Rare Japanese Street Food!!! Fukuoka's Fading Yatai Culture!!

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this Japan series is made possible with the support of by food.com [Music] I'm not drunk my eyes are not classy don't do it close up on my eyes No [Applause] [Music] today our cross country Japan series has built up to this grand finale combine so far we've traveled all the way from Sendai to our final destination Fukuoka in this port city of 1.5 million Shizuka and I will explore Japan's dying food tradition favorite street food I thought I was gonna be able to scrilla and throw it on a plate but this is like we're sitting in a proper five-star restaurant look at this presentation a tradition locals are fighting for guys I've never seen such a nice diaphragm I've actually never had a diaphragm before but it may only be a matter of time until the government shuts them down and don't stop these are the most strict street food stalls you'll find anywhere in the world right behind me these guys are setting up right now that's a crazy amount of work just so I can sit on my ass have some drinks and some damn good food this isn't ordinary Street food oh this is your time we have come to our first good time can you tell me a little bit about this place this is a family-run me yet I business right now originally the dad we started this business and then of the mother and the son for running it to us don't write here this very spot this small chunk of sidewalk has been theirs every night for the last 35 years a not so ordinary street stall with a wide-ranging menu but tonight I have a pork fetish and I'm into feet have you ever had succeed I've never had pig's feet oh man you're getting so many new adventurous opportunities so many I get it maybe because it looks like a foot and they usually walk on the ground with the feet yeah but the foot is actually full of bat and collagen which is good this not so commonly used pig part is a favorite for those sipping sake in Japan the feet are braised in a soy sauce base for five hours then thrown on the grill lightly seasoned and served simply with shredded cabbage and vinegar soy sauce we've got some skin here that's just pure to latinus fat it's super tender it is a little bit gamy spelling stone okay it's much better than I thought the texture really reminds me of like an undercooked very soft chewy rice like almost a mochi rice it's a little bit of animal leanness but the thing with drinking food is it's supposed to give you a jolt of intensity so that you have a reason to wash down your beer true I don't every night at dusk when the Sun sets over Fukuoka City on Street sides and alleyways Visia thai come to life but what does your time mean to Fukuoka meet Higashi kojirou he owns it you tical jounetsu No Chidori ah she ensuring he can bring the best experience to his customers each night starts here hello sir thank you for having us - thank you Higashi is a newcomer to this traditional style of dining only running his outdoor eatery for the last two and a half years but his izakaya the birthplace for most of his culinary creations has been around for 50 years the words that you type does it have a literal meaning is essentially what it is it's a transportable food cart and for him what they do is they bring their cart out onto the streets and then at the end of the day they pack up and they bring it back to the restaurant [Music] I was in the USA recently and I was talking to a lot of small independent restaurant owners about their restaurants and the regulation they had to deal with and they are finding it more and more difficult to meet the demands that are put upon them by different government agencies and I'm curious as somebody who owns a Getae what challenges do you face when it comes to regulation in Japan we have a very strict regulation for size of the space the actual size we are allotted is three meters by 5 meters and the size of your actual anti-shock should be within 3 meters and 2.5 meters due to regulations you can only start from 5 p.m. and needs to leave by 4:00 a.m. and of course you can't leave anything behind it needs to look exactly as it did before right the number of yatai have greatly reduced in Japan as governing officials attempt to clean up the streets but even some local people see them as eyesores creating more ruckus than they're worth for some who stick to the old ways running a yatai goes beyond a profession for them it's a performance [Music] here we are can we talk alone in the confines of the yes I yeah we can yeah we're outdoors honking oh you tie shop has been around for 62 years having passed through three generations a cozy space that seats 10 at most but still people line up for their turn at the Atty table here as part of their menu they served us up some of their classics we've got to do some I'm gonna split these apart it's super crispity been seared in a pan so you can see it's very serious Joseph dumplings filled with ground meat and vegetables wrapped in a thin dome here it served with yuzu Kosho a hot citrusy soy sauce we use a core show it isn't complete without this [Music] oh all that is so crispy it's the holy matrimony of deliciousness having edge wedding reception on my tongue so no it's a great metaphor it's crispy on the bottom chewy on the top and it's full of Georgian spiced meats I love it mmm this is a great night food here Sawadee it's translated as diaphragm I've actually never had a diaphragm before saga D is thin tender skirt steak put it on a skewer toss it on the grill sprinkle with salt and pepper and it's ready for an intimate night with your taste buds oh yeah it's like medium-rare tender juicy the pepper really brings out a nice flavor to the meat everything here is just meant to be a little bite will taste flavors textures to go in between all the drinking so the more you eat the more you want to drink the more you drink the more you want to eat it's a vicious cycle you can get out of control pretty quickly it really can the variety of your Thai food is limitless and the prices are more reasonable than you might think five dollars for ramen tofu soaked in oh dang broth and beef tendon for just a few bucks hasn't heard a good put some tofu that's right I like it or this a rare wild meat you don't often see served in restaurants meet head chef Yoshida Takahashi hello there Yoshi good job working together with mr. Higashi they're winning over locals and newcomers night after night so right now he's deboning the hind quarter of a deer where'd you get a deer leg I'm dying to know what is the key to outstanding yatai service what is this he said that a lot of people feel a little nervous about going to yes I in the city it's hard to kind of like go and sit down next to someone you don't know he believes it's his role to help them feel at ease and enjoy the experience sense incredible the party's about to get started in five hours but first she should I go chorus when I was a teenager helping my dad butcher deer I never thought of actually eating the Tenderloin raw just take a quick look at this this game meat it's so deep red like scarlet no fat in there this is a deer that's been eating organic its whole life he said they can't serve it to guess that way but I'm in the kitchen I got special access get together yes all right let's go I like your enthusiasm for raw meat that's like really good hold on meat no super strong flavors at all nothing gamey is just super clean salty is like animal oil coating my mouth that's cool so every time you're preparing it's a vos mandolin you just eat a couple [Music] right behind me these guys are setting up right now and I do not envy the work these guys go through each day first of all the cart which picks an incredible amount of stuff in there they have the sink tears hot pans burners everything that fits inside now you can see they've opened it up set it up cleaning it up and then finally at the end get the food out and they start preparing the food that whole process takes about an hour and a half something I'm gonna keep in mind next time I see these on the street is all the work that goes into it just so I can sit on my ass as some drinks and some damn good food [Applause] here we are after a long day seeing how they prepare all this food the results are here it is like five-star street food no she does not take his food prep lightly he's the captain of this ship monitoring each guest around him making sure they get whatever they need I ordered a deer sausage I thought he would just cut a hotdog into five pieces throw it in a bowl and give it to me and then it's like a work of art first a fried cheese roll then fried sausage along with veggies artfully plated Yoshi meticulously smearing sauces plating each vegetable with precision and then that cheese roll bringing the dish to life and a fat deer sausage plopped on top this is my first venison by the way Bambi I wouldn't eat Bambi by choice but here we are oh that's really damn good that's very juicy I would guess that they put some pork in there - you cool mother kept on saying I would steer me just a little bit low on oil and he's cooking it in pork back so the meat is still under percent deer what even is this that's some fancy ass cheese so crispy Parmesan cheese that's wonderful high-quality beautiful to look at food is Yoshi strength like this deer steak set up on a bed of flower petals it's a game meat but is not gamey at all and wild boar meat - there's a lot of different flavors in that one bite it's the next level of young it's not just about the food or the booze although I am a big fan of both can we get three can you drink one it's about who you human and who you might bump into along the way guys are we gonna be shown up [Applause] right now I'm just a little bit past 9 p.m. they're just warming up and Japan you can feel this switch turn where people go from intense office jobs expectations obligation and then they flip the switch and forget about everything else I think in Japan the freeze work hard play hard really really if it's the dog yeah absolutely these days you tie is a tradition only found in Fukuoka a tradition whose time may be limited but while it's here vendors all around the city are going through the back-breaking work of prepping food setting up shop and pouring drinks just to break it all down that night leaving no trace of what hangovers and laughs were shared the night before if you're traveling to Japan let me recommend booking and experience through by fool.com now offering over 250 experiences throughout the country you can find food tours cooking classes tastings and more n for each booking made by phu kham contributes funds to children in need through their food for happiness project and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever for review show for raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show shizzy you killed it thank you so much guys that is a wrap on Japan I will see you next time o sleep I mean sleep in vitamins [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,674,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonny side, yatai, street food, Japanese street food, japan, fukuoka, japan food, deer meat, yatai food, best ever food review show, sonny, fukuoka yatai, fukuoka food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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