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woman opens emergency exit on plane for fresh air she's the type of person who looks up and down before crossing the street hey you never know when a plane might hit you from above or an earthworm comes out and eats you from below you got to make sure you look all directions hey everyone my name is jacob welcome to rare insults where we're going to be looking at insults which are rare uncommon things you haven't seen before yeah enjoy it hey uh your man looks like he drops common loot when defeated oh yo that is a harsh oh that's good these two there are a couple uh it's like they're sharing a single brain cell and they keep taking it from each other like those witches where they only one of them gets the eye and they have to take it from each other see ya oh sia is the answer to what if lady gaga was one of those quirky boomer mums sharing minion memes on facebook she does look like it she's good at singing don't get me wrong but she definitely shares those memes i hope you heat yourself your favorite microwaved meal and no matter how long you heat it it's still cold in the middle ah that's pain that is pain that's why you gotta like make it an o shape so that it never gets the middle oh yuka tihi i bet you sleep standing up or something creepy like that what did we do yuka why why are you gonna be memes i feel like the developers of these games like those nice friendly games animal crossing everyone's nice they put these in here just just to make sure it's not 100 friendly they're like you know what if they're having a bad day we're going to make it worse with this one line the shun edwards roses are red violets are blue i'm black yeah yeah okay if you cut off this man's hair and gave him glasses you'd think he would be a 56 year old accountant trying to figure out how to put caleb and carson through college while janice is going through his surgeries wait let's give him glasses yeah there you go it's just very oddly specific isn't it air fried some chicken legs mmm oh oh it's why are your feet seasoned better than the chicken i don't know how to explain it but the new miss frizzle is homophobic oh okay it's old miss prizzle looks like an actual mid-dirty school teacher who went to a women's college did a lot of drugs and burned out new miss frizzle looks like the actress who would get cast to play old miss frizzle in a rom-com where she meets a stock broker and becomes a housewife why that's that's so specific yes oh look it's misha the pokemon go kid him and his brother look like vampires who haven't slept since 1497. i'm pretty sure they still stream on twitch and they probably haven't slept since pokemon go huh he looks like doctor who's harvard grad brother doctor why is that like the matt smith doctor who yeah yes this dude he looked more like guy who owned more bitcoin than friends oh so he's got more bitcoins than he does friends ah to be fair i wouldn't mind that you know that would be good hey guys i have colorphobia the fear of clowns oh it must suck looking in the mirror if hp went out of business they would lock their software and hardware just despite the everyday people that dare use their products without giving them money we're talking about the company that disables scanning functionality in their printers that were shipped with it moves that functionality to their hp smart app and causes the same scan to go one at a time without being signed in and 32 a time while signed in these guys can seriously go fornicate with a rusty screwdriver and a bent nail their greedy screws who don't even care about their own products being useful yeah true hp i've heard not good things i don't know if i'd go as far as tell the the company to fornicate with a rusty nail screwdriver kind of thing but you know whatever floats your boat hb were good maybe not anymore oh um las vegas nevada a morgan ploy from the city of sins was arrested this morning for letting visitors come in and do things with the bodies under his care in exchange for money yeah he looks like that does someone tell ezekiel to tend to the horses and stop hoeing the corpses yeah what a weird guy uh oh michael reeves back again this guy looks like harry potter if he did cocaine and built robots yeah i'm pretty sure you just described michael reeves that's him i was in dollar general earlier today with no mask and it was great people looked like they were going to poop themselves wow yeah that says a lot about your face if that's what they're doing so far the mars rover has found more intelligent life on mars than found in a flat earth convention and it's found absolutely nothing revue bro is back this dude looks like the female version of mr beamed oh i can see him doing like the facial expressions you know tool soba live 1993. i don't know what that is i assume a band i love how he looks like something that shouldn't be brought out in the daytime oh oh you're like please go back you're gonna hurt yourself ah great another man on the road coming from a woman who can't even walk oh cheat twitter is just like shaw she shouldn't have had that as a profile picture this game was so boring and unfun that i'd rather have a vasectomy while fully awake and aware jesus oh god that must be a bad game yeah i'm not buying that someone playing is this battlefield i i haven't played battlefield in a long time ubisoft makes their games the way spongebob draws a circle you know you start off good and then you just get rid of the good and then get rid of more good jeez you're like uh the human version of ketchup juice i swear oh brother the bit like squirts out it's just water hey wait a sec i know this guy yeah don't act like you didn't try to kidnap the chipmunks since he was the producer ian and then we got the miss frizzle homophobic thing again homegirl looks like one of those tumblr ads for mobile games about getting divorced which one will you choose i wonder if the marketing teams of these companies like go up against each other to make the worst advert possible while still getting as many clicks as possible i bet that's what they do they're like okay how bad can we make this while still making too much money probably hmm i don't know what this is but it does not look safe at all yeah i trust casey anthony running a daycare center more than i trust this if you don't know who that is she uh she she killed people kids so powell oh this is from uh university challenged university yeah he reminds me of the guy who gets his lips sucked to death in monster's egg yes how about smoke smelly dough ugh bruh i bet you eat popcorn with a fork and knife screw off wait was this guy on chris hansen he looks like someone who's just been on chris hanson his face is like that of a game where the developers can't quite figure out how faces work you know just confused ah screw off peter your name doesn't deserve to be capitalized you don't even get that all right you don't deserve it you people are the reason that gene pool needs a lifeguard on watch you see yeah we need one of those but we don't have it unfortunately bundy tells judge jail circumstances are miserable and asks for a release hey i'll give him this he may not be from idaho but he sure has nailed the potato face challenge poor guy oh actually he refused to wear a mask and then didn't enter the courtroom so he got put in jail this was found in the reply section on a video called 1 trillion lions vs the sun which doesn't really answer the question but the sun wins pretty much yeah you're about as helpful as a sand lollipop how does that even how do you work that i've never seen a man's face so masculine and so feminine yet so old and so young all in one the carnival guy talking about energy looks like he has none left yeah it's kind of just it's gone yeah brazil really is an unmoderated gmod server can someone go moderate it just like we need the admins in here this is on the lady hear me two night music video i literally just watched this someone in the comments really called him vin petrol he does kind of look like vin petrol yeah that this has a new nickname if you like that video and you want to see more like it then click on screen right now there's two videos right there which are just as rare you know there's only one of these videos so you have to click it quick otherwise it may disappear for good you know youtube they don't take it down so click it nice
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 106,248
Rating: 4.9708281 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: bJOSBSaiqW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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