Bisnap Streams Enter the Gungeon - Part 240

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I seek a new enemy and no health is like oh no this is where I go I didn't get many brown chests I want more brown chests gun synergies because they're all insane oh I keep forgetting that those guys are stupid and don't have a consistent way to tell which direction they're going to go besides actually watching got wall mimic in the kill pillar fight today I haven't seen a wall mimic since the first day I was actually pretty great but I miss them because they're cool noise thanks I needed that oh thanks I needed that man I wish I could find a rainbow chest that's not a rainbow chest shut up game while I'm responding in hallways creating silly but at the same time I kind of liked it because I had one chased me all the way through a floor because I didn't I was just like ignoring it for fun and I killed the boss and then he was just there and I was like oh my god is really good I enjoyed that oh I'm opening then you can't stop me oh okay well I'm winning now you can't stop me oh right I should check what do you think I need ammo for came yeah the master round also haunted me forever but I feel like that might still be in the game I don't know if they fix then ghosts of master rounds pass Audie this is gonna be so nice against the rat because I can just absorb all of the bullets that are threatening my life what is item reload stone it increased like it increases my reload speed for everything passively actively absorbs bullets and converts them into ammo for whatever gun you're holding and is insane but I need like you know a key drop video game because I would like very much to go to the secret floor you know no I haven't been the gun night stealing ah I need I think I can i what stealing but I want the reload stone because that's how I win against the red I can't take the ability to steal over the reload stone Chad that would be a foolish fool of a move yeah I need this dude to drop the utility belt that's all see exactly what I was asking for nobody dropped a key so we're good also balloon guns do the same so that's cool too you're right this is what I get for not being the pilot I messed up by not being a pilot but balloon guns insane so we're good everything's okay absorb the rats fists I'll try I'll somehow find a way to use my used item during punch-out maybe they didn't code it out this gun is like silly amounts of good with the reload stone just because you can fire it's so gosh-darn quickly I got no money for that that's fine absorb it with my face that's what's likely gonna happen like I have almost no doubt wow these dudes have been appearing everywhere lately it's been really weird almost messed that up how it fizzled taught me to stay close to enemies to shoot them what a true good lesson my god he has a key has a boxing glove that's funny and I'll have anything to gun munch to ate your master round and killed you mine dropped my master round into the pit after the dragon and it was lost forever that was my favorite wow you're so nice alright well we will see the unboxing go up for punch-out maybe it's a set go Volvo oh my god thank you for the 56 months and the tier 2 sub thanks so much for the forever and extra support you got moved by the explosions I've been bamboozled yeah I definitely just shot that thing with an arrow what of it I was gonna go between them once I saw that I had been an idiot for you know the millionth time in the last second hey give me the bullets oh we're out oh that one came back I got so scam boozled dude Oh 56 whole millennia that's the real Stratis the boss yeah I tried not getting hit that would be stupid have you tried suggesting good strats instead of bad strats Jay Davis thanks so much for the prime sub thanks for using your free sub on me homie appreciated a lot okay I have to save all of this money because I actually don't have very much so chances are I'm only getting one chest this for thank you yeah balloon gun gives you plate if you get hit it pops and you have no more ammo and it doesn't give you a plate anymore doing it yes what does this synergize with reloads star okay sure does blanking reload me and one of life's many questions oh I guess that's what it does all of my observed bullets deal damage to enemies okay your shot and can deal damage to enemies Elise that's pretty nifty you get out of my life okay so I do have three blanks per floor now I'm just gonna pop them lazily though I can't afford to buy stuff because I need to save for the key and it's already gonna be tight oh my god not that it like matters but now you probably keep the observed bullets I can't see why you wouldn't I think it's just an additional thing you get the ammo from the man you get to jeez I kind of feel like I should munch the laser rifle but at the same time the crossbow is gonna be really good I just need to get a little bit of ammo for it yeah we'll just keep what we got we're doing all right why shoot the chest cuz I couldn't open them I had no keys there's a chance I get something out of them from shooting them I forgot to get the crest I'm an idiot oh well I only do that like once every year I'll just get hit before I get to the secret floor and it'll be okay anyway laser rifles been okay just like already this floor so at least for now it's fine to have do I get more money now I mean if I'm lucky I get more money Oh God see I got hit because I was messing around so rolling over tables is really bad because it doesn't give you any immunity so it's like literally you should never do it excuse me she was stuck aiming the wrong way what's up with that I don't know I've seen a lot of awesome synergies so far okay she's not stuck again I want that but I can't get it stiff arms yeah you know how it is happens if you flip a table while sliding over it what a strange bug I was too fast it's true the lowercase R is pretty excellent okay so I got hit like five times it's fine we can you we didn't need the crest anyway just would have held me back [Music] it was worth it in the end I wasn't ready Katzie so I have one heart saved right I need ten from the boss in order to be able to afford the key and I didn't even spend money this is just like bad luck such as life I guess now like this dude nope I saw where that was going you better drop ten okay you drop ten we're good barely though well it sucks master round two will only haunt me if I drop it and leave it behind probably probably so balloon guns gonna be useless against the rat because I'm gonna get hit and it's just not gonna be able to be used anymore but I can reload stone I got a I gotta remember everything hinges on the reload stone what do you think I want to teach your can afford I have one extra blank because I have the amulet so good on that one why thank you yeah he's a very good boy yes I'll just get the makeshift cannon real work and then the rat will be easy get Spindler thanks so much for the four months sub thank you very much for the continued support ah they're so fast I wasn't ready ah don't eat me now oh I escaped I'm insane I didn't get eaten okay so this is the rat lair there we go well dodging the bag seems kind of inconsistent to me but that's okay well gamer thanks so much for the three months Wow I have yet another blank now hey-oh indeed I don't have any of those things appreciate you sticking around cool beans everything takes like at least three hits right now but I reload fast so it's not that bad you have two keys your hero that I can't afford to you know make use of your services but maybe later [Applause] Oh God there are too many of them there are too many of you all right keep going if only I could steal have a patriot it's okay I wouldn't be able to consistently fire the patriot very much against the rat so it's not really a rat gun it's just a gun but I could take the m16 instead that looked like it hit me I'm gonna be real with you what spiffy spit these facts thanks so much for the prime sub dude thanks for throwing your free sub my way appreciate it that's a room so that's not a secret room and that's also a room so that's not a secret room alright good talk whoops Oh need then that barrel was halfway in the wall all right everything's going great except my keys my boss fight against the rat is gonna be awful and thus is my problem aren't I halfway in the wall I didn't think of it that way I might be is this this is new how much is a key 35 I need 70 if I want to do Winchester and a key I mean Winchester I can get a better chest in the green so Winchester is the choice but like come on dude I need some help I think I fight the boss first oh I can believe no I can't balloon gun cheese that sucks but I was like I can fly like wait a minute but then I don't have the gun out this doesn't work that way what the I press yeah dang it I pressed it and it was like I'll activate a little later so then it didn't activate that's unfortunate I really would have liked that health up that I should have had oh I got a key how nice I got an ammo back also how nice not a synergy not up 70 so I'll open before shooting because it's not like I want junk oh my god wolf is this energy no I wanted my dog to have a friend that it could love and treasure yeah the reload stone degree inflate the balloon gun or it should but it's not like I need ammo for anything more than I need it for the balloon gun you know wait I want to try something no I didn't wow that's that's my angle I guess oh I thought I'd had a real shot there that was really early yeah well still as good as if I had bought a key what does vorpal gun with four-foot bullets that has to be a synergy right so I have 29 left and there's nothing for me to buy a value that would also cost 35 I guess we're doing I mean we're probably gonna die this time but we can do our best lucky crits against there at I mean if you know maybe but probably not I don't have a freezing gun so chances are I'm dead because that seems to be the only way I can win this fight Werfel gun in vorpal bullets don't do synergy the thing that's the sad [Music] check Winchester can you lock pick the right key lock I would imagine not because it's a special key but that would be funny right right he's just chillin in the wall now I hate this room just because it has all these dudes being jerks all right that was up so now we right there isn't a wolfdog synergy that's why I'm not getting it that was pure luck that's all I gotta say about that Oh reload stone this is actually like much better than normal I can't believe I'm actually using this huntress dog isn't the dog item what that's stupid hey am I missing ammo for like anything else not really comparatively nothing of value now what's my play here phase 1 and up with this and then phase 2 with reload stone and balloon gun now you can't drop the dog item even the one you can buy you can't drop that attack doesn't strike me as fair but that's the only one that I actually have the opinion of being unfair oh wow cool transition I had time to react to that yeah awesome normally it goes really fast so that time it decided to go really slow oh I couldn't see them because of the green that was cool too oh my god dude yeah I've beaten the rat just not the UM not punch-out I haven't been punch-out all right there goes that Stratton that kind of works I don't understand that one either oh cool you spawn on me I hate that it can spawn these things these suck yeah getting into that one kind of sucks too I just don't get I don't get this boss to dn't all right let's try robot see what we can get away with but I didn't figure out a little bit regarding the big pattern attack that one I understand a little more I see a workable strat but like I don't know cuz a couple of the things that I just kept getting hit too in the first phase at least I don't understand what makes them fair I'm not saying that they're obviously unfair I'm just saying I don't see how they're fair yet do I have anything left to unlock probably well I hope I get a sell creep cuz that's frickin useless like I mean I'm sure they're probably unlocks like is there there's got to be an unlock for being the advance dragon right I just said that that item is useless yes I want you I can actually afford it to you let's see what happens this floor well the explosion I was staying far away it's just like the things go a random speed you have no idea if the ones that are coming at you're gonna go fast or slow or if it's gonna do a fast one in a slow and at the same time it'll hate you and you can't roll twice and like a lot of the things that I get hit by seem like it's because I have to roll twice but I can't roll twice fast enough or I have to you know be able to read something that by the time I'm able to read it because it's already hit me at that time is re too late but I'm sure there's something that I just don't get in Brij synergizes with mutation no I'll keep that in mind I guess playing on controller is completely preference yeah frame traps seem that seems like a good potential word for it but like how do I avoid them and it's like okay if you do this one thing then you're stuck but how do I do something else because that one thing is the only option to avoid the first thing that I've seen again I'm not saying that's how it is I'm just saying that's how I that's all I can figure out which is why I'm getting hit obviously [Music] 91 Wow I'm a rich boy okay so I didn't get a key but I can afford both the key and speed up and we'll probably still be fine especially if we get a sell creep you get money from heart from health ups yeah I should have done that before using the keys since I actually want drunk has the robe it it's over there so robots like probably the worst possible character for me to attempt the rat as but at the same time I'll get hit a lot so I'll get a lot of free blanks and that's what I guess I'm banking on this is the third run the second run died to the rat so it was only a half hour you get money for health up items not for parts why are you like this that's okay I probably don't want to go fight the old king anyway because I'll just get hit and lose help that I needed for the rat yeah and the fastest robot in the West now no one's chasing me I don't know what happens if you drop master rounds is the robot I've never tried it man why did you shoot right then that sucks now I've gone and wasted health that I need nothing so you don't lose your armor why I no use active doesn't make much of a difference so you know it's gonna be awesome when I don't get a single heart key drop for that black chest that's nice we've gotten the unlock for sliding over tables yet no didn't know there was one oh good right now that's good I'm glad that won't actually hurt this boss at all because it just produces Oh news thank you an online mouse for the 38 month sub thank you so much for sticking around god that's so many months I've been around so long appreciate it a lot ok I need to go over yonder the unlock is pretty bad well that's fine I still have to do it I'll just slide over as many tables as I can in the future eventually so you ready for this boss to not drop a key because I am that's my clone in there where my makeshift cannon oh man what if it were makeshift cannon I'm good at things in this game when I've done them a lot I'm not good at the rat rap makes me look like I'm bad at this game what a surprise can't be there I'd have been a sneaky one yeah that's foul right never gonna find it I feel like this floor is like literally unable to drop keys I just thought I don't remember the last time I got one and like the key change honestly I think is bad now it's just so inconsistent like I didn't mind key minute because it was consistent [Music] okay what can't be there I'm not gonna be [Music] I'm never gonna find this thing and it's not gonna be worth it if I do anyway okay I shot up that room I didn't shoot up this room and I checked the shop and it wasn't there [Music] the wall cracked where did I teleport in here are you trolling well the big room what big room dude this one next to the boss are you talking about one with a teleporter in it what there isn't a big room with the teleporter all right well this sucks I only have six more shots so so yeah yeah whatever I give up I used all my ammo this game sucks where do I just use a blank is there a room I haven't really shot I don't think there is I think I shot all the rooms so it's either there isn't one or it's in the crest room or I just missed the spot that I had to shoot and my life is tragic I hate this game dude I hate the key change it's just it's bad oh well I mean there could also just not be one that Flor likes to not have secret rooms in predictable locations like it doesn't tend to be next to a special room on that floor and I just it's really hard to find because of that that doesn't happen to me infrequently now on that floor since the patch like removing key manip made keys so inconsistent I didn't think that would hit me honestly that's why I didn't roll I didn't think he could actually catch up I can apparently with the change the first and second floor do have guaranteed keys in the shops but the first secret floor even though it's between the two isn't the first or second floor KC though I want it I actually don't really want it as this character and I don't have the you can have five I don't have the crest so it's not like it matters and I would have just lost the crest anyway due to that explosion yeah the fact that I'm not even guaranteed to get one keeper floor is just I hated but the rest of the update is really good maybe I'll get another black chest sometime why you spawn an enemies bro that probably should have hit me that probably should have hit me as well yeah it looks like the rat notes in chest stop after you get all of them cuz I haven't had one since I got the last one one day he'll die okay I still got secret rooms and chest rooms all the time so I don't think it breaks the generation but yeah you know I could be wrong it does mean that it's like you never have that chest room that is three rooms away from a teleporter so that does make it slightly less reliable for that particular case I guess so it probably does change the locations that you get them sometimes I can get rid of my curse why are you like this video game I really hate you this game wants me to be sad today that's too fancy chests that I've had to shoot that one not even because there wasn't a key but because it had a fuse and I didn't know it was a chest room so I couldn't avoid going in oh yeah got a slide over there you go we did it oh they made that an item I assume it spawns a table that's okay I never remember that I can pull fuses out I literally have not once remembered that I could do that of course this time I actually couldn't but like there's never been a situation where I remembered my ability to do so oh I would clear with just the robot starter pistol anyway the robot I've done full runs with just a robot starter gun it's just like it's actually really really good it's stupid the fountain removes curse so I had to curse I removed to curse each Kherson removes cost five oh I got the broken spot this guy's messing with my day I've perfected the angle now megha hand no that's fantastic I'm app dude great awesome thanks you're the best how did you know what I wanted um man what do you have for sale a cheese sketch thanks so much for the 45 months have nothing for sale thank you for the continued support appreciate that a lot oh yeah greases that is correct the update is great so far besides the removal of cumin and I suck at the rap but that's like not the game's fault that's the fact that I don't understand how to fight again so a lot of its taxed and don't seem fair so far hopefully that will change and I'll understand them and they'll seem fair but they probably are fair just you know it's a personal problem for pads now that's a lot Hey why are you like this I am I'm just I'm fed up what did I do to deserve this I just I don't understand whom did I wrong I can't get close enough that's fine now this is the rat room okay that was because I suck but you know whatever who needs health I don't have any items I'm just gonna have a bad rat fight it's gonna be great we're just alright I don't have any keys I'm just gonna go in oh it's not even I'm disappointed it wasn't this energy chest with a fuse I mean come on why wouldn't it be or maybe a black chest with the fuse I mean why not it must have been a horrible person in a past life to deserve this and I should use my activator I could get a rainbow chest and I'd still lose to the rat new chests locked Rainbow chest that's yeah that's the kind of chest I would find rainbow chest with a fuse and a lock yeah it's just for me oh hey guys I didn't get any keys so I so far I can't go to the rap floor oh yeah hmm this run is killing it I only have two blanks so I can't blank in this fight oh good I ran into a bullet if only they had keys in this game but I guess who would want such a thing no no pub G tonight Monday or Tuesday probably I wish I hadn't walked into that bullet dude so I swear the only two floor three bosses now are cannonball rug and tread not those are the only two bosses that I ever see I've seen mine player like once which I guess you know I shouldn't complain about but it has a new room layout yep that is a lot easier so that's kind of nice heck I'd even take a door Lord at this point I'm so tired of fighting only Canon Balrog and tread not oh yeah like no keys ah this is my favorite so I can't go to the rap floor cuz I can't open it let's see if I can find a secret room huh now look at this sad excuse for anything why is this game doing this to me if only I had keys to buy the brick of cash that would probably help Alan I mean I have to continue this run at this point just because I have to see if I ever get another key in my whole life I love this more generous drop rate business though it's really it's really doing well this is really what the game needed no I mean honestly at this point I actually just have to continue to see if if this is like my destiny I have to see just how much with misfortune one man can endure see if there's another synergy chest that I have to shoot maybe another black chest wouldn't that be fantastic no next I get a black chest in it there would be an achy but I can't open it you know or a shell at some key I don't care either way I can't open it finding secret rooms in this game is pretty random I don't mind that because it's not often that I actually need them and like a lot of them are pretty good so if you could find them every time that'd be pretty powerful well I already shot the black chest that had my cloning in that's my problem I had my chance and it was it was shot all right good deal honestly I will find a locked Rainbow chest on this run this is like this is the only acceptable ultimate point in this run this this is how I reach my breaking point use my item I guess [Music] you had me thinking maybe it's a good thing maybe I can use this and that was good it's good secret room I was joking about this when I was watching the pre-release streams that people were doing I was in Austin chat and I was like I'm gonna be the guy that gets no key drops for a whole run and can't open any chests that's gonna be me after this update I was like surely the drop rates are better than that surely that's you know me joking around because I'm unlucky sure but I can't be that unlucky right the drop rates can't be like that that can't be possible I just I don't even know I don't have any words it's a miracle nice we just witnessed a live miracle too bad I already shot my third synergy chest huh I wonder I wonder if anything could have been done to prevent that put it back this is clearly a mistake I shouldn't I shouldn't take that that's like when you find a hundred dollar bill on the ground you don't like you know and it's like in a store so you know it's like someone was just here and they dropped this or something it's not like outside and it was flowing through the wind what not someone lost it like a mile away or something no it's like indoors so you know but it's something you should turn in but you you keep it that's this situation right now I found that in error hmm I would like to fight with commando nice all gone immediately I'll kill it eventually yeah I did spend 115 on a giant key that I didn't get to use because keys don't exist isn't that wonderful maybe not P lowers key drops but that hasn't been my experience before still removing human it was bad right like I've had plenty of money the rest of the run too so it's not like that hundred fifteen mattered I couldn't have really used it for anything in value and of course I couldn't have used it on keys pretty sure I bought the only keys that were available my mistake was assuming that the drop rates would give me another key because I used the second floor key that I bought I'm pretty sure I was like yeah you know drop rates they're fine you're not fine Oh oh I miss buying one key that was my mistake commando it's okay because this run would have absolutely died to the rat anyway well I come on did I have to shoot three synergy chests in a black chest did that have to happen maybe the black chest would have actually made it possible maybe it was actually gonna be the makeshift cannon then I would have beaten their ass maybe one of the synergy chests would have been insane I mean no it's still kind of would have really sucked I'm not going in there that one I I have the foresight to see what I'm walking into you know the game let me know hey there's a chest in this next room if you don't want to shoot another synergy chest you shouldn't go in here yeah these Excalibur the any of these have synergies with stuff I have not that I have much stuff commando and beehive our recipe for the stinger oh that's neat I certainly wouldn't mind having a singer Excalibur does synergy with the knife shield is that a new synergy or an old synergy cuz I never pick up the knife shield it's a new one okay I'll buy Excalibur then can you can you go thank you [Music] throw all day gross those look the same I'm gonna be honest with you it's not an anything on reload [Music] maybe it's just a knife yielding yeah I mean they also said chance for two layers instead of one which would be cool I'd be into that certainly not guaranteed though okay maybe there will be another synergy chest maybe I'll shoot it out of spite throw the knife so I'll throw the knives next time sure I mean you know that's good okay well I'm not getting another key so we get to we get to live our best life of shooting more chests my favorite thing would do you need to carry Excalibur and use the you mean have it out I'll do it oh yeah yeah so I got to open like three chests this whole run that was pretty good I'm pretty hype about that goodbye my knife friends sure just send them your way so that's nice actually cuz I can have the double and then I get a bunch of charge back really fast and then I swap and then I swap back and then I use it to dodge for a little bit and I send it between attacks and then everybody's dead it's good stuff do I have any no I don't have anything that I want to use particularly much for final phase yeah nothing strikes me is gonna do much more damage than anything else as far as one two cycling [Music] and what a run thanks beautiful all right so everything cost like 40 so I can't buy this I don't need that I can't buy that can't buy that shot the chest already because I knew I wasn't getting another keys so we're good let's get out of here maybe the nod key will open up the advanced Lich that's one person gets so unlucky with keys I knew it was coming eventually this game has it out for me I just want to be friends but this games like wait I don't have to give you keys anymore screw that [Music] okay shot the important thought it was gonna be a key and I'll be like you're a little late game we tried your best though [Music] yeah in a world where gunjan doesn't have to give you keys one man whoops I was definitely reading chat I'm just shooting it now I don't care if I get a key later yeah last last run I did get a lot then the rat killed me because I don't understand it I also did run out of keys last run though like I did have to like I had issues on the fifth or fourth or fifth floor so it's like yeah I had a bunch of keys at the start but then I stopped having a bunch of keys and that's the thing I'd rather have two keys per floor then like eight keys one floor and then run out I so much so much prefer the consistency that we used to have this is loop ah I just want to protect my knives I love them yeah I think guaranteeing a key in in the shop just like no matter what or like someone else suggested if you get a key drop instead of making like just make it so that the shop is no longer guaranteed to have a key once the key drops instead of once you pick up the key you remove key minute but you still get a key for sure I like it still sucks because you don't get two keys guaranteed but like at least you get one key guaranteed that was a key I did get one we found a mythical creature oh I actually used all of the mega hand that doesn't happen too often do I pick up ammo for the sniper rifle I did a [Music] little bit haha they removed them because they couldn't make a great key fun but they may be a key da key that's a good key I'm not aiming I should start aiming okay this was all worth it thinking about not being alive anymore awesome and then that's the bus we did it I had the that's fine don't worry about it I didn't have the hexagon I never would have a hexagon I deserve that that extra bullet just chillin there you know what I'm gonna use the hexagon I mean it's Chunkin pets right I got it from a chest so clearly I wasn't supposed to have it that's too far [Applause] what a wonderful world alright now I'm gonna actually use like guns all right I have to shoot this from forward from the wall or it hits the wall nice it's not a big deal I'll never understand why they nerfed explosions destroying bullets like yeah it was good but like so that's okay I was about to roll to like I was about to roll well all right how much happened right after this that'll do for a while so probably actually get the kill ah you got his shield up just in time to defeat my shield [Music] maybe there is a super hexagon and it's a synergy with something I just don't know what it would be with honey comb Emma make sense the shelves
Channel: bisnap
Views: 4,151
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: enter the gungeon, gungeon, bisnap plays, let's play, bisnap gungeon, bisnap enter the gungeon, dodge roll games
Id: ABCdD9lp-lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 18sec (5538 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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