Enter The Dongeon | Enter The Gungeon #1

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[Laughter] [Music] the convicts the pilot does this even matter the hunter she's got a dogs I'll pick her I guess Oh have you seen that misguided spirit it's her manual is it too low now it's over to Ilona actually is it's alarming enough [ __ ] trust me what [Music] [Music] you're loud again it's too loud we go one down that's the sweet spot confirm [Music] bad because you know I'm a god gamer I do so ease it is this for me I look like a scrub to love I'm a controller please why why do you want me to play like you played a pistol this is the final boss [Music] I'll probably one chuggers chaotically [Music] [Music] her name they did it once and risking with the kids she was weird Minh nice okay that one now but what is this I've won of this what is this this is coins one silver key all right [Music] [Music] now the worst weapon against them still and gone white why [Music] [Music] [Music] I needed a gun too before killing the boss did I don't did I I'm actually a [ __ ] guard gamer - what's the difference between classes you made this game I'm gonna destroy it and Giselle won-jin guys think what's up man all right wait what does this cancel it's making me lag positive reference increase gamma as there are six levels trying to know gun-sling it isn't even kill your pass there are differences between the characters right that's my dog do anything Jesus Beecher choose as a not getting hit is putting four nice just wanted to one too loud they were perfect super secret weapon Wow is there anything useful in rooms ever versus a waste of time other waste of time [Music] I ordered play the boss easy hard to kill the boss it was not the boss what is this silver key is it a kilo [ __ ] Oh third face the menu mo food what wasting ammo with it all right wait is this the boss around what I was a shop 20 coins for these [ __ ] off little bomber wind-up gun so case it is keys half a heart hearts are very expensive little bomber now I want this 135 all right we'll get it then [Music] to any point exploring this at all watch those two in ages thank you sir oh [ __ ] look I need teeth for this and I got [ __ ] Oh what is this I got something active items briefly stops time the bell appears to be made how do I use it how do I use it I can use it more than once right i Facebook my affianced items on room clear oh he said my dog said my dog keeps on to company yes it's a she though she has a good nose of treasure but all chance to train him in the cupboard has failed okay space and now it goes on cooler did I waste it not a waste oh my god so long cooldown not good how do I take down this oh my god the Clintons insane [ __ ] lost limeys [Music] thank you [Music] why can't I open it Wayne rub Jesus Christ crap secret I need two keys I'll open this in this side of it is the item this [Music] this is an item thanks for the Oliver what it means stole my item I still have all mine and I don't have any armor anyway I didn't take [ __ ] give me this one oh yeah you can shoot chest and open them that sounds like a lie the quiz I mean in damage open eyes the clip empties okay so does more damage I'm shooting shop why not cheese all right I found something [Music] oh why doesn't take it on my Swami by keen shops under money pointless [Music] boss alright yes [Music] mm-hm [Music] I didn't see [Music] I say no it doesn't break that sorry does [Music] my turn [Music] shut [ __ ] you and you think I'd pull here let's try to treat him [Music] [Music] and they go [ __ ] away what I thought I did that thingy okay sure dude I had to bail I can go in this or a silenced iron that was a practice round today as practicing without any abilities on all the mechanics so now we're good on all the mechanics where's the meth [Music] I don't know I'll guarantee I beat the game now what dumb [ __ ] I'm not taking that I want to accept that attack [Music] - easy easy room this is the boss it's a shop guy again t-shirt cannon that sucks blunderbuss sucks what is this smiley face something for the collection I will compensate you [Music] yes the bazooka Hegeman it rifle it was awful the senator should write for all manner of packs a decent punch but they actually leaves much to be desired nice a good one [Music] [Music] Racing animal kappa it is a hardship stay for later what does that mean use it later function and this secret real mega what the [ __ ] did he come from [ __ ] goes I'm done how'd I use it how they use my art how'd I use it you know at the shop it's good [Music] Jesus something's broken tell mr. Kamin [Music] [ __ ] bomb I hate those bum why is that question mark a writer this what the hell is that that [ __ ] did I just get a bit more damage armor why is it spelling ailment [Music] is it worth opening this uh-huh [Music] [Music] with the aim on this is so bad [Music] right the key our finicky oh it's right there but this shows here on the mini-map sure you saw it this is a good run don't die now it's always the same first boss Terrance Kevin skip this [Music] I have the worst character I think can you do a shitty attack again kind of mailing me okay one attack patterns nice got'em [Music] easy where's my life nice mo refills [Music] well is this fires replication of plan fires replicas of planets from a fictional solar system collects all eight due to a trigger president is very much am I missing a thing is something here get the boss whatever easy first right actually first right maybe you can shoot Uranus [Music] somebody's broken [Music] issues different weapons different planets where why is it green what is happening what was it goes green [Music] this gun is out of this world [Music] [Music] it's poison what is happening so confusing the boss arrested us to the boss I didn't mean to go in I didn't notice the boss the photos I wasn't pretending GG [Music] God gamer that was actually the boss it was it the boss but that was in the boss I think when someone's taking my items you're probably explore design solution what's up [ __ ] if someone's still here I'm frozen Trentino weapon has all kinds of effects very cool well what's the one of us was it it looks like pick up harder was I took George I'm saving it like don't you understand I'm saving it are you pretending sir [Music] [Music] change my gun I like this gun I'm almost out of ammo as well and more refilled that's why I use it easy clap I'm hitting America what it's huge okay God [Music] [Music] first try I got much money I have look at my money so we should read sharks or reload well this is the boss I already did the boss two bosses miss secret I couldn't go in there is any way I can break it we're gonna miss secret shoot the door there's a pressure plate it's all [ __ ] secret shut the [ __ ] up [Music] it's all kind of different effects very cool we can freeze like a poison very cool weapons and I got it stop pretending what do you mean stuff pretending shut up I'm trying to bait you guys I know I've been baited so many times if you want to explain to [ __ ] out all right thought you baited in chat boys [Music] there's nothing here nothing here [ __ ] that back got it and a weapon upgrade where is it there it is a half a heart I'm almost already done with the game kids Damon goddamnit coming through if you see a crack in the wall use blanks near it dripping use phalanx yes moon scraper why do I get so many things why don't you roll why should I roll I'm not taking any damage where can I shoot myself m'lady let me save you how do I save her no okay don't you just need a normal key well why is an empty room its selkie key it's a keyhole you baboon well do you know that keyholes have different keys some keys might need normal keys some keys might need specific keys a gold key so it's not the same key I've been using Wow thank you [Music] this lever sucks one shot what isn't it dies it's actually the most broken weapon ever [Music] that in fire baboon uh-huh prime primer c4 hip holster ammo I don't have any passes right I need something passive active like what is prime primer my keys I can just break it apart Dark Souls 3 DLC question I've wasted whatever you want bold component the primary is one of the first gun Dead to ever walk the gungeon it still trembles the Energy's released when the bullets struck passive nice so it does it does more damage [ __ ] keys I'm not gonna buy keys look at extra damage I do the passive Brian primers are stored out of milk cake yeah and I know you're lying but nice try I guess I have to google it or you're lying bullet component the story I don't okay I'm actually gonna be a Google game ran let's see you then enter the gungeon prime primer that's Eden Chet let's see if you're lying but after the top I'm a popover prompt always used to make a bullet that killed that that passed what you need to make after you get what a waste of my money Burma has has it use if you bring it to the embassy in chamber what the [ __ ] actually wasted [Music] let's beyond when you play this game you google every item in the shop see what it does let's be an old light in which I don't live see I can just shoot it open see I didn't have anything in it [Music] [Music] let's go a woman [Music] am i hitting it I'm not hitting her at all we have arranged [Music] nice thanks we're leaving gaps in it god damn taboos what is this time first shooter the lady oh no no what what the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god you lucky [ __ ] we get extra items if you don't get hit [ __ ] uh-huh I know where that can unlock by chooses weapon I figured up foot I guess a new weapon cold reality I can saved a woman now for his good man unique weapon AI was bought two freezes enemies okay a lady Oh finally I knew it would be a while before someone came down here but sees me as a new character we're going back to shopping for a long time to come by myself you should come by we can visit the bridge [Music] nice a new character right it has to be a new character [Music] oh my god can't see anything there's a guy here [Music] okay [Music] this team does not save its role game [Music] nice try sir but the hell hit me what's up the [ __ ] hit me what is bubbles it bounces back to me [Music] secret is no secret liar as someone said I could roll through it thanks sir what is that bag I know it hurts me your poison third die what is this bag [ __ ] that guy easy clap [Music] I don't know what this does this hurt me I don't know okay I did it what is this Maggie's one of my islands oh what the [ __ ] sir it appears eager to join you on your quest now [ __ ] off it's very frustrating oh wait I don't want you as a friend so I'm sorry sure nice new items what did I just get I got that thing a secret it's a trap for them I wanted agree near kill them oh my god I clicked purely I should not a [ __ ] down with you I need a shop to heal right now he's executioner what okay there's no way to know his attack [ __ ] [ __ ] inside that much attack feelsgoodman it is a hardened here yes [Music] not good come on I'm dead I did it what is done but nothing without an item like they're doing like [ __ ] good item appreciate if you did not follow me sir sure goddammit coming through I can't oh my god it's a bullet in it [ __ ] hell I did not oh my god I need a I need a shop right now I can see I can see it's not shopping it by right remember there's a shop [Music] [Music] bottom right always death the shop I thought it was a bomb so I have not played a game before that I didn't know I'm sorry I was just experienced social interaction I'm obviously pretty autistic which is why I enjoy your student what do I do ignore him half a heart what is this oh I can give away my weapons I don't want this [ __ ] weapon sir there you go what do you give me this one is low a new gun pogchamp philu gun grants flight while held but prompt pops when damage is taken can refrain with an ammo box they're coming for a way what i fly why is that useful I can go over like water and stuff [ __ ] you old man I don't care what you say by heart I did that's all I could buy this battle no thanks that's his Easter broke the one his weapon is broken as hell I kind of want to try and go over this but if I die I'm gonna piss okay [Music] don't take damage god oh my god gave me strict again with why is there question mark here they're an item what does that mean is that this middle thing all right there online oh my god [ __ ] happened uh-huh oh nice crutch you need it coming through that's a misis of a sort everybody needs a little help sometimes with a crutch every bullet fired will really a heart it'll try really hard to hit a target even if they mean correctly I don't really need that can I break it I don't need that maybe it's good for this weapon I said only one guidance I got him that's the poison [ __ ] I cracked how I open it [Music] [Music] what do we know that it's clearly a crack Oh No I'm on a dire what can I jump I can use a balloon bomb yeah use the balloon weapon here see ya what oh it's like a puzzle well see ya going an active item finally bullet components before the great bullets fell the country's already master uses pottering you say both kids still mine it from the earth waiting for what the hell does it do what am i story never [ __ ] lucky I need ammo right now you see the power of this [Music] because it may be children I'm a little bit for Boston got him enjoy us sir and what is this but it's not well oh not yet okay that's fine this is your boss - yes I got three keys well we only got weapons with [ __ ] weapons active reloads probably second benefit of a bad enough dudes and chickens actively reload how does that mean I can click at all okay I got this there is this third boss at him and I'm going to turn them [Music] I don't have any part [ __ ] Oh juju boys let me tell em I got [Music] [Music] oh my god where's the new character my character is [ __ ] awful on a plate a woman what I got active item ma let's go guitar in custody front upon but why okay I'm very active for the deals extra damage for a short time after getting hit how do I switch character I want to be you do you have a chance to pick law can only be these one Spurlock it's like we're never this is super good this is price is a shop but I was able to walk to talk his way and almost anything usually gun flights Chris active item kept see this guy's broken clearly see how to browse through coughing and ammo drop I worth a new character Island top left is the tutorial I can't jump over and again what the hell is that you can't cheat what the [ __ ] you can cheat [Music] [Music] I mean I unlocked them I can bite announcer with it okay I'll take this one I should buy everything I don't care I'll buy everything [ __ ] you can now drop in the game all right very cool in same progression let me try one more time and let me beat the game now I know the attacks of the bosses what was my things again unlock yes stop Chris price of shops is very good and increase active item capacity and it's like a maximum anime guys [Music] nice try brother [Music] what was the dog doing them the dog didn't do anything what was the point of the dogs with the woman still I still pick them up [Music] [Music] and she was good you're right nice nice Levon a quick way to get around or bring in an item to you how do I use to active unofficial actives now then I wasted [ __ ] okay now use this aha I don't need to waste which pistol any witches in the chat tries to transfer mollify at the which possesses a strand of a scent a magnum of trance trance you can make their opponents trance okay [Music] right I don't what does it mean save it's super strong let me say consume out the map Wow wrong Oh this click a sawed-off benefit space my bad no one survives my bad give me two [ __ ] ass like that [Music] [Music] wasting ammo then they point in killing the chicken [Music] [Music] this weapon look how much I admire but I'm not wasting I'm gonna stand it you missed it oh [ __ ] I'm sorry [Music] yeah over here [Music] I can steal items like grappling hook nice I don't need this Rochard I assume this is some logic tell all of us it's this passive items rocket-powered bullets that sounds very good I'll take it passive increase full speed and power known for her impatient nice don't steal too much I don't need anything anyway see ya [Music] which I can say at first [Music] anyone here hello when do you blend [Music] I don't have to beat himbeat himself that's the beauty of it that's find a bus no you need water yes of course and the chicken is blocking take your we from an elephant over here accordingly solo apparently when I attack is well I get it back when this year do this the chicken of the work [Music] haha they didn't work and hoping normally not wait Doug break the lock when they do that little one [Music] I break the log-house I supposed to no doubt I get it anyway now gold junk nice that's not bad just next time you use a key next time use a key oh I broke the best chest in the game no way cuz I've got like a slightly better weapon [ __ ] Oh No [Music] you know damn it [ __ ] you the servant [Music] good all my god I miss my bonus cause I'm gonna I do not damage my what was so bad Oh I've been wars - oh my god how did I get hit by that - life hard game law you know if anyone in chat played it they would get so [ __ ] it in the ass man y'all know it I'm pretentious I am making it look easy I know new weapon nice room that circulates the room then explodes what tonight myself I can't attack what is this they're looking for to beat up once take a break come back later [Music] can i play some goats yes no born to reborn a query 7 syndrome is when you go to right now if you want to watch that [Music] where can I touch but as done [Music] this is a joke is this supposed to be hard what the [ __ ] hit me did I just hit myself I didn't think I could hit myself did I think definitely [Music] oh is this something broken so he's actually broken and slow as [ __ ] like what am I supposed to do and Chris [Music] bro can you [ __ ] die already gonna pluck for you bro any secrets the secret here don't worry boys I don't choke you again said wreck this time you're not even gonna live when Achilles tricking as well [Music] oh look at me I got a big sword oh my god uh-uh I forgot I have the grip crap we got one run I am on some thanks Rick God gamer coming through I said I always break it right and what's the point doesn't them just here is awful I got it anyway Goodman yes yes hello-oh prime primer [ __ ] you for that gamma-ray let's see what I want I want to ring alright don't know I don't want that I want to have my thingy a [ __ ] you so drunk how do I sell it can I sell can only have two thanks for telling you by the way to bring comparing that's very good that's very good I don't have any weapons whatever [Music]
Channel: AdmiralBulldog
Views: 28,727
Rating: 4.8062282 out of 5
Keywords: AdmiralBulldog, alliance, Enter The Gungeon, All bosses, Gungeon playthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 15sec (4575 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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