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[orchestra plays overture] [orchestra plays Bali Ha'i] [engine whirring] Where's that Marine lieutenant? Lieutenant Cable! Yes? The captain wants to know if you'd like to sit up in the cockpit with him. Sure. Thanks. Ah, pull up a chair, Marine. I'm Buzz Adams. Glad to know you. Joe Cable. Nice to meet you, Joe. What are those islands over there? [engine buzzing] Japanese. [Cable] All of 'em? Just a minute. [explosions booming] Yeah, they're unfriendly. Well, take it up! What's the idea? It's all right, it's all right. I just wanted to show the lieutenant. Thanks, I'll take your word for it. You gotta do something to break the monotony, Lieutenant. If this war ever really gets started-- It'll get started. Sure, sure, it'll get started. Yeah. You, uh, ever hear of a French civilian down where we're going named Emile De Becque? Yeah. What do you know about him? Nobody knows much about him. He's rich, got a big plantation on a hill, hunts, fishes. What's he doing out here? Story goes that he had to beat it out of France some 15, 16 years ago. Nobody seems to know much why. How 'bout taking me on your mission with you, Lieutenant? Who says I'm on any mission? My mistake? Your mistake. Sorry. Now, here we are. Hey, you see over there? That-- That's the fleet hospital where they keep the nurses. That's where the Seabees play. [male chorus singing] ♪ Bloody Mary is the girl I love ♪ [laughing] ♪ Bloody Mary is the girl I love ♪ ♪ Bloody Mary is the girl I love ♪ ♪ Now ain't that too damn bad! ♪ ♪ Her skin is tender as a baseball glove ♪ ♪ Her skin is tender as a baseball glove ♪ [laughing] ♪ Her skin is tender as a baseball glove ♪ ♪ Now ain't that too damn bad! ♪ ♪ Bloody Mary's chewing betel nuts ♪ ♪ She is always chewing betel nuts ♪ ♪ Bloody Mary's chewing betel nuts ♪ ♪ And she don't use Pepsodent! ♪♪ [men clapping, whooping] [men hooting, clapping] [men hooting] - ♪ Now ain't that ♪ - Hey, Stewpot, Professor! ♪ Too damn bad! ♪♪ [men cheering] Here you are, Mary. Put 'em down, Professor. These beautiful grass skirts... were made by myself, the Professor and Stewpot and three other Seabees... in half the time it takes your native workers to make 'em. See? No stretch. Look 'em over, sweaty pie, and give me a price. All hand-tied. Now, what do you say, sweat-so? What am I offered? Gee, pretty nice work. Did you hear that? You can probably sell these to the chumps... for five or six dollars apiece. Now, let's make a quick deal. I'll let you have the whole batch for say, um, 80 bucks. - Give you 10 dollar. - What? [men chuckling] Aah! Now, see here, dragon lady, you-- Hey, what's that you got there? A boar's tooth bracelet. Where'd you get that? Over there on Bali Ha'i? You like? Hey, come here. Come here. You don't run into these things every day. They're scarce as hen's teeth. They're bigger too. That darn Bali Ha'i. Why does it have to be off-limits? You can get everything over there-- shrunken heads, bracelets. Only officers can sign out boats. I'll get a boat, all right. I'll latch on to some officer who's got some imagination, who would like to see that boar's tooth ceremonial as much as I would. It's a pip of a ceremonial. Dancin', drinkin', everything. Why, you big phony. We all know why you wanna go to Bali Ha'i. Yeah? Why? Because the French planters put their young women over there when they heard the G.I.'s were coming. That's why. Just as if they didn't trust us. The trouble with you is, ain't boar's teeth. It's women. It is boar's teeth... and women. ♪ We got sunlight on the sand, We got moonlight on the sea ♪ ♪ We got mangoes and bananas ♪ ♪ We can pick right off a tree ♪ ♪ We got volley ball and ping pong ♪ ♪ And a lot of dandy games ♪ ♪ What ain't we got? ♪ ♪ We ain't got dames ♪ ♪ We get packages from home ♪ ♪ We get movies, We get shows ♪ ♪ We get speeches from our skipper ♪ ♪ And advice from Tokyo Rose ♪ ♪ We get letters doused wid poifume ♪ ♪ We get dizzy from the smell! ♪ ♪ What don't we get? ♪ ♪ You know damn well! ♪ ♪ We got nothin' to put on a clean white suit for ♪ ♪ What we need is what there ain't no substitute for ♪ ♪ There is nothin' like a dame ♪ ♪ Nothin' in the world ♪ ♪ There is nothin' you can name ♪ ♪ That is anythin' like a dame ♪ ♪ We feel restless, we feel blue ♪ ♪ We feel lonely and in brief ♪ ♪ We feel ev'ry kind of feeling ♪ ♪ But the feeling of relief ♪ ♪ We feel hungry as the wolf felt ♪ ♪ When he met Red Riding Hood ♪ ♪ What don't we feel? ♪ ♪ We don't feel good! ♪ ♪ Lots of things in life are beautiful, but brother ♪ ♪ There is one particular thing ♪ ♪ That is nothing whatsoever in any way, shape or form ♪ ♪ Like any other ♪ ♪ There is nothin' like a dame ♪ ♪ Nothin' in the world ♪ ♪ There is nothin' you can name ♪ ♪ That is anythin' like a dame ♪ ♪ Nothin' else is built the same! ♪ ♪ Nothin' in the world ♪ ♪ Has a soft and wavy frame ♪ ♪ like the silhouette of a dame ♪ [deep voice] ♪ There is absolutely nothin' ♪ ♪ like the frame ♪ ♪ Of a dame ♪ [women] Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. Pick 'em up. Set 'em down. Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. Pick 'em up. Set 'em down. Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. Hello. Luther. [mockingly] Luther. Yes, Miss Forbush. Have you done what you promised? Yes, Miss Forbush. I did it all last night. Uh, uh, you don't have to open it now. Oh! Why, you do beautiful work, Luther! Gosh, I guess I'm just about the luckiest nurse on this island to have found you. You're a treasure. Hup, two, three, four. [whistling melody] She's a nice little girl. But some of them nurses, the officers can have 'em. - They got 'em. - Well, they can have 'em. ♪ So suppose a dame ain't bright ♪ Or completely free from flaws ♪ ♪ Or as faithful as a bird dog or as kind as Santa Claus? ♪ ♪ It's a waste of time to worry over things that they have not ♪ ♪ Be thankful for ♪ ♪ The things they've got! ♪ [women] One, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four. [men] ♪ There is nothin' you can name ♪ ♪ That is anythin' like a dame ♪ ♪ There are no books like a dame ♪ ♪ And nothin' looks like a dame ♪ ♪ There are no drinks like a dame ♪ ♪ And nothin' thinks like a dame ♪ ♪ Nothin' acts like a dame ♪ ♪ Or attracts like a dame ♪ ♪ There ain't a thing that's wrong with any man here ♪ ♪ That can't be cured by puttin' him near ♪ ♪ A girly, womanly, female ♪ ♪ Feminine dame! ♪ ♪ There is nothin' you can name ♪ ♪ That is anythin' ♪♪ Hello. You make trouble for me? Huh? Are you crummy major? No, I'm even crummier than that. I'm a lieutenant. "Lootellan." Lootellan. Hiya, Lootellan. New on the rock? Just flew in on that PBY. Where from? Little island south of Marie Louise. Hey, Lootellan. You sexy man. [men laughing] Thanks, uh... You're looking pretty, uh, fit yourself. [all laughing] Sexy! - Who's she? - Ah, nobody. She's Tonkinese. You got sweetheart? Take home Chicago to sexy sweetheart. Oh, no, she's a Philadelphia girl. I doubt that she'd quite appreciate. What's that "Philadelia" girl? What's that mean? No sexy? [all laughing] You like, I give you free. Free? You never give me anything free. You no sexy like Lootellan. [all laughing] Take. No, thanks. Where'd you get that anyway? Bali Ha'i. [female chorus] ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪♪ There's your officer. [whispering] Leave it to me. Intriguin' little island, ain't it, Lieutenant? Officers can get launches and go over there. Bali Ha'i. What's that mean? Bali Ha'i mean "I am your special island." Mean "Here I am." Bali Ha'i your special island, Lootellan. I know. You listen, you hear island call to you. Listen. You no hear something? [whimsical chimes playing] You hear voice? ♪ Mos' people live ♪ ♪ On a lonely island ♪ ♪ Lost in the middle of a foggy sea ♪ ♪ Mos' people long for a nudder island ♪ ♪ One where they know ♪ ♪ They would like to be ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i may call you ♪ ♪ Any night, any day ♪ ♪ In your heart you'll hear it call you ♪ ♪ "Come away, come away." ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i will whisper ♪ ♪ On the wind of the sea ♪ ♪ "Here am I, your special island!" ♪ ♪ "Come to me, come to me!" ♪ ♪ Your own special hopes ♪ ♪ Your own special dreams ♪ ♪ Bloom on the hillside ♪ ♪ And shine in the streams ♪ ♪ If you try ♪ ♪ You'll find me ♪ ♪ Where the sky meets the sea ♪ ♪ "Here am I, your special island!" ♪ ♪ "Come to me. Come to me!" ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Some day you'll see me ♪ ♪ Floatin' in the sunshine ♪ ♪ My head stickin' out ♪ ♪ F'um a low flyin' cloud ♪ ♪ You'll hear me call you ♪ ♪ Singin' through the sunshine ♪ ♪ Sweet and clear ♪ ♪ As can be ♪ ♪ "Come to me ♪ ♪ Here am I ♪ ♪ Come to me!" ♪ ♪ If you try you'll find me ♪ ♪ Where the sky meets the sea ♪ ♪ Hear am I, your special island ♪ ♪ Come to me ♪ ♪ Come to me ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪♪ Of course, Lieutenant, uh, right now, uh, that island is off-limits. Of course, you being an officer, you could get a launch. I'd even be willin'... to requisition a boat for you. [chuckles] But another thing goes on over there. The, uh, ceremonial of the boar's tooth. After they kill the boar, they... pass around some of that, uh, coconut liquor. And women, uh, dance with just skirts on. And everybody gets to know everybody pretty well. And I thought you bein' up in the shootin' war... for such a long time without getting any recreation, uh... uh, thought you might be interested. [whooping] Iron belly. [men whooping] [whooping continues] Here she is, sir. You are causing an economic revolution on this island. These French planters can't find a native to pick a coconut... or milk a cow... because you're paying them 10 times as much... to make these ridiculous grass skirts. French planters stingy stinker! Like you, crummy Captain! I want you to pick up every scrap of this paraphernalia now. And for the last time, carry it way down there... beyond that pier... off Navy property. [clattering] All right, you men! Take this stuff down there past that pier! Snap to it! - Who is he? - Don't know, sir. All right, all right. Come on. Let's go. Get it down there. Let's go. Let's go. Come on. Come on. Way down there. Off Navy property. You go too. All right, Lootellan. Thank you. Lieutenant? Who are you anyway? Lieutenant Joseph Cable, sir. I just flew in on that P.B.Y. - A joyride? - No, sir. Orders. A Marine under orders to me? Yes, sir. This is Commander Harbison, my executive officer. - Commander. - Lieutenant Cable. Well, what's it all about? Well, sir, my colonel feels... that all these islands are in danger... because none of us has been getting any firsthand intelligence. We don't know what the Japanese are really up to. [Brackett] He couldn't be more right. He feels that what we need is a coast watch. - A coast watch? - Yes, sir. One of our men with a radio... hiding out on one of the enemy-held islands... where he could watch for enemy ships... when they come down through the bottleneck down this way. What do you think, Bill? Well, sir, our pilots could do a lot of damage to enemy convoys with information like that. How would you get a man on one of those islands? Have to sneak him ashore somehow, sir. How long do you think he could hold out there sending messages before the Japanese spotted him? It could be done, sir. Yeah, but who's going to do it? Well, sir, I've been elected. You got yourself quite an assignment, son. I think I'd be okay... if I could take a man with me who really knew the country. Headquarters has found out that there's a French civilian here... used to have a plantation on Marie Louise Island. Did a lot of hunting and fishing there. Marie Louise. That's a good spot. Right on the bottleneck. What's this Frenchman's name? Emile De Becque. Ah! He lives right up there. [Cable] Yes, sir. Do you know him? Well, I've met him. But I don't know very much about him... yet. - Is all this yours? - Yes. [Miss Forbush] Is it true that all the planters on these islands-- Are they really running away from something? Uh, who is not running away from something? There are fugitives everywhere. New York, in Paris, even in Small Rock. Yeah, where you come from. Oh! Little Rock. - Oh, Little. Oh. - [chuckles] Yes. - Small Rock. - Excuse me. Little Rock. You know any fugitives there? I'll show you a picture of a Little Rock fugitive. I got this clipping from my mother... today. Hey. [chuckles] "Ensign Nellie Forbush, Arkansas's own Florence Nightingale." That was written by Mrs. Leeming, the social editor. - Hmm. - She went to school with my mother. Pretty girl, huh? That picture was taken before I knew what... rain and heat and mud can do to your disposition. [sighs] But it isn't raining today. Gosh, it's beautiful here. Just look at that yellow sun. And way off in the distance, those lovely little white clouds. Those lovely little white clouds could easily be gunfire. Oh, how awful. On such a day. Boys getting killed, people getting-- But you know, Emile, I don't think it's the end of the world like everyone else thinks. Do you? Perhaps the end of some worlds. Not this one. It can't be. I-- I can't work myself up to getting that low. You think I'm crazy too? Well, they all do over at the fleet hospital. You know what they call me? Knucklehead Nellie. [chuckles] I suppose I am. But I can't help it. ♪ When the sky is a bright canary yellow ♪ ♪ I forget ev'ry cloud I've ever seen ♪ ♪ So they call me a cockeyed optimist ♪ ♪ Immature and incurably green! ♪ ♪ I have heard people rant and rave and bellow ♪ ♪ That we're done and we might as well be dead ♪ ♪ But I'm only a cockeyed optimist ♪ ♪ And I can't get it into my head ♪ ♪ I hear the human race is falling on its face ♪ ♪ And hasn't very far to go ♪ ♪ But ev'ry whippoorwill is selling me a bill ♪ ♪ And telling me it just ain't so ♪ ♪ I could say life is just a bowl of jello ♪ ♪ And appear more intelligent and smart ♪ ♪ But I'm stuck like a dope with a thing called hope ♪ ♪ And I can't get it out of my heart ♪ ♪ Not ♪ ♪ This ♪ ♪ Heart ♪♪ Do you wanna know anything else about me? Yes. Would you like to see the view? Mmm. You say you are a fugitive. When you joined the Navy, what were you running away from? Gosh, I don't know. It was more like running to something. I wanted to see what the world was like-- outside of Little Rock, I mean. And I wanted to meet different kinds of people... and find out if I liked 'em better. And do you? Well, I-I don't really know yet. I guess they're... different. Would you like some cognac? I'd love some. [Nellie's voice]<i> ♪ Wonder how I'd feel ♪</i> <i> ♪ Living on a hillside ♪</i> <i> ♪ Looking on an ocean ♪</i> <i> ♪ Beautiful and still ♪</i> [Emile's voice]<i> ♪ This is what I need ♪</i> <i> ♪ This is what I've longed for ♪</i> <i> ♪ Someone young and smiling ♪</i> <i> ♪ Climbing up my hill! ♪</i> [Nellie's voice]<i> ♪ We are not alike ♪</i> <i> ♪ Probably I'd bore him ♪</i> <i> ♪ He's a cultured Frenchman ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm a little hick ♪</i> [Emile's Voice]<i> ♪ Younger men than I ♪</i> <i> ♪ Officers and doctors ♪</i> <i> ♪ Probably pursue her ♪</i> <i> ♪ She could have her pick ♪</i> [Nellie's Voice]<i> ♪ Wonder why I feel ♪</i> <i> ♪ Jittery and jumpy! ♪</i> <i> ♪ I am like a school-girl ♪</i> <i> ♪ Waiting for a dance ♪</i> [Emile's Voice]<i> ♪ Can I ask her now? ♪</i> <i> ♪ I am like a school boy! ♪</i> <i> ♪ What will be her answer? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Do I have ♪</i> <i> ♪ A chance? ♪♪</i> In peacetime, the boat from America comes once a month. The ladies-- the wives of the planters-- often go to Australia during the hot months. It can get very hot here. Oh, it can get hot in Arkansas too. - It can? - Uh-huh. I have many books here. Marcel Proust? Anatole France? Did you study French in school? Oh, yes. Then you can read French. No. I can conjugate a few verbs. I'll bet you read a lot. Out here, one becomes hungry to learn everything. Not to miss anything. Not to let anything good pass by. [sets glass down] Yes? One waits so long for what is good, and when at last it comes, one cannot risk to lose. So one must speak and act quickly, even if it seems almost foolish to be so quick. I know it's only two weeks. A dinner given at your Officers Club, wasn't it? Yes, it was, Emile. And that is the way things happen sometimes. Isn't it, Nellie? Yes, it is, Emile. ♪ Some enchanted evening ♪ ♪ You may see a stranger ♪ ♪ You may see a stranger ♪ ♪ Across a crowded room ♪ ♪ And somehow you know ♪ ♪ You know even then ♪ ♪ That somewhere you'll see her ♪ ♪ Again and again ♪ ♪ Some enchanted evening ♪ ♪ Someone may be laughing ♪ ♪ You may hear her laughing ♪ ♪ Across a crowded room ♪ ♪ And night after night ♪ ♪ As strange as it seems ♪ ♪ The sound of her laughter ♪ ♪ Will sing in your dreams ♪ ♪ Who can explain it? ♪ ♪ Who can tell you why? ♪ ♪ Fools give you reasons ♪ ♪ Wise men never try ♪ ♪ Some enchanted evening ♪ ♪ When you find your true love ♪ ♪ When you feel her call you ♪ ♪ Across a crowded room ♪ ♪ Then fly to her side ♪ ♪ And make her your own ♪ ♪ Or all through your life ♪ ♪ You may dream ♪ ♪ All ♪ ♪ Alone ♪ ♪ Once you have found her ♪ ♪ Never let her go ♪ ♪ Once you have found her ♪ ♪ Never ♪ ♪ Let ♪ ♪ Her ♪ ♪ Go! ♪♪ I am older than you. If we have children, when I die, they will be growing up. You could afford to take them back to America, if you like. Think about it. Monsieur De Becque. [speaking French] [French continues] Oh! Oh, my jeep. Thanks, Henry. Tell 'em I'll be right there. Good-bye, Emile. I had such a lovely time. I-- Before you leave, Nellie, I want to tell you something. A while ago you asked me a question: Why did I leave France? - Emile, that was nothing-- - But I want to tell you. I had to leave France. I killed a man. Why did you kill him? He was a wicked man-- the town bully. Everyone in our village was glad to see him die. And it was not to my discredit. Do you believe me, Nellie? You-- You just told me that you killed a man... and that it's all right. I hardly know you. And yet I know it's all right. Thank you, Nellie. And you like my place? Yes. You-- You will think? I will think. Shh. ♪ La, da-da, da-da, da ♪ [children] ♪ La, la-la, la-la, la ♪ Oh. [laughing] [speaks French] [all speaking French] ♪ Dites-moi ♪ ♪ Pour quoi ♪ ♪ La vie est belle ♪ [all] ♪ Dites-moi ♪ ♪ Pour quoi ♪ ♪ La vie est gaie? ♪ ♪ Dites-moi ♪ ♪ Pour quoi ♪ ♪ Chere mad'moiseille ♪ ♪ Est ce que ♪ ♪ Par ce que ♪ ♪ Vous m'aimez ♪♪ I'm Lieutenant Cable. [Brackett] Oh, come in, Cable. Come over here. Look at this. We've got some dope on your Frenchman. Had a plantation on Marie Louise Island. Moved down here to this island 16 years ago. Married to a Polynesian woman for about five years. Two children by her. She died. Here's one thing we've got to clear up. Seems he left France in a hurry. Killed a guy. What do you think of that? Might be a handy man to have around. [intercom buzzes] Cable. Good. Send her in. Here she is. Oh, come in, Miss Forbush. Captain Brackett, please excuse the way I look. I was just-- [Brackett] Oh, you look fine. May I present Commander Harbison? I have the pleasure of meeting Miss Forbush twice a week. We serve together on the G.I. Entertainment Committee. Oh. How's the Thanksgiving entertainment coming along? Very well. Thank you, sir. We practice whenever we get a chance. May I also present Lieutenant Joseph Cable? Miss Forbush. Sit down, Miss Forbush. Miss Forbush, you've been seeing a French planter, Emile De Becque. Yes, sir. Good. What do you know about him? Well, uh, uh, what do I know about him? That's right. Well, I, uh-- We met at the Officers Club dance. He was there. And I met him. Yes. Now, what kind of a man is he? Well, uh, he's very nice. He's kind. He's attractive. I just don't know what you wanna know, sir. Miss Forbush, Captain Brackett wants to know, did you discuss politics? No, sir. Would you have discussed politics, Commander? What we're specifically interested in is-- well, when these fellas come out from France, it's generally because they've had trouble. Has he ever told you anything about that? Well, uh, what do you know about his family, for instance? Oh, uh, he has no family. No wife. Nobody. - He doesn't have any children? - No, sir. And you say he's never told you why he left France? Yes, sir. He left France because he killed a man. Did he tell you why? No, but he will if I ask him. Well, Miss Forbush, that's exactly what we'd like to have you do. Find out as much about him as you can-- his background, his opinions and why he killed this man in France. In other words, you want me to spy on him? Well, I'm afraid it is something like that. Why? Do you suspect him of anything? No. It's just that we don't know very much about him. And he's-- Will you help us, Miss Forbush? I'll try. Thank you. You may go now if you wish. I don't know very much about him, really. Do I? He's kept a few secrets from her, hasn't he? Well, you don't spring a couple of Polynesian kids on a woman right off the bat. I'm afraid we aren't gonna get much out of her. She's obviously in love with him. That's hard to believe, sir. They tell me he's a middle-aged man. Cable, it is a common mistake for boys of your age... and athletic ability... to underestimate men who have reached their maturity. Sir, I didn't mean-- Young women frequently find a grown man attractive, strange as it may seem to you. I, myself, am over 50. I am a bachelor. And, Cable, I do not by any means... consider myself... through. [chuckles] What's the matter, Bill? Nothing, evidently. [laughing] Okay, Cable, see you at chow. Yes, sir. Anything for Ensign Forbush? Oh, uh, your mail, Miss Forbush. Oh, thanks, Luther. And, uh, your hot water's still waiting for ya. Oh, thank you, Luther. You're sweet. Don't change your expression, Lieutenant. Just act like we're talkin' casual. I got the boat. What boat? We're shoving off for Bali Ha'I in 45 minutes. What are you talking about? The project you and I got to go to Bali Ha'i. Oh, yeah. Well, you can forget it. Lieutenant, what are you doing to me? I signed this boat out in your name. Well, then you're just the man to cancel it. Forget the whole thing. Okay, mate? Lieutenant, you and me are going on a boat trip... whether you like it or not. Letter from home? Oh, yes. Do you get letters from your mother telling you that everything you do is wrong? No. My mother thinks everything I do is right. Of course, I don't tell her everything I do. My mother is so prejudiced. Against Frenchmen? Against anyone living outside of Little Rock. She makes a big thing out of two people having different backgrounds. - You mean ages? - Oh, no. Mother says older men are better for girls than younger men. This has been a discouraging day for me. Suppose you had a sister and she was in love... with a man like-- - De Becque? - Yeah. I'd tell her to lay off. [Nellie] You don't have to worry about me anymore because it's all off. - [woman] With him? - Uh-huh. Smart girl, Nellie. I'm gonna break it off clean before it's too late. - Do you think you can? - Before I go any further, I just better not get started. Don't you think so too, Gracey? Yes, I do. - You do, huh? - [Grace] Yes. Well, I guess I do too. Well, you don't have to look so dramatic about it. Things like this happen every day. ♪ I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair ♪ ♪ I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair ♪ ♪ I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair ♪ ♪ And send him on his way ♪ Get the picture? ♪ I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms ♪ [All] ♪ I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms ♪ ♪ I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms ♪ ♪ And send him on his way ♪ ♪ If the man don't understand you ♪ ♪ If you fly on sep'rate beams ♪ ♪ Waste no time! ♪ ♪ Make a change ♪ ♪ Ride that man right off your range ♪ ♪ Rub him outa the roll call ♪ ♪ And drum him outa your dreams! ♪ [All]♪ Oh ho! ♪ ♪ Oh ho! ♪ [blows raspberry] ♪ I went an' washed that man right outa my hair ♪ ♪ I went an' washed that man right outa my hair ♪ ♪ I went an' washed that man right outa my hair ♪ ♪ And sent him on his way! ♪♪ [trills] Hyah! Oh, hello. Hello. Uh, that song-- is it a new American song? Well, uh, uh, it's an American-type song. We were just kind of, uh, putting in our own words, you know. Uh, uh, where is everybody? I left a note for you at the hospital. It was to ask you to my home for dinner next Friday. Oh, uh-- Well, Emile, I don't think I'll be able to come. I have these rehearsals-- I have already invited some of my friends. The planters' colony. Oh. Oh, a big party. Well-- Well, then if I can't come, you won't miss me. But it is for you. It is for my friends to meet you... and, more important, for you to meet them. To give you an idea of what your life would be like here. I want you to know more about me-- how I live and think. More about you. Yes. +You know very little about me. That's right. Uh, would you sit down? Do you think about politics much? And if so, what do you think about politics? I've-- Do you mean that-- Do you mean my political philosophy? I think that's what I mean. Oh. [chuckles] Uh, well, to begin with, I-- I believe in the free life and freedom for everyone. Like in the Declaration of Independence? C'est ça. All men are created equal, isn't it? Emile, you really believe that? But of course, Nellie. Well, thank goodness. Oh. It's why I am here, why I killed a man. Oh, yes, I, uh-- [clears throat] I meant to ask you about that too. Now, uh, I don't want you to think I'm prying into your private life... asking a lot of personal questions, but, uh, I always think it's interesting... why a person... kills... another person. But of course, Nellie. That has worried you. When I was a boy, I carried my hat in my hand. So, when this man came to our town, though my father said he was good, I thought he was bad. I was young. He attracted all the mean and cruel people to him. Soon he was running our town. He could do anything, take anything. I didn't like that. I was young. I stood up in the public square. I made a speech. I called upon everyone to stand with me against this man. - What did they do? - They walked away. Why? Because they saw him standing behind me. I turned. And he said to me, "I'm going to kill you now." We fought. I was never so strong. I knocked him to the ground. And when he fell, his head struck a stone and-- I ran to the waterfront and joined a cargo boat. I didn't even know where it was going. I stepped off that boat into another world... where I am now, and where I want to stay. Nellie, will you marry me? There are so few days in our life, Nellie. The time I have with you now... is precious to me. Have you been thinking? I've been thinking. ♪ Born on the opposite sides of a sea ♪ ♪ We are as different as people can be ♪ ♪ It's true ♪ ♪ And yet you want to marry me ♪ ♪ I do ♪ ♪ I've known you a few short weeks ♪ ♪ And yet somehow you've made my heart forget ♪ ♪ All other men I have ever met ♪ ♪ But you ♪ ♪ But you ♪ ♪ Who can explain it? ♪ ♪ Who can tell you why? ♪ ♪ Fools give you reasons ♪ ♪ Wise men never try ♪♪ Will you come next Friday? Uh-huh. [women laughing] [woman] Well, she sure washed him out of her hair. - [woman #2] She sure did. - [women laughing] ♪ I expect ev'ry one of my crowd ♪ ♪ To make fun of my proud protestations ♪ ♪ Of faith and romance ♪ ♪ And they'll say I'm naive as a babe to believe ♪ ♪ Any fable I hear form a person in pants ♪ ♪ Fearlessly I'll face them ♪ ♪ And argue their doubts away ♪ ♪ Loudly I'll sing about flowers and spring ♪ ♪ Flatly I'll stand on my little flat feet and say ♪ ♪ Love is a grand ♪ ♪ And a beautiful thing ♪ ♪ I'm not ashamed to reveal ♪ ♪ The world famous feeling ♪ ♪ I feel ♪ ♪ I'm as corny as Kansas in August ♪ ♪ I'm as normal as blueberry pie ♪ ♪ No more a smart little girl with no heart ♪ ♪ I have found me a wonderful guy! ♪ ♪ I am in a conventional dither ♪ ♪ With a conventional star in my eye ♪ ♪ And you will note there's a lump in my throat ♪ ♪ When I speak of that wonderful guy! ♪ ♪ I'm as trite and as gay as a daisy in May ♪ ♪ A cliché coming true! ♪ ♪ I'm bromidic and bright ♪ ♪ As a moon happy night pouring light on the dew! ♪ ♪ I'm as corny as Kansas in August ♪ ♪ High as a flag on the fourth of July! ♪ ♪ If you'll excuse an expression I use ♪ ♪ I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love ♪ ♪ I'm in love with a wonderful guy! ♪ ♪ I'm as corny as Kansas in August ♪ ♪ High as a flag on the fourth of July! ♪ ♪ If you'll excuse an expression I use ♪ ♪ I'm in love, I'm in love ♪ ♪ I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love ♪ [all] ♪ I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love ♪ ♪ I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love ♪ ♪ I'm in love with a wonderful guy! ♪♪ Now, before you give us an answer, I wanna impress you with three things. First-- you are a civilian and you don't have to go. Second-- this is a very dangerous mission... and there's no guarantee that you will survive... or that it will do any good. Third-- that it might do a great good. It might be the means of turning the tide of the war in this area. Yeah, I understand all these things. Are you ready to give us your answer? Yes, I am. My answer must be no. When a man faces death, he must weigh values very carefully. He must weigh the sweetness of his life... against the thing he's asked to die for. The probability of death is very great... for both of us. I know that island well, Lieutenant Cable. And, uh, I'm not certain that I believe... that what you're asking me to do is-- is that-- [Brackett] We're asking you to help us lick the Japanese. It's as simple as that. We're against the Japanese. I know what you are against. What are you for? When I was 22, I thought the world hated bullies as much as I did. I was foolish, and I killed one. I was forced to flee to an island. Since then, I have asked no help from anyone... or any country. I have seen these bullies multiply... and grow strong. And the world sat by and watched. Oh, the hell with this, De Becque! Let's be honest! Aren't you just a guy in love with a girl and you're putting her above everything else? Yes. I do care about my life with her... more than anything else in the world. It is the only thing that is important to me. This I believe in. This I'm sure of. This I have. I cannot risk to lose it. Good day, gentlemen. He's an honest man, but he's wrong. Of course we can't guarantee him a better world if we win. The point is we can be sure it'll be worse if we lose, can't we? Well, can't we? I don't know. What should I do now, Captain Brackett? Go back to my outfit tonight? Why don't you take a couple of days off and unwind? Unwind? Sure. Take a boat. Go fishing. Boat. [chorus of women] ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ May call you ♪ ♪ Any night, any day ♪ [man] There's a ceremony today, Billis. The whole town's out. ♪ "Come away, come away!" ♪ [Ringing] ♪ Bali Ha'i will whisper ♪ ♪ On the wind of the sea ♪ ♪ "Here am I, your special island!" ♪ ♪ "Come to me, come to me!" ♪ ♪ Your own special hopes ♪ ♪ Your own special dreams ♪ ♪ Bloom on the hillside ♪ ♪ And shine in the streams ♪ ♪ If you try ♪ ♪ You'll find me ♪ ♪ Where the sky meets the sea ♪ [Giggling] ♪ "Here am I ♪ [Billis chuckles] ♪ "Your special island!" ♪ ♪ "Come to me, come to me!" ♪ Here you are. [chuckles] [giggling] [chuckles] That's it. Dance it up, kids. [chorus] ♪ "Come to me ♪ ♪ Come to me!" ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪♪ [Bloody Mary] Welcome Bali Ha'i. - What are you doing here? - Here I live. [chuckles] You like? Bali Ha'i call you, eh? You no escape Bali Ha'i when she call you. Hey, are you guys with the boar's tooth ceremonial? You know-- [growls] Yes. You go with them, big dealer. Lootellan, you come with me. Will you get your carcass out of here! He's going with me. Which way is it? All right. Come on. [natives chattering] [Billis] That ain't all halibut in that net, Lieutenant. The place is loaded, ain't it? Well, ain't it? No comment. [drums beating] [drums continue beating] [sticks rattling rhythmically] [chanting in native language] [singing in native language] That's the chief. He's the one that takes out the tooth. [snorting] Look at those tusks. Yeah, they've gone through the pig's face twice and once through his jawbone. That's why they're so hard to get out. [groans] [singing continues] Hey, look! He's dancing on those hot coals! Come on! Now for the cuttin'. I'm not gonna wait around for that. [birds twittering] What's this all about? You wait. There's nobody around here. You wait, Lootellan. What's going on, Mary? What-- [rustling] You like? Who is she? Liat. Liat. [Bloody Mary] Is French name. But she no French girl. She Tonkinese, like me. We are very pretty people, no? Liat nice daughter, no? Make nice wife. Yes? You speak English? Only few word. She talk French. Français. Je parle français... un peu. Moi aussi. Un peu. [laughing] Afraid of me? Oh. Avez-vous peur? Non. Oui. Non. You're just a kid. How did an innocent kid like you get mixed up with Bloody Mary? C'est vieux femme-- votre amie? Ma mère. Your mother! Bloody Mary really is your mother. That's why she's been looking me over like that. [bell clanging] It's the boat, all right. Ah, let 'em wait. ♪ I touch your hand ♪ ♪ and my arms grow strong ♪ ♪ Like a pair of birds ♪ ♪ That burst with song ♪ ♪ My eyes look down ♪ ♪ At your lovely face ♪ ♪ And I hold the world ♪ ♪ In my embrace ♪ ♪ Younger than springtime are you ♪ ♪ Softer than starlight are you ♪ ♪ Warmer than winds of June ♪ ♪ Are the gentle lips ♪ ♪ You gave me ♪ ♪ Gayer than laughter are you ♪ ♪ Sweeter than music are you ♪ ♪ Angel and lover ♪ ♪ Heaven and earth ♪ ♪ Are you to me ♪ ♪ And when your youth ♪ ♪ And joy ♪ ♪ Invade my arms ♪ ♪ And fill my heart ♪ ♪ As now they do.. ♪ ♪ Then.. ♪ ♪ Younger than springtime am I ♪ ♪ Gayer than laughter am I ♪ ♪ Angel and lover ♪ ♪ Heaven and earth ♪ ♪ Am I ♪ ♪ With you ♪ [bell clanging] ♪ Younger than springtime am I ♪ ♪ Gayer than laughter am I ♪ ♪ Angel and lover ♪ ♪ Heaven and earth ♪ ♪ Am I ♪ ♪ With ♪ ♪ You ♪♪ [chorus] ♪ Bali Ha'I ♪ [singing continues] [continues faintly] Ring the bell again! Ring the bell again! [bell clanging] [Bloody Mary] You no worry, Billis. He be here soon. Look! [chorus] ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪ ♪ Bali Ha'i ♪♪ He's gonna be my son-in-law. [laughing] [people speaking French] [speaking broken French] [Emile Laughing] Au revoir. - Nellie. - Huh? Nellie, please, Nellie, stay for just a moment. Emile, you know I can't stay. Why not? No one will think anything. And--And I gotta get this jeep back. I stole it. You must never return anything you steal. Then they'll know you stole it. But I really just borrowed it. Or rather someone stole it for me. A wonderful man named Billis. I have to sneak around behind the hospital as it is. In that case, I forbid you to go. If you have to sneak back without anyone seeing you, you might as well sneak back later. You're absolutely right. - [man] Au revoir, Emile. - Au revoir. [Emile speaking French] [Nellie] Oh! I never had such a wonderful time in my whole life. - They're nice people, no? - Oh, they're lovely people. That cute old man that spoke French with me and made believe he understood me. And that exciting native couple who danced for us. Oh. Oh, it's so different from Little Rock! [Emile laughing] What on earth are you laughing at? Am I drunk? - Oh, no. - Oh, yes, I am. But it isn't the champagne. It's because-- ♪ I'm in love with a wonderful guy ♪ ♪ I am in a conventional dither ♪ ♪ With a conventional star in my eye ♪ ♪ And you will note There's a lump in my throat ♪ ♪ When I speak to that wonderful guy ♪ ♪ I'm as trite and as gay as a daisy in May ♪ ♪ A cliché coming true! ♪ ♪ I'm bromidic and bright ♪ ♪ As a moon happy night pouring light on the dew ♪ ♪ I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love ♪ ♪ I'm in love with a wonderful guy! ♪ ♪ I'm in love, I'm in love, and the girl that I love ♪ ♪ She thinks I'm a wonderful guy ♪♪ [sighs] Oh! Imagine leaving all of this wonderful champagne. [chuckles] Mmm! Mmm! Here, Emile. You have some too. It's such a waste. Here. Here is another bottle. [Nellie's voice]<i> ♪ This is how it feels ♪</i> <i> ♪ Living on a hillside ♪</i> Here we are, just like two old married people are. Our guests have gone home and we're alone. [Emile's voice]<i> ♪ This is what I need ♪</i> <i>♪ This is what I've longed for ♪</i> <i> ♪ Someone young and smiling ♪</i> <i> ♪ Here upon my hill ♪♪</i> - Emile. - Hmm? My mother says we have nothing in common, but she's wrong. We have something very important in common-- very much in common. Yes. We are both in love. Yes, but more than that. I've had enough. We're the same kind of people, fundamentally-- you and me. We appreciate things. We get enthusiastic about things. It's really quite exciting when two people are like that. We're not blasé. Mmm. - You know what I mean? - Yes. We are both knuckleheads. Cockeyed optimists. ♪ I hear the human race is falling on its face ♪ ♪ And hasn't very far to go ♪ ♪ But ev'ry whippoorwill is selling me a bill ♪ ♪ And telling me it just ain't so ♪ ♪ I could say life is just a bowl of jello ♪ ♪ And appear more intelligent and smart ♪ ♪ But I'm stuck like a dope with a thing called hope ♪ ♪ And I can't get it out of my heart ♪ ♪ Not ♪ ♪ This ♪ ♪ Heart ♪♪ Nellie. Nellie, I have a surprise for you. - Oh! - No, stay there. Oh! Why, you're the cutest things I ever saw in my whole life. What are your names? You probably can't understand a word I'm saying. But oh, my goodness, you're cute. Nellie, I want you to meet Ngana and Jerome. Ngana and Jerome, Nellie. - Nellie? - Nellie? - [chuckles] - [speaking French] [speaking French] - Bonsoir, Nellie. - Bonsoir, Nellie. Bonsoir, Nellie. Aren't they adorable! Those big black eyes staring at you out of those sweet little faces. [chuckles] Are they Henry's? They're mine. [chuckles] Oh, of course they are. They look exactly like you, don't they? Where do you hide their mother? She's dead, Nellie. She's-- Emile, they are yours? Yes, Nellie. I'm their father. And-- And their mother was a-- Polynesian. She was beautiful, Nellie, and charming too. And you loved her. I want you to know I have no apologies. I came here as a young man. I lived as I could. Of course. But I have not been selfish. No woman ever hated me or tried to hurt me. No-- No woman could... ever want-- want to hurt you, Emile. What time is it? I promised to get that jeep back. Oh! Oh, this is awful. Oh-- Oh, why just look at the time! Please, Nellie, wait. I'll drive you home. - Oh, you'll do no such thing. - But-- Anyway, I couldn't leave the jeep here. I've gotta get it back by-- Don't go now, Nellie. Don't go yet, please. Oh, well, I have to go. Yes, this-- this is just terrible. I-- I won't be able to face the girls at the hospital as it is. I-- You can't imagine the way they look at you when you come in late. - Yes, Nellie-- - I'll call you. I'll come by tomorrow. Yes. - Nellie-- - Oh, no. [panting] Oh, dear. There are those awful rehearsals for Thanksgiving day. I'm teaching them a dance and they wanna rehearse night and day. But after that-- Thank you for tonight, Emile. I had a wonderful time. It was the nicest party and you were a perfect host. Good-bye. - Nellie, I-I-- - Please, Emile. Please stay here. Please don't come to the jeep. Please! Nellie. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you. And I love you too. Honestly, I do. Please let me go. Oh, please let me go! [sobbing] ♪ Once you have found her ♪ ♪ Never let her go ♪ ♪ Once you have found her ♪ ♪ Never let ♪ ♪ Her ♪ ♪ Go! ♪♪ [orchestra playing overture] ♪♪ [bell clanging] [squeals] [Squeals] [all] Whoa! Come on. Allons. Whoo! [laughter] Happy, Lootellan? [laughing] Jacques Barrere want to marry Liat. He ask again last night. You mean, that old French planter you told me about, the one you despise? You can't let her marry a man like that! [Bloody Mary] Is white man, too, and very rich. I don't care! You can't let her marry him. Okay. Then you marry her. Lootellan, you have good life here. I am rich. Since war, I make 2,000 dollar. War go on, I make maybe more. Give all the money to you and Liat. You no have to work. I work for you. All day long, you and Liat play together. Make love, talk happy. No think about "Philadelia." It's no good! ♪ Happy Talk, keep talkin' Happy Talk ♪ ♪ Talk about t'ings you'd like to do ♪ ♪ You got to have a dream ♪ ♪ If you don't have a dream ♪ ♪ How you gonna have a dream come true? ♪ ♪ Talk about a moon ♪ ♪ Floatin' in the sky ♪ ♪ Lookin' like a lily on a lake ♪ ♪ Talk about a bird ♪ ♪ Learnin' how to fly ♪ ♪ Makin' all the music he can make ♪ ♪ Happy Talk, keep talkin' Happy Talk ♪ ♪ Talk about t'ings you'd like to do ♪ ♪ You got to have a dream ♪ ♪ If you don't have a dream ♪ ♪ How you gonna have a dream come true? ♪ ♪ Talk about a star ♪ ♪ Lookin' like a toy ♪ ♪ Peekin' through the branches of a tree ♪ ♪ Talk about a girl ♪ ♪ Talk about a boy ♪ ♪ Countin' all the ripples on the sea ♪ ♪ Happy Talk, keep talkin' Happy Talk ♪ ♪ Talk about t'ings you'd like to do ♪ ♪ You got to have a dream ♪ ♪ If you don't have a dream ♪ ♪ How you gonna have a dream come true? ♪ ♪ Talk about a boy ♪ ♪ Sayin' to the girl ♪ ♪ "Golly baby ♪ ♪ I'm a lucky cuss!" ♪ ♪ Talk about a girl ♪ ♪ Sayin' to the boy ♪ ♪ "You an' me is lucky ♪ ♪ To be us" ♪ ♪ Happy Talk, keep talkin' Happy Talk ♪ ♪ Talk about t'ings you'd like to do ♪ ♪ You got to have a dream ♪ ♪ If you don't have a dream ♪ ♪ How you gonna have a dream come true? ♪ ♪ If you don't talk happy ♪ ♪ An' you never have a dream ♪ ♪ Den you'll never have ♪ ♪ A dream ♪ ♪ Come true ♪♪ Is good idea? You like? [laughing] Wait a minute. Liat, I want you to have this. It was my grandfather's. My dad carried it through the last war. First minute I see you, I know you right man for Liat... and she right girl for you. You have special good babies. Mary, I can't marry Liat. Was your last chance! Now she marries Jacques Barrere! Come, Liat. [sobbing] Give me watch! [shattering] - [whimpering] - Stingy stinker! ♪ Younger than springtime ♪ ♪ Were you ♪ ♪ Angel and lover ♪ ♪ Heaven and earth ♪ ♪ Were you ♪♪ [piano playing] [Nellie] Step together, step together. Point, point. Bounce, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Hitch, kick! Hitch, kick! Scissors! Scissors! Hi, Bill. - Hello, sir. - How's it going? Just fine, sir. What do you think of it? Oh, looks pretty good. I guess we'll get opened all right. [cries] I'm sorry. I can't go on. [piano music stops] [sniffles] Ah, sure you can, Miss Forbush. You're the whole show. I'm sorry, Luther. I don't know what's the matter with me. What's the matter? Well, sir, would you take care of her, please? I-I'm so sorry. Please excuse me. It's nothing, honest. It's really-- It's nothing, I know-- All right, all right. Let's go. Come on. Back to the deck. Get them weights. Let's dance! Come on. Okay. Hitch, kick and scissors! Hitch, kick and scissors! - [piano music playing] A transfer? Yes, please. To any other island but this one. Miss Forbush, I don't want to pry into your affairs, but... whatever is bothering you is some personal thing, of course. But I wonder if you realize just how unimportant it is. - Unimportant? - Yes. And how important you are at this particular time. I mean, the Thanksgiving Follies. Why, you're the star, the choreographer, the whole spirit of the thing. I don't think a little show like this is very important. And that's just where you're wrong. Miss Forbush, up to now, in this war, our side has been having a merciless beating in two hemispheres, and nobody's going to be going home until that situation is reversed. It may take a long time before we can get any big operation under way, before the boys here get off this island. They're lonesome, homesick boys. And no matter how tough they talk, don't you think they're not looking forward to this "little show," as you call it. This isn't a little show, Miss Forbush. This is a big show. [band playing] [cheering] [piano playing a glissando] ♪ My doll is as dainty as a sparrow ♪ ♪ Her figure is something to applaud ♪ ♪ Where she's narrow she's narrow as an arrow ♪ ♪ And she's broad ♪ ♪ Where a broad ♪ ♪ Should be broad ♪ - [Man] Get it? - [Man 2] Sit down! - [Man 3] Quiet down there! - [Man 4] Let her sing! ♪ A hundred and one pounds of fun ♪ ♪ That's my little honey bun! ♪ ♪ Get a load of honey bun tonight ♪ ♪ I'm speakin' of my Sweetie Pie ♪ ♪ Only sixty inches high ♪ ♪ Ev'ry inch is packed with dynamite! ♪ [crowd laughing] ♪ Her hair is blonde and curly ♪ ♪ Her curls are hurly burly ♪ ♪ Her lips are pips! ♪ ♪ I call her hips: "Twirly" and "Whirly" ♪ [cheering] ♪ She's my baby, I'm her pap! ♪ ♪ I'm her booby, she's my trap! ♪ ♪ I am caught and don't wanna run ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm havin' so much fun with honey bun! ♪ ♪ A hundred and one pounds of fun ♪ ♪ That's my little honey bun! ♪ ♪ Get a load of honey bun tonight ♪ ♪ I'm speakin' of my Sweetie Pie ♪ [man] Billis, get off that stage! ♪ Only sixty inches high ♪ - Knock it off. - All right. ♪ Ev'ry inch is packed with dynamite! ♪ ♪ Her hair is blonde and curly ♪ ♪ Her curls are hurly burly ♪ ♪ Her lips are pips! ♪ ♪ I call her hips "Twirly" and "Whirly" ♪ [man] Hey, Billis! Who does your hair? [growls] [jeering] [booing] [vocalizing] [cheering] ♪ I am caught and don't wanna run ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm havin' so much fun with honey bun ♪ ♪ Believe me, sonny ♪ ♪ She's a cookie who can cook you till you're done ♪ ♪ Ain't bein' funny ♪ ♪ Sonny, put your money ♪ ♪ On my ♪ ♪ Honey bun! ♪♪ [cheering continues] Miss Forbush. Oh, Luther. Oh, thank you. [Men] Whoa! [whistling] [band playing] ♪ A hundred and one pounds of fun ♪ ♪ That's my little honey bun! ♪ ♪ Get a load of honey bun tonight ♪ ♪ I'm speakin' of my Sweetie Pie ♪ [Luther] ♪ Only sixty inches high ♪ ♪ Ev'ry inch is packed with dynamite! ♪ All right, all right! Leave it alone! ♪ Her hair is blonde and curly ♪ ♪ Her curls are hurly burly ♪ ♪ Her lips are pips! ♪ Ah, come on, wise guy! Cut it out! ♪ I call her hips: "Twirly" and "Whirly" ♪ - [drum playing] - [man] Come on. Go home! [man 2] Hey, Billis! You got a hole in your boat! [laughter] [cheering] ♪ Fly, Navy down the field ♪ ♪ Anchors aweigh ♪ ♪ From the halls of Montezuma ♪ ♪ To the shores of Tripoli ♪ - [cheering] - [drums playing] ♪ She's my baby, I'm her pap ♪ ♪ I'm her booby, she's my trap ♪ ♪ I am caught and I don't wanna run ♪ [choir] ♪ 'Cause I'm havin' so much fun with honey bun ♪ - Ow! - ♪ And that's the finish ♪ Who did that? ♪ And it's time to go for now the show is done ♪ - All right, who did that? - ♪ We hope you like us ♪ Who did it? ♪ And we hope that when you leave your seat and run ♪ ♪ Down to the Mess Hall ♪ ♪ You'll enjoy your dinner each and ev'ry one ♪ ♪ Save me some turkey! ♪ ♪ And put some chestnut dressing ♪ ♪ On our honey bun ♪♪ Cigarettes, anybody? [cheering] [chattering] Luther? Luther? Oh, Luther, you really are a honey bun. These beautiful flowers. I needed someone to think of me tonight. I appreciate it, Luther. You don't know how much. Miss Forbush, I would like to have you know... that-- that I consider you... the most wonderful woman in the entire world, even including the fact that you're an officer. And-- And I just can't go on being such a heel... as to let you think I thought of giving you those flowers. Oh, but you did give them to me, and-- No. Here's the note that came with them. [Emile's Voice]<i> "I lie in the loneliness of evening,</i> <i> "looking out on a silver-flaked sea,</i> <i> "and ask the moon,</i> <i> "'Oh, how soon--</i> <i> how soon will my love come home to me?'"</i> [Nellie's Voice]<i> Will my love...</i> <i> come home to me?</i> What's the matter, Nellie the Nurse? Joe Cable! Having diplomatic difficulties with France? Joe, who let you out of the hospital? Me! I'm okay. Come on. - Nellie? Are you ready? - Oh, Bill-- Bill, would you wait just a minute, please? Sure. You're trying to get over to Bali Ha'i. That little girl you told me about. I've got to. All the time I've been in the hospital with that darn malaria, I haven't been able to see anything but her face. I love her, and-- What kind of a guy am I anyway? I love her, and yet I said I couldn't marry her, and-- I don't understand myself. If I love her, why don't I marry her... and stay here and-- You're just far away from home, Joe. We're both far away from home. But it doesn't make sense! Oh, yes, it does. I guess it does anyway. I guess people like us-- Well, we just have to go back to where we belong. What about that girl of yours back in... Philadelphia? ♪ My girl back home ♪ ♪ I'd almost forgot! ♪ ♪ A blue-eyed kid ♪ ♪ I liked her a lot ♪ ♪ We got engaged ♪ ♪ Both fam'lies were glad ♪ ♪ And I was told by my uncle and dad ♪ ♪ That if I were clever and able ♪ ♪ They'd make me a part of a partnership ♪ ♪ Cable, Cable ♪ ♪ And Cable! ♪ ♪ How far away ♪ ♪ Philadelphia, PA ♪ ♪ Princeton, NJ ♪ ♪ How far are they ♪ ♪ From coconut palms and banyan trees ♪ ♪ And coral sands ♪ ♪ And Tonkinese! ♪ ♪ How far away ♪ ♪ Little Rock, ARK ♪ ♪ Princeton, NJ ♪ ♪ How far are they ♪ ♪ How far are they ♪ ♪ From coconut palms and banyan trees ♪ ♪ And coral sands and ♪♪ Nellie, I must see you. Emile, I-- Will you excuse us, Lieutenant Cable? No, Joe! Stay. Stay, please. I've been meaning to call you, Emile. You have asked for a transfer. Why? What does it mean, Nellie? I-- I'll-- I'll explain it to you tomorrow, Emile. No. Now. What does it mean, Nellie? It means that I can't marry you. Do you understand? I-- I can't marry you. Because of my children. Oh, not because of your children. They're sweet. It is their Polynesian mother then-- their mother and I. Yes. I can't help it. I-It isn't as if I could give you a good reason. I-- There is no reason. This is emotional. This is something that's born in me. It is not. I do not believe this is born in you. Well, then why-- why do I feel the way I do? All I-- All I know is, I-- I can't help it. I-- I can't help it. Joe? Joe, explain how we feel. Joe! - Nellie-- - Bill! Bill! - Nellie-- - Bill? Can we go now? Please? What makes her talk like that? Why do you have this feeling-- you and she? I do not believe it is born in you! I do not believe it! It's not born in you! It happens after you're born. ♪ You've got to be taught ♪ ♪ To hate and fear ♪ ♪ You've got to be taught ♪ ♪ From year to year ♪ ♪ It's got to be drummed ♪ ♪ In your dear little ear ♪ ♪ You've got to be carefully taught ♪ ♪ You've got to be taught ♪ ♪ To be afraid ♪ ♪ Of people whose eyes ♪ ♪ Are oddly made ♪ ♪ And people whose skin ♪ ♪ Is a diff'rent shade ♪ ♪ You've got to be carefully taught ♪ ♪ You've got to be taught ♪ ♪ Before it's too late ♪ ♪ Before you are six ♪ ♪ Or seven or eight ♪ ♪ To hate all the people ♪ ♪ Your relatives hate ♪ ♪ You've got to be carefully taught! ♪ ♪ You've got to be carefully taught! ♪♪ You've got the right idea, De Becque. Live on an island. Yes, sir. If I get out of this thing alive, I'm not going back there. I'm staying here. All I care about is right here. Yes. So, when all you care about is here, yeah, this is a good place to be. When all you care about is... taken away from you, there is no place. I came so close to it. So close. ♪ One dream in my heart ♪ ♪ One love to be living for ♪ ♪ One love to be living for ♪ ♪ This nearly was mine ♪ ♪ One girl ♪ ♪ For my dream ♪ ♪ One partner in paradise ♪ ♪ This promise of paradise ♪ ♪ This nearly was mine ♪ ♪ Close to my heart she came ♪ ♪ Only to fly away ♪ ♪ Only to fly ♪ ♪ As day flies ♪ ♪ From moonlight ♪ ♪ Now, now I'm alone ♪ ♪ Still dreaming of paradise ♪ ♪ Still saying that paradise ♪ ♪ Once nearly ♪ ♪ Was mine ♪♪ You know, back home, whenever I got in a jam, I used to go hunting. That's what I think I'll do now. Good hunting up there around Marie Louise. Carriers. Cargo boats. Troop ships. Big game. De Becque. Would you reconsider... going up there with me to Marie Louise Island? I mean, now that you haven't got so much to lose? We could do a good job, I think. You and I. How could a PBY land anywhere near that island... without being seen by the enemy? It will not land near the island, but far out at sea. I know the fishing grounds my friends use, and I know two fishermen there-- Inato and Basil. They will help us. The equipment's all aboard, sir. We loaded it while it was still dark. You'd better wait a while yet before you take off. Above all, this must look like a casual, routine flight. Well, there's still plenty of time to change your mind. - Hey, Buzz! - Captain? Yeah? Are you we gonna need the parachutes or not? No, it looks calm enough for us to set down. No parachutes! [Emile] All right. [Cable] Looks like a summer day in Maine. That's a state in America. - Yeah. - Lobsters. Lobsters. Hey, you guys better start getting into that gear! Hey, we're approaching Marie Louise. [explosions continue] [loud explosion] What's going on here? What? Roger. Hey, we got it in the tail section. I'll go take a look. - [explosions continue] - Well, say something! Who's driving this airplane anyhow? I hope you realize there's a hole in this plane! Oh, hello, Lieutenant, everybody. It's Luther. What are you doing on this plane? How'd you get on here anyway? Well, I-- I thought maybe you might need an extra man. Seemed like an interesting project, and I-- What's the matter, Lieutenant? You feeling sick or something? If you don't like the idea, we'll just forget it. I'll go back to the baggage compartment. Just pretend you never saw me. I'll kill him. Now, Lieutenant. If I thought you were gonna take this attitude, I wouldn't have volunteered my services. How do you like this character? I'm gonna have you court-martialed for this, Billis! You better take it easy! I'm gonna ride you out of the Navy! - You gotta take it easy! - Do you realize that this is a secret mission of the utmost importance? I realize this is a secret mission, and I'm gonna keep the mission. I'm gonna-- [explosion] [screaming] [Cable] Pull the handle! Pull the handle! Which one? Hey, Captain! Man overboard! Boy, that Cable plays it rough, doesn't he? His parachute's opening. Secret mission, huh? Well, it's no secret now. Hello, this is Beer Bus to Brewery, Beer Bus to Brewery. Yeah, look. Say, look, I got a man parachuting down into the Empress Augusta Bay. That's right. You guys are gonna have to help me 'cause I can't. Right. Roger and out. So, it's gonna be one of those days, huh? Okay. Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Don't leave me! Look, drop a boat back there, will you? [screams] [machine gun fire continues] Can't you get him out of there? He'll be shot to pieces! I can't. I gotta get you guys in first. After that, I'll come back and pick up the pieces, if there are any. Okay. Let's go. [planes whirring] Looks like he's an American, and they're shootin' at him. Well, let's make 'em shoot at us. Hey! That's it, boys! Go! Hey! That's it! Hey! He must be down about there. Well, get him out of there. Use anything you need. We'll send in a destroyer, if necessary. Aye, aye, sir. The admiral says go all out. Do you see any fishing boats? Ah! Yeah, there we are. That's the fishing grounds. - Can you go lower here? - Roger. Hey! That's Inato's boat! Basil! Inato! Inato! All right. Can we set down here? De Becque, I can set down anywhere. I'll take it. This is a black day for the Navy! A black, black day! How much did you say this cost, Bill? It's estimated at $600,000, sir. Did you hear that? That's what your little stunt today cost the taxpayers! Six hundred-- $600,000? What are you grinning about? I was just thinking about my uncle. Remember my uncle I was telling you about? He used to tell my old man I'd never be worth a dime. Excuse me, sir. Billis, you've been striking for the brig ever since you hit this island, and today you finally made it... because Captain Brackett and I are gonna throw the book at you! Sir, may I barge in? My copilot and I, sir-- we've been sort of kicking this thing around, and, well, we feel that Lu-- well, Billis here-- down in that rubber boat with all the airplanes buzzing around him... caused sort of a diversionary action. It made it a lot easier for us to land Cable and the Frenchman without being seen. In fact, it turned out to be an awful lucky break for us, sir. What do you want me to do, give this guy a gold medal? [sighs] I don't want no gold medal, Captain, but, uh, I could use a little more, um, freedom, a little room to swing around in, if you know what I mean, if you get the picture. Get out of here. Get out of here. Get the hell out of here! [Emile on radio]<i> Come in, Kennel.</i> Captain! Captain! <i> Kennel, come in.</i> <i> This is the Frenchman. Do you hear me?</i> This is Kennel. Go ahead, Frenchman. <i> This is our first chance to send news to you.</i> <i> We have made contact with former friends of mine.</i> We have set up quarters in a very nice hole in a rock. No room, but a lovely view. We can see right down into the bottleneck. <i> First the weather.</i> <i> Rain clouds over Bougainville, the Treasuries,</i> <i> Choiseul, New Georgia.</i> <i> We expect rain in this region from 9:00 to 2:00.</i> [Cable]<i> 0900 to 1400.</i> Oh, my friend Joe corrects me. 0900 to 1400. You must not expect from us any regular communication. There are hundreds of Japanese in this region. It will be necessary to constantly change our quarters. <i> And now, our military expert Joe.</i> [Cable] All you Navy, Marine and Army pilots... Write this down. Surface craft-- 19 troop barges... headed down the bottleneck, speed about 11 knots. <i> Ought to pass Banika...</i> <i> at about 2000 tonight,</i> <i> escorted by heavy warships.</i> <i> As for aircraft,</i> <i> 22 bombers, Betties...</i> [man] A bottle of beer says I get the first strike! <i> ...went by at 0600,</i> - [cheering] -<i> headed south southwest.</i> - [man] About time!<i> - [Cable] There ought to be</i> <i> some way to knock off a few of those.</i> Hey, wait for us! <i> That's all for now. Good luck.</i> [rumbling] [man] Two weeks? Well, how can those guys stick it out for two weeks? [man 2] Yeah. Everybody thought they'd be dead pigeons in a couple of days. [man 3] I tell you, those two guys are doing us a lot of good. [man 4] That Frenchman reported 40 bombers north of Munda. We took off, and 40 bombers right on the nose-- boom, boom. How do those guys keep alive up there? The enemy's all around. How do they do it? That Frenchman knows these jungles around here like the palm of his hand. He's a hunter, see? All I know is, they changed the whole setup here. I think we got the Japanese on the run. [man 4] That's what the Frenchman said. [chuckles] [man 3] Well, is it my lead? [man 4] Yeah. Let me see. Come on, come on. I got money on this. [Emile] Listen carefully, please. Ceiling today unlimited. Thirty-three fighters, Zeros, have moved in from Bougainville. Their course is approximately 0-2-3 degrees true. [engines droning] I'm certain heavy bombers will follow. I think something big is afoot. That's all I have time for now. Joe and I must change our position immediately. Planes are directly overhead. Two only, but they're looking for us, I think. They know about where we are. <i> I will try to get back to you later. Good luck.</i> They got us pretty well pinpointed. Stay here. In a few minutes, it will be dark enough to run for it. You know, I think we're right. It looks like they're going all out. Even these planes. They've stopped looking for us. They're going away. Let's make a run for it. All right. Let's go. [machine gun firing] A-And we have a lot of fighter pilots over in the ward, and-- and they keep talking about a Frenchman. The Frenchman said this, and the Frenchman said that, and-- I was just wondering if the Frenchman they're talking about could be... my Frenchman. Yes, Miss Forbush, it is. I couldn't tell you before, but-- Then he is behind enemy lines. [Brackett] With Lieutenant Cable. <i> Hello. This is Emile De Becque.</i> <i> Please listen to me carefully.</i> I haven't much time. My message today must be brief and sad. Lieutenant Cable-- my friend Joe-- died a few minutes ago. I will never know a finer man. I wish he could have told you the news. The Japanese are pulling out. There is great confusion here. My guess is that the enemy will try to evacuate troops from Cape Esperance tonight. This is the opportunity we've been waiting for. Make the most of it, my friends. You may not hear from me again. They are coming back. - [engines droning] - They're right above me. - [machine gun fire] - Good-bye! Is that all? Is that all? Can't you get him back? Kennel to Frenchman. Kennel to Frenchman. Come in, Frenchman. I'm sorry, sir. He's cut off. How far away. Philadelphia, PA. Poor Joe Cable. Captain Brackett, do you think there's a chance I'll ever see Emile De Becque again? There's a chance. Of course there's a chance. I didn't even know he was going. Of course not. How could he tell you? Don't blame Emile De Becque. He's okay. - He's a wonderful guy. - Uh-huh. He has got a chance, hasn't he, Bill? Of course. There's always a chance. Emile? Emile, come back so I can tell you something. I know what counts now. Just you. All those other things? The woman you had before? Her color? What-- What piffle. I-- What a pinhead I was! Come back so I can tell you. Oh, don't die before I can tell you. All that matters is us being together. That's all. If you think of what you said to me that day, you can stay alive, Emile. I know you can. Think of what you said. ♪ When you find your true love ♪ ♪ When you feel her call you ♪ ♪ Across ♪ ♪ Then fly to her side ♪ ♪ And make her your own ♪ ♪ Or all through your life ♪♪ Live, Emile. Live, Emile! Live. Live! Live. Live. [Bloody Mary] Miss Nurse. Please. Please, Miss Nurse. Where is Lootellan Cable? Who are you? I am mother of Liat. +Who? Liat. She will marry no one but Lootellan Cable. Oh. Oh, my darling. [man on speaker]<i> All right, hear this.</i> All those outfits that are waiting for loading, please keep in position. We'll be loading immediately. Hey, Billis. Let's head back, huh? Our outfit's about a mile back down the beach. Suppose they call our names. Yeah, they may be ready for us to board the ship. They won't be ready for hours yet. This is the Navy! [chuckles] Look at that beach, swarming with eager beavers. 10,000 guys. [man] All right, all right, you men. Stay down there with your own unit where you belong! You Seabees, you belong down the beach this way. Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where I can find Captain Brackett, sir? Down the beach this way. Thank you, sir. That's all. I beg your pardon, sir. Can I speak to you a moment, sir? - Who is it? - Billis, sir. - Luther Billis. - Yes, Billis. What is it? We're moving out now. I know, sir. Stewpot, the Professor and me was wondering... if anything is being done about rescuing the Frenchman off that island. We hereby volunteer for such a project. A triple diversionary activity like I done to get him on there. You could, uh-- You could drop us in three rubber boats... on three different sides of the island. Confuse them out of their minds! Get the picture? That's very fine, Billis, but you're too late. Operation Alligator is under way. Landings were made on a bunch of Japanese-held islands during the night and early this morning. Mary Louise Island was the first one they hit. How about that Frenchman? Did they get him? - Is he alive? - We don't know. Lieutenant Buzz Adams flew up there to find out. But it would be just too bad if a part of this huge operation couldn't have saved one of the two guys who made it all possible. The big ones are battleships. And the little ones are, uh, destroyers. They're moving out, you see, because-- well, there's been a big change. They won't be around here much anymore. Just off and on, a few of us. Did you understand anything I said? [sighs] Vous ne comprenez pas? Oui, oui. Nous comprenons. Oui. Now, while I'm down at the hospital, you've got to promise me to mangez everything-- everything that's put before you on the table. Sur la table. Sur "le" table? Sur la table. Oh. Sur la table. Merci. Jerome! Come back here and sit down. Asseyez-vous! Now, you have to learn to mind me when I talk to you and be nice to me too... because I love you very much. Je t'aime. [chuckles] Je vous aime. Now, mangez. Chantez, Nellie. Mmm. I will not sing that song. You just want to laugh at my French accent. All right. But you gotta help me. ♪ Dites-moi ♪ ♪ Pour quoi ♪ ♪ La vie est belle ♪ ♪ La vie est belle ♪ ♪ Dites-moi ♪ ♪ Pour quoi ♪ Pour quoi what? ♪ La vie est gaie? ♪ - Papa! - Papa! ♪ Dites-moi, pour quoi ♪ ♪ Chere mad'moiselle ♪ ♪ Est ce que ♪ ♪ Par ce que ♪ ♪ Vous m'aimez? ♪♪ Mangez. Mangez. [orchestral music] [orchestral music playing] [music continues] [orchestral music ends]
Channel: Samuel Goldwyn Films
Views: 191,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pJm63X0cpBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 28sec (9448 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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