Desert Son | Full Drama Survival Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] put five in the tank and give me some smokes come on philip let's go [Applause] hey fella you got something to say no you go get my smokes is um can i also get a pack of the green ones that's 8 36. where you going get a drink can i come no in the car go to sleep [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] where we going is this a shortcut are we lost i was your age i used to spend my summers fixing cars working in factories not going to some [ __ ] ass tennis camp hey think you're gonna be a tennis star when you grow up i don't know well guess what you're not you're not gonna be anything quit wasting your time quit wasting your mother's money give the little kid fantasies a rest will you it's not a fantasy then what is it phil i've known little shits like you all my life you think you're gonna grow up to be mr high and mighty don't you you ain't gonna be [ __ ] just cause you can't make your life work doesn't mean i won't be able to you can learn something today phil what wait wait wait [ __ ] [Applause] so uh um [Music] [Music] hello hello hello [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] ah ah [Music] hey hey hmm here what's your name philip i'm lucy nice to meet you nice to meet you too yeah i live close by you know and if you want to come over and get yourself cleaned up have some food [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so jack this is phillip phillip this is jack who the [ __ ] is this this is phillip phillip phillip who this isn't a [ __ ] motel lucy i know jack just looked like he needed some help okay well do you need help oh are you lost like what's your [ __ ] deal relax found him at the cemetery i thought he was dead well he's obviously not dead what do you say phil no i'm i'm not dead see he's not dead so shut the [ __ ] up both of you where is all this [ __ ] i'm taking this what is your problem i don't have a problem okay i thought he was going to die and i thought we could be cool and let him stay here why would you think that lucy i mean do you even know the kid where the [ __ ] is he from where the [ __ ] are you from use your words phillip come on talk to me what's your [ __ ] deal why are you here what what do you need what do you want i don't want anything it's lost it needs a place to sleep okay i'm not talking to you right now i'm talking to magically appearing in the middle [ __ ] nowhere mystery man called philip what the [ __ ] did you come here for i don't know i i don't know i my stepdad's a [ __ ] drunken [ __ ] he drove me out in the middle of nowhere and just left me there and drove off and i'm alone i don't know why i don't know is that a true story yeah it's true fine hey don't worry about jack that's that's just how he is he's all dog in no bite it's cool if you stay here i appreciate the offer but um i don't think your boyfriend would like me to stay a whole lot of stuff in that suitcase yeah well my mom paved it she's uh she's always the most aware that must be nice i never knew my mother sorry it's cool the way it goes but you're lucky jack's lucky i mean sort of never been lucky didn't know either my parents anyway here you might want to just blow on it before you take a bite mindful morning the early bird eats the worms phil you have to learn to eat some worms come on i got some stuff to show you what do you do nothing really i go to school why do you do that i don't know it's just what you're supposed to do who told you that felt it's just how it is but everybody does no that's not what everybody does philip that's what you do you don't go to school no no i didn't need school phillip or books everything i need to know i got right up here this is my school phillip what do you see dirt that's right it's dirt but it's my dirt all of this that you see it's all mine i own it all of that land those hills that piece of sky it's all mine look i'm not trying to impress you phillip but i need you to understand that you're on my property yeah i understand so as long as you're here you need to do what i say this isn't some freeloaders camp do you understand you're the boss that's right you see philip a rabbit is a lot like a person a really desperate person they'll do just about anything and go just about anywhere if it means they can get some food that's why they go into a trap they know what it is they know it's a trap but they need the food so they go in anyway and when they go inside and the trap door closes do you know what they say philip they say damn i knew it and that's the problem with being a desperate person you do things you know you shouldn't be doing i can't smell much do you phillip oh we'll have to change that lucy you know some good jokes right no i don't yeah she doesn't man you guys are some [ __ ] downers why don't you tell us a joke then okay okay um um so a duck walks into a store because he wants a beer and so uh he's sitting there and he's drinking it and he asked the guy works at the store now for his tab and so um the guy hands him you know his tab and he goes okay just uh just put it on my bill [Laughter] but you get it right yeah yeah yeah so it's a good one [Laughter] but you guys are laughing i mean because your joke's [ __ ] stupid why don't you tell us a joke then let me see well i already said i don't know any jack then shut the hell up i know a magic trick well you're good for something right let's see it all right um yeah so uh let's see it's just regular you cover up the um rabbit oh where'd it go just pretty sure it's uh right there there it is that's amazing it's really [ __ ] that's great can i have this back now thank you i thought it was nice your dad took you that so you're gonna stay i don't know i think you should what about jack what does he think uh he thinks that we could be one big happy family really a good person he's been through a lot he's got a really good heart you'll see [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] yeah oh [Applause] what the [ __ ] jack play time's over let's go just be cool now over there [ __ ] [ __ ] come on let's go what no no let's go dick bag let's go what are we doing here you're earning your keep you see phil the people who live here they don't get it even after a million dollars spent on schools and books and adding machines they don't understand what you and i have always known that this is all [ __ ] it's all [ __ ] and lies you know these people yeah i know all of these people phillip like i know the smell of dead animals now listen here [ __ ] this is how it is okay it's about principles and responsibilities you want to stay with us then this is how it's done you want to go off to your mommy and daddy well here's your chance you're back in civilization so what's it gonna be phil so we aren't here to steal slot machines or baseball cards okay we're here for the [ __ ] we need to understand yeah so what do we need fellow uh i don't know think philip think what do we need clothes [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is what's gonna happen okay they're all gonna get home and the mom's gonna walk right in she's gonna waltz and she oh my god where are my cups and my plates and my silverware it's all missing oh my spatula's missing now what and the dad he's gonna walk right in oh no oh no what is this oh what a mess this isn't gonna work but it's okay it's all okay cause daddy is gonna make it all better with his money okay okay so everyone come in come in here timmy can i you come here i'm gonna get you a new bike a brand new one you're gonna it's you're gonna love it i promise and candies candies you're gonna get a candy store a whole candy store it's gonna say candice's candy store it's gonna be amazing all your candy's gonna be in there your favorite things so it's all better it's all better everyone come here daddy loves you he loves you so much come here okay hug oh oh oh i love you okay and that's why who gives a [ __ ] phillip [Music] so i'm glad you're still here what hypothesized so i'm so lost phillip when i was little i got put with a really nice family and they had a really nice house in a really nice town and they sent me to a really nice school and everything was really nice but the kids at the school they teased me see i was just this weird orphan girl that nobody understood or cared to so i started getting into fights real fights with fists i even hit some teachers so they kicked me out of the school and then the really nice family wasn't so nice to me anymore i just started to feel like everybody was against me and that i was just off different and the whole world hated me so i just snapped and i burnt the really nice house down and then i ran away that's terrible yeah it is terrible but that's not the point the point is is that you see god was testing me he was testing me and i failed and then and then he went away and he never came back and i think that god is testing you now what should i do i don't know it's for you to figure out hmm what's up phillip slept enough [Music] the lord stray dogs have returned to the roost with blood on their jowls and fresh meat in their tooth i found you a stranger his name's phillip bring it inside oh [Applause] bless you my child bless you phillip tell come with me so oh i must have lived here a long time yes i have philip but you have not no no i have not when i let people go they've been healed from the poison in the dirt and now they're gone it died you would say that they died from the poison in the water from the poison dirt from the mines but they were healed by the lord and so there were those that fled to the new world the living world they were promised the new civilization but they got unjust laws things that shine like rays of light from a thousand different suns like the civilization that you came from but they're the ones that are truly dead you you were set free you've been delivered to your salvation we must make you new we must make you pure we have to make you pure we must make you pure christ my son is the sacrifice the fragile vessel the precious stones it has been forcibly ripped from the earth stay honest you are the black cloud the blue sky you are that evil sea that has fallen upon the tilde of the righteous man you're the bitter herb in this sweet spring day that tastes like poison in the purified water wood and then what study foundation you are the beginning and now you are free this is [ __ ] you are saved where the [ __ ] is what with you you're saved god you almost killed me you [ __ ] hallelujah raise the lord your fate there you go phil what the [ __ ] was that you have been saved oh [ __ ] he nearly killed me let's see now you're pure all those those bad things that you didn't have god don't you feel good man [ __ ] this is that how you say thank you where are you going back to the house why are you doing that what else am i supposed to do jack well i don't know maybe it's time you go home philip i don't want you here nobody wants you here i've done everything that you've asked me to do i i just look wake the [ __ ] up phillip you're a burden lucy agrees with me i don't i don't understand of course you don't understand i know you don't understand anything you see those mountains yeah jack i know you own them no yours that's how you get back to wherever the [ __ ] you came from go that way go home go home and tell your mom and dad i said no thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] where's philip how shall i know what did you do well i sent him home what why because i was tired of seeing his [ __ ] little face you you can't do that what's the big deal you barely even know the kid god are you really that heartless what's the big deal lucy the big deal is that philip is a human being he's not just some house pet that you can throw in the trash whenever you're through with him what is he gonna do now i don't know who cares i care you don't care about anybody lucy [Music] really [Music] [Music] [Music] so what the [ __ ] is your problem what the [ __ ] is your problem i thought i made it pretty clear that you aren't welcome here you know there's nothing on the other side of those mountains no no i didn't know you sent me on a [ __ ] death march is that your angry face philip very convincing why did you do that because i don't want you here what don't you get i have nowhere else to go it's [ __ ] you ran away from home why don't you run back there i can't go home of course not you can't do anything because you're [ __ ] useless just [ __ ] off me you feeling pretty good about yourself philip well let me tell you something that it's a [ __ ] man's world and you're just a little boy go home phillip [Music] just get off of him don't touch you know the problem with you two is that neither of you know when you've outstayed your [ __ ] welcome so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] let's go so oh my gosh let's [ __ ] go what are we doing what the [ __ ] you want to be a big happy family all right well here we go we're gonna have ourselves a big happy family fun time i don't want to do this well life doesn't work that way phillip now sometimes you're gonna have to do things that you don't want to do [Music] let's go hello think anybody's here hello go check upstairs check upstairs great [ __ ] idea jack it's been a real blast well you weren't enjoying yourself this is what you wanted right you're sick you need to [ __ ] relax you know phillip lucy tells me your mom's a pretty serious drunk jack i'm sure you know the senate alcohol pretty well why don't you go find us a drink [Music] don't [ __ ] move [Music] [Music] stop kicking looking great what are we gonna do now huh she's seeing our faces what do you think the owners are gonna do when they come home and they find their way [ __ ] tied up oh that's great great have a drink hey philip do you want a drink why don't you pour me a tall one do you know how [ __ ] we are because of you you're stupid [ __ ] stupid just like your father [Applause] let's go jack let's go no lucy you said it yourself we can't just leave her here we have to do something about it i don't think of phil's gonna do anything about it and you don't seem to do much of anything lately so once again it's up to me to take care of the [ __ ] situation no don't let her go no lucy she's gonna tell on us okay she's gonna [ __ ] tell on us no please so so [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah philip phillip man wake up okay we're leaving wake the [ __ ] up we're leaving jack jack check what the [ __ ] are you doing this is all evidence okay this is the [ __ ] that's gonna put us in jail so we just we gotta get rid of that otherwise they're gonna know they're gonna they're gonna know it was us so we just we have to [ __ ] burn it okay nobody is coming here nobody knows anything you don't know that lucy okay i know they they know that i can [ __ ] hear them okay i can hear them so we just we just we just gotta get out of here okay i don't i don't hear anything we just okay we just gotta go chuck you need to calm down no i can see what's happening with you two i can see it you know you guys think that this is my fault but it's not it's not my fault it's everybody's fault okay so we just gotta get the [ __ ] out of here okay so let's let's go let's go let's go so this isn't gonna work yeah where are we gonna sleep what are we gonna eat i don't know lucy you know you're so smart all of a sudden why don't you tell me how about you phillip you got any bright ideas no jack ever lucid you see that's the problem with you two you always know what doesn't work and you have no idea how to fix it it's uselessness i didn't even say anything shut up shut up shut up you know this is your fault yeah jack why is that you know how about you enlighten me because i told her not to bring you in i told her you were bad luck i told her and then i took you out into the desert and you found your way back like a fan yeah and phillip was the one to cut out that woman's head and maybe i would agree with you but he didn't you did like a [ __ ] maniac and that is why this is happening [ __ ] it was just a matter of time a matter of time where are you going [ __ ] where you going i don't know jack see what's out there yo what are you gonna go and do you're gonna go and pick some berries lucy there's nothing out here this is a [ __ ] wasteland are you gonna put away the gun no no i'm not gonna put away the gun because i'm the boss and the democracy is [ __ ] over i'm the boss do you have an opinion no no you don't do you have an opinion you're the boss jack say it philip you're the boss let's go this place a [ __ ] wasteland so [Applause] so sit down brothers and sisters the eyes of the lord are upon us now he judges all of us he knows he knows what we do we who are his castaways were chosen to live as exceptions outside the rules and the regulations of the great conspiracy of society and yet he expects us to act with unselfishness and great discretion and deference towards his society in the clouds yes i am speaking of the righteous kingdom of heaven but you you three i have never been so disappointed in my life i have tried to cast out the evils i am trying to contend with your demons i tried to deliver you to salvation but i failed i have failed and now i must cast you out of this eden i must send you away from this beautiful garden that the eisenhower's built and that you have now destroyed get out all of you get out we're not going anywhere you're the devop and you are getting on my last nerve you're living in my land in my kingdom and you're telling me to leave the eyes of the lord will judge you they can go to hell for what i can just stop it just stop it get off of me i just [ __ ] care [Music] it wasn't that touching oh really it's uh it's the kind of [ __ ] that warms your heart it's [ __ ] adorable are you crying phil no good because men don't cry now maybe you didn't learn this in your [ __ ] school but because i have to teach you everything let me tell you something else when this is all done and you go home to your mommy and daddy and they ask you how vacation was i want you to tell them that you had the best time of your life you met this really great guy jack he taught you everything things you didn't even know existed but you took it all for granted you were completely oblivious to how grateful you should have been because you're just some spoiled little brat that should have never left home in the first place you know what they'll say fill up say it's okay it's fine we love you so much let's all go to an ice cream shop and forget about that sad jack jack stop it's over it's over fine fine it's over [Music] ugh so so looks like we'll see let's get out of here lucy let's go listen let's go let's go no i can't i can't what do you mean he's gonna find us i have to go and help him are you crazy i can't let him die like this lucy please please don't go everything's gonna be all right philip jack take a look at your girlfriend phillip no i really hope you got the chance to [ __ ] her maybe you and i could grab a beer and swap stories [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 255,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, full, movie, films, classic, sci-fi, horror, drama, b-grade, comedy, hollywood, popcornflix, bigtime, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, CMC, CMC YouTube, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie, watch free movies on youtube, latest free movies, Desert Son, Survival Movie, John Bain, Erica Curtis
Id: ErNgrwyB4vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 15sec (5595 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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