to finally get off his home planet and see the universe now these parallel goals show off the pair's opposing personalities perfectly Clank is by-the-book he sees the good and everyone and always wants to do the right thing ratchet is selfish impulsive and sometimes violent but his heart is usually in the right place this dynamic leads to a ton of interesting moments like ratchet intimidating an arms dealer who tries to buy Clank or Clank hiding information from ratchet because he knows how immature he is something I didn't expect was the two of them hating each other for most of the game but this hatred just made their reconciliation at the end that much sweeter compare this to the remastered version Ratchet wants to be a hero but is deemed too small Clank lands and gives him a hero's quest the two set off and save the world it works fine but it doesn't feel nearly as satisfying as the relationship does in the original game the point is Clank is completely secondary in the remake he only has top billing because he did the original game but in the first game he earns top billing he even has my favorite story moment in the whole game it's when you reach the end of the robot plant where Clank was manufactured and you meet his mom she's just a computer screen but you can see how important this is to Clank he then tells his mom he'll try to make her proud and as he walks away the computer screen says you already have this was supposed to be a fun shooting platformer it was never supposed to get me in the fields the original Ratchet and Clank earned moments like this and because of that I think it's going to stick with me a lot longer one of my favorite things from playing the remastering was the weapons holy crap are they a lot of fun making people dance with the groovin ater turning people in the Sheep with the Sheep inator and mr. zircon oh my god mr. zircon these weapons were all awesome and I was excited to see how they originally looked and functioned and truth be told most of them were in tier it turns out that the remastered version took the most popular weapons from the whole series and put them into the game although this is really cool it did make the arsenal in the original game look a little lacking but that's not the say that the weapons are bad in fact I hadn't absolutely blast with all of them it started off a little bit rough because I tried to stop and be tactical but the lack of strafing in the game made this extremely difficult I soon learned that the best and most fun course of action was to rush in guns a-blazing and it was really satisfying especially with the way it sounded anytime I whacked something with the wrench shot it with a missile burned with the flamethrower it sounded incredible honestly this game may have the best sound design of any game from the ps2 era smashing a box with your wrench and getting bolts is just as enjoyable as picking up a ring in Sonic Ratchet and Clank features a challenge mode that you need to repeat at least once so to maintain some variety I used every weapon a good amount of times and I did have a few favorites the visit bomb is a fun guided missile that is great for taking out opponents from far away and the suck cannon was incredibly useful for sucking up weak enemies and firing them at bigger ones these were great and I wish they carried on throughout the series the upgrade system is a lot simpler as well instead of an expansive leveling chart you are able to purchase a gold version of ten of the weapons these usually only dole out more damage but some add additional effects for example the blaster upgrade also allows the shot to ricochet around the level this is nice but it feels very basic compared to what it would become but the strongest weapon remains the strongest from every Ratchet and Clank game and that the Rhino an abbreviation meaning rip you a new one most weapons are purchased from gadget Ron vending machines and range from 1000 to 40,000 bolts the currency in the game this beast of a weapon can only be bought from a back-alley arms dealer in one of the city levels and he charges you a whopping 150 thousand bolts for it now you won't get this gun on your first run throughout the game but it is worth it when you get it let me put it to you like this the final boss is incredibly difficult and can be a rough time especially if you're low on bolts and ammo but if you have the Rhino it takes less than two minutes that's mind blowing overall I think I still prefer the guns and gameplay in the remake there just seems to be a lot more thought put into them and a lot of them seem much more useful but then again the original gave the groundwork for all of that and if you don't have a good foundation you can't build anything and the original ratchet & clank provides a very solid foundation [Music] every choice in the original Ratchet and Clank is made to improve the atmosphere of the game and push a sense of exploration throughout each planet most platformers push you on a path and tell you to go from A to B but not Ratchet and Clank you land on the planet see multiple paths and get to choose one without knowing what objective it will complete and that's kind of exhilarating let's look at the first planet nobilis you look forward and there's a platform that will lead you down into a battle field to your right you can see what looks like a water plant with lots of platforming opportunities and behind your ship there is a stream that leads to a lake with a big metal door you can start with any of these and be equally satisfied with what you will find the game doesn't force you in any direction because the correct answer is the one that you the player make in order to support these choices Ratchet and Clank have a ton of gadgets in their arsenal to make traveling easier I personally found the most useful ones to be clanks hella pack or jet pack to give me a nice long jump in the swing shot that lets me lasso onto specific markers and swing my way around the planets a lot of these planets have extra missions to hover board races dogfights and spaceships and even Clank levels although these are a few and far between they do a great job of breaking up the monotony and just shooting all the time now a lot of this is the same in the remake except for something very important there are actually the less levels in the remake than there are in the original and in my opinion that's kind of ridiculous if you re making a series even if there is a movie tie-in don't you want to remain as faithful to the beloved original property as much as possible this sense of exploration is further emphasized by the level selection screen more often than not you will unlock multiple planets at the same time meaning you can choose which planet you would like to explore first each will have different objectives and the screen will tell you what you have left and if there are any gold bolts left on that planet when you select the planet you actually get to wash your ship travel to that planet it's much more interesting than just watching a loading screen that gives you tips on how to do things in the game that you've already done just like the remake did while bolts are the main currency and are used to purchase weapons golden bolts are a rare commodity that is used to upgrade the weapons mentioned earlier these aren't just lying around more often than not you have to go off the main path and traverse them platforming sections or blow up a secret door sometimes you can't even get to them yet because you need a specific gadget or weapon you'll just have to use your memory to go back and remember where they are however towards the end of the game you'll find a device that helps you find each of the bolts on the map making this task much easier yet this does not help with skill points skill points aren't even less straightforward than those gold bolts in order to earn a skill point you must execute a specific task that is not directly mentioned in fact the first skill point iron was on accident I realize on the metropolis level that I could shoot the ships flying past me so I kept doing it and eventually I got a skill point you can't look at these on your first playthrough of the game skill points become available for view in your first run of challenge mode all you get is the title of the skill point and then it's up to you to figure out what that means some are harder than others but they're all a lot of fun I never got this feeling in the remake I just ran to the level figured out the thing I had to do and went off to the next planet I enjoyed the game but I didn't want to do everything over and over again it was very clear that the remake wanted to focus more on being a game attached to a movie than just a good game this was especially true when I replayed the remake in challenge mode so in the original challenge one itself is not that difficult in fact I often read that it was more of a replay mode than a challenge none of the enemies are stronger the only difference is that you get to keep all of your weapons and bolts are earned much more quickly essentially a New Game+ this is absolutely necessary to unlock the gold weapons and the Rhino but it's most necessary for the most difficult trophy in the game almost every trophy in the game is linked to a plot point a skill point or obtaining a specific weapon or gadget every trophy except for the bolt collector trophy this requires you to find 1 million total bolts throughout all of your playthroughs on one save file of ratchet & clank this was going to be the grind east of all trophies I did the math and at the end of my second run-through after all that time I was only able to acquire 550,000 bolts that means I had to do a minimum of two more playthroughs to get that trophy that's another 30 hours of gameplay and I don't have that kind of time so I look into the easiest way to make quickly legitimately I could go to the first giant Clank battle and do that as many times as possible I'll be making about 2,500 bolts every two minutes so that would take about three or four hours of me repeating the same two-minute loop over and over and over again I was not excited to do it but that's the job then I looked online a glitch to get infinite bolts and it seemed easy to do so I went for it in order to make this glitch work you need to have beaten drill gar have the heli pack not the jet pack and have bobbed the taunter arrived at realgar and go to the area where you can enter the hover board races high jump to a specific tree and keep tapping X you will jump into the roof of a nearby building follow that roof towards the end and make a long jump holding the jump button and as you float down the hover board track will appear land on it and continue down the Raceway once you get to a specific spot start using the taunter this will cause boxes just above you to brake and respond over and over again until you eventually will get 1 million bolts now this is not the fastest way to get to the million but you can take a rubber band and put it over the circle button and go about your life but honestly I wish I had the time to play this game two more times I was excited to try another to run through with weapons that I haven't even used yet I wanted to see how fast I could beat this game I wanted to take my time and explore every nook and cranny of these levels and if that isn't the mark of a great game I don't know what is [Music] insomniac was always good about rewarding players for doing everything and Ratchet and Clank is no exception if you purchase every gold weapon you unlock two bonuses there's a making of video as well as some commercials that came out for the game these are hilarious and make me wish that videogame commercials were still this good for collecting all the skill points you will get two more bonuses the first which you get at 15 skill points is a sketchbook with original designs of the characters weapons and planets these are paired with short descriptions about the process and are really interesting to read once you get to 30 skill points you then unlock the epilogue this is a series of magazine covers that shows where all the characters are now with him showing that clank is now a robot sex symbol as well he should be when I completed the original Ratchet and Clank there were two full playthroughs but I wish I had time to do a couple more 30 deaths a majority of which were me trying to explore everywhere 36 gadgets and weapons obtained ten of which could be upgraded to golden weapons 30 skill points earned because I am skillful and like to break random things 40 gold bolts discovered because I am the Explorer of worlds 31 hours of total playtime and one ending that will probably be our only episode of old game plus getting awarded this much feels fantastic especially when some of the skill points were really obscure all these rewards are great and are an excellent example of the game still rewarding the player long after the story is done and the fact that I want to continue playing Ratchet and Clank after completing it is kind of mind-boggling to me hopefully I'll be tackling going commando soon I'm so happy that everyone of the comments of my first Ratchet and Clank video told me to play the first one right here it was so much frickin fun and I can see why it still has the rabid fans that it has to this day I feel that when it comes to comparing the two it definitely feels like comparing Star Wars new hope to the force awakens they're both great and the latter definitely has a lot more polish and backstory put into it but there is something about the original game that will always make it a classic hopefully for generations to come so with that of my guys I give this game my completionist rating of complete it that's all coming up today guys so please as always let me know we just about today's episode somewhere on the internet and hey if you liked the show leave a like leave a comment what episodes you want to see here on the future of the channel and hit the subscribe button if you're new hit the bell for all notifications we do new videos every Wednesday and Saturdays and we try to be too intrusive that's it that's all guys we'll see you next week for another brand new episode bye
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 442,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ratchet and clank, ratchet and clank collection, ratchet and clank game, ratchet and clank gameplay, ratchet and clank review, ratchet and clank hd collection, ratchet, clank, game review, game reviews, completionist, jirard khalil, insomniac games, funny, review, playstation, jak and daxter, jak and daxter review, jak, daxter, naughty dog, ps3, ps2, retro games, ps2 games, ratchet and clank ps4, fasting with food, intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting diet, fasting diet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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