Ranking the Burning Crusade Raids

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with the massive success of blizzards MMO juggernaut World of Warcraft it was only a matter of time before they made its first expansion the critically acclaimed Burning Crusade an interstellar expansion pack taking place on the shattered world of Draenor now known as Outland naturally with any new expansion you have to have brand new content and while I could talk all day about the wonderful world of outland it's the brand new raids Blizzard brought with the Burning Crusade that really made it shine with the increase in models and graphical options Blizzard made a huge step in a new direction with its rating and Wow especially after the successes of more unique vanilla raids though boob and naxxramas Blizzard moved to make its raids slightly more streamlined but mechanically more diverse than ever before often leading to more interesting in a lot of cases more fun encounters as well as the dungeons themselves often being more colorful and unique in appearance well just like vanilla wow I think it's about time to do some rating rankings this time looking at the nine raids of Burning Crusade which includes any raids that were removed but released during the Burning Crusade expansions such as Sulaimon I will be ranking them from best to worst and keep in mind this is my list so it's my opinion and it may differ from yours but that doesn't mean I don't value your opinion so let's discuss it and debate it in the comments below well what are we waiting for let's get this thing started with burning who Said's very best raid I'm a sucker for a complex and heavily detailed raid so it's not surprising that burning Crusades first raid Karazhan would steal the show for me care is in pretty much embodies the spirit of vanilla Wow's more maze like dungeons while moving forward with the current Wow's more complex and unique themes namely how it handles its boss designs Kara's bosses are simple on paper and some are just a little too easy if you ask me but it's the fun aspect that won most of us over bosses like the chess event where you actually get to control these magical chess pieces or the opera event a rotating boss with multiple different and downright silly boss fights there's a lot of options here but Kherson didn't really let up on his options when it came to intense bosses either bosses like shade of air in nether spite or Prince Balthazar all come to - solid raid encounters with unique and creative ways of creating a challenging boss encounter of course I'd be robbing kara of its charm if I didn't mention how well-made and cool it looked a giant tower that whines and turns twisting spatially more and more as you climb it it goes from this like really creepy but charming Haunted Mansion vibe to a very surreal straight-up nightmare Castle easily one of the greatest raids ever made in WoW history up next is the raid most of us were waiting for back in BC the black temple illidan's sinister Fortress of despair houses some pretty great dungeon interior designs as well as some of the most interesting and epic boss designs we've ever seen in WoW history I mean you get to brawl with the very first death knight Teron Gor fiend it's pretty epic you also get to fight the gigantic abyssal supremist as he's literally summoning volcanoes at your feet and of course I don't know if he's that big of a deal or if anyone really knows it means kind of a small-time boss but Illidan Stormrage yeah not sure if anyone knows that guy but you do get to fight him in a hellish battle atop black temple filled with tons of really awesome mechanics like Illidan's famous eye beam attack as well as some really great NPC interactions too during the encounter the layout is really unique and has only really been done like this in future raids a handful of times and by that I mean having a progressive design sporting slightly more linear corridors black temple uses its interior designs to create a sense of progression and distraction so the players don't find themselves getting bored too fast something that future raids in my opinion really struggle with you find yourself breaking through the side wall to make your own entrance cutting through the sewers storming the front battlefields nether Drake's flying in the air before you carve your way through the very darkened halls themselves there's a lot of content to enjoy in black temple and its iconic ideas would inspire future Ray's to come with Burning Crusade drawing to an end it was seonhwa plateau B C's final raid that really shook up the formula and some good and rather divisive ways ditching the more option based formula of past raids instead pushing an even more linear design some will instead used its storyline as a means of creating a feeling of epicness and progression the stakes felt high and to match it were some pretty superb boss encounters you had encounters like Kayla gose who is being corrupted by a demon you had to go into a portal and actually fight that demon to save Cal's life or who could forget the final encounter against kil jaeden the eredar lord of the Burning Legion one of the most epic and insane encounters ever released in the history of this game heck I remember seeing brutalus fight magic goes of the first time and I just remember sitting there rooting for her I'm like come on Matt Rosie you gotta win this fight and then she just gets struck down tragically it made the encounter that follows after against brute Alice even more epic because you wanted to avenge her but more so when his blood seeped out and turned her into the boss fell missed there was this sense of tragedy but also this kind of overwhelming need to succeed it was pretty epic even with its great boss designs and charming blood of architecture which I personally loved some well did suffer in a few departments namely its tuning which is way over tuned for its time to the point that most often cited as one of Wow's hardest raids mix this with the lack of options on which boss to do first and the raid could be kind of a chore at times but if you could shrug through those minor issues some will had a lot of fun and challenging options to throw at Raiders with the massive success of soul guru bin vanilla it was no surprise the blizzard was going to try yet another ketchup raid this time in the form of the tin man raid Sulaimon Sulaimon much like zg before it pushed for a very lush and green open to explore raid with a lot of unique and varied beasts style raid bosses but unlike zg Sulaimon trimmed the size of the raid further down to make its content even more accessible and considering the move from 40 to 25 man raiding and burning crusade this isn't all that surprising the boss fights were fun and all pretty unique the raid itself had a very nice layout with some great troll designs mixed throughout and overall it felt very full as an experience but that's not even the grand finale of it za offered an extra hard mode style objective in its time trial once completed players could unlock the ultra rare Amani war bear mount and God is it gorgeous that added layer of flavor mazie a a great raid to come back to even after you had out geared it making it a staple favorite among a lot of fans glad to see Blizzard brought it back to relevance and Cataclysm as a 5 man dungeon but it's hard to beat out the og raid in my opinion up next is a pic that most fans are gonna be very on the fence about in serpent shrine cavern if you ask any BC Raider about SSC you'll get some pretty mixed reactions a lot of people either loved or loathed it and that's not an overstatement I for one found quite a lot of enjoyment out of SSC but I can also understand why some people hate it SSC is a pretty fun designed concept in nature it's really pretty and has a lot of open space to visually enjoy the experience the bosses are mostly pretty good likely if there's the blind who is the highlight of the raid in my opinion or the council s fathom Lord encounter and who can forget fishing up the lurker below for a surprisingly simple but fun little boss fight I for one always can remember the first time my guild activated the bridge leading to the lady Vash encounter it blowing out of the water water spraying everywhere it was so cool looking it was like insane to me to see something like that because we really never seen anything like that visually in a raid before it was a true feat to see for that time period and still looks cool even to this day if I had any issues to really gripe about with SSC it be the grinding nature for resist gear for hydros which felt really out of place in the expansion and much more vanilla than it needed to be or the really nasty / - nature of Lady gosh it also always kind of bummed me out but the raid had so much space and not as many bosses to match it just a lot of trash but those are pretty minor gripes for a raid that still impresses me to this date much like serpent shrine tempest keeps the I is a very divisive raid but one I still hold a special place in my heart for said in the Naru ship of tempest keep you battle through the stronghold to hunt down the blood elf king himself Kael'thas Sunstrider and put an end to it the boss fights are the highlights of the eye in my opinion boss fights like a Lara which is a really cool looking boss that you actually had to fight twice which is a pretty rare thing in boss encounters all the way up to Kael himself who is in my opinion one of the greatest bosses to ever grace the MMO genre with its huge and complex setup his encounter in a lot of ways really spun the whole concept of what a raid boss could be on its head from battling a super juiced up Kael as he shatters the windows around him to equipping the legendary weapons he summoned against you in order to best him the encounter really kind of has it all the loot all looks super cool and the bosses all had some pretty solid mechanics to learn and best but that's pretty much all it does TK was over tuned and downright buggy at times for a large chunk of its stay in tier 5 and the setting is simple but honestly a lot more boring to look at them the previously mentioned SSC TK is far from a bad raid but it's at this point you can see that the teams making the raids were more than likely split to work on multiple raids at once and TK sadly suffered a bit because of it with the decent reception of Onyxia slayer a single boss rate like mak Theron in Slayer was a no-brainer for Blizzard what all can be said about mags lair as I mentioned it's a single boss rush within hellfire citadel with a few small pools of trash before the fight against mag himself the boss fight itself is pretty memorable clicking cubes to suppress mag before he explodes on your raid or him bringing down the ceiling on you in the last phase the whole fight feels pretty solid sadly the trash is some of the most annoying in the history of the game it's just a pain to deal with and overall the raid is just kind of bled to look at but at least it's a one boss raid and it gets its point across pretty decently while having a really solid boss encounter mixed in you gruel's layer much like magtheridon ziz a short and sweet little experience for the most part both bosses in the raid are pretty decently memorable I mean high King's Council fight is a real challenging test of how your rate can manage multiple targets at once warlock tang can come in and gruel himself as a simple but well put-together boss fight the test your ability to be aware of how close you are to other Raiders while keeping your tanks as healthy as possible the trash is decent and a little less annoying than magtheridon but that's about it overall the boss fights are ok but I don't find them as gripping as mag and the setting is just kind of this generic cave so it's really boring and gets kind of tiresome to look at nothing terrible but by no means not a great raid really either we are here at our weakest raid from Burning Crusade and for me it had to be the battle for mount hyjal maybe I just don't like caverns a time all that much but I have a history of not being the biggest fan of the instances that come out of there and hydral is no exception first off the positives I have to commend Blizzard for trying something new than its rating scene I mean making an RTS style raid in the vein of Warcraft 3 sounds pretty great on paper and I like any kind of new flavor that they're willing to attempt to pump in the game and of course Hyjal has a pretty freakin amazing final boss out of Archimonde oh god the joy and the nightmares he caused me I never looked at fire the same again but that's where all the excitement kind of ends for me as I said I do applaud blizzards attempt to do something fresh but sadly it feels like hydral was kind of put together as a filler raid without much energy actually being used to construct it like they literally had high jewels map laying around from when they failed to put it in vanilla and someone was just like hey let's make a Warcraft 3 raid out of this or something the trash is formed into waves to kind of emulate that RTS genre feeling it borrows from but it feels forced and kind of boring always waiting for the next pack of mobs and then you rinse and repeat the boss fights are all kind of just man all pretty much follow generic tropes for what they are and the entire zone felt underused and was almost insulting considering we had yet to get high Joel as an explorable zone by this point I feel like if Blizzard had taken their time and really pushed the boundaries of the RTS genre here maybe let you upgrade the ton of NPCs that are just kind of laying around so that could help you with the ever-growing waves of enemies it would have been a little bit cooler but sadly that's not really what we got instead we got a raid that could have been great but unfortunately was far far from it well there you have it that's all the Burning Crusade raids ranked from best to worst got a different opinion you want to share or maybe you want to chime in with your own experiences hit me up in the comments let's talk about it as always if you enjoyed my content why not subscribe and check out some of my other videos well I'm captain potato and I'll see you guys next time next video
Channel: Captain Potato
Views: 9,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, WoW, Blizzard, Captain Potato, Potato, Potato Captain, Capt Potato, Cap Potato, Starcraft, Overwatch, Raids, WoW Raids, Burning Crusade, BC Raids, BC, Raid Ranking, Ranking
Id: jcwPmLboygc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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