How to Build a Pi 5 NAS (PCIe For The Win!!)

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Hello everyone and welcome to the workshop!  During the last video we set up the Pi 5 with   the HatDrive from Pineberry Pi, allowing us to  connect an nvme drive to the PCIe connector. So,   it's only natural that today we're going to be  building a NAS with our Pi 5. Before we get into   building, a little bit of a backstory. I've been  using this Banana Pi M2 Berry for a little bit   over 6 years now I just use it to share files  between my devices here home and also to have   access to some files when I'm away through my home  VPN service The reason why I chose this specific   SBC is because it has a SATA port it has been  working pretty well since I set it up but the   transfer speeds are not that great The years  just went by and I never touched it because it   was just working. But now, it's to do for an  upgrade. So, today I'm going to be replacing   a banana with a raspberry. I'm going to be  running Open Media Vault, or OMV for short,   on the Pi 5 and I'm pretty sure it's going to be  much faster than this old Banana Pi. But how does   it compare to the Pi 4 or how does it compare  to other SBCs that are not named after a fruit,   like the rock 5B? For this build, I'm  going to be using a Pi 5, a Micro SD card,   a Pineberry Pi HatDrive - I have a video on it  linked somewhere here - and an SSD drive and   this 3D printed case. The reason why I still have  the SD card listed is because OMV doesn't let you   use the same drive for the files and the OS.  So, I'm going to be installing the OS directly   on the SD drive but then my files are going  to be hosted on the SSD drive. And of course,   you also need a PSU. I'm going to be using the  official Raspberry Pi PSU but you can use any   suitable PSU. I'm also going to be using the  Active Cooler but it's not really needed for   this kind of build. But it's only $5 so, why not?  The 3D printer case is a design by Adafruit that I   made a small modification to be able to fit the  HatDrive to the bottom of the case so shout out   to Adafruit for providing step files and making  it super easy to edit the design. All in all,   the setup cost me $144. So, here's the breakdown. A Pi 5 8GB is $80. HatDrive $28. 128GB mvme was around   $15 on Amazon. SD card $8. PSU - the official  Raspberry Pi PSU - $12. And I'm adding $1 as a   symbolic amount for the 3D-printed case. This is a  pretty slim build with 128 GB of storage. I only   use it to transfer files between computers here  at home or to have access to some files while   I'm on the road. So, if you need more storage you  can find a 1 TB SSD for around $70 on Amazon So that would bring your build to about $200. So,  it's still pretty good. A quick note about the   case although it's a great design, access to the  power button is fiddly at best. You would have to   stick something in there to have access to the Pi 5 power button. In my case, I'm going to be using it   as a NAS and it's going to be on 24/7. So, it's not  really an issue for me. I thought about using the   official Raspberry Pi case, but it doesn't have  this lot for the PCIE cable I could leave the   lid off of the case but then that kind of defeats  the purpose of putting the Pi 5 in the case in the   first place. Now that we have all the hardware set  up, let's take a look at software. Like I mentioned, I'm going to be using OMV. OMV is compatible with  ARM computers, unlike other NAS Solutions like True   NAS, which is not comparable with ARM. So OMV makes  it super easy to create shared folders and make it   available to all computers in your network. To  get OMV running you have to install the lite   version of Raspberry Pi OS. OMV is not compatible  with desktop environments so make sure to choose   the light version when you're installing. A word  of caution that bookworm support for OMV is   still in beta, so, like I said, I'm only using this to  share files in my network if I was using this as   a backup solution, I wouldn't be using beta software. After you have Raspberry Pi OS lite running   on your Raspberry Pi it's time to use the command  listed on the screen to get OMV installed. It's a   good idea to have the network cable plugged into  your Pi 5 at this point. When I was installing OMV I kept running into errors and I realized that it  was due to the network configuration part of the   install script. So I used the command that you see on  the screen now to install my Pi 5 I'm guessing   that I'm not the first person to run into network  configuration issues and that's why they have   parameters to bypass that in the install script. By the way, I have all of the information from this   video linked down below in the blog post and it  has all the commands and everything that you need   to set up OMV on your Pi 5. And, after OMV was running  all you have to do is go to the admin page and log   in with admin and open media vault as the password. The first thing that I did was to go to the user   section of the admin page and create a brand new  user and set a very secure password. The drive that I'm using for the files was already formatted  so I was able to just mount it. Easy! From here I   created a shared folder and I gave permission to  my user to write and read files from this shared   folder. Peasy! Finally, I enabled the SMB service so  I can access the files from any device here in my   network including Windows devices. Lemon squeezy! Speaking of Windows, here we are in File Explorer   and all I have to do is either use the Pi's IP  address or the host name to get to my files. And,   I just have to enter my credentials and voila, here  we are! On Linux, is just as easy I can just add SMB   at the beginning of the file location and enter my  credentials. I can also edit fstab and make sure   that my drive is getting mounted when the system  boots up. So, let's talk about transfer speeds! I ran   some tests and the write and the read speeds were  saturating the 1gb network that I have here in   my house. The speeds were hovering between 850 and  900 megabits per second but do you really need the   m.2 drive plugged into the HatDrive to get those speeds? It turns out you don't! I unplugged the m.2   HAT and I use an SSD through a USB adapter and I  got the exact same speeds. Even though the speeds   are not better with the m.2 drive I think I still  like the setup better, just because it's one unit   and it doesn't have the cumbersome USB adapter attached to it. And it fits nicely here on this   shelf in my network rack. And you must be asking  yourself, what about the Pi 4? It also has gigabit   Ethernet! Are the speeds the same? Well, I tested that  out. I remove the SD card from my Pi 5 and the USB   SSD and I plugged into my Pi 4. One thing that is  nice about Raspberry Pi OS is that you can just   unplug from one Raspberry Pi and plug into a  different Raspberry Pi and it just works out   of the box, the read speeds over the network on the  Pi 4 were exactly the same as the Pi 5 but   the big difference was in the write speeds. The  write speed on Pi 4 was about half the speed as   the Pi 5. So, compared to the Pi 5 using the USB  adapter, the Pi 5 is still much faster for writing   files to your NAS drive than the Pi 4. So for  comparison sake I got my Rock 5B out and I also   set up OMV on it using the exact same SSD drive. I have to say setting up OMV on the Rock 5B   wasn't as easy. I first tried setting it up on top  of the image provided by Radxa, and that didn't work   so I had to download Armbian but then I didn't  know the Armbian, by default, doesn't boot from EMMC   so I had to write the image through an SD card and  then install OMV, and then everything was working   fine! The transfer speeds over the network for the  Rock 5B were exactly the same as the Pi 5. That just   goes to show that the limiting factor is the  gigabit Network on the Pi 5. Keep in mind that   the Rock 5B does have 2.5 gbit and and onboard m.2  adapter so there is no need for a separate adapter   like the Pi 5. But, I don't have a way to test if  the rock 5B would be faster over the network   because I don't have 2.5 gabit networking here at  my house. But that might be the theme of a future video. So, now that we know the transfer speeds  let's take a look at power usage. All of the   systems that we tested here range from 4 watts to  6 watts on idle. So, based on the rates here in my   area the difference between a 4-watt system and a  6-watt system over a period of a whole year is only  $3 So, yeah less than a coffee from my neighborhood  coffee shop. Uh hold on a second, you want more? You   want me to compare the Pi 5 with a Mini PC? Well,  it turns out I did! So, of course unsurprisingly the   speeds were exactly the same as the Pi 5 because  everything is being limited by my 1 gbit network   If you're only planning on using your Pi 5 as  a NAS and you're only have 1 gbit network, the   Pi 5 is definitely the winner over the Mini PC  because the mini PC cost me $50 more than the   Pii 5 setup and the energy consumption is also  quite a bit higher, almost double. Let me know   in the comments below what do you think about a  video in the future comparing the Pi 5 to a Mini PC? Anyway, I think this is it for this video. I'm  pretty happy that I have a faster system now to   transfer files between my devices here  at home and I'm definitely going to be   experimenting more with the Pi 5 in the  future. I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Maker by Mistake
Views: 18,688
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Id: xPaSXeriXUg
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Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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