Asami vs Suki - Who Wins? | Avatar

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welcome to the ultimate showdown between Asami and Suki two of the most badass female non-benders from the worlds of avatar The Last Airbender and the legend of Kora both women are Fierce and formidable but only one can come out on top who will it be well we're about to find out this will come in [Music] handy at first glance Asami looks like a regular pretty rich kid I got to admit I had you pegged wrong I thought you were kind of prissy didn't no offense it's all right but don't let that fool you girl is a trained hand-to-hand combatant skilled with a variety of weapons and has a sharp mind for engineering and Technology H what do you know just like a future Industries Fork clip she avoids taking hits like throughout the entire series I never really saw anyone strike her with a punch kicks or even a bending attack we know that she received self-defense training during her childhood and into her early adulthood which is a good thing people usually assume that I'm Daddy's helpless little girl but I can handle myself I mean I've been in self-defense classes since I was this high but you see learning to fend off attackers with knives and fists is one thing but dealing with Benders who throws fire earth or other elements is a whole new level of difficulty most non-benders in the Avatar Universe typically close the distance to their opponents quickly and strike with enough Force to knock them instantly we've seen Saka that's called Saka style learn it Jet and may do this severally but for someone like aami getting hit just isn't an option as a non-bender Asami has to rely on tactics that are extremely aggressive and carry considerable risk to be effective against Benders therefore her fighting style emphasizes agility and quick reflexes rather than brute strength this also makes Asami one of the most agile fighters in the series as she gracefully Dodges and weaves through attacks like a dancer in motion I'm telling you if the show had a pro bending circuit for non-benders she'd be a superstar well you can't be afraid to mix it up sometimes she took out some equalists using the northern Shaolin style mind you these are the same equalists who were giving Kora Mako Bolan tenzen and Lynn a run for their money now let's throw the lieutenant in there too when she fought the Red Lotus and the Earth Empire soldiers we see Asami effortlessly avoiding strikes and using the Jiu-Jitsu takedown style girl is a gymnast too I mean look at the way she flips like an Olympic Athlete making her an elusive Target that's exceedingly hard to hit this is some black widow level combat skill where every move is deliberate and wellth thought out thank you unlike many other fighters who rely an improvisation and Instinct Asami plans her strategy ahead of time giving her a significant Edge in combat situation ation this will come in handy these just shows asami's Fearless approach to fighting once she gets close enough to use her electr glove the fight is essentially over it's a combination of speed agility high-risk strategy but also High reward and it's a testament to her skill that she can execute it so effectively which makes her such a formidable opponent even against some of the most dangerous Benders in the series you think this will do now let's move on to Suki the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors a girl with a low tolerance for nonsense and a spirit as Fierce as Kyoshi herself I mean Suki was hellbent on annihilating a sexist Saka with dry humor and simple displays of physical dominance a bunch of girls huh the unagi is going to eat well tonight no don't hurt him he didn't mean it my brother's just an idiot sometimes the way she humbled that dude gets me till this very day let's see if you can handle [Music] down Suki's skill in combat are exceptional she was able to develop and master her own style of fighting using Avatar kioshi as her inspiration Suki's calm demeanor In the Heat of battle reflects her confidence in training she doesn't easily get rattled even when facing formidable Benders like aula she fought and exchanged Jabs with a chi blocker Ty Lee the same Nam Ty Lee who took out a dozen of highly trained Earth soldiers and incapacitated the one and only qara but Suki was able to avoid every attack with swift reaction and impressive agility she has shown her acrobatic prowess multiple times flipping and leaping to avoid enemy [Music] strikes this agility combined with her hand-to-hand combat skills makes her a challenging opponent to hit you wouldn't dare ah sorry Warden you're my prisoner now as a Kyoshi Warrior she's been taught to fight with discipline and precision often using the iconic kioshi fans as her primary weapon think of the fan as an extension of your arm Suki's weapon of choice can be used in a variety of ways for offense defense and even disarming opponents what do you want with us she can also handle other traditional weapons such as katanas and Spears with great expertise this versatility allows her to adapt to different combat scenarios effectively as the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors Suki has proven her ability to lead and Inspire others her tactical Acumen allows her to devise effective strategies both in battle and in coordinating with others this skill is demonstrated when she led her team in rescuing Opa give him some space ABA it's me Suki and when she worked with Team Avatar to infiltrate the Fire Nation Airship how did that happen did boomerang come back no Suki did to be honest Suki is just a very well-rounded warrior with a unique blend of combat skills leadership agility and tactical intelligence that's some girl tell me about it these attributes makes her one of the strongest non-benders in the Avatar Universe this is a rematch I've been waiting for so who would win in a fight between Asami and Suki it's a tough call but here's my take first let's consider combat skills you see both Asami and SU are exceptional in hand-to-hand combat asami's training comes from sparring with her father and self-defense courses whereas Suki has dedicated her life to martial arts as a Kyoshi Warrior neither of them is heavily muscular so their fighting style relies more on Speed and Agility they move quickly using momentum to gain the upper hand taking down one Target and immediately charging at the next for Asami reaching her opponent is Key One Touch from her electrified glove ends the fight I know she can fight without it but seeing her use it most of the time makes me wonder how much of a crutch it might be despite being a formidable fighter Asami has refined her skills in a world where non-benders often face an uphill battle to succeed she has to outthink Benders and she's shown she can do that most fighters in the Avatar Universe tend to confront each other head on or circle around rarely retreating unless they're Airbenders the best way to handle someone like aami might be to back away and attack from a distance but only few do that most Fighters underestimate her because she's a non-bender expecting a a straightforward fight but when she charges in their usual strategies fail and they struggle to keep up with her rapid movements now I don't think aami would have an easy victory over Suki she'd have to work for it cuz Suki's no pushover although in the beginning she was kind of struggling but later on we actually see how big and strong she's gotten I mean she was ready for Tye the second time this is a rematch I've been waiting for her agility is top-notch too and she has significant physical strength I mean look at this in just few seconds she ran across the yard on folks heads took out some fire Benders scaled a very high building and took a powerful fire bender captive damn you wouldn't dare but from what I've seen the Kyoshi warriors fighting style is somehow iido based which is a special Japanese fighting style meant to redirect Force to protect the defendant and the attacker from blows which is why during her fight with Ty Lee she could keep up so well also we have to remember that Suki comes from an era where war is like the order of the day the Kyoshi Warriors are trained and train every day to keep the peace also at the end of the series we learned that she got Chi blocking lessons from Tye yeah the girls and I really bonded in prison and after a few Chi blocking lessons they said I could join their group but considering the era Asami is from she'd be more aware of chi blocking than the first team Avatar was I'm pretty sure she knows how to handle herself against a chi blocker however Suki overreaches she plays her opponent's game and she goes on the attack with defense-based movements she's developed an entirely new technique of fighting unique to her and for defense she has adopted the the Kyoshi Warriors techniques into something new as well for Asami to win Suki she would have to fight her without giving her all for at least 10 minutes just to try and find an opening and force her to go on the offensive but knowing how Suki's strategic thinking allows her to adapt quickly to changing situations she might be able to outmaneuver asami's gadgets and Technology if Suki can close the distance she can disarm or disable asami's weapons forcing the fight into a more traditional hand-to-hand scenario where Suki's skills Excel I'd also like to point out that in this scene Suki saved Saka and Toof with a Fire Nation Airship she must have fought off some fire nation soldiers let's not forget that every single fire bender was enhanced by the comet although it wasn't shown but it's safe to assume that's what happened how did that happen did Boomerang come back no Suki did but at the end of the day Asami is just too good she's also one of the most tactical and focused non-benders and she's demonstrated to be very difficult to hit I mean she only needs to hit you once I'd be interested to see her without her glove and having to subdue a Target physically I say she has all the ingredients to fight like black widow just a theory though as we've never seen her without her glove like can you imagine if she was a bender she'd be incredible especially if she's stuck with these tactics and she'd do it all without messing up her hair thank you with that being said it's obvious that Asami is the winner but I'd love to hear your thoughts who do you think would win in a fight let me know in the comments below don't forget to like subscribe and hit the Bell icon for more content like like this thanks for watching until next time stay geeky
Channel: Mind Bursterz
Views: 7,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asami Sato vs Suki, Asami vs Suki showdown, Asami Sato fight analysis, Asami Sato vs Suki battle, Asami Sato vs Suki abilities, Non-bender fights in Avatar, Asami and Suki power levels, Avatar: Non-bender skills, Who is stronger: Asami or Suki?, Who is the better fighter: Asami or Suki?, Avatar: The Last Airbender vs Legend of Korra, Equalists vs Kyoshi Warriors, Best Female Fighter, The Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Suki's Hand-to-Hand Combat
Id: sdc9Md_dEjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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