Rare Australian Movie: The Riddle of the Stinson (1987)

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[Music] [Music] this way it's the investment good happy so take ten years of you but make sure you buy quality look what happened to this one you I would Jean Batman wanna go after dinner with a model on you why not she's a big shot a celebrity she's just broken the Londoner sydney solo record she's a woman she eats I'm a man yeah probably just make an idiot of myself asking keep it worth a try though ah you're right ah come on she's a woman cheats you're a bastard [Music] Miss Jane van Sydney J of 3/6 4/6 see you next time mr. grab a gene hello this is Burt Shepherd now let me think we talked about using aircraft for mapping yeah you know aerial photographs we also talked about radio navigation beacons and the possibilities were women pilots and the airlines and Chopin and how silly and stuffy that perception was and I don't know if it was on purpose or by accident but I remember we played footsies do I have the right man no I don't know I'm sorry Beth Brisbane but I'll be on Fridays flight down and I was wondering if you'd be free for dinner I suppose I could reschedule feeding the cat and putting the milk bottles out Oh wonderful I'll telephone you when I get in Shilla I'll look forward to it see you then boy dad tell me she knocked you back what did you say if I told you you a Rasta to Brisbane on Friday night Rick's if I have to quit this job and walk there I'm gonna be in Sydney on Friday night [Applause] it's a great book truly it's been a huge success in America we're publishing the Australian edition down in Sydney for life yes sir you have a ticket for James with straight from the old country could pick the exit you see 54th flight today well done how many for you I couldn't say thank you very much winning with friends I wouldn't have thought you'd need any assistance in that department mr. grave well I'm no stranger to a lot of the techniques positive thinking not going meta enthusiasm but Carnegie turns it into a science things like this when you have a customer get him into a posture for him I keep saying yes would you like metro-goldwyn-mayer is set for 4-6 - great book Rowley Graham bill fountain [Music] yes yes yes oh yes of course he was too young to take that so the 10% the corning he was the cover - he was a man who's the best of all police coming I think you have a ticket to Sydney Barnett to pay by cheque is this your signature on the cheque mr. Manish it says instead that's my name Joseph instead I travel under the name Barney Barney no trouble I'm sorry mr. Bean's did enjoy your flight Barney Barney weaks cyclonic depression set at approximately 60 miles east of Brisbane low cloud based between a thousand and three thousand feet when to sow these two weeks 25 to 35 knots in the south 40 to 50 knots north of the gap mr. fountain is going to enjoy his picnic hamper us you know I have a bag job showers heavy with occasional embedded thunderstorms Noelle gets too rough will give the mountain to miss head for the coast see if the storm on a nice South Beach will stay out the night that's unless you've got something important planned in Sydney [Music] [Music] Tom powder walked on the flatter city while all the passengers with reservations have just left I booked on Monday oh dear I've got you down for tomorrow mr. Brad look I have to be on that fire the plane will take more than forward it Stinson see Jake it's getting awfully tight time and tide about a second hold the flight [Music] feel fat Oh Westray James Westray I designed movie houses Westray what are you in what did you say you did I'm an architect our design movie houses what does somebody actor design them I do have you very much mister being sick a little 54 flats you keep it tell you yes in a diary now company Prince Abdalla and Cindy see look at this have a day to a page we also print them a week to a page a week to a double-page very nice good afternoon gentlemen there will be a slight delay on departure time there's a passenger running late give me long [Music] Johnson and gentlemen sorry about this [Music] all right [Music] the car [Music] drinks at the Australia and jet about flying mixtures rich [Music] o'clock dinner it Emil the subject of female beauty comes up she becomes sharp I walk by the key breaks off [Music] mr. Feldon maybe with the MGM office in Brisbane happy birthday 21 year old [Music] captain join us sorry driving bull join me just calling to five zero zero [Music] made it let's pray do you think come on I said new thing sure sure rolling gentlemen thank you can't beat the down drop [Music] yes he's definitely on the flight mrs. fountain the aircraft was slightly late and leaving Brisbane it shouldn't be much longer now thank you very much and you're waiting for Vince Tim there's no one of that name on the passenger list sir I'll wait anyway thanks you never know I'm here now and I I'm expecting mr. Johnston from the Department of Civil Aviation oh my god the office they normally take the inland route over the mountains here and pick up passengers at Lismore but there's some weather in the mountains and they didn't land if they've taken the coast route they'll have run into strong southerly headwinds so either way the weather's against them damned if I don't win oh yeah yeah really yeah an hour late what does Robinson say he's away fishing you don't disturb jr. when he's fishing Brisbane at one o'clock still got fuel we have to assume they're still fine probably taking the coast and slide about a headwind so we better put a light in the window and we [Music] [Music] if they have one o'clock they're out of fuel whatever they're doing they're not flying I've ordered the lights off [Music] [Music] [Music] managing director of Airlines of Australia the airlines one o'clock flight from Lisbon to Sydney has failed to arrive at Sydney Erica an intensive search will commence the first flight tomorrow in order to concentrate tomorrow search Airlines of Australia will be pleased to hear from any members of the public who may have sighted the aircraft which is a 3 engine Stinson serial number vh u HH reports of sightings should be directed to the airlines Brisbane office telephone number FA Donnell three double six now we return you the Friday Vedanta didn't hear a guy over today yeah it's surely you've heard by now well if there's no telephone wherever their land we might not hear from them till the morning oh oh oh please wait I'll be back you will contact me of course [Music] [Music] everything coming through indicates they went the coast route but the search would still cover as many inland areas I'm sorry Claude I couldn't get through on the phone so I good Jean Burton Edgar Johnston from Civil Aviation we're just going through the reports they were hurt over cops Harbor and man buck ahead is about three o'clock both places well give an amateur report some people sense of time they could birthd about right but someone hears them at maxvill at 4 o'clock an hour later quite a while what did you see so we put the maximal report to one side 330 report from present head south chem see here could be consistent what's happening with the search we start first light 7:30 it's all organized nobody organized me we all know with what care we have to accept amateur reports and obviously some of those that we have a contradictory but what I've told you Saul that we know so far now I'd ask you all to restrict yourselves to the search areas you've been given to avoid wasted effort and I'd like to express again Airlines of Australia's appreciation for your help in this matter which could have serious repercussions on public confidence in the industry [Music] we've got 13 planes up searching mr. Robinson and it looks like we'll have 25 up tomorrow the response has been wonderful yes sightings as far south as broken Bay so it seems like they've over the in say 15 minutes of Sydney so you're sending the search down there yes yes I appreciate that but it's just so close to a populated city you think someone would have heard the crash unless they went into the sea anyway nothing so I'm coming down I'll see you tomorrow highs highs all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm alright something to get water in I see look your chaps yeah I've had a look around and I think it's time to make some decisions I think if anyone was coming for us they'd be here by now and you it's only been a day fully a day there are farms around here arms and if someone had seen the plane crash they'd be about this time I saw a farmer Hoss down there I think much the best thing would be for me to go down get some help you saw a farmhouse in this yes instead if instead of a good fellow look down there and see a farmhouse there my fingers pointing the Sun glinting off the roof there this is the prouds benefit he's gonna die if we don't get help someone's got to go and I'm afraid it has to be me no look just hold on Jim isn't James but we're in the middle of no way we ought to stay put anyone I'll tell you their weight research party yeah that's another party on foot how do you think they'll spot the wreck from the air I think we're going to have to help ourselves otherwise we may very well starve to death well look if anyone goes it ought to be me your crook your Martin may be a bit of a scramble oh boy and I do have 20 years on you yeah there it is I can see it all right how far Oh 12 or 15 bar i reck'n dey's walk like six here thought it makes for each here take my cigarette case West right scarcely do that homeboy take it stop them getting crushed well thank you well waste a time see you soon James yeah goodbye well better get some water [Music] [Applause] everybody knows when River goes [Applause] thank you gentlemen let's hope the news is better today no no I assure you mrs. fountain you'd be the first to hear and if there's anything at all we can do with communicate with your family in America anything at all well we're putting all our energies we're putting everything we've got into it and it's as any news at all goodbye mrs. family [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] at least we got some water [Music] who knows you're not it's going to Egypt to see the pyramids [Music] right always goes the same way [Music] we've searched the Hawkesbury but the gullies are so deep there could be a plane and there and we could miss it before you write that area off they'd have to be a ground search perhaps the army a lot of people are beginning to think she went in the sea a very small possibility they'd be way off course over the sea now if you want my opinion she'll be found on land if at all you've never found the southern cloud that's been six years excuse me there's a call if it's an hour sighting could you I think you should take it smart here sir yeah 13 planes yesterday 25 today I'm right for tomorrow June you're kind of had much sleep I know what I'm doing mr. Robinson thank you very much sir I may call you back over the next day sir if I skip over Bowden Bay today and found a [ __ ] no wreckage what could they have got out if they went down into the sea could their God it's not a chance anything's possible at least we should mount a sea search I'm calling off the search [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] again how many if you want something to do there's that third bedroom needs painting you know I never did see it go Stinson didn't go over Friday doesn't let people know what they're doing then I just first time ever hey Dad that up you're all saying it disappeared near Sydney that's what they say yeah but they have a vanity Burnett I just want the room painted before the university people arrive on Tuesday don't talk to me about that airplane I'm looking to be alive me it how's that I was on the roof of me shed in the storm on Friday and there it was extra lure these three propellers coming straight at me I thought I was mincemeat Oh Charley Steiner sort goose bream and the Simpsons we all saw it it was heading for the range all right all right morning O'Reilly guesthouse they're all friends here grace I was talking to your Brotherhood he saw it as well do you want me to put you through to a lines of Australia okay to tell them the government the police someone should be told called your horses what are we going to tell them a couple of coffees think they saw an aeroplane well I think someone should know yeah I'll talk to her tomorrow thanks grace I want me to start telling the big bugs down south what's what bring cuts I think he snikt with the tea but has up and he's out he's caught biggest BH UHA and heading straight for Richmond gap but real low I've never seen it so low they say went down the coast don't they went into the sea you know anything about airplanes okay as much as I know about anything I don't know much about well if the weather was bad why would you hit down the coast because it's flat there's no mountains it's safer exactly you wouldn't take the coastal route after you'd cross the mountains would you be no point where are they doing the tea's getting cold and brandman's in Tibet I know all right he'll be in Oh I reckon all those people down south are wrong [Applause] mr. O'Reilly mr. Bernero rally yes Kerry Meisner Brisbane courier-mail yes I'm not here investigating some local sized Friday any idea what what grace call you well lady did furnace the Oakville postmistress grace right she said she wasn't gonna find the authorities I'm reporting mr. O'Reilly oh never been accused of being an authority I read the newspapers mr. Meissner I country people out to be mugs your beliefs I'm a country boy myself mr. O'Reilly I was born in your farm [Music] right thank you welcome Charley Steiner Stevens brothers my Brotherhood all for the airplane go here they ask here's the gap the airplane goes through to get to Louisville so you're saying it didn't even get past the mountain this is nothing what about the reports themselves they just say they heard it that's according to your own newspaper now these plates I know actually saw the aeroplane so you're saying that people don't sell flying when there's trouble they like to help this mine guess who for mountaintops wooden one take a look at those mountains that's the regular route from Brisbane is this and they've been playing there going over there every day since wouldn't they've seen it I'm not the pilot it's you reckon you can find it on the airplane crashes gotta be some trace all right let's worth taking a look that's on that barn anything there's nothing lost you see [Music] nice snake by kit a little bits of string and some candies crystals I hope you have to use [Music] [Music] good luck [Music] I'm looking for another couple of nights you don't think he's actually gonna find [Music] but instead mama take it easy [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] bless us O Lord in these thy gifts which are by bounty we are about to receive through Christ our Lord amen Bernhard late again mrs. uh no no he's just off doing something or other looking for an airplane pardon aeroplanes he's just taking a look around to see if that aeroplane that crashed might have crashed around here somewhere well they fly over here on their way to Sydney that's where it's supposed to crash doesn't it Dona Sydney yes that's right but he's taking a look just in case more gravy thank you please call me Harry where's the best ROI gardeners not much longer for me allowed come they always come at the last minute I want you to go please tomorrow but I can't go you'll die too I want you to go please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's bad just patch could be lightning probably [Music] [Music] [Music] and what's happening in the fifth test [Laughter] 165 not out I was so bad what is very lucky fellows well when when everything stopped Joe is five I stood up and then I fell over that's when I realized my leg was broken that he pulled me out how'd you manage that remember suppose it shocked any album he pulled the other bloke out Westray saw the chap yeah he was the bloke who fetched you I came off my own bed well he went to get you you saw a house down the hill nobody lives up here well he saw a house said it Binstead well yeah you didn't want it a panic how could you be so stupid you let him go out can do this there was an idea they'll hold it I'll scout around for him gonna take a look at your lead it's not pretty right I'll just and get some help get you back out of here and your firewood and the tea and spirit water how long will you be be back tomorrow this other chappy which way did you go boy yeah you won't forget about us [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] mr. West right Oh Oh Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women questions I love Jesus Mary Mother of God [Music] [Music] [Music] dr. Lal is only way I'm gonna meet at the North and South Junction of Christmas Creek about now I'll take the doctor and my party we will hit up the fast way we know your fast ways yeah the purple bloody dick killer you Rick and Doc Lawler's up to it we'll carry him if we have to God could die it's a compound fracture angry I guess it lovely now your lot that's the clear they all blaze track along the top that's not a flamin track Bernie that's any Alana mark treat from when the surveyors went through well in 24 hours just got a beer tray it's the only way we'll get them out on stretchers [Music] imagine the Brisbane Korea mail I'm looking for mr. O'Reilly oh where - Christmas Creek junction listen you couldn't tell me how to get there could you pass thanks go down the road over the hill right through the creek yeah donk I left top of the next hill turn right in about five miles you should see him [Music] [Music] Oh dr. Anna the other one who found them what if I thought I could come we're gonna get going at least we need to give you a lot till your shows where they ask I just stand still till dr. that'll fix him up [Music] [Music] ready I never doubted you'd find it smells wondering if I could come along for the ride begin your after it as a fiddle you're on [Music] cut the cackle you what are you blocks this is where the track starts that's a track that's uh glad you tell this hey all right how much better than a couple hours yes Hey okay you guys it's 24 hours right you've seen the survivors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lady you too what a brat will end up hitting Australia still a lucky lad hey your best friends yeah hey I doubt the gangrene wasn't for them you'd be dead or Rd cutting a leg off I came prepared to nine eight seven six five I'll stay I'll be heading back now gonna find my story in your mad you never find your way I can I'll just follow and slide max I'll be all right mr. Waldron yeah thanks you know you're quite a hero don't you go printing that you want heroes you take a look at those blokes up in the tent with a young English chap you down by the creek even then you'd be wrong there's nobody here's done anything that any decent bloke wouldn't do all right sorry what hillbilly finds playing by mistake can you get this bloke to a telephone bloody City blokes money got one use for newspapers and that's not reading them it's good it's all that money you've got what how much is that it's more than that thousands mr. horses our son the track you a bit of a rogue I is then what you are you told anyone that the money can tell me I saved your life and I saved yours my [Music] I kept all my cares and whoa here I go sing and the hero of the hour is Queensland Bushman Bernard O'Reilly scene he arresting after his marathon 48 hour trek through the trackless snake and leech infested jungles of Southeast fiedler O'Reilly famous now as the man who followed his hunch and found the crash that an extensive air search had failed to find set out on foot without even a compass navigating by his Bushman's instinct to save the lives of two Sydney men doomed to perish three hearty cheers to you Bernard O'Reilly peacetime upholder of the Anzac tradition [Music] well these straight up and down mountains aren't the best place to fly an aeroplane in a storm and no one else has been able to find them so I thought this would be the most likely place for it to be what do you think of your husband now well actually I think he's rather wonderful she would [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jelbuilder
Views: 809,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stinson, Christmas Creek, riddle, plane, wreck, movie, australia, aussie, hike, bush, rare
Id: lk6XcvbIF1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 2sec (5522 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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