Donkey Kong Jungle Beat | The Completionist

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Scukojake 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
so before we start today's video I wanted to do a special thank you and shout out to a couple of guys out in Toronto you guys may remember it from our video last year on Mario Kart 64 and how John and Patrick from HD RGB consoles gave us an intelligence before that was modded for RGB these two guys and their team essentially love modern consoles for various functions from outputting better image quality to making consoles region-free while they sent us a Nintendo GameCube with an HDMI mod and this thing is super sick today's episode that you're about to watch isn't recorded entirely with it and I wanted to send a big thank-you these guys been hooking it up if you want to pick up a console today head over to WWE RGB comm these guys can actually service your console if you send it to them and if you end up some your console to them let them know I sent you they'll give you a 10% discount off your order these dudes also have instagram a Facebook and a YouTube account that you can check out for more details of different consoles behind the scene looks and just the quality of certain videos they record to show off their mods once again a big thank you to HDR GB Constance Joyce Hayes episode on donkey kong jungle beat weirder is better give me novelty over cookie cutter any day in video games too often designers stick with the same old same old approach instead of blowing our collective minds with something super different some games look to the Past for inspiration while others do their own thing and some of those are controlled with a mini Bongo set when games throughout the PlayBook can get weird they stand out they might turn out strange and frustrating but damn it they are memorable watch me conquer when it's flat out the most insane in tendo game I've ever played when I complete Donkey Kong jungle beat earth [Music] hey everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist but we don't just beat the games we complete them now we're all familiar with Nintendo there's a special place in my heart for weird Nintendo and Donkey Kong jungle beat is weird Nintendo to the max Donkey Kong jungle beat is like an improv scene that never stops saying yes and the game starts off crazy and keeps getting crazier resulting in a never-ending parade of insanity that is outrageously fun to play it's the weird controller experiment that shouldn't work but it does the result is a hidden GameCube gem that is one of the most unique and awesome Nintendo platformers I've ever played so the lifecycle of a Nintendo console almost always includes some crazy experiment to the peripheral that only works for like two games the og NES had things like duck hunt and Rob the n64 had the microphone for Hey You Pikachu and the Gamecube had the bongos for this game and donkey konga all of these will eventually be used to somehow be Dark Souls and make us all look like jackasses the unique control scheme of slapping the bongos to move combined with clapping to stun enemies and grab stuff is a huge draw to this game but it's not the only one jungle beats presentation is shockingly good in a surprising left turn from a lot of the previously established Donkey Kong aesthetic my boy DK definitely visits some familiar looking jungle rific sites but he also visits the freaking moon jungle beat feels like an origin story because this game is so light on plot details I'm left to fill in the gaps with my imagination friends my imagination ran wild with this game first off it's just Donkey Kong no Diddy no cranky not even king K rool Donkey Kong shows up and basically lays waste to everyone and everything that steps up to him while amassing a legendary banana hoard it's refreshing to play a game that doesn't give a hoot about a plot jungle B dives right in and basically says to the player either get on board or don't bother playing you want a story wrong game you want to know the power dynamics of Kong I and unacceptable I'm here to smash drums and bash faces even in this game does not give any kind of justification whatsoever so picture this if you will this is what's going on in my mind this is what I think and feel here's the plot of Donkey Kong jungle beat Donkey Kong is running for Senate that's why he's wearing an awesome tie his behind-the-scenes campaign manager cranky sends him out to canvass door-to-door winning the hearts and minds of the jungle the beats those are the folks obviously DK has to collect as many as he can and at the end of each level he has to prove that he's the Kong of the moment and win the seat by beating the boss in the debate ladies and gentlemen Donkey Kong jungle beat is the true origin story of how Senator Kong became the senator that's my cannon and I'm sticking to it jungle beat is an extremely streamlined game it seems brief but there's replay value everywhere every levels full of bananas inexplicably called beats and finishing a level with more beats earns different crests the game tells you there are bronze silver and gold crests but it doesn't tell you something vitally important that there's a secret Platinum crest to earn as well and you know I just had to get those platinum crests to see what they would get me this game is divided up into several kingdoms each named after a different fruit each Kingdom consists of just two levels and a boss fight and these bosses are unlike anything Donkey Kong has faced before some of them even have the word Kong in their name which makes me wonder is DK going around fighting as cousins or is it just coincidence this game seems short but acquiring platinum crests requires me to reach at least 1200 beats per Kingdom that's probably more bananas that I'll ever eat in my lifetime when I say that jungle beat is a crazy game I mean that it throws out everything you might think you know about Donkey Kong to make something entirely unique it's a fringy game that somehow feels like an extension of the DK universe and the whole presentation makes jungle beats stand out the world of Donkey Kong has always been strange banana Birds explosive barrel Tech funky Kong and yet somehow jungle beat ops everything that came before it in terms of its weirdness this game has monkey ninjas that will murder DK with shuriken in ice iguana that can only be defeated by throwing explosive pineapples while riding some kind of snow new there's even bird racing entire levels where Donkey Kong swims through floating blobs of jelly like he's having some kind of Smuckers themed fever dream I even experienced a Free Willy moment before burrowing face-first into a giant pineapple it's completely wild and I love it I love that jungle Beach draws on Nintendo's own history for inspiration there are definitely shades of Pikmin in Jungle beat as DK will sometimes fling himself off the stems of flowers ten times bigger than he is there's plenty of Mario touch tones mixed up in Jungle beat two game directory Yoshi soccer Koizumi would even go on to direct Super Mario Galaxy I'm not going to bet that the space level in the star fruit kingdom was an inspiration Donkey Kong jungle beat has original ideas of its own - I've always known that DK is strong but to see the way he takes down enemies in this game made my jaw drop DK doesn't hop on enemies to defeat them or toss a barrel and call it a day he mercilessly destroys enemies with the ferocity of Kratos himself I didn't know how badly I needed one of my favorite Nintendo characters to pull out the tongue of a spiky frog until it explodes I was speechless watching my strong boy punch out the eyeballs of a towering spider and the sleep eat chicken monstrosity getting pummeled to pieces was incredibly satisfying jungle beat has the honor of being rated eat Plus for cartoon violence it's the only donkey kong game to be rated like this and I think it's due to how much DK trashes his enemies best of all none of this is given in any context there are characters on screen between DK and the giant magical fruit that marks the end of the level so they have to be demolished it's the law of the jungle it's interesting to see what's been stripped away there are no Kong letters no bonus barrels there aren't even hearts to show how many hits DK can take it's all about platforming and the combos nothing else matters everything on screen reinforces this core of the game to be clear jungle beat isn't a rhythm game it has some rhythmic elements and timing your slaps and collapse is absolutely crucial but the platforming isn't necessarily timed to the music I got tripped up a couple of times because of trying to clap along to the awesome tunes only to completely mess up a combo I was going for and flubbing up some jumps it might seem counterintuitive but in Jungle beat the player is the music that makes any sense it was almost easier to get high scores on levels if I turn to the sound down since I couldn't really hear the music over my frantic Bongo playing anyways another weird visual thing there's a corner of the screen devoted to DK it's a close-up of whatever he's doing in real time now I have no idea why this is here and to me it didn't serve any purpose whatsoever in helping to complete jungle beat there's a lot of stuff flying around on screen at any given moment and to have a whole corner of it devoted to the Kong felt super weird and what's even weirder is that I didn't even notice it after a while I thought the strangeness of jungle beat would be off-putting but it's actually endearing I love their enemies in this game that don't show up in any other DK properties I love that DK is hyper violent in how he deals with enemies I love the little helper monkeys in the background partying along to the music and giving DK hints on where to find more bananas every level of Donkey Kong jungle beats feels like a tall tale that DK tells his Kong family with all the absurdity that you can imagine think you're getting a traditional Donkey Kong Country game wrong normal controls with buttons in the joystick wrong again with its out-of-the-box control scheme jungle beats smushes platforming conventions into a ball and then hurls it into space as if it's to say get out of here normal I see well it definitely has some kinks when it works the game feels amazing to play on the surface it looks like jungle beat is another running and jumping affair about a banana hoarding giant ape the pong goes what make this game sure I could play this game with a game cheap controller and yes I know there's a version of this game for the Nintendo Wii with the more traditional controls but screw that noise I want to drum my way to glory with a pair of plastic bongos and no one's gonna stop me jungle beats was made with the bongos in mind while they were originally designed for the donkey konga games the bongos are used here in a way that is both infuriating and amazing while donkey konga focused on staying on beats and music jungle beat involves precision jumping item collecting and of course combat all of this is done with the controller that feels like Guitar Hero's baby cousin I felt almost like a puppeteer and the bongos were my strings I had to tap and slap the bongos perfectly to move through the levels Donkey Kong has as much mobility in this game as the DK series the backflips wall jumps and ground pounding that would make even Mario jealous but all these moves are executed with just two buttons and a microphone sensor to pick up claps if it seems like there's no way that this could work properly you're partially right the first four kingdoms of this game banana orange watermelon and Apple felt easy i earned gold crest without trying too much and thought to myself you know what I got this I am one with the bongos bananas were plentiful and gathering them with combo tastic jumps flips and claps felt sublime but nothing else compares to the epic boss fights especially against other Kong's they make me feel like I'm entering a crowded political debate field to show why I'm the best Kong around to run the jungle go with beyond this it's one giant gorilla versus another surrounded by cheering fans who can be swayed one way or the other clapping to dodge an attack and staggering an opponent it's like watching a rival fumble and easy question and pummeling them into oblivion is like making a witty and member will come back that goes viral does anyone else see what I'm going for here Donkey Kong for president 2020 I want vice president Diddy Kong Secretary of Defense chunky Kong and held the human services funky Kong that's right Alex's are funky Kong is coming for you now the other bosses aren't quite as memorable and the same types of fights repeat as the game goes on at first I thought it was lame that the bosses didn't change all that much but by the time I fought this giant terrifying bird for the fourth time the battle had gained several additional layers of craziness to unlock the most creative and difficult levels in Jungle beat I had to bend the bongos to my will I mentioned before how jungle beat was lying to me when I said it was only three crests per level to unlock but getting the Platinum crests is the only way to fully complete this game and see some fun and credit bonuses Platinum crests are the ultimate show of bongo mastery because it's not about just finding secret potassium filled stashes in the level though of course that's a part of it all but becomes vitally important is building up and keeping your combo meter every time DK performs an aerial feat like flinging himself off a giant flower or bouncing off of an orange squishy blob he tracks a colourful little sparkly thing these indicate how high the combo meter currently is and how many beats per banana will be earned this also means that a single banana can be worth much much more than just one beat and if you get hit or touched the ground the combo resets there are entire levels built around the goal of keeping the combo alive and never touching the ground thus elevating the tension to be built up insanely high when I was earning Platinum's I was either smashing the bongos like I was auditioning for whiplash or clapping in a frenzy like it was a curtain call for Hamilton I was literally working up a sweat playing this game I was building up calluses on my hands from the intensity jungle beat burned off more calories in three levels than we fit did in three years it's outrageously satisfying to hit 1,200 beats because you have to work for it physically now I haven't played the new play control version of this game on the Nintendo Wii but I can't help but feel like the bongos are the way to go the rest of the office might say that the bongo slapping and clapping is loud and makes it harder to get editing done but I'm the boss and I say the bongos stay bongos are awesome you guys [Music] jungle beat does adhere to one rule of Donkey Kong games incredibly difficult but also satisfying jungle beat rewards the player with more levels to play with the more crests I earned up to a certain point mastering the combo system and exploring each level thoroughly were the keys to unlocking some secret and credit screens and while I understand how some people might want more I was totally satisfied of how I felt after completing this game there are 72 total crests to collect however you don't need all 72 to fight the secret final boss gastly king you only need 51 crests to get this battle going this final fight is a rehash of the fight against cactus King though it is a bit harder after defeating gastly king DK is joined in the credits by the other senators I mean Cox the he defeated throughout the game no hard feelings everyone the credits also show some great tips on how to build up better beat combos that were genuinely helpful to earn the remaining crests it feels amazing to earn all of the crests however once you get all 72 there isn't really a concrete reward more characters joined DK and the other Kong's in the credits specifically these adorable colorful little min gems and after the credits are done the level select music changes I wasn't all that bothered by these cosmetic extras I earned that background music and those alternate credit screens and I had the sore shoulders and tired arms to show for it when I completed Donkey Kong jungle beat there were zero deaths because I'm the bongo King that never lets his beats drop below zero 72 crests earned in the shiny Platinum's 13 hours of total playtime with plenty of calluses on the palms of my hands to prove it and one fantastic underappreciated accessory that I dearly hope comes back in some form or another for future Donkey Kong games Donkey Kong jungle beat is a wild ride it's fun it's ridiculous and does my favourite Donkey Kong games tend to do offer a whole lot of challenge while not completely pushing the player away I wish there were some more concrete gameplay related rewards and since the game is so short and fun I definitely had a blast the entire time so with that in mind guys I give this game my completionist rating of complete it [Applause] complete it that's all time for today guys so please as always let me know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the internet if you liked the show do me a favor hit the like button list video leave a comment down below on why you did what we do also hit that subscribe button and click the belt to stay up to date on all notifications regarding the show we do new videos on Wednesdays and Saturday guys I've been drug completionist check out HD RGB consoles in the description box down below and we'll see you next week for the brand-new episode bye
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 352,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donkey kong jungle beat, donkey kong jungle beat music, donkey kong jungle beat review, donkey kong jungle beat gameplay, donkey kong, jungle beat, review, game review, game reviews, jirard khalil, completionist, bongos, donkey konga, nintendo, gamecube, hdrgb, kong, tropical freeze, donkey kong country, donkey kong review, donkey kong gameplay, donkey kong country returns, mario, diddy kong, super mario, donkey kong country tropical freeze, donkey kong 64
Id: 5fg91E1-M6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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