Ranking the Most Powerful Female Benders in Avatar

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if there's one thing the creators of avatar The Last Airbender and the legend of Kora have done so well is giving us some of the best female characters ever shown on television [Music] me these formidable women's strength wisdom and Leadership skills have defined the very essence of power within the series so in honor of all the strong women out there here's our ranking of the most powerful female Benders in the Avatar Universe no no she's not blaming you no I'm blaming her hey beginning this list at number 11 is Jora remember Jora is in charge I answer to no man or girl girl even if she does have tattoos Milo though young Jora quickly proves herself to be wise Beyond her years what's that fuzzy creature that is a fire fet an arboreal mammal come to the bamboo forests of the central Earth Kingdom her power lies primarily in her strong spiritual connection it's okay you can show [Music] yourselves W how did you to do that Jora bunnies which plays a crucial role in various plot points throughout the series I'm tired of listening to you Kora I know where Kora is jora's astral projection abilities allow her to navigate the spirit world and communicate with Spirits isn't it beautiful while Jora does not engage in physical combat like the bending Masters she contributes to battles in unique ways stay away from my dad's ex-girlfriend for instance she assisted Kora during the battle for zfu and led her fellow Airbenders in creating a massive tornado to prevent zahir's Escape at number 10 is Kaa zah Ka like her mother is a waterbender who is highly proficient in a number of advanced waterbending techniques ka's specialty lies in her Mastery of healing one of her most impressive feat was keeping jora's body alive for a week while her spirit was outside of her body she was also able to hold her own in battle although she couldn't defeat powerful opponents like Zahir and mingua but at least she was alive to tell the tales which is just as impressive coming in at number nine is mingua mingua is a unique waterbender who is able to waterbend without the use of her arms she has water tendrils that she controls with her mind almost like the waterbending version of combustion bending in terms of power mingua is exceptionally skilled and agile in combat due to her unique bending abilities I never thought I'd be so happy to see your ugly mugs again great to see you too MinGa her lack of arms does not hinder her Effectiveness instead it makes her a more unpredictable and form able opponent accomplished Benders like Bolan go get the Avatar I have these two under control the Twins and Kaa all struggled against her because there was nothing to prepare them for the type of threat she posed mingua is shown to be highly creative with her bending using her water tendrils for offense defense and Mobility she can create complex shapes and structures with water we could have just taken the elevator show off giving her a versatile range of techniques in battle at number eight is LIN bong Lynn you are looking radiant as usual cut the garbage tenen Lynn is renowned for her exceptional Proficiency in metal bending which she uses to maintain Law and Order in Republic city as a member of the esteemed bayong lineage Lynn boasts exceptional earthbending prowess showcasing Advanced skills that set her apart she adeptly Maneuvers between the traditional hungar earthbending style and her mother's self-crafted chugar praying mantis Style employing Both for offense and defense Lynn possesses an exceptional seis MC sense utilizing it to track down criminals or her team members Chief the estate's been secured no one has left the workshop since we arrived perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving there's a tunnel beneath the workshop running deep into the Mountainside in addition to her Ben bending abilities Lynn is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant seamlessly blending earthbending and metal bending techniques with martial arts prowess number seven is peely AKA Sparky Sparky boom woman peely possesses the rare ability to create explosive blast with her mind through combustion bending and stay out of her line of sight go making her one of the most powerful and dangerous adversaries faced by team Avatar her accuracy and control over these explosive blasts make her a lethal opponent in [Music] combat although primarily known for her Mastery of combustion bending peely showcased proficiency as a combatant and a fire bender she effortlessly countered a fire blast from a dragon using conventional firebending techniques and demonstrated her ability to generate Flames during her confrontation with Mako and Bolin while attempting to kidnap Kora in zfu coming in at number six is suan bayong suan is among the most powerful metal Benders in the Avatar AR Universe She has mastered the art to such an extent that she can perform intricate metal bending techniques with ease including using it defensively and offensively in combat situations my sculpture actually it looks kind of better now even bending out liquid metal from inside a person's body suin has the better track record against the Red Lotus both in foiling zahir's kidnapping attempt and being the one who killed p Lee sneak attack or not please to be very honest incasing pe's head with her armor isn't just only an example of precise bending it's also an example of quick thinking and being able to spot and exploit a weakness in your opponent which is at the core of what makes someone a great fighter nice job little bro safe to say that suin approaches metal bending with more Artistry she's more like a water bender smooth and graceful it's probably why her Skrillex kid is a metal bending artist wow that's a really nice banana it's not a banana it represents the dawning of a new age obviously oh yeah no I could I could totally see that number five is kavira H the bre Cava is a first class earthbender who is capable of launching powerful and precise Earth attacks but the fact that she was decisive and strong brought people to follow and help her achieve her goals kavira was more powerful because of her leadership skills similar to Aman she wanted stability which isn't necessarily a bad thing it was only her methods that were problematic now there's a voice in my head telling me to drop you on the tracks should I listen no no head voices are liar she wanted the world to be predictable and safe for her because her childhood had been unstable you you're Kira and you're the bandits who have been causing chaos where I am trying to establish order kavira is the embodiment of a metal bender in my opinion she just didn't understand balance at number four we have the formidable aula what are you doing here you mean it's not obvious yet I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child aula is in a league of her own when it comes to bending and to call her an expert Bender seems insufficient considering her vast and deadly skill set afraid of fire I see that's good you should be she is the only known character who is able to create blue fire and the first female character in the series to be seen generating lightning like it's nothing she embarrassed her brother in a firebending combat matching him blow for blow not to mention she somehow held her own against four Benders at once before disappearing I don't know why Toff used dirt aula possesses remarkable intelligence and strategic Acumen you were born with nothing so you've had to struggle and connive and Claw your way to power but true power the Divine Right to rule is something you're born with you've beaten me at my own game don't flatter yourself you were never even a player her adeptness at manipulation allows her to outmaneuver her adversaries cunningly fueled by an insatiable thirst for power and control azula's fervent ambition and yielding determination makes her a formidable adversary I think you should take their precious hope and the rest of their land and burn it all to the ground also aula sure knows how to dish out a burn well then maybe you should worry less about the tides who've already made up their mind about killing you and worry more about me who's still mulling it over I'll pull us in number three is the one and only tof bayong watch it to I am not Toof I am melon Lord H if you ask fans of avatar The Last Airbender who their favorite character is a lot of them would say Toof bayong and for a good reason I never knew your daughter's amazing she kind of took the world of Avatar by storm with her appearance in all its contradictory Glory at first glance this little girl may not seem like anything special but don't let her innocent appearance fool you hungry for a mud pie I'll give you a mud [Music] pie Toff is actually an incredibly powerful earthbender with a hint of mischief she's a master at bending Earth fighting and sensing vibrations in the ground all while being blind oh that really hurt my tailbone that's right the greatest earthbender in the world is a small blind girl and she's [Music] amazing she proved to be a great loyal friend and master to Ang the key to Earth bending is your stance You've Got to Be steady and strong I'm [Applause] ready Rock beat hair vender she's also quite entertaining because she's stubborn sarcastic independent confident and a bit short-tempered there it [Applause] is that's what it will sound like when one of you spots it she's not the type to take nonsense from anyone and she'll tell you exactly what she thinks of you without sugar coating I know I'm sorry yeah you are sorry if you're not tough enough to stop the rock then you could at least give it the pleasure of smooshing you instead of jumping out of the way like a jelly boned whip Toof bong is truly an Undisputed Champion I am the greatest Earth Fender in the world don't you two thunderheads ever play forg it number two is [Music] Hama that was incredible it's a shame about the lies though Hama is exceptionally powerful in her own right particularly in the art of water bending she could extract water from unconventional sources like grass flowers trees and even the air but what sets her apart is her Mastery of a unique and dark form of water bending known as is bloodbending you should have learned the technique before you turned against me it's impossible to fight your way out of my grip I control every muscle every vein in your body her Proficiency in blood bending is formidable as she can overpower even skilled benders with ease don't hurt your friends guara and don't let them hurt each other no while H's power is unquestionable her methods are morally dubious despite her strength she ultimately serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the consequences of allowing Darkness to consume one's Soul they threw me in prison to rot along with my brothers and sisters they deserve the same number one is none other than the talented qara hey you guys are water benders you too that means we're can even from the first episode we see qara is an incredibly talented water bender bursting with raw power katara's strength lies not only in her raw bending abilities but also in her adaptability and resourcefulness everyone's single [Music] file she can manipulate water in its various forms including ice and mist and is adept at both offensive and defensive Maneuvers throughout the series qara undergo significant growth as a bender mastering Advanced Techniques such as healing you have healing abilities the great Benders of the water tribe sometimes have this ability and blood bending I don't know if I want that kind of power her journey from a young girl seeking Revenge to a wise and compassionate Master is one of the most compelling arcs in the [Applause] series still can't get over how qara managed to beat a firebending Prodigy during San's Comet no full full moon no blood bending just raw water bending she was at a disadvantage but still came out on top okay you've gone from weird to freakish qara you mean I did that yep congratulations now tell us who's your favorite female bender and who do you think we might have left out what other ranking videos do you want us to do comment below and subscribe for more bending contents until next time stay geeky you guys need some help to help me plug up this drain
Channel: Mind Bursterz
Views: 113,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Epic Bending Battles, Earth Kingdom Legends, Beifong Family, Kyoshi Warriors, Female Characters in Avatar, Best Female Benders, Strong Women in Avatar, Water Tribe Heroes, Ranking Female Benders, Powerful Female Benders, Avatar Female Characters, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Top Female Benders, Avatar Characters, Katara, Toph Beifong, Azula, Female Protagonists, Female Empowerment, Strong Female Characters, Favorite Female Benders, Avatar Moments
Id: oCUnIuc7NgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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