Ranking the Most Powerful Sub-Bending Elements in Avatar

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as we know bending involves the manipulation of the four primary elements water Earth fire air however within each primary bending discipline there exist subelements specialized forms of bending that harness the unique properties of their respective [Music] elements throughout both series we've witnessed incredible displays of sub Elemental bending each possessing its own strengths weaknesses and distinct characteristics so without further Ado let's jump into our ranking of the most powerful [Music] subelements beginning our ranking at number 10 we have plant bending bending the water inside plants to manipulate them isn't as well known and appears to take a bit more practice I protect the swamp from folks that want to hurt it like this fell with his big knife in this episode Avatar Ang Katara and Saka encounter swamp Benders who exhibit a unique form of bending that involves manipulating The Vines and roots of the swamp wait I didn't call you here they use these abilities for transportation and defense at number nine is seismic sensing no I'm not going to end it like this even with all the power in the world you are still [Music] weak while all earthbenders possess the ability to sense vibrations through the ground seismic sensing elevates the skill to a form of heightened level of a second sight by utilizing echol location through the ground individuals gain a realtime 3D map of their surroundings Chief the estate's been secured no one has left the workshop since we arrived perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving there's a tunnel beneath the workshop running deep into the Mountainside despite common misconception that Toof invented the technique previous earthbenders like Yun and janju are depicted with this ability however due to being congenitally blind and taught by the badger moles Toof perfected seismic sensing to unprecedented levels never seen before no pun intended seismic sensing not only provides spatial awareness but also enables users to detect Lies by monitoring physiological indicators such as heart rate I've put all that behind me you're [Music] lying he's not lying how can you tell I can feel feel is breathing and heartbeat when people lie there's a physical reaction he's telling the truth however this truth seeeing ability can be counteracted by a skilled liar and stick to the truth I'll be able to tell if you're lying are you sure I'm a pretty good liar I am a 400t tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and Silver Wings okay you're good I admit it seismic sensing remains relatively rare although we've only seen four known Earth benders use the Ability on screen they are T Avatar ly and suan Bong at number eight we have healing and spirit [Music] bending you have healing abilities the great Benders of the water tribe sometimes have this ability I've always wished I were blessed like you in the Avatar Universe Chi serves as the vital life force empowering all living things to move live and breathe bending abilities emerge from individuals with exceptionally strong or potent Chi allowing them to extend its influence beyond their own bodies into the natural world two substances capable of carrying Chi are well water and blood this is why water benders can heal by using water to carry and focus Chi at points of injury wow you're definitely in the right area there I can feel a lot of energy twisted up around there let me just see if I can the concentrated Pure Life Energy rapidly accelerates the body healing processes particularly along meridians the pathways through which Chi flows within the body yagoda illustrates the fundamentals of healing on a Manakin focusing on meridians while using water to demonstrate its healing properties Beyond physical healing water's indirect influence on Chi enables healers to mend broken or misaligned crowning points and soothe mental or emotional trauma I told you those rocks were slippery you're lucky he didn't kill yourself you done with the lecture Mom oh grow up you haven't changed one bit since we were kids notably healers possess techniques unrelated to Chi manipulation for example atat a mentor of Avatar kioshi had mastered a way to manipulate blood temperature to sustain life in a frozen State perhaps that is how Avatar Ang survived in the iceberg for 100 years but do not mistake this for blood bending as at's method was merely altering the temperature of the water within them not forcing her will over someone else's ironically water's healing abilities facilitated amen's removal of bending abilities by severing meridians associated with elemental chakras thereby disrupting the flow of chi necessary for bending you could also see Spirit bending as an extension of water's healing abilities this rare and potent skill traces its Origins to Avatar roku's era and was developed by a waterbending master named makitto Spirit bending uses water to help balance the energies also presumably a form of chi within a dark Spirit in order to purify or pacify it go in peace however it can also corrupt Spirits or rot the soul only three individuals makit Unilock and Avatar Kora have demonstrated Spirit bending suggesting its Rarity and specialized utility against spirits but as the name suggests it's not useful unless you're fighting a spirit and I don't think many Benders are in a pro bending match with Spirits moving on to number seven we have flight and spiritual projection flight stands as one of the most exceedingly rare subskills within the bending World accomplished by only two individuals throughout history Guru laima and zah here did he just fly guess he doesn't need a right much like how the concept of immortality is like the Pinnacle of earthbender philosophy flight represents the ultimate spiritual level of Airbender ideology it signifies a state where Detachment from worldly ties enables one to embody the essence of air utilizing air bending to levitate and soar without Reliance on any external Aid and with boundless endurance air bendings other subskill is spiritual projection and it's rare how did you find me during harmonic convergence I don't know I just kind of focused on your your energy I think our spiritual connection led me to you maybe you can find Kai the same way I know you two have a connection what do you mean a connection only Jora have shown Mastery of this technique since air bending is the most spiritual and detached of all the elements only air benders with incredibly strong spiritual connections can perform it this Advanced bending technique enables Benders to project their Consciousness into the spirit world Bridging the Gap between the physical and spiritual realms ah Kora The Vines they're taking me help by honing their spiritual energy venders can explore the spirit world communicate with spirits and gain invaluable insight into the mysteries of [Music] existence ah pedestrian I already know what you look like on the outside I want you to show me the inner Milo help you have to get cor and the rest of us out of here now hurry during harmonic convergence Jora used an amplified version of this technique to assist Avatar Kora in her battle against Unilock the dark Avatar however its complex nature and potential dangers place it it lower on our list coming in at number six is metal bending that's how it's done metal bending is a unique and specialized subskill of Earth bending it involves manipulating the Earth and impurities present within metals your fly was down thanks for catching that initially requiring direct or near-ir contact the technique has advanced significantly by kora's Era despite this progress only about 1% of earthbenders are capable of metal bending I anyway so what are you guys doing you're metal bending over here or something want to give it a shot n it's okay I mean only like one Earth Bender in 100 can metal bend suan bayong holds the belief that any earthbender can learn to metal bend although this assertion proves challenging for some individuals like Ang and Bolan I don't believe everything you hear the only thing limiting you is your attitude rendering it virtually unattainable while earthbenders can manipulate precious metals such as mercury silver and gold Platinum poses a unique challenge due to its high purity the joints are Platinum too we can't metal bend any of it even Toff renowned for her metal bending prowess found Platinum difficult to bend the potential to overcome this limitation remains uncertain though the raw power of the Avatar State demonstrated by Kora suggests the possibility as she managed to break Platinum chains while in the Avatar State at number number five is combustion [Music] bending this is crazy how can we beat a guy who blows things up with his mind combustion bending is a form of telekinetic fire bending it is also the rarest subelement of fire and we've only seen two confirmed combustion Benders it consists of the ability to channel Chi through the light chakra in the forehead often marked by an intricate thirde eyye tattoo superheating the surrounding air and producing a beam of explosive energy capable of immense damage both in short and long range combustion much like lightning represents an intense form of fire bending distinguished by its overwhelming power and destructiveness it stands as potentially the most formidable bending ability rivaled only by Blood bending in its potency unlike lightning combustion can be Unleashed rapidly and repeatedly without diminishing its lethality making it a Relentless Force to contend with the origins of combustion bending vary with some individuals naturally born with their abilities such as combustion man and P however most practitioners are products of rigorous military programs where only a few survive the grueling training the iconic third eyye tattoo associated with combustion venders helps Focus the chi much like how air Nomad tattoos run along Chi paths in the body while this unique style of firebending is strong its vulnerability lies in the forehead and can be exploited even by people without bending all you need to defeat it is a trusty Boomerang all right buddy don't fail me [Music] now a boomerang [Music] some metal bending and boom say bye-bye to their head please so in conclusion if someone can figure out their weakness they're in big trouble next up at number four we have lava bending this technique involves transforming Earth into a liquid state through phase Shifting the energy required to accomplish this feat surpasses that needed for transmuting water into ice or snow by several orders of magnitude you're about to get the world's largest hot foot metal lady consequently lava bending is exceedingly rare and notoriously challenging to master it grants those who know how to manipulate it unprecedented control rendering it nearly impossible to defend against lava bending appears to be the sole subelement in the Avatar universe that necessitates innate ability rather than acquired skill while not definitively confirmed but it's been pretty much treated as a you either can or you can't ability not as a skill that can be learned incredible you're a lava Bender remarkably some earthbenders like Avatar Kyoshi gazan Avatar Zito and Bolan possess an innate talent for lava bending generally speaking regular Earth Benders lack the capacity to manipulate existing lava what are you smiling about I was just remembering the last time we fought well a lot has changed since then number three on the list is lightning bending oh I'll show you [Music] lightning the unique ability of firebenders to conjure their element from thin air unlike their counterparts with air Earth or water stems from the fundamental principles of bending itself while air Benders Earth Benders and water benders extend the influence of their Chi beyond their bodies into the surrounding environment firebenders possess the capability to manipulate pre-existing fire their element already a product of chemical energy allows them to convert the chi within their bodies directly into fire this concept is illustrated by iro when explaining to Zuko highlighting the significance of the fire chakra located within the stomach it is called the Sea of Chek only in my case it is more like a Bast ocean which serves as the most energetically charged chakra facilitating this transformation lightning bending takes this concept A step further to its apex seasoned firebending Masters discern the yin and yang energies within themselves gradually separating them until they Collide and rebound like a stretched rubber band creating [Music] lightning lightning Benders harness this Collision guiding the resulting surge of energy to manifest as a bolt of pure lightning representing firebending at an unparalleled level of intensity during Avatar kyoshi's era knowledge of lightning generation was exceedingly rare almost mythical with only one individual the warlord shuing on known to possess the ability after his defeat the Fire Nation royal family imprisoned him to study and replicate his skills initially limiting the teaching of lightning generation to royal family members and high-ranking Generals however by kora's time the technique had become more widespread lightning generation in encompasses various techniques beyond the creation of lightning bolts instant lightning although weaker due to incomplete separation of Yin and Yang exists alongside lightning [Music] redirection famously pioneered by iro I will teach you a fire bending move that even aula does know because I made it up myself aula later developed distinctive techniques unmatched in history including small Sparks bald lightning omnidirectional lightning blasts and lightning flashes capable of disorienting enemies without causing physical harm in the runner-up position at number two we have blood bending controlling the water in another body enforcing your own will over theirs blood bending is perhaps one of the most powerful subskill this formidable ability entails exerting control not only over the water in a victim's body but also over their Chi the Life Energy vital for movement existence and respiration turning any living thing into a puppet and only stronger water benders are capable of such ability don't hurt your friends Katara and don't let them hurt each other no to date only five waterbenders have been shown to bloodbend Hama who single-handedly managed to haunt the Fire Nation with bloodbending for decades yakon tarlock qara and Amon Yak con you won't get away with this Republic city is mine Avatar resistance against a bloodbending grasp is possible but challenging especially for water benders you're not the only one who draws power from the Moon yakon notably developed a variant of bloodbending termed psychic blood bending enabling him to manipulate others with minimal facial and finger gestures remarkably his sons exhibited the extraordinary ability to bloodbend even outside of a full moon a feet unparalleled among known practitioners that's the way it's done that's what you need to strive for however with their demise this unique skill seems to have faded Into Obscurity bloodbending is truly a terrifying force to be reckoned with and finally claiming the title of the most powerful subelement we have energy [Music] bending an ancient and enigmatic art energy bending transcends the boundaries of conventional bending allowing Benders to manipulate the very essence of life energy itself when we hit our lowest point we are open to the greatest change this concept differs from the abilities of traditional Elemental Benders water benders for instance Focus their Chi through water although their method is less refined compared to directly manipulating Chi firebenders manipulate the flow of chi within their bodies to produce fire lightning and combustion however they cannot directly manipulate Chi as they do with the fire they generate nor can they influence the chi of others energy Benders on the other hand possess the unique ability to directly manipulate Chi itself aside from the ancient lion turtles the only known individuals with this power are the avatars in the era before the avatar we met not the Els but the energy within [Music] ourselves Avatar Ang and Kora are the sole ones to have demonstrated this ability I'm taking away your bending for good [Music] it is often misunderstood that what Almond did to Benders was energy bending but nope only the Avatar can do that let me explain you see the Earth chakra at the base of the spine is the most potent chakra for Earth Benders which is why when they extend their Chi Earth is the element they Bend so amen used bloodbending and advanced healing techniques to block the chi Pathways connected to and from a Bender's Elemental chakra effectively severing their connection to their bending abilities Kora however used energy bending to reverse this effect the exact limitations of energy bending remain unclear unlike traditional Elemental bending it doesn't seem to Grant physical prowess instead it has been observed to achieve various Feats including granting bending to non-benders permanently removing or restoring bending abilities what what did you do to me I took away your fire bending you can't use it to hurt or threaten anyone else ever again redirecting beams of pure Chi energy dissolving barriers of chi energy and facilitating astral projection distinct from the spiritual projection practiced by air Benders astral projections generated through energy bending possess the ability to change size release Chi blasts and interact with physical objects the spirits have returned with that being said it is important to always remember true power comes not just from bending but from understanding and respecting the elements themselves well done Kora the Avatar is back in business and that's it for today's video if you watched all the way to the end I truly truly appreciate it Go In Peace So which subelement do you think Reigns Supreme let us know in the comments below until next time stay geeky
Channel: Mind Bursterz
Views: 527,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Advanced Bending Techniques, most powerful bending elements, avatar the last airbender, most powerful sub-elements, Bending Discussions, Harmony Restoration Movement, Ancient Bending Techniques, Bending Tournaments, Sub-Bending Elements, Lightningbending, Most Powerful Bending, Power Ranking, netflix avatar
Id: SUy4iVerM5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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