Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB of RAM oh My!

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hello world this is Chris with elevations doing an unboxing of a nice new beautiful product we just recently received so as you can see here this is the Raspberry Pi 5 the 8 gig ram version this is the first time I've ever even seen one in stock anywhere so I went ahead and picked up two [Music] [Music] [Music] so since we do have these new devices out and we are pushing in with a lot more of our robotics classes especially as the VEX IQ season ends we're going to be doing a lot more underwater rockets and other types of labs over the summertime figured to pick up a couple of these Raspberry Pi fives as well as some more raspberry pi0 W's so we can work on our projects so let's go ahead and actually open up the Raspberry Pi 5 8 gig version and see what it looks like inside notice it does have some pretty easy instructions open here if you haven't had a chance to actually look yet take a look and see how they put these in boxes it's a really cool automated system that they've put together that the actual robots that actually box these up are powered predominantly by other raspberry pies so opening this guy up we can see a lot of extremely familiar things inside this box so let's go ahead and pull the guy out of the box we'll reorient so we can take a look a little bit easier and let's zoom in a little bit more as well so we can kind of look at the board itself so again this is that raspberry pi5 notice we do have those GPO pins that we are used to that general purpose input output pins so we have all that up here at the top and then we have a lot of other fun things going on notice some of the layout here is a little bit different we do have the PCI e slot over here and then we have USB uart and then the primary USB input uh something to note is I do believe that is requiring a higher amperage to power that now and then we do have these one and zero here it looks like it says Cam and display so it would be really nice and I don't know that for sure since this is the very first one if we can do a camera or display on either Port so that means you can do two displays or two cameras One display One camera etc etc so something to know obviously we do have these primary chipsets here before we've done these unboxings and Assemblies of a Raspberry Pi specifically with the Raspberry Pi 4B and one thing that I always suggest is you actually look at getting the heat SN kits because the primary CPU here will generate quite a bit of heat and we do have some of these other primary chips that also produce quite a bit of heat and to be able to ins you have the most longevity possible you want to make sure to keep that board nice and cool and then one thing to note that I know everybody's quite excited about is we do actually have a momentary push button right there as well let's go ahead and rotate so I did notice we do have that uart Port do we have a label so it is a J5 for a battery right there as well so you can plug in a battery directly to the Raspberry Pi so you have that little capability there now I do not know but it looks like we do have these open holes so it's very possible that we can actually solder directly into that and solder into a battery circuit as opposed to connecting with that J5 Port so let's go ahead and rotate so like I did mention before is we do have that USBC right here so that's going to be your primary input for power and then we have two more uh display port you do have that micro HDMI uh let's take a rot and see what we have so we do have that ethernet port right there then we have dual USB 2.0 and dual USB 3.0 the 3.0 is that blue interface here and you can see we have the gpio ports same location for the SD card connection and then all the standard stuff in the bottom of the PCB so you do have that SD card in the same location now notice you see a couple of these bits as as far as the layout a little bit different so your Raspberry Pi 4 case will not work on the Raspberry Pi 5 so that's something to keep in mind you can either 3D print or just order a Raspberry Pi 5 case uh so again to know you do have that pcie which is really exciting extra functionality with that Raspberry Pi 5 a lot more speed a lot more capability a lot more options and again the one thing a lot of people are really raving on is this push button switch right here again my name is Chris and as always I do hope you learn something today please like And subscribe below thank you for watching
Channel: Elevations
Views: 1,343
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Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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