Raspberry Pi 5 USB Boot with non official power supply

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okay so great news my Pi fives have arrived so I've got a 4 gig model and an 8 gig model this is the one I got early from the Raspberry Pi Foundation these this is all the ones I've ordered uh I've got two 27 wat power supplies so I can finally start overclocking and I've also got the official cooler so this is the official adapter with a much thicker cable than the pi 4 One and uh as you can see from the power adapter it's 5.1 vol 5 amp so 25.5 wat 9V 3 amp 27 wat 12vt 2.5 amp 27 Watt and 15v 1.8 amp which is 27 Watts so really happy to have this uh now that I can start overclocking this is the pi4 model which was only 5.1 volt and 3 amps which was absolutely fine for a pi 4 but a pi five wants to have more power now you can use it and I've been using this Pi 41 all the way through I've had this pi5 a couple of months now and I haven't had any issues at all but if you try and boot from USB like I'm trying to do here this is what comes up on the screen so USB boot requires High current 5vt 5 amp power supply to disable this check set USB Max current enable equals 1 in config.txt so first of all I'm going to switch it off and I'm going to try it with the 5V 5 amp and see if it just works uh this is a fresh boot of Raspberry Pi OS let's plug it in here so I wonder if it'll work with this cable so I use one of these uh wattage display cables and on the end of this we have a USBC cup plus so let's unplug that from the original one so it be interesting to see how much this can handle so basically uh this is a USBC to USBC cable and uh it's got the readout on it so what I do is plug the USBC from the power adapter into here let's just tuck that there for now uh and then when I plug this into here we'll see what happens we'll see what sort of readout we get oh it is working in the normal way I wonder if we're going to get that error okay so that's booting up normally so that's really good because that means that I can still carry on using this adapter I wonder what it will do at the higher wattages well we'll find out it's a fairly thick cable so I'm going to have to set this up now uh because I've got to this stage but I won't bother doing any of the updates I've been doing some testing with my KDE build to try and get it to do USB boot which I haven't managed to do yet when copying from an SD C and I'm going to try a few other things so let's skip the network uh Firefox as the browser as that's supposed to get better support in the future and I'm going to skip the updates for now because I really want to show how to use a uh an older adapter and still get it to boot from USB so that's restart that so it's booted up fine with the new 27 W power supply um but uh if you don't have a 27 W power supply or you have one that is 5V 5 amp but it's not detected how do you get past that boot so I'm going to shut this down because uh we're going to pretend that we don't have the 27 W power supply so that's powered off now I can unplug the new power adapter go back to the pi4 adapter and plug that in and I'm also going to plug in an SD card uh because I want to boot from SD card so I don't get that error but I'm going to leave this USB drive plugged in so let's switch that on and you can see that it boots fine and this is the the raspberry pios build running on this SD card which is the one I used for my PlayStation 2 video uh and you can see here this is the USB drive that's been plugged in so this already has Raspberry Pi OS on it uh but it won't boot on anything but the official power adapter or something that gives it sufficient power so let's go into the boot partition and look for config.txt and then we need to make some changes in here so let's just clear some space and type in usbcore maxcore current enable equal 1 and then we just hit file and save and now I can shut this down the operating system running from the SD card I can now switch off remove the SD card so this is now going to boot from this 240 gig SSD drive so let's switch that on again with the pi4 adapter and you can see it's starting to boot and we didn't get that same message and there you go raspberry pios running from an SSD with the non pi5 power adapter so I guess I'm saying do this at your own risk but uh it has been absolutely fine for me for a couple of months I have been careful not to plug loads of things into my pi5 cuz obviously the more things you plug in the more power it's going to take from it and uh I have used a US hub on a lot of occasions when I plugged a silly amount of drives I probably had about three or four drives plugged in there at the same time mechanical drives all sorts of things and it's been absolutely fine because obviously the USB hub is separately powered but if you are trying to take loads and loads of power from a pi 5 you really ought to get the official power adapter but if you haven't got the official power adapter and you want to play around with your pi and you want to boot from USB and an SSD just because it's faster then this is the method to do it anyway I hope all this helps thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 17,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to usb boot pi 5, Raspberry Pi 5 usb boot error, Fix tutorial, Config.txt
Id: 3X_oWgc5ax0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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